Rice noodles with beef and green beans. Funchose salad with meat and vegetables Glass noodles with beef and vegetables

Funchoza is considered the progenitor of the world's favorite pasta. Perhaps it was Mark Polo who brought this product to his homeland from his travels, and the chefs, through culinary manipulations, created the pasta products familiar to us.

The original funchose is prepared from the starch of legumes, sweet potatoes and potatoes, and therefore has a transparent appearance and is called “glass”. In our country, funchose is also called rice noodles made from rice flour, but this is not a completely original product of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

How is funchose prepared? Boiled noodles are almost never served in their pure form. Most often it is seasoned with soy-based sauces, and vegetables, pieces of meat and seafood are also added. The results are excellent, hearty dishes with a spicy taste and bright aroma.

Funchoza with meat - preparing food and utensils

Most often in the East, funchose is consumed not hot, like a paste, but cold, as part of salads. Funchoza is quickly saturated with aromatic juices, and therefore the result is a tasty, satisfying dish that only gets better over time. Feel free to prepare double and triple portions, because if you don’t cope with the dish today, tomorrow it will become tastier and will be eaten by your family in no time.

What do you need to prepare before preparing funchose with meat? First of all, these are the ingredients of the sauce - honey, sugar, lemon juice, rice vinegar, soy sauce. This sauce can simply be added to boiled noodles, or you can marinate meat and vegetables in it.

What meat is most suitable for cooking? It is best to take low-fat varieties of pork and beef; chicken fillet and fish meat are excellent. You can also use lightly fried minced meat, pieces of sausage and ham.

Be sure to use vegetables. In Korean and Japanese cuisine, they are thinly sliced ​​and marinated in soy sauce. It could be carrots, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers.

How to cook noodles? Strictly follow the instructions on the package, as funchose comes from different types of starch, which directly affects its preparation time. If you plan to fry the funchose in a frying pan after boiling, then it is better not to finish cooking it. Reduce the cooking time by half, otherwise the noodles will boil and become porridge-like.

Recipes for funchose with meat:

Recipe 1: Funchoza with meat (salad)

Korean snacks and salads are famous not only for their spicy, unusual taste, but also for the fact that they can “wait” for guests for a long time. How much exactly? We are not talking about two or three hours before the guests arrive, but about two or three days. During the waiting period, such a salad will reveal its taste and become incredibly rich and aromatic. Feel free to prepare a large portion, and don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to eat it right away. Cooking time (including meat marinade) is four hours. You should eat no earlier than three hours after the dish is prepared.

Required ingredients:

  • Noodles – 240 grams
  • Soy sauce – 5 tablespoons
  • Honey (liquid) – 1 tablespoon
  • Coriander (dried, powdered) – ½ teaspoon
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Lean pork (thigh, carb) – 200 grams
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 carrot

Cooking method:

  1. Let's marinate the meat. To do this, you need to wash it and fill it with sauce whole. Mix three tablespoons of soy sauce, 100 ml of water, honey and coriander. The meat must remain in the marinade for at least 4 hours.
  2. Grate the vegetables using a Korean grater into long strips. Rub the cucumber so that no seeds get into the salad, only the upper hard part of the vegetable. Pour soy sauce over the vegetables and sprinkle with sugar. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. Boil the funchose. For this recipe, it is best to use glass noodles made from starch; with them, the salad looks more appetizing and tastes better. Wash the noodles and cut into two or three pieces.
  4. Cut the marinated meat into pieces and fry in a frying pan for 12 minutes. At the eighth minute, pour the remaining marinade over it. After frying, the meat must be cooled.
  5. Mix vegetables (along with marinade), funchose and meat. The salad must be steeped before eating.

Recipe 2: Funchoza with meat (chicken salad)

Chicken in honey sauce goes well with funchose, which has a neutral taste. The good thing about this salad is that it can be eaten cold two to three days after preparation. Store in the refrigerator in a covered container.

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet – 240 grams
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 teaspoons brown sugar
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Butter
  • Lemon juice
  • Sesame seed

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the funchose, rinse and cut.
  2. Cut the pepper into thin strips and fry in butter for one minute.
  3. Wash the chicken and cut into thin strips. Place it in butter to fry, pour in a mixture of sugar and sauce. Fry, stirring, for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the pieces with sesame seeds. The chicken should cool after frying.
  4. Combine vermicelli, chilled chicken and pepper. Sprinkle with lemon juice and let the salad sit for at least two hours.

Recipe 3: Funchoza with meat (with boiled beef)

Funchoza goes well with any type of meat, so you don’t have to follow the recipe: you can change the ingredients depending on the products you have. For this recipe you will need beef. The salad will be tender and light.

Required ingredients:

  • Noodles – 200 grams
  • Beef (tenderloin) – 230 grams
  • Peas, canned – 100 grams
  • Tomato – 1 piece
  • Oregano
  • Brown sugar – 1 teaspoons

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat for 40 minutes. To make it more fragrant, put a bay leaf in a saucepan and pepper.
  2. Boil the funchose, then wash it and cut it.
  3. Drain the juice from the peas. Cut the tomato into pieces.
  4. Make a marinade for the dish - combine sugar, soy sauce, add oregano.
  5. Cut the beef into thin slices. Combine meat, vermicelli, peas, tomato and season with sauce. The dish can be served either warm or cold.

Recipe 4: Funchoza with meat and eggplant

Funchoza goes well not only with whole pieces of meat, but also with minced meat. If you have some minced meat from any type of meat, you can fry it and add it to the boiled noodles. This dish is best enjoyed warm.

Required ingredients:

  • Noodles – 300 grams
  • Eggplant – 1 piece
  • Minced meat – 230 grams
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce – 4 tablespoons
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomato into small cubes.
  2. Remove the skin from the eggplant and also cut into small cubes. Heat the pan and add the vegetable to fry for 10 minutes. Then add the minced meat, fry, stirring with a spatula. When the meat turns golden, add soy sauce and chopped tomato.
  3. Boil the noodles for four minutes, then drain and place the noodles in the pan. Close the lid and leave to simmer over low heat for 7 minutes.

Recipe 5: Funchoza with meat (with ham)

If you have some ham, and funchoza is waiting in the wings on the shelf, then this is a reason to please your loved ones with a tasty and satisfying second course.

Required ingredients:

  • Noodles – 230 grams
  • Ham – 130 grams
  • Soft cheese (feta or Philadelphia) – 120 grams
  • Soy sauce – 4 tablespoons
  • Black sesame

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the ham and cheese into small cubes.
  2. Boil the noodles in boiling water for 3 minutes, rinse under cold water.
  3. Place the pieces of ham and noodles in a hot frying pan, turn the heat to medium, sprinkle with soy sauce and fry for 7 minutes. A minute before cooking, add cheese to the pan and cover with a lid.
  4. The finished dish is best served hot, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Funchoza is not an ordinary noodle that you can take from the store shelf without looking. The “correct” funchose in its raw form should have a grayish tint, be very fragile and brittle, and also have a pleasant nutty smell. If the noodles do not have these characteristics, then the product is spoiled - either expired, or moisture has entered the bag.

Funchoza must be stored correctly. A dry kitchen cabinet or a shelf in a cupboard would be ideal. The product is very sensitive to moisture, it immediately absorbs it, the noodles soften, lose their fragility and you can no longer make a tasty dish from them.

If you are a vegetarian, you can prepare funchose with soy meat. Soybeans are incredibly popular in the East. Soy sauce is added to almost all dishes, even desserts, and soy cheese and soy meat are also enjoyed with pleasure.

Is it possible to make a dessert from funchose? Why not? Boil the noodles. In a saucepan, make caramel sauce by dissolving 1/2 cup brown sugar and 2 tablespoons water. Cut the apples and bananas and place them in the syrup for 4 minutes. Mix funchose with caramelized fruits, sprinkle pine nuts and candied fruits on top, serve in bowls.

To make the funchose with meat tastier, use an unusual vegetable oil for dressing - sesame, corn or pumpkin.

Funchoza with meat can also be prepared in the form of soup. Boil pieces of chicken or beef, add chopped potatoes and carrots, sauteed onions, spices, cook for 15 minutes. Add a raw egg, two tablespoons of soy sauce to the broth, stir, add funchose, reduce the heat. After 4 minutes, turn off the heat and add chopped herbs.

Funchoza with meat- a hot dish of oriental cuisine. It has an original taste and if you haven’t tried anything like it yet, be sure to cook it. What kind of meat is best to use for funchose? I like beef; it goes well with all the ingredients in the dish.

You can take any meat, for example pork is also good for this dish. The recipe is not complicated, you can easily prepare it at home if you take into account all the cooking secrets that I will tell you about now. We will prepare funchose with meat and vegetables.

Rice vermicelli (actually funchose) - 1 pack;

Beef or pork meat - 0.5 - 0.8 kg;

Red bell pepper - 2 pcs;

Garlic or herbs;

Vinegar - to taste, about 2 tablespoons;

You need to start preparing funchose by preparing the meat. We clean it of films and fat and cut it into small cubes.

Cut the meat for funchose into slices or cubes

Throw the meat into the hot oil and stir it quickly, trying to make it white on all sides. This way the meat will be juicy. Then you can add spices, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until cooked. If the juice has evaporated and the meat is still tough, add hot water or broth and simmer some more. Add salt 10 minutes before the meat is ready.

While the meat is cooking, chop the vegetables. Carrots and radishes in strips, sweet peppers in small cubes.

Vegetables for funchose cut into strips

Fry the vegetables in a frying pan with vegetable oil, adding them one by one: carrots, radishes, peppers. Lightly salt and fry the vegetables until soft.

Preparation of funchose

Pour water into the pan as for boiling regular noodles. Salt and pour a little vegetable oil. When the water boils, add funchose, turn off the heat and let it sit for 3 minutes. As soon as the vermicelli becomes transparent, drain the water with the rice vermicelli into a colander and rinse with cold water so that it does not stick together. Some varieties of funchose are white, so do not wait for it to become transparent so as not to overcook the vermicelli. Be sure to look at the manufacturer's cooking instructions on the packaging.

We cut the funchose with a sharp knife into 4 parts, like a cake, and put it in the meat, which should already be ready. Mix well, add prepared vegetables, chopped herbs - wild garlic, or the feathers of regular garlic. I took a bunch of wild garlic, it also has good taste. Add soy sauce to taste.

Now you need to warm everything up well for about three minutes, stirring. If it doesn’t mix well, you can cut the vermicelli further. It happens that it is very long, and in this case it is difficult to mix it.

That's all. We just prepared funchose with meat and vegetables at home. Place it in a heap on a serving plate and serve.


Funchoza with meat and vegetables is an excellent second course

Funchoza- a dish of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other Asian cuisines, prepared from dry noodles (glass or starch noodles). Usually, hot seasonings, fresh or pickled vegetables are added to these noodles, seasoned with sauce. Funchose can be served either cold or hot. I have always prepared funchose exclusively as a salad. This Korean-style funchose salad with vegetables always turns out very tasty and refreshing. We love it and always cook it for almost every holiday or for no reason. Today I wanted to cook funchose as a hot dish with meat. The result amazed not only me, but also my husband, who treated glass noodles exclusively as an ingredient for making cold salads. And since men love meat dishes, the dinner was a great success! I bring to your attention a very simple and tasty recipe for preparing quick meat for dinner in soy sauce, and many people’s favorite glass noodles as a side dish.


  • Meat (pork) - 1 kg.
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 1-1.5 cups
  • Water - 1-2 cups (for gravy)
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp. (taste)
  • Funchoza - 2 skeins (for 2 servings)
  • Vegetable oil - for frying meat

How to cook funchose with meat and vegetables in a frying pan:

If you noticed, my dears. I don't use salt in the recipe! This is not a typo at all, since instead of salt I will add soy sauce to the meat, which will give the meat a unique taste and make it quite salty and incredibly tasty.

Everything is very simple. Place the frying pan on heat and add vegetable oil. Cut the meat into long thin strips and place in a frying pan. Fry for 15-20 minutes. During frying, meat releases juice, so it is best to fry it with the lid open.

After 15-20 minutes, pour soy sauce into the pan. And reducing the heat to low, let the gravy boil, cover the meat with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

After 15 minutes my meat was already quite soft.

Add the onion, cut into half rings, into the pan.

Grate the carrots on a Korean grater or a regular grater and add to the meat.

Cover everything again with a lid and simmer until fully cooked. 10 minutes was enough for me. It all depends on your meat. At the end of cooking, I added a little water to the meat and brought it to a boil again and cooked it for about 5-7 minutes. I needed enough gravy to appear.

Separately, I immediately brewed 2 skeins of funchose with boiling water (for 2 servings), then drained the water from the noodles and threw them into a colander. When the meat is cooked, we form portions by placing funchose in the center of the plate, and put the meat on top and pour everything with a delicious gravy made with soy sauce. It would be great if you offer fresh or pickled vegetables for this dish.

Svetlana and my home kulinarochka2013.ru wish you all a bon appetit!


Funchose salad with beef

Funchose salad with beef is a very tasty and satisfying dish. Korean carrots and soy sauce will give the funchose salad a colorful oriental flavor and smell. Beef, boiled in small pieces in a small amount of water with spices, sets the main tone, and cucumber and paprika add freshness and juiciness.

  • Recipe author: K. Kryn
  • Once cooked you will receive 4-6 servings
  • Cooking time: 40-60 minutes


  • Beef – 150-200 g
  • Funchoza – 100 g
  • Korean carrots – 100 g
  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Paprika (other names: bell pepper, sweet pepper) – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns – 5-6 peas
  • Soy sauce - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Step by step recipe

Boil the beef. Cut the raw beef into strips across the grain, put in a small saucepan, pour boiling water 1-2 cm above the meat, bring to a boil, skimming off the foam, add bay leaf and black peppercorns, lightly salt and cook for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the meat and put it in a salad bowl, strain the broth.

Prepare funchose. Dip the funchoza into hot beef broth, adding a little vegetable oil, cover with a lid, leave for 5-7 minutes, drain in a colander and place in a salad bowl with the meat.

While the meat and funchose have not cooled, add Korean carrots to them and stir.

Cut the cucumber and paprika into thin strips. Add to the salad when the funchose and meat have cooled completely and stir.

Season the salad and mix. To dress the salad, mix soy sauce, beef broth and vegetable oil to taste. Pour over salad and stir.

Funchose salad with beef is ready!


Funchoza with beef and mushrooms

Funchoza, or “glass noodles,” as they are called for their transparency when prepared, is very easy to prepare and easy to create flavor combinations with it. You just need to pour boiling water for less than a minute and strain, then add almost anything.

This beef funchose recipe that I created as an example of flavor combinations can be modified depending on what you have in the fridge or what you're craving that particular day. For example, instead of beef, you can use chicken or pork, and as for vegetables, you can add green beans, zucchini, green peas and other vegetables when they are in season.

Carrots add sweetness to the dish, while Chinese cabbage and mushrooms add juiciness. The sauce is also very necessary, because it bears the main flavor load. All the ingredients for its preparation can be found without problems in supermarkets, in the section where they sell everything for sushi.

Water plays a very important role in adjusting the consistency. Don't be afraid to add a little more water if the consistency seems too dry. After adding the strained noodles to the vegetables and meat, they continue to absorb liquid. In this case, a little water (except for the one you add when preparing the sauce) will significantly improve the taste of the dish. (In Italian pasta recipes, a small amount of boiling water is almost always added to sauces for this very purpose).

Before cooking this dish in a wok, read the article on how to properly cook in a wok.

  • 250 grams beef (preferably from the thick end or tenderloin), cut into strips
  • 100 grams of funchose (2 balls)
  • 150 grams of champignons, cut into slices
  • 1 carrot, cut into strips
  • 150 grams of Chinese cabbage, cut into strips
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 50 ml sesame or peanut oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp. oyster sauce
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. peanut butter (optional)
  • 100 ml water

Cooking time: 25 minutes

1) Place the funchose in a large bowl, pour boiling water over it and strain after 0.5-1 minute.

2) Heat half the sesame oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add meat and fry, stirring often, until cooked through. Lightly salt the finished meat and place it on a clean plate.

3) Add the rest of the oil and carrots to the pan.

Fry, stirring, until it begins to soften. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring again, until softened.

4) Add cabbage and ginger, fry, stirring, until cabbage is soft.

5) Add funchose. In a small bowl, mix all sauce ingredients until smooth and add to noodles. Mix well and remove from heat.


  • Beef tenderloin - 300 grams.
  • Funchoza - 250 grams.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml.
  • Rice vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices (paprika, black pepper, chili, ground coriander) - 1 tsp each.
  • Salt, sugar.

Oriental flavors

Funchoza salad with meat is often found in various national cuisines of Asia. Such a bright, appetizing dish with a delicate taste and bright oriental aroma is prepared in Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and China.

Each nation has its own recipe for funchose salad with meat, which uses various ingredients and spices. But what they all have in common is ease of preparation and extraordinary taste, which every housewife can easily replicate in her own kitchen.

Funchose salad with meat is an easy-to-prepare and very satisfying dish, ideal for lunch or dinner. Thanks to the ingredients included, this snack is completely balanced and can become the basis for proper nutrition. And the whole secret lies in a product with the mysterious name “funchoza”.

In fact, these are nothing more than rice or pea noodles, which in the East are added to almost all dishes, taking advantage of the neutral taste and speed of cooking. Soups, side dishes, salads - all this is prepared from funchose, adding meat, vegetables, fish, seafood. These noodles have the ability to absorb the taste of those products and spices added to the food with it, making the latter more satisfying, nutritious, and aromatic.

Asians value not only the culinary qualities of funchose, but also its benefits for the body. Rice noodles are considered a symbol of health, youth and longevity, since they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Regular consumption of funchose in food will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, calm the nerves and give strength.

Funchose salad with meat and vegetables will not harm your figure, which is especially important for those who are watching their weight. You can cook it with beef, pork or chicken, and sweet peppers, cucumbers, carrots, onions, herbs, garlic, etc. are ideal vegetables.

It is vegetables that add lightness, freshness and juiciness to the dish, optimally complementing the noodles with meat. By the way, vegetarians can also try this delicious salad with funchose by preparing it with soy meat.

Recipes with photos will help you prepare funchoza salad with meat even for those who strongly doubt their culinary abilities. This dish is considered simple and will take no more than 30 minutes to prepare. Treat your family to this popular Asian snack, everyone is guaranteed to be delighted.


The recipe for Funchoza salad with meat is useful both for everyday meals and for treating guests, because such a dish is not only tasty and healthy, but also very bright and beautiful.

A very simple recipe for funchoza salad with meat in Korean. For it, it is best to prepare thin noodles, a good piece of beef tenderloin, and multi-colored bell peppers (half red and half yellow) to make the dish as tasty and beautiful as possible.

  1. The first thing to do is prepare the meat. For this dish, it is best to marinate the beef in advance (3-4 hours before), cutting it into thin strips. The marinade is prepared from a mixture of soy sauce and spices (half of the specified amount), pour it over the meat, mix well and leave in the cold.
  2. Using a Korean grater or shredder, chop the cucumber, and you will only need the pulp without grains.
  3. Chop the carrots in the same way.
  4. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into strips.
  5. Place the chopped vegetables in a deep bowl, sprinkle them with salt and sugar and knead them well with your hands until the juice appears.
  6. Cut the onion into half rings, slice the garlic and place them in the oil heated in a frying pan for a minute. Remove from heat, add the remaining spices (coriander, paprika), stir and, without cooling, add the mixture to fresh vegetables.

Next you need to prepare the noodles. It is enough to pour boiling water over a thin one for a few minutes. Wide and thick funchose should be boiled in salted water for about 5 minutes. It is important that the noodles are soft enough but retain their elasticity.

When cooking, you can add vegetable oil to prevent the funchose from sticking together. Throw the finished noodles into a colander, when all the liquid has drained, the funchose can be cut for convenience so that it is not too long.

  1. Place the noodles with the vegetables, stir so that all the juices are distributed evenly.
  2. Place the marinated meat (along with the marinade) in a hot frying pan with oil, fry over high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Transfer the meat (with all the remaining liquid) to the rest of the products, mix again, adding black pepper and chili. Finally, sprinkle with rice vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice).

Place the prepared funchose salad with Korean meat in the refrigerator for a day so that its taste and aroma are fully revealed.


Funchoza salad with fried vegetables and meat is prepared faster and easier, as in the photo.

  1. Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in oil.
  2. Cut the meat into cubes and add it to the frying pan with the onion, fry, stirring constantly.
  3. Add chopped carrots there and continue frying until the meat is cooked.
  4. 2-3 minutes before the end, add sweet peppers cut into half rings, bring to readiness and remove from heat.

Prepare the remaining ingredients for the funchoza salad with meat in Korean: cut the fresh cucumber into thin strips, chop the garlic with a knife, chop the dill.

Place noodles, fried meat with vegetables (along with oil), cucumbers, herbs and garlic in a deep bowl. Sprinkle everything on top with salt and hot pepper to taste, add a pinch of sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Leave for at least half an hour and serve.

A bright, light and very tasty salad can be prepared from funchoza noodles with vegetables. Try adding meat or mushrooms to it - it’s very satisfying!

Our most popular Chinese noodle dish is Korean salad with vegetables. We will need funchose, vegetables (cucumber, carrots, bell pepper) and ready-made commercial dressing. In principle, you could make the dressing yourself; there is nothing complicated or hard to find: soy sauce, vegetable oil, peppers, vinegar, garlic, ginger, sugar, and some other seasonings and spices to taste. But we’ll do that another time, and today we’ll make do with a pretty decent store-bought one.

  • bell pepper,
  • Korean gas station,
  • Carrot,
  • Fresh cucumber,
  • Funchoza

We start cooking with the main ingredient. Chinese glass noodles don’t even need to be boiled, they are simply poured with boiling water and given a few minutes to soak – that’s all!

Therefore, put a couple of balls of funchose in a deep bowl and bring the kettle to a boil.

Pour boiling water over the noodles and leave to soak for 3-5 minutes.

Each piece of dry funchose is a multi-meter thread wound into a ball. For ease of eating, it is advisable to shorten it: cut each ball directly in the water with kitchen scissors in 3-4 places.

Place the soaked noodles in a sieve, draining the water. You can wash it, you can not wash it - it makes no difference. If we want to have a hot side dish, then it is better not to rinse, but to serve immediately, but if we are going to make a salad, then for speed we can rinse with cold water. Set the sieve aside to allow the remaining water to drain smoothly.

Now let's take on the vegetables and make the salad. There is a rule: in salads, all products should be as close in shape as possible. That is, long thin glass noodles dictate the shape of slicing - with long noodles with a knife or using a “Korean shredder”.

After cutting, we got a very beautiful and bright set: green cucumber, orange carrot, red and yellow bell pepper.

The Chim-Chim salad dressing is completely ready for use; you just need to knead the packet thoroughly in your hands so that the contents come out completely.

Add the prepared funchose and dressing to the vegetables, mix everything thoroughly.

This is how we ended up with a bright, cheerful, appetizing and very aromatic salad!

It’s just too early to eat a salad with funchose: you need to give the dish time to absorb and combine all the tastes and aromas into a single bouquet.

To do this, we must transfer the prepared salad with rice noodles into a container and refrigerate for at least an hour, or better yet, overnight.

Recipe 2: Funchoza salad with beef and vegetables

Funchoza (also called glass noodles) belongs to the dishes of oriental cuisine, but you can also taste it within the walls of your own home. It goes well with any meat and vegetables, and takes just a few minutes to prepare. Delicious dinner recipe.

  • Beef (or any meat) - 400 g
  • Onion (large) - 1 pc.
  • Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper (large) - 1 pc.
  • Rice noodles or funchose - 200 g
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Oil - for frying

The meat should be cut into thin strips and fried in vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes. Then add a little water to it, close the lid and forget about it for 15-20 minutes.

At this time, you can do vegetables. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips, and fresh onions into half rings.

Add the chopped vegetables to the meat, from which all the water has already evaporated, pour a little more vegetable oil into the frying pan and leave everything to fry until the vegetables are fully cooked (about 10 minutes).

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add a little soy sauce to the almost finished meat and vegetables (choose the sauce dosage at your own discretion), and pepper to taste.

How funchoza is prepared:

Some people soak these noodles in cold water, but this is a long and completely unnecessary task, since funchose can be prepared in another, faster and more familiar way, namely, by boiling it in boiling water.

Funchoza is cooked exactly like regular pasta, but its cooking time is exactly three minutes. After this period, you need to immediately drain the water and add the prepared funchose to the meat and vegetables.

You need to mix everything well - and the funchose with beef and vegetables is ready!

Recipe 3, step by step: funchose cooked with vegetables

Over the past few years, this transparent vermicelli has created a real sensation among Russian gourmets. The main advantage of funchose is its low calorie content and the absence of any additives in its composition, which makes it completely natural and accessible to those who prefer a vegetarian lifestyle. Funchoza consists of rice flour or rice starch and looks like thin transparent threads, for which it received another name - glass vermicelli. It has no taste or smell and goes perfectly with any vegetables and sauces, meat and fish. If you don’t know what funchose dish to prepare, we recommend starting with a light salad. We prepare a salad with funchose and vegetables, simple and tasty.

  • 300 gr. vermicelli funchose,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 yellow and 1 red bell pepper,
  • 1-2 fresh medium fresh cucumbers,
  • 1 tsp rice or table vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce,
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

The first step is to soak the vermicelli for 20 minutes. In the meantime, she’s soaking, let’s start cooking vegetables.

Wash and finely chop the carrots. You can grate it on a Korean carrot grater.

Cut the pre-washed and peeled pepper into thin strips.

Wash the cucumbers, peel them and cut into strips.

Heat a frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil into it and add pepper. It must be fried for about 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

Place the carrots next. Fry for another 3 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

Place the cucumbers into the pan next. Mix everything again. Keep on fire for another 2 minutes.

All that remains is to lightly fry the garlic; you should not fry it for a long time; as soon as the aroma comes from the fried garlic, remove from the heat.

While the vegetables are roasting, you can start preparing the funchose. Thread the threads into the vermicelli ring and place the funchose together with them in boiling water. Cook for no more than 5 minutes. Particularly thin versions of funchose can simply be poured with boiling water and left for 7-10 minutes.

Then you need to drain the funchose in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Place the funchose on a dish and remove the threads. Cut the cooled vermicelli into several pieces.

Add soy sauce to taste, 1 teaspoon of rice or table vinegar.

Mix everything thoroughly and place the vegetables in a salad bowl. Salad ready.

Recipe 4: funchose salad with meat and vegetables (with photo)

Funchoza goes well with any vegetables, meat (especially pork) and mushrooms. If guests are expected to arrive, then preparing such a hot meat and vegetable dish with funchose will not take even one hour. Our hot “glass” noodles with pork can also be included in the family menu and cooked for lunch or dinner.

  • funchose - 200 g,
  • meat (pork) - 350-400 g,
  • 1 pc. each: carrot, sweet pepper (bell pepper), fresh cucumber,
  • onions - a couple of pieces,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic,
  • one teaspoon each of coriander, paprika, a mixture of peppers, herbs,
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce and butter,
  • spoon of sesame seeds.

After washing the meat and separating its flesh from the bones, cut it into narrow pieces.

Fry it in a very hot frying pan with oil for 20 minutes.

At the same time, we work with funchose, previously filled with cold water for 5 minutes. After draining the last one, pour boiling water over the “glass” noodles and leave to swell for 6-7 minutes.

Cut all vegetables into strips. When the pork is fried, remove it from the pan and fry the vegetables in the same oil. You should not subject them to this procedure for too long - they should retain their crispy structure. Usually a few minutes are enough.

Add pork to fried vegetables and stir.

Having thrown the funchose into a colander and rinsed under the tap, we give time for all the water to drain.

Having placed the noodles in the contents of the frying pan, pour in the soy sauce, add all the spices, garlic, mix (one time will be enough). If necessary, you can add a little salt.

After 10 minutes (do not close the container with a lid), remove the finished second dish from the heat and serve, lightly sprinkled with herbs.

If suddenly, which happens extremely rarely in my evening homemade version, it happens that there is some funchose with vegetables and meat left, then the next day I serve it cold, like a salad.

Recipe 5: Korean salad - funchose with beef and vegetables

  • 350 grams Beef meat
  • 400 grams Funchoza glass noodles
  • 250 grams fresh cucumber
  • 100 grams Carrots
  • 150 grams Sweet pepper, red
  • 100 grams Onion
  • 100 ml Vegetable oil
  • 50 ml Sesame oil
  • 20 grams fresh cilantro
  • 30 ml Vinegar 9%
  • 20 grams Salt
  • 50 ml Soy sauce
  • 5 grams ground coriander
  • 3 grams red hot pepper dry
  • 5 grams Ground black pepper
  • 20 grams Roasted sesame
  • 3-4 cloves Garlic
  • 5 grams Sugar

Let's prepare all our ingredients for the funchose salad. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends, and chop into thin strips. Place in a bowl. Remove the seed stalk from the sweet pepper and cut it into strips. You can take different peppers, yellow bell peppers will also work, I like red ones, they have a more pronounced sweetish peppery taste. I do not recommend using green bell peppers in this salad; they have a more tart taste and are not so tart; they emphasize the taste of the salad. Finely chop the peeled onion. Meat mode in strips. Peel the carrots and cut into long strips; if you have a special grater, you can use it. Chop a bunch of cilantro and a few cloves of garlic. Let's prepare the spices and soy sauce.

Now we need to properly prepare the funchose. Add a tablespoon of salt to boiling water. We lower the funchose and cook for 2 minutes, no more. Afterwards, you immediately need to immerse the funchose in cold water and leave it there for 10 - 15 minutes. Then put it in a colander and let all the water drain. Cut the finished funchose into approximately 7-8 cm long.

Let's start cooking meat and vegetables. We will need to fry the vegetables very quickly; they must remain half-raw. Pour about 2 tablespoons of oil into a frying pan, heat it well, and fry the meat. In order for the meat to be fried and not stewed, you do not need to put the meat in hot oil, much less salt it in advance. After 5 - 8 minutes, add salt and pepper. Fry, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Place the finished meat separately in a bowl.

Then heat the pan again and sauté the onion for one minute, add a little soy sauce, sauté for another thirty seconds. Set aside separately in a bowl.

Then pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, add carrots, add a little about 1 teaspoon, mix well, sauté under the lid for one minute. Transfer the carrots to a separate bowl. Pour oil into the same frying pan again, add sweet peppers and sauté for one minute. There is no need to cover the pepper. We prepared the vegetables.

Transfer the funchose into a large salad bowl and combine all the prepared ingredients. Add ground coriander, ground black pepper, salt, red hot pepper, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, garlic, soy sauce, chopped cilantro and mix everything carefully. Glass noodle salad is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 6: Funchoza salad with mushrooms and vegetables (step by step)

It’s quite easy to prepare funchose at home, it doesn’t take much time, and it always turns out very tasty and aromatic.

  • funchose - 300 grams;
  • champignons - 400 grams;
  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • sesame - 1 pack;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • ginger - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cut the bell pepper into thin strips.

I grated the carrots using a Korean carrot grater. You can also simply cut it into long strips.

Cut the onion thinly into half rings.

Wash the champignons and cut into thin slices.

Now place the peppers, carrots and onions in a hot frying pan and lightly fry for 5-10 minutes. While the vegetables are fried, put the noodles in boiling water and cook for 1 minute, then drain the water. You can also simply put the noodles in hot water for 6-7 minutes.

When the vegetables are slightly fried, add the champignons and continue to fry for another 10-15 minutes.

Grate the ginger and pass the garlic through a garlic press. And add them to the vegetables and fry for another 5 minutes.

Now put the noodles in the pan and stir

and add soy sauce. Continue stirring for 3 minutes and turn off. The noodles should be served immediately.

Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Recipe 7: funchose salad with vegetables and kurzhut

  • Funchoza - 180-200 g
  • White cabbage - 150 g
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs. (small)
  • Zucchini squash (or regular one with thick skin) - 1 pc. (medium, one and a half palms long)
  • Bell pepper - ½ each of medium-sized vegetables (red and yellow)
  • Green onions - 3-4 sprigs (green part only)
  • Garlic - 3 small cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons (we recommend olive)
  • Vinegar (optional apple, rice, wine) - 3-3.5 tablespoons
  • Granulated sugar - 2-2.5 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce (unflavored) - 4 tablespoons
  • Red chili pepper (ground) - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • Roasted sesame seeds (to taste) - about 2 teaspoons

Let's prepare the funchose: pour boiling water over the noodles and let it brew for 5 minutes. Rinse in cold water (!) and drain in a colander.

Fry the zucchini: wash and cut lengthwise into 4 pieces to make it easier to cut off the seeds. We don't use them. After trimming, we will be left with the densest part of the zucchini, which gives little moisture when roasting.

Cut the zucchini into strips and fry in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Important: add a little salt and stir constantly, keep for no more than 5 minutes. Our goal is to slightly soften the zucchini until it is “half cooked.”

At the end of frying, add green onions: cut the leaves into pieces 5-6 cm long and send them to the frying pan with the zucchini. Stir for 1 minute - remove from heat.

We use the remaining vegetables raw in the salad. Shred the cabbage and lightly mash with salt in a large bowl. It will be convenient to add all the ingredients here.

Wash the sweet pepper, remove the seed, and cut into thin strips. Wash the cucumbers and also cut them into strips. Use what is convenient for you - a Berner-type grater, a device for slicing Korean carrots, a sharp knife. The main thing is not to deviate from the principle of funchose salads with vegetables: even at home, for the traditional taste of the recipe, you need to ensure that the vegetables are not cut too thick.

Combine cabbage and zucchini, fried with onions, and mix. Add pepper, cucumber and noodles. Let’s take into account that the noodles are very long: we’ll align them along the length with a mound and cut them crosswise into several pieces. Sprinkle the salad with sugar. Season with garlic (which has been pressed), vinegar, soy sauce and spices. If desired, add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil (will give an Asian flavor). Mix (it’s convenient to do this with your hands).

Keep the salad in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.

Recipe 8: bright funchoza noodle salad with vegetables

Funchose salad with vegetables has become one of my favorites. Firstly, you can prepare it in a matter of minutes, and secondly, it turns out very tasty, moderately spicy and piquant. I serve this salad as a cold appetizer, and it can also be served as an addition to the main dish, for example, fried potatoes or boiled rice. Try this dish and I'm sure it will become your favorite among salads.

  • funchose - 50 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - ¼ tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • Korean carrot seasoning - 0.5 tsp.

Recipe 9: delicious salad - funchose with vegetables in Korean

The main feature of funchose is that it does not have a pronounced taste, so by adding various products to it, you can get recipes that will please even the most picky person.

  • Funchoza vermicelli from green beans – 1 package
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber – 1 piece
  • Bell pepper – 1
  • Korean dressing for funchose – 1 pack
  • Soy sauce, salt, pepper, olive oil, herbs - to taste

To prepare Korean funchose salad with vegetables at home, you need to take the ingredients according to the list.

The first thing you should start preparing is to brew funchose. The finished noodles will approximately double in size, so choose your utensils based on this. Place glass noodles in a plate, pan or any other deep container.

Pour boiled water over the funchose, cover with a lid and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes.

While the glass noodles are brewing, prepare the vegetables. Three carrots and cucumbers on a coarse grater. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

Chop the greens you like. I used parsley, green onions and cilantro.

Mix all the vegetables. You can mash the carrots separately with your hands to release their juice.

Drain the water from the funchose through a colander, rinse it with cold running water and leave for a few minutes to remove excess liquid. After this, add funchose to the vegetables.

Drizzle everything with olive or sunflower oil and soy sauce. If you like it salty, you can add additional salt. For spiciness, add pepper and garlic. I didn't add garlic.

Place chopped greens in the salad and pour in the Korean funchose dressing.

Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

You can serve the dish right away, but then the ingredients will not have time to soak in the dressing and impart their flavors to each other.

Vietnamese cuisine is multifaceted, varied, and spicy. It has a huge number of dishes that have a balanced taste, but are not without spicy notes. Among these, it is worth noting funchose with beef and vegetables, supplemented with a variety of spices. Despite the fact that this original delicacy contains meat, it turns out to be quite light. So you can safely cook it for dinner. By the way, there is nothing complicated about this, if you take note of the step-by-step recipe with photos and several videos.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.Number of servings – 4.


To make an original exotic delicacy, you will need to prepare the following set of ingredients:

  • beef – 300 g;
  • funchose – 150 g;
  • carrots – ½ pcs.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • ginger powder – ½ tsp.

How to cook funchose with vegetables and beef

The recipe for funchose with vegetables and beef is extremely simple. He doesn’t hide any difficulties.

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients indicated in the recipe.

  1. You should start working on beef right away. The meat will need to be cut into thin but long pieces. The workpiece is fried in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

On a note! You will need to cook the beef until it is tender.

  1. You should add a vegetable preparation to the sliced ​​meat: chopped carrots, green onions and onions. Add ground ginger to the resulting mass.

  1. The next step in preparing the dish is frying the ingredients. In this case, a very strong fire is set. Meat and vegetables need to be stirred constantly. Vegetable slices should not brown.

Note! It is very important to achieve the appearance of vegetables as if they were left raw.

  1. Next you need to prepare funchose. In this case, you must follow the instructions indicated on the packaging. Usually, to do this, the funchose is simply filled with boiling water for 10 minutes. The composition must be mixed. The mixture is slightly heated. Actually, that's all! The original funchose with vegetables and beef is ready.

  1. The preparation of exotic funchose should be completed by decorating the dish. It is recommended to pour it with soy sauce, sprinkle with herbs and sesame seeds, but this is optional.

Video recipes for cooking funchozu with beef and vegetables

There are no difficulties in preparing this Vietnamese delicacy. But if you are preparing it for the first time, then you should turn to the following videos for help: