Research work "Chess - a sport or an intellectual game?". “Research work “Chess – a sport or an intellectual game? sports intellectual games chess

Many of us think of sport as a hard physical activity with certain results. Then it is logical to ask the question: “Why is chess a sport?”


At the moment, chess as a sport is approved in 100 countries around the world. In 1999, chess was recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. And in 2018, this sport discipline will make its debut at the Winter Olympics.

Of course, this seems strange, but despite the fact that the game is exceptionally intellectual, it requires great physical preparation / Otherwise, no matter how talented a chess player is, he will not be able to succeed. The fact is that in order to win in a standard tournament, a chess player will have to sit through several rounds in one position. It is important to properly distribute forces, both physical and psychological.

First reason

Well, now let's take a closer look at why chess is a sports game. Firstly, because it is focused on achieving results and self-improvement. Secondly, without training it is impossible to achieve emotional stability and self-control. Thirdly, as in any sport, you need a tactical and strategic plan to win.

Very often it is because of poor physical preparation that the chess player who started the tournament with the best results loses by the middle of the match. By the way, when comparing chess and checkers, there is bewilderment: why is chess a sport, but checkers is not? The answer is simple: to play chess well, you need a certain mindset that few people have, and checkers is just an intellectual game, but just a game! With a certain desire, almost anyone can learn to play checkers, but few can think for playing chess!

And no matter how indignant many citizens are, saying: “Why is chess a sport if it does not require physical activity?”, the experience of holding competitions proves the opposite. This is not just a game - it's a strategy, a duel with your opponent, regular training of the soul and body and work for the result. That's why chess is a sport!

The second reason

Another reason for recognizing chess as a sports discipline is the equality of chances of winning, since the players are given exactly the same conditions and time to think about moves.

The fact is that the main disagreement is the absence, as it seems to many, of constant physical activity and activity to achieve results in this sport. And by the way, when the time control during games was 4 hours for each chess player, they lost up to 10 kg in weight. Say no to physical activity!

In order to understand why chess is a sport, try sitting near the board for several hours in a row and at the same time be in constant mental stress, thinking over every move and every action, your own and your opponent's. At the same time, keep in mind that every mistake can deprive you of all chances of winning.

How to become a chess player

In order to master this sport, it is worth starting from early childhood. Professional chess players regularly train, not only in solving chess problems, but also in improving their physical form.

Physical activity is needed both in order not to get tired during the tournament, and to relieve the huge stress loads that a chess player is subjected to. For many famous grandmasters, dumbbells were a permanent attribute. Mental stability is one of the most important qualities for a professional grandmaster. You can lose just because you couldn't handle your emotions, and a real athlete can't afford that luxury.


In conclusion, let's answer the question again: "Why is chess a sport?". Because this is a struggle that requires huge loads and a constant desire to be the first and the best. This is not a game, but a competition in which it is difficult to become a winner if you are not in the right mood, if you are not prepared and do not do it all the time, giving all of yourself to preparing for the decisive battle.

The history of the popular game has about five thousand years, however, during this time a lot has changed. However, the main thing remained unchanged: chess is a game for the elite. Not everyone is given to conquer this discipline, which has now become a sport. And most importantly: in order to win in chess, you must have the willpower that is inherent only in athletes, only in champions, otherwise this game of kings cannot be conquered!

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State budgetary educational institution Secondary school No. 949 of the Southern District Administration Research work on the topic: Author: student of grade 1 "b" Antonova Amalia Supervisor: primary school teacher Galishnikova L.Yu.

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In this game you need: to be able to think, to have perseverance, to be attentive. Checkmate The ruler (shah) is dead What is chess: a sport or an intellectual game? Tasks: to study literature about chess; collect the opinion of the people around me: learn the history of the emergence of chess; state the basic rules of the game; find out all chess champions.

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. A merciless rajah lived in India One of the subjects came up with a game where the king means little without the support and protection of the pieces The game turned out to be surprisingly interesting and the rajah offered the creator any reward a grain, for the second - two, for the third - four, then eight, sixteen, etc. However, it turned out that there were not so many grains in the whole world. Here is the number 18 446 744 073 709 551 615

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there were only 4 players, there were 4, not two (they played a pair against a pair); moves were made by throwing dice; to win the game, it was necessary to destroy the entire enemy army. The game originated in India in the 6th century and was called Chaturanga Differences from modern chess:

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In 550, in the Arab East, chaturanga began to be called: among the Arabs - "shatranj", among the Persians - "shatrang", among the Tajiks - "chess". The rules of the game have changed: there are two players; each received 2 sets of figures; instead of bones, they began to walk one move at a time; the victory began to be fixed by setting a checkmate or a stalemate. By the 15th century chess has acquired a modern look.

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, Popularization of chess Organization of various international competitions Founded on July 20, 1924 in Paris Has its own flag and anthem, the FIDE motto is “We are all one family” FIDE goals:

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Each cell has its own name. Cells are designated: horizontally in Latin letters from a to h, vertically by numbers from 1 to 8 from bottom to top.

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The white pieces start the game. Moves are made in turn, 1 piece each. The moves of each piece are shown in the diagrams below. Each piece has its own rules of motion. King's move Queen's move Knight's move Bishop's move Rook's move

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If the king is in check and there are no more moves, it is checkmate. If a player does not have a move in his turn, but the king is not in check, this is a stalemate. Outcome of the game The game ends with a win or a draw.

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All official parties use time control. Time control has been used since the 19th century, for this an hourglass was used. At the end of the 19th century, Wilson designed a mechanical chess clock (1883). Nowadays, electronic chess clocks are increasingly used. Mechanical watch Electronic watch

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Sport is, first of all, overcoming oneself, achieving mastery, striving to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles. Chess develops memory, attention, ingenuity, imagination, educates the will, character, accustoms to independent work. A person who plays this game also acquires valuable qualities.

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Chess has a system of regular tournaments with national and international leagues and chess congresses. Chess as a sport is recognized in 100 countries. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognized chess as a sport, but did not include it in the Olympic program. FIDE holds its own Chess Olympiads.

Chess is an intellectual sports game between two opponents using a 64-cell board and a special set of pieces. The origins of the name of the game are the Persian word shah (sah), meaning "king", and the Arabic word mat (mat), meaning "died".

The progenitor of chess is the ancient Indian game - Chaturanga, which is mentioned in various sources of the 6th century AD. From India, chaturanga spread to Persia, where, having undergone changes in the rules of the game, it was called shatranj. This game was very popular in the Middle East in the 7th-9th centuries. From the Arabs, the game went to Africa, to Russia and through Spain to Europe.

If you already know the rules of chess, you can safely start playing a game of chess.

Chess. Three stages in a game:

1) Debut (from French debut - beginning) - the initial stage of the game, which, depending on the development of events over the board, lasts the first 10 - 15 moves. This stage of the game is the most well studied by chess theory, there are dozens of different openings with many variations in each of them.

2) Middlegame (from German mittelspiel) - the middle of the game. The stage that begins after the completion of the debut. In the middle game, combinational play, tactical attacks, attacks on the king, etc. are fully manifested. If the game does not end at this stage, then it moves on to the next one.

3) Endgame - (from German endspiel) - the end of the game. In this final stage of a chess game, there are few pieces left on the board, but that does not mean that the endgame is easy to play. Here, in contrast to the combinational middlegame, the skills of positional play, competent completion, previously gained advantages, etc. come to the fore.

In 1999, it was recognized by the International Olympic Committee, after 2 years FIDE introduced anti-doping rules in chess, all this is aimed at making chess an Olympic sport in the near future.

Now it is quite difficult to find a person who has not heard of such an intellectual game as chess. This is a very ancient game, the history of which is quite difficult to trace.

Most scholars believe that their history and origins date back to ancient India. There are even legends about a certain sage who taught the bored raja this beautiful game, for which he paid with his head. There are some differences here, which are based on the fact that in ancient India there was a completely different game, and not its modern form. In those ancient times, it was called "chaturanga", and about four opponents played on the chessboard. Each army had figures, led by a raja king, and there were only four pawns. This beautiful game was played together and the troops were doubled only in those eastern countries where the vizier acted as the main adviser to the rulers. This is how the "queen" appeared - one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard. Thanks to European canons, the queen has become a queen or a piece that always helps the king and has great functionality. Therefore, chess is called a feminized game. And women have been able to play it for many centuries.

It should be noted that for a long time the number of supporters of this intellectual game has been increasing every year. In some educational institutions, this exciting game is taught as a mandatory course. Therefore, many children, having forgotten about football tournaments, various swings and other entertainment places, play chess throughout their subsequent lives. This is due to the fact that in this game you need to think through every move, be careful not to lose one or another piece. It is also worth reasoning and calculating further moves in a clear sequence, both your own and your opponent's. Thanks to this game, perseverance and attentiveness are developed, which are necessary for good teaching of school disciplines, development and maintenance of activity and initiative. It is a comprehensive and varied game. There are a huge number of different combinations that have already been studied, and their data bank is replenished with fresh material every time.

Why does this intellectual game belong to the category of sports games? This is determined by the excitement of the competition or the spirit of friendly struggle. Such fights of rivals at the end should receive a denouement and an appropriate reward. It should be noted that fans of this game and fans of football competitions have their own differences and advantages. They can lose the games of their idols, but they can also analyze their moves, which is not the case with hockey and football fans.

It should be noted that chess tournaments are not just a sport, but also an attractive and necessary leisure activity. This game helps fight atherosclerosis. Constant practice of chess, especially for the elderly, is a very useful activity. This game is rich in supporters of various age categories and specialties. Ideal equality is established on the chess field, regardless of practical knowledge and skills. Many will determine for themselves entertaining and entertaining moments, as well as establish those that will bring maximum bliss. This game is available to everyone and it does not require any financial costs. You can buy a chessboard and figures in an online sporting goods store.

Chess provides an opportunity to realize one's creative and mental potential, reveals the peculiarities of strategic and tactical thinking, so this game requires a certain emotional mood, which is necessary for the intellectual struggle of opponents. This is quite difficult to do, so many fans of this game love it for these qualities. Those who prefer a different kind of sports games should play dominoes and checkers.

In such a game, there are strict requirements that must be followed regardless of the location of these intellectual competitions and their type, as well as opponents. Before carrying out any movement of the figure, it is necessary to think over your move further, and then walk. If the decisions of the moves are constantly changed by the opponent himself, then it will look at least ridiculous and inappropriate, which is strictly forbidden to do in any kind of competition, as this leads to a gross violation of the rules established by FIDE.

Therefore, having entered the game with an opponent, it is worth not only knowing the rules and being able to play, but also owning the prohibitions of this game. You should not touch the opponent's pieces, otherwise it will be necessary to take the piece that does not correspond to your preference, which will directly create a threat to a certain piece on the chessboard. If you strictly adhere to these postulates, then you can avoid many conflicts that will spoil the pleasure of this game.

It is also recommended to own records of certain chess games, only after they expire it will be possible to do introspection and evaluate your mistakes and omissions. In all competitions of these wonderful sports games, the opponent's moves are recorded. They use a specific chess clock where the time is set for each player. The time limit is limited only when playing "rapid chess", where each player is given 15-30 minutes for each move, as well as a "blitz game", where each player is given fifteen minutes.

This is a game of many options, where everyone can choose a certain strategy for themselves and change it depending on the situation on the playing field. Previously, such games were played by correspondence, telephone, and now you can even play in live mode with any of the opponents. Even despite modern innovative technologies, the meaning of this ancient game remains unchanged. Thanks to this game, you can learn to analyze and calculate options, develop strategic and intellectual thinking, and also get a lot of positive emotions due to victory and your own work.