Calorie content of boiled pasta. Calorie content of boiled durum wheat pasta. Vitamins and other substances


Total calorie content of cooked pasta durum varieties wheat per 100 grams is 114 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 3.4 g;
  • fat – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 23.4 g.

The vitamin composition of high-quality boiled pasta from durum wheat is represented by vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9. The product is enriched with potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon.

Calorie content of boiled Makfa pasta per 100 grams is 134 kcal. 100 g of product contains 4.1 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 27.7 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of boiled pasta

The undeniable benefits of boiled pasta are as follows:

  • the saturation of the product with B vitamins helps accelerate metabolism and strengthen vision;
  • vitamin PP in the product makes the skin healthier and younger;
  • sodium in the product regulates the water-salt balance in the body;
  • phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and calcium contained in pasta help strengthen bones, teeth, improve appearance hair;
  • durum products enriched vegetable protein, fiber, therefore have low calorie content and are widely used in dietary nutrition;
  • carbohydrates from high-quality pasta are characterized by a low glycemic index, that is, they are quickly broken down and do not contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits, etc.

Harm of boiled pasta

Let's say a few words about the dangers of boiled pasta. The product is harmful to health if:

  • it contains trans fats, which increase appetite and put on extra pounds;
  • a person has heart failure, diabetes mellitus, individual intolerance;
  • in very limited quantities the product is allowed for liver and kidney diseases, during lactation and pregnancy.

If a person suffers from bloating, the harm of boiled pasta can be quite noticeable for him. Exceeding the recommended daily amount of the product will inevitably lead to flatulence, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, and a feeling of heaviness.

A number of studies indicate an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and blood vessels with regular consumption of pasta. For those who care about their figure and watch their weight, it is recommended to eat pasta separately, without adding creamy sauces, oil.

One thought on “ Benefits, harms, calorie content per 100 grams of boiled durum wheat pasta

  • I really love pasta. The most varied. Somewhere they are considered harmful. But it seems to me that they are needed in small quantities. Basically, you need to eat everything, little by little. Then the body will receive the maximum amount of necessary elements for health.

Pasta is a common product used to make side dishes. It is believed that the product has a high calorie content, and therefore it should not be consumed during weight loss or to maintain weight if you are prone to obesity. However, knowing how many calories are in pasta, and cooking methods to reduce calories, you can eat pasta at lunchtime without restrictions.

Pasta is a flour product, but its variety today is so great that you can find lower-calorie varieties to eat during a diet. Next, types of pasta, cooking features in order to reduce calorie content, as well as examples with recipes will be presented in detail.

Pasta is made from a dough using wheat flour and water. As a result, the product can be classified as complex carbohydrates necessary for the body due to prolonged saturation and energy production for normal life. Nutritionists do not recommend using varieties for instant cooking, and give preference to pasta made from durum wheat. On this moment Pasta products vary in composition, shape and even color.

Among the long varieties there are:

  • vermicelli;
  • spaghetti;
  • spaghettini;
  • fettuccine;
  • capellini, etc.

Among the short pasta products, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • tortiglioni;
  • maccheroni;
  • cavatappi, etc.

There are also curly varieties:

  • farfalle (we call them “butterflies”);
  • conchiglie (or “shells”);
  • capeletti (similar to small Russian dumplings), etc.

As a result of the huge number of varieties, one can count more than 200 pasta dishes, the cooking features of which should be based on reducing calories in order to lose weight or maintain a slim body.

About the benefits of boiled pasta

Pasta is a high-carbohydrate product containing a huge amount of fiber. It cleanses the body of waste and toxins and helps speed up metabolism. Slow carbohydrates saturate the body for a long time, so you shouldn’t give up boiled pasta even on a diet.

Slow carbohydrates, which enter the human body in the form of boiled pasta, normalize blood sugar levels, causing long-term saturation. The dish can be eaten with big amount butter, or better yet with sour cream sauce, to which spices and other herbs are added.

About energy value

The paste contains about 400 kilocalories in 100 g of pure product. You can learn about BZHU - the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - from the instructions provided on the packaging. When losing weight, you need to count the calories that come from the dry amount of pasta. When boiled, they increase in size, so it is necessary to calculate the calorie content of the finished dish carefully and correctly.

The approximate calorie content of pasta made from durum wheat and others is presented in the table.

In most cases, preference is given to Italian spaghetti, which is attractive, easy to prepare, loved by children, and provides great opportunities for preparing various dishes. They can be consumed with oil in small quantities in pure form. The calorie content of spaghetti per 100 grams is 344 kcal.

Please note: The calorie content of a dish directly depends on the additional components to the pasta. Indicators decrease if the paste is flavored with vegetable oil rather than butter. Can be used for taste sour cream sauces– sour cream with finely chopped vegetables and herbs.

About choosing a useful product

In order for the paste to bring maximum benefits to the body, you need to know the rules for choosing the product in question.

For this, the following factors are taken into account:

  • it is important to pay attention to the instructions, where the KBZHU is written - the content of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates - in pasta recommended for weight loss there should be at least 10 g of protein per 100 g;
  • good pasta is sold only in packages;
  • the color should not be bright - this indicates the use of dyes;
  • if there are white specks on the surface, it means that the purchase is rejected - this is low-quality flour that did not dissolve during the process of kneading the dough;
  • a musty smell indicates improper storage of the product - it should not be consumed;
  • packaging with pasta must be airtight plastic bag transparent appearance (it is important to be able to independently examine the contents of the package);
  • during cooking the pasta, no foam should form on the surface, the water should be clear, without additional shades;
  • the cost of a quality product is above average.

The choice of form and manufacturer is carried out at your own discretion and financial capabilities.

Please note: Pasta produced by Makfa and Barilla are especially popular. The first one is affordable for most buyers. Barilla products are somewhat more expensive. Both offer durum wheat pasta.

About cooking methods and their effect on calorie content

The news that the calorie content of fried pasta is higher than boiled pasta will not surprise anyone. But not everyone knows how to use methods to reduce performance.

Where the following features are highlighted:

  • if you use additives in the form of spices during cooking, you can increase the calorie content of the product - even using broth instead of water noticeably changes the indicators in question;
  • you need to look at the pack to find out the calorie content of the product - often even the shape of the pasta affects the indicators (for example, cones and spaghetti from the same manufacturer have different indicators);
  • adding sauces, sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise to ready-made pasta significantly increases the energy value - often 1.5 times if there are a lot of additives;
  • macaroni and cheese have 2-3 times more calories than a simply cooked product;
  • energy value fried pasta doubles if you just use vegetable oil.

Boiled pasta without adding oil contains approximately 115 kcal per 100 g of finished product. Eating them will not cause weight gain unless you add fatty additives to the dish.

Pasta recipes

It is necessary to provide recipes for some dishes that contain pasta, but will not affect your figure.

Pasta with chicken and broccoli

This dietary dish is balanced and can be eaten for breakfast or lunch.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  • Slice chicken fillet cubes, place it in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry with onions and bell peppers, add broccoli and water to simmer all the products.
  • While the vegetables are stewing in a saucepan, you need to boil water and pour in the pasta for cooking. Cook them for no more than 8-10 minutes.
  • Place the boiled pasta in the pan with the meat and vegetables. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve the dish hot in its pure form. You can add fresh vegetables.

Macaroni with cream and cheese

The preparation of the presented dish is simple and is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Pasta is boiled in salted water.
  • At the same time, for cooking, you need to heat the cream in a frying pan or Dutch oven, add crumbled cheese. Wait for it to dissolve.
  • Place the boiled horns on a plate and pour the sauce over them.

The presented dish turns out to be more high in calories, so when losing weight it is better to refrain from eating it. If you want to try something new, you can use it in small quantities in the first half of the day.

Fettuccine with seafood and tomatoes

Fettuccine is a thick noodle that replaces traditional spaghetti.

Cooking occurs in the following sequence:

  • Boil the noodles until tender in salted water.
  • Fry onions, tomatoes and seafood cocktail in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 10 minutes.
  • Place noodles on a plate and top with a few spoons of sea cocktail with vegetables.

The recipe can be changed a little if you put the noodles in a frying pan with a sea cocktail and vegetables.

Pasta with green beans

The cooking principle is similar to the recipe described above using a sea cocktail.

Many people love pasta, but due to the prevailing myth that it is bad for your figure, pasta gourmets often avoid this dish. Meanwhile, the negative impact of pasta on the appearance and human body as a whole is somewhat exaggerated. In order not to wander in the culinary darkness, let's figure out what it is the nutritional value this flour product, and we’ll understand whether it’s possible to afford it sometimes without fear of harming your figure.

Pasta made from durum wheat is healthy, unlike pasta from soft varieties. If you want to buy pasta from the highest grade of wheat, in the store you need to look for packaging marked “Group A” - this means that the pasta is healthy. The “Group B” marking is placed on packages of pasta made from soft wheat varieties.

What is the nutritional value of boiled durum wheat pasta?

Let's take a closer look at the nutritional value of pasta made from durum wheat. What is the BJU of boiled durum wheat pasta? BZHU is a well-known abbreviation among dieters, and simply those who monitor nutrition, stands for Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates.


One hundred grams of boiled durum wheat pasta contains:

  • 4.3 g protein
  • 0.9 g fat
  • 64 g carbohydrates

As you can see, such pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins and very little fat. The carbohydrates in pasta made from durum wheat are complex; you should not be afraid of them just like simple carbohydrates.

The calorie content is about 115 kcal. These figures are approximately the same for different brands, but small differences and fluctuations in numbers still occur.

Vitamins and other substances

Pasta made from durum wheat contains a lot of vitamin B1, which helps maintain energy in the human body. In addition, pasta made from durum wheat also contains other vitamins: B9, B2, PP, E, minerals: Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Manganese, amino acid Tryptophan. This amino acid improves mood, ensures quality sleep, which allows you to normalize activity. The presence of a sufficient amount of protein allows you to make sure that when you eat pasta, the fat layer goes away, and not muscle mass. Pasta contains a lot of useful substances . It gently rids the intestines of excess, creating the effect of a full stomach, which allows you to eat less. Vitamins from such pasta are absorbed by the body better than from other products.

Thanks to the balance of BJU, boiled pasta made from durum wheat is useful for those losing weight. They saturate the body qualitatively, so the desire to snack disappears. It is important to undercook durum wheat pasta and serve it al dente, otherwise overcooked pasta will add a few extra pounds. To maintain the balance of BJU spaghetti from durum wheat, it is important to cook it for about 5 minutes, adding a lot of water.

BJU of dry durum pasta

The nutritional value of dry durum wheat pasta is 1.4 g of fat, 14.63 g of protein and more than 60 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 333 kcal. The indicators are approximate, they fluctuate a little between different companies, but in general they should not go beyond the norm.

Do not forget that the above nutritional value of durum pasta does not take into account any additives in the form of sauce, meat or cheese. If you add these products, the nutritional value and calorie content must be calculated additionally. Without harming your figure, spaghetti made from durum wheat is preferable to eat with fresh and baked vegetables and seafood.

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for making spaghetti with healthy products, which will perfectly complement the dish and will not harm your figure. The main thing to remember is that any addition of an additional ingredient will increase the nutritional value of the prepared food.


Quick answer: the average calorie content of pasta is 112 kcal per 100 grams of product (boiled premium grade). Read all other numbers below.

Modern housewives know many ways to prepare pasta, which can be part of first courses, serve as a full-fledged side dish, or be part of intricate salads. But there is one factor that forces many people to limit the number of such dishes in their menu - the calorie content of pasta.

At the same time, nutritionists claim that some types of pasta will not harm your figure at all. Moreover, even special dietary menus have been developed that include this product. Let's figure out what pasta you can eat when losing weight and how to cook it correctly when fighting excess weight.

Durum pasta for weight loss

On the shelves of our stores you can find packages with these semi-finished products, on which are the mysterious initial letters of the alphabet - A, B and C. They represent the varieties of wheat from which certain pasta was made.

  1. The letter A means that this is pasta made from durum pasta;
  2. The letters B and C indicate that the product is made from soft varieties. Pasta belonging to group “B” is made from glassy flour, and pasta belonging to group “B” is made from bakery flour.

To boil pasta ready for cooking dietary dishes, it is necessary to choose products made exclusively from durum wheat.

Sometimes even in pasta of group “A” there are impurities of flour from soft varieties of wheat, so before purchasing a product you need to carefully study its composition.

  • Domestic manufacturers prefer to make pasta from soft varieties, since they are cheaper, which means more people can afford to buy them. Therefore, people who want to introduce durum wheat pasta into their diet should expect that this will entail additional expenses.
  • Try to choose pasta made in Italy, as it will initially have a lower calorie content. In classic Italian recipe Pasta must contain three components - flour, water and salt. Our producers use, in addition to flour, egg yolk and olive oil, which add calories.
  • If you find green or red pasta on store shelves, check that it does not contain artificial colors. Respectable manufacturers use natural additives - herbs and spices - to obtain the original color.

Nutritional value of pasta

If we talk about the calorie content of pasta, then on average this figure reaches 320–350 kcal per 100 grams of product in dry form. The difference in calorie content may vary slightly depending on the type of pasta and its recipe.

But a much greater difference is felt between semi-finished products and a ready-made dish, even if no oil or sauces are added to it. Ready-made pasta has a nutritional value 2.5–3 times lower. This is due to the fact that when cooked, pasta swells greatly, increasing in size. Therefore, one hundred grams of dry product and one hundred grams of cooked product have such different caloric content.

The calorie content of boiled pasta is 112 kcal per 100 g.

To understand what the energy value of the finished dish will be, just check the numbers on the pasta packaging and you can safely divide this figure by at least two. For example, if in dry form the calorie content of horns reaches three hundred calories per hundred grams, then in boiled form this figure decreases to 115 kcal.

But this approach does not work in the case of spaghetti or noodles, since they do not increase in size as much during cooking as other types of pasta.

  • Spaghetti made from durum wheat has a starting calorie content of about 330 kcal, and after boiling it drops to 220 kcal.
  • Uncooked vermicelli has a calorie content of more than 370 kcal per hundred grams, and during cooking it will drop to 190 kcal. Therefore, it makes sense to replace spaghetti and noodles, for example, with “feather” pasta, the calorie content of which in its finished form is 160 kcal.
  • In addition, you can turn your attention to non-traditional types of products. Noodles made from buckwheat flour are a dietary option. When prepared, the calorie content of the dish will be about 150–160 kcal per 100 grams.

With butter and cheese

Pasta itself is not very high in calories, but numerous additives that emphasize its taste add energy value to it and make it heavy on the stomach.

Nutritional value of classic cooking methods:

  • Calorie content of pasta with butter - 160 kcal per 100 g;
  • Calorie content of macaroni and cheese is 330 kcal per 100 g.

If the horns with their modest calorie content are boiled in water with the addition of vegetable oil, their energy value will immediately increase to 160 kilocalories

Cheese added to hot pasta will cause even more harm to your figure. The average calorie content of cheese reaches 350-400 kilocalories per 100 grams. This means that even ten grams of grated cheese can add about forty extra calories.

And if you monitor not only the calorie content of your dishes, but also the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, then cheese will cause irreparable damage to the fat content.

Navy pasta

The calorie content of Navy pasta is 330 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Also in our area they really like to add finished goods minced meat fried with onions. This simple dish is called “navy-style pasta.” Housewives love it for its ease of execution and pleasant taste, but do not forget about the calorie content. In this dish it reaches almost 300 kilocalories.

If you consider that the average portion adds up to three hundred grams, then such a tasty and nutritious lunch will cost you almost your entire daily ration and will reach 900 kcal!

You can significantly reduce the calorie content of this dish by replacing some ingredients. For example, instead of minced pork or pork-beef, use chicken. And the onions should be fried without adding oil. But this option is only possible if you have a special frying pan with a non-stick coating.

With other additives

To understand what additives you should put on your plate with pasta, you need to know exactly their calorie content per hundred grams and understand how much you can afford. We remember that oil in its pure form will give 885 kcal - olive, sunflower - 880, butter - 720.

The most common spices and sauces that can be used to flavor pasta.

Name Kcal / 100 gr.
Sour cream sauce with champignons 169
Balsamic sauce 159
Cheddar cheese sauce 200
Ketchup 93-101
Mayonnaise 627
Dried basil 251
Fresh basil 27
Black pepper 251
Nutmeg 556
Paprika 358
Allspice 263
Red pepper 40

Options with spices, vegetables and herbs are possible:

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and prolonged fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. pay attention to the latest techniques for weight loss.

  • garlic salt - 27 kilocalories;
  • mushroom sauce - 82 kilocalories;
  • tomato sauce - 80 kilocalories;
  • dried dill - 40 kilocalories;
  • creamy tomato sauce -69 kilocalories;
  • dried mixture “Italian herbs” - 259 kilocalories;
  • dried greens - 210 kilocalories.

The best diet solution would be to completely abandon pasta additives. But, if you still can’t do without them, then it’s better to get to know them the right combination.

Culinary experts say that the choice of additives directly depends on the type of pasta chosen, which are divided into the following types:

  1. Curly. Pasta shaped like a bow or “nest” is best served with boiled shrimp or small pieces of fish. You can also add finely chopped boiled meat to them.
  2. Hollow inside. Classic hollow pasta is designed to be soaked in various sauces, which easily penetrate the tubes and make their taste softer. But the calorie content is much higher.
  3. Spaghetti. Italian spaghetti is usually seasoned with a mixture of olive oil, fresh herbs and aromatic spices.
  4. Noodles. But it is usually recommended to add coarsely grated cheese and nuts to the noodles.

Pasta diet for a slim figure

If we limit ourselves to these flour products without adding spices and sauces to them, then their calorie content allows us to consider this dish a dietary one. They are a source of large amounts of carbohydrates, so it is advisable to consume them before four o’clock in the afternoon, when our metabolism is at its peak.

Towards evening, the metabolic rate decreases significantly, which is why it is recommended to have dinner with protein-rich dishes and avoid high-carbohydrate foods. The body is not able to fully process carbohydrates received in the evening, and therefore it immediately “preserves” them in fat deposits.

  • It's important to follow the rules separate power supply, according to which pasta should not be consumed together with meat products or fats (which include, in particular, cheese).
  • In tandem with vegetables and mushrooms, pasta is perfectly absorbed by the body. From this point of view, the ideal dish would be a casserole of eggs, pasta, fresh bell pepper and cauliflower. The average calorie content of such a dish, which is suitable for breakfast, is about 140 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Pasta with fresh vegetable salads is also recommended because it accelerates the process of burning fat cells and stimulates the normalization of metabolism. This means that the pasta dish is absorbed by the body faster and better.
  • Don't be afraid to season them with hot spices (even black pepper, despite its high calorie content), as they speed up metabolism. Pasta additives such as garlic and mustard also work for this purpose.
  • But try to reduce your salt intake, because it greatly inhibits water metabolism in the body, which leads to excess weight, as well as the appearance of swelling.

In order not to harm your figure, you should not indulge yourself with pasta every day, but it is permissible to eat such dishes twice a week. Although even a complete pasta diet has already been developed, suggesting that in one month of following it it is possible to lose five kilograms.

This regime assumes that a person can eat no more than three hundred grams of these tasty products per day (the indicated weight assumes the mass of the dry product). You won’t have to go hungry on such a diet, since spaghetti is quite nutritious even without various additives.

For dietary nutrition, spaghetti should be boiled with a spoonful of olive oil added to the water. But you cannot add oil or sauces to prepared pasta. If desired, hot spaghetti can be topped with egg white.

Also, the menu should be supplemented with lean varieties of meat and fish - up to one hundred grams per day. You can also drink a liter of low-fat kefir and eat about two hundred grams of cottage cheese per day. Make sure you consume no more than 1,300 kilocalories daily.

To enhance the effect of the diet, you need to regularly engage in some kind of physical activity!

Another constant requirement is maintaining water balance, for which you need to drink one and a half to two liters of water daily. But don't be afraid of such a quantity. According to the World Health Organization, these two liters account for all the liquid consumed by a person throughout the day.

In the case of a diet, in addition to water, you can drink green tea without sugar or herbal infusions. Also count them in these two liters, and take the remaining amount with clean still water.

Due to poor nutrition, it is better to drink a vitamin complex at the same time. You cannot follow this diet for more than a month. Since it is a type of strict diet, it is not recommended to resort to it more than once every six months.

Dietary cooking methods

It is important how to cook pasta: not only the taste of the dish, but also its calorie content depends on it. And in this case you need to be attentive to every little detail.

  1. First of all, choose the right container for cooking. You need to choose a pan with thick walls and a large size. For the average consumer, about one hundred grams of dry pasta is enough (the finished portion will be three hundred grams).
  2. If you have set a goal to lose weight, then the volume of pasta per meal should be limited to the amount of dry product that fits in your palm. Usually this is about 50 grams, which will correspond to a finished portion size of about 170-180 grams.
  3. Water should be taken at the rate of one liter for every hundred grams of pasta. This much is necessary for the pasta to maintain its dense structure, since spaghetti, horns and other products can become sticky in a small amount of water. But expect that it will take a lot of time to boil such a volume of water.
  4. As soon as you see that the water begins to boil, add salt to it - about ten grams per liter, but you can do less if your goal is to lose weight. When the water begins to bubble more actively, it’s time to throw in the pasta.
  5. If you decide to cook spaghetti, you don't have to break it so that it fits completely into the pan. Just wait a little: they will soften underneath. And press down on the dry top while slowly plunging the rest of the pasta into the boiling water.
  6. After this, cover the pan with a lid and increase the heat until the water boils again. Once this happens, remove the lid and reduce the heat until the water is just bubbling. This temperature must be maintained until the pasta is ready. Stir them occasionally to avoid sticking to the bottom of the container.

Pay attention to the pasta packaging to determine the cooking time. As a rule, this takes from seven to twelve minutes.

How to make pasta less calorie? You need to subtract a couple of minutes from the time indicated on the product package to make the pasta slightly undercooked. This way you can reduce the glycemic index of the product to 40 units.

Actually, in Italy all pasta is prepared this way - the core of the pasta should be slightly hard so that a person needs to make a little effort to experience it.

The glycemic index shows how foods affect blood glucose levels after they are absorbed by the body. The lower this figure, the better for human health.

For comparison, cooked pasta has a glycemic index of 50 units. That is, in this way it is possible to reduce this figure by 20%.

Secrets of serving dishes on the table

And not to add to pasta butter, there is a little trick. While still cooking, add one tablespoon of vegetable oil, preferably olive, to boiling water. Yes, this will also affect the calorie content of the finished dish, but not as much as butter or vegetable oil, but added to already cooked products.

This trick will preserve the taste of the product, and at the same time the pasta will not stick to each other. But in order to delay the cooling time of the dish, you can resort to a method popular in Italy and preheat the plate before serving food on it. You can use a microwave oven for this purpose.

When caloric intake is one of your concerns the most important factors When forming a diet, there is no need to immediately discard pasta, looking at its high energy value.

Pasta will allow you to enrich your menu with a large amount of complex carbohydrates that can energize you. This is especially important when a person supplements a nutritious diet with regular exercise. The carbohydrates received in the first half of the day will be more than enough for him even for an evening workout.

Important condition: pasta should be made from durum wheat, since it contains slow, not fast, carbohydrates. The body spends several hours on their assimilation, due to which the effect of vigor delayed over time is achieved.

Pasta, or as you can call it now, pasta, is a dish popular all over the world. It is easy to prepare, you can easily diversify it with dozens of sauces and get a new taste every time. From this article you will learn what the calorie content of pasta is, and whether it is possible to include it in your diet when losing weight.

Calorie content of pasta

Depending on various factors, the calorie content of pasta may vary, but the average figure is considered to be 335 kcal for every 100 g of classic dry pasta. Now, due to the fashion for European cuisine, various Italian varieties of pasta have appeared in stores, the composition of which may differ.

Calorie content of durum pasta

For those who love and would like to benefit from them, there are pasta marked “made from durum wheat.” Unlike regular ones, they contain much more protein, B vitamins are present, and when cooked correctly (al dente, or “to the teeth” - with a “raw” middle), the glycemic index is reduced, which allows you not to worry about spikes in blood sugar.

The calorie content of such pasta is slightly higher: 344 kcal per 100 g of dry product. However, do not forget that any pasta is boiled, and from 100 g of dry pasta you get a portion of 250 g of boiled pasta.

Calorie content of boiled pasta

If you are watching your figure, it is important to know how many calories are in ready-made pasta. Don't forget about simple rule: the less fatty sauces and additives, the lower the calorie content of the dish.

Regular boiled pasta has a calorie content of 114 kcal per 100 g of product. However, this number characterizes a product that is prepared without the use of oil and sauces. If you add oil to the water in which pasta is cooked, the energy value will be 160 kcal. If you add minced meat to the pasta to get the popular navy pasta, the calorie content of the dish will be 220 kcal per 100 g.

If you buy spaghetti made from durum wheat, which practically does not soften when cooked, its calorie content will be 220 kcal per 100 g. If you make naval pasta from this variety, the dish will turn out to be quite heavy: 272 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

How many calories are in a serving of pasta?

As a rule, a standard serving of pasta is approximately 150 g. Based on this, a serving of simple boiled pasta will have a calorie content of 171 kcal, and those made from durum wheat will have a calorie content of 330 kcal.

Pasta for weight loss

Knowing the difference in calorie content of dishes made from different varieties of wheat, some people are confused about which product is better suited for diets. Calorie calculations can give the misleading impression that pasta made from durum wheat is more harmful to your figure. In fact, they contain nutrients and fiber that regular pasta does not. Mostly empty calories that provide no benefit to the body.

That is why pasta made from durum wheat can occasionally be included in the daily menu, but it is better to refuse regular pasta, as well as white bread, white rice, baking and confectionery. All these products do not benefit the body, but they provoke the deposition of fat cells and prevent their further breakdown.

Pasta is a rather heavy side dish, so if you are on a diet, it is not advisable to eat it with meat, chicken or fish. If you really want a portion of pasta, choose a vegetable addition to it: for example, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes. This way you will reduce the overall calorie content of the dish and will not harm your figure.