How did all races come from one family of Noah? Where did the different races of people come from? Why did different races arise?

09.02.2017 16:38 1340

How did human races appear on planet Earth?

There are a lot of people living on our planet and they are all different. People are divided into races. A race is a large group of people who share common physical and external features: skin color, hair color, cut and eye color, etc. How did they appear? Or maybe people have always been divided into races?

There are three main races on our planet: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Equatorial. Each large race is further subdivided into smaller races. The Caucasian race includes the population of Europe, the Caucasus, India, Southwest Asia, northern Africa, and America. Its representatives are characterized by light or dark skin, light eye color, straight or wavy soft hair, they have thin lips and a narrow nose.

The Mongoloid race is the indigenous population of Asia (with the exception of India) and America (from the northern Eskimos to the Indians of Tierra del Fuego). The Mongoloid race is characterized by dark or fair skin, coarse straight dark hair, a wide flat face with large cheekbones, narrow eyes and protruding lips.

In the equatorial race, there are two large branches - African (Negroid) and Australian - these are the blacks of West Africa, the Bushmen, the pygmies, the aborigines of Australia and the Melanesians. They have dark skin color, dark, spirally curled or wavy coarse hair, dark eye color, thick lips and a wide, slightly protruding nose with wide nostrils.

Each race has its own specific geographic region. It is precisely because of this that the specific external features of representatives of a certain race are formed, as a result of adaptation to certain conditions. environment.

Well, we have become familiar with the concept of race. Now you probably want to know how the races of people arose? According to one scientific version, they were formed 12 thousand years ago. That is, until this time, according to scientists, our distant ancestors did not have any racial differences.

Another scientific version claims that racial differences have always existed, but they were not similar to modern ones. Races appeared as a result of settlement and geographic isolation of ancestors modern people in different natural and climatic conditions.

Racial characteristics are hereditary; they arose in the distant past under the influence of the environment in which people lived. Some of them appeared as a result of human adaptability to living conditions.

For example, the dark skin of representatives of the Negroid race protects the body from bright sunlight. And in curly hair, air layers are created that protect from heat. A wide nose and thick, swollen lips contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture with high heat transfer.

Caucasians' light skin allows them to pass ultra-violet rays and this helps the body produce vitamin E, protecting them from rickets. The narrow, protruding nose warms the inhaled air. And some of the characteristics of the Mongoloids are the result of adaptation to the harsh climate of Central Asia, often with dust storms.

Human history is a continuous sequence of the emergence and death of peoples and states. However, if this process can be explained from a historical point of view, then the disappearance of entire races is an extraordinary event.

How many races are there on Earth?

Every educated person knows very well that today there are five races of people on the planet: Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids, Australoids and Americanoids.

At the same time, according to data from the Bolshoi Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, more than thirty different human races, among which scientists also identify ancient and relict races that have not survived to this day.

Today, the following have disappeared from the face of the planet: the Grimaldian, Cro-Magnon, Barma-Grande, Chanceladian, Oberkassel, Brunnian, Brunn-Předmost, Aurignacian and Solutrean races of people.

Nevertheless, greatest interest for researchers they represent those peoples whose existence is not recognized by official science, but is confirmed by archaeological data.

Race of giants

The sacred texts of most spiritual and religious teachings of the world contain references to the existence of a race of giants in ancient times. These chronicle sources are confirmed by numerous archaeological finds testifying in favor of the existence of giants.

It is difficult to say why the giants did not please modern scientists, but official science still not only does not recognize their existence. Moreover, all over the world there is an active destruction of material evidence of their existence on the planet.

In the USA, in the state of Nevada, the skeletons of giants were placed in a museum for a long time, and local Indians took everyone to the cemeteries of giants. But then local authorities unexpectedly collected and destroyed the unique skeletons. This fact was confirmed under oath by them in court.

In Russia, tribes of giants lived in the Karelia region and Transbaikalia on the border with China. This is evidenced not only by archaeological finds of giant bones, but also by the characteristic names of local toponyms.

Race of snake people

Of no less interest is the race of snake people, especially revered in Southeast Asia. The peoples inhabiting this region of the planet have preserved many legends about snake people who lived in caves and dungeons in the mountainous regions of the Earth.

According to legend, the family of Buddha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, descended from a dynasty of snake people. The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, also descended from a dragon man. According to ancient legends, creatures with a human torso and a serpentine lower body ruled Athens.

Historians are well aware of the drawing on the ancient Greek amphora depicting the first king of Attica, Cecrops, whose existence is beyond doubt.

This man, as described by Greek philosophers, was waist-high an ordinary person, but below it two snake tails wriggled. According to historical chronicles, Kekrops founded twelve cities in Greece and built the Acropolis in Athens.

In Australia, there is still a legend about a city of giant cobra people living in the so-called “Black Mountains”.

Lemurians lived on Easter Island

Disputes continue about the existence of ancient races of earthlings who did not survive the Great Flood. Researchers call: Atlanteans, Hyperboreans and Lemurians. There are no physical artifacts left about the first two peoples, except for chronicle sources.

At the same time, the portrait of the Lemurians can still be seen today. According to ethnographers, they are the idols of Easter Island. During excavations of stone figures buried 5-6 meters in the ground, it turned out that the idols had legs.

By using scientific methods, scientists have determined the rate at which soil growth occurs in this part of the planet. The time of installation of the statues was determined quite accurately.

It coincided with the time when the ancient continent of Lemuria sank into the ocean, from which highlands remained above the water known as the islands of Polynesia and Micronesia.

“...But here’s what’s most surprising. In itself, it is completely natural that the stem of Homo Sapiens fossilis, examined at its starting point, turns out to be by no means simple, but in the composition and divergence of its fibers reveals a complex fan structure.

This, as we know, is the initial position of every phylum on the tree of life. But at least at these depths we could expect to find a bouquet of RELATIVELY PRIMITIVE AND GENERALIZED FORMS - SOMETHING PRECEDING IN FORM OF CURRENTLY EXISTING RACES. However, we encounter rather the OPPOSITE.

In fact, what were (to the extent that one can judge the body and skin from the bones) the first representatives of the NEW, JUST ARISING HUMAN WHORL who lived in the Age of the Deer?

THE SAME AS THOSE WHO STILL LIVE IN APPROXIMATELY THE SAME PLACES OF THE EARTH - BLACK, WHITE, YELLOW (at most pre-black, pre-white, pre-yellow), and these groups, in general, were already located from south to north and from west to east in their present geographical zones is what we see in the Old World, from Europe to China towards the end of the last Ice Age.

Therefore, when you note not only significant anatomical features in an Upper Paleolithic man, but also follow his main ethnographic lines, then you truly DISCOVER OURSELVES, our own childhood.

Not only THE SKELETON OF MODERN MAN, BUT ALSO THE BASIC PARTS OF MODERN HUMANITY. Same general body shape, same basic distribution of races. The same (at least emerging) trend ethnic groups to unite into an integral system, despite all differences...”

from the book “The Phenomenon of Man.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Part III. Thought, Deployment of the noosphere, 3. Homo Sapiens complex, 163 p.

In other words, OVER THE LAST FORTY TO THIRTY THOUSAND YEARS, ALL RACES OF MODERN HUMANITY HAVE PRACTICALLY NOT CHANGED AND APPEARED IMMEDIATELY IN THE FORM AS THEY ARE NOW. And what about appearance It is impossible to determine from the remains of a person whether he died a hundred years ago or forty thousand years ago.

More precisely, forty to thirty thousand years ago the race modern humanity were more “pure” due to the fact that the process of interracial mixing had not yet begun, and subraces had not yet appeared!

Thus, modern science confirms the fact that it DOES NOT KNOW where such different Races appeared on Earth, and why they appeared AT THE SAME TIME! And this is the opinion not only of the French paleontologist and anthropologist Pierre Thériard de Chardin, but also the opinion of the majority of scientists involved in the study of human remains!

It’s just that once again there is irrefutable proof of the truth of the information contained in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas!

As a result of this analysis, it was possible to establish the cause-and-effect relationships of events occurring on Earth and their connection with what is happening in the Big Cosmos! Now it is extremely clear and understandable how, when and why the BLACK, RED and YELLOW RACES appeared on Earth and who needed it and why!

The reasons for the existence of evolutionary differences between the WHITE RACE and three others - the BLACK, RED and YELLOW RACES - have become extremely clear! The reasons for the existence of an EVOLUTIONARY SCAPE BETWEEN RACES, and who, and why it was needed on our Earth!..

Evolutionary imbalance on Earth and its consequences

As a result of a rather complex game of the Dark Forces, refugees from many planet-earths ended up on Earth, on which the Dark Forces struck. The vast majority of refugees turned out to be from planet-earths inhabited by very young civilizations with small evolutionary numbers, which in itself does not mean anything bad. These refugees turned out to be representatives of three Races - Black, Red and Yellow!

Among the refugees of each of these Races were representatives of civilizations with a slightly higher or slightly lower evolutionary number. But evolutionarily they were very different from the White race already living on Earth. There was no way to place them together, due to the reason stated above. Therefore, the refugees of each of these Races were placed on continents, land areas that were as close as possible to the conditions of the planet-earths from which they arrived, but isolated from each other.

And for quite a long time on Midgard-earth, each of these FOUR RACES existed separately, without intersecting in their activities with the others. And everything would be fine if not for one “BUT”! There was a significant EVOLUTIONARY skew between all these four Races! There was a particularly large evolutionary imbalance BETWEEN THE WHITE RACE and the other three - BLACK, RED AND YELLOW.

For the WHITE RACE, suppose, the evolutionary number was equal to a THOUSAND UNITS, for the YELLOW RACE, respectively, TWO HUNDRED UNITS, for the RED RACE - HUNDRED UNITS and for the BLACK RACE - FIFTY UNITS! Once again, please pay attention to the fact that all these numbers mean only ONE thing - WHAT LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT IS THIS RACE AT!

And the given numbers mean only one thing, that the BLACK RACE, of all FOUR RACES on Midgard-earth, is the YOUNGEST and nothing more!!! Not better - not worse, but ONLY YOUNGER!!! But it was precisely this situation that was very dangerous, and here’s why...

The fact that the BLACK, RED and YELLOW RACES that arrived on Midgard-earth were very young civilizations is confirmed by the legends of the peoples of each of these Races that have survived to this day. The surviving legends of many tribes of these Races say that their ancestors arrived from distant stars, such as, for example, among the Dogon tribe of the Black Continent, there is a legend according to which they arrived from the Sirius system.

In addition, the Dogon consider Po Tolo (Sirius B), the star of the world from which their ancestors arrived on Midgard-earth, as the center star world, in other words - THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. And this suggests that the PRACIVILIZATION of the Dogon from the planet-earth Sirius B was at the very beginning of its development, in the infant phase, which corresponds to a very small evolutionary number!

The Chinese had HUAN DI - THE WHITE GOD, who flew to them from the north and taught them how to read and write, how to build dams, cultivate fields, build cities, etc. The American Indians revered white people as Gods. The Aztecs and Toltecs of Mexico called the WHITE GOD QUEZALCOATL, the Inca tribes called Kon-Tiki VIRACOCHA, for the Chibcha tribe he was BOCHICA, and for the Mayan tribes he was KUKULKAN.

A record dated October 6, 1492 survives in Columbus's archives: “...My messengers report that after a long march they found a village with 1000 inhabitants. The locals greeted them with honors, settled them in the most beautiful houses, took care of their weapons, kissed their hands and feet, trying to make them understand in any way that they (the Spaniards) were white people who came from God. About 50 residents asked my messengers to take them with them TO HEAVEN TO THE STAR GODS...”

WHITE TEACHERS came to the Dravidians and Nagas (Black Race) from the north, who brought knowledge to these tribes, gave them the Vedas...

So why are the civilizations of the white Race, which saved many civilizations of the BLACK, RED AND YELLOW RACES from complete destruction, and on their own spaceships Those who brought the rescued to Earth did not share their knowledge and technology with the rescued!?

The answer to this question is simple - would anyone in their right mind give a “nuclear” suitcase to a baby? Of course not! Expecting a baby not to press the red button just because they explain to him why this button should not be pressed is simply naive, even stupid. So this is a baby, and then what can we say about Races that have small evolutionary numbers, what then can we say about infant Races that have yet to go through all the evolutionary phases of development?!

After all, the presence of such an INTERNAL EVOLUTIONARY SCALE IN A PERSON makes him a toy in the hands of the Dark Forces, allowing the latter to easily subordinate such a person to their influence and control his actions! This capture is especially facilitated when two genetics are combined in one person, the difference in evolutionary numbers of which EXCEEDS A CERTAIN MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VALUES!

This is exactly what happens when the pure genetics of the White Race and the pure genetics of some tribes of the Black Race merge. And it was from the peoples that arose as a result of the mixing of the White and Black Races that the IDEAL TOOL FOR IMPLEMENTING PLANS arose DARK FORCES ON EARTH - this is YU.....!!!

How were races formed on planet Earth?

So, “homo sapiens” appeared in East Africa. What were they like, the first representatives of the species to which you and I belong? Most likely - short and dark-skinned, with thick hair, a flat nose and deep-set dark eyes.

By creating a “verbal portrait” of an ancient ancestor, scientists seem to be looking back at our closest relatives - the great apes, who lived in Africa for millions of years. But where did all these red-haired Anglo-Saxons, grey-eyed blond Norwegians and Russians, yellow-faced Chinese, mahogany-skinned Indians, black inhabitants of West Africa and olive-swarthy inhabitants of the Mediterranean come from? After all, they are all people, which means they belong to the same species.

People settled around the Earth, and over time, variability human body made itself felt: the signs that appeared in new living conditions became characteristic of large groups of people. Scientists called these groups races. Today there are three main races on Earth: European, Negroid and Mongoloid, that is, white, black and yellow. In addition, there are over a dozen intermediate races. Only in Europe live representatives of the Alpine, White Sea-Baltic, Indo-Afghan and sometimes Mediterranean.

Human races differ not only in appearance. There are other signs characteristic of each of them. Thus, among the Mongoloids, people with the blood type predominate; smallpox epidemics often occurred in China, Mongolia and Southeast Asia, and people with this blood type easily tolerate this disease. Black people in Africa do not suffer from most of the tropical diseases that plague Europeans. There are also differences in the structure of the teeth, skull, and also in the patterns on the fingertips of people belonging to different races and subraces. And it's all. Otherwise, the people of Earth are biologically no different from each other. People of different races marry and produce healthy children who inherit the characteristics of both races. Black, yellow, white - all contributed to the treasury of human thought, science, culture and art. The absurd inventions of racists who insist on the superiority of some races over others are becoming simply ridiculous in our time.

Eternal Wanderers

The settlement of people, which began 150 thousand years ago, took them tens of thousands of kilometers from the places where they originally lived. Our ancestors wandered from continent to continent, even crossed oceans and often found themselves in conditions that were in no way similar to their ancestral home - East Africa. Suffice it to say that already a hundred thousand years ago, primitive hunters learned to successfully survive in the harsh climate of Eastern Siberia and Alaska. In this they were helped not only by the amazing adaptability of the human body, but also by something that animals do not have - intelligence and the ability to use tools to obtain food. People were driven to travel not only by climate change, the depletion of natural resources, or the hostility of their closest neighbors. Since ancient times, man has sought by all means to understand the world in which he lives. Curiosity, the “greed” of the mind, the desire to see and understand what is hidden behind the foggy horizon remain one of the most important qualities of “homo sapiens” even today, when people have already stepped far beyond the boundaries of their planet.

Three colors of humanity

The Negroid race is characterized by dark brown skin and a thick head of curly hair, strongly protruding jaws and a wide nose. All this, as well as thicker lips and wide nostrils, made it possible to better regulate body temperature in the hot and humid equatorial climate.

People with light, smooth or wavy hair and pale skin had best chance for survival in the cool climate of Europe, where the number of sunny days in the post-glacial period was very small. Europeans most often have light brown to pale blue eyes, and a narrow nose with a high bridge.

The Mongoloid race formed in the semi-deserts of Central Asia. The main characteristics of this race are yellowish skin, coarse dark hair, narrow eyes, a flat face with strongly prominent cheekbones. All these characteristics arose as a result of living in a climate with sharp temperature changes and frequent dust storms. The Indians of North and South America are also close to the Mongoloid race.