Am I pregnant online fortune telling. Fortune telling when I'll get pregnant. Pregnancy and fortune telling

Tarot fortune telling pregnancy online interests many girls who are looking forward to the birth of their children. The history, as well as the origin of these cards, is based on various legends:

  • Egyptian says that in Ancient Egypt there was a temple in which there were twenty-two rooms. On their walls were depicted illustrations with certain symbolism, which became the basis for the Tarot arcana. There is also a possibility that they originated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
  • Kabbalistic says that Kabbalah, namely its symbolism, is the basis of the Tarot.

As many people know, Tarot cards answer a wide variety of questions and predict the future in all areas of human life. Questions about conception, planning and progress of pregnancy, and questions about children are no exception. In recent years, free online fortune telling for pregnancy and children using Tarot cards has become especially popular.

If you are interested in the question: “Will I have children?”, and you decided to read fortunes on Tarot cards to get the answer, then you should remember that Tarot cards predict pregnancy for a period of about one year, i.e. the result will be valid only for 12 months from the date of fortune telling.



















Card No. 1 - Reveals the deep reason for the desire to become a mother. It shows whether you really want a child, or whether this desire is only the influence of some external factors.

Card No. 2 - Answers the question whether you will be able to become a mother.

Card No. 3 - Indicates what will have to be sacrificed for the birth of a child.

Card No. 4 - Shows what changes a child will bring to your life, whether you will be able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Card No. 5 - Predicts how the birth of a child will affect the material sphere of life. What will happen to career, finances, etc.

Card No. 6 - Provides information about how the birth of a child will affect the relationship with a partner. It talks about the father’s attitude towards the birth of a child, how ready he is to take on such responsibility.

Card No. 7 - Answers the question whether it is worth thinking about pregnancy now, whether it is the right time for this.

Card No. 8 - Shows what awaits you when you become a mother.

As many people know, magical pictures answer a wide variety of questions and predict the future in all areas of human life. Questions about conception, planning and progress of pregnancy, and questions about children are no exception. In recent years, free online fortune telling for pregnancy and children using Tarot cards has become especially popular.

However, here it is worth listening to the opinion of experts who strongly recommend using the “Possible Pregnancy” fortune telling on Tarot cards only if there really is a problem of conceiving and giving birth to a child - you cannot use this free online fortune telling just for the sake of idle curiosity and entertainment.

Tarot for pregnancy online

If you decide to tell your fortune, then use reliable services that will give you reliable answers to your questions:

  • when will conception occur?
  • what gender will the baby be born;
  • How will the pregnancy go?
  • whether there will be complications during childbirth;
  • how the relationship between spouses will develop after the birth of a child, and so on.

Does a deck of magic pictures tell the truth or a lie? You have the right to independently evaluate the veracity or fiction of the decoding of the meanings of the layouts made by you, another person or online. Moreover, after a while you will be able to check the accuracy of the information received from the cards.

Fortune telling online for pregnancy Tarot

The main point is that they represent an ancient symbolic system. Their existence dates back centuries. They pass through the entire chain of historical development. You must learn to interpret the meanings of the entire deck, as well as establish the correct order in their layout.

A more correct statement would sound not about the truthfulness of the meaning of Tarot cards, but about the ability of the person who tells fortunes from them to correctly interpret the layouts. If this is not given, it is recommended to use other methods of divination. They are available to all girls completely free of charge.

Tarot online free for pregnancy

Magic decks allow you to perform fortune telling based on different techniques. One of the most common variants of layouts is the hexagram, which allows you to identify those areas that are based on self-deception. Here you need to select 7 pictures from a double set of higher arcana.

The layout looks like this: in the center there are three cards vertically, and on each side of them two cards horizontally:

  • on the left, top - indicates the beginning;
  • on the left, bottom - deciphers a person’s plans for the future.

Pregnancy fortune telling online free Tarot

If you are performing a magic ritual, pay attention to the central row of the layout:

  • The first one from the top talks about thoughts regarding upcoming changes, as well as events that will happen if you don’t fulfill your plans.
  • The middle one, in the center, deciphers the reasons for the first alignment.
  • The bottom one, in the center, talks about what a person needs to do.

The dropped cards in the right row are also important:

  • The top one talks about a person’s thoughts about who he has become.
  • The lower one explains what his fortuneteller is doing if he realizes his mistake.

Tarot cards pregnancy online

One of the interesting and useful ways of fortune telling with magic cards is to determine your self-knowledge. They also allow us to determine the difference between personal and environmental perceptions of women. Today, the layout for identifying self-knowledge is popular.

  • Any four elements from the deck are arranged in two rows of two.
  • The first one in the top row from left to right is the area of ​​coincidence of the personal representation with the surrounding representation. The second card from the right reflects the personal “I”.
  • Bottom row: first - reveals the inner unknown side of a woman. The second one from the right reflects an area that is unconscious to others.

The layout will allow a woman to find out whether she is mentally ready for pregnancy or whether the birth of a child should be postponed for some time.

The ancient science that studies numbers and their influence on people's lives is called numerology. A person is influenced by various planets, each of which corresponds to a certain number. Each letter of the name has a numerical value. Simple mathematical calculations help to find out information about the future of anyone, which is contained in his name and date of birth. Using numerology, predict how many children a couple will have, as well as find out the gender of the child and when it will be born.

Numerology predicts a person's fate

Features of using the Pythagorean system in numerology

In numerology, calculations are performed using the Pythagorean system and a special table consisting of 9 numbers and all the letters of the alphabet. It is important to remember that when making calculations you need to find one single digit, that is, a number that can be written with any number of digits.

Using the addition method, regardless of the number of digits offered, any combination must be reduced to a single digit number. Add the components and repeat the addition until you get the final amount.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

Finding out how many children there will be is easy. You need to know your date of birth and how many children are in the family (children born in another marriage must also be taken into account). For example, the date of birth is November 5, 1991, there is a sister (or brother) - 5+1+1+ 1+9+9+1+2=29= 2+9=11=1+1=2. The result is the number “2”. Characteristics of numbers:

  • “1” - There is a high probability of becoming a mother of many children, but miscarriages and abortions are possible. If you manage to save all your pregnancies, you will feel like the happiest woman in the world.
  • “2” - There will be only one baby. There are chances of conceiving a second child, but not the first time. The eldest is closer to his mother, and the second is attached to his father and will leave his father’s house early.
  • “3” - How many babies will be born is up to you to decide. Because it is not easy for you to find the father of your future baby. Problems with pregnancy may arise due to the presence of some grievances against you or even financial debts.

    How many babies will be born is up to you to decide

  • “4” - It means not only how many children there are in your family, but also indicates the possible appearance of two children of different sexes. The first baby will be born at an early age, and the second will appear at a later age. The children will develop good and friendly relationships with each other.
  • “5” - Most likely you will have twins or twins, especially if there are any in your family. It is possible that they will be from different men.
  • “6” - There are high chances that you will get married more than once. And from each of them there will be a child. You will become a mother of many children. All children will get along great and help.
  • “7” - you will give up motherhood or give birth to one baby, to whom the grandmother or nanny will pay more attention.
  • “8” - It may happen that you will not have a child of your own. But you will become a foster mother for the baby, whom you will love, care for and raise as your own.
  • “9” - it has been given to you from above to become the mother of two children, but the decision is only yours. There may be one child or more than two. It is possible that you will get married more than once, and the children may have different nationalities.

With the help of numerology, it is possible to find out when a baby will appear in the family.

Numerology makes it possible to find out when a baby will appear in the family

Numerology gives you a chance to find out when a married couple will have their first child or at what period it is better to plan a pregnancy. To do this, the personal number of the year is calculated. To calculate you will need:

  • date, month, year of birth;
  • current year figures.

The total sum of all values ​​will become a personal number. Numerological characteristics:

  • 1st - pregnancy can become an obstacle to career growth.
  • The 2nd is an excellent time for motherhood, but only if the working period does not last until the birth.
  • The 3rd year is neutral for conception.
  • 4th - social problems.
  • The 5th is a favorable year for conceiving twins.
  • 6th - excellent social conditions and health.
  • 7th - pessimistic and depressive period.
  • 8th - an unplanned pregnancy is possible.
  • 9th - there is a chance of ending up in the hospital for a long time.

Anyone can determine the sex of a child by date of birth.

Anyone can determine the gender of their unborn child.

Everyone has the opportunity to find out the gender of their unborn child; you only need to know a little information. It is necessary to know the dates of birth of the partners, as well as when conception occurred (month). The result is obtained by adding all the numbers, namely dates of birth. When you get the number, divide it by the serial number of the month of conception. If the result is a number with a remainder, then it should be rounded without taking into account the remainder.

The remainder is a probability percentage indicating the sex of the unborn baby. Upon completion of numerology calculations, an even number will indicate a girl, and an odd number will indicate a boy.

The following data helps determine the sex of the baby:

  • Date, month, year of birth of the expectant mother.
  • Date, month, year of the future dad.
  • The month when conception occurred.

Determine the gender of the baby using the numerology of the name

To determine the gender of the unborn baby, you will need the full f. And. O. mommies. For calculations you need: all the letters of the name, the number of vowels and consonants that are included in it. The result is three numbers. The first value is added to the second, then the third is subtracted from this. Seven should be subtracted from the resulting amount. An even number indicates the birth of a girl, an odd number indicates the birth of a boy. The gender of the toddler is calculated using:

  • number of letters in the name;
  • number of vowels;
  • number of consonants.

Don’t forget that by changing your maiden name to your husband’s last name, the prognosis for the sex of your unborn baby may change. Thus, the gender of the baby and how many children there will be is determined in any way you like.

How to choose the right name for your baby using numerology

How to choose a name for a child using numerology

Future parents even before the birth of the baby think about choosing a name. I want it to be euphonious with the surname and patronymic, so that it has a good influence on the baby, and becomes for him a kind of talisman that brings happiness and good luck. To select the best combination, you can use the numerological method.

The letters of the name correspond to a certain number, which directly affects a person - his abilities, character and talents. By calculating the sum of all the numbers in a series of names, you can find out about the child’s natural data, about his ability for a certain field of activity. It is easy to calculate the name number using the Pythagorean square.

When calculating, the full name is taken. Each name code has its own meaning. Thanks to the numerological method of choosing a name, future parents have a unique chance to learn about the likely qualities of the child. In the future, this helps mothers and fathers choose the best methods of raising their baby, and correctly develop the child’s individuality, abilities and inclinations.

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Using numerological calculations, everyone has the opportunity to find out not only how many children will appear, but also to calculate their birth, and also choose the ideal name for the baby.

Fortune telling by the date of birth of parents for pregnancy is a technique that will accurately determine who will be born in the future. And this information is important for many fathers and mothers, since it allows you to plan what color clothes to choose for a newborn, how to decorate a children’s room and makes it possible to solve other equally important issues.

The described fortune telling is carried out on the principle of blood renewal. It must be said that it is carried out in both men and women (every 4 and every 3 years, respectively). Whose blood is younger at the time of conception, a child of that gender will be born.

Get a free consultation on pregnancy fortune telling by date of birth

Pregnancy fortune telling by date of birth

For this reason, fortune telling for pregnancy based on the date of birth of two spouses is also carried out taking into account the date of conception. Women on various forums write that this technique is quite accurate, since it provides objective information regarding the gender of the unborn child. And even when ultrasound is powerless (as a rule, it does not reveal the baby’s gender in the early stages), such fortune telling will accurately tell who will be born into the family: a boy or a girl.

However, you should not blindly believe fortune-telling, since many of them still have errors in their own calculations. Errors, however, can also occur during ultrasound examinations, and no one is immune from this.

Online fortune telling for pregnancy by date of birth

Online pregnancy fortune telling by date of birth is available to you at any time. Using it, you can quickly determine the gender of your unborn baby. This technique, taking into account errors, allows us to make assumptions. In this case, only nature has the choice.

Gender prediction is sometimes done using a simultaneous combination of several methods. And this is good, because you can get more reliable results. Also, if you wish, try other online fortune telling, for example, on cards. If all the methods used showed a “boy”, then you can be 95% sure that a son will be born.

Since ancient times, the moment of conception has been given a mystical, special meaning. This moment was a sacrament for many cultures and religions, which called on parents, especially the mother, to cleanse themselves morally and spiritually on the eve.

For a long time, for a woman, the inability to conceive was the disfavor of the gods for the sins that she or her family had committed. And today, women experiencing problems with conception travel to sacred places in the hope of help.

In all cultures and at all times, astrology and pregnancy are linked. Astrology has always tried to give advice to women who have difficulty conceiving. Astrologers give many of the most effective recommendations after analyzing a woman’s individual birth horoscope, so an astrological consultation is necessary. But even those who do not have this opportunity can use the simplest astrological recommendations, which are based on the position of the Moon and Sun in the female birth horoscope.

The moment when the female body is at the peak of its ability to conceive, or fertility, corresponds to the moment when the Sun and Moon, in their own movement across the sky, are at the same distance from each other as in a woman’s personal horoscope.

And although, if you do not know your horoscope and time of birth, it is impossible to accurately determine this degree distance, you can still really find out the signs of the Zodiac in which the Moon and Sun are located in the birth horoscope. Astrology will help you predict the birth of a child. What is the position of the Sun at the time of birth is usually known to everyone who was interested in what sign he was born under. And if there is an astrological calendar, you can easily find out on what days the Moon, while moving across the heavens, begins to pass through a certain zodiac sign.

Those days of the month when the Sun is in your Zodiac sign, and the Moon is in the same Zodiac sign as in the birth horoscope, will become one of the days when a woman’s body is most ready for conception.

And now she will no longer ask “How will I know when I get pregnant?”, she will already know this. The most important thing for women who want to get pregnant is not to miss this moment.

But numerology can also answer this burning question. First you need to calculate the number of birth, which is the sum of the numbers in the date of birth. It is believed that if the number is even, then a woman should become pregnant when she is an even number of years old.

You can take the date of birth of the future father and future mother, bring them to a single digit number, find the difference between these numbers, and if it is an even number, then the child should be born an even number of years or months after the first attempt to get pregnant, with an odd number - the same situation.

However, all of the above, unfortunately, does not apply to those women who have problems with reproductive health and who need serious treatment.

Pregnancy fortune telling is a lifesaver for those who want to find out when a child will be conceived, how many babies there will be in the family, and so on. Folk fortune telling for pregnancy will help every woman find out the answers to sensitive and important questions.

How to tell pregnancy using coffee grounds

Today we know a wide variety of methods of fortune telling that will help shed light on the future (on coins, from a book, using wax, bamboo sticks, runes, Tarot cards, and so on). Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most ancient and widespread.

Using it, you can get answers to almost any questions. You can also find out if you are pregnant and how the process of bearing a baby will proceed using coffee grounds. For fortune telling, use a white cup. Drink coffee, relax, leave some grounds at the bottom. can be found in our article.

Shake the cup and turn it upside down. Wait for 5 minutes to pass. During this time, you need to constantly think about the issue that worries you. Turn the cup over and see what symbols appear on the bottom. The ones that are most significant to you are those related to conception.


  • circle with dots inside indicates that you are pregnant and will soon have a baby in your family. The number of circles indicates the number of children. If the figure is ideally shaped, the line is clear, then a boy will be born, if not, then a girl;
  • egg- a woman will give birth to her lover;
  • fish- if the symbol points upward, then pregnancy will be very easy, there will be no problems. If the symbol points down, this indicates a difficult pregnancy, difficult childbirth, or possible miscarriage;
  • child- chores, troubles, worries, but also a quick addition to the family.

Special ritual

This is also fortune-telling using coffee grounds, but when performing it it is necessary to use certain spells. Initially, you need to prepare for the process of divination. To do this, you need to buy 7 wax church candles, an icon of Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Great Martyr Panteleimon.

In addition, fill a large bowl with blessed water. At exactly 12 o'clock at night, cover the work surface (table) with a thick white cloth, arrange the icons, place all the candles in a row in front of them and light them. Brew coffee, place the cup in front of you, sit at the table and say the following words exactly 7 times:

Strength of the Lord, I am turning to you, I am trying hard to get pregnant. Will there be a new year in the new year, or will my sins keep me out? I undertake to be a faithful mother, and not to chase after disastrous filth. The bitter drink will tell me the truth, it will indicate the problem with a black spot. If the drink at the bottom separates, then the birth will not happen again Amen! Amen! Amen!

Drink your coffee calmly, when the candles go out, turn the container over onto a white piece of paper. If a full, clear image is drawn at the bottom of the container, you will definitely give birth to a baby within a year. It is worth mentioning about various.

If the inside of the entire cup is covered with lumps, glimpses, lines, and a full-fledged figure does not emerge, then you should be patient. When the ritual is completed, the used attributes (except for icons) must be disposed of. Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed.

Before embarking on such a ritual, you need to arm yourself with a completely new deck that no one has ever played on. Shuffle the deck thoroughly, then ask a clear, direct question. For example:

Am I pregnant?

After this, remove a card from the deck. If it is red, then the answer is yes. If it is black, then the answer is negative.

Empress, Hanged Man, Moon

Of course, this is a stronger and more serious magical attribute than ordinary playing cards. That is why it can be used if you need to find out whether there will be a replenishment of the family in the near future or not. No matter which deck you choose, the most common signs of possible pregnancy are the Moon, the Empress and the Hanged Man.

If these cards are present in a fortune telling, this indicates that you are pregnant. In order to bewitch to conceive a child, you can take out the major arcana, mix them well and place 12 cards in a circle in front of you.

Each of them will be responsible for a specific month. Pay attention to what month the Moon falls on. Conception is likely this month. Start counting 9 months from him. Pay attention to where the Sun card is located. She will tell you a lot of interesting things.

  • If the Sun does not fall in the ninth month, but earlier, this indicates that complications, premature birth, and the threat of miscarriage are possible.
  • Its appearance at 10 months indicates that the birth will be easy, and both mother and child will feel great.
  • Sun for 11 or 12 months, difficult childbirth, congenital disease in the child, various disorders.
  • The absence of the Moon and the Sun in fortune telling indicates that pregnancy is not expected this year, or it is not yet worth knowing what the Higher Powers have prepared for you.
  • The presence of only the Moon indicates that the birth will be very difficult, and entanglement in the umbilical cord is possible.
  • The presence of the Sun, but the absence of the Moon, indicates that the couple will not be able to conceive a child for a very long time.
  • The sun at 2-4 months indicates a miscarriage or serious congenital ailments.

There are many simple folk fortune telling that will also help you find out whether you are pregnant or not.

Ritual with an onion

You will need to be patient if you want to use this method. It is very simple, take two small onions, write “Yes” on one, “No” on the other and place them together in a glass of plain water.

After that, ask your question. Depending on which bulb germinates first, this will be the answer to your question.

Ceremony with a wedding ring

A wedding ring is a special magical attribute in the life of every person. After all, it is a symbol of a strong relationship with your other half. In order to find out whether conception has occurred or when it will occur, you can use this attribute.

Take your wedding ring and tie a string to it. Place your elbow on the table, the ring on the string should oscillate freely above the table surface. Wait until she freezes in one position and say.

Pregnancy fortune telling is one of the best ways to find out when to expect a new addition to the family. This will help you properly plan your time and energy. And also, if you are lucky, there is a chance to understand how the birth will go, what gender, appearance or character is expected in the baby. There are many different fortune telling methods that can help shed light on a future pregnancy and determine the most appropriate time for conception.

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      She can reveal the future using dates and numbers. Using numerology, you can determine the possible date and month of birth of a child. This requires three dates:

      • father's date of birth;
      • mother's date of birth;
      • wedding date.

      If the future parents have not registered the marriage, then the day of the first meeting or acquaintance will do.

    1. 1. Add up all the numbers of the birth dates of the future parents: 3+1+2+1+9+7+7+2+1+1+1+9+7+7 = 60.
    2. 2. Add the sums of the wedding date numbers: 1+8+9+2+1 = 21.
    3. 3. 60 – 21 = 39.
    4. 4. 39 x 2 = 78.

    The first digit in the answer indicates the date of birth, and the second - the month. So, in this example, the child is expected to be born on April 7th.

    Examples of other numbers:

    • 12 - first of February;
    • 80 - eighth of October;
    • 100 - tenth of October;
    • 104 - tenth of April;
    • 210 - October twenty-first;
    • 408 - fourth of August.

    Ambiguous numbers, such as 311, are interpreted depending on the time of year. If you guess in spring or autumn, then 311 is January 31st. And in winter and summer - November 3.

    Fortune telling with playing cards

    Any deck will do - both 36 and 52 cards. Four cards are pulled out from the deck one by one and laid out in the order shown in the image. Each card corresponds to a question:

    1. 1. Is there a chance of getting pregnant in the near future?
    2. 2. What gender will the baby be?
    3. 3. How will pregnancy and childbirth go?
    4. 4. How will the father react to the birth of the child?

    Red cards indicate a positive answer. The jack and the king predict the birth of a boy, while the queen predicts the conception of a girl. Hearts and clubs indicate a favorable pregnancy outcome, while spades and diamonds warn of possible complications or obstacles. In a large deck (52 cards), the three and four of hearts accurately foreshadow an upcoming pregnancy. In the small one there is a nine and a red ace.

    Basic rules of fortune telling:

    • use only a new deck;
    • do not give cards to anyone;
    • to be completely alone;
    • mentally concentrate during fortune telling.

    You should not guess on cards on church holidays, as this is considered a great sin in Orthodoxy.

    If you follow the basic rules, predictions using playing cards will be true and safe. And it will be possible to find out whether there will be a pregnancy in the next year.


    Christmas fortune telling is the most famous. During the Christmas period, which lasts from Christmas to Epiphany, you can also guess about pregnancy.

    The easiest method is to ask a question before going to bed. In the morning, having unraveled what you saw from the dream book, you can get the long-awaited answer. For everything to go right, before going to bed you need to think about your upcoming pregnancy.

    Using water

    For this fortune telling, you need to take a regular glass with a flat bottom. Pour holy water into it and leave it in the cold overnight. You can get the answer in the morning by looking at the surface of frozen water.

    If the ice is even and smooth, then you should not expect pregnancy in the next year. Small pits indicate the imminent conception of a girl. Bulges and tubercles predict the appearance of a boy.

    Using a ring or needle

    You need to take the wedding ring and hang it on a woolen thread of any color above your left palm. If the girl is unmarried, then instead of a ring you can use a regular needle.


    On Epiphany you can tell fortunes using a log. To do this, you need to purchase a bundle of firewood. With your eyes closed, one log is pulled out of the bundle. If it was easy to pull it out, then you should expect pregnancy, and childbirth will be easy and without complications. If the log was tight or you couldn’t get it out, then you won’t have to wait for pregnancy.

    You can learn a lot about the unborn child from the color, bark and length of the log. The color of the log matches the color of the hair. The length determines the height, and the surface determines the character. If it is smooth, then the child will be sociable, if rough, the child will be withdrawn.


    Wax divination is the most famous way to predict pregnancy at Christmas. This requires white candles and a small, preferably silver, dish with water. Before fortune telling, it is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts.

    You need to melt the wax, then concentrate and, mentally asking an exciting question, pour the wax into cool water. Afterwards, carefully examine the resulting figurine. If its shape resembles a fish or a baby, then the woman will soon become pregnant.

    Fortune telling is not able, like an ultrasound, to say for sure whether there will be a pregnancy and when. However, it can help determine a favorable period for conception or prepare mentally and financially for this event. And, if you're lucky, find out the gender of the unborn child.

Women and girls are always worried about their future, present, secrets and everything that cannot be known on their own. That's why we love to resort to mysticism and predictions to find out our destiny.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers loved fortune telling, and today it is possible to tell fortunes directly online, free and easy. But it is worth mentioning that online fortune telling will not give an exact answer, and you should not trust it.

To get a reliable answer, you should guess not online, but traditionally. Especially if you are concerned about such important issues as pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.

Questions about pregnancy should not be trusted to virtual predictions online. It’s better to do as our ancestors did - tell fortunes using playing cards, Tarot or other methods.

Questions related to pregnancy

Of course, no pregnancy fortune telling can replace a visit to the doctor or a pregnancy test. But telling fortunes using Tarot, playing cards, or other means will help you find out a lot of things that the doctor won’t tell you. Why not?

1. There is a simple and quick fortune telling for “yes” or “no”. The question can concern any aspect of life, including fortune telling, which allows you to ask the question “Am I pregnant or not,” “Will I have children from my current partner,” “Will I become a mother in the next two years,” and so on.

You can tell fortunes using playing cards or Tarot. You need to shuffle the deck and ask your question, and then take out one card.

On playing cards, all red suits mean “Yes”, black suits “No”. On Tarot cards, the answer “Yes” is given by cups, swords and the entire Major Arcana, the answer “No” is given by pentacles and staves.

2. There is an ancient fortune telling about pregnancy with a thread and a needle, very reliable and traditional. Take a glass of water, a needle threaded through a white thread. Dip the needle into water three times and then hold it hanging over your open left palm.

If the needle begins to move in a circle, you are having a girl. If from side to side, expect a boy. If the needle does not move at all, you will not be pregnant for now (in the next year).

3. More detailed fortune-telling can be found on the “Possible Pregnancy” Tarot cards. This layout will not only help you find out whether you will have children in the near future, but also get a lot of useful information.

The cards are laid out from left to right: first, second and third on the right. The fourth is under the second, the fifth is under the third. The sixth one is under the heel, and two more follow. The meaning is:

  • The first card is the desire or unwillingness to become a mother. Something subconscious, your real attitude towards motherhood, fears.
  • The second is the possibility of motherhood, whether you can have children, what obstacles there are.
  • The third is victims. What should you give up in order to give birth and raise a baby?
  • 4 – changes associated with pregnancy and motherhood.
  • 5 – financial and domestic situation, changes in work associated with pregnancy.
  • 6 – relationship with a partner, his views and thoughts about children.
  • 7 – advice. Is it worth thinking about children now, is it the right time, what should I do?

This layout is complex, you can’t make a mistake here, so read the meanings carefully and draw the right conclusions.

4. Another detailed layout is for those wives who are already pregnant and are worried about how everything will go. The cards are laid out in a row, exactly eight. The meaning of the cards in the layout:

  • 1 – general state of physical health and mental state of the expectant mother.
  • 2 – everything related to conception and a partner.
  • 3 – problems and difficulties. If the map is good, there will be no obstacles.
  • 4 – how the woman will feel throughout her pregnancy.
  • 5 – fetal health status.
  • 6 – how the birth will take place.
  • 7 – the health of the baby, how he will be born.
  • 8 – main card, key, general advice, result.

This is also a very important arrangement that cannot be done in a hurry. Read the cards carefully, thoughtfully and do not rush to draw conclusions.

Treat fortune-telling with caution, and always remember that this is only fortune-telling, and you cannot take any drastic, decisive actions because of its results, especially those related to pregnancy.

Rely on your experience and intelligence, and make the right decisions! Author: Vasilina Serova