Types of acrobatics. Acrobatics: types, benefits, contraindications. Acrobatics for children and adults Who are gymnasts and who are acrobats

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Acrobatics: sport or art?

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Acrobatics (Greek akrobatéo - walk on tiptoes, climb up) is a set of various gymnastic exercises. In the explanatory dictionary, the word "acrobat" is explained not only as a person engaged in acrobatics, but simply as a dexterous, fast person. At present, acrobatics is understood as sports, and above all gymnastic (single and group) exercises, the art of walking on a tightrope, work on the trapeze, demonstrating courage and mastery of the body. Acrobatics cannot be equated with circus art alone. Circus art is a collective concept that includes the art of variety shows, cabaret, circus, professional acrobatics (parterre acrobatics, trapeze, balancing, jumping, acrobatics with perch, etc.). Sports acrobatics requires good concentration and coordination of all skills, a well-developed sense of balance and great physical strength.

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Acrobatic exercises are one of the most effective means of coordination training. Among them, the following stand out: rolls - rotational movements (reminiscent of swinging on a swing) with successive contact of the support with various parts of the body without turning over the head (for example, rolls on the back in a grouping); somersaults are rotational movements such as rolls, but with turning over the head forward or backward in a grouping, bending over and bending over from different ip. to different end positions; flips without a flight phase - body movements forward, backward or to the side with the body turning over the head (sideward flip - "wheel"); flips with a flight phase - jumping movements with the body turning forward or backward over the head with pushing off with arms and legs (a roll over and with a run, rondat, flak, etc.). Characteristics and types of acrobatics

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Acrobatic jumps - rolls, somersaults, coups, somersaults. In various combinations, they are performed on an acrobatic track, on apparatus (trampoline, swing) and from a springboard. Balancing. These include exercises in balance or balance: paired and group - standing, standing, sitting, support. Throwing exercises associated with throwing and catching partners. Acrobatic exercises are divided into three groups:

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Circus acrobatics Circus acrobatics is a collection of circus performances characterized by certain means and only inherent effective signs. In the circus, acrobatics occupies a dominant position. Gymnasts, jugglers, and even clowns also use acrobatic techniques. The types of circus acrobatics can be divided into two groups: Dynamic (body flips: somersaults, pirouettes, rolls). Static (maintaining balance in various positions). Types of acrobatics

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Sports acrobatics is a kind of sport, competition in performing complexes of special physical exercises (jumping, strength, etc.), associated with maintaining balance (balancing) and rotating the body with support and without support. Sports acrobatics - a kind of sport, competition in the performance of acrobatic exercises, includes three groups of exercises: acrobatic jumps, trampoline and pair or group exercises (see in the appendix). Sports acrobatics

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soloists perform acrobatic jumps, for example, bending forward somersault, rondat, flick-flak, bending back somersault, etc.; couples (women, men and mixed) performing static or dynamic exercises and throws, combining them with gymnastic and acrobatic jumps; groups (women's groups of 3 people and men's groups of 4 people) - execution of static pyramids or throws, gymnastic elements are used as transitions for aesthetic combination of exercises; jumping on a trampoline. In sports acrobatics, the following disciplines are distinguished:

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Analyzing the studied material, I realized that the use of acrobatics in the training of highly qualified athletes of various specializations is becoming more and more widespread. This is due to the fact that a relationship has been established between the acrobatic training of athletes and an increase in sportsmanship in those sports that place increased demands on agility, courage and determination, spatial orientation, vestibular stability and self-insurance skills. developed muscles. Their actions are characterized by high coordination, courage, beauty of movements; the range of complexity and variety of acrobatic exercises is extremely large: the simplest of them are available to people of different ages and fitness, and sometimes the entire period of a person's sports activity is not enough to master the most difficult ones. The novelty and variety of exercises guarantee high interest of the trainees; the skills acquired in acrobatics classes are distinguished by great plasticity and can be used in the most unexpected sports and life situations; a variety of types (jump, steam room, group) allows boys and girls with different physical characteristics to be engaged. Output

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Two sportswomen

Sports acrobatics- a kind of sport, competition in the performance of acrobatic exercises related to maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with support and without support.

The competition includes: exercises for women, mixed and mens pairs, group exercises for women (three) and men (four). In each type of program, athletes perform two or three compulsory and free exercises: in acrobatic jumps - tempo (includes a somersault with a turn of not more than 180 °) and a twist (includes somersaults with a turn of at least 360 °); in pair and group exercises - static (with balancing) and tempo (vaulting). Athletes' performances are evaluated according to the system adopted in artistic gymnastics. All partners in a pair or group must belong to one of the age categories: 11-16 years old, 12-18 years old, 13-19 years old, 14 and older (senior grades)

As an Olympic sport, acrobatics emerged in 1932 at the 10th Olympic Games, when men's acrobatic jumping (English)(tumbling) were included in the program of gymnastics competitions as a separate sport (demonstration competitions in them were held at the Olympics and years). Since that time, competitions have been held on them in the UK, USA and other countries. In the USSR, it emerged as an independent sport in the late 1930s. The first all-Union sports acrobatics championship took place in 1939. Women's competitions have been held since 1940, youth competitions since 1951. The first personal world championship in sports acrobatics took place in Moscow in 1974. The first competitions for the Acrobatic Gymnastics World Cup were held in Switzerland in 1975. Group acrobatics has never been an Olympic sport.

Such teachers and coaches as V.N.Bushuev, V.N.Kochergov, A.K.Bondarev, G.T. Trizin, V.I. Leonov, sportsmen Yu.V. Strakhov, V.I. Arakcheev, P.M. Antonov.


  • Acrobatics. 2nd ed. // ed. E. G. Sokolova. - M .: 1973.
  • Sports acrobatics- article from

A universal sport, at the same time very beautiful and useful, and most importantly - accessible to everyone. There are acrobatics sections even in the smallest provincial towns, but is it worth choosing this sport for your child?

What is acrobatics?

This word has been heard for a long time, and therefore its correct concept is a little "erased", many confuse it with athletics, others with gymnastics.

Acrobatics really has a lot in common with gymnastics, it is, in fact, its kind. The emphasis in this discipline is on the athlete's agility, on the flexibility of his body, as well as on physical strength, the ability to balance and jump high. Note that acrobatic skills quickly “fade away” if a child skips a workout. If he learned to swim once, he will not forget how to do it, with acrobatics everything is exactly the opposite.

From the Greek "acrobatics" is translated as "to climb up", earlier only circus artists who work high under the dome were considered acrobats.

Today, three types of acrobatics are distinguished:

  • Sports - combines jumping, pair and group. The jumper performs acrobatic jumps on a carpet track, its length is 30 meters. Pair and group - the performance of complex tricks by several athletes.
  • Circus acrobatics - the name speaks for itself, this is the performance of tricks in the circus arena.
  • Special acrobatics - its elements are used in various dance styles.

Is it useful to be an acrobat?

  • Acrobatics helps the child to "part" with excess energy, and much faster than any other sport, as complex tricks require the maximum amount of training time. The kid will be so tired that he will not have the strength for pampering. The question is - is it good?
  • Strong muscle corset and beautiful posture will appear in a child after the first months of training. This is especially useful for future schoolchildren who spend a considerable part of the day without physical activity.
  • The little acrobat will move beautifully in life , he will have a confident gait, he can easily climb a tree or climb a rope, he will be able to group correctly in case of an unexpected fall outside of training.
  • Acrobatics like no other sport develops coordination, as well as dexterity and endurance.
  • Even a clumsy kid begins to walk correctly after a few workouts, since this sport is an excellent tool for training the vestibular apparatus.

Does acrobatics heal and cripple?

Acrobatics is good for health: it trains the heart muscles, strengthens the bones and the child's immune system. But for many parents, this is unconvincing, and they do not risk sending the child to the acrobatics section. Why?

“For a long time they could not choose a suitable sport for the eldest son, they abandoned acrobatics in due time, although they attended classes for at least a year, and the child showed good hopes. At the very first competition I got a leg injury - a bone fractured in two places .. I practiced for a whole year and everything was fine, but then I got worried and fell during the jump. I no longer allowed him to return to classes, in my opinion it is very dangerous for the children, ”says the mother of ten-year-old Yakov, Olga Nesteruk.

Is acrobatics really as dangerous as parents think?

Trainers in this discipline assure that acrobatics no more dangerous than ski racing or football... At first, the child will perform the simplest exercises, after a year of training, more complex, but also safe groups of elements are formed from the simplest movements. Much depends on the coach, he must very subtly feel what the child is capable of, and when he is ready for difficult elements.

Acrobatics is not as dangerous as it seems from the outside; during training, the kid performs all the exercises with a safety belt, and other protective elements are also used. This sport is not considered extreme, but only if safety measures are strictly observed by the trainer and athletes.

“Surprisingly, acrobatic children may not get injured in training for years and then fall unsuccessfully at home or on a walk with friends, all because they decided to demonstrate their skills outside the gym. Acrobatics without insurance and the coach's control can really be dangerous, it is the parents' task to convey this to the child, ”says Roman Nevzorov, coach of the preschool group in sports acrobatics at the Troitsk Children's and Youth Sports School.

Who is contraindicated in acrobatics?

Before starting training, it is worth showing the child to the doctor in order to exclude the following contraindications to acrobatics:

  • Myopia.
  • Deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Bronchial asthma.

When to start training?

In most acrobatics sections, children are accepted from the age of four, while parents do not leave the gym during training. At an early age, children have not yet lost their natural flexibility, which means that it will be easier for them to deal with. At this age, it is very important not to "overextend" the baby, the coach is responsible for this, a competent specialist will be able to determine the level of load for each child individually.

Psychologists and pediatricians are sure that the most suitable age for starting acrobatics is 6-7 years old, at this age the child's body is already strong and fully ready for physical activity.

What will the baby be taught?

Will he walk on his hands, jump "above the spruce" or surprise with a triple somersault? What will the kid be taught in the acrobatics section?

Perform all kinds of high jumps, with flips and somersaults, the traditional "wheel" in multiple repetitions, in a word, the tricks of young athletes will definitely not leave a single spectator indifferent, we invite you to make sure of this - watch the video of training in children's acrobatics.

Sports acrobatics is a spectacular, beautiful, non-extreme sport, which is a competition in the performance of various acrobatic exercises. Such exercises are associated with balancing, as well as rotating the body with and without support. Surely you have seen competitions in sports acrobatics - this is a spectacle that will take your breath away.

Sports acrobatics: a little history

Only in 1932, at the 10th Olympic Games, acrobatics was officially recognized as an Olympic sport. It was from that moment that the competitions gained popularity and began to be held everywhere: in the UK, USA and other countries.

In the USSR, sports acrobatics took shape as an independent sport only in the late 1930s, which was marked in 1939 by the holding of the First All-Union Sports Acrobatics Championship. A year later, women's competitions began to be held, and only since 1951 - youth competitions.

Over the past years, the following types of sports acrobatics have been formed:

  • hopping (it includes acrobatic jumps on a 30-meter track, flak, rondad, somersault);
  • steam room (this includes power acrobatics, when there are two boys in a pair, a mixed pair - a young man and a girl and a female pair, consisting, respectively, of two girls);
  • group (two options, or a women's group in acrobatics of three girls, or a men's group of four boys).

In some cases, special types of competitions are distinguished that combine various other types.

Sports acrobatics: exercises

At competitions, athletes perform not only one at a time, but also in two, three or even four. Regardless of the acrobatics program, all partners in the group must strictly belong to the general age category, of which there are only four: up to 11 years old, from 12 to 14 years old, from 15 to 16 years old, from 17 years old and older.

Sports acrobatics involves competition in the following types of exercises:

  • acrobatic jumps of women and men;
  • exercises for female, mixed and male couples;
  • group exercises for women (threesome);
  • group exercises for men (four).

Whichever program is designated, athletes must perform two assigned and two free exercises. Jumping with different types of somersaults can be cited as examples. The jury evaluates any performances according to a system that is generally accepted in sports and takes into account the observance of all the rules of acrobatics.

Acrobatics training

In order to learn the elements of acrobatics and be able to participate in competitions, it is better to start classes from an early age, when the body is especially easy to stretch, flexible and flexible, and psychological fears and barriers are minimal.

There is an opinion that sports acrobatics are continuous injuries and pain. However, this is not entirely correct opinion. Professional sports, more precisely, any of its types, except perhaps chess, can somehow bring injury, but often through the fault of the athlete himself: either he did not listen to the instructor, or began to practice without a proper warm-up. In general, acrobatics forces you to work out movements to automatism, and mistakes happen here no more often than in other sports.

However, there are cases when a person was connected to acrobatics not at all in childhood and still achieved impressive results. Therefore, the only obstacle on this path is your prejudices and fears, and if there is a real desire to achieve perfection in this matter, then nothing will hinder you.

Pupil of the 9th grade of the MOU "Secondary School No. 13" of the city of Kimry, Tver region Furman Anastasia

Types and elements of acrobatics




on physical education

on the topic:

"A K R O B A T I K A"


9b grade student

MOU "Secondary School No. 13"

G. Kimry, Tver region




Acrobatics (Greek ακροβατω - "I walk along the edge" -)

A type of physical exercise such as gymnastic,

The genre of circus art (power acrobatics, jumping, etc.),

Kind of sport.

Allocate sports acrobatics- competitions in the implementation of complexes of special physical exercises (jumping, strength, etc.), associated with maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with support and without support. In the International Federation of Sports Acrobatics - IFAS (IFSA; founded in 1973) over 30 countries (1993). World Championships since 1974, European Championships since 1978.

Special acrobatics(jumps, falls, rolls, flak, rondad, somersault, etc.) is used to train athletes and fighters in martial arts and develop their flexibility, agility and coordination of movement.

Types of acrobatics:


Acrobatic jumps on a 30-meter track, excluding the take-off run.




Steam room:

Power couple - two boys.

Mixed couple - boy and girl.

Female couple - two girls.


Men's groups - four boys.

Women's groups - three girls.


Sports acrobatics- one of the most popular and spectacular types of gymnastics. Mainly children and young people are engaged in it, although there are forms and content available to different ages.

The specificity of acrobatic exercises is determined by a number of signs.

Like exercises on gymnastic apparatus, in acrobatics they require high levels of manifestation of physical qualities, are associated with great risk (which means that a certain willful attitude, courage, perseverance are needed already at lower qualification levels), the initial level of readiness for jumping exercises is higher and more specifically expressed, which means that the same vestibular stability must already be developed at least so as to perform rotational exercises of the basic cycle.

However, acrobatic exercises themselves stimulate the development of all these qualities and abilities. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly dispose of the available arsenal of funds.

In mass acrobatics and the initial stage of classes, the so-called basic acrobatic elements are used, divided into three main groups:single, paired and pyramidal.

The group of single exercises includes jumping and static elements. They are associated with the implementation of full and partial rotations around the frontal, anteroposterior and vertical axes, as well as maintaining balance in certain poses. In this regard, subgroups of static and dynamic exercises are distinguished.

A subgroup of static exercises includes:

Bridges and twines are the simplest from the point of view of biomechanical conditions for maintaining balance, because they use a large area of ​​support and a relatively low location of the general center of mass of the body. At the same time, their execution requires a high level of joint mobility;

Stands - exercises associated with maintaining the vertical position of the body "upside down" in various conditions of support: hands, forearms, head, chest, etc. Due to different ways of coming into the position of the stand, forms and methods of holding, leaving it and connecting with others elements can create a large number of exercises of varying physical difficulty and coordination complexity and, accordingly, less or more accessibility for a particular practitioner;

Balances are a relatively small range of exercises, for which the basis is maintaining a certain posture on one leg with different positions of the leg free. This requires very good mobility in the hip and spinal joints and vestibular stability;

Supports - certain fixed poses with a low location of the general center of mass, but high, above the support, the location of the shoulders. Their difficulty is different: the easiest are mixed stops (for example, lying or kneeling), much more difficult are those in which the manifestation of strength and flexibility is required with simultaneous force tension (for example, an angle stop, a high angle stop).

For exercise dynamic nature, which can be performed on the spot or in motion, the main characteristic feature is "flipping" in a certain direction and with a predetermined quantitative expression of it: forward, backward and to the side, half-turn and full rotation, with repulsion and without repulsion by hands, as well as with preservation a given pose or changing it. These include:

Rolls and somersaults - rotational movements with successive touching of the support with partial or complete overturning over the head; can be performed in tuck and bending or bending in the flight phase, when performed in a jump or from a run;

Half-overturns - movements with partial rotation of the body and the transition from one position to another, as a rule, by changing the stances; for example, from the handstand, a slow forward flip to the upward handstand, or: from the main handstand by jumping into a handstand (in fact, a half-turn forward), from a handstand by pushing hands, a jump to a footstand (so-called curbet);

Flips are the most representative and varied type of exercise, including full rotation over the head, but separated by an intermediate support with arms or arms and head, one arm; differ in the speed of rotation (fast or slow), the method of execution (from a place, with a running start, a jump, from a jump-jump, called a "walset"), as well as in a given final position (on one or two legs, in a stop or in a transition to the next item);

Somersaults are a basic type of acrobatic jumps with a complex technical structure, which provides for full rotation in an unsupported position over the head; types of somersaults are determined by the direction of rotation (forward, backward, to the side), the position of the acrobat in flight (in a tuck, bent over, bent over, in a semi-group), as well as combining with turns and number of rotations.

The second group of elements - pair exercises - involves the interaction of two acrobats. Paired exercises can be female, male and mixed. In terms of content and nature, these are balancing and vaulting exercises. Among the exercises in balancing are different:

Entrances and swoops are important, albeit auxiliary, movements that allow the upper partner to take a starting position on any part of the lower body to start the main exercise; depending on the method of taking the starting position and the fixed posture, the actions of both partners at different moments acquire a dominant role or perform a concomitant function, but always in clear coordination with each other. The entrances and swoops themselves are carried out by force, jump, throw - from different directions (front, side, back) and with different orientation of the end positions of the lower and upper - coinciding and not coinciding;

Lifts - performed by the upper one with support on the lower one (on the arms, on the legs, on the back, on the chest) - with a stable posture fixation. The complexity of the supports depends on the constructed figure, which determines the relative position of the body links and the projection of the center of mass in relation to the support area (and in this regard, the magnitude of the efforts of the lower partner), the method of support (grip of the link, width, convenience, stability of the support of the upper and lower - separately and in conjunction), as well as the height of the location of the upper in relation to the lower;

Supports, stands, balances - the general characteristics of which are given in the description of the first group of exercises, in addition, they are similar to supports; but they, as a rule, are more complex and more varied both in the form of the fixed poses and in the methods of coming into the required posture and fixing it. They are performed by push, force, swing, with a turn; with support on the hands or one arm, on the leg, shoulder, head; with a different position of the lower: standing on a knee, in the main stance, in a lunge, lying on the chest or back, in a squat, etc .;

Mutual movements of partners are necessary to change elements in the composition. They can be sequential or concurrent; when changing the position of the upper, the lower one may not change its position or their actions may be opposite; the rate of mutual movements can be the same or specially vary "independently"; the nature of the work is also very diverse: overcoming power or jerking, inferior and static - and in very different combinations. Naturally, in order to perform movements and their mutual combinations, partners must have a high level of physical fitness and coordination abilities, realized in a special technique of execution.

Vaulting exercisesare actions associated with throwing and catching a partner. Requirements for physical and motional readiness of those who go in here are the highest in comparison with other types of exercises. The requirements for the coordination of actions during repulsion, balancing in postures fixed after flights also increase significantly; each of the partners is required to have impeccable mastery of their actions and a sensitive response to the actions of the partner; Moreover, if the upper one ensures safety by the clarity of its actions, then the lower one, in addition, also insures the upper one and, to a certain extent, itself while catching a partner who has a considerable amount of movement.

The main types of vaulting exercises are throw-up jumps and dismounts, jump and throw entries, support changes with the flight phase without rotations and with rotations, turns and revolutions, half-turns and somersaults. All of them are performed using different methods of repulsion (both lower and upper), arrival in the required pose, agreed upon between partners; with varying degrees of physical difficulty, technical difficulty and mental stress.

The third group of basic exercises - exercises pyramidal ... They are performed by threes, fours or a large number of acrobats and include elements of balance and vaulting character.

Pyramid exercises, as a rule, consist of various kinds of acrobatic stands and supports, the change of which by moving the participants, as well as "entrances" and "exits" - creates the impression of a dynamic action, allows you to build figures of varying complexity and expressiveness.

From the point of view of the need to introduce such exercises into the broad masses of those involved, the following features are very important:

1) the possibility of participation of acrobats of different readiness, age and sex with a corresponding division of motor roles;

2) building a pyramid as a controlled process, facilitated by the agreed signals and commands of the leader, as well as musical accompaniment;

3) a wide range of difficulty and complexity of the pyramids, which determines the possibility of different participation rates in them and the availability of their children of preschool and school ages, youth and qualified athletes;

4) no need for special equipment and the ability to build on natural grassy lawns and grounds;

5) a sufficiently high efficiency as a means of general physical training and the formation of proper motivation for regular exercises;

6) the possibility of artistic design, expressiveness and entertainment as a means of educating aesthetic tastes and creativity.

For classes and competitions in sports acrobatics, as well as in artistic gymnastics, a classification program has been developed, addressed to the broad masses - schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, students. It is composed in such a way as to create a maximum of opportunities for training, eliminate unnecessary conventions in the organization and conduct of competitions, make it more achievable to fulfill the discharge standards and receive the coveted badge of an athlete-discharger.

It is very important that participants from the age of 7 (with a doctor's permission) are allowed to compete.

Acrobatics is both a sports discipline and a genre of circus art. In addition, many of its elements have penetrated into other sports: parachuting, skiing.

History of acrobatics

Acrobatics appeared many years before our era. Initially, acrobats were called not only athletes involved in this sport, but also various tightrope walkers, dancers, and actors. They are mentioned in ancient texts, images can be seen on ancient frescoes and bas-reliefs. Stories of acrobatic games with bulls on the island of Crete in 1500 BC have survived to this day. NS.

In Ancient Russia, buffoons used many acrobatic techniques for their performances: jumps, coups. But this sport reached a professional level only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1939, the All-Union Federation of Sports Acrobatics was created in the USSR and the 1st All-Union Championship was held.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. acrobatics begins to develop in two directions: circus and sports.

For many years, acrobatic athletes have been striving to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. But for now, this sport remains at the level of federal and international competitions.

Equipment and gear for acrobatics

One of the advantages of acrobatics is that this sport does not require a special gym and sophisticated equipment. You can even practice at home, spreading a blanket or a small mattress.

The following equipment is used in the gym: mats, trampoline, trampolines, tracks.

To practice the main acrobatic elements, 1 - 3 mats are laid out (length 3 m, width 1.5 m, thickness 10 -15 cm).

When learning to jump, a belt with rings through which the rope is passed is used for belay.

Classes in acrobatics should always be carried out in conditions that exclude any unpleasant surprises and do not allow trauma to the practitioners. For this, first of all, it is necessary to conduct systematic control over the places where classes are held. Keeping places of employment, equipment and implements in good condition, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards are of great organizing and educational importance for successful work with students.

Individual elements such as balance, half-split, split are learned on the floor. And to perform acrobatic individual jumps, you can use a springboard or gymnastic bridge of a standard size.

Acrobatic equipment should always be kept in good condition. Before the lesson, you should carefully check the working surface of the tracks, bridges and avoid unevenness and roughness on them. Do not use faulty inventory. One of the conditions for its preservation is the obligatory organized cleaning of the places of employment, which allows you to check the state of the inventory once again and prepare it for the next lesson.

In the process of training, great attention should be paid to providing personal insurance, especially when performing risky elements that pose some danger to life. In addition, at the very early stages of training, it is necessary to instill in students the skills of self-insurance, to teach them to independently navigate in space and to get out of risky situations themselves.

Acrobatics also applicable for medical purposes - to develop coordination and flexibility.

Acrobats are joked that when they fall, like cats, they always land on their feet. As a result of acrobatics, motor experience increases. It is no coincidence that the word "acrobat" is explained in the dictionary not only as an athlete, but also simply as a dexterous, fast person.


The use of acrobatics in the training of highly qualified athletes of various specializations is becoming more and more widespread. This is explained by the fact that a relationship has been established between the acrobatic training of athletes and an increase in sportsmanship in those sports that make increased demands on dexterity, courage and determination, orientation in space and vestibular stability.

General safety requirements during acrobatics:

The student must:

Pass a medical examination and study in the medical group to which he belongs for health reasons;

To have a neat sports uniform (underpants, a T-shirt, a T-shirt, a tracksuit, leotards, clean shoes - sneakers, sneakers), corresponding to the weather conditions and the topic of the lesson;

Leave the locker room at the first request of the teacher;

After illness, provide the teacher with a doctor's certificate;

To be present at the lesson if the doctor is released from classes after an illness;

Take good care of sports equipment and equipment and use it for its intended purpose;

Have short-cut nails;

Know and follow the safety instructions.

Students may not:

Open doors sharply and hang on them, turn off the lights, touch the lampshades in the locker room, gym;

Insert foreign objects into the sockets;

Drink cold water before and after class;

Exercise on a dry site, slippery and uneven ground.

Safety requirements before starting classes:

The student must:

Change clothes in the locker room, put on sports uniforms and shoes;

Take off objects that pose a danger to other practitioners (earrings, watches, bracelets, etc.);

Remove prickly and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform;

Under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for the lesson;

With the permission of the teacher, go to the place of the lesson;

At the command of the teacher, stand in line for a general formation.

Safety requirements during classes:

The student must:

Listen carefully and clearly fulfill the teacher's assignments;

Take sports equipment and perform exercises with the teacher's permission;

When moving, look forward, maintain sufficient distance and distance, avoid collisions;

Perform exercises with serviceable equipment and exercise with serviceable equipment.

Students may not:

Leaving the classroom without the teacher's permission;

Push, put footpegs in formation and movement;

Chewing gum;

Interfere and distract when explaining tasks and doing exercises;

Perform exercises with wet palms, abruptly change the direction of your movement.

Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations:

The student must:

In case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher;

With the help of the teacher, provide the injured with first aid, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance;

In the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits in accordance with the evacuation plan;

By order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.

Safety requirements at the end of classes:

The student must:

Under the guidance of the teacher, remove the sports equipment to the place of its storage;

Leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner;

Change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes;

Wash hands with soap and water.

Athletes acrobats are distinguished by correct posture, relief and harmoniously developed muscles. Their actions are characterized by high coordination, courage, beauty of movements; the range of complexity and variety of acrobatic exercises is extremely large: the simplest of them are available to people of different ages and fitness, and sometimes the entire period of a person's sports activity is not enough to master the most difficult ones. The novelty and variety of exercises guarantee high interest of the trainees; the skills acquired in acrobatics classes are distinguished by great plasticity and can be used in the most unexpected sports and life situations; a variety of types (jump, steam room, group) allows boys and girls with different physical characteristics to be engaged.