Blessed poppy sprinkled in the house with words. Poppy spell

A conspiracy for trade and good luck so that business flourishes read on poppy

Spells and magic for trade and business that improve trade helped the seller to quickly sell the goods and increase the turnover of money, bringing in good revenue. Today many people work in trade and selling goods is their job. The competition is great and the question of how to make sure that you receive mac simum profit from your business every day forces you to go to tricks of the trade and use magic remedies and magic from the book of Vanga and other healers and magicians. As a rule, this is trade conspiracies which belong to white magic, therefore do not have any negative consequences, and one of these methods is spell for successful trading on poppy seeds .

poppy trading conspiracy

Conspiracies for successful trading using poppy magic and a simple magical ritual quickly attract buyers, luring them away from competitors. Therefore, if your business and sales are going very badly, effective spells for successful, successful trading can quickly fix this problem. Popular among experienced sellers ritual for trading using poppy seeds done in the workplace right on the counter. To do it right poppy ritual On Thursday, during the waxing moon, you need to pour poppy seeds into a handkerchief spread on the counter. You need to sprinkle enough poppy seeds to last for the entire lunar month, because the poppy ritual involves scattering it daily on the floor in front of the counter. Every day before starting trading, you need to perform a ritual with poppy seeds - throw three pinches of poppy seeds in the place where customers most often go. So, spread the scarf with poppy seeds on the counter, read 9 times spell words for successful trading :

I have so many poppy seeds and I can’t count them,

So my customers can’t be counted.

How can a person step on this poppy?

So he will buy all the goods from me.

The magic of the poppy is strong, because it has more than one head.

Tie the charmed poppy into a scarf and store it at your workplace in a secluded place, not forgetting to sprinkle the poppy every day in a passageway so that improve your trade and attract buyers to your product using a poppy spell .

Good conspiracies for trading and quickly selling your goods that you can read on your own are very rare. If you read a strong conspiracy to sell, magic will help you quickly sell any stale product at the highest price: things, a house, land, a car or an apartment. A simple ritual of magic will begin to work on the day you read the plot for good luck in trading and attracting

A prayer for a salesperson's job provides instant assistance to the salesperson and is read daily for good luck in trading. This is the most powerful trade prayer of a seller for good trade, which was passed from mouth to mouth among merchants and trading people. It is this ancient seller’s prayer that can very quickly sell everything you need at the highest price. A charming prayer for trading can be done

A prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trading is often read by sellers so that every day trading will be successful and there will be no end to buyers. The Orthodox prayer to Saint Nicholas for good trade is aimed at good sales of any product and attracting money buyers. It doesn’t matter what type of activity you are engaged in: real estate sales, stock exchange or small retail,

Seraphim of Sarov’s prayer for help in trading matters should be read daily for good and successful trading. This powerful Orthodox prayer is read by people whose activities are aimed at selling. These are realtors, sellers and even stock exchange workers, all whose activities are somehow related to trading before the start of the sale, they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov. Orthodox

Strong prayer for trading is the best way to get help in trading by asking for the help of white church magic in prayer. This powerful prayer for trade allows you to improve your trading business in a store or at a market - bazaar. If you need to quickly and successfully sell a product at a profit for yourself, read this prayer for good trade and it will definitely help you. Who needs to pray for

Who should you pray to for good trading? The most powerful Orthodox prayer for trade is addressed to the patron of trade, John of Sochava. The icon for successful trading provides assistance in trading and selling all goods if it is located directly at a trading place: market, store, office. Orthodox prayer for successful trading is intended for daily reading in case of

All Orthodox prayers for trade are strong magic words that have a fast-acting effect on the sale of any product. If you urgently need to sell a house, apartment, car or product on the market, in a store and find a good buyer, this rare Vanga’s prayer for trading quickly helps in selling your product. Orthodox prayer for trade addressed to a specific Saint

A conspiracy for trade and good luck so that business flourishes read on poppy REVIEWS WHO DID:

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Spells, love spells and prayers for all occasions

Conspiracy to trade in poppy seeds. Read a strong spell for trade on poppy seeds so that trade goes well


Spells for excellent trade and business have always been read by successful people, just talk about a ritual that attracts buyers and clients for the quick sale of goods is not accepted. Conspiracies will not tell this a strong spell for good luck in trading and good sales, which you will not find in any books - Vanga told the trade conspiracy only a few times! The spell for good trading and good luck in business needs to be read on a poppy. Magic ritual using poppy seeds It is done independently at the counter where you sell. On any day on the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a new handkerchief to read the trading plot.

How to perform a ritual on poppy seeds for good and successful trading

Spread a handkerchief on the counter and pour out all the poppy seeds on it 9 times, read the spell for good trade, read strictly on the poppy seeds:

How immeasurably and countlessly there are poppies,

So there will be so many buyers for my product.

All those who step on scattered poppy seeds,

They will definitely buy my product for themselves and their friends.

I exchange goods for money at a profit and glorify God.

After this, every morning you need to scatter a little charmed poppy near your counter where people usually walk. As soon as people step on the scattered and charmed poppy, it will attract the attention and interest of buyers, compelling potential customers to buy your product.

Strong trading conspiracies that need to be read for good luck in trading and any business related to sales were told by Vanga. The most powerful conspiracy to improve trading told by Vanga needs to be read for sugar once a week (the best day is Wednesday), the conspiracy needs to be repeated next week. Sellers large and small believe in the power of magic, especially when it comes to luck at work. Many people involved in sales use a trading conspiracy that will attract buyers and raise income, while leaving the price stable. There are many traders, but without magic, not many are able to sell their goods profitably. This conspiracy from Vanga’s book on trading helps many sellers quickly

Rituals and conspiracies for trade and good business help traders quickly and profitably sell any product. In order for your trading to be successful and the luck that helps you in trading to allow you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, you need to independently read the most powerful spell every day before the opening and perform a ritual for trading for salt. To attract customers, you need to take everything from the salt shaker every time that is in the salt shaker at home. In the morning before the store (outlet) opens, take the salt you brought with you into your hand and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder, quickly saying the spell to

All conspiracies and prayers that need to be read every day for brisk trade and business will bring a daily increase in sales in the market and in the store. The seller who performed the ritual to make trade go better will quickly increase his profit and after reading the spell and prayer you will be able to sell everything you need quickly and profitably. Prayer for brisk trade helps to attract buyers and quickly sell the goods. If, after prayer, you read a conspiracy for brisk trade from Vanga, which helps to remove all competitors with magic and lure their customers to you. It will not be a secret to anyone that almost all sellers want to sell all their goods as quickly as possible, and when there are many competitors around, prayer for an increase

To improve trade quickly and successfully sell all goods, Vanga advised reading this ancient conspiracy of successful merchants that attracts buyers and turns any sale into good trade. Also, to improve sales, any seller in a store or tent should have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which helped many people raise their business and improve sales. You need to read the conspiracy to trade on any piece of fabric which should be used to wipe off the “dust” from the counter. At the moment when you wipe the counter or store window, read the ancient and very powerful conspiracy on

If you want to use magic to ensure that you always have success in trading and that your profit from sales grows every day, read this ancient conspiracy of a successful seller yourself. The conspiracy for good trade and attracting buyers needs to be read every day and it will make sure that competitors do not have trade and all buyers and clients queue up for you. On the very first day of the ritual, you will see how great the power of the magic of money is and how quickly your trading business will grow, bringing more and more profit. The plot is read for the largest coin that is in your wallet before the start of the working day and

All sellers know how easy it is to scare away luck in trading and jinx the goods so that the buyer will be “empty”. To ensure that your product always sells well, there is good trade and every buyer becomes a regular customer, you need good protection from the evil eye and envy. Trade protection is done once a month on the 19th for the most common nickel. By performing this simple action, no one will ever jinx your product and you will always have a good buyer. You need to take any nickel in your hand and cross yourself, the counter and the product with it, read a good white conspiracy that protects the product and you from

If you need to sell all your goods quickly and with the greatest profit, take a piece of rye bread with you and when you come to work where you trade, say a trading plot on the bread three times. After finishing reading the “good seller” plot, the charmed piece of bread must be eaten. You will be surprised how buyers will flock to you and start buying your product without haggling, even if the price of a similar one from your neighbor is cheaper than yours. Bread spell for successful trading that needs to be read at work

Vanga’s white magic recommends reading this powerful conspiracy for trading and performing a special ritual, after which any product will sell well and very quickly and good luck in trading will never leave you. When your luck in trading runs out, sales have fallen and a buyer passes by, you urgently need to read the plot for good trading told by Vanga. You must independently perform a magical ritual for good trading and read the trading conspiracy from Vanga’s book. For the ritual you need a new handkerchief and a nickel. Wrap it in a scarf and put a nickel (or a 5 ruble coin) in your left pocket, after saying a spell on it 12 times for good trading and good luck in

This is the most powerful prayer for trade, which was passed on from mouth to mouth and is capable of very quickly selling any stale product with the greatest profit for you. A charming prayer for trading can be read as many times as needed (even every day) and there is nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, as a result of reading the prayer for selling, your business will only prosper and bring greater profits. If you urgently need to sell something quickly and profitably, go to church, light a candle to any Saint who is closer to your heart and pray. After reading the following prayer on

For profit growth and good trading, every day you need to read a honey spell, which will lure buyers and trade will be more fun, bringing more money (profit). Those who are constantly engaged in sales know that some sellers sell bad goods better and buyers constantly stand in line, this is an act of magic. A special ritual for savvy sellers has no consequences - this is not black magic, but a white magic ritual for good trade. If, before selling, you carry out everything as they say in the conspiracies and read a special conspiracy for good sales from a fine merchant, then your product will sell out first, even if your neighbor has a much better view and price

A strong white conspiracy to improve trade, which does not have bad consequences, will help remove the evil eye and damage from a trading place and improve trade. You need to read this trading plot - a prayer for holy water when you come to your workplace. After finishing reading the prayer for trade, take holy water into your mouth and sprinkle it on your work area (counter). Pour the remaining water where people (customers and potential clients) walk. Place a coin spelled with holy water from a glass in your left pocket; it will attract money buyers and ward off the evil eye. For a ritual to attract a buyer and increase profits, you need to pour holy water into a clean glass of water and

Prayers for good and successful trading are read by all sellers of services and goods. You can find out which prayer for trading to increase sales is the strongest only by reading all the prayers in turn (on different days). Only in this way can you find out an effective prayer for attracting buyers and clients and increasing trade turnover and profits that is suitable specifically for your business. This method will help you determine which Patron Saint for trading your goods will best help increase sales. Vanga said that there are saints and icons that help people on their life path. For business you need to read prayers to the Saints who help in trade, this is Spyridon,

Spell on poppy seeds

Magicians and psychics use a variety of food products to perform magical rituals. Thus, the poppy became widespread among sorcerers.

Today, more than one poppy spell is known, with which you can improve your financial situation, solve love affairs, or improve your health. The most common poppy is used for rituals; you can find it in any grocery store.

Conspiracies in which the poppy plays a leading role can be carried out not only by powerful sorcerers. So, even an ordinary person can cast spells; it is enough to put all your energy and faith into the spoken words. Magic will only help if a person believes in it and trusts it. Joking or frivolous use of magic can cause unpleasant consequences.

By consecrating the poppy in the church on the Makovei holiday, you will increase the power of the plant.

Poppy is not a simple plant, and this was noted by people in ancient times. By casting a spell on poppy seeds, you can take advantage of its energy and power, which increases significantly after consecration on the Makovei holiday. A plant under the influence of magic can bring back a husband, cast a love spell on a loved one, solve financial problems and much more.

How to create a conspiracy

To conduct a ritual for money, love or trade using poppy seeds, you need to know about some rules and conditions for its implementation. So, the ritual should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, without violating them. Rituals may differ from each other in the ways of creation. The effectiveness of the ritual, whether it is for love, money or trade, will depend on careful study of the instructions and strict adherence to the sequence of actions.

If the instructions do not indicate exactly which poppy should be chosen for the ceremony, then it is best to take a mixed mixture. If the color is specified (black, gray), it is necessary to use it. The ritual can only be performed on the days designated for it, and the order of words in the spell cannot be changed, nor can words be removed or added to the text.

How to cast a love spell and set yourself up for successful trading

Among the abundance of various conspiracies carried out through poppy seeds, rituals against a husband’s infidelity, love spells and lapels, as well as rituals for money and attracting successful trade are very popular. This kind of magic should be used very carefully, as it can cause consequences.

So, if the spouse begins to look at other women, it is enough to carry out a very effective ritual. It must be carried out while the husband is at home. The spouse will need to quietly slip out of the apartment threshold and lay a poppy path in front of the entrance, saying magic words three times, then return home. The spouse must be the first to cross the poppy line, and betrayal on the part of the husband will be stopped in advance.

For successful trading, the ritual is carried out on Thursday, while the Moon must be in the waxing phase.

The merchant is advised to purchase a handkerchief and a glass of poppy seeds. On this day, from the very morning, a scarf should be spread on the counter where trade is carried out and the existing poppy should be poured onto it. The seeds are spoken 9 times, after which they are poured onto the area near the counter.

You can put a love spell on your lover or lover if you add a spelled poppy to that person’s bag or clothes. It is recommended to enchant seeds on Wednesdays or Fridays on the waxing Moon. Moreover, the words of the conspiracy clearly make it clear that it is necessary to use gray seeds in the ritual.

Will there be a reckoning?

Any conspiracy eventually requires retribution, since higher powers come to help in solving a particular problem. Thus, the most severe consequences may affect the performer of a love spell or his victim.

In this case, it is possible that the victim (beloved person) will soon hate the performer of the ritual.

Rituals aimed at improving financial condition at some point may come back to haunt the performer with severe poverty and beggary. A person who has once corrected his financial affairs through a conspiracy may lose a large sum of money, unexpectedly find himself in debt, or completely lose his property.

The effect of damage to poppy seeds on a person is absolutely incredible.

It's even worse in bed. Such damage leads to a complete lack of contact in this area.

Not love, but sheer torment for people.

They cannot agree on the most important area for them. And if even before the damage they came to an agreement intuitively, then they may stop fulfilling their marital duty altogether.

Relatives will begin to worry about the young people and try to help them. And this will lead to another problem.

Everyone will quarrel with each other. You understand that it is difficult to live normally in such an environment, especially to raise children.

How to do

The ritual takes place on the new moon. Poppy can be spoken in advance. Those. it is not necessary to do this before the actual ritual.

  1. Buy black poppy seeds, preferably directly in boxes. Take one poppy box and place it in a black linen bag.
  2. Take it to the Temple for the morning service. Slowly open the bag so that the air of the Temple penetrates into the poppy.
  3. You need to read the Lord's Prayer backwards six times.
  4. Each time you finish, cross yourself with your left hand and touch the poppy.
  5. Don't leave afterwards. Think through what you wish for the victims of damage in detail.

This is important not in the sense that it will happen. And for another reason: it is necessary to recharge the poppy with your own hatred. Now spit into the bag and go home.

The poppy prepared in this way is used to line the enemy’s house or is sprinkled on the victim’s path. It's time to take effect immediately, even before the poppy is taken to the victim.

But in full, that is, most strongly, its influence manifests itself a month after the lining.

Ritual for salt and poppy seeds

Salt is mixed with poppy seeds in equal proportions (half a teaspoon each). This is done only in silver containers.

Then they are mixed with a spoon made of the same metal, saying the following words:

“Salt in the eyes, poppy in the eyes. Let a tear flicker in your eyes. Let the paths go astray, the roads break off. Let what belongs to the Lord’s servant (name) perish in the abyss, pour into the grave, drown in a bolt. Let the Devil have a funeral service and bury his plans. Said in salt, said in poppy. Whoever collects the grains and dips them in salt will break my words!”

The mixture is ready. From experience, it's best. Moreover, choose the left boot or shoes. It will start working faster.

In this article:

With the help of poppy and its spells, you can improve your health, family and financial situation.

A conspiracy carried out on poppy seeds is an effective means of solving many problems, as you can verify for yourself by reading the conspiracy that corresponds to your problem.

Money plot

Spread a piece of green cloth on the table, draw a circle on it with new soap, and place a poppy in the center. Draw a cross on it with the ring finger of your right hand and say:

“On the sea-ocean there is one island, on it there is land where the Lord God, the Mother of God lives, and I will go there, I will come closer to them, I will bow lower and say more quietly: Mother of God, you lived on earth, you took bread in your hands, She paid for it with the money she carried in her wallet. They won't give you bread without a penny, they won't weave clothes, they won't sell candles in church. Give me, Lord God, as much money as there are poppies on this scarf. So be it!”

to perform the ritual, take a new bar of soap

Divide it into several parts. Pour one part into your wallet, and pour the second in the form of a cross into a bathtub with warm water, into which you should stand with your feet and say the same spell as on the poppy seed seven times. Then sit in the water and sit in it for a while, imagining money flowing to you from different sources.

Conspiracy against the boss

If you have been called to your boss for a debriefing and you know that you won’t be patted on the head, you can soften the manager’s anger and indignation with the following spell, which is made on a black poppy, which should be in a black bag made of natural fabric during the ritual.

This plot also helps to cope with very picky bosses who torment you with their nagging and reproaches, although you cope well with your job responsibilities. Here are the spell words:

“On a high mountain, under a green pine tree, there is a golden table and a carved throne.

On that throne sits a pair of fierce ones: no matter what you say or do, they don’t like it.

Most Holy Mother, intercessor, pacify them, shut their tongues, change their character.

Just like a fish is silent and won’t utter a word, won’t thunder, won’t show anger, let my boss be like a fish.

The red poppy flower dropped its petal, not just one, but all one after another.

As the poppy flies around, everything is going well for me: bad things are gone, joy, peace are now next to me. Amen".

A pinch of poppy seeds is added to the boss’s workplace, who from now on will become more humble and friendly towards you.

“As Yarilo is kind to all living things, as a mother pities her child, so let me, the servant of God (name), be dear to the servant of God (name of the person with whom you want to make peace). Amen! Amen! Amen!"

The Mac works great and is an excellent storage medium.

Trade conspiracy

On Thursday, on the waxing moon, buy a glass of poppy seeds and a handkerchief. The scarf is spread on the counter where you usually trade, and a poppy is poured onto it, over which you must whisper nine times:

“Whoever steps on this poppy will buy all the goods from me.”

Sprinkle this poppy seed in front of the counter daily. It has power until the next waxing moon. Afterwards the ritual should be repeated.

Damage protection

Any day at sunrise, take the poppy blessed in the church and whisper over it three times:

“I sow, I sow, I sow poppies. Let it be so and only so. Anyone who doesn't like this, let him collect this poppy. No one will collect this poppy and it will not damage the slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards, the poppy is poured into the cracks of the house or apartment, for example, between the wall and the baseboard, in furniture, under wallpaper, etc. The ritual of scattering the poppy should begin from the front door, moving clockwise further around the apartment or house.

Love spell

The charmed poppy is poured into the clothes, bag or shoes of a loved one. It should be spoken on Friday or Wednesday on the waxing moon.

“The poppy is gray, tasty, a tasty morsel for the birds, and I am a beautiful girl, young, cheerful, stately, a delight to all the guys.

Just as birds would eat nothing but poppy seeds, so would my beloved be only with me! Just as birds would look for poppies every day, so my beloved would look for me.

Just as there would be no better delicacy for birds, so for my beloved there would be no one dearer than me, even if he appreciated me, cherished me, cherished me, and doted on me.

Servant of God (name), hear my words. May I, the servant of God (name), become as desirable to you as a poppy to birds. Amen".

Magicians and psychics use a variety of food products to perform magical rituals. Thus, the poppy became widespread among sorcerers.

Today, more than one poppy spell is known, with which you can improve your financial situation, solve love affairs, or improve your health. The most common poppy is used for rituals; you can find it in any grocery store.

Conspiracies in which the poppy plays a leading role can be carried out not only by powerful sorcerers. So, even an ordinary person can cast spells; it is enough to put all your energy and faith into the spoken words. Magic will only help if a person believes in it and trusts it. Joking or frivolous use of magic can cause unpleasant consequences.

By consecrating the poppy in the church on the Makovei holiday, you will increase the power of the plant.

Poppy is not a simple plant, and this was noted by people in ancient times. By casting a spell on poppy seeds, you can take advantage of its energy and power, which increases significantly after consecration on the Makovei holiday. A plant under the influence of magic can bring back a husband, cast a love spell on a loved one, solve financial problems and much more.

How to create a conspiracy

To conduct a ritual for money, love or trade using poppy seeds, you need to know about some rules and conditions for its implementation. So, the ritual should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, without violating them. Rituals may differ from each other in the ways of creation. The effectiveness of the ritual, whether it is for love, money or trade, will depend on careful study of the instructions and strict adherence to the sequence of actions.

If the instructions do not indicate exactly which poppy should be chosen for the ceremony, then it is best to take a mixed mixture. If the color is specified (black, gray), it is necessary to use it. The ritual can only be performed on the days designated for it, and the order of words in the spell cannot be changed, nor can words be removed or added to the text.

How to cast a love spell and set yourself up for successful trading

Among the abundance of various conspiracies carried out through poppy seeds, rituals against a husband’s infidelity, love spells and lapels, as well as rituals for money and attracting successful trade are very popular. This kind of magic should be used very carefully, as it can cause consequences.

So, if the spouse begins to look at other women, it is enough to carry out a very effective ritual. It must be carried out while the husband is at home. The spouse will need to quietly slip out of the apartment threshold and lay a poppy path in front of the entrance, saying magic words three times, then return home. The spouse must be the first to cross the poppy line, and betrayal on the part of the husband will be stopped in advance.

Conspiracy “From husband’s betrayal”

“As you, poppy, are gray and small, so let everyone who has breasts for the Servant of the Lord (husband’s full name) fade and become shallow before me, the Servant of the Lord (your name). Key, mouth, lock."
I call and pronounce: The word is strong and molds to the cards. Amen!"

For successful trading, the ritual is carried out on Thursday, while the Moon must be in the waxing phase.

The merchant is advised to purchase a handkerchief and a glass of poppy seeds. On this day, from the very morning, a scarf should be spread on the counter where trade is carried out and the existing poppy should be poured onto it. The seeds are spoken 9 times, after which they are poured onto the area near the counter.

You can put a love spell on your lover or lover if you add a spelled poppy to that person’s bag or clothes. It is recommended to enchant seeds on Wednesdays or Fridays on the waxing Moon. Moreover, the words of the conspiracy clearly make it clear that it is necessary to use gray seeds in the ritual.

Conspiracy “For love”

“The poppy is gray, tasty, a tasty morsel for the birds, and I am a beautiful girl, young, cheerful, stately, a delight to all the guys.
Just as birds would eat nothing but poppy seeds, so would my beloved be only with me! Just as birds would look for poppies every day, so my beloved would look for me.
As for the birds there was no
If it were better than a delicacy, then for my beloved there would be no one more precious than me, let him value me, caress and cherish me, and dote on me.
Servant of God (name), hear my words. May I, the servant of God (name), become as desirable to you as a poppy to birds. Amen."

Will there be a reckoning?

Any conspiracy eventually requires retribution, since higher powers come to help in solving a particular problem. Thus, the most severe consequences may affect the performer of a love spell or his victim.

In this case, it is possible that the victim (beloved person) will soon hate the performer of the ritual.

Rituals aimed at improving financial condition at some point may come back to haunt the performer with severe poverty and beggary. A person who has once corrected his financial affairs through a conspiracy may lose a large sum of money, unexpectedly find himself in debt, or completely lose his property.

Poppy conspiracies allow you to solve family problems, improve your financial situation and personal life. Different parts of it can be used, but it is recommended to take grains. A love spell on poppy seeds is very effective. A plant grown independently and consecrated on the Makovei holiday has maximum power.

"Passionate" spell for poppy seeds

Using the presented spell will rekindle your feelings.
  1. You need to take a confectionery poppy and say the words 7 times: “ Magic herb, intoxicate (the lover’s name is said), make him attached to me (his name is pronounced) more tightly than to his mother. Let its root no longer fall on other women. Amen".
  2. After the poppy seed spell is cast, the grains are added to the baked goods. They should be offered to your loved one.

Fortune telling to find your loved one

Love spells on poppies allow you to find your chosen one. It is recommended for young girls to perform them.
  1. Early in the morning they will have to visit the grave of a person who had warm feelings for you - for example, a relative.
  2. Then the following words should be said over it: “ You can sleep peacefully, and I have to wait for my man. Make a straight path for the good fellow to my house. Let him come to me, don’t hesitate. A dead man lies, he keeps my word. Amen».
  3. When the poppy love spell is made, you should cross yourself three times.
  4. The grains of the plant are scattered directly onto the grave.

A simple love spell for the wind on a poppy

There is another love plot for poppy seeds.
  1. The grains scatter against the wind on even days.
  2. The following words are pronounced: “ I confuse the grooms' paths. Just as there are many poppies, let there be as many suitors in my house.».

Poppy to pacify the boss's temper

This ritual will help pacify the boss’s temper.
  1. It is necessary to read the plot before visiting his office. The words are pronounced as follows: “ The lamb trembles before the wolf, and the wolf avoids the lynx. And you (the boss’s name is called) are afraid of me».
  2. When the poppy spell is cast, you should open the door with your left hand.
If the boss is very angry, you can read other words.
  1. In this case, first the grains of the plant are placed in a black bag, and then they say: “ There is a throne on the mountain. There are several angry people sitting on it. Holy Mother, change their character. The fish is silent, so the boss will be like her. The poppy has lost its petals, as it flies around, so the bad deeds leave me».
  2. The enchanted poppy should be scattered near the boss’s office or on his desk.
Soon he will become much more flexible.

Rite of reconciliation

Poppy conspiracies can also be read to establish a good relationship with a person.
  1. If they deteriorate, it is worth saying the words: “ The earth yearns for the Sun, and the hungry dream of food, so I (the name of the person with whom you need to reconcile is called) will always be pleasant».
  2. The spell using poppy is read nine times, in a whisper.
  3. Then the grains are poured into the chosen one’s pocket. It is important that he does not realize that this is an enchanted plant.
  4. You can tie a charmed poppy in a rag or piece of paper. Then they are sewn to the pocket inside. Then the love spell on the poppy will have an effect.

Poppy grains as protection against spoilage

Magical rituals that use flowers can be used to protect oneself from enemies.
  1. It is necessary to take the grains of the plant and consecrate them in the temple.
  2. The next morning the following words are read: “ I sow poppies, and whoever doesn’t like something, let him collect it. The one who collects it will take the damage from me. Amen».
  3. After the poppy spell is cast, the grains are placed in the cracks of the house.

It is necessary to read the words, moving from the front door of the house clockwise, walking around its entire perimeter. Take the seeds with three fingers of the right hand (for a left-handed person - the left).

Strong love spell on poppy

Poppy conspiracies are capable enhance feelings many times over.
  1. To do this, take a plant, whose seeds are poured into the shoes of a loved one.
  2. You should perform safe love spells on the waxing moon, on Wednesday or Friday.
  3. You need to say the following: “ All the birds like the gray poppy, and everyone likes me too. As if the birds ate nothing but poppy seeds, you would choose me alone. Hear me (the name of the chosen one is called), may I be desired».

Poppy spell to improve sales

A charmed poppy can help improve business.
  1. On Thursday, a handkerchief and plant grains are purchased.
  2. The grains are poured onto the scarf.
  3. The words are pronounced over him nine times: “ Whoever steps on a poppy, let him buy something from meT».
  4. You should sprinkle grains in front of your own store every day.
The conspiracy will last until the next growing month. Then you will need to repeat the ritual.

Poppy spell for trade

To be purchased:
  • Blessed candle;
  • 2 dozen eggs;
  • Packaging of poppy seeds.
There is no need to take change.
  1. On Thursday, scrambled eggs are prepared.
  2. It is sprinkled with grains, a candle is inserted into it.
  3. Then the following is said three times for the poppy love spell to work: “ Life is born in a chicken egg, so I will become rich. Just as there are a lot of grains in scrambled eggs, I will have a large amount of goods for sale».
  4. Exactly at midnight, the scrambled eggs are taken to the road, left there and said - “ Paid!»
  5. The candle is placed in the store and burned there.

Poppy to attract customers - an effective conspiracy

Let's consider another way to attract customers.

  1. You need to wait for the waxing moon, then take a handful of poppy seeds, and whisper the following words on them: “ Lord, I believe in your strength. Help your sinful slave in selling. Michael Archangel save me, with your prayers let me have a successful trade».
  2. The used components of the plant are spilled on three roads.
  3. They are also placed in the corners of the retail space.

Poppy ritual against betrayal

A poppy spell will allow you to make sure that your loved one does not look at other women.
  1. When he leaves the house, sprinkle the seeds at the doorstep.
  2. Then the following is said: “ Like a small poppy, let (the name of the beloved) fade and fade before meT».
All that remains is to wait for my husband. It is important that he crosses the poppy path first.

Love ritual on Makovei

Strong love spells can be performed on holidays.
  1. On Makovei (August 14), dough is prepared.
  2. While it rises, you should imagine how the chosen one’s love for you grows. At the same time, you need to talk about it out loud, saying the words that come to mind first.
  3. The next morning, pies are made from the dough. They will have to feed your loved one. After this, the poppy love spell on a man will work.

Cool on poppy seeds

Love spells on poppy seeds can remove longing for a person. In order to cool down your feelings and improve your own condition, you need to act on waning month.
  1. After sunset you should take the pan.
  2. The grains of the plant are placed in it.
  3. They are poured with boiling water and said: “ My desires are hot water. They'll soon cool down».

    The effect of the ritual will partly extend to the chosen one of the magician. Your desires will not go away immediately.

  4. When the water becomes warm, it will need to be poured under an old, old tree.
  5. The following words are read 5 times: “ My desires are burning, they give me no peace. Lord, deliver me from melancholy, split the poppy seeds, extinguish the fire of love with water. So that I can live without worrying».
  6. A love spell cast on a poppy will begin to work when a pot of grains is left near the tree.
  7. You should leave him without looking back, you should not communicate with anyone.
  8. To forget a loved one, you need to wash your hands at home.
  9. It is recommended to wash your face with water, preferably consecrated. In this case, it is better to dry yourself with a new towel. Then you need to go to bed.
To get rid of love, you should visit church the next day. You need to light a candle in it for the health of your chosen one. It is also advisable to wish him love with all your heart.

Ritual to attract money

You can also bewitch money with poppy seeds. The ritual is performed in the waxing phase of the moon.
  1. For this, green matter is taken.
  2. In its central part an oval is drawn with soap.
  3. Then the grains are poured into it.
  4. They draw a cross on them and say: “ There is land on the island. The Mother of God and the Lord are sitting there. I’ll go to them and say, give me as much financial resources as there are poppies in a scarf. I’ll buy bread with the money, I’ll take candles from the church».
  5. Some of the grains should be put in your wallet.
  6. And some are poured into the bathroom, arranging them in a cross.
  7. Then the magician sits in the bathroom and says the spell again.
Then finances will begin to come to you quickly.

There are many poppy spells. That is why the flower has become one of the most popular. The poppy spell for love is recommended to be carried out in Makovey. At the same time, it is important to imagine that everything has already worked out and the goal has been achieved.