Zakat al-fitr is the purification of those who fast during Ramadan. Should someone who did not fast during Ramadan for a valid reason, such as a traveler or a sick person, have to pay Zakat ul-Fitr? Zakat is obligatory after Ramadan

Zakat paid at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan is called Zakat-ul-Fitr.

What is the wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr?

At the end of the month of Ramadan, a holiday begins - Muslims rejoice in the worship performed by the Almighty. Islam awakens this joy in everyone, so that even the poorest does not feel deprived in the Ummah.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Give so that they don’t have to ask on this day ».

Therefore, Shariah has made it obligatory to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr. It is believed to improve fasting and clear away mistakes made this month. Abbas's son Abdullah says: " The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) obligated Zakat-ul-Fitr for purification from unnecessary conversations during fasting and for donating food to the poor ».

Zakat-ul-Fitr solutions

Zakat-ul-Fitr is fard, i.e. compulsory. It is reported from Abdullah bin Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) obliged Zakat-ul-Fitr on sugar of dates or wheat from a slave, freeman, man, woman, adult and child - Muslims (Bukhari, Muslim).

The man pays it for himself and for those whom he is obliged to support - minor children. If they are rich, then from their property. A grandfather is obliged to pay zakat for his son’s children if they are poor and have no father, but he is not obliged to pay zakat for his daughter’s children.

A person is not obliged to pay zakat for adult children, parents, wife, regardless of whether they are rich or poor.

Deadlines for payment of Zakat-ul-Fitr

The time for paying zakat ul fitr begins with the dawn of the holiday of breaking the fast. If someone dies or becomes poor before dawn, then this duty is removed from him. Those who are born after dawn, become rich, and accept faith are not required to pay it. But whoever was born before dawn is obligated to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr. It is advisable to distribute Zakat-ul-Fitr before performing the festive prayer (Eid prayer), distributing it after the prayer is condemned (karaha).

You can distribute it at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, before the onset of holiday or on a holiday night.

Amount of Zakat-ul-Fitr

Each person is paid half a sugar of wheat, flour, raisins (quiche-mish), or their cost. If they pay in dates, purchina, then they pay full of sah or its cost. In all cases, it is better to pay in value. If possible, it is better to give zakat-ul-fitr to relatives or friends, but it should not be given to parents, children or wife.

Allah will not accept a person’s sadaqah as long as there are those in need among his relatives. Relatives to whom you can give zakat-ul-fitr: brother, sister, their children, uncles, paternal or maternal aunts, their needy children. Then the neighbors in need, the village, the city. It is condemned to transfer zakat-ul-fitr to a village other than one’s own, unless there are relatives in need there.

You should try to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr before the holiday of breaking the fast, so as not to miss out on its wisdom.

General provisions related to Zakat-ul-Fitr.

  1. The obligation to pay zakat-ul-fitr is not removed even if one has lost the nisab upon taxation, before its payment, of the zakat-taxable minimum (nisab). It must be paid by way of compensation, unlike zakat on property.
  2. If a person does not fast during the month of Ramadan for any reason, or, without a reason, does not even perform namaz, then he is obligated to pay zakat ul fitr.
  3. For small children and the insane, zakat is paid by their guardian from their property. If they have not paid, then upon reaching adulthood or recovery, they must do so.
  4. If the wife is wealthy and the husband is not, then she must pay sadaka for the children.
  5. The husband is not obliged to pay alms for his wife's children from another marriage.
  6. A divorced woman or widow is not required to pay sadaqah for her children. If they have wealth, then zakat is paid from it.
  7. Zakat-ul-fitr is prescribed to be distributed where the payer is located, and general zakat (wealth) is required to be distributed where his property (livestock and the like) is located.
  8. You can give several sakhs to one poor person, as well as one sakh to several poor people.

information with friends!

Zainula Gamzatov

The volume and measure of sadaqah fitr, zakat and fidiyah were determined in due time by the Prophet Muhammad himself.(peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him)

With only a few days left until the end of Holy Ramadan, Eid - one of the main pillars of Islam - is coming to an end. The holiday of Eid al-Fitr (the holiday of Eid) occurs immediately after the end of the month of Ramadan and falls on June 4. On this day, according to custom, wealthy people give alms to the poor, needy and orphans, the so-called sadaqah fitr. By the way, you can distribute it without waiting for the holiday, on any day of Ramadan.

Its meaning, as described in the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), is that sadaqah fitr eliminates those shortcomings and roughness that may occur during fasting, and increases a person’s hope that it will be accepted by the Almighty in full. The head of the family usually gives sadaqah fitr for his wife and children. If a baby appears in the family before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, sadaka is allocated on his behalf. If children are already adults and have the opportunity to earn money on their own or live with their families separately from their parents, then they pay sadaqah fitr on their own.

This year minimum size of fitr sadaq (alms for breaking the fast) is equal to 100 rubles. For those who pay zakat, this amount is 600 rubles. These amounts are established based on the cost of pearl barley and wheat, dates and raisins. The nisab for paying zakat on gold is 230 thousand.

A hadith from Anas bin Malik says: “The Uraza that a believer observed during Holy Ramadan hangs, as it were, between heaven and earth, and only after the distribution of sadaqah fitr does it ascend to heaven.” (Imam Daylami)

As theologians say: “Muslims allocate part of their wealth to the suffering, and this act instills mercy in them.” It is considered preferable to distribute sadaqa fitrza two to three days before the onset of Eid al-Adha. In this way, social equality is achieved to some extent among people. As the faithful believe, let them rejoice as we do. The amount and volume of sadaqah fitr does not depend on the whim of religious leaders or ulema, but they are tied to the average prices of dates and barley for that period in a given area. Sadaqah fitr is distributed to the poor and needy people, as well as those who are homeless or hungry. Those who are terminally ill or are unable to keep fast are obliged to feed a beggar every day during Ramadan. Sadaqa-fidiya applies specifically to these categories of persons and its amount this year is set at 200 rubles.

The Council of Ulema determined the amount of zakat in the amount of nisab (minimum amount) of 230 thousand rubles, which depends on the cost of an ounce of gold on the world market. The starting point is a volume of gold weighing 84 grams. In other words, the sum of the value of 84 grams of gold in monetary terms is displayed and the amount of nisab is established.

In the event that a person has available precious metals, securities or goods in circulation and the total amount of this entire state exceeds 230 thousand rubles, then the amount of zakat is equal to one fortieth of this figure, that is, 2.5 percent. If there is no such amount, no payment is made. If the amount of cash available at home and savings in a bank account does not reach 230 thousand rubles, there is no need to pay zakat.

Zakat is paid to the poor (those who have a low cost of living and do not have a nisab), those who do not have a place to live, food, those who collect zakat, who are unable to pay off debts, and travelers. According to the canons of Sharia, bridges, mosques, and madrassas are not built with funds received in the form of zakat. All this money is paid only to specific individuals.

In means mass media Members of the public sometimes express different opinions and interpretations regarding the volume and amount of sadaq allocated during the month of Ramadan. In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize that the volume and measure of sadaq fitr, zakat and fidiyah were determined in due time by the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of the Most High). We must also remember that all this is directed towards the needs of the poor and suffering.

Let's talk about Zakat

Of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat is the most important and fundamental, as it regulates socio-economic relations in Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, ordered to pay zakat from property that exceeds nisab, that is, if you have extra money in the amount of 224 thousand rubles, and it is not spent during the year, then 2.5% of it is it is the right of the poor to the property of the rich.

It is important to know that if a person has all the conditions for paying Zakat, then it becomes an obligatory (fard) action. A person who refuses to pay Zakat commits a very great sin.

Zakat is paid from gold, silver, trade, fruits and vegetables, animals - large and small livestock, minerals, found treasure, from money - 2.5%.

“Nisab” is the minimum amount from which zakat is paid, it depends on world gold prices. We find out the value of 84 grams of gold and, accordingly, determine the “nisab”. That is why it amounted to 224 thousand rubles this year.

Is Zakat tied to Ramadan?

Caption on the picture: Ramadan Kareem. Photo source:

So why does the entire Arab and Muslim world try to give Zakat in the month of Ramadan? Is this accepted or is this one of the conditions for the acceptance of Zakat by the Almighty? Let’s answer right away: neither one nor the other. Zakat as a pillar of Islam is in itself, and the month of Ramadan is also in itself. They do not depend on each other. Zakat can be given in any other month if the due date has come.

The secret of paying Zakat in the month of Ramadan is as follows. A Muslim, when something concerns his religion, tries to squeeze out the maximum sawab - rewards from any good deed. And in the month of Ramadan, any good deed is rewarded many times over!

The hadith says: “Allah Almighty says: “Each of the deeds of the sons of Adam is for themselves, it will be multiplied tenfold, except for fasting - it is for Me, and I will reward for it” - transmitted by Imam Muslim.

For every good deed, similar ones are rewarded from 10 to 700 times. But this does not apply to fasting. Allah Almighty will give a reward for it and, whether in this world or in the future, having pleased His slaves who observe fasting, will give them a special welcome in Paradise. This is what makes the month of Ramadan attractive for the person paying Zakat.

It is reported that Abu Said al-Khudri said that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of the Most High be upon him, say:

“If a slave converts to Islam and practices it properly, then Allah will forgive him any sin he committed before. After this, the reward for him will be as follows: for every good deed he will receive a tenfold reward, which can rise to seven hundredfold, and for every bad deed, he will be rewarded only with equal reward, unless Allah forgives him” - reported by Imam al-Bukhari and in the collection Imam Ahmad.

And that is not all. A Muslim gives Zakat - purifying alms - in Ramadan also because the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, was the most generous in the month of Ramadan.

Companion Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, says:

“The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was the most generous of people. And he was most generous in the month of Ramadan, when he met with Jibril, peace be upon him. Jibril saw the Prophet every night of the month of Ramadan, and they read the Koran together. After these meetings, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, was more generous than the fertile winds that know no obstacles in their path,” reported by Imam al-Bukhari.

It is also narrated that when our Prophet was asked: “Which alms (sadaqah) is best?”, he replied: “Alms (sadaqah) given in the month of Ramadan”– reported by at-Tirmidhi.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A person’s fast remains suspended between heaven and earth until he gives sadaqa al-fitr.”(Ad-Dailami, Ibn Majah).

Zakat al-fitr(otherwise, sadaqa al-fitr, translated from Arabic - alms of breaking the fast) - alms that must be paid to needy Muslims before the holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

Who is obligated to pay zakat al-fitr and how much is it paid?

Paying zakat al-fitrah is obligatory (wajib) for all Muslims who have more wealth than is necessary to provide themselves (as well as those under their care) with food and clothing for the holiday day and night. The head of the family pays alms for all members of his family who are under his care.

Its size is 0.5 saa (about 1.75 kg) of wheat or flour or 1 saa (about 3.5 kg) of barley or dates (or the equivalent monetary amount).

For 2017 in Russia, the amount of zakat al-fitr: from 100 for low-income people, to 500 for wealthy people.

Ibn Umar said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) imposed the payment of one sa’a of dates or one sa’a of barley as zakat al-fitr on every Muslim, young and old, male and female, free and slave.” (Bukhari and Muslim).

To whom should Zakat al-Fitr be distributed?

This charity is given to the same people who are entitled to receive zakat.

If I have minor children, do I have to pay alms on their behalf?

Yes, you should do it. If they have some property or money of their own, then zakat al-fitr is paid from there.

When do you need to pay zakat al-fitr?

Zakat al-Fitr can be distributed on any day of the month of Ramadan, until the day of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

Ibn 'Umar said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded to pay zakat al-fitr before going out for Eid prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

What is the deadline for distribution of Zakat al-Fitr?

You should try to distribute this alms before the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

What is the meaning of Al-Fitr almsgiving?

In this way, people in need are given the opportunity to spend the holiday on an equal basis with others, and those who fast in this way clear their fast of mistakes that they may have made.

Ibn 'Abbas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered the payment of zakat al-Fitr as a cleansing for a fasting person from empty talk and as food for the poor.” (Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah).

What is the best way to distribute this alms - personally to people in need or can it be given to a mosque or organizations that help those in need?

It is preferable to distribute sadaqah al-fitr personally to people in need, but it is also possible through a mosque or some organization. By transferring your alms to an organization, you thereby make them your representative (wakil) for the payment of sadaqah al-fitr. Your alms will be paid when the organization distributes the collected funds to those in need. Accordingly, any failure by them to fulfill their obligations will be considered that you have not fulfilled your obligation to pay zakat al-fitr. So you should inquire about when the fund or charity will distribute the funds raised.

If the holiday has passed and I have not distributed zakat al-fitr, what will happen?

You need to repent of this and give it away as soon as possible because the hadith says that “The fast of Ramadan will be between the earth and the heavens, and only after paying zakat al-fitr will it (the fast) be ascended to heaven,” that is, Zakat al-Fitr contributes to the acceptance of our fast.

Muslima (Anya) Kobulova

Based on materials from the Jamiatul Ulama website

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

Mandatory payment of Zakat al-Fitr

Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it obligatory to distribute zakat al-Fitr in the form of one sa' food. He imputed this to slave and free, man and woman, young and old from among Muslims, commanding them to do this before going out for Eid prayer.” al-Bukhari 1503.

Imam al-Khattabi said: “This hadith indicates that Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory, and that it is obligatory is the opinion of all scholars.” See “Ma'alima-Ssunan” 3/214.

Imam al-Nawawi said: “All scholars agree that Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim.” See al-Majmu' 6/106.

Imam Ibn al-Mundhir also pointed out the unanimous opinion (al-ijma’) that zakat al-Fitr is obligatory. See al-Ijma' 34.

For whom is Zakat al-Fitr obligatory?

Zakat al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim who is able to pay it. However, scholars disagree on the question of whether a person is obligated to give Fitr for those whom he is obligated to support or whether everyone is obligated to give it only for himself.

Imam al-Nawawi said: “A person is obligated to give this zakat for himself, as well as for those on whom he is obligated to spend his money, namely his wife, children and parents.” See al-Majmu' 6/128.

Supporters of this opinion, that a person is obliged to give Fitr both for himself and for those whom he is obliged to support, rely on the following hadith from Ibn ‘Umar, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Give Fitr for those you are obliged to support” ad-Darakutni 2/141, al-Bayhaqi 4/161.

But scholars differ on the authenticity of this hadith. Imams Ibn al-'Arabi, al-Dhahabi, an-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar called this hadith weak, and ad-Daraqutni said: “It is correct that these words belong to Ibn ‘Umar himself, but not to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” However, some imams, including Sheikh al-Albani, relied on this hadith and strengthened its authenticity with other similar messages. See “Iruaul-gaalil” 835.

The scholars of the Standing Committee (al-Lajnatu-ddayimah) also tended to this opinion. See “Fataawa al-Lajna” 9/367.

As for Imam Ibn Hazm, he believed that Fitr should definitely be paid for the fetus in the mother’s womb. However, this opinion is erroneous, and none of the imams spoke about this. Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said: “Scholars are unanimous that it is not necessary to pay Fitr for the fetus in the mother’s womb.” See al-Ijma' 31.

As for the well-known and widespread message cited by Ibn Abu Shaybah that ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan gave Fitr for his family and even for those who were in the womb, it is weak. See “Iruaul-gaalil” 3/330.

But even if this message were reliable, the most it points to is the permissibility of paying Fitr for an embryo, but not obligatory. Abu Kilyaba said: “The Salaf loved to give Fitr even for children in the womb.” Ibn Abu Sheiba 3/173, Abdur-Razzak 5788. Isnad is reliable.

Also, scholars disagreed on the question of whether every Muslim is obligated to pay Fitr or only those who fast. Most scholars, including the imams of the four madhhabs, believe that Fitr should be paid even to a Muslim who did not fast, such as a sick or old person who is unable to fast. Some scholars believed that only those who observed the fast are obligated to pay Fitr, since the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas says: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prescribed zakat al-Fitr as a cleansing for the fasting person from empty talk.” Abu Daud 1609, Ibn Majah 1827, ad-Darakutni 2/138. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, Hafiz al-Zahabi, Imam Ibn Qudam, Imam an-Nawawi, Hafiz Ibn al-Mulyakkin, Sheikh al-Albani and Sheikh ‘Abdul-Qadir al-Arnaut.

However, the answer to this argument is simple. Isn't a person who did not talk idle talk during the fast of Ramadan, based on this, not obliged to pay Fitr? Of course I must. See “Fathul-Bari” 3/364.

There is no doubt that zakat al-Fitr atones for sins committed during fasting, but the presence of sins is not a condition for its payment. Moreover, the hadith of Ibn ‘Umar says: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) imputed Fitr to slave and free, man and woman, young and old from among Muslims.” al-Bukhari 1503.

The word “small” means a child, and it is known that a child is not obliged to fast.

If a person wants to pay Fitr for someone, then he is obliged to notify him about this and do it only with his permission, since Zakat is a worship that requires intention.

If a person does not have the opportunity to pay Fitr, then there is no sin on him, and he should not borrow for this. Allah Almighty said: “Allah does not impose on the soul what it cannot bear”(al-Baqarah 2: 286). And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “From what I have commanded you, do what is within your power!” al-Bukhari 1/234.

Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said: “The scholars are unanimous that those who are unable to do so are not obligated to pay Fitr.” See al-Majmu' 6/113.

Wisdom of Zakat al-Fitr

Allah Almighty imputed zakat al-Fitr to the community of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in order to relieve those in need from requests on the day of the holiday and so that it would serve as atonement for omissions made during fasting. Ibn 'Abbas said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered the payment of zakat al-Fitr as a cleansing for a fasting person from empty talk and as food for the poor. Whoever pays it before the Eid prayer is an acceptable zakat, but whoever pays it after the prayer, then it is considered only as charity.” Abu Daud 1609, Ibn Majah 1827, ad-Darakutni 2/138. The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Imam al-Hakim, al-Zahabi, Imam Ibn Qudam, Imam al-Nawawi, Hafiz Ibn al-Mulyakqin and Sheikh al-Albani.

Waki' ibn al-Jarrah said: “Zakat al-Fitr in the month of Ramadan is similar to sajdah sahua in prayer. Zakat al-Fitr atones for omissions in fasting in the same way as sajdah sahua atones for deficiencies in prayer.” See al-Majmu' 6/321.

As for the hadith: “The month of Ramadan is between heaven and earth, and nothing will raise it to Allah except Zakat al-Fitr.” ad-Dailami and Ibn Shahin, then it is unreliable, as reported by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, Hafiz al-Suyuty and Sheikh al-Albani.

Sheikh al-Albani said: “We are not aware that any of the scholars said that fasting without zakat al-Fitr is not accepted.” See “as-Silsila ad-da’ifa” 1/118.

To whom is Zakat al-Fitr given?

Most scholars believe that Zakat al-Fitr is distributed in the same way as regular Zakat, among the eight categories specified in the Qur'an: “The donations are for the beggars and the needy; for those who collect and distribute zakat; and for those whose hearts they want to incline (to Islam); for the ransom of slaves; for debtors; for expenses in the path of Allah and for travelers. This is the order of Allah. Verily, Allah is Knowing, Wise” (at-Tawbah 9: 60).

However, this opinion is erroneous, since this analogy contradicts the above hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas, who said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prescribed zakat al-Fitr as purification for a fasting person from empty talk and as food for the poor.”

“It is not permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr except to those in need.” See “Majmuul-fataua”, “Ikhtiyaratul-fiqkhiya” 102.

Sheikh Ibn al-Qayim, Imam al-Shaukani and other researchers said the same thing. See “Zadul-ma’ad” and “Sailul-jarar” 2/86.

It is permissible to give several Fitr to one poor person or to distribute one Fitr among several poor people. This is what Malik, Ahmad, and Sheikh-ul-Islam said. However, the poor person to whom part of Fitr is given should be warned that he received less than one sa', since he can give what he received as zakat al-Fitr from himself. See “Sharkhul-Mumti’” 6/179.

It is permissible for one person to give Fitr of more than one sa', but it is not permissible to pay less than one sa', on which there is no disagreement. See “Majmu'ul-Fataawa” 25/70.

The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked: “Is it permissible to pay zakat al-Fitr to those who beg in the markets, while we do not know their true situation?” They have replyed: “Fitr should be paid to poor Muslims, even if they are sinners but have not left Islam. One should look at the external condition of a poor person, even if he actually turns out to be rich. However, the deserving poor should be sought out whenever possible. If a person, after paying his zakat, finds out that it has fallen into the hands of a wealthy person, then this will not harm his zakat.” See “Fataawa al-Lajna” No. 3055.

Is it possible to send Zakat al-Fitr to another city?

You should not send Fitr to another city, except when necessary, which may be the absence of poor people in your city or a great need for Fitr in another city. A Muslim must pay his Fitr in the area where he found himself at the end of the month of Ramadan. Many scientists have pointed this out. They asked Imam Malik about a person who lives in one of the African countries, but who was in Egypt on the day of breaking the fast: “Where should he pay zakat al-Fitr?” Malik replied: “Fitr should be paid where it is. But if his family (living in his homeland) pays Fitr for him, then it will count for him.” See “al-Mudawina” 1/337.

Imam Ibn Qudamah said: “As for Zakat al-Fitr, it should be paid in the city in which the person for whom it has become obligatory resides, regardless of whether he lives in that city or not.” See “al-Mughni” 2/590.

Shaykh Ibn Baz said: “It is Sunnah to give Fitr to the poor people of your area and not to send Fitr to another city.” See “Majmu'u fatawa wa maqalat.”

They asked Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen: “Is it permissible to send Zakat al-Fitr to another city?” He replied: “If there are no poor (Muslims) in the city of the person who wants to send his Fitr, then there is no problem with it. However, if there is no need for this and there are those in his city to whom Fitr can be given, then Fitr cannot be sent to another city, as some scholars have pointed out.” See “Fataawa Ibn ‘Usaymin” 18/318.

Who is prohibited from giving Zakat al-Fitr?

It is not permissible to pay Zakat al-Fitr to the disbelievers, for there is nothing obligatory for them to pay Zakat. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), sending Mu'az to Yemen to call people to Islam, said to him: “And if they submit to you in this (i.e. in monotheism and in performing prayers), then let them know that Allah has obliged their rich to donate to their poor.” al-Bukhari 3/225, Muslim 19.

Imam al-Nawawi said: “We believe that it is not permissible to give Fitr to an infidel, but Abu Hanifa permitted it.” See al-Majmu' 6/142.

Hassan al-Basri said: “There is no obligatory charity (zakat and zakat al-Fitr) for the infidels living in Muslim lands, but if a person wishes, he can give them voluntary charity.” Abu ‘Ubayd 1/236.

As for the report that Abu Maysara collected zakat al-Fitr and distributed it among the monks, it is unreliable. See “Tamamul-minna” 389.

Also, Zakat al-Fitr is not paid to those whom a person is obliged to support, and these are parents, children and wives. Imam Malik said: “Do not give zakat to any of your close relatives whom you are obliged to support!” See “al-Mudawina” 1/344.

Imam al-Shafi'i said: “Zakat is not given to father, mother, grandfather or grandmother!” See al-Umm 2/87.

Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said that there was no disagreement among scholars that zakat is not paid to those whom one is obliged to support. See al-Ijma' 32.

However, the wife can pay zakat to her husband since she is not obligated to support him.

Pay Zakat and Zakat al-Fitr to Muslim relatives whom one is not obligated to support better, as Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said.

Also, zakat is not paid to a rich and strong, able-bodied person. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Alms (sadaqa) are not permitted for a rich person, as well as for a strong, able-bodied person!” Abu Dawud 2/234, Ibn al-Jarud 363. Imam Abu ‘Isa at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim, Hafiz Ibn Hajar and Sheikh al-Albani confirmed the authenticity of the hadith.

Imam Ibn Qudamah said: “The rich are not given a donation intended for the poor and poor, and there is no disagreement among scholars on this issue.” See “al-Mughni” 2/522.

Zakat al-Fitr amount

According to Ibn ‘Abbas, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Let’s give Zakat al-Fitr in the form of one sa’ food.” Abu Nu'aym 3/262, al-Bayhaqi 4/167. The hadith is authentic. See Sahih al-Jami' 282.

Zakat al-Fitr should be given in the form of one sa' food item. One sa' is equal to four mudds, and one mudd is what fits in two joined palms. See “Mausu’atul-fiqkhiya” 3/163.

The volume of one sa' approximately corresponds to the volume of 3 kg of wheat, as Sheikh Ibn Baz said. Depending on the type of product, its weight may vary. So, for example, a volume of barley of one sa’ will weigh less than 3 kg, while a volume of rice or cottage cheese of one sa’ may weigh a little more than 3 kg. Anyone who wishes to pay the exact Fitr of one sa’ should determine the volume of products equal to the weight of wheat of 2,040 kg, as discussed by Sheikh Ibn ‘Usaymeen in Sharkhul Mumti.

How should Zakat al-Fitr be paid?

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said: “We paid zakat al-Fitr with one sa’ of food or one sa’ of barley, or dates, or cottage cheese, or raisins.” al-Bukhari 1506.

Scholars have expressed different opinions regarding the interpretation of the word "ta'am" (food) mentioned in the hadith. Some said that the word "food" meant wheat. Others said that it is permissible to pay only the food that is mentioned in the hadith. In fact, the opinion of those scholars who believe that the word “taam” in the hadith is general and relates to all food that can be measured is stronger and more justified. Moreover, zakat al-Fitr should be paid precisely on those products that are basic in any region, as indicated by the hadith of Abu Sa'id, who said: “During the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we paid Fitr with one sa’ of food, and at that time we ate barley, raisins, dried cottage cheese and dates.” al-Bukhari 1510.

Ashhab said: “I heard Imam Malik say: “Barley is not paid to those who do not consume it!” You should pay with what people consume." See al-Istizkar 9/263.

Hafiz Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr said: “Taking into account the food that is basic in any locality is obligatory at all times.” See “at-Tamhid” 7/127.

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered the payment of zakat al-Fitr with one sa’ dates or barley, since this was the food of the inhabitants of Medina. And if the inhabitants of Medina had eaten other products than these, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would not have obligated them to pay for the products that they did not use.” See “Majmu'ul-Fataawa” 25/68.

Sheikh Ibn al-Qayyim wrote: “Those products that are mentioned in the hadiths were the main products of the inhabitants of Medina. If the products of the inhabitants of any area are not these products, then they should pay Fitr with the products that are popular among them, such as corn, rice, figs and other products. If their food is not bulk products, but, for example, meat or fish, then they should pay Fitr with what they eat, no matter what it is. This is the opinion of the majority of scientists, and it is correct.” See “I’lyamul-muuakqi’in” 3/12.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: “If bulk products are not the food of the inhabitants of a certain area, but rather their food is, for example, meat, and this is their main food, then they should pay Fitr in meat, which is correct.” See “Sharkhul-mumti’” 6/182.

As for the hadith from Abu Sa'eed that they paid Fitr with one piece of flour, it is weak, as Imam Abu Dawud and others said. See “Iruaul-Galil” 848. However, despite the fact that this hadith is weak, a group of scholars still allowed Zakat al-Fitr to be paid in flour. Imam Ibn Qudam said: “It is permissible to pay Fitr with flour and Imam Ahmad spoke about this” See “al-Mughni” 2/357.

This opinion was also shared by Imam Abu Hanifa, Sheikh-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Sheikh Ibn al-Qayyim, and among modern scholars, Sheikh Ibn ‘Usaymin gave him preference.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: “It is also permissible to pay Fitr and pasta, if they are among the staple foods in a certain area.” See “Sharkhul-mumti’” 6/191.

Thus, based on all that has been said, it becomes clear that Fitr can be paid with any products, be it buckwheat, beans, pasta, rice, millet, meat, etc., if these products are the main ones in a particular area. And a person is not obliged to pay Fitr with the most expensive product, he can pay it with the average of what he eats himself.

What you shouldn't and shouldn't pay Zakat al-Fitr

Fitr should not be paid with spoiled food, and it should not be given with food that spoils quickly. Ibn al-Qayyim said: “As for bread and cooked food, even if they have benefits for the poor and it requires a waste of time and effort, there are still more benefits in bulk products, since they can be stored longer. As for bread and cooked food, even if there is a lot of it, it will quickly spoil and cannot be stored for a long time.” See “I’lyamul-muakki’in” 3/18.

Also, you should not give Fitr with sugar, salt, etc. because all this is not food, but seasoning.

Allah Almighty said: “You will never achieve piety until you spend what you love, and whatever you spend, Allah knows about it” (Ali ‘Imran 3: 92).

Is it possible to give Zakat al-Fitr in money?

It is not permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr either with clothes, or with money, or with anything else other than food, since this is contrary to the command of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who ordered to pay Fitr with food. However, despite this, some scholars allowed the payment of Fitr in money. Imam al-Nawawi said: “Most of the fuqihs did not allow giving Fitr in money, and Abu Hanifa allowed it. Ibn al-Mundhir also conveyed the permissibility of this from Hasan al-Basri, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz and Sufyan al-Thawri.” See Sharh Sahih Muslim 7/60.

Imam al-Khattabi, citing the hadith of Abu Sa'id: “During the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we paid fitr with one sa’ of food, and at that time we ate barley, raisins, dried cottage cheese and dates.”, said: “This hadith provides evidence that it is impossible to pay Fitr in money, since certain products are mentioned, not money.” See “Ma'alima-Ssunna” 2/44.

Dinars and dirhams also existed during the time of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but instead of money, Shariah prescribed that Fitr should be paid in food, which is what we need to focus on. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever commits an act that was not indicated by us, it will be rejected!” Muslim 1/236.

They asked Imam Ahmad about the person who decided to pay Zakat al-Fitr in dirhams and he replied: “I am afraid that this will not be counted towards him because it contradicts the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)!” It is also reported that when Imam Ahmad said: “Fitr should not be paid in money instead of food!”, - he was asked: “Here people claim that ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz paid in money.” Then he said: “They leave the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and say: “So-and-so said!” See “al-Mughni” 2/671.

When should Zakat al-Fitr be paid?

‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz and Abul-‘Aliya regarding the words of Allah Almighty: “The one who purifies himself, remembers the name of his Lord and performs prayer is successful.”(al-A'la 87: 14-15), they said: “This means: paid Zakat al-Fitr, and then went to Eid prayer.” See “Ahkamul-Kuran” 3/176.

Ibn 'Umar said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded to pay Fitr before going out for Eid prayer.” al-Bukhari 1503.

Imam Ibn at-Tin said: “The time for paying Fitr is after the morning prayer and before the Eid prayer” See “al-Mutawari” 135, “Fathul-Bari” 3/478.

Some scholars believe that the time for paying Fitr begins after sunset. last day Ramadan and lasts until the Eid prayer. However, the first opinion that it should be paid before going out for Eid prayer is stronger, since it is based on a direct hadith.

As for the opinion of those scholars who believed that Fitr can be paid even at the beginning of Ramadan, it is erroneous and is not based on anything, and moreover, it contradicts the message from Ibn 'Abbas, which says that the meaning of Fitr is food for the poor on the day of the holiday. Imam Ibn Qudamah said: “The meaning of the obligation of Zakat al-Fitr is the holiday of Breaking the Fast” See “al-Mughni” 2/676.

Imams al-Shaukani and Shamsul-Haqq ‘Azym Abadi said: “Most scholars believed that paying zakat al-Fitr before the Eid prayer is only desirable, and believed that it can be paid before the end of the day of breaking the fast. However, the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas is a refutation of it!” See “‘Aunul-Ma’bud”, “Nailul-autar” 4/255.

Sheikh al-Albani was asked: “Is it permissible to pay zakat al-Fitr a few days or weeks before the Eid prayer?” He replied: “This is not permissible because the purpose of Zakat al-Fitr is to relieve those in need from asking on the day of Eid. If you pay Fitr long before it, there is no doubt that the needy will not last until the holiday.” See “al-Howi min fatawa Sheikh al-Albani” 283.

But if a person is afraid that he will not have time to pay Fitr before the Eid prayer, then he can pay it a day or two before the Eid prayer, which is an exception. Nafi' said: “Ibn ‘Umar used to pay Fitr a day or two before the holiday.” al-Bukhari 1511, Muslim 986.

Some scholars said that Ibn ‘Umar paid Fitr for a day in two, not to the poor themselves, but to the person who was appointed to collect Fitr, as indicated by other reports. Nafi' said: “Ibn ‘Umar sent Fitr two or three days before the holiday to the one who collected it.” Malik 1/285.

This message indicates that it is permissible to transfer zakat al-Fitr to the person who is responsible for collecting it, if this person is truthful and trustworthy. This is also confirmed by the famous hadith in which Shaitan came to steal from the zakat al-Fitr collected in Ramadan, which was guarded by Abu Hurayrah. al-Bukhari 4/396.

It is also reported from Ayyub that in response to the question: “When did Ibn ‘Umar pay Fitr?” Nafi' replied: “When the collector began to collect Fitr.” He was asked: “When did the collector begin to collect Fitr?” He replied: “A day or two before the holiday” Ibn Khuzaima 4/83.

However, it is important to note that Zakat al-Fitr does not count if given after the Eid prayer, as Ibn ‘Abbas said: “And whoever pays it after prayer, in this case it is considered only as ordinary charity.”

The Standing Committee scholars said: “Whoever does not pay Fitr on time has committed a sin! He must repent for delaying the payment of Fitr and still give it to the poor.” See “Fataawa al-Lajna” 9/369. The exception is the one who did not know about it.

The payment of Zakat al-Fitr is only counted when it is given to a poor person. It must reach him or the authorized person collecting Fitr in a timely manner. A poor person can trust another person to collect the zakat paid to him. The timely receipt of zakat to the trustee means that the poor person receives it.

However, scholars have agreed that if a person did not have time or forgot to pay zakat al-Fitr before the Eid prayer, it becomes a debt, the payment of which still remains obligatory. See “al-Mughni” 2/458, “Mausu’atul-fiqkhiya” 41/43.

Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was asked: “I paid zakat al-Fitr when I was in Egypt at the beginning of Ramadan, but now I am in Mecca. Is it obligatory for me to pay Fitr again?” The Sheikh replied: “Yes, you are obligated to pay Fitr because you paid it prematurely! A thing is connected with a cause, and the cause of Fitr is the day of breaking the fast and this time is the time of this zakat. It is well known that the day of Breaking the Fast occurs only at the end of Ramadan, and Fitr is not paid except after sunset on the last day of Ramadan. However, there is relief in the permissibility of paying Fitr a day or two before the Eid prayer, and this is only a relief, since the true time of this zakat begins from the evening of the last day of Ramadan and lasts until the Eid prayer. And if possible, it is best to pay Fitr in the morning before the Eid prayer.” See “Fataawa Ibn ‘Usaymin” 18/180.

And in conclusion, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!