Rules for growing hydrangea eternal summer. Hydrangea Eternal Summer - description of the variety, planting and care Large-leaved garden hydrangeas endless summer which one to choose

Large-leaved hydrangea is one of the brightest and most attractive ornamental shrubs that gardeners use to decorate their plots. Luxurious, large balls of pink, white, lilac, lilac shades, densely covering a lush bush, create a fabulous atmosphere and delight the eye with incredible beauty. Summer residents especially liked the winter-hardy variety of large-leaved hydrangea with the surprisingly cheerful name - “Endless Summer”, which translates as “Endless Summer”. Large-leaved hydrangea Endless Summer attracts the attention of gardeners not only with its abundant flowering and external charm, but also with the fact that the plant is able to withstand the rather difficult climatic conditions characteristic of central Russia. What varieties of amazing plants can you grow in your dacha and how to properly plant and care for the Endless Summer hydrangea, read on.

Hydrangea Endless Summer - description

A winter-hardy hydrangea variety that perfectly tolerates severe frosts and unfavorable conditions of our climate, was imported from America. It is surprising that the variety was not artificially bred, but was recognized by breeders as the result of a successful natural mutation.

The peculiarity of this variety is its ability to bloom several times during the summer season. The buds open both on the shoots of the previous season and on young shoots. Hydrangea blooms cyclically, repeating every 35-40 days. It is thanks to the continuous luxurious flowering during the summer season that the variety was named “Endless Summer”.

The winter-hardy hydrangea shrub looks luxurious and majestic. An adult bush grows from 1.2 to 2.5 meters in height, and its crown reaches up to 1.5 meters in diameter. The leaves of the ornamental shrub are large and strong, with thickened skin. There are small serrations along the edges of the leaves. The color of hydrangea leaves is dark green. At the top of the shoots of the bush, lush, spherical large buds of blue, purple, greenish and pink shades bloom.

The size of the lush colored balls reaches from 10 to 15 cm in diameter. The color of the Endless Summer hydrangea inflorescences depends on the composition of the soil where the shrub is grown. By adding various additives to the soil that affect the acidity of the soil (pH), you can achieve different colors of plant buds. For example, in alkaline soil Endless summer will decorate the garden with pink-purple buds, in acidic soil they will have a purple tint. If the concentration of aluminum sulfate in the soil is increased, hydrangea petals will turn blue. You should experiment with the color of the petals very carefully so as not to harm the plant. A high concentration of alkali in the soil can lead to yellowing of the leaves, and aluminum sulfate – to rotting of the roots.

Hydrangea Endless Summer - varieties

In recent years, several interesting varieties of enchanting shrubs have been developed. Garden large-leaved hydrangeas Endless Summer delight with their beauty and splendor, and sometimes it is difficult to decide which beauty to choose to decorate the garden or summer cottage. Let's look at the most popular varieties from the Endless Summer series, which can be purchased in specialized stores:

  • Blushing Bride Endless Summer is a variety whose main feature is the ability of the petals to change their color over time. Semi-double white inflorescences gradually acquire a slightly pink tint.

  • You & Me Love is one of the new varieties with soft pink double inflorescences. Inside the bud are cream petals. Hydrangea of ​​this variety can change the color of the petals, depending on the degree of acidity of the soil where it grows.

  • Twist-and-Shout is a bright and attractive variety that blooms continuously from June throughout the season. The spherical inflorescence consists of small flowers in the center and large flowers at the edges of the ball. The color of the petals is pink; in acidic soil, the buds acquire a delicate blue tint. Blue and blue flowers can bloom on a bush at the same time. pink buds, creating an incredibly beautiful sight. In addition to attractive inflorescences, red shoots and leaves, which acquire a burgundy hue in the fall, add decorative value to the variety.

  • Bloom Star is a very attractive winter-hardy variety with large spherical inflorescences up to 18 cm in diameter. The flowers of the inflorescence change their color from pink to blue-violet, depending on the degree of acidity of the soil.

  • Hovaria Hanabi Rose is a winter-hardy variety with large and flat double inflorescences in light pink tones. In acidic soil the buds turn blue.

  • Avantgarde is a luxurious variety that is not so widespread in our latitudes. Its main feature is large and dense spherical inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter.

Hydrangea Endless Summer: planting

To grow fabulous balls of large-leaved hydrangea in the garden, you need to carefully consider the place for planting the seedlings and take into account some features for the successful growth and lush flowering of the shrub:

  • The best place in the garden will be an area that is well lit in the morning and shaded at noon. The less lighting, the later its flowering will begin. Bright sunlight during the day negatively affects the leaves and buds of hydrangea, which turn yellow and droop from an excess of light.
  • For growing garden hydrangea, drained soil with a slightly or moderately acidic reaction (pH 5.5) is preferable. The plant's natural growing environment is acidic soil. Increased acidity in the soil gives hydrangea buds a blue and blue tint. In an alkaline environment, the petals turn pink. The shrub grows much worse in calcareous soil.
  • The planting site of the shrub should be well protected from wind and draft.

How to plant large-leaved hydrangea Endless Summer

It is necessary to plant hydrangea seedlings in the ground in the spring, when the snow has melted and the soil is well warmed up. When landing, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. The planting hole for shrubs should be 50 by 50 cm in size. When planting several bushes, keep a distance of up to a meter, as the shrub grows quickly.
  2. It is necessary to lay clay and peat at the bottom of the planting hole to ensure soil moisture. It should be remembered that garden hydrangeas are moisture-loving plants. If necessary, mineral and organic fertilizers are added to the soil, which will help in the formation of flower buds next year.
  3. A seedling is placed in the center of the hole and covered with earth. The hydrangea roots need to be carefully straightened, being careful not to damage them. Then the planted seedling is watered abundantly.
  4. After watering, the soil under the hydrangea must be mulched with pine needles, peat or sawdust.
  5. Mulch will help maintain moisture in the soil, which is extremely important when growing hydrangeas. The mulch layer should be about 10 cm.

Hydrangea Endless Summer - care

Hydrangea – perfect option for growing in the garden for beginners, so caring for shrubs is not very difficult.

All hydrangeas love moisture, so it is important to provide the plant with regular and abundant watering. The soil under the bush should always be moist. The roots of large-leaved hydrangea quickly absorb moisture. Even when the soil dries out a little, the leaves and buds of the plant weaken and lose their attractiveness. Watering is carried out with soft, settled water; rainwater can be used for irrigation.

Feeding hydrangea Endless summer

Feeding the Endless Summer hydrangea is carried out twice per season. The first application of complex mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content is made in the spring, when young shoots are forming. The second feeding is carried out in mid-July; during this period, potassium fertilizers are added to the soil to enhance the flowering of the plant. But even without fertilizing, the shrub grows actively and produces lush blooms all summer long.

Pruning hydrangea Endless Summer

Young hydrangea bushes do not need seasonal pruning. Mature shrubs over 3 years old need to be renewed, periodically removing old and damaged shoots to ensure active growth of young branches. There is no need to remove inflorescences after flowering, as they provide protection from freezing to young flower buds during the cold season. Faded inflorescences are cut off in the spring.

Hydrangea propagation Endless Summer

Garden hydrangeas can be propagated in several ways:

  • The bush division method is the most common method of shrub propagation and is carried out in the spring. To do this, an adult mother bush is dug up, the root is divided into several parts so that there are buds on each section. The cut site should be treated with ash.
  • Layering - young flexible shoots are dug to the ground in the place where the buds are located, using metal staples. After a few months, the cuttings form roots. Transplantation to a new place is carried out next year.
  • Cuttings - young cuttings are cut and planted under a film, creating greenhouse conditions for rooting. Cuttings need regular moisture. After 2-4 weeks, horses appear and the plant is ready for transplantation into open ground.

Preparing for winter hydrangeas Endless summer

Hydrangea Endless Summer is a winter-hardy variety and can do without shelter, but in this case it will be difficult for the plant to quickly recover after wintering and the hydrangea will bloom much later. Therefore, in order for the shrub to delight with bright buds already at the beginning of summer, it is recommended to cover it even before the onset of the first autumn frosts. As a material for covering the bush, they use film or cover the branches pressed to the ground with dry leaves, and the base of the bush is covered with peat.

Diseases and pests of hydrangea Endless Summer

  • Hydrangea Endless Summer is very sensitive to the quality of water used when watering the bush. Watering with alkaline water can lead to chlorosis of the leaves. Therefore, it is advisable to water the plant only with settled or rainwater. To make the water soft, use potassium nitrate or a solution of ferrous sulfate.
  • Another disease that hydrangeas are susceptible to is downy mildew, which appears on the leaves of the plant. To combat this disease, treatment with preparations containing copper is used.
  • In hot weather, the leaves of the plant may be attacked spider mite which weaves inner part leaves and shoots with small cobwebs. To eliminate the pest, spray the bush with Actellik.

Hydrangea Endless Summer: reviews from flower growers

Luxurious hydrangea Endless Summer has won the hearts of many flower growers and summer residents. Its incredibly long and lush flowering pleases the eye and creates a feeling of eternal summer in the garden. Judging by the reviews of many experienced and novice gardeners, there are no difficulties in growing shrubs. The Endless Summer variety tolerates winter well and is easy to care for. This is one of the few varieties of large-leaved hydrangea that blooms in the second year of life after planting the seedling. Large spherical inflorescences that change the color of the petals are a real decoration of the garden, worthy of admiration!

Hydrangea Endless Summer: photo

Hydrangea endless summer large-leaved care, planting, fertilizer

Hydrangea large-leaved planting and care in open ground

To maintain this indicator, it is recommended to water from time to time with sour milk, tincture of moldy bakery products and special fertilizers. The family loves the sun, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight tires large-leaved hydrangea. As a break from excess heat and light, short darkening will be useful.

Shelter for the winter

A special point in keeping and growing such hydrangea is its preparation for winter. The plant itself is not afraid severe frosts and, probably, could survive the winter period without any special problems, if not for the peculiarity of accumulating excess moisture in the tissues of various organs. It is this fact that becomes disastrous for the Endless Summer hydrangea. The liquid contained in the vessels of all plant organism when decreasing temperature regime According to the laws of physics, it freezes, turning into ice. This state of water injures all organs and tissues, leading to inevitable death.

Fertilizer and feeding

Hydrangea Endless Summer is an amazing variety that can form inflorescences on shoots of both the first and second years.

Even frosts are not able to destroy the plant completely.

Young shoots will certainly appear next to the dead buds.

Garden hydrangea Endless Summer (Endless Summer)

I once saw a friend have a tall hydrangea (1.2 m), the inflorescences are small, sometimes blue, sometimes pink (on one bush). For a long time I wanted to have a hydrangea with blue flowers, but nothing worked with large-flowered plants (macrophylls). And so I got 2 bushes. I must say that these bushes were very lucky, because I gave them more than what they demanded. I poured sour milk, infusion of moldy bread, everything that was sour in the house, because hydrangeas love acidic soil. Naturally, all this was in addition to other supplements. The hydrangea's location was sunny, but semi-shaded in the afternoon, as advised in the descriptions. It was shielded from the sun by a meter-high window-sill bush.

Imagine my surprise when the hydrangea bloomed in the second year. It was deep pink in color; huge pink caps appeared in mid-July and bloomed on the remaining shoots until frost. The shoots of the first year began to bloom. My plant looked nothing like my friend’s hydrangea growing in the shade of the garden. I despaired of understanding what variety I was dealing with, because my friend also received it as a gift without a name. And then one day I found a description of my variety - Endless Summer. Only this variety of garden hydrangea blooms on the shoots of the first year.

This year I will start experimenting with blue flowers. I have already purchased alum for coloring hydrangea flowers. There is one secret in growing such hydrangea. Shelter for the winter. As it turned out, uncovered hydrangea suffers not so much from frost, but from its ability to accumulate moisture in the stems. At the first frost, the stems freeze and crack due to the transformation of water in the stems into ice. In this case, the entire shoot dies, and the formation of lower buds is already excluded. Therefore, already at the beginning of September it is necessary to arrange a shelter over the hydrangea so that numerous autumn rains do not wet the ground under the plant. Before winter, the plant should leave with moderate moisture accumulation.

Before forming a shelter, I mulch the ground under the plant with peat and humus with a layer thickness of at least 5 cm. Sawdust and tree bark are also suitable. For the winter, I close the plant like this: I lay the branches on mulch and pin them. I cover with lutrasil and film on top (only to drain water with air access).

I don't know, maybe all this is too much. But... when I saw the result in the spring after such a shelter, I realized that this is how it should be, because the plant wakes up early, which means it will delight you with its beauty earlier. Hilling of the stems gives good development of the basal buds. This variety can (rather should) be cut in the spring, leaving 3-4 lower buds, because the lower shoots are the strongest.

Always, reading about the location of a plant, I thought: where can everyone find the sun, where can everyone get fertile, ventilated, loose soil. And with this hydrangea I realized: if it grew in the shade like my friend’s, it would be a meter tall with small caps. And mine (in the sun) are half a meter tall, but the inflorescences are as big as my head. This plant taught me that every plant needs its own unique environment. If I can’t provide them, then it’s better to have fewer plants, but plants like this one.

Hydrangea endless summer

For many years, gardeners in most Central European regions of Russia enviously admired the lush flowering bushes of garden hydrangea only in the southern regions and in European gardens. Not long ago, thanks to the efforts and perseverance of breeders from different countries and large-leaved hydrangea appeared in Russian gardens, winter-hardy varieties of which are able to withstand our rather difficult climatic conditions and delight with abundant flowering.

Dating history

Europeans owe their acquaintance with hydrangea to French travelers who, at the end of the 17th century, having circumnavigated the world, brought this plant from the island of Mauritius. The first version says that this beautiful flower was named in honor of the sister of one of the expedition members, Prince Karl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen - Princess Hortensia. There is another version: this plant was named in honor of his beloved Hortense by the naturalist and naturalist from France Philibert Commerson. There is also a completely prosaic version of the origin of the name: from the Latin word hortensis. which translated means “from the garden,” since the bush was found in the gardens of the governor on the island of Mauritius.

Botanists called this plant large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), but the old name was also retained in another name - garden hydrangea (Hydrangea hortensis). Hydragenia is a Greek word and consists of two parts: hydor - water and angeion - vessel. Thus, it turned out that the name means “vessel of water.” Some researchers suggest that the plant received this name because of its seed pods, which are very similar to small pitchers. According to others, it emphasizes the high need of hydrangea for water.

Botanical description

In nature, large-leaved hydrangea is a shrub whose height can reach 4 meters. In our northern conditions, the plant rarely exceeds two meters. This type of hydrangea is also called colored, since cultivated forms can have petals of white, pink and blue colors, collected in inflorescences of a spherical and, much more rarely, flat thyroid shape with a diameter of up to 20 cm or more.
Relatively recently, the Avantgarde variety appeared, the inflorescences of which can reach 30 cm in diameter. Flowers of this type of hydrangia are simple, semi-double and double. The flower petals of this plant usually have a simple rounded shape, but there are varieties whose petals are fringed, ruffled and jagged. Quite rarely there are varieties with two-tone coloring, for example Harlequin, Love you kiss or Ripple. In addition, large-leaved hydrangea (ornamental flowers and shrubs) has:

  • erect stems;
  • simple ovoid leaves of bright green color;
  • spherical or flat inflorescences formed at the ends of the shoots.

Flowering lasts from July to August. Each inflorescence may contain two types of flowers:

  • fruiting and small in the center;
  • external – beautiful and decorative, but sterile.

How do you cope with the cold?

It is worth noting that for a long time large-leaved hydrangea was found only in winter gardens and indoor floriculture.
Winter-hardy varieties of this plant, the appearance of which pleased gardeners in the late 80s of the last century, differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the negative temperature they can withstand. Thus, varieties of North American selection can easily tolerate temperatures down to -15 0 C, and those created by European breeders - up to -20 0 C. Regardless of what developers or sellers say about the variety, in the conditions of the European part of our country it is better to cover shrubs of this species for the winter, than to worry until spring whether they will survive or not.

Variety resistance

As practice has shown, all winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea can, of course, be conditionally divided into the following groups:

1. Blooming on last year's shoots: Mariesii Grandiflora (White Wave), Mariesii Perfecta (BlueWawe), Alpengluehn, Bouquet Rose, Red Baron (Schoene Bautznerin), Lilacina, Etoile Violette and others.

2. Ever-blooming or remontant. Unlike the first group, they form inflorescences both on last year’s shoots and on new shoots. These include such winter-hardy remontant large-leaved hydrangea varieties as Grant's Choice, for example, as well as Twist-n-Shout, Pink Wonder, Hamburg, Passion.

When purchasing varieties of this group, you will definitely find the words Persistence, Everyblooming or Re-blooming (RE) on the labels.

Varieties and series

By the end of the 80s of the 20th century, the first winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea appeared in America, capable of growing and blooming in regions with freezing winters and long, cold springs. One of the “firstborns9raquo; remontant hydrangeas became the variety Endless Summer - Endless Summer. Somewhat later, a more frost-resistant variety than Endless Summer, Early Sensation, was introduced to the market.

Endless Summer Series

Endless summer is a large-leaved hydrangea. Winter-hardy varieties based on it were obtained with a variety of colors and formed the Endless Summer variety group:

All varieties have voluminous and beautiful, round inflorescences, with the exception of Twist-and-Shout, which has a flat one.


Over time, based on the Early Sensation variety, the commercially successful Forever&Ever series was created, which includes the following varieties:

On labels, the series must be indicated before the name of the variety, for example Forever&Ever Red Sensation.

You&Me series

Those who prefer terry large-leaved hydrangea, frost-resistant varieties can be found in the Japanese You&Me series:

  • Together;
  • Romance;
  • Expression;
  • forever;
  • Symphony;
  • Eternity;
  • Love – pink new for 2015.

Large-leaved hydrangea: review of new varieties

Every year the number of remontant winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea increases. Let's talk about some new products.

Endless Summer Bloom Star was created on the basis of the much-loved Endless Summer variety. This hydrangea blooms with large spherical inflorescences of blue or pink color, the diameter of which can reach 18 cm. The color of sterile flowers depends on the acidity of the soil: in more alkaline conditions the color will be pink, and in acidic conditions it will be violet-blue. Not only the inflorescences are decorative, but also the burgundy-colored shoots.

Hovaria Hanabi Rose blooms in large, flat inflorescences measuring 18-25 cm. The flowers are double, light pink, but if the soil is acidified, they change color to blue.

You & Me Love is new this year with delicate pink and double flowers, the inner petals of which are tinted a creamy yellow. Color may vary depending on soil acidity.

Endless Summer Blushing Bride is a very interesting variety, characterized by a change in the color of the petals. The buds of this hydrangea open into semi-double white flowers, which gradually become colored with a light pink “blush”.

Avantgarde is a new variety, but still quite rare in our gardens. The huge size of spherical and dense inflorescences with a diameter of up to 30 cm is what distinguishes this large-leaved hydrangea from others. Winter-hardy varieties with such large “caps”, and even represented in five colors - green, white, blue, lilac and pink - have not yet been created.

To cover or not?

Most gardeners, having read that in our conditions large-leaved hydrangea (frost-resistant varieties) do not need shelter for the winter, started a serious discussion both on the Internet and on the pages of magazines. But practice, as is usually the case, put everything in its place. If a gardener wants to enjoy flowering from the beginning of summer until frost, then, of course, it is worth covering. If you are pleased with the not very long and abundant flowering from mid-summer to autumn, then you don’t have to cover it. Many who have bought large-leaved hydrangea seedlings are perplexed: “How is it that it is written that it overwinters without shelter, but experts say the opposite?” The fact is that last year’s buds, not protected from negative winter temperatures, will die, but new shoots must still grow before forming inflorescences and blooming. Therefore, before purchasing this, really beautiful plant, think about whether you can create the most favorable conditions for him.

How to properly prepare for winter?

IN middle lane Russia should start preparing large-leaved hydrangea for winter in September. The condition for a good wintering of the bush will be low humidity. To prevent moisture from entering the plant, a frame is erected over it and covered with film on top. Special furrows are dug around the hydrangea to drain water and, accordingly, watering is stopped. At the beginning of October, faded inflorescences and all foliage along with petioles are removed. Experts advise that it is best to pour garden soil or peat, or a mixture, into the center of the bush. The stems are tied and placed on low wooden boards, boxes or beams. From above, the entire structure is covered with several layers of covering material, for example lutrasil. The tips of the shoots can also be sprinkled with a peat-earth mixture or sawdust, after which the entire plant is covered with dense plastic film.

First, let us once again draw your attention to the fact that when choosing this or that variety, first of all look at how adapted it is to our climatic conditions and resistant to diseases. You may find it useful to know some of the features of growing large-leaved hydrangea in the garden:

  • it is advisable to plant plants in loose soil, so that it will wake up faster in the spring;
  • plant the plant on an elevated area, since it overwinters better with low humidity;
  • before covering the bush for the winter, be sure to saturate the hydrangea’s earthen ball with water and feed it with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers;
  • do not rush to remove the shelter in the spring, as this shrub is difficult to tolerate returning spring frosts, more difficult than winter frosts;
  • After the spring cold has passed, do not immediately remove the spunbond or lutrasil covering the hydrangea, because the bright sun can burn the tender shoots.

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Hydrangea Endless Summer: blooming beauty on your site

Hydrangea remains one of the favorite decorations for gardens and dachas in central Russia, as it is easy for it to create almost ideal conditions for growth. Years of selection have made it possible to develop dozens of varieties, but one of the favorite options among gardeners remains the Endless Summer hydrangea, which received such a poetic name for its ability to re-bloom. She will delight the owner of the summer cottage all summer lush flowering and a pleasant aroma.

Appearance and characteristics of the variety

Hydrangea macrophylla is the Latin name of one of the tall varieties of hydrangea. The bush can reach 1.2-2.5 m in height, and its crown diameter can reach up to one and a half meters. This variety of hydrangea originates from America, but in Russia it has become quite widespread due to its unpretentiousness to growth conditions and magnificent flowers.

Interestingly, it was not bred artificially: the Endless Summer hydrangea is recognized as a successful spontaneous mutation, so it gives gardens and parks truly natural beauty.

Decorative subshrub has:

  • Strong dark green leaves with jagged edges, from the beginning of summer it is decorated with large inflorescences, which can have a blue or pinkish color.
  • The color of the buds depends on the acidity level of the soil in which the hydrangea grows, and many gardeners experiment with coloring by adding various additives to the soil.
  • If the soil is alkaline, the flowers may take on a purple tint, and if the content of aluminum sulfate increases in it, the buds will take on a bluish color.

This perennial, which is frost-resistant: if it is properly covered in winter, and with the onset of spring it quickly produces young shoots.

Buds will appear on both old and young shoots, with no more than six weeks passing between waves of flowering. As a result, in one summer, buds can appear on each shoot not once, but twice, so this variety of hydrangea fully lives up to its name. The development of the variety is not complete, and experiments are now ongoing to create a more frost-resistant variety and breed plants with double buds. Because hydrangea blooms frequently, it represents a very interesting object for observations and experiments.

Caring for hydrangea endless summer

The hydrangea variety “Endless Summer” is one of the large-leaved varieties (macrophylla), so it is quite applicable to its cultivation. General requirements for this type of hydrangea.

This variety is quite suitable for amateur gardeners, since caring for it is not particularly difficult, and the result of even small efforts will please you after the first year of planting.

Basic rules for caring for hydrangea:

  • Abundance of light. This is a light-loving shrub that does not like shaded places. If the hydrangea doesn't get enough sun, it will grow slowly and the flowers will be small and not as beautiful. The plant is suitable for single planting and for creating hedges, but each bush needs enough space.
  • Good watering. The soil should always be slightly moist. Hydrangea roots quickly absorb moisture and respond even to short-term drought.
  • This plant prefers acidic soils, in which case it will delight the owner with a beautiful shade of buds. Sometimes an additional alum solution is added to the soil to change the acidity to the desired level.
  • Hydrangea can overwinter without shelter, but in this case it will slowly recover after winter, and flowers will appear much later. Because of this, it is recommended to cover the plant even before the first frost at the end of September, and remove the cover only when frost is definitely not expected, that is, at the beginning of May.
  • Fertilizing is carried out twice a season: for the first time, complex fertilizer is applied to the soil. in which nitrogen predominates, and in mid-summer potassium fertilizer is added. Hydrangea grows well even without feeding; it is a fairly unpretentious plant.

With regular shelter, the shoots begin to grow parallel to the ground, so at first they may need support with a bush holder. This will help give the bush the correct shape.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings

For large-leaf varieties this is the most common method. Propagation by seeds is most often used only for breeding purposes, but the cutting method is quite suitable for an amateur gardener. The best planting material is a 2-3 year old seedling with at least three shoots. The recommended height of the seedling is at least 70 cm.

However, if you need to quickly obtain a large number of plants, for example, to grow a hedge or propagate a rare variety, you can use several types of cuttings.

If you purchased a small, actively growing cutting in May or early June, when correct landing it will quickly form its own roots and subsequently turn into a full-fledged shrub.

  1. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, after which they are planted along the edges of a large pot.
  2. The distance between them should be sufficient so that the leaf of one plant does not touch the leaf of another, as this can cause rot.
  3. You need to organize a mini-greenhouse: cover the pot with a plastic bottle or bag and place it in a bright place. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. Seedlings need to be watered periodically, the soil should always be slightly moist.
  5. After 2-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root and can be transplanted into open ground.
  6. If a semi-lignified cutting, cut in August and having several pairs of leaves, is used as planting material, the planting technology will be slightly different.
  7. The pot with cuttings must be dug in the garden, choosing a shaded place, the seedlings are covered with a plastic bottle.
  8. Periodically you need to remove the bottle cap to ventilate the mini-greenhouse.
  9. With the onset of autumn, the plantings are covered, and in the spring the cover is removed and the bottle is removed.
  10. The seedlings will already have sufficient root system for independent growth.

Sometimes completely lignified cuttings that already have 4-5 pairs of leaves are used for propagation.

They are cut in October, and autumn plantings have their own characteristics. All leaves are removed from the cuttings to reduce water evaporation. After this, they are also placed in a mini-greenhouse, and the pot is dug into the ground. After this, the hydrangea is immediately covered and not opened until the end of spring. After this, the plantings will begin to actively grow and take root.

Experiments with bud color

Many gardeners experiment with the color of buds by changing the acidity of the soil.

The introduction of ammonium sulfate into the soil allows you to obtain a blue color of the buds, which makes the plant amazingly beautiful. If hydrangea is grown in acidic soils without ammonium sulfate supplements, the buds may be pink, white, or purple, but they will never turn blue. The amount of additives to change color ranges from 15 to 50 grams, depending on the size of the bush. Now in specialized stores you can purchase ready-made substances with which you can obtain blue hydrangea buds.

Sometimes there are stories that it is possible to achieve buds of different colors on one bush if you add aluminum sulfate only on one side.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement: one plant has one common root system, so any substances present in the soil enter all vessels. However, if aluminum sulfate is applied in mid-summer, you can actually see inflorescences of different shades: those that bloomed earlier will be pink, and those that bloom later will be blue.

Hydrangea Endless Summer can turn into a real decoration for your garden. This amazing plant will give you the beauty of lush inflorescences that will delight your eyes for a very long time. Constant flowering allows it to be used for decorative design the most beautiful areas, use it to grow beautifully flowering hedges, or simply decorate the area with single green shrubs.

More information can be found in the video.

Hydrangea Endless Summer large-leaved Hydrangea macrophylla “Endless Summer”

An amazing winter-hardy variety, bred by breeders in the 80s. It is able to withstand severe frosts - large-leaved Endless Summer hydrangea. This is one of the few varieties that blooms in the second year of life.

Its inflorescences are large in size, single flowers of which can be blue or pink.

The color will depend on the acidity level of the soil in which the plant grows.

Hydrangea Endless Summer planting

Soil acidity affects the color of flowers. The shades of the inflorescences will be a kind of indicator showing the pH level.

Soil whose pH is alkaline results in a pink tint to the inflorescences. In an acidic environment, in the presence of aluminum ions, Endless Summer flowers produce a blue color.

By changing the acidity of the soil, you can change the color of the inflorescences of the Endless Summer variety. But it is necessary to control the threshold level of the alkaline environment of the soil; excessive application of lime can contribute to a change in leaf color. The higher the alkali concentration, the more actively the leaves turn yellow. Excessively acidic soil with a high content of aluminum ions has a detrimental effect on the roots of the plant, which can lead to the death of the hydrangea.

It should be remembered that the natural conditions of the Endless Summer variety are acidic soil.

To maintain this indicator, it is recommended to water it from time to time with sour milk, tincture of moldy baked goods and special fertilizers. The family loves the sun, but prolonged exposure to direct sunlight tires the hydrangea. As a break from excess heat and light, short darkening will be useful.

Shelter for the winter

A special point in keeping and growing such hydrangea is its preparation for winter. The plant itself is not afraid of severe frosts and, probably, could survive the winter period without any problems, if not for the peculiarity of accumulating excess moisture in the tissues of various organs. It is this fact that becomes disastrous for the Endless Summer variety. The liquid located in the vessels of the entire plant organism, when the temperature decreases, according to the laws of physics, freezes, turning into ice. This state of water injures all organs and tissues, leading to inevitable death.

In this regard, at the beginning of autumn it is necessary to build shelters that will protect the bushes from excessive moisture during the autumn rains, preventing moisture from accumulating.

Fertilizer and feeding

Before applying fertilizer and after it needs to be watered abundantly. Hydrangea should be fed no more than twice a month. In this case, mineral fertilizing should alternate with organic fertilizing. If fertilizer is applied excessively, the plant begins to grow actively, while flowering slows down, which negatively affects its appearance. After surviving the winter, an infusion of green herbs will be the best nutrition for your beauty. The grass is placed in a bucket, filled with water and left in this form in the sun. In a few days the feeding will be ready. The infusion must be drained, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and fed to adult bushes.

Hydrangea (Endless Summer) is an amazing variety that can form inflorescences on shoots of both the first and second years.

Hydrangeas in Igor Bezgin’s garden bloom from the end of May until frost. They bloom with lush white clouds, and closer to autumn they are painted in pink, blue and purple tones. At the same time, they do not require special care, because they fell on fertile soil - acidic.

Crawled to the roof

It was love at first sight. Previously, Muscovite Igor Bezgin was passionately attached to orchids, but he failed to remain faithful to them - at one of the exhibitions he saw luxurious varieties of hydrangeas. And disappeared. Since then, six dacha acres located in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region have been populated one after another different types and varieties of hydrangeas. And now even the walls of the house are covered with flowers - wild grapes are resting!

“The creeping hydrangea (aka petiole hydrangea) crawled to the roof,” explains the owner. — Unfortunately, the variety is unknown to me. I bought it by accident - I felt sorry for my grandmother, took a cutting from her, and now I’m happy. The hydrangea took a long time to take root, but then it crawled along the walls - you can’t stop it! It has sucker roots on its stems, due to which it produces half a meter of growth per year. Although it does not bloom as spectacularly as others, it is unique in its own way.

Creeping hydrangea has been growing in one place for 15 years. Does not require special care - watering and fertilizing. The summer resident does not cover her for the winter, but she does not complain. Igor Ivanovich did not observe any aphids or other pests on it. The only thing that was provided was the necessary partial shade: it is better for creeping hydrangea to see the sun only after four o’clock in the afternoon.

The collector does not forget to feed all his flowers with potassium sulfate and urea: 1 tbsp. spoon of both per 10 liters of water.

Eternal summer

Summer resident Igor Bezgin’s collection includes more than 30 varieties of hydrangeas. They grow large-leaved, tree-like, paniculate. The last ones are the most favorite. They bloom white, turning pink and even turning red over time.

There are also “originals” here. One of the bushes, for example, is half pink, half blue. Apparently, due to the uneven acidity of the soil, Igor Ivanovich builds versions, hydrangea reacts very well to it.

The pride of Igor Bezgin’s flower garden - large-leaved variety Endless Summer, which means Eternal Summer. And it lives up to its name - it begins to bloom at the end of May and does not think about closing the summer season until the frosts.

“This is a remontant variety that produces flowers on shoots from both last and this year,” says Igor Ivanovich. - True, this spring I was pleased with it belatedly - I froze. Hydrangeas need to be covered, since flower buds are afraid of pre-winter frosts. But the plants themselves survive, they still bloom, but later - in July.

Chameleon with character

With another variety - Amethyst (Magical Ametist), an amateur gardener has been tormented for more than one year. The bush has grown healthy, but does not want to bloom. Looks like it's freezing. But Igor Ivanovich does not give up, the variety is very good: during the season it changes its color three times from greenish-lemon to pinkish-purple, and later to green with a white edge. It’s not for nothing that they call him a chameleon. Igor Ivanovich decided to look for a new place for him - the right one. What if it blooms?!

Dreams of a sensation

Now Igor Ivanovich is in search of his dream - the large-leaved hydrangea Red Sensation, which has red-scarlet inflorescences and wine-colored stems. The variety is frost-resistant. It blooms twice: in spring on last year's shoots, in autumn on new shoots. By autumn, the inflorescences become bright burgundy. The red sensation is so good that it caused serious drama in Europe. The variety was bred in 2006 in Holland, but neither the Dutch nor the Europeans saw the flowers - they were bought by an American company and banned from selling the variety in Europe. Later in 2009, the right to sell the Red Sensation was nevertheless purchased, and in 2010 the first copies appeared in Russia.

However, it is still difficult to find this variety here. There are many people who want to make money from the fashionable Red Sensation; they sell everything under its guise. You can distinguish it by the wine color of its branches, warns Igor Ivanovich. It is very easy to be deceived with hydrangeas - there are a lot of fakes.

And now it’s expensive to be deceived: remontant large-leaved hydrangea, for example, costs from two to four thousand rubles. Paniculate and tree-like ones are cheaper. Buy flowers in a pot and be sure to bloom, advises Igor Bezgin - a sure way not to go wrong!

Loves. Moisture, acidic soil. Paniculata tolerate midday sun well. And large-leaved ones need to find a place where the sun appears after 16.00. Does not love. Bright sun. Sandy soils. Adding lime and ash.

How to propagate

Hydrangeas are easily propagated by cuttings:

  • In the spring, cut a cutting with 3-4 buds, treat the lower cut with root, and disinfect the upper cut with brilliant green. Stick it into the ground and cover with a plastic bottle. Ventilate once a day. The cuttings take root without problems. It is advisable to harvest a young shoot that will not bloom. In this way, the bush is simultaneously thinned out and the growth of the plant is facilitated. The cuttings bloom in the second year.
  • Bend the branch, pin it to the ground, add soil and leave. Next year the branch will give roots, which can already be separated from the bush and planted in a separate place.

Hydrangea- Hydrangea

There is a huge amount varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, which is beloved in America and Europe, not to mention its popularity in Japan, its homeland. Large leaf hydrangeas They are mainly recommended for gardens in countries with milder climates, and we found them in the southern gardens of the Black Sea coast. Bringing to flowering large leaf hydrangeas(Hydrangea macrophylla) requires good winter cover and protection from late spring frosts. Their low winter hardiness and the need to preserve the top buds of last year's shoots were the main limiting factors for the promotion of hydrangea and its use as a garden plant in areas with harsh and unpredictable winters and late spring frosts.

However, in 2003, the nursery St. Paul's Bailey Nurseries (Minnesota) presented a special variety of large-leaved hydrangea, which can be recommended for growing in cold climates of zone 4, which includes Moscow, and count on abundant annual flowering. The hydrangea variety was named for its ability to bloom again "Endless summer" ("Endless Summer").

The story of this fantastic strain began in 1982, when cold arctic air invaded Minnesota and stayed there for almost a month. Blooming after such a harsh winter in a neighbor's garden large leaf hydrangea attracted the attention of nursery employee Vern Black.

It is unknown how things would have turned out if someone else had noticed this hydrangea. Black immediately realized that this was an extraordinary plant in front of him, and began to observe it. Three years later, he took a cutting from the bush and brought it to the nursery, where it was propagated and further observations and tests continued. Soon this hydrangea became a star, as it turned out that it bloomed on the shoots of this and last year.

But that's not all of its advantages. Every six weeks after the first wave of flowering, the variety produces new buds and thus flowering can last a long time depending on weather conditions. After years of testing, this hydrangea was registered as Hydrangea macrophylla Bailmer PPAF (plant patent applied for), or Endless Summer® Hydrangea. It is believed that this is a mutation of the Nikko Blue variety, recommended for cultivation in the 5th zone.

"Endless Summer"" - first large-leaved hydrangea, which is capable of forming flowers on new wood, or rather, on this year’s shoots just as well as on last year’s shoots, and has high winter hardiness. Many hydrangeas tolerate cold winters well under cover, but late frosts sometimes damage the buds, and then they do not bloom. This variety is not afraid of frost, and even accidental pruning. Even if the buds on last year’s wood suffer, the young shoots will still bloom. It was this feature, as well as its high winter hardiness, that brought this variety wide popularity and ensured its good future, including in our country.

Hydrangea "Endless Summer" blooms with beautiful spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 10–15.5 cm, consisting of sterile flowers of pink or blue color - depending on the acidity of the soil in which it grows. In alkaline soil it is colored pink, and in acidic soil with a high aluminum content it is blue. You can artificially try to change the color, but excessive application of alkali (lime) can lead to yellowing of the leaves, and excessive application of aluminum can lead to death of the roots.

Leaves are resistant to powdery mildew. An adult hydrangea bush can reach 1.5 m in height and width. A location with morning sun and afternoon shade with moist and well-drained soil is suitable for planting.

And recently, the famous hydrangea expert Dr. Michael Dirr obtained a new one from this variety - hydrangea" Endless Summer Blushing Bride". Its white buds open into semi-double sterile flowers that gradually turn pink, the bright dark green foliage is disease resistant and re-blooms much earlier.

For many years, gardeners in most Central European regions of Russia enviously admired the lush flowering bushes of garden hydrangea only in the southern regions and in European gardens. Not so long ago, thanks to the efforts and perseverance of breeders from different countries and in Russian gardens, large-leaved hydrangea appeared, winter-hardy varieties of which can withstand our rather difficult climatic conditions and delight with abundant flowering.

Dating history

Europeans owe their acquaintance with hydrangea to French travelers who, at the end of the 17th century, having circumnavigated the world, brought this plant from the island of Mauritius. The first version says that it was named after the sister of one of the expedition members, Prince Karl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen - Princess Hortense. There is another version: this plant was named in honor of his beloved Hortense by the naturalist and naturalist from France Philibert Commerson. There is also a completely prosaic version of the origin of the name: from the Latin word hortensis, which translated means “from the garden,” as the bush was found in the gardens of the governor on the island of Mauritius.

Botanists called this plant large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), but the old name was also retained in another name - garden hydrangea (Hydrangea hortensis). Hydragenia is a Greek word and consists of two parts: hydor- water and angeion- vessel. Thus, it turned out that the name means “vessel of water.” Some researchers suggest that the plant received this name because of its seed pods, which are very similar to small pitchers. According to others, it emphasizes the high need of hydrangea for water.

Botanical description

In nature, large-leaved hydrangea is a shrub whose height can reach 4 meters. In our northern conditions, the plant rarely exceeds two meters. This one is also called colored, since cultivated forms can have petals of white, pink and blue colors, collected in inflorescences of a spherical and, much more rarely, flat thyroid shape with a diameter of up to 20 cm or more.

Relatively recently, the Avantgarde variety appeared, the inflorescences of which can reach 30 cm in diameter. Flowers of this type of hydrangia are simple, semi-double and double. The flower petals of this plant usually have a simple rounded shape, but there are varieties whose petals are fringed, ruffled and jagged. Quite rarely there are varieties with two-tone coloring, for example Harlequin, Love you kiss or Ripple. In addition, (ornamental flowers and shrubs) have:

  • erect stems;
  • simple ovoid leaves of bright green color;
  • spherical or flat inflorescences formed at the ends of the shoots.

Flowering lasts from July to August. Each inflorescence may contain two types of flowers:

  • fruiting and small in the center;
  • external - beautiful and decorative, but sterile.

How do you cope with the cold?

It is worth noting that for a long time large-leaved hydrangea was found only in winter gardens and indoor floriculture.

Winter-hardy varieties of this plant, the appearance of which pleased gardeners in the late 80s of the last century, differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the negative temperature they can withstand. Thus, varieties of North American selection can easily tolerate temperatures down to -15 0 C, and those created by European breeders - up to -20 0 C. Regardless of what developers or sellers say about the variety, in the conditions of the European part of our country it is better to cover shrubs of this species for the winter, than to worry until spring whether they will survive or not.

Variety resistance

As practice has shown, all winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea can, of course, be conditionally divided into the following groups:

1. Blooming on last year's shoots: Mariesii Grandiflora (White Wave), Mariesii Perfecta (BlueWawe), Alpengluehn, Bouquet Rose, Red Baron (Schoene Bautznerin), Lilacina, Etoile Violette and others.

2. Ever-blooming or remontant. Unlike the first group, they form inflorescences both on last year’s shoots and on new shoots. These include such winter-hardy remontant large-leaved hydrangea varieties as Grant's Choice, for example, as well as Twist-n-Shout, Pink Wonder, Hamburg, Passion.

When purchasing varieties of this group, you will definitely find the words Persistence, Everyblooming or Re-blooming (RE) on the labels.

Varieties and series

By the end of the 80s of the 20th century, the first winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea appeared in America, capable of growing and blooming in regions with freezing winters and long, cold springs. One of the “firstborns” of remontant hydrangeas was the Endless Summer variety. Somewhat later, a more frost-resistant variety than Endless Summer, Early Sensation, was introduced to the market.

Endless Summer Series

Endless summer is a large-leaved hydrangea. Winter-hardy varieties based on it were obtained with a variety of colors and formed the Endless Summer variety group:

All varieties have voluminous and beautiful, round inflorescences, with the exception of Twist-and-Shout, which has a flat one.


Over time, based on the Early Sensation variety, the commercially successful Forever&Ever series was created, which includes the following varieties:

On labels, the series must be indicated before the name of the variety, for example Forever&Ever Red Sensation.

You&Me series

Those who prefer double large-leaved hydrangea can find frost-resistant varieties in the Japanese You&Me series:

  • Together;
  • Romance;
  • Expression;
  • forever;
  • Symphony;
  • Eternity;
  • Love - pink new for 2015.

Large-leaved hydrangea: review of new varieties

Every year the number of remontant winter-hardy varieties of large-leaved hydrangea increases. Let's talk about some new products.

Endless Summer Bloom Star was created on the basis of the much-loved Endless Summer variety. This hydrangea blooms with large spherical inflorescences of blue or pink color, the diameter of which can reach 18 cm. The color of sterile flowers depends on the acidity of the soil: in more alkaline conditions the color will be pink, and in acidic conditions it will be violet-blue. Not only the inflorescences are decorative, but also the burgundy-colored shoots.

Hovaria Hanabi Rose blooms in large, flat inflorescences measuring 18-25 cm. They are light pink, but if the soil is acidified, they change color to blue.

You & Me Love is new this year with delicate pink and double flowers, the inner petals of which are tinted a creamy yellow. Color may vary depending on soil acidity.

Endless Summer Blushing Bride is a very interesting variety, characterized by a change in the color of the petals. The buds of this hydrangea open into semi-double white flowers, which gradually turn a light pink “blush”.

Avantgarde is a new variety, but still quite rare in our gardens. The huge size of spherical and dense inflorescences with a diameter of up to 30 cm is what distinguishes this large-leaved hydrangea from others. Winter-hardy varieties with such large “caps”, and even represented in five colors - green, white, blue, lilac and pink - have not yet been created.

To cover or not?

Most gardeners, having read that in our conditions large-leaved hydrangea (frost-resistant varieties) do not need shelter for the winter, started a serious discussion both on the Internet and on the pages of magazines. But practice, as is usually the case, put everything in its place.

If a gardener wants to enjoy flowering from the beginning of summer until frost, then, of course, it is worth covering. If you are pleased with the not very long and abundant flowering from mid-summer to autumn, then you don’t have to cover it. Many who have bought large-leaved hydrangea seedlings are perplexed: “How is it that it is written that it overwinters without shelter, but experts say the opposite?” The fact is that last year’s buds, not protected from negative winter temperatures, will die, but new shoots must still grow before forming inflorescences and blooming. Therefore, before purchasing this truly beautiful plant, think about whether you can create the most favorable conditions for it.

How to properly prepare for winter?

In central Russia you should start in September. The condition for a good wintering of the bush will be low humidity. To prevent moisture from entering the plant, a frame is erected over it and covered with film on top. Special furrows are dug around the hydrangea to drain water and, accordingly, watering is stopped. At the beginning of October, faded inflorescences and all foliage along with petioles are removed. Experts advise that it is best to pour garden soil or peat, or a mixture, into the center of the bush. The stems are tied and placed on low boxes or beams. From above, the entire structure is covered with several layers of covering material, for example lutrasil. The tips of the shoots can also be sprinkled with a peat-earth mixture or sawdust, after which the entire plant is covered with dense plastic film.

First, let us once again draw your attention to the fact that when choosing this or that variety, first of all look at how adapted it is to our climatic conditions and resistant to diseases. You may find it useful to know some of the features of large-leaved plants in the garden:

  • it is advisable to plant plants in loose soil, so that it will wake up faster in the spring;
  • plant the plant on an elevated area, since it overwinters better with low humidity;
  • before covering the bush for the winter, be sure to saturate the hydrangea’s earthen ball with water and feed it with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers;
  • do not rush to remove the shelter in the spring, as this shrub is difficult to tolerate returning spring frosts, more difficult than winter frosts;
  • After the spring cold has passed, do not immediately remove the spunbond or lutrasil covering the hydrangea, because the bright sun can burn the tender shoots.

Summer residents and gardeners who take a responsible approach to the design of their plots have long appreciated the beauty of such an ornamental shrub as hydrangea. Not too demanding in care and modest, it fascinates with its beauty during flowering. Ball-shaped inflorescences of various shades, from white to purple, cover the entire bush. For several months, from the beginning of summer until autumn, hydrangea delights the eye with its playful “balloons”, which, moreover, can change colors.

Choosing a landing site

When choosing a place to plant hydrangeas, you must be guided by the preferences of the shrub. It is best to plant the shrub in a place protected from the wind. Hydrangea loves to have a lot of light around, but it is advisable not to plant it in an open sunny area, but to place it nearby, in partial shade. Or plant the shrub in a sunny place that gets shade in the afternoon. This option is also a good option for the hydrangea to take root well. The difference in illumination will affect the size of the inflorescences of the shrub: in constant partial shade they will be smaller than in sunny places.

What does a beauty need for life?

An important point is soil moisture: hydrangea is very moisture-loving; according to one version of botanists, it was for this feature that it got its name. In ancient Greek, the name of the plant sounds like Hydrangea and means “vessel of water.” And another version of the origin of its name suggests that the plant was given the name of one beautiful princess from the Roman Empire. Here is such a romantic shrub - hydrangea. With all its love for moisture, the plant is not recommended to be planted in lowlands and on soils with a high groundwater level. The fact is that, having collected a large amount of moisture in the fall, the bush then does not tolerate winter well.

Hydrangea is not picky about soil nutrition. There are examples when the plant took root well and bloomed on sandy soil and podzolic soils. Nutritious loams will be the best option for planting. The acidity of the soil affects the color of the inflorescences. If the soil contains a lot of aluminum and iron, the petals will appear soft blue, and excess fluoride will give a pink color. Experienced gardeners Those who breed hydrangeas know one secret that can help achieve the desired shade.

During the period before flowering, you can water the bush, for example, with a solution of aluminum alum (2-3 pieces per liter of water). And then the inflorescences will turn pale blue. But not all varieties of hydrangea are capable of changing color, you need to remember this. For example, garden hydrangea with white or purple inflorescences does not have the ability to recolor its petals.

How to plant Hydrangea correctly

Hydrangea is planted in the ground in the spring, at a time when the buds have not yet opened, but the snow has already melted. Planting holes are dug approximately 50 by 50 cm in size, depending on what shrub will be planted in the soil and the fertility of the soil. If the soil is not particularly rich in nutrients, the hole is usually dug deeper. Clay and peat are placed at the bottom, so it is easier for moisture to linger in the soil and saturate the hydrangea, which loves to drink. It would not be superfluous to add 50 g of mineral fertilizers. Then a mound of earth is created in the center of the hole, on which the plant is placed. Before planting, the roots and branches of hydrangea must be slightly shortened with pruning shears and dried or damaged areas removed. The roots are carefully straightened out on the mound, the bush is given a stable position, and the soil is filled and compacted.

When planting a plant, it is recommended to water it abundantly enough so that the soil is moistened about half a meter deep. Then you should monitor the bush and water the hydrangea in a timely manner, avoiding drying out the soil. The first sign that a plant needs watering is appearance leaves. With a lack of moisture, they become pale and weak.

Important points when leaving

Caring for hydrangea involves removing weeds, loosening the soil, mulching and watering. Fertilizer should be applied twice a year, in spring and summer. At the end of May, during the period of intensive growth, mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied, the calculation is carried out in the proportions of 1 tablespoon per square meter of soil. In the summer, when buds form on the bush, re-feeding is carried out, but this time with a potassium content. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, so as not to end up with excessively abundant flowering. The beauty and charm of the huge balls-inflorescences that arise are fraught with the risk of branches breaking under their weight.

Like any others ornamental plants, hydrangeas love cleanliness around them. Loosening the soil and controlling weeds can replace mulching around tree trunks. Abundant mulch will retain moisture in the soil and prevent the rapid growth of weeds. During the period when large inflorescences appear on the bush, it is necessary to ensure that the branches do not bend under their weight. To support the bush, circular supports are usually installed; with their help, the integrity of the bush is maintained and all the charm of a flowering and fragrant plant is not lost.

Unusual shrubs - unusual pruning

An important point that you should pay attention to when caring for hydrangea is its pruning. The procedure is carried out in spring and autumn, and here it is important to follow the basic rules of pruning and follow the “do no harm” rule. Young bushes are pruned in the spring, in March or April, before the buds open. Pruning hydrangeas is carried out differently from ordinary shrubs, when the branches are simply cut off. If you act in this way, you can deprive the bush of all flowering buds. Therefore, in the spring, frozen shoots are removed, and then they look at how many annual shoots remain from last year. If enough of them have overwintered, then last year’s branches that have bloomed need to be cut back to the very top. If there are few of them left, the branches are thinned out and the inflorescences are removed from them.

In autumn, all the inflorescences on hydrangea branches that have already faded are cut off. There is an opinion that in the first year of hydrangea flowering, the inflorescences should not be cut, but torn off. This will bring abundant flowering of the bush next year.

Who wants to propagate hydrangea?

A more painstaking and long-term method of propagation is propagation by cuttings. In mid-July, during the flowering of the bush, annual shoots are cut from the side of the plant. If you bend such a shoot, it should show miracles of flexibility and not break; only in this case can it be used for further actions. Thick shoots with powerful wood that grow in a illuminated area of ​​the bush are not suitable for propagation, because waiting for them to take root will be very difficult. The cut shoots are treated with Kornevin and planted for rooting in a specially prepared substrate of peat and sand, where the top layer is sand. Within a month, the cuttings, planted at a slight slope at a distance of 5 cm from each other, take root, after which they are transferred to a greenhouse for the full development of the shrub.

Gardeners who already have hydrangea on their property can achieve propagation of the bush using layering. A branch of a plant at the age of 1 year is bent to the ground, dug in so that about 20 cm remains above the ground. Next, the plant will do everything it needs on its own, all that remains is to dig up the rooted shoot and replant it. This is usually done next spring or autumn.

Hydrangea seeds are very rarely bred today. The sowing method is unremarkable; seeds are sown in containers on the surface of the prepared substrate and periodically watered with a sprinkler. Seedlings that are sufficiently strengthened are transplanted into open ground and carefully covered for the winter.

Russian winters. How can a southern woman survive?

The shrubs themselves also need winter shelter. Hydrangea is delicate and may not withstand freezing at -5°C. Therefore, it is better to cover the bushes early in order to be calm about your beautiful hydrangea and know that it will overwinter without incident. All leaves, except those on the tops of annual shoots, should be removed, the bush itself should be mounded as high as possible with dry soil and leaves (small bushes can be completely covered, and in winter you can also add snow to the mound). Gather the branches of the bush into one bunch, tie them and bend them to a container or box placed nearby. In this position they need to be fixed and then covered with plastic wrap. The winter shelter for hydrangea is ready. In the spring, when it’s time to remove the film, you need to do it gradually, preferably on those days when there is no bright sun, and cover the bushes again at night. The branches that were laid on the box are usually untied during the germination of the buds, giving them a vertical position and strengthening them in the correct form.