Mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes - calorie content and composition. The benefits of mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a familiar dish to everyone. It is suitable for baby food and diet food, as well as for people with stomach and intestinal diseases. The calorie content of mashed potatoes depends on the ingredients that are included in its composition, for example, butter and milk. Mashed potatoes will benefit the body, since in addition to its pleasant taste, it is very easily digestible. This dish goes great with a variety of vegetables, such as spinach or Jerusalem artichoke. In addition, mashed potatoes will not cause an allergic reaction. The only contraindication may be individual hypersensitivity.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes, its composition and nutrients

Potatoes are the basis of mashed potatoes, and the calorie content of the final dish depends on the additional fats that are included in its recipe. Thus, the calorie content of mashed potatoes can be adjusted independently. How many calories are in mashed potatoes cooked in water without adding additional ingredients? There are only 63 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product. This dish can be included in your diet without hesitation. It turns out that mashed potatoes contain fewer calories than potatoes boiled in their jackets.

The main composition of potatoes is carbohydrates and starch. The product is also rich in vitamins A and C and microelements, in particular: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus.

By consuming mashed potatoes, the body quickly begins to feel full, and the microelements that are included in its composition have a positive effect on the condition of bones, teeth and brain function. Mashed potatoes can only be harmed by additional ingredients. For example, low-quality butter, spread or margarine.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes in different recipes

It is better to peel potatoes with a special vegetable peeling knife. They will be able to remove a fairly thin layer of peel, since the largest amount of useful substances is located directly under it. Potatoes that are yellowish on the inside are better suited for mashed potatoes. These varieties contain more starch and boil better. The potatoes must be cut, but not too finely, and placed in boiling water. It is this sequence of actions that will preserve the greatest amount of nutrients. Next, you need to add salt to taste and cook for 15 or 20 minutes, until done, depending on the type of potato, while loosely covering the pan with a lid. When cut with a knife, the finished potatoes should fall apart. If you decide to cook the puree in water, then part of the liquid in which the potatoes were boiled must be drained separately and later added to the puree, bringing it to the desired consistency. Next, the potatoes must be crushed and beaten, periodically adding the previously drained broth. Do not use a blender or mixer when preparing mashed potatoes. It may not turn out to be the right consistency. The calorie content of such puree will be 63 kcal. For people following certain diets, purees can only be prepared with water.

You can add milk to the puree instead of potato broth. The calorie content of mashed potatoes made with milk without adding butter will be approximately 90 kcal per 100 grams of product. You can't add cold stuff to puree. This will spoil the taste and color of the dish.

The calorie content of mashed potatoes with vegetable oil will be about 82 kcal. In this case, vegetable oil can replace butter. You can fry the onion on it and add it to the puree when the dish is ready. The calorie content of mashed potatoes with butter will be approximately 120 kcal.

Potato calories: 160 kcal*
* average value per 100 g, depends on the variety and method of preparation

Potato dishes are rich in flavor and nutritious. During a diet, it is important to choose the least calorie ones. Depending on the method of preparing the vegetable, the energy value also changes.

Nutritional value of potatoes

Potato tubers are a source of not only complex carbohydrates, but also various microelements, as well as dietary fiber. Due to its fiber content, the vegetable is useful for disorders of the digestive tract. Potassium helps to quickly remove excess fluid and normalize heart function.

The high calorie content of raw potatoes (1 piece contains ~70 kcal, and 100 g – ~76 kcal) is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, mainly starch.

In terms of their quantity, the vegetable exceeds all others, for example, beets and carrots. See. The share of starch, the concentration of which is highest in the tubers of the autumn harvest, accounts for over 20% of the total weight of the root crop. That is why the young vegetable does not have such a high energy value - about 60 kcal. During heat treatment, calorie content increases significantly.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes

The calorie content of mashed potatoes can be low if milk with 0% fat or water is added during the process. One 100-gram serving contains about 85 kcal. If you choose fattier milk, the indicator can increase to 35 units. Any oil significantly increases the nutritional value of a dish.

The puree will have a calorie content of 130 kcal if you add just one teaspoon of butter (the numbers vary depending on its fat content).

You can reduce the energy value if you cook your favorite dish in dishes coated with ceramic, marble or Teflon. In addition, it is important to ensure that no more than 10 g of fat-containing product is consumed per 500 g of root vegetables. Read about it in our article.

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked potatoes?

The dietary option for preparing vegetables includes boiling them (about 85 kcal). In terms of energy value, boiled potatoes are inferior to pasta, wheat bread, bananas and buckwheat. Read about the calorie content of buckwheat. However, this only applies to cases where mayonnaise, cream sauce or butter is not added.

When boiled in the peel, the value remains almost unchanged (78 kcal). Nutritionists recommend cooking the vegetable “in its uniform,” since most of the beneficial elements are retained in the root vegetable.

The calorie content of baked potatoes is identical to that of boiled potatoes, but any additive increases these numbers. You can reduce the starch content by leaving the vegetable in cool water for several hours. Fried potatoes contain 3 times more calories (up to 200 kcal).

The type of oil has a slight effect on the energy value: when cooking with olive, sunflower or butter, the numbers will be approximately the same. More details can be found in our publication. French fries contain about 310 kcal, and in fast food restaurants, a serving of deep-fried vegetable will cost almost 280 kcal.

Potato calorie table per 100 grams

You can get acquainted with the energy value of a popular vegetable using the table of calorie content per 100 g.

Calorie content of potato dishes

Most dishes with the popular root vegetable can hardly be called dietary, so people trying to get rid of extra pounds should refrain from eating them.

Options for first, second courses and baked goods with potatoes:

  • noodle soup – 69 kcal;
  • chicken broth soup – 50 kcal;
  • dumplings – 220 kcal;
  • chicken stew – 150 kcal;
  • country-style potatoes – 130 kcal;
  • fried pies – 200 kcal;
  • potato pancakes – 220 kcal;
  • casserole with mushrooms – 170 kcal;
  • homemade chips – 500 kcal;
  • stewed potatoes with cabbage and onions – 95 kcal.

To satisfy the body's needs for such important substances and elements as phosphorus, potassium, and carbohydrates, you need to eat about 300 g of vegetables per day. A larger amount will increase your waist by several centimeters.

When choosing the least high-calorie dishes, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds. A starchy vegetable consumed in moderation will only benefit the body.

Mashed potatoes are a dish familiar to everyone. It is included in the menu of kindergartens and sanatoriums, and is even suitable for the diet of people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You shouldn't give it up, even if you're on a strict weight loss diet. Mashed potatoes are healthy, they have a wonderful taste, are easy to digest, and do not cause allergic reactions (except in cases of hypersensitivity).

Nutrients and composition of mashed potatoes

The product consists mainly of carbohydrates and is rich in starch. Potatoes contain vitamins A and C, microelements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Mashed potatoes quickly saturate and cleanse the body, and the microelements it contains have a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and bones, as well as on brain function. No side effects have been found; the only harm to the body can come from additional ingredients such as low-quality oil (spread or margarine).

Mashed potatoes and food combinations when dieting

What can you combine mashed potatoes with if you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, or on a diet with strict calorie counting?

Do not use puree as a side dish for meat dishes such as fried meat, chicken, fish. Also, you should not eat mashed potatoes with sausage, sprats, or herring in oil. It is not advisable to top the puree with mayonnaise, gravy and various high-calorie sauces. You should also not eat potatoes with bread.

It is advisable to serve mashed potatoes as a main dish with various vegetables, boiled and raw, in the form of salads. You can combine it with low-fat fish, cheeses, herbs, using vegetable oil as a dressing, preferably one that is not intended for frying, but for dressing. These are oils such as olive, unrefined sunflower, corn, flaxseed and rapeseed. The calorie content of mashed potatoes with butter will be 80-90 Kcal per hundred grams.

When on a diet, you can add such interesting ingredients as herbs and spices to mashed potatoes for variety: boiled celery, mint, green peas, lemon zest, sage, hot and sweet bell peppers, thyme, mustard and nutmeg. You can also use boiled mushrooms and various herbs (parsley, dill, rosemary, green onions) as an additive.

The calorie content of mashed potatoes without oil per 100 grams is 71 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • 2.3 g protein;
  • 1.1 g fat;
  • 14 g carbohydrates.

For preparation you need 650 g of potatoes, 0.3 l of 2.5 percent milk, 2 g of salt. The potatoes are peeled, filled with water, salted, and cooked until ready for 20 minutes. Then the water is drained, the boiled potatoes are mashed, mixed with 0.3 liters of milk, and beaten with a blender until smooth.

Mashed potatoes have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.

Calorie content per 100 grams of mashed potatoes with milk and butter is 105 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 2.1 g of protein, 3.6 g of fat, 15.1 g of carbohydrates. To prepare one 185 gram serving of puree, you need the following ingredients:

  • 163 g boiled potatoes;
  • 7 g butter;
  • 15 g milk.

Cooking steps:

  • potatoes are boiled until cooked in lightly salted water;
  • the water is drained;
  • milk is heated and added together with butter to boiled potatoes;
  • The mixture is mashed until it becomes puree.

Calorie content per 100 grams of mashed potatoes in water with oil

Calorie content per 100 grams of mashed potatoes in water with butter is 89 kcal. In 100 g of dish there are 2.4 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat, 15 g of carbohydrates. To prepare 1 serving of puree you need:

  • Peel 160 g of washed potatoes, cut into 4 parts, pour into a pan with water to cook for 20 - 25 minutes;
  • the amount of liquid should be such that the potato pieces are lightly covered with it;
  • water is salted with 1 g of salt;
  • after the potatoes are boiled, the water broth is drained by about half;
  • potatoes are pounded in the remaining water;
  • 4 – 5 g of butter is added to the puree;
  • beat the resulting mixture with a mixer, and the dish is ready.

The benefits of mashed potatoes

The benefits of mashed potatoes are quite great and are as follows:

  • the product is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, which are beneficial for the health of the nervous system and strengthening the immune system;
  • the minerals contained in the dish (including potassium, phosphorus, calcium) help improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen hair and nails;
  • starch from mashed potatoes has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach, helping to prevent the development of ulcers;
  • sugar puree saturates the body with energy, restores energy balance during overwork and heavy physical activity;
  • Due to the low calorie content of mashed potatoes per 100 grams, this dish is included in the diet when losing weight.

Harm of mashed potatoes

The harm of mashed potatoes manifests itself when consuming the dish with:

  • obesity (in this case, puree with water without oil is indicated);
  • individual intolerance to milk, potatoes;
  • exacerbations of gastritis and diabetes.

Nutritionists recommend avoiding instant mashed potatoes. Such dishes often contain unhealthy preservatives and flavor enhancers, are addictive, and only relieve the feeling of hunger for a short time.

The dishes that we usually prepare from potatoes are varied and have a fairly wide range of energy value: from 65 (mashed in water) to almost 200 kcal per 100 grams (fried in animal fat, for example). How many calories are in mashed potatoes is a separate topic for discussion, because depending on the additives, the energy value of the final product can also vary significantly. Let's look at the main options.

Lenten puree

This dish is good to prepare during fasting. This easy, dietary option will not harm the gastrointestinal tract and will help maintain your figure by nourishing the body well with carbohydrates, of which eighty-five percent consists of potatoes. In its raw form, its calorie content is 77 kcal. But it’s interesting that when peeled and boiled in water, it reduces its energy value to 65. If you make a puree from it in broth, without using butter and milk, then the calorie content generally drops to 40-45 kcal per 100 grams of product (depending on the thickness puree). This happens because the potatoes absorb the broth, adding in volume.

With milk

If you add a small amount of not too fatty milk (2.5%) to the puree - literally, half a glass, then the calorie content of the puree can increase to 50. That is, compared to raw potatoes, the puree “loses” up to 30 kcal per 100 grams . In both cases, you don’t have to worry too much about the “heaviness” of such food; we also can’t talk about any harm to the figure, because there are practically no fats and proteins - only carbohydrates. By the way, this is why doctors do not recommend eating potatoes for lunch, so that they have time to be properly absorbed by the body without overloading the pancreas.

With butter

The richest option is with cow butter (solid or ghee). This dish is additionally saturated with fat. Calorie content per 100 grams can increase to 100! Nutritionists recommend using this puree with vegetables. Accordingly, puree with butter is not recommended for fasting people. But mashed potatoes with fried onions and a piece of sausage, as many people love, can add up to 150 kcal.