The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation performs the following functions. Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

The modern tasks and functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are determined in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies”, which, as part of the administrative reform, provides for the delimitation of rule-making and supervisory functions, functions for managing federal property between individual executive authorities.

Rule-making functions are carried out by federal ministries, supervisory and management functions are carried out by federal services and agencies.

In this regard, some former divisions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury, the Department of State Financial Control, the Department of Insurance Supervision, the Financial Monitoring Committee) were transformed into federal services subordinate to the Ministry of Finance (respectively the Federal Treasury, the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, the Federal Insurance Supervision Service, Federal Financial Monitoring Service).

The Ministry of Finance of Russia took over the functions of developing tax policy, tax legislation and carrying out explanatory work on taxation issues from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, which in turn was transformed into the Federal Tax Service, also subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Thus, currently five federal services are subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Federal services of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

The main tasks of the Ministry of Finance of Russia in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 No. 329 “On the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation” are the development of a unified state financial (including budgetary, tax, insurance, foreign exchange, public debt), credit, monetary policy, as well as policies in the field of auditing, accounting and financial reporting, mining, production, processing of precious metals and precious metals; stones, customs duties (in terms of calculation and payment procedure), including determination of the customs value of goods and vehicles.

Among the main functions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia in accordance with these tasks are:

· development of draft laws on the development of the budget system, the fundamentals of the budget process, the delimitation of budgetary powers between the Russian Federation, its constituent entities and local governments;

· development of draft laws in the field of taxation, as well as forms of documents, accounting and reporting related to their implementation;

· development of a draft law on the federal budget and organization of its implementation, preparation of reports on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

· coordination of budgetary and monetary policies;

· management of the public debt of the Russian Federation and the issue of government securities on behalf of the Russian Federation;

· maintaining a book of accounting for public debts and registering the issue of government securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

· development of regulations in the field of accounting and financial reporting.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2004 No. 185 “Issues of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation” determines that it carries out its activities directly and through the territorial bodies of the federal treasury.

Federal Agency for Education


Department of Accounting and Economic Analysis


by discipline: "CONTROL AND AUDIT"



Completed by: 4th year student, 2nd group

specialties Accounting and

tax control

Smolina I.S.


Morozova E.S.

Samara 2010


1.1. Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia


List of sources used


In any state, the distribution and redistribution of national income occurs in monetary form. The concept of “finance” comes from the French. “finance” is the totality of all funds at the disposal of an enterprise, the state, as well as the system of their formation, distribution and use. In terms of its material content, state finances are funds of funds. Finance is directly related to the functioning of public economic relations in the process of accumulation, redistribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds. Humanity, in the process of evolutionary development, has passed the path from direct commodity exchange to commodity-money relations, where money has become a universal equivalent, and the state, in the course of its activities to manage economic and social processes, began to keep records of income and expenses in monetary form. To carry out its varied and complex tasks, the state needs a lot of material resources, and it has to conduct a very complex economy. To successfully carry out the latter, the state needs an extensive and good organization of financial management. As a subject of financial supremacy, the state has a certain power, which has the right to issue financial laws, establish taxes, enter into government loans, and take coercive measures against violators or non-compliers of financial norms.

To demonstrate its activities in terms of financial management, the state needs a number of central and local financial authorities. The system of financial authorities of the Russian Federation is headed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. All national-territorial entities and administrative-territorial entities have within their governments or administrations the relevant republican ministries of finance, or other financial management bodies.

Considering that the bulk of work in the field of financial activities of the state is carried out by the Ministry of Finance, we will further consider its competence in more detail.

Chapter I. About the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

1.1 Tasks and functions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (MinFin of Russia) is the federal ministry of the Russian Federation, ensuring the implementation of a unified financial policy, as well as providing general leadership in the field of organizing finance in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 329, the Ministry of Finance of Russia is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of budgetary, tax, insurance, currency , banking, public debt, auditing, accounting and reporting, production, processing and circulation of precious metals and precious stones, customs duties, determining the customs value of goods and vehicles, investing funds to finance the funded part of a labor pension, organizing and conducting lotteries , production and circulation of security printed products, financial support for the public service, anti-money laundering, and the financing of terrorism Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 No. 329.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The costs of maintaining the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are financed from funds provided in the federal budget.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is a legal entity, has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form and accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 No. 329.

The main tasks of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in accordance with its Regulations:

    improvement of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

    development and implementation of a unified financial, budgetary, tax and currency policy in the Russian Federation;

    concentration of financial resources in priority areas of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

    development of a draft federal budget and ensuring execution of the federal budget in accordance with the established procedure; drawing up a report on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

    development of government borrowing programs and their implementation in the prescribed manner on behalf of the Russian Federation; management of state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation;

    development of proposals to attract foreign loans to the country’s economy;

    implementation of state financial control within its competence.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

    participates in the work of drawing up long-term and short-term forecasts for the functioning of the economy, together with federal executive authorities, determines the need for state centralized resources, prepares proposals for their distribution between the federal budget and state federal extra-budgetary funds;

    organizes work on drawing up a draft federal budget, a forecast of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, develops draft standards for deductions from federal taxes, fees, amounts and subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation;

    ensures the execution of the federal budget, as well as state federal extra-budgetary funds;

    develops, with the participation of the State Tax Service and the Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, proposals for improving tax policy and the tax system;

    takes part in determining pricing policy;

    takes part in work to improve insurance activities in the country;

1.2. Powers of the Ministry of Finance in exercising financial control

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation occupies a crucial place in the financial control system; it not only develops the country's financial policy, but also controls its implementation.

The Ministry of Finance exercises financial control over:

    targeted use of the federal budget and funds from state extra-budgetary and targeted budget funds;

    receipt of income from property in federal ownership;

    income from lotteries registered in the Russian Federation;

    ensuring the solvency of insurers;

In this regard, the Ministry of Finance of Russia has the right to conduct comprehensive audits and thematic audits of the receipt and expenditure of federal budget funds, extra-budgetary funds and other federal funds, conduct documentary audits and audits of financial and economic activities on instructions from law enforcement agencies.

To carry out control powers, the Ministry of Finance of Russia has the right to request the necessary materials on budgetary and extra-budgetary funds and apply enforcement measures based on the results of control - when establishing facts of misuse, collect them with a fine; limit, suspend and terminate funding of organizations in case of violation of financial discipline. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance is authorized to provide deferments and installment plans for tax payments to the federal budget.

It should be noted that the control powers of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation apply to financial resources only at the federal level.

In cases where the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation are checked, its control functions should not go beyond this framework.

This approach is determined by the principle of independence of the budget structure in the Russian Federation, the independence of the financial activities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments within the limits established by law, and their responsibility for the formation and use of their financial resources.

However, taking into account the Budget Code, it should be noted that the Ministry of Finance is entrusted with financial control over the execution of budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets if a constituent entity of the Russian Federation receives assistance in an amount exceeding 50% of the expenditures of its consolidated budget. An audit is appointed, and the execution of the budget of a subject of the Federation comes under the control of the Ministry of Finance in cases where the subject is unable to provide servicing and repayment of its debt obligations.

Financial control is carried out by all structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation according to their competence. However, the Ministry of Finance also has in its structure special divisions designed specifically for financial control: the Department of State Financial Control and Audit, the Department of Insurance Supervision. It is in charge of the Federal Treasury, the Assay Office and other bodies.

Thus, the Ministry of Finance stands out for the comprehensive nature of its functions, aimed at various aspects of the state’s financial activities. It ensures the implementation of a unified financial, budgetary, tax and monetary policy. The Russian Ministry of Finance interacts with other executive authorities; it became the successor to previously independently existing services - the Federal Service for Supervision of Insurance Activities, the Russian Federation Committee on Precious Metals and Precious Stones, and the Federal Lotteries and Games Commission of the Russian Federation. Carrying out its functions, the Ministry of Finance of Russia interacts with other executive authorities - federal, bodies of constituent entities of the Federation, local governments, as well as public associations and other organizations.

The Ministry of Finance covers with its influence the entire economy of the country and the entire sphere of social activity.

Financial control is one of the most important levers of management of the financial system and is currently undergoing changes. First of all, the Ministry of Finance exercises control in the process of developing the federal budget, controls the receipt and expenditure of budgetary funds and funds of federal extra-budgetary funds, participates in currency control, and also controls the direction and use of public investments.

Financial control is carried out by all structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Thus, treasury bodies are called upon to implement state budget policy, manage the process of execution of the federal budget and other powers; State insurance supervision bodies exercise control over insurance activities.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia coordinates the activities of its subordinate structures: the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Insurance Supervision Service, the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision and the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, as well as the Federal Customs Service.

1.3. Powers of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

The Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation is vested with the following powers:

    distributes responsibilities among his deputies;

    approves regulations on the structural divisions of the Ministry, on territorial bodies of federal services subordinate to the Ministry;

    in accordance with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses employees of the Ministry;

    resolves, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service, issues related to the performance of federal public service in the Ministry;

    approves the structure and staffing of the Ministry within the limits of the wage fund and the number of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the cost estimate for its maintenance within the limits approved for the corresponding period of appropriations provided for in the federal budget;

    approves the annual work plan and performance indicators of the federal services subordinate to the Ministry, as well as a report on their implementation;

    submits to the Government of the Russian Federation, upon the proposal of the heads of federal services subordinate to the Ministry, draft regulations on federal services, proposals on the maximum number of federal services and the wage fund for their employees;

    submits to the Government of the Russian Federation draft regulatory legal acts and other documents specified in the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004. No. 329;

    gives instructions to the federal services subordinate to the Ministry and monitors their implementation;

    cancels decisions of federal services subordinate to the Ministry that contradict federal law, unless a different procedure for canceling decisions is established by federal law;

    appoints and dismisses, upon the recommendation of the heads of the Ministry of Federal Services, deputy heads of federal services, heads of territorial bodies of federal services;

    represents, in the prescribed manner, employees of the Ministry and federal services under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, other persons operating in the established field, for the conferment of honorary titles and state awards of the Russian Federation;

    issues orders of a normative nature, and on operational and other current issues of organizing the activities of the Ministry - orders of a non-normative nature.

The specificity of the activities of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation lies in the significant role of law-setting (regulatory) activities, which are not aimed directly at consumers of services (individuals and legal entities).

At the same time, if the quality of regulation in the tax, financial, and insurance spheres can be measured, including through surveys of consumers of relevant services, then the quality of regulation in the budgetary, monetary, debt spheres, as well as other areas in which the consumer of services is the state as a whole can be measured by its level of compliance with best practice standards. In the case of the Russian Ministry of Finance, such standards are the principles of effective and responsible management of public finances.


The Ministry of Finance can change the volume and structure of federal budget expenditures. Currently, the proposed changes in the volume and structure of federal budget expenditures are mainly due to the redistribution and increase in budget allocations for the purpose of financial support for the Anti-Crisis Measures Program of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation by the main managers of federal budget funds of measures to optimize budget expenditures.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance fully ensures the fulfillment of social obligations stipulated by law (pensions, benefits, compensations), remuneration of employees of federal budgetary institutions, implementation of priority programs and projects, provision of subsidies and subventions to other budgets of the budgetary system, implementation of state defense orders and other basic functions states. Thus, the Ministry of Finance provides a set of measures aimed at: strengthening social protection of the population, ensuring guarantees of social and medical assistance, state support for the employment sector; 2) preservation and development of industrial and technological potential; strengthening the role of domestic demand in ensuring economic growth; 4) modernization of the Russian economy and society; 5) reducing administrative pressure on business; increasing the stability of the national financial system; ensuring the necessary level of macroeconomic stability.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has made systematic and consistent efforts to introduce best practices in public finance management. Significant progress has been achieved in many areas, which allows us to talk about improving the quality of the regulatory activities of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A key element of this activity was the consolidation of most of the principles of responsible management of public finances in the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. To date, institutional prerequisites have been created for the integration of these principles into the daily activities of public sector managers at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

The MF carries out its work based on legislation, the political orientation of the country, its economic and social situation. At present, when the Russian Federation has also been affected by the economic crisis, significant changes in the parameters of the budget of the Russian Federation are required. In these conditions, the Ministry of Finance must adequately adjust the mechanism of interbudgetary regulation.

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  • Each of the ministries of the Russian Federation is a complex system that performs strictly defined functions and is endowed with specific powers and rights. Something here will be unifying, something will qualitatively distinguish similar institutions. Let's take a closer look in the article Ministry of Finance. This is the main topic. We will define his powers and rights, touch on the functions of the Minister of Finance, and consider the legal acts adopted by this government agency.


    That the Russian Federation (according to current legislation) is an executive federal government body that embodies the functions of policy development, legal, and regulatory regulation in the areas of tax, budget, banking, insurance, and currency policy. And also in the areas:

    • government debt;
    • accounting activities and reporting;
    • audit;
    • assignment of customs value of vehicles, goods;
    • processing and circulation of precious stones and metals;
    • investing finances for the funded part of pension payments to citizens;
    • production and subsequent circulation of security printing products;
    • organizing and conducting various lotteries;
    • anti-money laundering;
    • financial support of the civil service;
    • countering the financing of terrorism.

    Coordination and control

    Russian is a government body that coordinates and controls the work of the following federal institutions:

    • Tax service.
    • Financial and Budgetary Supervision Service.
    • Insurance Supervision Service.
    • Treasury.
    • Financial monitoring service.
    • Customs service (control over the implementation of a number of normative and legal acts on the following issues: collection and calculation of customs duties, determination of the customs value of both goods and transport).


    It is important to note that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation carries out its work in cooperation with other executive authorities at the federal level, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the structure of local government, forms of public associations and other organizations.

    Leadership in activities

    Russian is a government agency that is guided in its daily work by the following:

    • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    • Constitutional federal laws.
    • Federal laws.
    • Acts of the President of the Russian Federation.
    • Decrees of the Russian Government.
    • International treaties of the Russian Federation.
    • Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

    Powers of the Ministry of Finance

    Let's move closer to the activities of the domestic Ministry of Finance. It embodies the following powers:

    • Submits for consideration by the Government draft normative and legal acts, federal laws and other bills that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation. These are questions on the areas of jurisdiction of the Ministry, areas of jurisdiction of the services under its jurisdiction, draft work plans and forecast reports of its activities.
    • On the basis and within the framework of the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance independently adopts a number of regulatory legal acts.

    Acts adopted by the ministry

    What applies to these legal acts? Here the following stands out:

    • The procedure for generating various reports on the execution of the budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of a number of state extra-budgetary funds, the treasury of the country's budget system, as well as the consolidated budget of the state.
    • The procedure for maintaining the budget summary list of the budget of the Russian Federation.
    • The procedure for using the budget classification of the Russian Federation.
    • Form of calculations for taxes, as well as tax returns, the procedure for filling out these documents.
    • Form of incoming customs order (on the basis of this paper, customs duties are paid, as well as taxes are deducted by individuals when they move any goods for family, personal, household and other needs not related to business activities).
    • Form of an act on the results of joint reconciliation of the expenditure of the payer’s financial resources that were deposited into the account of the customs authority.
    • Acts that define cases when the deduction of customs duties is ensured by an insurance agreement.
    • Acts that establish the longest period of one bank guarantee and the largest amount of all simultaneously valid bank guarantees that are issued by one bank for the purpose of acceptance by customs organizations of these guarantees for the payment of customs duties.
    • The procedure, as well as the conditions for including insurance institutions in the state register of insurance organizations, whose contracts can be accepted to ensure customs payments.
    • Form of request for payment of contributions to customs authorities.
    • Form of decision in an indisputable manner for the collection of customs payments from funds available in the payer’s accounts in banking organizations.
    • The procedure for control over the customs value of both goods and transport (together with another Ministry - Economic Development and Trade).
    • The procedure for maintaining the state debt book of the Russian Federation and the transfer to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of data from both the state and municipal debt books of the Russian Federation.

    Rights of the ministry

    All orders of the Ministry of Finance are issued only within the framework of the rights granted to this government body. In order to implement the above powers in its field of activity, the Ministry of Finance is vested with the following rights:

    • Request and receive upon request in the prescribed manner the information necessary to accept questions. falling within the competence of the ministry.
    • Establish in accordance with the established procedure insignia of certain areas of activity, award them to both employees of the Ministry of Finance and employees under the jurisdiction of this federal service agency, and other persons carrying out their activities in this area.
    • In the prescribed manner, involve scientists, scientific organizations and other specialists to study issues and problems related to the sphere of activity of this ministry.
    • Create advisory and coordination bodies (groups, councils, commissions, collegiums), including interdepartmental ones.
    • Establish, in accordance with the established procedure, mass media for the further publication of normative and legal acts in the area of ​​direct activities of the ministry, official announcements and other messages, the topic of which is related to the area of ​​activity of the Ministry of Finance and its subordinate services.

    Minister of Finance

    We talked about the activities of the Finance Ministry, its rights and powers. It will be important to find out about the work of the main person here.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is headed by a minister who is appointed to this position and dismissed from it by order of the Russian President, on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government.

    It is he who bears personal responsibility for the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, for the implementation of the powers assigned to this government agency, for the implementation of state policy in the field of activity of the Ministry of Finance.

    The minister must have deputies who are appointed to their positions and dismissed from them by the Government of the Russian Federation. It also establishes the permissible number of deputy ministers of finance.

    Duties of the Minister

    Let us now move on to the list of responsibilities of the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, enshrined at the legislative level:

    • Distribute their responsibilities among your deputies.
    • Approve regulations on the structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance, as well as on the territorial branches of federal services subordinate to the ministry.
    • In accordance with the procedure established by law, appoint and dismiss employees of the Ministry to positions.
    • Resolve (in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on civil service) issues related to civil service in the Ministry of Finance.
    • Approval of the structure, staffing table of the Ministry (but only within the limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation), wage funds and the number of employees, cost estimates for its (fund) maintenance (but only within the limits of the allocations established for the year that are allocated for the budget of the Ministry of Finance).
    • Approval of annual work plans, as well as performance indicators of services subordinate to the Ministry and reports on their implementation.
    • Submitting to the Government of the Russian Federation, upon the proposal of the heads of federal services subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, various draft regulations on these services, proposals on the permissible number of their staff, and employee payroll funds.
    • Submitting for consideration by the Russian Government draft normative, legal acts and other documents listed in the subtitle “Powers of the Ministry of Finance”.
    • Giving instructions to federal services subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, monitoring their implementation.
    • Cancellation of decisions of federal services subordinate to the Ministry of Finance that contradict federal legislation (unless federal law introduces a different procedure for canceling such decisions).
    • Appointment and dismissal from office on the proposal of federal services subordinate to the Ministry, their deputy heads, as well as heads of territorial services.
    • Representation, in accordance with the established procedure, of both employees of the Ministry and employees of departments subordinate to the Ministry of Finance for the conferment of honorary titles, as well as awarding them with state awards.
    • Issuing letters from the Ministry of Finance, issuing orders with a regulatory nature. Issuing orders of a non-normative nature on operational and other current issues of a government body.

    Regional ministries

    The Ministry of Finance of the region is a subject body of executive power, vested by law with functions and powers in a specific field of activity. He carries out, within his competence, coordination and control of the work of government bodies of a certain region, state extra-budgetary, territorial bodies, and local government structures.

    What then is the Ministry of Finance of a region, republic, autonomous region? A government body with the same powers, but operating within the boundaries of these subjects.

    Powers of regional ministries

    The regional ministries of finance have a wide range of powers in the following spheres of life of the subject:

    • Administrative and organizational.
    • Public debt management.
    • Budget accounting and reporting, financial control.
    • Budget execution.
    • Budget planning.

    Main tasks of regional structures

    Regional ministries of finance are working on the following main tasks:

    • Development and subsequent implementation of a unified budget policy in the region.
    • Development of the subject’s draft budget and organization of its execution according to the established procedure.
    • Development and subsequent implementation of internal borrowing programs.
    • Concentration of finances on priority areas of social and economic development of the subject.
    • Participation in the development of projects to attract credit resources to the subject.
    • General improvement of the budget process in the region.
    • Exercising financial control within the limits of one’s own powers.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is a very complex structure with many divisions. The Ministry has clear powers, which it is obliged to implement only within the limits of the rights approved by law. The greatest responsibility for decisions made, regulations, legal documents lies with its head.

    Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 N 329) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Finance of Russia) is a federal body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of

      • budgetary, tax, insurance, foreign exchange, credit cooperation, microfinance activities, financial markets, public debt,
      • auditing, accounting and financial reporting,
      • production, processing and circulation of precious metals and precious stones,
      • customs payments, determination of the customs value of goods,
      • formation and investment of pension savings, including those included in the payment reserve,
      • organizing and conducting lotteries, gambling,
      • production and circulation of security printed products,
      • financial support of the public service,
      • investing savings for housing provision for military personnel - participants in the savings-mortgage system,
      • state regulation of the activities of non-state pension funds, management companies, specialized depositories and actuaries for non-state pension provision, compulsory pension insurance and professional pension insurance (with the exception of state regulation of legal relations between the non-state pension fund and participants of the non-state pension fund, insured persons and their legal successors, as well as in terms of legal relations, the subject of which is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), state regulation in the field of shared-equity construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate, credit history bureaus.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is developing the main directions for the development of the securities market and coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities on issues of regulating the securities market.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation coordinates and controls the activities of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision and the Federal Treasury under its jurisdiction.

    Important! Please keep in mind that:

    • Each case is unique and individual.
    • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

    To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

    The powers of financial authorities in the field of taxes and fees are established by Art. 34.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation provides written explanations to the tax authorities, taxpayers, responsible participants in the consolidated group of taxpayers, payers of fees and tax agents on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

    The financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities provide written explanations to taxpayers and tax agents on the application, respectively, of the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and of municipalities on local taxes and fees.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities provide written explanations within their competence within 2 months from the date of receipt of the relevant request. By decision of the head (deputy head) of the relevant financial authority, this period may be extended, but not more than by 1 month.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is a federal body executive branch ensuring the implementation of a unified financial, budgetary, tax and currency policy in the Russian Federation and coordinating the activities of other federal executive authorities in this area.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations and other organizations.

    The main tasks of the Ministry of Finance are:

    1. Improving the budget system of the Russian Federation, developing fiscal federalism.

    2. Development and implementation of a unified financial, budgetary, tax and currency policy in the Russian Federation.

    3. Concentration of financial resources in priority areas of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

    4. Development of the draft federal budget and its implementation, drawing up a report on execution.

    5. Development and implementation of government borrowing programs, management of state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation.

    6. Development and implementation of a unified policy in the development of financial markets in the Russian Federation.

    7. Implementation of the state FC within its competence.

    8. Providing methodological guidance for accounting and reporting (except for accounting and reporting in the Central Bank of Russia and credit organizations), as well as, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, auditing in the Russian Federation (except for auditing in the banking system).

    Functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

    1. Prepares proposals and implements measures to improve the budget system of the Russian Federation, develop fiscal federalism and the mechanism of interbudgetary relations with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    2. Participates in the prescribed manner in the development of forecasts for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the long, medium and short term.
    3. Participates in the development and implementation of measures for financial recovery and structural restructuring of the economy.
    4. Participates in the preparation of proposals on the main directions of the credit monetary policy of the Russian Federation, improving the state of settlements and payments in the economy.
    5. Participates in the formation and implementation of a unified pricing policy.
    6. Participates in the preparation of federal target programs and ensures their financing from the federal budget.
    7. Develops draft federal budgets and forecasts for the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation.
    8. Executes the federal budget within its competence, draws up a report on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation.
    9. Improves budget planning methods and budget financing procedures, provides methodological guidance in this area.
    10. Conducts, with the participation of the Central Bank, state policy in the field of issue and placement of government securities.
    11. Registers the issue of securities.
    12. Conducts, together with the Central Bank, operations to service government internal and external debt.
    13. Prepares proposals for improving currency, financial, credit and customs relations with foreign countries.
    14. Establishes the procedure for maintaining accounting records and reporting on the execution of the federal budget and cost estimates for budgetary organizations.
    15. Establishes forms of accounting and reporting on cash execution of the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    16. Conducts certification of auditors and licensing of audit activities (except for audits in the banking system).
    17. Conducts documented audits and inspections of the financial and economic activities of the organization on instructions from law enforcement agencies, etc.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has the right:

    1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from federal executive authorities and state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, materials necessary for:

    · development of a draft federal budget;

    · calculating the forecast of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

    · drawing up a report on the execution of the federal budget;

    · drawing up a report on the execution of the consolidated budget as a whole for the Russian Federation and analyzes of the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2. Request from federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations the data necessary to monitor the targeted expenditure of federal budget funds.

    3. Conduct, jointly with the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, an examination of technical and economic projects provided as a basis for allocating funds for investment.

    4. Limit, suspend, and, if necessary, terminate, in accordance with the law, financing of the federal budget of an organization if facts of misuse of federal budget funds are revealed, as well as failure by them to submit reports on the expenditure of previously received funds within the established time limits.

    5. To recover, in accordance with the established procedure, from organizations federal budget funds spent by them for other purposes than for their intended purpose, with the imposition of financial sanctions.

    6. Issue, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, loans from the federal budget to constituent entities of the Russian Federation to cover temporary cash gaps.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is headed by a Minister appointed to the position and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issues, within its competence, on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions and other regulatory legal acts.

    A board is formed in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation consisting of the Minister (Chairman of the board), his deputies, the Minister of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation and the head of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation ex officio, as well as other senior officials of the centralized apparatus of the Ministry and other persons upon the recommendation of the Minister.

    Members of the board, except for persons included in its composition ex officio, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Board considers the main issues of financial, budgetary, tax and monetary policy, as well as other most important issues of the Ministry’s activities.

    The decisions of the board are usually implemented by orders of the Minister. In case of disagreements between the Minister and members of the board, the final decision is made by the Minister, reporting on the disagreements that have arisen to the Government of the Russian Federation.

    To consider current problems in the theory of finance, issues of introducing scientific achievements into practice, a scientific council is being created under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which includes scientists and specialists in the field of finance, credit and monetary circulation.

    Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies is carried out from funds provided in the federal budget for public administration.