Cool astrological forecast for your birthday. Comic horoscope: how Zodiac Signs go to visit. Astrological comic predictions

We will get today's weather forecast for our anniversary and birthday by easily redoing it in the restaurant from the previous article.

You just need to take it and make the necessary amendments - I’ll write now what to remove and what to add. But most of the text will remain unchanged.

For now, let’s assume that the anniversary also takes place in a restaurant or cafe. If I’m at home, I’ll write it below.

Weather forecast for anniversaries and birthdays.

  • Instead of Denis Korablev, insert the name of the person who voices the forecast.
  • The storms from the kidnapping of the bride are replaced with “... associated with preparations for the anniversary (birthday) have calmed down - we are all here, the holiday is in full swing, and the hero of the day (birthday) can already completely relax. The weather has settled above his table...”
  • The text does not change further until the weather forecast for the morning. There you remove the line about the newlyweds and insert a phrase about the main person of the celebration: “The hero of the day will not be pressed anywhere, because he will really want to eat. As long-term observations of weather forecasters show, birthday people and anniversaries are always the hungriest people at their own holiday. At first they don’t eat out of excitement, then because everything has already been eaten by others.”
  • “But those…” and then about the legs, dancing until the final phrase.

If the anniversary is at home, weather forecast

change it a little too:

  • At the beginning, instead of a restaurant, say “at our house.”
  • If guests are sitting at the same table, then remove the words “tables” and simply talk about people - children, youth, etc.
  • The hurricane will not come from the restaurant management, but “from the neighbors if they hear loud music after 23.00. and trip over our empty bottles, secretly left by one of the guests on the landing. The music will be turned off along with the outlet, the remaining alcohol will be taken away, and you will have to run to the grocery store on duty to get it - if we have time.”
  • Replace the external patio with a real place where guests go out to smoke or breathe - a balcony, courtyard, staircase, gazebo, etc.
  • Call the place where the dances are held an impromptu dance floor, and the text will fit.
  • If dancing is not provided, you can say the following instead: “Those guests who moved little today and drank a lot may be slightly stormy on the way home. The sidewalk will sway, the walls of the houses will stagger, and you will move with the gait of a sailor. If you already feel like there is a force 9 storm in the room, the Hydrometeorological Center strongly recommends taking a companion or calling a taxi.”
  • Then end the forecast with wishes for good weather.

I also say goodbye to you for a short time - exactly until the “Weather forecast with an environmental bias”.

And while waiting, I advise you to look at two school weather forecasts in the sections “Skits...” and “Holiday at school.”

And, as always, I am glad to receive your feedback in the comments below the article - DO NOT be lazy, please write!

Wishing you only wonderful forecasts for your anniversary and birthday,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

All this is written on separate pieces of paper and mixed. Then each spectator takes out a ticket and reads it into the microphone.

You can also put them in balloons. During the holiday, invite everyone to choose a balloon, pop it and read it out loud.

A rise up the career ladder awaits you without dizzying consequences!

Your creative successes at this evening will be noticed by everyone present!
Take your drink seriously... Don't let it pass your mouth!

Your pragmatic interest will develop into a romantic interest.

Love is waiting for you. Soon, very soon.
The second half of the evening is favorable for very close communication with partners of the opposite sex!

A huge success awaits you tonight!

This day is conducive to plans aimed at the future, and their discussions with partners of the opposite sex!

Today, emotional understanding and physical contact are more important to you than spending time with words!

Today you are likely to make acquaintances and hobbies, especially in the second half of the evening!

Tonight, with the help of words and beliefs, you can achieve anything!

Today, the best thing for you is to rely on your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!

Avoid cold shoulder from your partner of the opposite sex and always be on your guard!

Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table will bring certain results by the evening!

Chatting with friends will bring you a lot of joy this evening!

Today is a particularly important evening in your life, pay special attention to your neighbors at your table!

At midnight - you can start leading a quiet lifestyle, but now have fun!

Tonight is good for any entertainment!

Pay attention to every glass you pour and don’t let it pass your mouth!

Today you may have an inclination for solitude with someone!

The evening will turn out to be unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for anything!

Today you will be especially inclined to drink alcohol, don’t get too carried away!

Avoid conflict at the table over not drinking a glass on time!

It's advisable not to avoid partners of the opposite sex while dancing tonight!

Drinking too much alcohol tonight can lead to disorientation in space and time!

Tomorrow you will have a surplus of energy, so spend it today!

Independent actions on your part today will allow you to improve your financial situation!

Today, you might be expecting a big win!

Tonight is favorable for intimate acquaintances!

Fireworks of bright events await you in the new year. Start preparing immediately.

When expecting a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely come off.

When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance of meeting your destiny.

Approach your boss with the right foot - and a promotion awaits you.

If on January 1st you wear your clothes inside out, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will find love!

Always smile! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Keep quiet! And no one will call you boring.

Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation along it - a car.

Today is the best day for you! Just like everyone else!

If you come across a foreign body in your salad on New Year's Eve, know that this is good luck!

Run for president in March - that's where you belong.

Your long-time dream will come true - a cottage by the sea.

Your place is next to the director - you look better there.

A car is not for you, but a helicopter is.

January 1st little head bo-bo, money bye bye. Go on a visit – you’ll improve your health and save money.

Sing songs more often - you will have a cheerful life.

Live long, long, as long as you want and with whomever you want.

Drink a can of beer every day and you will live happily all year.

To make every tooth shine in the sun, eat a whole tube of paste.

Many incidents and interesting journeys await you.

You will continue to burn with creative work.

You will join the cream of society, perhaps you will find a sponsor.

And a lot of household chores and household chores await you.

A lot of adventures and a lot of thrills await you.

Love will brighten your days and they will become bright.

Fate will gild your pen and send you a handsome paycheck.

Your health will become stronger, your second youth will come.

You are the darling of fate, which means success and good luck await you.

You are used to living in the thick of things, work is your main destiny.

You have a lot of friends and acquaintances, and everyone will come to visit you soon.

A treat for your heart awaits you - a big increase in salary.

You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go well.

You are destined to live up to a hundred years without any storms or troubles.

Fate will throw a wallet, and all this in the near future.

Your whole life in winter and summer will be illuminated with magical light.

You won’t burn your wings, take care of your health.

From now on, you will continue to get prettier and younger.

As you celebrate your good fortune, stock up on plenty of tea.

Everything will work out great in your family and personal life.

The coming year is preparing a meeting with an ardent admirer (fan), but it seems that this hobby will be short-lived. Don't worry: now is not the best time for tender feelings.
Do not rush to dramatically change your destiny in the coming year; now is not the time or place for sharp turns.
Be content with what you have - you are already in a better position than many.
The light flirtation awaiting you in the middle of the year will brighten your life with new colors.
It is better to postpone the solution to financial problems until the end of autumn, and you should completely abandon expensive purchases until the onset of summer.

The coming year brings new interesting acquaintances and meetings with old friends.
Now the key to your success is cooperation.
Be extremely attentive to those who help you.
You are on the verge of a whirlwind romance.
Don’t forget that it’s winter outside, take care of your throat and airways, because a cold is not the best companion for love.

The New Year will delight you not only with financial stability, but also with new pleasant acquaintances.
Be careful, do not hesitate to refuse risky proposals and dubious affairs - they will bring nothing but trouble.
When starting a new business, do not forget about reliable, time-tested friends.
In the coming year, many surprises and gifts, useful and important meetings await you.
Everything related to production activities, information and training will bring you success.
Your family and friends will delight you.
Thanks to your charm and natural flair, you will be able to avoid many problems and successfully get out of unpleasant situations.
The second half of the year is good for matters of the heart, travel and entertainment. You will not lack them.

The coming year will not let you forget about domestic problems associated with loved ones, but it will also be full of tempting offers to relax and unwind.
You will find your happiness where you don’t expect it.
The second half of the year will bring love.
Financial difficulties do not threaten you, but you will have to take more seriously matters related to partners from afar.
January is the beginning of your creative blossoming.

Next year you will improve your financial situation and acquire a different status in society.
Changes for the better are planned in your relationship with someone who is far from you.
Be more tolerant of those around you. You expect gratitude, but you won’t always hear warm words addressed to you.
Success at work will require patience and the ability to compromise.
In the spring you will meet a person who can change a lot in your life.

Your authority will invariably grow, your wishes will come true as if by magic.
A door is opening before you, leading to a fuller and more enjoyable existence, in which there is more room for your personal life.
Your life will gain the stability and stability that you have been missing lately.
You will discover that your energy reserves are not unlimited, and you need to spend it wisely - namely, where it will bring the most benefit.
In the coming year, you are entering a streak of good fortune. Fortune will become your companion.
The authority that you have earned in the past will work for you.
Your strengths and weaknesses are discussed, but as a result you will be given a fantastic business proposal.
You will be affected by important changes in the personal lives of others.
In the near future, you may become the cause of a major scandal, but it will benefit you.
Try to rest and don’t allow yourself to become slack for any reason!

Say goodbye to the past. It will no longer have an impact on you in the coming new year.
The changes taking place in the near future will be so noticeable that you will believe in success and improvement of your status.
A sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to direct efforts in the right direction - this is the key to success. And most importantly, you will still be loved.
Everything that has developed throughout this year can be realized in the coming year.
Together with your partner you can make good money.
You will be interested in renewing a relationship with an old acquaintance, because you have decided that this is the person you need more than others.
Love will firmly enter your life.
Next year your attractiveness will be irresistible. You are loved, although you hide it, and you are waiting for new miracles and transformations.
Take care of yourself in the New Year and try to have a good rest.

In the coming year the problems will subside. You can safely bring your new plans to life, relying on like-minded people and... the Lord God.
What is happening will suit you in almost everything. Only those who are dear to your heart can cause aching pain, but you know that all this is temporary.

Please note: now is not the best time to change jobs. It's better to go on vacation and relax.
Use the opportunity for entertainment and love joys - there will be a lot of them. But at the beginning of the year, be guided by the motto “silence is golden.”

In the coming year, success and new opportunities to prove yourself await you. Everything is changing around you, new people, attachments, and plans will come into your life.
The year is good for dating, and a new circle of friends will inspire you to new ideas!

The coming year will bring pleasant events, you will feel happy, you will not get tired of declaring your love.
You will reap the benefits of success. How often do such moments happen?
The New Year will be a turning point - real and very successful changes await you in business and love.
This year will be full of events, you will remember it for a long time!

Success at work is possible, but to achieve it, great efforts must be made. Save your energy - you will need it at the end of winter.

At the beginning of the year, you will need to be careful in everything.
Be economical, do not get into arguments and do not sort things out with anyone - you can lose a lot.
Take an “inventory” of your wardrobe, rearrange it, put in order what you had no time to do.

The coming year is full of changes. By boldly stepping towards them, you can solve a bunch of problems.
Your charm will not save you; try to prove yourself as a serious business partner.
Friends will support your endeavors. Don't expect help from women.
Your outlook on life will change in many ways thanks to a long trip - incredible success awaits you there, new patrons will appear, and at the same time everything will seem familiar.

In the coming year, you will be more popular and attractive than ever, and you will have influential friends.
Particular success awaits you away from home - go on a trip without hesitation.
Your past achievements will return you to the unrealized plans of the past, and the opportunity will arise to take revenge.
You can dramatically change your life, start a new job. Just be as patient as possible.
In the coming year, you will have to fulfill your duty both in your personal life and in the service.
You will have to devote yourself entirely to your family, colleagues and business partners.
The coming year is full of changes. Good luck will accompany you, but be careful and prudent in matters, especially personal ones.
The coming year will bring you pleasant news from afar, tempting business and personal offers.

This year will give you a chance to get out of problems without losses, but to achieve success, you will have to work hard.

The second half of the year promises love adventures. It looks like happiness is just around the corner.

In the coming year, perhaps you will learn a new lesson in your personal life.
If financial problems push you into questionable earnings and contacts, it’s better not to take risks.

Now you will not achieve success alone, your luck depends on your loved ones and business partners.

Summer travel and communication with close friends will bring you a lot of pleasure.

The changes that began this year will bring joy next year. But at the beginning of the year you will have to work under the strict control of your superiors.

New projects will appear, expect interesting proposals. It is possible that your plans will begin to be implemented in the second half of winter.

Please note: your boss will play a decisive role in the coming changes. The second half of the year promises support from loyal friends and patrons, but be careful not to miss important events.

Your attractiveness knows no bounds, especially in the first half of the coming year. This is a time of surprises and gifts of fate.

Winter is full of meetings, entertainment and new acquaintances. They are interested in you.


Dear guests, today an astronomer and predictor came to us, who made a forecast for the next year, intended for our hero of the day, based on the stars.

Details, attributes: a white robe, a folder of books under the arm, a telescope in hand and a poster-congratulation-prediction for the coming year for the hero of the day. The prediction and poster are printed, and you don’t have to memorize the text, but simply read it from the sheet.

Hello dear guests and our unrivaled hero of the day.
In the previous month, I worked on (NAME's) horoscope.
My prediction was inspired by the location of the nearby planets Mars and Venus, and the unusual cycle of our sun.
After carefully determining the degrees between the Moon and other planets of the solar system, according to the existing pattern, spiral cyclicity, an accurate and individual prediction was formed for our (NAME).

A busy work schedule will bring a little discord in family relationships. Virgos' behavior has not satisfied their partners for some time. Virgos are used to controlling their loved ones, constantly teaching and being jealous. On this basis, relationships will cool, which can lead to separation....


Dear guests, today an astronomer and predictor came to us, who made a forecast for the next year, intended for our hero of the day, based on the stars.

Details, attributes: a white robe, a folder of books under the arm, a telescope in hand and a poster-congratulation-prediction for the coming year for the hero of the day. The prediction and poster are printed, and you don’t have to memorize the text, but simply read it from the sheet.

Hello dear guests and our unrivaled hero of the day.
In the previous month, I worked on (NAME's) horoscope.
My prediction was inspired by the location of the nearby planets Mars and Venus, and the unusual cycle of our sun.
After carefully determining the degrees between the Moon and other planets of the solar system, according to the existing pattern, spiral cyclicity, an accurate and individual prediction was formed for our (NAME).

A busy work schedule will bring a little discord in family relationships. Virgos' behavior has not satisfied their partners for some time. Virgos are used to controlling their loved ones, constantly teaching and being jealous. On this basis, relationships will cool, which can lead to separation....

Do you want to invite a new friend over? Be sure to read our comic horoscope and find out how he will behave in your home. Astrologers say that people of different constellations behave differently when visiting, so it is better to know in advance what to expect from a guest.


If Aries comes to visit, then his presence in your home will be long. And it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. Aries will drink all the tea and eat all the food supplies for the week, and will definitely touch everything that attracts his attention. So it’s better to hide in advance what you want to protect from the watchful eye of Aries.


Taurus behaves modestly when visiting. He will choose the most comfortable place in the house and will carefully watch how you fuss around him and try to please him in everything.


If Gemini comes to visit you, be prepared for the fact that you will spend almost the whole day with them. The purpose of the visit will be forgotten after they cross the threshold of your home. Geminis are very active when visiting and, at times, unceremonious, so it is better to discuss the duration of the meeting in advance.


Cancer is the most humble guest. He will help you prepare tea, wash the dishes himself, and even offer to solve minor household problems. He will not stay at your house for long, as he respects the time and personal space of others.


Leo loves to visit. If you invited him to your home, don't be surprised if he brings a few more people with him. When visiting, Leo loves to be looked after. He himself will be happy to become the soul of the company.


Virgo is a very caring and restless guest. Along the way, she will definitely call and ask if you are waiting for her. Arriving at your home, Virgo will carefully examine the entire apartment. God forbid, if a representative of this Sign sees a crookedly hung picture or unwashed dishes, he will immediately rush to fix it all.


Libras are the most unpretentious guests. They will not demand tea or coffee, but will immediately move on to the purpose of their visit. According to the comic horoscope, Libra has a well-developed intuition and will always sense when it is time to leave.


Scorpio behaves very strangely when visiting. It is important for him to look at your entire house and draw conclusions about the owner based on what he sees. A representative of this constellation will never tell you to your face if he didn’t like something.


Sagittarius does not really like to visit people; he is much closer to walking in the fresh air or relaxing in entertainment venues. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that he will immediately announce that gatherings at home are canceled, and you are going to a restaurant with him.


Capricorn behaves too decently when visiting, which can create a tense atmosphere around him. These are the most difficult guests. You won’t really understand whether he liked dinner or whether you brewed the tea too strong.


Aquarius can behave very freely at a party, or, on the contrary, may feel out of place. It all depends on the degree of your hospitality. If you throw the slippers at him and hide in the nearest room, Aquarius will feel confident. But if you shake him like a baby, he will withdraw into himself and wait for an opportunity to leave as quickly as possible.


Pisces feel very free when visiting. The representative of this Zodiac Sign loves when people look after him and take an interest in his affairs. After his visit there is often a feeling of depression and sadness. This is no coincidence, because Pisces are known as very strong energy vampires.

We hope that our comic horoscope has helped you better understand people. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.04.2014 11:18

Astrologers have found that each Zodiac Sign has its own special character traits. For example, representatives...