When to plant early cabbage in the year. How to plant cabbage seedlings at home: rules for growing and care. Video: planting cabbage seedlings in the ground

" Cabbage

Today cabbage is considered one of the most important and necessary garden crops. It is grown from seedlings at home. The timing of planting and proper care at home largely ensure the quality of the future harvest. Unfortunately, purchased seedlings often leave much to be desired, and they were grown in spite of all technologies. It is unknown from what planting material. That is why it is best to plant and grow cabbage yourself, personally monitoring the entire process. And this article will show you the step-by-step process.

The timing of sowing seeds can vary significantly depending on the specific region and its climatic conditions. As a rule, they begin to engage in this business in the second half of March. It's usually late in May. However, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the selected varieties, as well as the ripening time. Often gardeners resort to tricks and do not sow all the material at once, but do it gradually (over several days). This allows you to extend the harvest period.

Cabbage grows quite quickly. When sowing early cabbage, it must be taken into account that it must be planted in a permanent place of growth at the age of 30 to 40 days. For mid-ripening varieties, this period is slightly longer - 40-50 days, and for late-ripening varieties it can even be 2 months. In addition, the seedlings will need up to 1 week to germinate. Over the course of another 1 week, the transplanted seedlings will take root. Thus, you can accurately calculate the timing of when to plant cabbage specifically for your region.

Planting cabbage seeds in boxes

Favorable days for planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar

Exist certain days in the lunar calendar, in which it is best to sow cabbage. It is believed that if all procedures are carried out at this particular time, the plant will grow better, suffer less pain and produce an excellent harvest.

For each type of cabbage, as well as regarding the timing of its ripening, the lunar calendar has certain favorable days in every month. This is associated with a certain phase of the moon. This calendar changes annually. The following lucky days are provided in 2017:

White and red cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi:

Red cabbage:

Broccoli for picking:

Broccoli without picking

Planting Chinese cabbage:

Successful dates for early cabbage are March 15, 25 and 26, for middle cabbage - April 1, 2, and also April 7-10. As for late varieties, they are sown in the same period as the middle ones. During the full moon or new moon, sowing cannot be done at all.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground in May

Cabbage is considered an unpretentious crop. But the future harvest depends on the care and practical skills of growing seedlings. So that it is not scarce, you need to choose the right soil, as well as create the most comfortable conditions for plant growth.

Preparing soil mixture for sowing and growing seedlings

Absolutely all types of cabbage love loose soil. That is why peat must be included in its composition. It can be mixed with sand, as well as humus or rotted compost. You can also add wood ash to the mixture.

Soil for planting seedlings can be purchased either ready-made in the store or prepared independently. Only after the mixture has been obtained should it be disinfected. There are plenty of ways to do this. The most common, affordable and simple is to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sometimes a microwave is used for the above procedure, turning it on at full power and keeping it for 5 minutes.

The soil mixture for cabbage should be loose mixed with peat

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds at home and required temperature

Now let's talk about instructions on how to care for the seeds until planting. Regardless of what type of cabbage you are going to plant, the preliminary seed preparation will be the same. The first step is to sort them and select those whose diameter is at least 1.5 mm. After this, gauze is taken, folded into three layers and the selected seeds are wrapped in it.

The resulting package is placed in a thermos with water heated to 45-50 degrees and kept there for 15 minutes. Then the seeds in gauze are lowered for a couple of minutes cold water, remove and leave in a damp cloth for another two days.

If the seeds were purchased at a specialized store, then most likely they have already gone through all the stages of preliminary preparation and no longer need it. The only thing that is recommended to do is to keep them in damp gauze for a couple of days. This procedure will speed up the emergence of seedlings in the future, since the seeds will already be well swollen and ready to sprout the first shoots.

Cabbage seeds should be correct size without visible defects

Step-by-step sowing technique at home

Seeds are sown depending on whether it is planned to plant the seedlings or not. If you plan, you can sow in a common box or other suitable container.

If picking is not planned, then sowing is done immediately in separate containers (pots or cups, peat tablets).

When choosing the picking method, you need to prepare boxes with a depth of at least 4 centimeters. A layer of prepared soil mixture is poured into them, the thickness of which is 3-4 centimeters. Small grooves about 1 centimeter deep are made at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Cabbage seeds are sown in them, the distance between which should also be about 1 centimeter. At the end, the crop is covered with soil.

Proper care of planted seeds

After the cabbage has been sown, the container is placed on a well-lit windowsill. The minimum air temperature in the room should be between 18-20 degrees. After 5 days, the first shoots should appear. After this, the box is moved to the most well-lit place. The temperature should be reduced to 10-12 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will become very stretched.

Initially, the seedlings do not increase their growth much, but then the rate increases significantly. Three weeks later, the third leaf begins to appear. It must be taken into account that temperature regime for cauliflower it should be increased by 6 degrees compared to other varieties.

Cabbage seedlings are very demanding on lighting. In the spring, when it gets dark early and dawns late, you need to take care of additional lighting. This can be done using an LED or phytolamp. Daylight hours should thus be at least 12 hours.

Incandescent lamps cannot be used, because there is almost no benefit from their light, but the air heats up additionally.

Plantings need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries out. Lack or excess of moisture can destroy seedlings. To avoid this, the soil should be loosened periodically. Watering is carried out only with settled water heated to room temperature.

As the seedlings grow, they need feeding. A week after picking, you can add a solution of ammonium nitrate, potassium fertilizer and superphosphate in a ratio of 2:1:4 grams per 1 liter of water. After another couple of weeks, you can re-feed, but the amount of fertilizer per liter of water is doubled. If necessary, a few days before planting in the garden, a third feeding is carried out. The proportions are the same as for the first one.

Before planting cabbage, it must be hardened well. To do this, take it out into the open air and into direct sunlight every day for several hours. The first takeout is done for an hour, and then the time is increased. Before planting, you can leave the boxes for a whole day. Watering is stopped a week before transplanting to the garden bed, but under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to wither.

Growing your own seedlings is a troublesome task, but it is completely worth it. Only in this way can you get strong and healthy seedlings of a certain variety, as well as harden them well and properly prepare them for planting in open ground. Often, when buying a ready-made crop on the market, we notice that it takes a long time to get sick, does not take root well, and does not subsequently produce a proper harvest. Yes, and with the variety you can miss. You can grow your own seedlings according to all the rules, harden them and get the best results in terms of yield. Yes, and it initially looks many times better than the store-bought one.

What is a garden without cabbage? And what would a table be without rich borscht, an appetizing salad, crispy sauerkraut and many more delicious dishes, relevant both on weekdays and on holidays? What can I say, cabbage is our everything! And every gardener tries to grow good harvest strong heads of cabbage, and for this it is necessary to comprehend a number of useful sciences. One of the first among them is the correct planting of cabbage.

When to plant cabbage

If you want to provide yourself with cabbage for the whole summer, so that you have enough for pickling and winter supplies, think over a strategy. It consists of sowing several varieties with different ripening periods. It's rational and practical. It makes sense to prepare the seeds:

  • early varieties: they are planted gradually, several times, with a 4-day interval;
  • mid-late - these need to be sown once every two months;
  • late - planting time in mid-spring.

You will harvest the early varieties in the last ten days of June. In about a month, the mid-late ones will arrive. And the time for late varieties is October. More precisely, the end of October. And these tight heads of cabbage will be excellently stored all winter.

The first planting dates concern planting seeds for seedlings. This is the second half of March. And it is very important to create optimal conditions. These conditions are especially favored by cabbage, cold and light. That's why we make a cold nursery.

Nothing unusual: just a box with soil. Which one exactly? Experts prefer a soil mixture with the following composition:

  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • ash (1 tbsp per 1 kg of soil).

All this needs to be mixed well to create a breathable soil.

Before planting, the seeds will benefit from a kind of contrast shower. They need to be kept in for about 20 minutes. hot water, and then immerse in cold water for 5 minutes. This procedure will strengthen the health of future cabbage and make it resistant to fungal diseases. But be careful: not all varieties of cabbage benefit from this. Explanations about this must be on the bag of seeds that you choose for seedlings.

We lower the seeds by about 1 cm, sprinkle them with soil, and lightly tamp them. Now water abundantly.

Under no circumstances should you leave this box at home; you won’t get any home warmth. It is best to immediately send the nursery to the dacha. Of course, you don’t need to put it in the snow; cabbage loves the cold, but not to that extent. If the snow has not yet melted, clear it. And cold earth is exactly what you need. Just make sure that the place chosen for the nursery is well lit by the sun. Arcs are installed on the box, and the film is stretched over them. All! We are waiting for the shoots. They will delight you with their appearance in 10-12 days.

The time has come to open this green “grove” by removing the film. The next month involves caring for the seedlings. Strictly speaking, care consists of regular watering. For now, there is no need to thin out the seedlings or feed them with fertilizers. Just make sure the soil is not dry. In a nursery, future cabbage should live until 3-4 leaves appear, no more. And this will take just 30 days.

Consequently, the end of April and the beginning of May is the time when cabbage planting in open ground begins in the spring. This is the most suitable time for early varieties. In two weeks, in mid-May, you can start late varieties. But we plant the mid-late ones in the first half of June.

The area where your cabbage bed will be needs careful preparation. And preparations must begin in the fall. Choose a dry day and dig up the area. There is no need to try to make it even and smooth. On the contrary, all the unevenness will benefit the cabbage. If there are bumps and depressions in the soil, it will be well saturated with moisture during the winter and early spring. But when the snow melts, level the area with a rake to conserve moisture longer. This soil is best suited for cabbage.

When planting cabbage at the optimal time for the selected variety, maintain sufficient distance between the seedlings. After all, no less than coolness and moisture, cabbage loves light and space.

For each hole you need to prepare a filler:

  • a handful of sand;
  • a handful of peat;
  • two handfuls of humus;
  • 50 g ash;
  • half a teaspoon of nitrophoska.

Pour generously over thoroughly mixed mixture. That's all! Everything is ready for planting cabbage.

And if you prefer not to grow seedlings, but to sow cabbage in open ground, the timing depends on the climatic characteristics of your region. As soon as relatively warm days arrive - when the thermometer consistently shows 8-10 degrees above zero - wait the time necessary for the soil to warm up.

Video “Landing”

From the video you will learn how and when to plant cabbage.

Lunar landing calendar

Increasingly, gardeners are guided in their work by personal plot not only with the advice of more experienced colleagues, not only with the latest achievements of agricultural technology, but also with the lunar calendar. Without a doubt, to some this seems mystical, completely unnecessary in such purely earthly matters as, say, growing cabbage. But don’t rush to be ironic!

In fact, there is no mysticism here. Only centuries-old experience that we have forgotten about, and now we are gradually returning, making sure that our distant ancestors were very observant. They were also probably much more closely connected with nature than we are now. This proximity must have given them the opportunity to receive clues first-hand. Mother Nature even today does not skimp on tips - if only you would like to hear them.

A long time ago, a clear connection between the phases of the Moon and plant life was noticed. There are four phases:

  • growing month;
  • waning month;
  • new moon;
  • full moon.

Attentive farmers have noticed that with changes in phases, the vital activity of plants either rapidly intensifies, or almost disappears. The night luminary, passing from one state to another, affects either the part of the plants located on the surface of the earth, or the roots. From observation came knowledge. The systematization of this knowledge gave gardeners the lunar calendar.

Centuries have passed since the peasants own experience We are convinced that the waning moon is a good time for planting root crops. But the waxing moon favors plants that bear fruit on the surface of the earth. They knew: sowing on the young moon would provide themselves with a rich harvest. To get rid of weeds, you need to plow the ground when the Moon is in its last quarter. Large potatoes do not need fertilizer, but planting at a time when the Moon has almost melted into the sky. And if you want delicious pickles, don’t pickle cucumbers and cabbage on a new moon, nothing good will come of it...

That is, correct orientation to the lunar cycles made it possible to take care of the health of plants, and without compromising quality, to reduce maintenance work, and to obtain an excellent harvest. So what does the Moon advise to those who intend to harvest a rich cabbage harvest?

  • the most fertile ones are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer;
  • the average harvest will be provided by Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus and Libra;
  • Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo are considered completely infertile.

Favorable days for sowing and planting white cabbage in 2019 are 20, 25, 26, 30, 31 March, 9, 12, 13, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28 April, 4, 15, 19, 24, 25, 31 May, 1, 2, 11 , June 16, 20.

Another important point when it is better to ferment cabbage. Nature is full of mysteries! It is possible to explain the influence of lunar cycles on the intensity of growth, the characteristics of plant development, and their productivity. Apparently, certain things are really happening. energy processes, which move the vital forces in the roots, stems, leaves. It is much more difficult to explain the relationship between the phases of the moon and the quality of fermented or pickled cabbage. But she is! If the day is chosen correctly, the cabbage will turn out not only beautiful and crispy, appetizing and very tasty. It can also be stored for more than six months.

The Full Moon does not welcome such endeavors. It’s better not to bother: cabbage fermented for the full moon will turn out soft, the taste will not be at all what you wanted. And it won’t last long - it will deteriorate. The moon under the sign of Cancer, Virgo and Pisces is also not the best time for pickling.

We salt cabbage for the waning moon, and ferment for the waxing moon. It is especially good if the night luminary is in the signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

Be it mysticism or metaphysics, but show a housewife who refuses to take into account the phases of the moon if the quality of sauerkraut is at stake! Therefore, the lunar calendar will help you. May his tips bring a good harvest.

Video “Growing Tricks”

From the video you will learn how best to grow this vegetable.

Juicy turquoise cabbage heads are a decoration for all vegetable gardens without exception. And it came to the gardens of the Slavs from the Greco-Roman colonies that lived in the territories of the Black Sea region. Cabbage is famous not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties. After all, its leaves include a number of useful components, among which are: vitamin C, proteins, carotene, mineral salts. And even a great mind Ancient Greece Pythagoras selected the white cabbage beauty.

Like many other vegetables, cabbage has early and late varieties. Basically, her early varieties obtained by seedlings. Gardeners in Eastern Europe begin sowing seeds starting in January. The grown seedlings are planted in the soil parallel to the sowing of grain crops - from the first spring month of March.

The cabbage harvest can be harvested more than once. To do this, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with nitrogen supplements immediately after harvesting the first cabbage crop. The calculation should be equal to fifteen heads - 25 g of ammonium nitrate.
When planting late varieties of seeds, it is worth using soil well fertilized with humus, covered with a protective film on top.

Time to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2017

Based on the fact that this vegetable has a long growing season, it should be sown in advance for seedlings.

The optimal period for sowing seedlings

  • Late varieties: February 2017: from fifth to seventh; from the tenth to the twelfth
  • Early varieties: March 2017: twentieth, twenty-fifth, thirtieth, thirty-first.

Climatic conditions:

Climatic conditions should also be taken into account. For vegetable gardens in the middle zone Russian Federation The following dates are suitable:

  • March: from the tenth to the twenty-fifth
  • April: from the tenth to the thirtieth

Northern stripes of the country (Siberia, Urals): April: from the 10th to the 15th - early and end of the period - late varieties

South: February first days – early varieties; end of the period - late.

Lifespan of grown cabbage seedlings

Cabbage stems must be of a certain age before planting in the soil:

White and red cabbage:

  1. from 40 days for early species;
  2. from 35 for mid-season;
  3. from 30 for late species.

On average, eight days elapse from the day the seed of the cabbage species is planted. By the 45th day the time is approaching when cabbage can be planted in the soil. Good conditions For seedlings to sprout, it is necessary to store them on a balcony or greenhouse with an air temperature of about 15 degrees above zero. Seedlings are considered ready for planting if they have at least 4 leaves and sufficiently developed roots.

For the soil in which cabbage will be planted, it is best that it is preceded by potatoes or cucumbers. The first hilling and feeding of the vegetable must be done after the twentieth day of planting.

The optimal dates for caring for seedlings, according to the Lunar calendar, are:

Moisturizing cabbage.

Every day next months, in addition to:

  • 03.2017: fourth, fifth, thirteenth, fourteenth
  • 04.2017: from ninth to eleventh
  • 05.2017: sixteenth, seventeenth
  • 06. 2017: twenty-ninth, thirtieth

Complex fertilizer:

  • 03.2017: from 4th to 23rd
  • 04/2017: 19th and 20th
  • 05/2017: 21st and 22nd

As mentioned above, planting cabbage of early varieties is also possible in open ground. This procedure can be carried out in April. First, at the beginning of April, it is necessary to cover the area for planting with film, and then, in the middle of the month, sow the seeds under the film. Starting from warm May, you can do without films and sow directly into the soil.

Varieties that love warmth more than white cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower) must be planted later, after waiting for normal warm weather. Also, these varieties do not take root after damage to the root system; to avoid such trouble, it is necessary to plant each seed in a separate container. If there are five leaves (their age should be about 30 days), they can be planted in the soil of the garden bed. Starting from lunar calendar, favorable dates will be April 9th ​​and 10th.

Real gardeners know that a successful harvest depends primarily on the diligence of the owner. However, knowledge of some growing features is an integral component of this success.

We invite you to watch a video on how to sow cabbage for seedlings:

It is necessary to plan the dates of seedlings and sowing in advance, and you need to focus on the timing of the lunar calendar in order to get a good harvest, tasty and healthy heads of cabbage.

Favorable days for planting cabbage seedlings:

  • Favorable days in March: 20, 25, 26, 30, 31;
  • Favorable days in April: 9, 12, 13, 18, 22, 26-28;
  • Favorable days in May: 4th, 15th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 31st;
  • Favorable days in June: 1st, 2nd, 11th, 16th, 20th.

The following is also important: it is necessary to optimally select the zodiac sign for cabbage seedlings. The best signs for this culture are: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn. But if it is a waning moon, then sowing occurs in a sign favorable to it.

Important nuances when growing cabbage seedlings

  • Do not carry out any work during the full moon or new moon.
    On average, this is three days a month - one and a half days before and after. Any plantings made at this time do not give good results and productivity;
  • Favorable time of day - early morning or late evening;
  • Optimal Zodiac Signs .
    Optimal zodiac signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Taurus. Also take into account the previously mentioned Libra and Capricorn;
  • It is better to start planting cabbage from the fourth lunar day and end on the eleventh day.
    This is explained by the fact that the waxing moon helps crops grow. Cabbage is just such a crop, it reaches up, not down, because we eat the “upper” part. The phase of the moon is important

How to plant cabbage seedlings

The harvest also depends on the conditions created for the favorable development of the crop. Its growth will be influenced by the following factors: light, heat, temperature, quality and condition of the soil (acid balance is important - it must be neutral). In order to determine the most favorable day, make seating arrangements on the indicated dates, but different days. Be sure to indicate these numbers on seedlings, and do not forget to do this on open ground. Then you will understand on what date of sowing you got a rich and successful harvest, be sure to conduct this experiment.
Experienced gardeners say that for sowing seeds better soil it will become a cucumber plant for them - this will make good seedlings. It is imperative to fertilize the soil, preferably wood ash so that the soil is loose and light.

Soak the seeds by first washing and disinfecting them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This way you will protect the seeds from germs, bacteria and viruses. Dry healthy seeds and plant in prepared soil. Take a container for planting, fill it halfway with soil, pour in a little potassium permanganate solution, make grooves and plant the seeds. You can additionally germinate them. The soaked seeds should be sprinkled with a little soil and placed in the sun to dry. And dry seeds are covered with plastic film or fiberglass.

Ensure optimal watering. After all, if there is too much water, the seeds may simply rot.

If all conditions are met, the seeds will soon begin to produce strong and healthy sprouts. Remove the plastic wrap immediately after the sprouts emerge.

Keep the seedlings in the sun and warm temperature- these are the main requirements, because cabbage loves light and warmth.

Remember this rule when planting cabbage in open ground, choose unshaded and warm places for this crop. You cannot plant cabbage in the same place, this is due to the fact that pests could remain in the previous place where the cabbage was sitting, successfully overwintering and adapting and ruining the future standing crop. Do not forget to treat crops with special preparations, sold in gardening stores and having a specific chemical composition. On our website you can find out about all the vegetables, let’s say you know? Be sure to check it out.

Now you know when to plant cabbage seedlings, so just follow all the requirements described above and then you will get a rich harvest of strong and delicious cabbage, which will delight you all year round.

I share with you some little tricks of gardeners and gardeners))

Good day everyone! Today the garden theme will be dedicated to the most popular vegetable in our beds - cabbage.

If you make a list of leaders garden crops, then the top four will undoubtedly include tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and our today’s heroine.

True, regardless of preference for one or another variety of the first three vegetable crops, our beauty is mainly grown exclusively as white cabbage. Few people plant broccoli or cauliflower. And there is no need to talk about other types.

But this, as they say, is a matter of everyone’s taste. Today I will tell you about different representatives. Suddenly you want to master a new variety for yourself. Moreover, the time for sowing and growing is no longer waiting. So let's talk about how to do this.

The timing of planting any crop, including cabbage, primarily depends on the climate present in a particular region. That is, weather and climatic conditions are taken into account.

It is clear that in cold weather plants develop more slowly, and seeds for seedlings should be sown earlier. However, in the southern regions, the timing of planting seedlings in open ground is earlier than in the northern regions. So don't forget about this either.

According to popular beliefs and advice, it is best to plant it as seedlings during the period when the Moon is waxing.

The table below shows favorable and unfavorable timing for working with this vegetable crop.

In addition, planting depends on the variety. If you need to get results quickly, it is better to sow seeds of early varieties. If you are going to store cabbage for several months, then medium. And naturally, for winter storage it is better to use seeds of late varieties.

It is clear that all varieties have their own period of growth and development. And in accordance with this, they are all planted in open ground at different times.

Let's look at these terms for the white and red cabbage varieties:

  • for early varieties this period is 50 – 55 days
  • for medium-sized ones – it is 40 – 45 days
  • and for late varieties it is the smallest, only 30 - 35 days

Here are the dates for other varieties of this popular culture:

  • for broccoli it will be 45 - 50 days
  • for color this period is the same and is 45 – 50 days
  • and for Brussels - it is the longest, and is almost two months, or more precisely 50 - 60 days.
  • Kohlrabi and Savoy cabbage have a short period of time, it is only 35 - 45 days.

And we cannot discount the fact that we will pick up the seedlings. And at this time the plant will adapt to new conditions (I don’t want to use the word “sick” in this case). And this will also take about a week.

Now, knowing all these numbers, as well as knowing the approximate date of planting in open ground, you can accurately calculate the exact date of sowing seeds for seedlings.

This is a scheme that must always be followed, and then the plant will sprout on time, grow and give an excellent harvest.

Features of growing different types and varieties of maturation

As we have already determined, there are different varieties and types of this crop. And they all have different ripening periods. That's why they plant them in different time and at different times.

In the northern regions, early varieties may already be sown in mid-February or early March. But April is the most suitable time for sowing crops of medium-ripening varieties. Moreover, they begin to sow seeds from the very beginning of the month, without delay.

But with late varieties you can wait a little and start planting only by the end of April. There is plenty of time, and the cabbage will have time to grow, ripen, and gain strength for long-term storage in the winter.

Now let's look at this issue in more detail, literally for each variety and type. As we could see, there are quite a lot of them. And let's start with the most popular and beloved - with the white cabbage beauty.

  • February 15 – March 15 – dates for planting early ripening varieties
  • March 1 – March 31 – mid-season varieties are planted
  • March 15 – April 15 – you can sow seeds of late varieties

For red cabbage these terms are as follows:

  • March 15 – April 15 – seeds of early ripening varieties are sown
  • March 30 – April 30 – you can plant mid-season and late varieties

Cauliflower is a favorite among many. garden plots, and every year it is grown more and more actively. And here there are also early and mid-ripening varieties.

  • March 15 – April 15 – sowing dates for the first of them
  • April 1 – May 15 is just the time for the latter. Often, mid-season varieties are sown for seedlings already in greenhouses with the onset of warm days. Then they are planted in open ground.

Kohlrabi is a storehouse of vitamins, and simply beautiful and original vegetable crop. They love to grow it, and most importantly they love to harvest it - unusual beautiful forks.

  • March 15 – March 30 – sowing dates for early ripening varieties
  • April 1 – April 31 – sow medium varieties
  • from May 1, all late varieties are sown

This lovely “Brussels” beauty is not often grown in our gardens. But if she has already settled once, she will become their permanent resident.

  • March 1 - April 1 - time to sow early varieties of beauty
  • April 1 - May 1 is the time for medium varieties
  • April 15 – May 15 – the best time for late varieties

Broccoli – it even has a beautiful name! And what is she like? It’s even a shame to cut it when it’s ripe. Why not plant it in the garden with our usual Russian beauty. What are the deadlines for it?

  • March 1 – April 1 – early varieties, or directly into the ground from May 15 to June 15
  • March 15 – April 15 – time to sow mid-season varieties
  • April 1 - May 1 is the right time to sow seeds of late varieties.

And we haven’t forgotten the overseas savoy cabbage either. The deadlines for her are:

  • February 15 – March 15 – the earliest varieties
  • March 15 – April 15 – middle and late varieties

And at the beginning of the chapter we also talked about climatic zones and the characteristics of sowing in them.

Thus, in the Urals and Siberia it is customary to sow seeds for seedlings from about mid-April. This is the case if we are planting early ripening varieties. And at the end of April you can prepare seeds of medium and early ripening varieties.

In the Volga region, early ripening cabbage is sown in mid-March and continues until early April. And already, starting from the first days of April, mid-season and late varieties are sown.

In the Moscow region and in Middle lane Russia also begins to sow from mid-March, and middle and late varieties are preserved until mid-April. And there they are already beginning to sow and grow seedlings with might and main.

Methods and features of growing from seeds

Cabbage loves full daylight. For its flowering and setting, a minimum 12-hour photoperiod is required. If there is not enough light, then germination may not occur. Early ripening varieties, and they ripen almost 90-100 days after sowing.

All this must be taken into account when choosing a landing method. And there are two of them. The most common is seedling and the second less popular is non-seedling.

Seedling growing method

Since planting seeds for seedlings is a more common and practiced method, we will consider it at the beginning.

If all the work on growing seedlings is divided into stages, then we can distinguish (conditionally, of course) the following stages:

  • soil preparation
  • planting seeds
  • seedling care
  • picking and hardening
  • planting seedlings in open ground

As for the soil, it is now easier to purchase it in the store. But if you decide to prepare it yourself, then prepare the soil in the form of a mixture of peat and compost, which consists of humus, soil and sand. Moreover, sand should be no more than five percent of the total mixture.

Having prepared the soil, we prepare containers for the seeds. Here you can either take a common box for all the seedlings at once, or use individual cups for planting. In this case, you will not need to pick up the seedlings or replant them later.

Fill the prepared containers with soil.

A day before sowing, it should be thoroughly watered with a solution of drugs such as Gamair and Alirin-B.

If we use a container for general landing, then we make shallow grooves in it, 1 cm deep. The distance between them should be at least 1 cm, and preferably a little more. The soil must be slightly moistened by sprinkling from a spray bottle, then sow the seeds at a distance of 1 cm.

Then sprinkle the seeds with soil and lightly spray the soil again. Then we put it on the windowsill and wait for shoots. The optimal temperature for this is 25 degrees Celsius.

The first seedlings will see the light in a week. And there will appear friendly, pleasing to the eye shoots. After this, we lower the temperature to 17 degrees for a week. It is necessary to water moderately so that there is no excess moisture. It is best to water through a syringe or rubber bulb. In this case, the small delicate roots are not injured.

The seedlings are picked very small, approximately 14 days after emergence. After this, the small sprout adapts for 7 - 10 days, and then begins to grow and develop again. The best temperature for this is 20 degrees. Watering during the entire growth period should also be moderate. It is also necessary to provide the seedlings with sufficient light.

With the onset of warm days, it's time to slightly harden our sissy. To do this, 12 days before planting in open ground, you can first open the window for a short time; over time, this period can be gradually lengthened. And after a few days you can leave it on a cool balcony for a while. And also gradually increase the time of her stay there.

Seedless growing method

The second method of growing is without seedlings. As is clear from the word itself, it means planting seeds directly in open ground.

Here, you need to prepare the seeds even more carefully than for seedlings.

  • Sorting
  • Culling
  • Aging in warm water within 15 minutes

All these are significantly important stages and activities for seed preparation.

After this, you can start sowing. We sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm. It is generally believed that per 10 square meters. meters 1.5-2 g is enough. seeds

As soon as the first three leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out and remove weak shoots. After 5-6 leaves appear, one more, final thinning is done.

For this growing method, seedlings are cared for in exactly the same way as with the previous method.

When to plant cabbage seedlings

And so, we decided to plant our favorite vegetable crop using seedlings. And we have already decided on the varieties and timing of planting them in open ground. We have already thoroughly understood this issue. I hope everyone understands how to count and calculate.

We know that already in July you can harvest the first harvest of early ripening cabbage. If you do the math, it needs to be planted no later than the first ten days of March. At the end of March it will be too late. This is the time for middle and late varieties.

It is clear that these dates are very approximate. After all, we also know and have already considered that the main factors are the climatic conditions of the area where you are planting.

Besides, it doesn’t even happen from year to year. Either in March all the snow has already melted, otherwise it lies a meter thick. That is, the weather conditions are such that the deadlines need to be revised and shifted in one direction. All this needs to be taken into account. And also take into account how long the seedlings need to grow in the warmth of home before they are planted in the ground.

There are a lot of calculations. And below is an approximate table that may help a little with the sowing dates of various varieties.

Timing for planting early cabbage seedlings of different varieties

Many people sow early cabbage to receive an early portion of fresh vitamins. They plant it not so much, mainly using medium and winter varieties. After all, they are the ones that are salted, prepared in salads and stored all winter.

But the early beauty is too good and tasty, so everyone tries to grow it as early as possible. Therefore, let's take a quick look at the timing of its planting.

When you buy seeds, be sure to pay attention to get the right variety. In our case - early. There are early varieties in almost all types and varieties of our heroine. And for all of them there are different sowing times. As a rule, there is information about this on the packaging. You can also find approximate dates for sowing and planting in open ground.

Early varieties require the most time to maintain at home. This means that some varieties are already starting to be planted in January (for example, Savoy).

In the chapter above, we have already examined in detail when which species should be sown. All that remains is to stick to it.

White and red cabbage beauties are sown 40 - 60 days before planting in the ground; kohlrabi – 30-35 days; Savoy - 40 - 50 days; Brussels sprouts and cauliflower - also 40 - 50 days.

Now let's look in more detail at how to plant this or that species.

Planting cauliflower seedlings at home

We won’t come up with anything new here either. Depending on the variety, it is necessary to sow the seeds at one time or another.

Below is a table to help you determine these deadlines. And also in it you can get acquainted with what varieties exist.

And so, judging by the table, the most optimal age seedlings are considered to be from 25 to 50 days. We find our variety and see what age is considered optimal for it.

In accordance with this, we begin to deal with seeds. We go through them and discard the unnecessary ones. We decide on a date. This is an important point. You need to be sure that by the time the seedlings require transplanting outside, it should already be comfortable and warm enough for it.

We sow the seeds either in separate cups or in a common container (we have already discussed planting methods today). After 7 - 10 days, shoots should appear. This will happen if the temperature for this was comfortable, that is, 24 - 25 degrees.

But after their appearance, such a temperature will already be excessive, and it should be reduced by half. The ideal place is on a windowsill facing the sunny side.

If you planted seeds in a common die, then you need to dive in time. This time usually occurs on the 12th day after emergence. The day before this important event for the plant, the die must again be kept for a day at a temperature of 23 degrees.

And after the procedure, the temperature is the same as before the transplant, that is, 12 degrees Celsius.

A week before planting in the ground, you can begin hardening. To do this, open the windows and take the seedlings out onto the balcony.

Under such conditions, it then stands until it is planted in open ground.

Video on how to grow cauliflower

This video explains the process of growing cauliflower at home. This manual is like a necessary cheat sheet for gardeners and gardeners, especially for beginners.

Currently, “colorful forks” are grown in various regions of our country. And whoever hasn’t done this yet will probably, after watching the video, be impressed and buy another bag of seeds of this wonderful vegetable crop.

When to plant early June cabbage

An early-ripening beauty that all gardeners who grow this crop on their own want to have. summer cottages. White cabbage varieties are without a doubt the most grown, and at the same time traditional vegetable crop. And of course the most favorite.

The most popular among its many varieties are the early varieties. This is due to the fact that already in June you want to get a fresh harvest. Hence the popular name – “June”.

The main feature of the “June” favorite is the fact that approximately 100 days pass from the start of sowing to the harvest. Therefore, they begin to plant it in mid-March, and in some regions, depending on circumstances and weather conditions, until mid-April.

They didn’t come up with any special conditions for growing it. Just like for all other types and varieties, seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other.

Until the shoots appear, the optimal temperature for this event should be 18 - 20 degrees, with a plus of course. And when the seedlings hatch, the temperature needs to be lowered to 14 degrees. It is important to maintain this temperature for 5 - 6 days. Then you can simply grow room temperature on the windowsill.

Don't forget about the light, there should be enough of it. The absence of light, or lack of it, contributes to the stretching of seedlings. But this does not make her stronger.

If the seedlings have sprouted quite densely, then they need to be threaded. Leave a distance of at least 1.5 cm between them. Usually weaker plants are removed. A week, maximum two, after the seedlings appear, they are planted in small containers, dropping up to seven-lobed leaves.

Then, after another two weeks, the seedlings dive again, and this time they are transplanted into separate cups.

In addition, this variety is also frost-resistant. She is not even afraid of frosts down to -5 degrees. This can be taken into account, and when planting early in open ground, you don’t have to be afraid of it. And you don’t even need to cover the plants at this time.

Timing for planting broccoli

Broccoli, of course, is not so often found among gardeners, but if you decide to plant it, then you need to adhere to some rules. Although the main thing planting work carried out in the same way as when planting other types of cabbage.

In order to get more than one harvest, but several, it is very convenient to sow seeds in 2-3 stages. The interval between them can in this case be from 5 to 15 days.

They sow seeds without any innovations, just like everyone else. First, they prepare the dies, scatter the earth in them and cultivate it. They sort out the seeds and sow them to a depth of 1.5 cm, maintaining a distance of 3 cm between the seeds. The seedlings grow plump, so they will need a little more space than usual.

Then the seeds are covered with soil and sprayed with a spray bottle. They expect germination in 7 - 10 days.

Let me remind you that early varieties are sown 45 days before planting in the ground, and late varieties - 35 - 40 days. Here the difference is not so noticeable.

A special feature is that the seedlings are planted in parts. The first part is planted in the ground in early May (of course, if there are weather conditions for this). After 5 days you can plant the second batch, and after another 5 – the next one. And after 5 – the last one.

In general, you can transplant grown seedlings to the garden bed within two weeks after the first seedlings appear. But in any case, you should focus on the weather.

And to sort this issue out once and for all, let’s watch a video together on the topic of planting broccoli.

Now that we have learned everything about cabbage varieties, about the timing of their sowing and growing, we can easily cope with planting, caring for and caring for seedlings. And we can easily grow any of the known species and varieties.

Good luck with your gardening!