Children's drawing of my dream house.

Electrical measurements Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide there from this world. I'll tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is the permanent abode of people and all the goods they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited Internet and a cat. It is carefully taken care of by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. In the territory of Rashka, it is most often a communal apartment in a Khrushchev-era building, less often an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this could be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant European-quality repairs and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty appearance

  • . Grants protection from acid rain and hurricanes of minor brawls, as well as from gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific type of houses: Madhouse (synonyms: mental hospital, mental hospital , Kashchenko) - A habitat for creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for conducting experiments on people
  • healing and healing of the soul. Accommodation by special invitation.
  • The White house . A pumped-up version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, it spreads democracy throughout the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.

House-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step
Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's straighten out the structure a bit, add some formal bushes around it and adjust the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add design to this hut, a beautiful porch and facade ornament.
Step four. Now let’s draw several windows in the front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. You also need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.

By using step by step instructions learn to draw your dream house.

Every person has his dream home - that ideal place where he and his family would feel warm and comfortable. Many people try for many years to find one. They say that a wish will come true faster if you put it in some kind of material form. Draw the house of your dreams and, perhaps, very soon you will actually live in it.

How to draw a beautiful house of your dreams with a pencil step by step?

Your dream home can be completely different:

  • like a castle
  • small and cozy, in a rustic or Provencal style
  • high-tech, “stuffed” with modern smart technology
  • futuristic

But, definitely, he must be beautiful and well-groomed.

To begin with, let's try to draw a small and cozy one-story house. Like actual architectural construction, it must begin with planning.

The construction plan is drawn up carefully, using a ruler, so before starting the sketch, you need to stock up on:

  • ruler
  • pencil
  • rubber band
  • compass (possibly)
  • any other drawing supplies
  1. Make an initial sketch - an ordinary rectangle, to which you can then add what you need - another floor, or several floors, a veranda, exterior details, etc.
  2. A house must have a foundation!
  3. Using straight lines, you can plan where there will be walls for rooms, attic spaces, doors, windows, fireplace or chimney.
  4. When it comes to drawing the roof, make the rectangle into some other shape, such as making the roof lines slightly trimmed. A beautifully designed roof will give almost 50% of the success to the beauty of your dream home.
    When you design the roof, draw it as if it were covered with tiles. Tile roofs look very, very beautiful. How many songs and romantic stories connected to the roofs of houses!!! The attic or attic of a house can be highlighted by drawing it as if it were made of boards.
  5. The next stage is the details of the house elements. You will need to draw windows, doors, door handles.
  6. Design the foundation as if it were laid with good masonry. Such houses look very attractive.
  7. Now move on to drawing the finer details of the house, shading, shading, etc.
  8. Place trees, flowers, shrubs around the house, let the cat rest in the sun, and let the dog live in the kennel; if anyone loves animals, he will not refuse such an idyll near his dream house.

Dream house in pencil: step 1

Dream house in pencil: step 2.

Dream house in pencil: step 3.

Dream house in pencil: step 4.

Dream house in pencil: step 5.

Striving for more? Draw two-storey house– a townhouse in which your large family can live under one roof!

  1. The house is built, and built, and painted from the bottom up. Sketch the first floor. Think about what the roof will be like. In this case, it is gable.
  2. Next, sketch out the second floor. For beauty, it should not completely duplicate the first one.
  3. Draw the architectural elements - cornices and columns, a canopy over the porch, as well as windows.
  4. Detail the drawing - draw window frames, shutters on the windows. Add volume to the roof with several smooth, symmetrical lines.
    Draw front door. Don't forget the door handle.
  5. To the right of the porch, draw a veranda with columns.
  6. Complete the " personal plot"- draw a few neat bushes and trees near the house.

Two-story house in pencil: step 1.

Two-story house in pencil: step 2.

Two-story house in pencil: step 3.

Two-story house in pencil: step 4.

Two-story house in pencil: step 5.

Two-story house in pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a house?

My dream house, the house of the future: drawing

If you decide to draw a futuristic house, you can forget about symmetry. The most daring ideas are welcome:

  • multi-level
  • windows of different shapes
  • unusual roofs

Dream house from the future pencil drawing.

Futuristic house.

Modern house dreams.

Drawings beautiful houses pencil VIDEO: Drawing lessons. Learn to draw a House

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Plan-summary of direct cognitive activity with preschoolers in the senior group.

Topic: "My dream house"

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"



Outline directly educational activities with preschoolers in the senior group.

Topic: "My dream house."

Integration of educational areas:

« Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”.

Objectives: To consolidate the ability to translate your idea into a drawing, depicting a house with colored pencils, independently choosing the format and location of a sheet of paper. ("Artistic and aesthetic development"); Strengthen the ability to navigate the types of residential buildings and the characteristics of the construction profession. Develop imagination creative thinking, sensory perception, the ability to build in accordance with the plan - diagram. ("Cognitive development"); Continue to strengthen children’s ability to compose creative stories and complex common sentences. Enrich your vocabulary: names of construction professions, develop coherent speech (Speech development"); Foster respect for the work of builders. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your home (“Social and communicative development"). Develop coordination of movements (“Physical development»).

Methods and techniques:

Practical: drawing a house, building houses from large and small building material.

Visual: examination of photographs and pictures depicting the city and village, showing the drawing of various buildings.

Verbal: writing a descriptive story, riddles.

Materials and equipment:

Sheets of paper, paints, photographs depicting various city landscapes, pictures, small and large building materials, diagrams depicting simple buildings made of building material. Shaped blocks of various colors, stripes, small toys, an envelope with a letter, a house, stones.

Forms of organizing joint activities.

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Dynamic pause “Construction”


D/ exercise “In order to.” Game: "Fairytale City". Construction game "House".


Writing a descriptive story about my dream house.

Reading fiction

Reading a poem about the city.


Drawing a house.

Logic of educational activities

Activities of the teacher

Pupils' activities



Organizing time

Children talk about the house in which they live.

Arouse interest in the upcoming activity.

Didactic exercise “In order to”

Game "Fairytale City"

Children complete a sentence, for example, “The roof is needed in order to...”

Children build structures according to drawings.

Attention and thinking develop. The vocabulary is enriched.

Imagination, creative thinking, and sensory perception develop.

Dynamic pause “Construction”

Children are divided into teams. A certain amount of large building material is passed from hand to hand. Then they begin to build a common house.

General body coordination, the ability to play in a team, and assemble buildings are developed.

Organize children's independent drawing, assistance, demonstration, reminder.

Children draw their dream house.

The skill of independent drawing is formed, fine motor skills of the hands are developed based on drawing various geometric shapes.

Reflection. Asks questions about the content of the lesson. He asks to tell you about your building.

Children evaluate each other's work. Make judgments.

The ability to evaluate each other's work develops. Coherent speech is formed.

Timur (4 years old). He drew it himself and said that his dream house was a house like his grandmother’s in the village, in which he would really like to live. In the drawing, he drew himself and a rabbit, with whom they were playing with a ball. In the place where the dream house stands, the sun always shines and there is no cold. He also said that there are dad and mom there, but they are drinking tea in the house😀))

Vika (4 years old) also wanted to draw her dream house. According to her, it will not be possible to stand on the seashore, in a place where it is always warm, always summer. Vika’s dream house is made of crystal, and sparkles in the sun with different colors like a rainbow. Next to the house is a stable (which I helped draw). Dolphins swim in the sea, and a rainbow path leads from the house to the sea, past a pond with fish.
The house will have 5 rooms, and the house itself will be two floors. Each family member will have their own room. Vicky's room will face the side where the sun rises and will sparkle with gold.

Our Nastya (6 years 11 months), having learned about the competition, also wanted to participate, although we had already built a house. A dream home for Nastyusha is a home where we are all together and happy! She drew a brick house with a tiled roof. And next to the house I installed a large umbrella, which will protect from the sun, and under which you can put a table to drink tea outside with the whole family. Next to the house on the left, she made a small house for a duck, which is protected from the sun by a small roof. Well, at the same time she portrayed all of us - dad, herself, Katyusha and mom 😀

Daughter Nicole (6 years old): “A dream home is a place where everything is good. I want good miracles to happen there. For example, for everything to work out.” She drew a dream house and a dream room, herself, mom, dad and sister Anna in a stroller.

I present to your attention the work of my daughter Maria. She loves to draw and dance.
In the words of my daughter: “My dream house is for me a place where my family will be surrounded by love and comfort! I have a very friendly and cheerful family - mom, dad, me, my brother and sister who is in my mother’s tummy. I dream big - a big house where there will be a lot of space for everyone, and in the yard you can play sports and play different games with the whole family!”

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your competition!

Super competition. Kiril also wanted to participate. I drew a house of this shape because I want everyone to have their own room with an interesting shape. Each has its own color and Kiril dreams of a very tall house. He said he wants to change the tall house. And so that the car was like a bus.

Dream house...Ugh, how we dream as a family, albeit small, but our own house. Zlata drew a house, definitely a playground for her and her sister. The dog to protect. A cat for daddy (his dream). Apple tree (family favorite fruit). And the house is not far from the forest (useful air).
We hung the drawing on the wall in the nursery with the hope that the dream will come true and we will really have such a cozy house...

Hi all! Great competition!
Sofia painted her dream house like a fortress!
In her opinion, this is what a dream home should look like.
Our whole family should live in it: dad, mom, Sofia and brother. And also, Simba the cat.
Everyone should have their own room and a large living room to receive guests.
The house must have a garden and a pond with ducks to feed them.
A strong and durable roof to keep the house strong.
Sofia also drew herself next to the house. She is walking near the house, alone and she is safe. Strangers cannot come into your home because we have a strong fence!
Sofia(6 years old)

Hello. We couldn’t pass up such a wonderful competition, which is very relevant for us now. Our family has a big dream, which has finally begun to develop into a plan to build big house. My children and I often fantasize about what our future home will be like. That is why most of our children’s drawings are now at home. But especially for the competition, today the elder Amelia and I purposefully drew a dream house and, at the same time, talked about how it should be. We drew on the window against the backdrop of the forest because our future home will be located just on the other side of this forest, so thanks to this drawing it is easier to visualize our dream. Amelia decided that there must definitely be 5 floors, because our family consists of 5 members. That is, each on a floor. Amelia’s floor inside will be purple, Olivia’s will be pink, Martin’s will be red, Mom’s will be white, but Amelia hasn’t decided what color Dad’s floor will be, she said she’ll find out later what his favorite color is. She said that we would have a large kitchen, a playroom and a living room. The garage was my initiative, but Amelia turned its large door into a window and drew a small door next to it. Near the house, Amelia drew a tree and a swing made from a tire tied to it. It’s also interesting that we painted the sun and a cloud, and the cloud flowed because the paint was too liquid and it started to rain. So it was decided to finish drawing the rainbow. This is such a dream home ❤ The photo shows the process and result.