Anastasia Kvitko “went too far with Photoshop” on Instagram. How Anastasia Kvitko (Russian Kardashian) achieved such a figure: Secrets of the model and before-after photos Anastasia Kvitko without Photoshop and filters: what Russian Kardashian looks like without computer processing

The sharp transition from the waist to the upper line of the buttocks most likely appeared as a result of the installation of large implants. Or volumetric lipofilling was used. Of course, simply performing such an operation is not enough. In order for your shape to maintain its elasticity, you must constantly visit the fitness club.

How did the model “make” a big butt: exercises or the hand of a surgeon?

To fans’ questions “Where did you have your butt done, and how much did it cost?” Kvitko always answers that it’s all about certain exercises, and not about plasticity. Those who believe in this version are interested in how their idol plays sports, what exercises form such a silhouette? Russian Kardashian states that she exercises 4 times a week for at least 2 hours. Lunges and squats are the best way to achieve these results. Plus, she keeps a special diet. The girl also emphasizes that it is possible to achieve exactly such forms only if nature has awarded you with the type of figure “ hourglass", like hers.

But professionals in the field of aesthetic medicine do not agree that the “hourglass” is given to Nastya by nature. They suggest that the waist became so narrow due to liposuction. Moreover, the fatty material obtained after the procedure could be cleaned and used as an implant for the buttocks. After such operations, an unnaturally narrow waist appears against the background of unnaturally voluminous hips and buttocks.

Mammoplasty is no less noticeable. Previously, Nastya could not boast of a bust of size 5 or 7. This was confirmed by photographs in which the model was depicted as very young. According to experts, the breasts were enlarged with the help of plastic surgery. Moreover, this was done in stages; first, implants were installed 2 or 3 sizes larger than the natural volumes. When the body got used to them, they were replaced with even larger ones.

Anastasia Kvitko without Photoshop and filters: what Russian Kardashian looks like without computer processing

Anastasia is criticized not only for her artificial appearance. Many people don't like her passion for Photoshop. The pictures she posts on Instagram, carefully retouched, are noticeably different from the photographs taken by the paparazzi. She often gets captured by their ubiquitous cameras. Photojournalists make collages in the “expectation-reality” style and present them to the public. This happened in the summer of 2017, when the celebrity was relaxing on the beach in Miami. While on vacation, photographers noticed her and held an unplanned photo shoot. The girl was not at all embarrassed and was not outraged by their attention. On the contrary, she posed for the camera with a smile. In the pictures without filters, it became clear what Nastya Kvitko really looks like.

In the photo - Anastasia Kvitko without photoshop and filters

On the same day, the same pictures appeared on the page of the famous insta-girl, only in a “different light.” They were very different from the paparazzi photos. In them, Nastya appeared to subscribers “without the orange peel” and folds at the waist.

Anastasia Kvitko in a swimsuit - candid photos in Maxim magazine and on her personal Instagram page

Anastasia Kvitko loves to photograph her curves. She admitted to reporters that she takes a lot of selfies and belfies a day. On each of her two phones there are about 16 thousand pictures of herself. Thanks to such uncensored photos, the girl gathered an army of millions of fans. About 11,000 people subscribe to her page every day. There have been cases when the ranks of followers were replenished by 200,000 weekly. The Instagram star also appears in lingerie and swimsuits for various brands, such as Eliya Cioccolato. Kvitko also took part in filming for the men's magazine Maxim. Her hot photos received a lot of approving reviews from men, and the publication called the girl one of the most beautiful domestic stars after Vera Brezhneva and Glucose.

In the photo - Anastasia Kvitko for Maxim magazine

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Kvitko: Who is the fashion model dating, the latest news from her life

Little is known about Anastasia’s biography. She was born in Kaliningrad, lived in an ordinary five-story Khrushchev building. Studied as a private secondary school what millions. As a child, the girl was disliked by her peers for being overweight. IN adolescence Nastya tried to get her figure in order by starting to play sports. She managed to lose some weight. As a young girl, she began working in a modeling agency. But there they asked her to lose even more weight, and she broke the contract.

According to Anastasia, she does not suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex. She has many fans. In an interview, the fashion model says that many men like her. According to her, they “turn their heads” when they see a girl on the street and “do crazy things” for her, some give luxurious gifts. Once upon a time in Kaliningrad, Kvitko had a guy who really liked Nastya’s plump figure. He instilled self-confidence in her, considering her complexion to be ideal. But having moved to Moscow together, the couple did not last long. It is believed that the relationship did not stand the test of popularity.

A native of Kaliningrad, Anastasia Kvitko became famous thanks to her outstanding forms: for her seductive buttocks and lush breasts The size seven 22-year-old model was nicknamed “Russian Kim Kardashian.” The beauty's Instagram is updated daily with pictures of her in a bikini and lingerie - and this is the only thing she does for her popularity, and, in fact, in life. Anastasia assures that her body has never been touched by a surgeon’s scalpel, and those curvaceous forms that we see are a gift from Mother Nature. Like, no silicone, everything is our own, grown on fresh milk and cabbage. Meanwhile, pictures of Nastya from six years ago that surfaced on the Internet clearly demonstrate that the girl did enlarge her breasts and inserted implants into her buttocks. Moreover, the ideal butt, elastic as an apple, which the girl constantly shows off to subscribers of her microblog, is “Photoshopped.” Anastasia carefully retouches all her photographs and only then publishes them. This was proven by American paparazzi who photographed the model on the beach in Miami. Photographers caught Kvitko while she was swimming in the ocean. It turned out that in real life the girl doesn't look nearly as sexy as in the photo on Instagram.

Seeing the paparazzi, Nastya did not hide - on the contrary, she proudly stuck out her chest and walked past, looking into the camera. Alas, the girl’s pictures turned out not at all as spectacular as on Instagram. In the photo it is noticeable that the beauty’s buttocks are decorated with cellulite, and some other curves of Anastasia’s body need serious work in the gym.

One could give up on the minor shortcomings of Nastya’s photographs - well, which of us is perfect? If it were not for the fact that Anastasia has 6.6 million followers on Instagram. Many of whom are young girls who sincerely (and completely in vain) consider themselves ugly and are ready to do anything just to get the same shape as Kvitko. Even go under the surgeon’s knife, insert implants and do liposuction. Perhaps photos of Anastasia taken by the paparazzi will be able to stop them from this step and convince them that they should not pursue artificial beauty. After all, those perfect bodies and the faces of models that we see in photographs in magazines and on the Internet very often do not correspond at all to what they really are.

Unlike the perfectly smooth and elastic buttocks in the photos on Instagram, in Nastya’s real photos you can notice slight imperfections, for example, dimples from the “orange peel”.

By the way, Anastasia’s American idol, 36-year-old reality show star Kim Kardashian, recently “got burned” in paparazzi photographs taken on the beach in Mexico. Photographers captured the “orange peel” adorning the star’s buttocks, which you will never see in her Instagram posts. After publishing photos of Kim with cellulite, almost a million subscribers unsubscribed from the model’s blog. The model’s page was bombarded with comments accusing the star of abusing “Photoshop” and accusing her of fooling her subscribers’ heads: “Kim, you’re all fake!”

A native of Kaliningrad, Anastasia Kvitko became famous thanks to her outstanding forms: the 22-year-old model was nicknamed “Russian Kim Kardashian” for her seductive buttocks and ample size seven breasts. The beauty's Instagram is updated daily with pictures of her in a bikini and lingerie - and this is the only thing she does for her popularity, and indeed, in life. Anastasia assures that her body has never been touched by a surgeon’s scalpel, and those curvaceous forms that we see are a gift from Mother Nature. Like, no silicone, everything is our own, grown on fresh milk and cabbage. Meanwhile, pictures of Nastya from six years ago that surfaced on the Internet clearly demonstrate that the girl did enlarge her breasts and inserted implants into her buttocks. Moreover, the ideal butt, elastic as an apple, which the girl constantly shows off to subscribers of her microblog, is “Photoshopped”. Anastasia carefully retouches all her photographs and only then publishes them. This was proven by American paparazzi who photographed the model on the beach in Miami. Photographers caught Kvitko while she was swimming in the ocean. It turned out that in real life the girl does not look as sexy as in the photo on Instagram.

Seeing the paparazzi, Nastya did not hide - on the contrary, she proudly stuck out her chest and walked past, looking into the camera. Alas, the girl’s pictures turned out not at all as spectacular as on Instagram. In the photo it is noticeable that the beauty’s buttocks are decorated with cellulite, and some other curves of Anastasia’s body need serious work in the gym.

One could give up on the minor shortcomings of Nastya’s photographs - well, which of us is perfect? If it were not for the fact that Anastasia has 6.6 million followers on Instagram. Many of whom are young girls who sincerely (and completely in vain) consider themselves ugly and are ready to do anything just to get the same shape as Kvitko. Even go under the surgeon’s knife, insert implants and do liposuction. Perhaps photos of Anastasia taken by the paparazzi will be able to stop them from this step and convince them that they should not pursue artificial beauty. After all, those ideal bodies and faces of models that we see in photographs in magazines and on the Internet very often do not correspond at all to what they really are.

Unlike the perfectly smooth and elastic buttocks in the photos on Instagram, in real photos Nastya can notice slight imperfections, for example, dimples from the “orange peel”.

By the way, Anastasia’s American idol, 36-year-old reality show star Kim Kardashian, recently “got burned” in paparazzi photographs taken on the beach in Mexico. Photographers captured the “orange peel” adorning the star’s buttocks, which you will never see in her Instagram posts. After publishing photos of Kim with cellulite, almost a million subscribers unsubscribed from the model’s blog. The model’s page was bombarded with comments accusing the star of abusing “Photoshop” and accusing her of fooling her subscribers’ heads: “Kim, you’re all fake!”

However, fans noticed that Kvitko went too far with possible retouching.

"Too fake."

"Stop using photoshop on her curves! It doesn't look good."


If you look closely at the photo of Anastasia Kvitko, you can see that the shadow of her buttocks is much smaller than what is shown in the photo. In another photo from the same series, the model’s shape looks much more modest. Anastasia did not comment to fans about her suspicions of love for retouching.

The paparazzi once saw a model on the beach and posted the resulting pictures online. Anastasia Kvitko, without Photoshop, shocked bloggers, since her figure without retouching in the photographs that appeared on the Internet did not at all correspond to what she publishes on her page. The photos are still the subject of discussion among fans of the model, as is Anastasia Kvitko’s appearance before and after plastic surgery. The girl herself claims that she did not resort to plastic surgery. The beauty's marital status is kept secret. Anastasia does not disclose information about who she is dating.