Class notes "Road Rules". Class notes on traffic rules for primary grades “Journey to the country of traffic! Class hour on traffic rules at school notes

Class hour on the topic:

“Do you know...the rules of the road?”

Completed by: Yangirova A.A.

The purpose of the class hour :

introduce children to traffic rules, thereby ensuring their maximum safety on city roads.


    Talk about the history of the emergence and development of traffic rules.

    Teach traffic rules, orientation on city and rural roads.

    To develop students’ interest, increase children’s vigilance on the road, and cultivate a sense of responsibility.


    A journey into the history of the emergence and development of traffic rules.

    Conversation on general rules for pedestrian traffic.


Class progress

1. A journey into the history of the emergence and development of traffic rules

The history of traffic rules goes back centuries. As soon as a person stopped walking and moved to a horse, and then - with the invention of the wheel - to a cart, it immediately became clear that it was necessary to streamline road traffic. Of course, the speeds and quantity of transport are incomparable with today, but we must remember that the roads and streets then were much narrower, winding and bumpy.

The very first traffic rules were introduced by the decree of Julius Caesar in Ancient Rome. For all their imperfections, they included a number of provisions that made it possible to somewhat streamline the “transport flow” in Rome and remained relevant to this day. These rules introduced one-way streets, prohibited driving private chariots on the streets of Rome during working hours, and non-residents had to leave their vehicle outside the city limits and move on on foot or by “taxi” - a hired palanquin (covered stretcher).

During the period of horse-drawn (horse) transport, the need to streamline traffic increased even more. During the reign of IvanIIIthe rules for using postal routes with their yam chase are known, which made it possible to cover long distances quite quickly.

Peter Iin 1683 issued a decree: “The great sovereign knew that many people were taught to ride in sleighs and reins with large whips, driving through the streets carelessly and beating people, then from now on, do not ride in sleighs and reins.”

With its creation in 1718 police authorities, control over compliance with established rules in St. Petersburg was entrusted to them. The state established not only rules, but also punishment for violating them. Thus, on January 9, 1730, Anna Ioannovna ordered the promulgation of a decree, according to which she ordered that only bridled horses be ridden “with all fear and caution, at attention.” Those who disobey are beaten “with a whip and sent to hard labor.”

The fair sex especially suffered from the lawyers. This is what a curious thing happened during the reign of the “Sun King” LouisXIVin France. In those days, women were very fond of driving horse-drawn carriages. And if it was a young and beautiful lady, her admirers would immediately come running, which, naturally, did not contribute to normal traffic on the narrow streets of Paris. The matter came to the king. He ordered one of the ministers to resolve this problem delicately and quickly. Minister Argenon did not dare to issue a strict decree and thereby alienate the Parisian beauties. He knew very well that many of them had influence at court and it was better not to spoil relations with them.

It took a lot of time to think before a saving thought came: “A ban on driving vehicles for all respected ladies under 30 years of age.” After the decree, only the bravest women could drive horse-drawn carriages - well, which of them could admit their true age.

This case is constantly used in practice nowadays when teaching women how to drive a car: “Remember, if you commit an accident, the newspapers will also publish the year of your birth.”

Over time, traffic rules became more precise. The advent of steam cars caused resistance among retrogrades (opponents of progress). They tried to stop progress with slander and ridicule. They set the government on their opponents, who began to issue very strict rules for steam stagecoaches. Thus, the government of England adopted a number of rules for the movement of steam cars:

    Rule one. Ahead of each steam stagecoach at a distance of 55m. a man with a red flag must go. When meeting carriages or riders, he must warn that a steam engine is following him.

    Rule two. Drivers are strictly prohibited from frightening horses with whistles. Letting off steam from cars is only allowed if there are no horses on the road.

    Rule three. The speed of the steam engine should not exceed 6 km/h in the village, and 3 km in the city.

These are the rules: don't whistle, don't breathe, and crawl like a turtle.

Vehicle speed was limited in different countries from 6 to 30 km/h. True, in some cities, on the contrary, it was allowed to drive very fast so as not to poison the population with exhaust fumes. For the same reason, cars were prohibited from stopping near public institutions and gardens.

In Russia, car enforcement was relatively modest in nature and mainly limited the speed of movement. In the provinces, the car was looked at as a fiend of hell. The governor of the city of Uralsk completely banned driving cars. He wrote to the police chief: “Logashkin deliberately violated my order, as the governor, regarding the prohibition of driving around the city in a car in the form of public safety... from this I see a violation clearly aimed at tempting others, and therefore, with a further attempt, he will also the car will be detained and taken away, and he will again be brought to justice..."

These persecutions especially intensified with the advent of gasoline cars. The car's enemies were looking for any excuse to infringe on the new car. While they were slow-moving, they argued that they had no advantage over horses. While the car was noisy, they complained that it disturbed their peace. The first cars were accused of being ugly. But as soon as elegantly finished bodies appeared, motorists were reproached for striving for excessive luxury. Having come to terms with the speed, noiselessness and appearance of the car, opponents attacked rubber tires, the very “pneumatics” that eliminated the shaking of the car (and how many attacks had there been on shaking before). It turns out that it is not the dirt on the streets, but the tires that splash the citizens with mud.

In Moscow, a special commission was even created on this matter, which came to the conclusion that the problem was not the tires, but the mud. The commission decided: “So that ordinary people offended by tire workers, whose dress may be splashed with mud flying from under the tires, can notice their offenders in order to then bring them to legal responsibility, rubber-running crews must be equipped with license plates of a special color.”

What kind of rules were not established for motorists:

    do not drive on the streets after 9 pm (Rome);

    do not signal at crowded intersections so as not to distract the attention of other drivers (Scotland);

    give way to any other crew, since it is more important for the country’s economy (Sweden);

    when meeting horses, stop not only the car, but also the engine, so as not to frighten the unfortunate animals (Germany);

    and in the state of Texas (USA) a law was passed that ordered car drivers, when approaching herds of horses, to stop on the side of the road and cover the car with a tarpaulin that matched the color of the area.

Bavarian doctors at the beginningXXV. came out with a statement that driving fast in cars can cause brain disease - a kind of violent insanity. Provincial and rural doctors were the first to take the side of the car: the car reduced the time of arrival to patients.

Thus, it became clear that the movement of people, no matter where it was carried out, needed certain rules. And the more intense the traffic, the clearer, stricter and more extensive the rules should be. And only on August 14, 1893. The first traffic rules are introduced in Franceonly for motorists . In 1957 new standard traffic rules were created, which had fundamental differences. In 1961 The first unified traffic rules were introduced throughout the USSR. The traffic rules of the Russian Federation were approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090. The rules are constantly being updated. This is due to many factors: traffic conditions have become more difficult, the quantity and quality of vehicles, and the intensity of traffic flows have changed.

2. Conversation with the guys on the general rules for pedestrian traffic

Teacher: Where are pedestrians allowed to walk?

Guys: Pedestrians can walk on sidewalks or pedestrian paths, or, if there are none, on the side of the road.

Teacher: Which side of the road should pedestrians stay on in the city and outside the city?

Guys: In the city you need to stick to the right, and outside the city go towards moving traffic.

Teacher: Why should we go towards traffic outside the city?

Guys: This is so that people can clearly see oncoming cars and can step aside in advance.

Teacher: How should people who are in wheelchairs or driving a moped or motorcycle move?

Guys: They must follow the direction of travel of vehicles.

Teacher: What should a pedestrian have in the dark?

Guys: In order to be visible on the road, you need to have a flashlight to attract the driver’s attention with light; a mirror or any reflective object is a faithful assistant.

Teacher: Where can you cross the street?

Guys: You can cross the road in three places:

    along a pedestrian crossing (overground, ground and underground);

    at intersections along sidewalks and roadsides;

    in the absence of pedestrian crossings and intersections - in areas without dividing strips and fences, where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

Teacher: Where can I take groups of children?

Guys: Only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and if there are none, then on the sides and only during daylight hours, accompanied by at least two adults.

Teacher: How can you cross the road if it is regulated by a traffic light?

Guys: You can only cross the road when the traffic light is green. If a pedestrian does not have time to complete the transition to a green traffic light, he must stop at a safety island (a line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions).

Teacher: What should pedestrians do when approaching vehicles with their blue flashing lights on?

Guys: Refrain from crossing the roadway, and those moving on the roadway must give way.

Teacher: How should you cross the road at an uncontrolled intersection?

Guys: Before you begin the transition, you need to look to the left and make sure it is safe, reach the middle, look to the right and finish the transition.

Teacher: Where can you wait for the tram?

Guys: On specially equipped landing sites, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside.

Teacher: How should a cyclist cross the road?

Guys: A cyclist must get off his bike and cross the road on foot, driving the bike next to him by the handlebars.

Teacher : Are children allowedup to 14 years old ride a bicycle on the road? Play on the road?

Guys : No, it is not allowed. It is very dangerous.

So, guys, today we talked to you about how the rules of the road appeared, how they developed before they became generally accepted, you learned a lot about the rules and how to behave in our modern world on the roads of villages and cities. So be extremely careful on the roads, remember that a lot depends on you! Remind your parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents and just your friends about traffic rules!

Class notes on traffic rules in 3rd grade

on the topic: “Elements of streets and roads. Road markings"

format – game – quiz

date: November 28, 2011

conducted by: Anikina A. A.


· consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules;

· to form the ideas of younger schoolchildren about road safety when moving along streets and roads;

· to develop skills in following the basic rules of behavior of students on the street and road in order to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

Organizing time.

The long-awaited call was given -

This is the beginning of the lesson.

Attention! Attention!

A competition awaits you!

For better knowledge and skills

Traffic rules.

Guys! Today we are at the Attentive Pedestrians Club, visiting Petya Svetoforov.

The goal of today's game is to test how well you know the rules of the road and how skillfully you apply your knowledge in practice!

Before us are 2 teams: red and green players. Today I will be Petya Svetoforov’s chief deputy and the host of the game.

Listen to the rules of the game.

Petya's assistant and friend is the Pedestrian Traffic Light. But just recently it broke and we have to fix it.

For winning each competition, a team receives a token in their team color. The team that collects the most tokens will be considered the winner of our game and will have the right to turn on the traffic light. Now it's time to start the competition.

Game stages:

1. Warm up

Teacher: Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea?

Children: No.

Teacher: What do you want - say, red light - no way?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement?

Children: No.

Teacher: Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport?

Children: No.

Teacher: Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: What do you want - say we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light?

Children: No.

Teacher: Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign?

Children: No.

Teacher: What do you want - say, on the round signs - the red color means “it’s prohibited here”?

Children: Yes.

2. Problems of Petya Svetoforov.

(One task is assigned to each team in turn.)

Task 1. In the yard Fedya met his friend Sasha. Sasha suggested to him: “Do you want to look at the zebra?” Sasha grabbed Fedya by the hand and hurried to the road where cars, buses, trolleybuses drove...

Why do you think the boys went to see the zebra not in the zoo, but on the street? Explain.

Task 2. Every time we approach a busy intersection, we are greeted by ________. It will blink green, then it will glow red. Explain what this object is and why this object is at the crossroads.

Task 3. One day Petya Svetoforov was walking down the street when he suddenly heard the sound of a siren. A traffic police car was quickly moving towards the intersection, a gleaming beacon, leading a column of buses. This car did not stop at the red traffic light, but continued to move forward. A line of buses was moving behind her.

Why do you think the driver of the traffic police car did not stop at the red traffic light?

What other cars are allowed to run red lights?

What should pedestrians do when they hear the sound signal of special vehicles?

Task 4. In the morning, Fedya had a dream: as if unfamiliar voices were first heard in his room, and then road signs entered one after another.

Are you alive? - the boy was surprised. “And I know you,” Fedya said to the road sign “Pedestrian crossing,” you are helping me cross the roadway on the way to school. But how do you remember each other’s names, there are so many of you!

Well, it’s simple,” all the signs spoke at once. - Firstly, we are divided into groups. And on some, everything is written and drawn.

And then the alarm clock rang and Fedya woke up.

How many groups are road signs divided into? Name them.

Task 5. Sasha didn’t guess the riddle, maybe you can help him solve it? The riddle was this: which island is located on land?

Task 6. Fedya and his friends played football. The place for the game was chosen not far from the street. Fedya was so carried away by the game that he did not notice how he ended up out of the field with the ball. Hit! And the ball flew, not into the goal, but straight into the street. The boy rushed after him...

What could happen to Fedya?

Tell me where you can play with the ball.

3. Riddles about road signs

The task is to guess riddles about road signs. Find the answer among the signs presented on the board.

If you're going with dad

To the zoo or to the cinema,

Make friends with this sign

You'll have to anyway.

You won't get there without it

Neither on the bus nor on the tram!

So, you will go on foot...

Guess the road sign!

A man is drawn

A man digs the earth.

Why is there no passage?

Maybe they're looking for treasure here

And old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They were probably brought here in ancient times

A very greedy king hid it.

What kind of zebra has fallen apart on the road?

Why are there feet walking on this zebra?

And the driver slams on the brakes,

If a zebra catches your eye.

The boy Fedya is riding

By bike.

Guess why

Dissatisfaction among passers-by?

Show me the road sign -

Where can Feda ride?

The highway rustled with tires,

Running cars.

But near the school, slow down:

Here's a sign, drivers, for you.

This is the sign – I can’t believe my eyes!

What is the battery for?

Does it help with movement?

Steam heating?

It may be blizzardy in winter

Do drivers need to warm up here?

Why in the summer heat

Has the sign been removed from the pavement?

Young and old walk boldly,

Even cats and dogs.

Only this is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.

There is a hole under the road.

Who can figure it out the fastest?

Why on it in the morning

Are people walking back and forth?

Here is a big green square,

And opposite is the letter R.

Not a simple letter R,

And the letter R is in the square.

Is it near the park?

Can't you pronounce R?

Physical education minute

One two three four five. (stretching)

Oh, we're tired of standing.

We'll play "Traffic Light" (walking in place)

We stretch our arms and legs.

Red light for us “Stop!” screams

He tells me to wait for the green light. (bending, turning the body)

We lean together

And back and forth

Left, right turn.

So the yellow one lights up, (squats)

It's time to get ready.

Hands and feet warmed up,

Let's start, kids.

Now the green light is on,

Can we go forward? (walking after each other)

Left, right, left, right

We boldly go on a hike.

The traffic light is a glorious assistant,

He will save us all.

4. Quiz “Green Light”

1) part of the street intended for pedestrians, located to the left and right of the roadway. (sidewalk)

2) a special stick in the hands of a traffic controller. (rod)

3) the strictest commander with a twinkle in his chest. (traffic light)

4) traffic light warning light (yellow)

5) the place where streets and roads intersect (crossroads)

6) on which side of the sidewalk you can move. (on the right)

7) our faithful friends and helpers on the streets of the city. (signs)

8) above-ground pedestrian crossing (zebra)

9) transport that is allowed to ride from the age of 14 (bicycle)

5. Our friend is a traffic light

Listen to me carefully and receive a token.

Standing on the edge of the street
In a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal
On one leg.

Answer: Traffic light

Assemble a traffic light and tell us how it works. (Each team receives a task. They must glue the parts of the traffic light correctly and tell everything they know about it.)

6.Watching a cartoon from the “Smeshariki” series (discussion of situations)

Raise your hand, who likes watching cartoons? Now we will also watch a cartoon from the “Smeshariki” series. After watching each episode, you must write about what traffic rule Smeshariki wants to remind you of.

7. Summing up.

Teacher: Our game has come to an end, let's summarize.

Presentation of prizes to the winning team, incentive prizes to the losers and sweet surprises to the fans.

Guys, the law of streets and roads, which is called “Road Rules,” is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. But this law is very good - it protects from terrible misfortune and protects people’s lives. Traffic rules are very important. Every adult and every child should know them. Don’t break them, then we won’t have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.

Anikina Anna Alexandrovna

Goals: to promote the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation among children and instill solid skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads; involve younger schoolchildren in the systematic study and implementation of traffic rules.

Tasks: develop in children the ability to quickly assess the street environment and navigate it; train and educate competent road users; to develop the skills of literate pedestrians and passengers through games in accordance with the Program.

Equipment: magnetic board; road layout; signs with station names; signal cards; doll - Petya Svetoforov.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear guys!

The long-awaited call was given.

This is the start of the circle

And the circle will tell everyone -

How without troubles and without problems,

Early in the morning, slowly,

Come to school for the kids.

Sit comfortably, because today you are not just boys and girls, today you are travelers who will have to fulfill various roles in life. Before you go on the road, I suggest you rub your palms (shows).

Rub them and apply them to your cheeks. Do you feel warm? Warmth is life, and life is the most precious thing we have. Life must be protected.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today I invite you to go on an amazing journey. Is the journey always safe?

(Children's answers.)

Where can dangerous moments and situations lie in wait for us? (Children's answers.)

What helps us overcome them? (Children's answers.)

On our journey, we will expand and expand our knowledge of traffic rules, which are the most reliable assistants and protectors of our lives from the dangers and troubles that await us on the streets and roads.

The city in which you and I live,

It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

The alphabet of streets, the avenue of roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet above your head,

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you.

If you think you know all the traffic rules and know how to use them, show a green signal.

Anyone who knows all the rules, but does not know how to apply them correctly, show a yellow signal.

For those who don’t know everything and can’t do everything, show them a red signal.

Guys, I see that we still have a lot to learn and a lot to discover. In order to replenish our knowledge of traffic rules, we will go on our exciting journey to Petya Svetoforov’s school.

III. Journey.

What transport do you like to travel by? What types of urban transport do you know? (Trolleybus, bus, tram, car, metro.)


The red carriage is running along the rails,

He will quickly get everyone where they need to go.

Children like its jingling sound.

What are you guys going to ride on? (Tram.)

The tram model is attached to the board.

I'll tell you a secret: how to make this tram move. The main thing in the tram is the bell, so that everyone knows that we are coming and gives way to us. And it rings like this... (shows).

Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

The tram also needs doors to get on and off at stops. “The doors are closing” (close your hands in front of you). “The doors are opening” (arms spread to the sides), and we help with a voice: sh-sh-sh-sh.

And they forgot about the wheels. Without them, even fairy-tale trams do not move. And the wheels will knock like this (they stomp with increased sound.) Stop!

Well done! When we walk down the street, who are we? (Pedestrians.)

Shows the poster “Pedestrians”.

And when we travel on a tram or other transport, who are we? (Passengers.)

Shows the poster "Passengers".

How should a passenger behave in transport? (Children's answers.)

Summary of the conversation.

A “Passenger Reminder” is attached to the board and distributed to each child.

Let's hit the road! (The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels knock - children show.)

Stop! (Stop.) The doors are opening! (Shhh.)

Stop “School of Petya Svetoforov. (Table “Petya Svetoforov’s School.”)

Petya Svetoforov appears - the puppet staff.

Petya Svetoforov. Hello guys! I am Petya Svetoforov, a resident of the city, guess which one.

The houses stand in two rows,

Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Everyone is looking at each other.

You guys are invited

To the glorious city - auto...(hail).

Table "Autograd".

Statement of a problem situation.

Guys, what is missing in our city?

The teacher creates on the board a model of a street with an incorrect traffic situation as answers are received: houses, roads, sidewalks, intersections, cars, pedestrians.

What is a road? (A road is a strip of land or an artificial surface of a structure developed, adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. A road includes one or more roadways, tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and dividing strips.)

What is a crossroads? (An intersection is a place where roads cross, join, or branch at the same level.)

What is a sidewalk? (A sidewalk is an element of a road intended for pedestrian traffic.)

Who is a pedestrian? (A pedestrian is a person outside a vehicle on the road.)

Guys, is everything okay on the streets of our city?

No. (The traffic situation is being assessed.)

Where should pedestrians walk?

Where should cars drive?

What kind of traffic is on our street: one-way or two-way?

Where and how should you cross the street?

What is a pedestrian crossing?

How is traffic regulated on the street?

What traffic lights do you know?

Guys, name the rules of conduct for pedestrians. (Children name the rules of behavior for pedestrians.)

Bottom line.

Petya Svetoforov hangs “Rules of Conduct for Pedestrians” on the board and gives the children reminders with these rules.

And now we will go with you to visit the Svetofornaya station to visit the Svetofor.

The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels knock.

Stop! Traffic light station!

The teacher puts up a sign with the name of the station.

Looks formidable and serious,

Very menacing traffic light

From the crossroads, from the crossroads

He looks at me point blank.

Everything he wants to say

Light green, yellow, red.

Game "Assemble a traffic light."

Puzzles are given to groups of children.

Your group assembles a puzzle that represents the traffic light signal “Stop!”

Your group collects the traffic light signal “Attention!”

And your group collects the traffic light signal “Go!”

Children complete the task.

Well done! You know the traffic light signals well, and for this it gives you a dance of colorful lights.

If the light is green, you are dancing happily. The yellow light comes on - you need to stop and look left and right. Well, if the light turns red, you stand still and shake your finger at each other.

Children dance to music, the teacher changes traffic lights.

We had a good rest, and now we are moving on to the next station.

The children are closed. The bell rings, the wheels knock.

Stop! Station "Game!" (A sign is posted.)

Guys, look, what else is missing in our city on our street? (Sign.)

What types of road signs do you know? (Warning and prohibiting.)

Warning signs in a triangle with a red outline. And those prohibiting are a circle with a red outline. Now we will consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Game "Find the right sign."

The teacher divides the children into two teams, which line up in columns.

The first team's task is to collect warning signs, the second - prohibition signs.

One by one, team players must run to the goal (the goal is mixed signs with road signs depicted on them), select the desired sign, and return to their team.

At the end of the relay, check the selection of the required signs. Be sure to repeat what sign this is, what it means.

So that your hands are intact,

So that the legs are intact.

You need to know these signs!

We must respect the signs!

Well done! Remember these signs: they are your reliable helpers! And as a reward for your excellent work, our tram will take you to a fairy tale.

The doors close, the bell rings, the wheels knock.

Stop! (Doors open.)

Stop. Station "Skazochnaya".

Guys, do you recognize the hero of the fairy tale? (Emelya.)

Yes, this is Emelya. You remember that Emelya went to Princess Nesmeyana to make her laugh. But we don’t have one Emelya, but three. To find out whose Emelya will reach the princess faster, you need to complete the following tasks.

Quiz “Let's get to know each other”

1. Road sign “Children”.

1) Hurray! Lessons are cancelled!

2. Road sign “Traffic light regulation”.

1) Balls without rollers.

2) Traffic light regulation.

3. Road sign “Road works”.

1) Treasure of Leopold the cat.

2) Road works.

4. Road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

1) Walking on the piano is prohibited.

2) Pedestrian crossing.

Emelya moves.

Competition "Riddles".

Are you waiting for boarding

On the designated area,

You don't need skill

This place is... (Stop.)

Here he stands on the pavement

Tall, stately guard,

Twists, turns his head,

He says to all passers-by:

“The path is now open for you.” (Adjuster.)

She's a miracle wand

Everyone knows it, everyone can see it.

Visible during the day

And in the evening

Lighted from inside. (Traffic officer's baton.)

Emelya is advancing.

Competition "Guess the crossword puzzle."

1. The place where we live. (City.)

2. The purpose of studying traffic rules. (Safety.)

3. What includes one or more roadways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks and curbs? (Road.)

The winner is determined. Rewarding.

Bottom line.

Guys, has the signal of your traffic light that we raised at the beginning of the lesson changed?

Please raise your signals.

Well done! We learned a lot of new rules today.

Do you think they are enough to save your life in the city and enter adulthood with this knowledge? (Children's answers.)

Yes, we have raised the bar of your knowledge with you, but every year we need to raise it higher and higher, so we still have many meetings with Petya Svetoforov ahead.

Class hour for 1st grade on the topic “We are passengers”

Goals: familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior in transport; strengthen children's knowledge about road safety; cultivate awareness in the use of traffic rules.

Equipment: image of a policeman (lesson guest); table “Public transport”; signs “Bus Stop”, “Taxi Stop”; images of traffic lights, road signs, the book “Road Rules”.

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Guys, we continue to study the rules of basic life safety. Today our good friend Major Svistulkin is with us. (There is a picture of a policeman on the board.) He prepared gifts for us. For every correct answer there is a prize: a traffic light.

Today Major Svistulkin will lead us... (The teacher shows the “Bus Stop” sign.) How did you guess? How many of you use public transport? You will help us today.

The stop is not always close to home. What do you need to know to avoid dangers on the way to the bus stop? (Students' answers.)

What helps us overcome the difficulties encountered along the way?

Students. Road signs, road markings, policeman, traffic light.

I learned a lot of rules

I forgot something

And without knowledge of these rules

It's hard to live in this white world.

We all need to know the signs

So that when you go to the market,

We didn't stay together

And without legs, and without shoes.

The city where

We live with you

You can rightfully

Compare with the ABC book.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here is the alphabet: above your head

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Major Svistulkin and the guys will help us remember the meanings of road signs.

(The readers have road signs in their hands.)

Bora never dreams of grief,

He rushes along the slippery leaves,

The sign was not placed in vain:

"Carefully! It's dangerous here!

I'm an expert on the rules of the road

I parked the car here.

In the kindergarten parking lot

There is no need to stand during quiet times.

Do you see the sign? Its meaning is

The intersection of two roads.

Two girlfriends are equivalent

Two playgrounds.

Walk across the street there, pedestrian,

Where the sign indicates the transition for you!

Teacher. Tell me what these signs mean, guys. (The guys name the signs that were discussed.)

Traffic signals

Teacher. You know the meaning of traffic lights and use them skillfully. Students read a poem and show traffic lights.

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burn both day and night

Green, yellow, red.

The strictest is red light.

The path is closed to everyone!”

Green light

Will flash ahead

He will say: “There are no obstacles.

Go boldly on your way!”

If you do it without arguing

All traffic lights

You'll get to the stop,

Of course, very soon.

Game "Traffic Light"

The teacher plays the game “Traffic Light” (shows the color in circles or on a traffic light model).

At a red light - stand still,

When the light is green, walk in place.

When the light turns yellow, slam.

Teacher. We arrived safely at the stop.

How do you know if a bus or taxi stops here? (A special sign is posted at the stop.)

(The teacher shows a sign.)

From the moment we appear at the bus stop, we become passengers of public transport.

What types of public transport do you know? (Students' answers.)

What public transport can we use in the city?

Physical education minute

1. “Woke up, stretched”

Starting position (i.p.) - main stance (o.e.), tilting the head down, hands behind the head, elbows down.

Hands up - to the sides, raise your head, bend over - take a deep breath; return to IP - exhale.

2. “Start the engine”

I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms to the sides.

Turn the torso left and right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.

3. “Checking seat belts”

I. p. - legs stand apart, arms along the body. Tilts left and right, arms slide along the body.

4. “Checking the brakes”

I. p. - standing, hands behind your back, perform rotational movements with the foot of the left and right legs alternately.

5. “Let’s go!”

I. p. - o.s., we perform walking in place, turning into running. Teacher. Think about how a polite passenger on a bus would behave.

Students. Once on the bus, you must buy a ticket to pay for your fare. If there is a free seat, you can sit down, but if older people get on the bus, you should give them your seat. When the bus is moving, you must hold on to the handrails to avoid falling. You need to talk calmly and quietly on the bus. When approaching your stop, you should get ready and move closer to the exit.

But in addition to the rules of politeness, safety rules must also be observed. Here are some of them.

Safety regulations

Do not stand on steps or lean against doors while traffic is moving.

It is dangerous to sleep in a vehicle while driving.

In the evening, sit closer to the driver's cabin.

Teacher. Knowing these rules, you can be sure of your safety. To test how well you have mastered the rules, Major Svistulkin has prepared a quiz for you.


Why is it dangerous to stand in front of everyone else at a crowded bus stop?

Is it possible to lean against the doors of the bus while it is moving? Why not?

What's the safest seat on the evening bus?

Why can't you lean out of the bus window?

Who is called a passenger?

Where should I wait for transport?

How should you behave in transport? (Students' answers.)

(Svistulkin shows the book “Road Rules.”)

Rules from this book

You need to know firsthand.

And it’s not easy to teach them,

But seriously - for sure!

(Children look at the book.)

Game "Give me a word"

There is no end to the line.

Where are the three dots...

Who will come up with the end?

He will be great.

So that I can take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give me rubber for my hooves,

And then, raising dust,

He will run... (car).

We bought it at the store

The globe is round and large.

We forgot about one thing,

How to carry it home.

But, having arrived at the stop,

He opened the door and very deftly

In an instant he brought us and the globe

Wonderful... (bus).

Knows the traffic rules

Like a lesson teacher

Plus skill when driving,

His name is... (driver).

On a clear morning along

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer.

This is my... (bicycle).

He is both in the field and at a construction site,

He is an honorary worker.

He endures the heaviness with steadfastness,

Carries cargo... (truck).

I really need him on the way,

Where to cross the road?

He will tell you the “what” and “how”

His name is... (road sign).

We went outside

No traffic light was found.

How to cross the road.

If there is a zebra crossing on the way!

We wondered, we decided

What kind of passage is this?

And then we found out everything

"Zebra" is... (transition).

Where there is a stream of cars,

There are many road signs

The guard blows his whistle,

So, there is... (road).

Remind the mouthful strictly:

"Stop! There's a road here!

Who frolics like that on the street?

Then he will end up in... (hospital).


Teacher. Well done boys! Svistulkin thanks you for your work and good knowledge of traffic rules. Be careful on the road and always follow the traffic rules. At home, draw a road sign that you remember well.

Additional material

Does not allow pedestrians

Red light to go ahead,

But our stubborn Dunno

Does the opposite:

Only the red light will see,

He'll be out on the road in no time.

Then with the ball on the pavement

We see him with you,

That's on a new scooter

It's rolling right down the road.

Wait, Dunno, it’s clear to everyone:

Red light is on, dangerous.

The path is closed to pedestrians

“Stop” - the inscription says.

So this time Dunno,

Despite the red light

He walked out on the road cheerfully,

He immediately caused trouble:

Immediately braked

In front of him is a huge ZIL,

But he can’t right now

Stop the truck,

He turned onto the sidewalk.

A dump truck is driving behind,

He goes around Dunno,

Miraculously, it doesn't hit the post.

Everyone is honking and honking -

Fact, the boy is to blame.

And Dunno was confused,

He stayed on the road

He doesn’t know how to go back

There are cars passing by.

And you can't go forward:

There are trams ahead.

It would all end sadly

But the traffic light intervened.

“Stop” - he showed the cars,

And the driver listened.

It’s good that it’s not Dunno

We're sitting behind the wheel

And traffic light orders

They do it every time.

Beauty! Dunno is saved!

He ran onto the sidewalk.

Traffic light, frowning brows,

The offender said:

Didn't you see

Why is the red light on for you?

I didn’t know, - Dunno whispers

It's a guilty response.

Must wait on the sidewalk

You are my green signal!

If I signal red,

Who gave you permission to go?

Dunno has no answer,

He stands slumped.

I will always listen to you, -

The traffic light says.

With a yellow wink signal,

The traffic light softens the look.

Three traffic lights:

Red, yellow - no way,

If the light is green,

Can you go forward?

And remember, friends:

Rules for crossing streets

It cannot be violated in any way.

One rhyme

There was tram number ten

Along the boulevard ring.

It sat and stood

One hundred and fifteen people.

People come and go.

Moving forward.

Pioneer Nikolai

The ride is very good.

He sits in the best place -

Right next to the window.

He has skates under his arm.

He got ready to go to the skating rink.

Suddenly at the fifth stop,

Leaning on the stick,

The decrepit grandmother climbs in

In a crowded carriage.

People come and go.

Moving forward.

Nikolai sits, bored.

Grandma is standing nearby.

The carriage has stopped

Near the skating rink.

And from this carriage

The pioneer gets out.

To a free place

The grandmother wanted to sit down.

I didn’t have time to look back -

The place is occupied by someone else.

Pioneer Valentin

The ride is very good.

He sits in the best place

Returning from the skating rink.