Apple pie. How to cook Tsvetaeva apple pie in a slow cooker. Tsvetaevsky apple pie Recipes in a slow cooker Tsvetaevsky pie

I won’t bore you with the history of the origin of the recipe for Tsvetaeva’s apple pie. I will only note that this recipe, according to the Internet, dates back to the youth of the Tsvetaev sisters (poetess Marina Tsvetaeva and her sister). The sisters prepared such an apple pie and often treated their guests to it.

Tsvetaevsky Apple pie I liked it right away and everyone did. I enjoyed cooking it. It's very interesting and not complex recipe, different from the preparation of classic fruit pies. What struck me most about Tsvetaevsky apple pie was the sweet creamy filling with apples, which is framed by crispy crumbly dough.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie looks delicious when finished. You can easily bake such a cake for a birthday at home; it will be no worse than a cake. In the process of preparing Tsvetaeva’s apple pie, a thought came to me that I will now voice. The pie, as I already said, turned out wonderful, the apple sourness and the sweet creamy sour cream go well together, the dough also turns out great (it’s completely baked, slightly crunchy and perfectly complements the sweet and sour filling). And I will cook Tsvetaevsky apple pie again and again. But I return to the idea. Why don’t I make a pie like this one day, but instead of apples, use, for example, cherries or strawberries, or even peaches? I’ll definitely do that, and I’ll publish the result here on the delicious blog.


  • 4 medium apples
  • 250 g flour for dough + 2 tablespoons for filling
  • 150 g butter
  • 100 g sour cream for dough + 200 g sour cream for filling
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (not heaped)
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 0.3 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar

Tsvetaevsky apple pie, step by step preparation

Prepare the dough for the base of the pie.

Mix 250 g of flour and a pinch of salt with 150 g of slightly melted butter. Mix with your hands until you get a mass of crumbs.

Add 100 g of sour cream to the dough and knead into a soft, pliable dough.

Wrap the dough ball in cling film and place it in freezer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.

Preparing the filling for Tsvetaevsky apple pie.

Mix 200 g of sour cream with a mixer with one egg, 200 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour and vanilla sugar (0.5 teaspoon).

As a result, we get a liquid aromatic mass, this is the filling for Tsvetaeva’s pie.

The dough has cooled slightly and will now be easier to work with. Roll it out on a lightly floured work surface into a round sheet 5mm thick.

Transfer the rolled out dough into the mold and level it. We form sides of the same height. The dough is soft and pliable, so it can be easily manipulated.

Peel the apples and remove the seed pods. Cut the apples into small slices or slices. We transfer them into the mold and distribute them evenly.

Fill the apples with the cream filling and place the Tsvetaeva apple pie in the oven for 50 minutes to bake at 180 degrees.

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After 50 minutes, Tsvetaevsky apple pie is ready. Take it out of the oven and let it cool slightly. Then carefully remove the cake from the mold. The base of the Tsvetaeva pie is quite strong and will easily allow you to remove it from the mold.

You can immediately start tasting Tsvetaevsky apple pie without waiting for it to cool completely. Or you can serve the pie cooled. It is excellent in any form. Bon appetit to everyone who came!

We offer you a recipe for one of the Tsvetaev sisters’ favorite pies, which they often served to guests. It is not known for certain why it received such a name, but hardly anyone can dispute the fact that this pie is indecently simple, but surprisingly tasty. Any housewife, and even the owner, can prepare it, and why not? The ingredients in this pie are the kind you always have on hand, which, by the way, makes it extremely inexpensive.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie - step-by-step recipe with photos

So, what do we need - ingredients for Tsvetaevsky apple pie

To get a delicious crust for Tsvetaevsky pie:

  • 250 gr. premium flour (can be added during the process)
  • 100 gr. sour cream (preferably 20% fat)
  • 150 gr. cold butter (72%)
  • baking powder (about a teaspoon).

We mix everything using a plastic or metal knife attachment - it doesn’t matter which one you use. Then add sour cream (I used 20% fat, but any kind will do).

Mix everything again - you get a liquidy homogeneous mass. Add wheat flour mixed with baking powder and then sifted through a sieve.

In just half a minute, all the components of the dough will come together into a single lump. If for some reason this does not happen (the dough is either liquid or, on the contrary, crumbles), add a little flour or sour cream. But in general, the recipe is proven, everything should work out right away.

Transfer the dough to a bag or wrap it in cling film. We put it in the refrigerator while we prepare the filling and filling for Tsvetaevsky apple pie. At the same time, turn on the oven to warm up (180 degrees).

Now let's prepare the sour cream filling for the pie. To do this, you just need to combine all the ingredients necessary for it: 200 grams of sour cream (10-20% fat content), 150 grams of sugar, one chicken egg, a pinch of vanillin (can be replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar) for flavor, as well as a tablespoon wheat flour and potato (or corn) starch. In the original recipe, only flour (2 tablespoons) is added, but with starch it turns out more tender.

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When the apple trees ripen in August, it's time to bake delicious apple pies. Of course, in the first place among them are everyone’s favorite charlottes - fortunately.

Well, Tsvetaevsky Pie confidently takes second place. And the good news is that every year this recipe is gaining more and more popularity, and it is being prepared more and more often. And this is absolutely no coincidence: after trying a piece somewhere only once, you immediately pick up a notebook and pen and ask to dictate the recipe.

Incredibly tender and tasty - it leaves no one indifferent. If you put such a pie on the table and, for example, the most expensive cake, then the first one is eaten immediately. And only then, reluctantly, can they eat a piece of cake. At our house they don’t even wait for it to cool down. So they eat it hot right away. It doesn't even sit on the table for half an hour.

And no matter how much you say that the cream needs to cool, everyone claims that there is no need for it. Everything is so delicious. And this despite the fact that I cook baked goods often, well, no less than once or twice a week.

Therefore, sometimes I bake it in two copies at once. So that the second one at least has time to cool down. Hot and cold pies have different tastes. I like it better cold. Especially the cream. It is absolutely amazing and simply unlike any other.

Those who eat such a pie for the first time always ask why it is called that. And this question is not easy to answer. There is only a version of the origin of this name, but no one knows for sure whether it is true. What is known is that the sister of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, Anastasia, left in her notes a mention of apple pie and “baking with sour cream,” which their relatives treated them to at the dacha when they themselves were still children.

And apparently the sisters, when they grew up, also borrowed the recipe from their relatives, and then they themselves treated their guests and fans at literary evenings and meetings. Apparently, this is where the name came from.

Fortunately, the recipe was not lost and has survived intact to this day. Because this pie is one of the most delicious you have ever eaten. Delicate thin slightly crispy shortbread dough, filling with sour apples and the most amazing sour cream that envelops every centimeter of this miracle of culinary art.

And the most important thing is that preparing such pastries is not at all difficult. If you follow the recipe, everything will work out the first time. And it won't take much time. And the result is always excellent, without any unpleasant surprises.

Such baked goods have only one drawback - they are eaten simply with lightning speed! But when a lot of apples ripen, you can cook at least every day, not just one pie, but two at a time.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie

For the test we need:

  • sour cream 33% - 0.5 cups (5 tablespoons)
  • butter 82.5% - 150 g
  • flour - 1 -1.5 cups
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon

For cream:

  • sour cream 33% - 42% - 1 glass
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (or vanillin - on the tip of a knife)
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • apples - 3 - 5 pieces

For sprinkling:

  • powdered sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Let's start preparing the dough. To do this, place sour cream in a bowl. According to the recipe, it should be quite fat - 33%. I admit that I don't always follow the recipe. Especially when it’s a simple, everyday recipe for every day. We sell good and tasty sour cream in bulk, it is quite thick, if you scoop it into a spoon and turn it over, it sticks to it as a dense mass.

I asked the seller what percentage she had, and they answered me that 20 - 25%. So I use this sour cream to prepare almost all my baked goods, where the recipe calls for it.

The dough with such sour cream turns out simply magnificent - very tender, slightly crispy.

But still, I would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that the recipe calls for 33% sour cream. It was with such village sour cream that such a pie was baked before. Therefore, purchase this for baking, especially if you are baking for the first time.

There is even an opinion that if the percentage is lower, then the pie will not work! But I bake, and basically everything works out!

2. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and let it melt.

It is advisable not to use a microwave for this. It is believed that all useful components are killed in it.

And here I strongly recommend using oil with 82.5% fat content, since if it has a lower percentage, then it is no longer essentially oil, but trans fat. Nowadays they write and talk about this a lot, so we won’t be distracted by it. Just use good real oil and that's it.

3. Slowly add it to the sour cream, stirring continuously until the ingredients are completely combined.

4. Add baking powder. Of course, in Tsvetaev’s times there were no traces of any leavening agents, so they added soda. If you don’t have it, then also add soda, a little less than half a teaspoon. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar. You can just drop a few drops of lemon juice on it.

In addition, sour cream has an acidic environment and can extinguish soda on its own. To do this, you just need to mix it well.

5. Now it’s the flour’s turn. It only needs the highest quality. Of course, you need to sift it, if you do it twice, it won’t be superfluous. The recipe says one to one and a half glasses. Let me explain where this inaccuracy comes from.

If you measure everything on scales and measuring cups, you will need exactly one cup. And if you add sour cream with spoons, you will scoop up more in some places and less in others. In addition, the thickness of sour cream can also be different.

Then we will use flour to bring the dough to the desired consistency. I'll tell you how it should turn out.

6. And so pour a glass of sifted flour and mix. When all the flour has been mixed in, put the spoon aside and begin kneading the dough directly in the bowl with one hand.

Due to the abundance of oil, the dough is greasy and does not stick to your hands. Using your finger, scrape all the dough with the remaining flour from the sides of the bowl and knead until smooth. However, you don’t need to knead it for too long. All components just need to connect and that’s it...

How to find out if you need more flour. If the dough is liquid, stretches and sticks strongly to the bottom of the bowl, then you need to sprinkle it with a little flour and knead again. If it sticks again, add a little more and mix again.

The finished dough should not be too dense, it is quite soft and pliable. And if you continue to knead it, it will stick again. There’s no need to knead any further, this will be just the right consistency.

7. Our task is to transfer the dough into the form in which we will bake, and without rolling it out first, stretch it into shape with our hands, or rather with our fingers. In this case, it is necessary to form sides 5 - 6 cm high.

I use a glass oval mold. But in general it is better to use a springform pan. From it the pie can easily be placed on a dish.

I can't put my cake out of a glass pan. It can only be cut in it. And from it lay out on plates for everyone.

I bake for guests in a springform pan, but today I bake for myself. Therefore, the form suits me quite well.

8. For now, you can put the dough aside and work on the apples. For the pie, it is better to use sweet and sour apples, or sour ones. Almost all garden varieties are excellent, but “Antonovka” is best. It was with her that the Tsvetaeva sisters baked such pies.

And in winter and spring, you can completely use the Semerenko variety, which is sold round in the store.

But just check the skin of the apples. If the variety has rough, thick skin, then it must be peeled. Since our pie will be very tender, a rough shell will spoil the taste.

Apples should be cut into two halves. Remove the core and cut into rounds or semicircles 1 cm thick, depending on the size of the apples. The recipe indicates an approximate amount, which will depend on the size of the fruit.

Today I have quite small sour apples, which will come in handy in the pie. And it took me 8 of them. But if the apples are large, then you may only need 3 of them.

9. And so, the apples have been peeled and cut, now we lay them overlapping one piece on top of the other, as if lifting the top.

We place all the pieces in rows, but not very tightly, so that there is room for the cream and so that the cake can bake thoroughly. And we leave it aside for the time being.

If the apples are darkening, you can sprinkle them lemon juice.

10. Let's prepare the cream. It is very easy to prepare.

Place the sour cream in a bowl and beat it with a whisk. Or you can beat it with a mixer at low speed. This will make the cream more fluffy.

According to the recipe, you again need rich village sour cream, in the original it is 42%. But again I don’t listen to the recipe and use my favorite thick 20 - 25%. But I simply have to say about 42%, “you can’t remove the words from the song.” I came up with the recipe, so I’m presenting it the way it should be.

Although it must be said that it is in the preparation of cream that such a percentage is simply necessary. With sour cream of this fat content, the cream turns out denser, airier and more tasty. When the cream in the pie cools, it will taste like the filling of Bird's Milk candies.

It will also be delicious with the sour cream that I will use today. But the cream will not be so fluffy and not so thick.

11. Add vanilla sugar or vanilla at the tip of a knife. I use vanilla sugar with vanilla. Here in the photo you can see that it has black inclusions, these are just a network of seeds from a vanilla pod. The smell immediately went crazy.

12. Stir and add regular sugar in small portions, stirring it each time. And so on until we pour it all in. It is advisable to stir until it is completely dissolved. You can mix with either a whisk or a mixer.

13. Beat in the egg and mix the mixture until smooth and colorful. It is advisable that the egg has a bright yolk, then the cream will turn out to be more beautiful in color.

14. And the final touch is flour. It is also advisable to sift it, but now once will be enough. Mix everything until smooth and creamy.

15. Pour the resulting cream evenly over the apples, making sure that every piece is covered. Let it sit for two to three minutes for it to penetrate downwards.

Then lightly tap the mold on the table. Small bubbles will appear in some places, which means that the cream has reached the bottom and covered every piece of the apple.

16. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes, until the surface of the pie is beautifully golden brown. The time will depend on the characteristics of the oven. My oven took 40 minutes.

You can determine if the cake is ready by piercing it with a toothpick. If there is no liquid cream left on it when you take it out, then the baked goods are ready.

17. Let the baked goods cool for 2 hours, then sprinkle powdered sugar on top. To do this carefully, you can use a small strainer.

As I already said, in the cooled pie the cream hardens and it is cut into beautiful and neat pieces.

18. Everything is ready, you can cut it into pieces, serve it with hot tea and eat it to your health!

By the way, if you eat it hot, like we do, you won’t be able to cut it beautifully. You will get beautifully cut pieces when the pie has cooled completely. Like this!

Well, while the recipe was easy enough to describe, the taste of the pie cannot be described in words. Very tender, aromatic, tasty - these are just a few of the most simple words in order to somehow characterize it. In general, it’s better to try once than to explain many times.

And if you have read the recipe to the end, then most likely you have a strong intention to cook it and try it! Then get started quickly. In no more than an hour, you will be able to take the sample yourself.

By the way, such a pie can be prepared not only with apples, but also with various berries - raspberries, strawberries, as well as cherries and plums. And this will be a new version of your favorite dish.

You can also cook it in a slow cooker. In this case, the recipe itself remains unchanged, and you just need to install correct mode and bake.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie - video recipe

There is another nuance. I also came across a slightly different dough recipe, which is made with the same ingredients, but... In it, the butter is cut into pieces and ground with flour and baking powder into crumbs. And only then sour cream is mixed in. The dough is kneaded and sent to the refrigerator. Then it is taken out and a blank is made according to the shape. Otherwise, the recipe is the same.

Although, here is the recipe. You can watch it and use it.

And today’s recipe I borrowed from the great-granddaughter of Mikhail Zoshchenko, who hosts her own cooking show on television. She is a collector of various sweet recipes and an excellent pastry chef who bakes excellent pastries using them.

So choose a recipe to your taste and prepare Tsvetaevsky apple pie, very appetizing and tasty. And be sure to share the recipe with your friends so that they can prepare it for their family.

I am sure that you will definitely love him. And it will become the most favorite apple treat for your whole family.

For us, the most desirable ones are this pie and another one, the recipe for which is also simple. Its preparation is akin to some kind of magical sacrament, read about it, it’s worth it. And after reading, you will not be able to resist, and you will definitely want to cook it too.

But no matter how you cook, any baked goods made with your own hands are always welcome and tasty. Because along with the products you put your love, soul, and care. And what could be more important in life than this!

Bon appetit!

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Very soon, autumn with its languid, sleepy bliss will take full possession, leaving behind the sunny summer with its generous gifts. And this time is most relevant for family tea parties with aromatic Tsvetaevsky apple pie, a step-by-step recipe with photos of which we would like to present to you today.
Fragrant sour cream dough, juicy fruit filling under the most delicate creamy filling - this is a true pleasure for connoisseurs of dessert pastries.

Why the name of this apple pie is named after Tsvetaeva, no one knows for certain, just like the original recipe itself. Marina herself repeatedly mentioned in her works that she “only knew how to write poetry,” but she was a terrible cook. But there are a lot of assumptions on this topic.

So, according to one of them, back in the early 20th century, when all representatives of the Tsvetaevsky family went to summer cottage near Tarusa, where they had a gorgeous apple orchard, the house help Katerina baked a very tasty pie with apples and sour cream. This is mentioned in the biographical sketches of Anastasia Tsvetaeva, the sister of the great poetess.

In fact, it is not so important how the authorship of this dessert turned out to be connected with the name of the poetess; what is much more important for us is the fabulous sweet and sour creamy taste of the treat and the very process of preparing this now traditional Tsvetaeva pie.

Tsvetaev's apple pie in a slow cooker

In order to make this culinary venture easier and faster, we decided to use the main kitchen assistant - a multicooker and a classic baking recipe. According to the proposed recipe, the pie turns out very tender and aromatic. It is truly created for cozy, homely tea parties in a close family circle.

Dough ingredients

  • High-grade wheat flour - 300 g;
  • Chilled sweet cream butter -100 g;
  • Sour cream 20% - 70 g;
  • Baking powder (baking powder) – 7 g;

Filling ingredients

  • Sour cream 20% fat – 1 tbsp.;
  • Granulated sugar – 220 g;
  • Selected eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • White flour – 40 g;
  • Sour apples – 4 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 pack;

How to cook Tsvetaeva apple pie in a slow cooker

  1. To make the dough for Tsvetaevsky pie, you need to mix the sifted flour with baking powder, and then grind the resulting mixture with butter. Next, add sour cream and knead the plastic dough. You can adjust the amount of flour yourself so that the dough is elastic, but soft and not sticky.
  2. Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the apples. The fruits should be peeled and seeds removed, and then chopped into thin, thin slices so that during baking the fruit slices can be easily baked and soaked in the creamy filling. Sprinkle the apple slices with cinnamon.
  4. To prepare the filling, using a mixer, beat the eggs with granulated sugar, vanilla, flour and sour cream until a creamy, homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Prepare the form. In the oiled multicooker bowl, place two parchment strips 7-8 cm wide crosswise so that their edges protrude beyond the bowl. This is necessary so that after baking we can easily remove the cake from the mold.
  6. Making the cake. Remove the cooled dough from the refrigerator and roll it into a round layer, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the multicooker bowl + 6 cm to form the sides.
  7. We place the resulting cake in a mold on top of parchment, make small sides and fill the pie with sliced ​​apple slices, distributing them evenly throughout the cake, and then fill everything with sour cream filling.
  8. Now you can bake the cake. Place the bowl in the unit, close the lid, set the “baking” program on the multicooker taskbar, set the timer for 1 hour 10-30 minutes and press start.

Cooking time can vary within a certain range depending on the model and technical capabilities of the device. So it took 90 minutes to prepare such a pie in a Panasonic multicooker, but only 45 minutes in a Redmond multicooker.

  1. After the signal, we check the cake for readiness and leave it to cool directly in the mold, and only then carefully remove the dessert from the bowl by pulling the parchment strips.

During the apple harvest season, this apple pie will brighten up even the cloudiest day with its warmth and comfort. You can prepare such amazingly aromatic pastries at home at any time, because we always have all the ingredients for it at hand.

Well, in order to master this culinary lesson perfectly, we suggest that you first learn the step-by-step preparation of dessert in Tsvetaev’s style in the following photo recipe.

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The wonderful “Tsvetaevsky Pie” with apples can be baked not only traditionally in the oven, but also in a new way - in a slow cooker!

I tried two modes: “baking 90 minutes” and “multi-cook 160 degrees 60 minutes”. In the “Baking” mode, even after 1.5 hours, the pie dough turned out to be too light, but in the “160 degrees” mode - everything was just fine and as it should be. I'll show you both results.

When choosing modes, be guided by the properties and recommendations for your multicooker model. In addition to apples, there may be other fruits and berries.

In my opinion, this “Tsvetaevsky Pie” is simply created for baking in a slow cooker, because... The peculiarity of multi-cooker baking is that it has a light top, which is exactly appropriate for this recipe, i.e. so that the sour cream filling does not burn and remains tender.

To prepare Tsvetaevsky apple pie in a slow cooker, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

For the dough, melt the butter, for example, in the microwave on low power, add sour cream and stir.

Mix flour with baking powder or soda and add to sour cream and butter mixture. Sugar - optional, but a little is better. Do not extinguish the soda, it should react with the acid of sour cream on its own.

Mix the ingredients, you will get a soft fluffy dough.

To make the filling, combine and beat sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar, egg and flour or starch.

To make it easier to remove the finished pie from the multicooker bowl, line the bottom with baking paper or use a foil or silicone mold of a suitable size.

With wet hands, smooth the dough into shape and form sides.

Cut the apples into slices or cubes and place them on the dough.

If you wish, you can add fresh or frozen berries for a brighter look and taste.

Fill the filling with sour cream mixture.

Set the desired multicooker mode: “baking 90 minutes” or “multi-cook 160 degrees 60 minutes”.

After sound signal remove the bowl from the multicooker, and after a few minutes, remove the cake from the bowl.

The pie should be allowed to cool completely, then the creamy filling will set better, while for a hot pie it is still a little runny.

Using the "Bake" mode, the dough turned out lighter than I would like...

Using the multicooker mode “160 degrees” it turned out just right!

Serve Tsvetaevsky Pie prepared in a slow cooker for tea...

Enjoy your tea!

Hello, my dear readers and simply my guests, today I offer for your consideration a wonderful apple pie recipe. I think many have heard about this completely simple, but very delicious recipe. And it is so simple to prepare that even a novice housewife can handle it. We will bake in a slow cooker.

To prepare the dough:

  • 2 – multi art. flour
  • 100 – gr. butter
  • 3 – Art. spoon of sour cream
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 5 – 10 gr. baking powder

For filling:

  • 3-4 apples
  • 200 – gr. sour cream
  • 1 – multi art. Sahara
  • 2 eggs
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoonful of flour
  • Vanillin

Let's start preparing the pie with the dough. To do this, mix flour with sugar and baking powder.

Then add the butter cut into pieces, sour cream and quickly knead the dough.

This dough should not be kneaded for a long time; it should turn out soft and elastic. You may need to add a little more flour if it sticks to your hands. Place the finished dough in a convenient bowl and cover with a lid or simply wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

To prepare the filling, wash and peel the apples, then cut them into thin slices or plates. The thinner the apples are cut, the tastier and more beautiful the pie will turn out.

Now let's prepare the fill for apple Tsvetaeva pie in a slow cooker. To do this, put sour cream, sugar, eggs, vanillin and flour in a convenient bowl.

Take a blender or mixer and beat until smooth.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl butter. Spread the dough evenly over the bottom of the bowl and form the sides. Place apples on top of the dough in an even layer. Then carefully pour the prepared filling over the apples.

Close the lid and turn on the “baking” mode for 45 minutes. After the beep, I decided to add another 10 minutes to ensure the cake was completely baked. Open the multicooker and give it to the finished

Charlotte is one of the simplest options for sweet pastries. Even a novice cook can handle it. The housewife can simplify the task even more with the help of a multicooker. In such a device you don’t even need to monitor the baking. At the same time, a pie with apples in a slow cooker turns out no less appetizing and aromatic than in the oven.

This dish includes a minimum set of ingredients. Among them: 230 g each of sifted white flour and granulated sugar, 4 eggs, 3-5 large apples, butter.

  1. The fruits are thoroughly washed, skins, cores and seeds are removed, and then cut into small cubes.
  2. Using a whisk, mixer or blender, beat the eggs with sugar until a stable snow-white foam is obtained. It is desirable that the mass doubles during this time.
  3. Flour is added to the sweet egg mass. The dough is mixed until smooth.
  4. The multibowl is well lubricated with oil or fat.
  5. Apple cubes are placed in a container and the sweet dough is poured.
  6. The dessert is prepared in the “Baking” program for 50 minutes.

To ensure that the treat is not only tasty, but also appetizing in appearance, after the sound signal indicates its readiness, you can turn the dessert over and turn on the same mode for another 17 minutes.

Charlotte in a slow cooker

To prepare aromatic baked goods in a slow cooker that will attract all family members to the kitchen, you need to add ground cinnamon to the dough. In addition to the specified spice (0.5 tsp), you will need to use: 4 pcs. sour apples and eggs, 230 g each of flour and sugar.

  1. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl in any convenient way until a stable foam appears.
  2. Cinnamon and sifted white flour are added to the mixture. The dough is mixed until smooth.
  3. The bowl of the device is lubricated with oil and a thick mass is poured into it.
  4. Peeled and cut into small pieces fruits are added to the dough.
  5. In the “Baking” mode, the dish is cooked for 50 minutes.

The resulting treat is slightly cooled, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar and served.

Sponge cake with apples

A sponge cake with fresh fruit according to this recipe, even without baking powder and its analogues, turns out to be as airy as possible. For an appetizing aroma, add the zest of one orange. You will also need to use the following products: 4 multi-cups each of flour and sugar, fat for greasing the bowl, 3 large eggs, 2 sour strong apples.

  1. First of all, the yolks are separated from the whites. However, they must be at room temperature.
  2. Proteins with ½ part granulated sugar beat until a stable foam appears.
  3. The procedure is repeated with the yolks and remaining sugar.
  4. There is no need to waste time beating the products, because the splendor and airiness of the finished treat depends on this.
  5. The two masses are sent into a deep bowl and carefully mixed with a wooden spatula. Actions should be carried out smoothly - from bottom to top.
  6. Now it's time to add flour to the sweet egg mixture. It is very important to sift it in advance. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  7. The bowl of the device is lubricated with fat or oil. After this, miniature slices of apples are sent into it along with the peel, as well as orange zest, grated on a fine grater.
  8. The fruits are filled with dough.
  9. The dish is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 50 minutes.

After turning the resulting treat over, the plate will contain a soft snow-white sponge cake and a cap of baked apples.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie in a slow cooker

Sour cream is always added to Tsvetaevsky dessert. In addition to this dairy product (360 g), the following is also used: 140 g of good butter, 260 g of flour, lemon juice, 1 tsp. baking powder, egg, 4.5 apples, 180 g sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon, lemon juice.

  1. 230 g of flour is sifted together with baking powder. This ingredient is mixed with butter chopped into small pieces and turned into crumbs with your fingers.
  2. 230 g of sour cream is added to the mass, and a thick dough is kneaded, which is wrapped in film and sent to the cold for half an hour.
  3. The apples are washed, peeled, seeded, and cut into thin slices. Be sure to sprinkle the fruits with lemon juice so that they do not change color.
  4. 130 g of sour cream is whipped until smooth with granulated sugar, the remaining flour and a chicken egg.
  5. The container of the multicooker is greased with oil or fat, after which the rolled dough is placed into it. High sides are formed from its edges.
  6. Apples are placed inside the dough and poured on top sour cream.
  7. In the “Baking” mode, the treat takes 55 minutes to prepare.

While still hot, the apple pie is sprinkled with ground cinnamon.

Puff pastry recipe

If you are a little tired of the standard charlotte, you can replace it with a layer pie with the same filling. In addition to apples (3 pcs.), you need to take: 180 g of sugar, flour and semolina, a pack of butter.

  1. The softened butter is cut into large pieces with a knife, mixed with semolina, flour and sugar. Using your fingers, you need to grind the mass until it becomes crumbs and divide it into three equal parts.
  2. The fruits are washed, cored, and cut into medium cubes straight from the skin.
  3. The first part of the dough is laid out on the bottom of the multicooker container, greased with oil. Top with a thin layer of apple slices.
  4. The procedure is repeated until the last part of the dough covers the future dessert.
  5. In the “Baking” mode, the treat takes 80 minutes to prepare.

Shortbread pie with apples can be safely stored in the refrigerator for several days. Even after 2-3 days, its taste will remain the same.

Apple pie made from shortcrust pastry

Baking with margarine always turns out not only tasty, but also budget-friendly.

Shortbread dough goes well with apple filling. In addition to a pack of creamy margarine, you need to use: 180 g of sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 450 g wheat flour, 3 eggs, 6 apples.

  1. Beat eggs and sugar until a little foam appears. Margarine at room temperature is added to the mixture.
  2. All ingredients are kneaded until smooth.
  3. Flour is poured into the future dough in small portions.
  4. The mass is kneaded and 1/3 of it is separated.
  5. Most of the dough is placed in the bowl of the device, greased. You need to make small sides.
  6. Apples are finely cut into cubes and poured on top of the dough.
  7. The remaining mass is cut into squares and laid out on the fruit in a chaotic manner.
  8. The treat is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 55 minutes.

Smaller squares of dough will create a nice grid pattern on the pie.

On yeast dough

You will have to tinker with yeast dough for dessert. But this recipe for apple pie in a slow cooker will allow you to prepare a very tasty and tender treat. For it you will need to use: 230 ml of warm fat milk, 170 g of creamy margarine, 5 g of dry yeast, 160 g of sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and vanillin, approximately 650 g of flour, 3 apples.

  1. Yeast, 20 g of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour are diluted in warm milk.
  2. The future dough is covered with a towel and sent to a warm place without drafts.
  3. Beat eggs with vanilla and sugar until foamy.
  4. Margarine is melted in microwave oven until liquid.
  5. A sweet egg mixture and margarine are added to the finished dough.
  6. Next, flour is poured into the mixture in small portions.
  7. The dough is thoroughly kneaded by hand until it has a soft elastic consistency.
  8. The mass is covered with film or a napkin and sent to a warm place.
  9. When it has approximately doubled in size, you can start preparing the pie.
  10. The dough is divided into two unequal halves.
  11. The smaller part is rolled out and placed in a multicooker bowl greased with margarine.
  12. Apples grated on a coarse grater are poured on top. You can mix them with a little sugar and cinnamon.
  13. The pie is covered with the second part of the mass, and the edges of the two halves are carefully fastened together.
  14. The dessert is first prepared in the “Warming” program for 20 minutes, and then in the “Baking” program for another 35 minutes. The last stage is 10 minutes in the “Steam” mode after turning the pie over.

The finished baked goods can be decorated with condensed milk and sprinkled with cocoa.

Bulk pie in a slow cooker

Another popular option for apple baking is bulk pie. To prepare it you will need to use: 1 kg of fruit, 1.5 multi-cups of semolina, flour and sugar, 1 tbsp each. baking powder and cinnamon, half a stick of butter.

  1. In a deep bowl, mix semolina, flour, sugar and baking powder. After mixing the bulk ingredients, this will be the dough.
  2. Apples are peeled and chopped. For example, using a grater.
  3. The bowl of the device is generously greased with oil, after which the unusual dough is poured into it. About ¼ of the total mass.
  4. Next comes a thin layer of grated fruit.
  5. The layers are repeated. The last layer should be a dry mixture and grated butter or simply cut into thin slices.
  6. In the “Baking” mode, the dessert is prepared in about 55 minutes.

After the beep, leave the dish in the bowl for 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will fall apart when removed from the multicooker.

Kefir pie with apples

The base for the pie can also include full-fat kefir. You will need to take at least 1 glass. You also need to use: 2 tbsp. white flour, egg, 120 g butter margarine, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 10 g soda, 2 apples, fat.

  1. Kefir is heated and mixed with melted margarine.
  2. The eggs are beaten with sand until the mass becomes snow-white.
  3. The sweet egg mixture is combined with kefir mixture and beaten again.
  4. All that remains is to add flour to it.
  5. Apples are peeled and cut into small pieces.
  6. The dough is divided into two equal-sized parts.
  7. The first is poured into the greased bowl of the device and sprinkled with chopped fruit. The second half of the dough goes on top.
  8. The dessert is prepared for 50 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

Decorate with chocolate glaze.

Features of cooking in a multicooker: Redmont, Polaris, Panasonic

If a housewife uses a Redmont multicooker for baking, then she can always rely on the time set automatically in the modes. Especially if it concerns the “4502” model. In devices from other brands, it is better to carefully check readiness; additional baking time may be required.

Some models from Panasonic and Polaris do not have a special “Baking” mode. But even this will not stop the housewife from preparing a delicious apple pie. This program is replaced by the “Steam” or “Soup” options. The main thing is not to forget to regulate the cooking time and pay attention to the temperature.

Hello, dear readers of the site! I make apple pies very often, I love this fragrant delicious pastries. A special place in it is occupied by the wonderful, very tender and tasty Tsvetaeva apple pie. I cook it both in the oven and in the slow cooker, they come out with different tastes, each with its own flavor. The oven bakes the top of the pie; in the slow cooker, the apples are softer and steamed. Personally, I like both options. On the “Tender Mother” website I published a recipe for making Tsvetaevsky apple pie in the oven (you can see it), but today I want to tell you how to cook it in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp. (regular glasses)
  • Flour -200 gr.
  • Sour cream – 100 gr.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp. (or 1/2 tsp slaked soda)
  • Vanillin

For filling and filling:

  • Apples – 4-5 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 200 gr.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.

How to cook Tsvetaeva pie in a slow cooker:

I cooked Tsyvetaevsky apple pie in a Panasonic 18 multicooker (4.5 liter bowl, power 670 W).

Mix softened butter with sour cream, vanillin, sugar, flour and baking powder and knead into a soft dough. Using your hands, distribute it over the greased multicooker bowl, forming sides (the dough can be pre-rolled).

Apples must be peeled, cored, cut into thin slices and placed on the dough in a bowl.

Mix the egg with sour cream, sugar and flour and pour the resulting mixture over the apples.

Close the multicooker lid and bake the colorful apple pie in the “Bake” mode for 120 minutes (for more powerful multicookers, the time should be reduced).

After the beep, open the lid and let the cake cool completely, otherwise it may be damaged when removing it. You can see how to remove open baked goods from a multicooker.

I sprinkled coconut flakes on top. When cold, Tsvetaevsky apple pie, cooked in a slow cooker, is especially delicious! :good:

Bon appetit!

For viewing, I offer a version of making Tsvetaevsky apple pie in the oven

Simple recipes for a slow cooker