Modern means of transportation around the city. Modern means of transportation: hoverboards, unicycles, Segways Mechanical means of transportation between floors

All people in everyday life are accustomed to using various methods of transportation: roller skates, bicycles, buses, cars, yachts, motorcycles and many others. With the development of technology, vehicles have changed a huge number of times. In the modern world, creative designers and ordinary people are constantly trying to create the most unusual vehicles.

Suffice it to recall the recently appeared hoverboards and segways, but now they are commonplace. It is difficult to determine which transport is the most creative. In order to simplify this task, we present a list of the most unusual means of transportation in the world.

Limousine VAZ-2101

Cuba is a country where socialism and communism still flourish. Since the time of Che Guevara, the republic has accumulated equipment used in the USSR. A taxi driver decided to modify a Soviet VAZ 2101 into a limousine.

Nowadays a luxury economy class car drives around the streets of Havana. The man cut off the trunk of a penny and welded the second half of a car of the same brand in its place.

Motorskateboard Wilman

It was quite unusual for American inventors to combine a motorcycle and a skateboard into one vehicle. Wilman is capable of reaching a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, but controlling it requires serious training.

In order to learn how to control a motorized skateboard, you must have a good sense of balance. It is driven by a gasoline engine, which can travel about 30 kilometers in one flight. This pleasure costs an average of 60,000 rubles.

built bus

Quite recently, the MAZ 216 bus came out using one section of the well-known “accordion”, but it was overtaken by a Brazilian representative with two sections. A miracle of technology can be found in the city of Curitiba.

It was recognized as the largest bus in the world. The transport capacity is more than 100 people. It is mainly used to transport travelers on tourist routes.


Anyone who has ever heard of the game GTA San Andreas is familiar with a very convenient means of transportation - a jetpack. Nowadays, fiction has become reality. The inventors of Martin Aircraft presented the first Jetpack prototype in 2008.

Its current value is $100,000. However, the project has still not entered mass production in 10 years. The jetpack is still undergoing field testing and contains a parachute in case of a life-threatening situation.

"Diamond" Mercedes-Benz

In Japan, at the Tokyo Motor Show, special models of Mercedes-Benz cars covered with semi-precious stones were presented. Their cost is kept secret, but according to some sources, the cost of all stones exceeds $25,000.

The cars were made according to the special requirements of an unknown customer. The Diamond Mercedes-Benz was last seen in the UK. According to eyewitnesses, a young girl was driving.

Surfboard with motor

Not everyone can afford to go to the ocean coast to surf. A prerequisite for boarding on water is the presence of large waves, which occur only in natural conditions.

However, American inventors managed to create a surfboard with a motor. Now the natural factor is no longer mandatory. Anyone can ride on the water without leaving their country.

flying car

Another representative of the most unusual means of transportation is the Terrafugia Transition flying car. Humanity has been dreaming of creating such a machine for a very long time, ever since the movie “Back to the Future.”

The Terrafugia Transition is set to go into mass production in 2019 and will cost about $300,000. The flying car is capable of reaching speeds on the highway of up to 100 kilometers per hour, and in the air up to 200 kilometers per hour.

Its design is very similar to a sports aircraft. The wings attached to the sides can be folded 3 times. Of course, he is still far from the usual fantasies about flying cars, but the process of creation has already begun.

Cardboard bike

An Israeli designer has invented the most unusual means of transportation made from cardboard. The cost of his bike was only $9. In the near future, the man plans to acquire his own production.

However, cardboard has some disadvantages - low strength and moisture resistance. Izhar Gafni managed to solve this problem by adding stiffeners to the structure and impregnating the material with a special resin.

The bicycle copes with its functions perfectly, no worse than the iron one we are used to, and it is also the cheapest in the world. If you try hard, anyone can make it with their own hands.

Wooden motorcycle

Dutch inventors managed to create a motorcycle made entirely of wood. The only metal parts in it are the wheels and the engine. The body is made entirely of birch, held together with ordinary glue.

Moreover, the motorcycle is powered by algae fuel. It is environmentally friendly and can be used as an alternative to gasoline in the future. However, for unknown reasons, their innovation did not attract investors.

The motorcycle itself is capable of reaching a speed of only 50 kilometers per hour. At the moment, the project needs technological improvement and additional funding. But for some reason it’s hard to believe that oil tycoons will simply lose their earnings just like that.

6 wheel SUV

In a limited edition of 100 pieces, the German company Mercedes-Benz has released an unusual SUV with a 6x6 wheel arrangement, the Gelendvagen AMG G63 6x6. Their real purpose is still unknown.

The interior of the car is no different from business class representatives. The cross-country ability of a jeep is equal to that of a truck. The rear body of the AMG G63 is equipped with a 1.2 meter long platform.

The SUV's engine power was 544 horsepower. For comparison, for example, in KamAZ, engines with a power of 300 horsepower are usually installed, but Mercedes are much lighter than all-wheel drive trucks.

Now you know the most unusual means of transportation, but there is still so much interesting in the world. For example, there is a list of the most unusual sports games in the world that will pleasantly surprise the reader.

The desire to move and conquer new horizons has been inherent in humanity since ancient times. In the era of travel around the world and the discovery of new lands, various means of transportation over long distances were designed and built, such as chariots, carriages, and later ships and cars. Today, when mechanical engineering and engineering have reached the peak of their development, you can find the most unusual means of transportation on city streets.

Variety of modern transport

A person passing passers-by on a skateboard or rollerblades has long become a common sight for residents of modern megacities. However, a driver driving an unusual vehicle always attracts increased attention and interest. Extraordinary bicycles, cars, skateboards and amphibians of a specific design - this is not a complete list of vehicles on which you can move from point A to point B.


Traveling around Africa, you can see a real Guinness Book of Records record bus DAF Super City Train.

This long boat has been plying around Kinshasi, the capital of Zaire, since 1989, and is characterized by truly gigantic parameters:

  • length of the tractor - 19.5 m, total with the trailer part - 32.2 m;
  • weight – 28000 kg;
  • number of passengers – 350 people.

In 2012, the world was presented with the development of German designers and engineers AutoTram Extra Grand - this giant bus reaches a length of 30.73 m and weighs more than 27.32 tons. It can carry 256 passengers in one trip. The Chinese authorities have purchased several copies of AutoTram Extra Grand to optimize passenger transportation in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai.

Also, similar bus models were developed by Volvo, one of the leaders in the world's automotive industry, releasing the Gran Artic 300, which seats about 300 people and has a length of 30 m.

The mayors of the cities of Bursa (Turkey) and Curitiba (Brazil), to resolve the issue of organizing optimal passenger flow, used several buses more than 25 m long, thus reducing the number of small minibuses.

To walk along the city rivers in Budapest and Rotterdam, tourists enjoy using AmphiCoach amphibuses or amphibious buses, which were developed by an Italian company. This vehicle can travel on water and land and is designed for 50 passengers. Among tourists visiting London, a very popular means of transportation, on which you can see all the sights of the city, is the DUKW amphibious vehicle on the River Thames.

In Cuba, local auto mechanics were able to connect a truck and a bus together, resulting in a camel bus with a simple design. This specific vehicle can accommodate up to 300 passengers.


Probably the most daring idea in this category can be called Aeyo - a conglomerate of a bicycle, a scooter and 2 roller skates. This model will be appreciated by brave and active lovers of recreation and skiing.

The Half Bike includes a combination of cycling and running, which makes this device a maneuverable and fast tool for active pastime.

A hybrid bicycle with an electric motor, battery and controller will be an excellent option for country walks and travel. The battery is designed for 20-40 km; in case of complete discharge on the road, there is an option to turn off the electric motor when the bicycle is controlled by pedaling.

One of the most passable modern types of bicycle is considered to be a fatbike - a model with thick tires, low pressure in them and a reinforced frame, thanks to these characteristics, the bike provides excellent riding on any soil (ice, sand, snow).

Funny and unusual models

Chinese resident He Liengkai became famous for inventing the Suitcase Scooter, which combines the functions of a travel suitcase and a vehicle. This scooter can transport 2 people from the airport or train station home, its average speed is 19 km/h, and the battery charge lasts for 59 km. It is convenient to store in a closet, takes up little space and weighs only 7 kg.

One of the leaders in the global automotive market, Toyota, has released a three-wheeled chair. This single-seat i-Real electric unit can travel at a speed of 30 km/h without the driver expending any effort at all.

JollyJumper - running boots with a spring mechanism that allow you to run fast (30 km/h) and jump high (2.5 m), ideal for active recreation and physical activity on almost all muscle groups.

The Red Bull Flugtag flying machine championship is considered a real festival of bright emotions and creativity, in which competitors with home-made models take part. Aircraft with a length of no more than 10 m and a maximum weight of 200 kg are allowed for the competition; judges evaluate the work of participants in 3 categories:

  1. Creative.
  2. Range of flight.

Ships and boats

To provide convenient transportation for residents and visitors, Bangkok, Thailand has many noisy Canal Taxi boats that carry passengers in various directions throughout the canal system.

One of the popular types of transport in Hong Kong is the junk - a sailing ship, the prototype of which was designed back in Ancient China. Today, built-in motors make this type of boat maneuverable and fast enough to move people along the coast.


The most daring ideas and concepts were brought to life by American specialists in the incredible Aero-X bike model, which far exceeds the capabilities of an ATV and a motorcycle. This unit is not at all afraid of off-road conditions, since it can fly above the surface of the earth, reaching a speed of 70 km/h. The vehicle is equipped with a rotary engine, 2 propellers, designed for 2 passengers, and clearly responds to the movements of the body of the person operating it. It is too early to talk about mass production, since its cost is quite high ($85,000).

The Wheelman motorskate, which combines a skateboard and a motorcycle, can accelerate to a maximum speed of 45 km/h, and a 2-horsepower engine will give you the opportunity to feel all the fun while driving.


Back in 1901, a suspended railway was launched for the first time in Wuppertal (Germany) - the Eugen Langen monorail system. The suspended train travels along a route whose length is about 13.3 km, with most of the route (10 km) above the bed of the Wupper River at an altitude of 12 m from the water level. Within the city, the train's altitude is 8 m.

Monorail trains also operate in Dortmund, Moscow, North America, Japan, Malaysia, China, Singapore and the UAE.

Another train that surprises many passengers is the maglev (short for magnetic levitation) - the fastest train in the world, which moves over the road and is controlled by the force of an electromagnetic field. This magnetic plane or magnetic levitation train does not touch the rail at all when moving, but can reach speeds of up to 603 km/h, which makes it a competitive mode of transport for aircraft. Such high-speed trains run in China, Japan and South Korea; previously, magnetic planes ran in Germany and the UK, but for various reasons they were dismantled.

Traveling in Cambodia on bamboo railcars equipped with an electric motor (reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h) is considered the cheapest form of travel on railway rails.

One of the popular attractions at Agro Ventures Adventure Park in Rotorua New Zealand is the private monorail. Each visitor sits in a transparent cabin, pedals and enjoys the view around, and these capsules can also be connected into one long train,

Other modern alternatives

Such inventions and developments are gaining more and more popularity every year among residents of large cities, because they have undeniable advantages in comparison with conventional modes of transport:

  1. Almost all are equipped with batteries – minimal harm to the environment.
  2. Maneuverability, compactness, small size, no need for parking - no need to build large parking lots, since such a vehicle can be stored at home or in the office.
  3. Speed ​​of movement, accessibility of routes - you can easily bypass crowded places and traffic jams, and adjust the route depending on the road situation.
  4. Minimal maintenance and technical support costs - you just need to monitor the battery charge.

However, today the obvious disadvantages of this equipment are also relevant:

  1. Price - due to the significant material and financial costs in the production of such models, their cost is now considered quite high for the average buyer.
  2. Lack of legislative regulation of traffic on alternative models and adjustment of traffic rules. Many countries today have developed requirements for the owners of such vehicles and rules of behavior on the road, since they are also considered road users. In some states they are prohibited from driving on public roads, in others - on sidewalks and bicycle paths, as they can pose a threat to pedestrians (collisions, run-overs). In Germany, where the bike path infrastructure is at a high level, riding Segways and other models is considered the same as being a cyclist.

Perhaps the most common type of alternative movement, it is a stand on 2 wheels with a balancing function, powered by battery power.

A complex system of indicators, electric motors, sensors and microprocessors instantly responds to changes in the position of the body of the person controlling it. Tilt forward – the Segway moves forward; as the tilt angle increases, the speed of movement increases. Deflection of the body body back - the speed decreases or the unit goes in reverse. The maximum speed is 20 km/h, the battery charge is enough for a range of 39 km.

A Segway without a steering wheel is called a hoverboard; it is a more maneuverable and mobile version, but learning to ride it is much more difficult.

A unicycle or unicycle is a hoverboard that has 1 wheel, which contains gyroscopes and tilt sensors. To successfully ride it you must have good balance and a trained vestibular system.

Most often, these electric scooters are used by employees of various companies in the United States, for example, at American airports, as well as on the streets of Germany; in Moscow, police officers on Segways are often seen.

It consists of 2 wheels with a diameter of 25 cm, not connected to each other. Each of them has stable platforms for the feet; this design makes it easy to maneuver, make turns and turns, and gain speed.

flying skateboard

This Hendo skateboard is equipped with 4 disc-shaped motors that create a magnetic field that pushes the skateboard from the ground to a height of about 1 inch. The secret of this “hovering” is that the soil (soil, asphalt) is not an iron-containing material that attracts a magnet.

Skate with 1 wheel (electromechanical)

This electromechanical board has only 1 wheel, despite this, Onewheel can reach speeds of almost 19 km/h.

Airwheel recently delighted technology enthusiasts with a new product in the form of a one-wheeled scooter, which, with a low weight (9.8 kg), accelerates to 16 km/h. The design allows you to transform the footrests, there is a handle for carrying. The battery can be fully charged in 1 hour 20 minutes.


It is considered one of the most spectacular types of vehicles, as it provides horizontal and vertical movement, while performing a wide variety of aerobatics. There are several configurations that can operate on different types of fuel and jet propulsion.

Now those who like to conquer the sea waves do not have to wait for the right moment, because surfing has become much closer. With this board, active recreation is ensured even on a completely flat surface of a river or lake. Built-in engine, convenient design, control belt, stable platform - the manufacturing company took care of everything.


This type of transport in Japan is considered a symbol of tradition, as well as an inseparable component of the country’s entire culture. They appeared in the 19th century, but are now more an element of the tourism industry than a real method of transportation.

To get around in the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, there are pedicabs that can deliver their passengers anywhere in the city in a short time.


The city of Valparaiso, which is located in Chile, is completely spread out on the slopes of the mountains. A typical mode of transport with which you can go up or down is the funicular, which has been operating here since the end of the 19th century. These wooden elevators are considered national monuments.

A mechanical vehicle is called a vehicle that moves with the help of an engine. Mechanical motor transport units are characterized by a wide range and are presented in the form of buses, trams, cars, tractors, motorcycles, trolleybuses, sidecars, etc. They differ from each other in their design elements and operating principles.

A motor vehicle is a self-propelled machine

Mechanical motor transport units belong to the category of self-propelled vehicles, the design and production of which is carried out in order to use them on roads with a general purpose. Vehicles are characterized by the presence of at least two wheels.

This equipment must be used in accordance with the traffic rules approved by current legislation. With the help of vehicles, passengers and various goods are transported.

Compared to lifting and lifting devices, transportation by mechanical vehicles is carried out over fairly long distances. The classification of equipment is carried out in accordance with the engine that is used in it. motor transport installations can be:

  • Wheeled;
  • Skiing;
  • Tracked;
  • Rail.

In order to set the equipment in motion, energy is used, which is taken from certain sources. Energy consumption by motor transport installations can be carried out not only from one, but also from several sources. In most cases, vehicle installations have an internal combustion engine. They are characterized by fairly low cost and simplicity.

Internal combustion engines are reliable and safe, and are also characterized by fairly small dimensions. Thanks to the gradual consumption of fuel by motor transport units, it is possible to travel long distances with their help. The disadvantage of using such machines is environmental pollution.

Mechanical vehicle transport systems are widely used for moving along highways, which greatly simplifies human life.

Description of rail and trackless vehicles

“Mechanics” is what people often call a car with a manual transmission.

In order to move quickly and comfortably, rail vehicle installations require specially equipped roads. They are characterized by the presence of special guides, which ensures the formation of an entire motor transport system using them. By type, rail vehicles can be conventional, universal, narrow-line, monorail and combined.

Absolutely all cars are adapted to fully move along railway tracks. Rail vehicle installations are presented in the form of high-speed trains that have a magnetic levitation. Certain types of vehicles are characterized by the presence of an air cushion.

A tram is a street and partly rail-based vehicle that is characterized by general use. With its help, passengers are transported along predetermined routes. The operation of this vehicle is carried out using electric traction.

The trackless group of vehicles consists of buses, cars, trolleybuses, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles, trolleybuses and cotton pickers. Trackless vehicles are absolutely all land vehicles, the movement of which does not require the use of rail tracks. Full movement of equipment is ensured by a flat, hard surface.

Trackless vehicles are characterized by very good maneuverability, regardless of the type of road surface. A distinctive feature of rail and trackless vehicles is the need to use railway tracks for their movement.

Description of self-propelled and non-self-propelled vehicles

To drive a car, you need to get a license!

Self-propelled motor transport units are machines with the help of which specific operations are carried out. Thanks to the use of this technology, you can fully perform a variety of work activities. That is why it is widely used in the mining industry, agriculture and public utilities.

In order to drive a self-propelled vehicle, you must have the appropriate license. The issuance of this document is carried out by the authorized state supervision bodies in accordance with the current technical condition of the vehicle installation and other equipment of our country. characterized by the presence of several tolerance categories.

Non-self-propelled mechanical vehicles include vehicles that are controlled by the operator's hands. This vehicle is presented in the form of cars and trucks, snowmobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, tractors, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Self-propelled and non-self-propelled mechanical vehicles are characterized by the presence of one distinctive feature - the method of controlling them.

Categories of mechanical vehicles

Mechanical vehicle transport installations can be divided into 5 categories:

  • Motorcycles, which are two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicles and are characterized by the presence of a functional mechanical engine. It can be pneumatic, electric or internal combustion. To move vehicles, it is necessary to ensure that the driver is seated upright. The technique is characterized by the presence of side foot rests and the need to control the front wheels.
  • Vehicles with a maximum weight of 3500 kg. The exception to this group is motor vehicles, which belong to group A. Not counting the driver, the car must have no more than 8 seats. This category includes motor transport units with a trailer. The total mass of such units should be no more than 750 kg. This group consists of cars weighing from 3500 to 7500 kg.
  • Cars weighing no more than 750 kilograms.
  • Compositions of vehicles with a tractor. The category also includes trucks that have a trailer.

Requirements for mechanical vehicle installations and their management features are put forward in accordance with the category to which they belong.

Features of vehicle operation

It is necessary to strictly monitor the serviceability of the car!

To ensure a high level of safety on the road during the movement of a vehicle installation, it is necessary to follow certain rules. Vehicles must be regularly checked and maintained in good condition. Also, mechanical transport installations need to be checked for completeness and accurate placement of the cargo they transport.

Classification of vehicles according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union - in the video:

Since the dawn of mankind, people have been thinking about means of transportation that would allow them to travel long distances. After all, a person’s walking and running speed is low; accordingly, even a trained individual can walk about thirty kilometers over rough terrain (resting and having a snack along the way). Therefore, each means of human transportation is a separate interesting story that you can talk about for hours.

A little history

Until the time when people invented the wheel, domestic animals were the means of transportation: horses, donkeys, camels, elephants. Cavalry, as it was used back in the middle of the last century, during the Great Patriotic War. And elephants and camels are still valued as human assistants to this day (but, rather, in terms of exoticism).


With the advent of the wheel, the world changes. All sorts of carts, carts, carriages, and chariots were invented, giving people the greatest freedom of movement. They were attached to live draft power (it was possible, for example, to attach three or six horses to a carriage, which increased the speed and range of movement many times over). Later, mechanical ones also appear - a steam locomotive, a car, which can already be classified as “modern means of transportation”.

At sea and in the air

Man has long moved along the sea with the help of boats and ships, which also undergo modifications over time. If in ancient times ships used the power of the wind and the muscle power of slaves, then the newest ships - the means of transportation of modern man - use the physical power of combustion and even the power of a split atom!

There is a special conversation about the desire and dreams to fly like birds. Throughout history, man has invented wings, balloons, gliders, airplanes, helicopters, and spaceships. The last three positions can also be considered as means of transportation. Thus, current airplanes can fly around the globe without refueling, and helicopters can deliver food or medicine to hard-to-reach mountainous areas.

Now let’s imagine the top popularity.


This is probably the most popular remedy. There are hundreds of thousands of them in every major city. Every year new concept cars and models for the middle class are born. Family cars are used for country holidays, and sports cars are used for competitions. According to sociologists, a good half of the male population of the planet dreams of purchasing a new car.


Oddly enough, the bicycle is the most popular for many people. Especially in Europe, where even high-ranking officials ride a bike to work. And in China, workers and peasants all ride bicycles to work and home. Thus, a bicycle, as a city bicycle, can be safely classified as a “means of transportation for a modern person.” And he is still in demand among boys from every yard!


Railway communication between cities is developed in any country. Anyone who is used to traveling a lot chooses the train as a relatively inexpensive and comfortable way to travel. After all, in a compartment car, for example, you can lie down, sleep, eat, and watch a movie on your laptop so as not to get bored on the road. And for special workaholics, there is also the opportunity to work in modern conditions.


Traveling by bus will be less comfortable than traveling in a carriage. However, this has its advantages: if the bus passes through cities and areas with attractions, then this is also an additional excursion. So the bus can be classified as a “means of transportation for modern man.”


Traveling by air is fast, but expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford this method. The plane easily flies vast distances that would have taken ancient travelers months and years to cover. In addition, you can fulfill the long-standing dream of humanity: to fly like birds. Add to it all the magnificent views from the porthole.

Water vehicles

They remain quite popular in the modern world. All kinds of ships, yachts, motor boats and even sailboats. Traveling on water, enjoying various views, is very pleasant. But not for those who suffer from seasickness. They certainly choose land modes of transportation.

Mobility for the elderly

Elderly people sometimes find it difficult to move around. That’s why the “ecomobile” was invented for them (initially for people with disabilities). This unique product is slightly reminiscent of a scooter on three wheels. It charges its batteries from a 220 volt electrical network. The charge doesn’t last too long, but it’s enough to go to the countryside or to the store for shopping, or take a ride along the embankment on vacation. Moreover, this means of transportation for the elderly is environmentally friendly! This is truly a godsend for the elderly and people with disabilities. The eco-mobile is also relevant for parks, shopping centers, gardens, and nature reserves.

Latest means of transportation

The so-called transport of the future includes an electric car that uses environmentally friendly electricity instead of gasoline as energy. Under development and

The vacuum train is a worthy alternative to modern times! High technologies will allow transport to move at enormous speeds. Construction of the first line is planned to be completed in China by 2020.

A vehicle is a technical device whose purpose is to transport people or cargo over long distances. Today there are more than tens of thousands of such devices in the world. Therefore, in order to distinguish one transport from another, people came up with a standard classification, thanks to which all types of vehicles can be divided according to their purpose, energy used and travel environment.

Main types of vehicles

As mentioned above, depending on certain characteristics, all types of vehicles can be divided into three main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • by energy used;
  • according to the moving environment.

Since the above types of vehicles have their own classification, features and differ from each other according to certain characteristics, they can be considered in more detail.

Types of transport by destination

By purpose we mean the area in which a particular type of transport is used most often. That is, these can be vehicles:

  • Special use. These include military (armored vehicles, tanks) and technological transport (track vehicles).
  • Common use. This category includes all types of water, air and land transport used in trade and services. For example, a truck that transports goods is already a vehicle that fits into the general use category.
  • Individual use, i.e. those vehicles that a person uses personally. The most common individual transport is a personal car or motorcycle.

In addition, there is a separate subcategory of public transport. This includes urban (public) transport, i.e. one that transports passengers along certain routes, according to a schedule and for a certain fee. These can be buses, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Types of transport by energy used

Depending on the energy used, there are vehicles:

  • Propelled by wind power, for example, sailing ships (sailboats).
  • Moved by muscular force (moved by a person or animal). The most common human-powered vehicle is the bicycle, which is powered by foot pedals. In addition, there are small rowing boats and velomobiles, less commonly used in everyday life, which are also propelled by human power. Vehicles driven by animals are discussed in more detail below under the appropriate heading.
  • With a personal engine. This type, in turn, is divided into vehicles with thermal and electronic engines.

A heat engine vehicle is a mechanical vehicle that operates by converting heat into energy needed for movement. The heat source in such engines can be, for example, organic fuel. One of the most famous representatives of thermal engine transport is a steam locomotive, which is driven by processing (kindling) coal.

An electronic vehicle is one whose engine is powered by electricity. The main vehicles of this type are trams, funiculars, monorails, electric cars and electric ships.

Types of transport by travel environment

Depending on the travel environment, transport can be:

  • land (road, rail, bicycle, pipeline, as well as transport driven by animals);
  • air (aviation and aeronautics);
  • water (surface and underwater vessels);
  • space (devices and machines moving along airless paths);
  • of a different type.

Other types of transport include stationary lifts (elevators), elevators, cable cars, etc.

Ground transportation

There are various land vehicles, which are divided according to a number of characteristics:

  • By type of propulsion, there are caterpillar (some types of tanks, tractors and cranes), wheeled (cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles), as well as ground vehicles that are driven by animals.
  • Based on the number of wheels, there are: unicycles (one-wheeled vehicles), bicycles (two-wheeled vehicles), tricycles (three-wheeled vehicles) and ATVs (four-wheeled vehicles).
  • According to the type of roads, there are railway and trackless vehicles. Rail transport refers to any vehicle that transports cargo and passengers along rail tracks. That is, these can be locomotives, carriages, trams, monorails and overpass transport. Trackless includes any ground transport, including vehicles that travel on land.

Automotive vehicles

Road transport is considered the most popular and widespread type of land transport. Automotive includes all types of means by which cargo and passengers are transported on trackless tracks. Many vehicles are intended not only for short-distance transportation, but also long-distance transportation, especially in cases where it is impossible to deliver passengers, products or materials in any other way.

All road transport is divided:

  • For racing cars, which are most often used in car and sprint races (drag racing, auto slalom, etc.). These include, for example, monoposts - single-seater cars with open wheels, used in Formula 1 racing.
  • For transport vehicles that serve only to transport cargo and passengers. Depending on the purpose of destination, they are passenger cars (personal cars), cargo (vans, tractors, etc.) and transport (buses, minibuses, etc.).
  • For special machines, which, among other things, are equipped with additional equipment intended for certain purposes. These include, for example, ambulances or fire trucks.

Vehicles driven by animals

People learned to use animals as means of transportation when other types of land transport did not yet exist. Although years have passed and modern vehicles have appeared, many still prefer to ride a horse or harness an animal to a cart in order to transport any cargo.

Vehicles driven by animals include:

  • Horse-drawn transport. People mainly use horses, dogs, camels, buffaloes, elephants and other mammals that can be tamed and trained for transportation as vehicles for moving cargo and passengers on carts, carts.
  • Pack transport. The very name of pack transport comes from the packing baggage (pack), which is attached to the back of the animal. Such a vehicle is used in cases where horse-drawn transport is impractical, for example, in mountainous areas where the slopes are too steep and the roads are narrow, which makes the movement of carts and carts much more difficult. In addition to mountainous areas, pack animals are used in rural and swampy areas, as well as in deserts or in northern regions where roads are poor or practically non-existent.
  • Horse transport, which is intended both for transporting passengers and for participation in special sports competitions and competitions. Horse-mounted transport mainly includes horses, camels and elephants.

Pipeline vehicles

The main purpose of pipeline vehicles is only to transport goods (chemicals, liquid and gaseous products) through special channels (pipes). This type of ground transport is the cheapest and most popular, which has no analogues in the world. For example, in the Russian Federation, pipelines are used to transport more than 95% of the oil produced.

In addition to being cheap, pipeline transport has other advantages:

  • fast shipping;
  • low cost of transportation;
  • no loss of cargo during delivery;
  • pipelines can be laid anywhere and any way (not counting air routes).

The main types of pipeline vehicles: sewerage, water supply, garbage chute and pneumatic transport (pneumatic mail).

Air Transport

Airplanes appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity throughout the world. This type of transport also includes helicopters, airships, airbuses, and airplanes. This is one of the fastest, but most expensive types of vehicles, which is intended for passenger and cargo transportation over long distances (more than 1 thousand km) by air. In addition, there are planes and helicopters that perform service functions (for example, putting out fires, spraying insecticides over fields, air ambulances, etc.). Typically, air transport is used by tourists and businessmen who want to quickly get to another country or even another continent. These vehicles transport large and heavy items, products with a short shelf life, as well as valuable items.

Although this type of transport is noisy and expensive, it is indispensable for scientific expeditions that go to distant continents or other inaccessible places that are difficult or impossible to reach in any other way.

Water transport

This is one of the classic types of vehicles. Such transport is intended for transportation along artificial (reservoirs, canals) and natural (lakes, rivers, seas, etc.) waterways.

Unlike air, water transport is one of the cheapest after pipeline transport. That is why almost everything is transported by such vehicles: from building materials to minerals. And such watercraft, such as ferries, are even capable of transporting other vehicles.

But passenger traffic has recently become significantly less. This is justified by the rather low speed at which ships move from one seaport to another.

The main types of vehicles moving along waterways: surface (boats, boats, liners, ships) and underwater vessels.

Space transport (spacecraft)

Space transport (spacecraft) is a mechanical vehicle designed to transport goods and passengers through airless space (in space). Of course, when talking about transporting people, it is meant that they are both passengers and the crew operating the spacecraft. Basically, such transport is intended for more specific purposes. For example, space stations are designed for various studies of terrain, oceans and the atmosphere that cannot be done on Earth, and satellites allow people to watch international television programs and make weather forecasts to meteorologists. In addition, some spacecraft are used for military purposes (surveillance of war zones, reconnaissance of the activities of other countries, detection of approaching space objects, etc.).

The main space transport can be distinguished: satellites, spaceships, orbital and interplanetary stations, planetary rovers.