Spain how to bake sweet peppers in foil. Wonderful baked sweet pepper dishes. Making stuffed peppers baked in the oven

In the oven Bake peppers at 200 degrees.
In a convection oven Bake the peppers at medium air fryer air speed and a temperature of 220 degrees for 15 minutes.
In a slow cooker Bake the peppers on the “Baking” mode.
In the microwave Bake peppers at 800 watts.

Roasted Peppers

Bell pepper - 6 pieces
Garlic - 4 cloves
Tomatoes - 3 pieces
Olives - 20 pieces
Thyme - 1 teaspoon
Parsley - a few sprigs
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

Food preparation
1. Wash and dry the peppers with a towel, cut each pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and membranes.
2. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stems.
3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel and slice thinly.
4. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
5. Drain the liquid from the olives and cut into slices.
7. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop.
8. Layer the pepper halves with herbs, garlic, olives, and tomatoes.
9. Season with salt and pepper, cover each pepper with foil if desired.

How to bake in the oven
1. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil.
2. Place the peppers in a baking dish, skin side down, add salt and drizzle with oil.
3. Place the baking sheet with bell peppers in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.
4. When serving baked bell peppers, pour over the resulting juice.

How to bake in a slow cooker
1. Place the pepper in the multicooker container and close it.
2. Bake for 35 minutes on the “Baking” mode.

How to bake in the microwave
1. Place the peppers in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Bake for 5 minutes at 800 watts, then, without opening the microwave door, leave the pepper for another 3 minutes.

Facts about peppers in the oven

Toppings for peppers

for 6 medium sized peppers

Cheese filling- bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
Cheese or "Fetax" - 200 grams, country cheese - 200 grams, several sprigs of rosemary, salt and pepper - to taste.

Curd filling- bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Cottage cheese - 300 grams, hard cheese - 150 grams, garlic - 3 cloves, sour cream - 3 tablespoons, chicken egg - 3 pieces, parsley - 1 bunch, salt and pepper - to taste.

Calorie content of bell pepper- 27 kcal/100 grams.

Shelf life of baked bell peppers- 3 days in the refrigerator.

The benefits of bell pepper due to the content of vitamin C (immune processes in the body), vitamin P (circulatory system), B vitamins (metabolism).

Baked peppers in the oven with aromatic herbs, butter and garlic are a favorite delicacy at any feast. A simple and easy recipe with photos.

Cooking time- 30-40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g- 60 kcal.

Season of delicious and healthy vegetables, in fact, summer does not end. Because in autumn it’s time for large, fleshy and incredibly juicy peppers of bright red, sunny yellow and emerald green.

These peppers only come in the fall, so don’t miss this time to feed your family delicious and healthy dishes with him.

Of course, the most delicious thing that can be prepared from such peppers is to bake them over an open fire. Therefore, be sure to get out into nature on the weekend to try this delicacy. Well, the rest of the time, try cooking baked peppers in the oven.

It turns out, of course, not so tasty, but more accessible. And if you also drizzle the baked vegetables with your own prepared aromatic and piquant oil with garlic and herbs, then the taste of the dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

To prepare, take:

  • 3-4 large and fleshy peppers.
  • A teaspoon of Italian herbs (basil, oregano, cumin, rosemary).
  • A few peas of allspice.
  • A few peas from a mixture of peppers.
  • 2 small heads of garlic.
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (you can use any, but preferably unrefined).
  • Salt (to taste).
  • A teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.

So, first of all you will need. To do this, cover a baking sheet with parchment (peppers tend to release juice when baked) and place the washed and dried peppers on it.

Bake until slightly charred (about 15-20 minutes). Then remove, immediately transfer to the pan, cover with a lid and leave to cool. In the meantime, prepare the sauce. Combine oil, crushed garlic, salt and aromatic herbs.

Place a few peppercorns - allspice and a mixture of peppers - on the bottom of a small saucepan.

When the pepper in the pan has cooled, it needs to be cleaned and “stripped”. To do this, take it by the base and remove the skin; if you have kept the peppers under the lid all this time, it will come off easily.

Gently pull out the tail with the seeds with your hands. Clean the remains with a knife. Place the prepared peppers in a clean container and pour the juice formed during baking into the oil and spices.

Place the baked peppers in a saucepan with allspice peas, carefully brushing each one with the sauce prepared in advance.

Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator to steep and soak in the oil and spices for at least three hours. After that you can take it out and eat it.

Take advantage of this simple recipe and please yourself and your loved ones.

Video recipe for preparing baked peppers in the oven for the winter.

I love fresh almost more. I always look forward to the fall, when real, meaty, juicy peppers from Moldova or our South appear on the markets.

There is no doubt that the most aromatic and smoky pepper is baked over an open fire. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be a barbecue or grill; I know many craftsmen who bake peppers on a divider mounted on a gas burner.

Moreover, some people even manage to bake peppers on an electric stove! Why not, but only if your appetite is limited to a couple of peppers. I prefer to bake a lot at once, on two baking sheets at the same time, because I always have big plans for baked peppers. Baked and pickled peppers are good both on their own and as an excellent preparation for other dishes.

my pepper, I cover the baking sheets with foil - juice will certainly leak out of some pepper - and put it in the oven, preheated to 200-2100 C. If the oven is with convection, I turn it on, things will go faster. After 15 minutes, I open the oven and turn the pepper over, then repeat this operation a couple more times: let the skin wrinkle and even burn in places. If I bake on two baking sheets, I swap them halfway through the process. Well, in general, you can move the peppers from place to place or simply take them out when they are ready.

I put the finished pepper in a saucepan, cover it with a lid and leave it alone for 15-20 minutes: during this time the pepper will cool down so much that you can pick it up with your hands, and the skin “ sweats"and will come off without the slightest effort.

I have come across advice more than once to peel peppers under running water. I categorically disagree, because in this way not only the skin is washed off, but also the delicious juice! I do this: I put two bowls in front of me - a large one for peppers and a small one for waste. Holding the pepper by the tail over a large bowl, I peel it, then use my fingers to scoop out the flesh, leaving the seeds on the tail. The juice flows into a bowl, and I add clean pulp there. If you get a few seeds, it’s not a big deal. As a result, I have in front of me a whole bowl of peeled baked peppers, swimming in aromatic, sweet juice.

Further options are possible. Can be cooked lecho, you can set aside some of the peppers for eggplant caviar . I prefer to marinate the peppers. I usually decide what to use for the marinade based on what I have on hand.

For example, olive oil vinegar, infused with Mediterranean herbs, a little honey, hot red pepper, fresh thyme leaves, salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, cover with a lid or cling film, leave for kitchen table and within a few hours an excellent snack is ready.

Since a marinade is almost always an improvisation, I write down my favorite options. Here, for example, is a marinade with baked garlic. These pickled peppers are an excellent appetizer or side dish for baked or fried meat, chicken breast or liver.

Pickled peppers with roasted garlic

What you need (for 4-5 large peppers):

  • 1 large head of garlic
  • 4-6 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 6-8 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar
  • 1-2 tsp. honey
  • 1 tsp. sea ​​salt
  • 2 tsp. oregano
  • hot red pepper flakes, to taste

What to do:
Cut the head of garlic lengthwise into 2 parts, wrap in foil and bake along with the pepper.

Squeeze the garlic pulp into a small bowl, mash it with a fork, and add all the other ingredients of the marinade except the hot pepper. Lightly beat the marinade with a fork and pour over the peeled baked peppers. Season with hot pepper to taste and leave room temperature for 8-12 hours.

It is better to store in the refrigerator.

Sometimes I grind pepper in a blender, and you get an excellent sauce for meat. Or I build a sandwich, and in five minutes I have a snack or light lunch ready.

This is especially convenient if you have leftover fried meat or boiled chicken breast.

Sandwich with pickled peppers and fried meat

What you need:

  • 2 baked pickled peppers
  • 1 small cold chop ( steak, roast beef, baked lamb, boiled chicken breast)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 poached egg ( optional)
  • 1 small white or red onion
  • ¼ tsp. Sahara
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 2-3 tsp. wine vinegar

What to do:
Cut the onion into thin half rings, sprinkle with salt and sugar, and sprinkle with vinegar.

Cut the meat into thin slices, mix with 2-3 tablespoons of pepper marinade.

Marinated pepper cut along the grain and place on slices of bread, pour over a couple of spoons of the same marinade.

Place slices of meat on top of the pepper, place pickled onions or a poached egg on the meat ( optional).

When guests arrive, you can prepare a more sophisticated appetizer, for example, bake mini biscuits with pickled peppers.

Mini galettes with pickled peppers

4 mini biscuits with a diameter of 10-12 cm or one large biscuit

For the test:

  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/3 glass of light beer
  • 1 1/3 cups flour
  • ¼ tsp. salt

For filling:

  • 4 marinated roasted peppers
  • 1 slice of bread 0.5 cm thick
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3-4 thyme sprigs or parsley sprigs
  • 2 tsp. olive oil

To submit:

  • young cheese
  • thyme or parsley

What to do:
Preheat the oven to 180 C.

Pour into a bowl vegetable oil and beer, add salt and stir. Gradually, stirring with a fork, add flour and knead into a soft, uneven dough.
Divide into 4 parts, cover with film and leave on the table.

Grind a slice of bread together with garlic in a bowl food processor into crumbs. Tear off the thyme leaves, finely chop the parsley or chop along with the bread.

Heat olive oil in a small frying pan and fry bread crumbs with garlic and herbs until a pleasant aroma appears.

Cut a piece of baking paper to the size of the baking tray and roll out pieces of dough on it into flat cakes about 2 mm thick. Press the dough with your fingers around the perimeter so that the edges of the cakes become slightly thinner than the middle. Transfer the paper with the preparations onto a baking sheet.

To the center of each flatbreads Sprinkle in some toasted bread crumbs, leaving about 1 cm of dough around the perimeter. Place pieces of pickled pepper on it. Cover the filling with the free edges of the dough, folding it into folds.

Bake the galettes for about 20 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Cool slightly on a wire rack.

Before serving, sprinkle with crumbled young cheese and herbs, sprinkle with pepper marinade.

During the bell pepper season, you should definitely try it baked. An appetizer of bell peppers baked in the oven turns out beautiful, bright and very appetizing. We will tell you the recipes for baked peppers below.

Roasted peppers in the oven

  • bell pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - from ½ lemon;
  • parsley, cilantro;
  • black pepper, salt.

Wash the bell peppers and dry them thoroughly, place them on a wire rack (baking tray) and bake in a preheated oven at 260 degrees. After about 40 minutes, the skin of the pepper will darken, then you can remove it from the oven. The pepper turns out to be ugly (as it should be). Place it in a saucepan and cover with a lid, leave to stand for 2 hours. After this, we take out the peppers and peel them from the black charred skin and seeds.

Place the peeled bell peppers in a bowl. For the dressing, prepare lemon, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper (preferably freshly ground). After this, we put the peppers on the dish in which we will serve them to the table. Salt, pepper and water the laid out peppers lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle with thinly sliced ​​garlic and chopped herbs. Cover the dish with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, our pepper will be soaked in the dressing. Serve to the table.

Baked bell peppers in the microwave

Cut the pepper into four equal parts, if the pepper is not large, cut into two parts.

Discard the tails and seeds. Place it on a plate and spread each piece with homemade mayonnaise. Sprinkle a little seasoning on top. Place in the microwave for five minutes. After stopping the microwave, take out the plate with the peppers and let it brew for five minutes.

Pepper baked with feta cheese

  • bell pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • feta cheese – 300 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • greens – cilantro, basil;
  • seasoning;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil.

Finely chop the onion. In a hot frying pan, mix equal parts butter and sunflower oil. Pour in the onion and fry it over high heat, stirring for a couple of minutes, then reduce the heat and leave the onion to simmer for 40 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the onion to cool. It shouldn't be crispy. Blanch the tomato, remove the skin and seeds, and cut into cubes. Chop the greens very finely. Cut the pepper into two halves and remove the insides.

Mash the cheese in a bowl. Add fried onion, tomato, herbs, yolk, and freshly ground pepper to it. Let's taste for salt. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Fill the pepper halves with filling. Place our stuffed peppers on a baking sheet and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Bake our peppers for 35 minutes at 160 degrees. After cooking is complete, remove the peppers from the oven, let them cool slightly and serve.

Roasted Bell Peppers

Cut the pepper lengthwise into two equal parts, remove the seeds and membranes, and do not cut out the petioles. Place the pepper halves in a greased baking dish. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into slices. Coarsely chop the olives into four parts each, cut the garlic into slices, and chop the herbs. Place tomatoes, garlic, olives and herbs in the peppers, pepper, salt and pour olive oil (1 tablespoon into each pepper). Bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Like many baked vegetables, oven-baked peppers are equally good as a side dish, as an independent dish, or even in addition to some kind of side dish with a neutral taste, like boiled rice. In my opinion, it looks simply luxurious, and the taste is also very bright. The main thing is not to skimp on olive oil and seasonings.

I cooked this pepper in the oven in December for a vegetarian Lenten menu, and still the smell in the kitchen was such that I really wanted summer and a barbecue. This is perhaps the only risk when preparing this dish that should be warned about... Everything else is as simple as shelling pears!

Cut the peppers lengthwise (from the sharp tip to the side with the green tail), break out the green tails, white membranes and seeds.

Set the oven to preheat to the highest temperature. Mine is 300 C.

Pour olive oil into a fireproof dish. Generously.

Rub the peppers thoroughly on both sides with olive oil.

Place the peppers with the inner surface facing up, rub with salt, and add Mediterranean herbs. Do not add garlic or fresh parsley at this stage. The garlic will burn and become tasteless, the parsley will dry out.

Bake the peppers in the oven on the top level, if possible under the grill and with convection, for about 15 minutes. Along the way, the lower ones need to be pulled up, and the upper ones sent down. The peppers are ready when they are soft and the top edge is slightly blackened. Not for coal, but so beautiful.

While the peppers are baking in the oven, cut the garlic into thin slices.

Chop the parsley.

Sprinkle the baked peppers freshly removed from the oven with garlic and parsley, after removing the sprigs of Mediterranean herbs.

Roasted peppers are good both hot and cold. And the butter at the bottom of the pan is especially delicious!