How to properly water vegetables and green crops. Proper watering of garden plants Frequency of watering vegetable crops in the garden

Watering the garden in a dry summer is the most important technique in the fight for the harvest.

Vegetable plants also have their spenders and economists. Based on the biological characteristics of the crops, my own capabilities and many years of observations, I established the following sequence and frequency of watering the beds.

Cucumbers and zucchini have underdeveloped root system and spend a lot of moisture on the growth of vines and juicy fruits. That's why I water them warm water after 1-2 days (and in severe drought - daily), spending 5-10 liters per square meter. In hot weather, they like to “drop their ears” even when the soil is sufficiently moist, then they are advised to take a light, warm shower during the day.

Peppers and eggplants– active “evaporators”, so they come second in line. Their roots are located shallowly in the soil; with a lack of moisture, the stems quickly become woody, the flowers and ovaries fall off, the fruits become smaller and the yield decreases. The watering rate per plant is 2-3 liters of water.

Cabbage- also a strong water drink. All its seedlings need to be watered abundantly until they begin to grow.

I pamper cauliflower and broccoli with water twice a week during the period when the heads are forming. Early cabbage needs intensive watering in June, late cabbage needs intensive watering at the end of July and in August at the stage of head formation. She also loves sprinkling.

All root crops of the family also need high soil moisture throughout the entire growing period. Brassicas: radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga. They have weak roots, but burdock leaves. Therefore, they absorb moisture from the soil poorly and spend it uneconomically.

Tomatoes They like a dry head, but wet feet. In order not to provoke the development of late blight with excessive humidity in the greenhouse, I water in the furrows between the rows. And I always remember that with even moisture, the fruits do not crack and are not affected by blossom end rot. In open ground, I water tomatoes only once when planting. By the way, tomatoes respond well to watering cold water in hot weather.

Onion and garlic They weakly extract moisture from the soil, but use it sparingly, so if the summer is rainy, I don’t water them at all. In dry and hot weather, I do this once every 7-10 days, combining watering with fertilizing. A month and a half before the expected harvest (usually from mid-July), I stop watering the onions: excess moisture at this time delays the ripening of the bulbs.

Beet It is not very demanding when it comes to watering. Although it intensively consumes moisture, it extracts it well. Once a week I water only those that I plant seedlings for early production. Sown with seeds - only before thinning and after feeding, if there is no rain. The same goes for carrots.

Potato I water only the early ones, planted with sprouted tubers. I pour water into the grooves. When the soil dries out a little, I loosen it on top and sprinkle it with peat or humus.

Pumpkin However, despite its impressive dimensions, it is capable of obtaining water for itself, so I water it only in childhood, before the first hilling. Withered leaves in extreme heat are its protective reaction.

Resistant to lack of moisture, heat and drought watermelon, melon, sweet corn, beans(except asparagus). I water them no more than two or three times a season, always combining watering with fertilizing.

On a separate line

Cucumbers, cabbages, and green vegetables like sprinkling irrigation most of all, with the exception of salads (the “heart” rots and the leaves become dirty).

For vegetable crops Water temperature is of great importance. Often, even with sufficient watering, plants still suffer from lack of moisture.

This is explained by the fact that cold water in heat-loving vegetables reduces the suction power of the roots, which means its flow into the plants decreases. For them, the so-called physiological drought sets in.

Proven Tricks

After watering or rain, I always try to loosen the soil. But not immediately, but as soon as it begins to crumble well. I do this with a flat cutter; it’s convenient for picking up the roots of weeds without going too deep into the soil.

The main purpose of loosening is to break up the formed crust, thereby ensuring free access of oxygen to the root system. Meanwhile, this process is labor-intensive. To reduce it to a minimum, I use mulching where I can. For example, I fill a bed with garlic with leaves in the fall, but in the spring I don’t remove them, but leave them in the center of the bed. This significantly reduces the area of ​​weeding and loosening and allows me to grow garlic without watering. I usually mulch other vegetables with humus mixed with garden soil and peat.

On a separate line

Mulching the soil significantly reduces the need for watering, and the plants feel more comfortable.

Watering along with fertilizing

Mineral root dressings quickly act on plants. But if you give them often, the soil microflora gradually dies. Therefore, I use fertilizers carefully, never overdosing them, applying them only in liquid form (0.2-0.3% solutions) after watering or rain, and only when I think they are absolutely necessary.

I always alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

This is how I prepare mineral fertilizer.

I dissolve 0.5 kg of highly soluble mineral fertilizer such as Kemira or brand B mortar in a plastic bucket (you can also take nitrophoska), preferably if they also contain microfertilizers. I pour it into a plastic barrel.

The day before feeding, I dilute 200 ml of the EM preparation in 1 liter of water, add a glass of old (not boiled) currant jam, let it sit until the next morning, and just before feeding, pour it into a barrel.

This solution can be used for both root and foliar feeding. I give preference to foliar ones, especially during periods of prolonged cold weather.

To prepare organic fertilizer, I take what is literally under my feet: nettle, dandelion, sow thistle, clover...

I chop the green mass with an ax and pour it into a plastic barrel, filling it 2/3. I fill it with water almost to the top and close the lid tightly so that nitrogen does not evaporate from the infusion. It is also believed that the infusion prepared without access to oxygen contains more beneficial microflora.

During the cooking process, it is advisable to open and stir the mixture at least once a day. If the weather is warm, the infusion is usually ready within a week. You can find out about this when fermentation stops: the liquid stops foaming.

In the first half of summer, almost all vegetable and fruit crops, as well as flowers, can be fed with this infusion. In the second half - only vegetables, the fruits of which are consumed immediately (as they contain nitrogen).

Almost all summer I water peppers and eggplants with the infusion, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Cucumbers, zucchini, sweet corn and cabbage respond well to such feeding.

Before watering, I add ash or mineral fertilizers to the bucket with the infusion, the doses and quantities of which I adjust depending on what crop I will feed.

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The goal of every gardener is to get a large and high-quality harvest. But juicy, large fruits cannot be grown if the watering of garden crops is not organized correctly. Moreover, each plant requires its own regularity and rate of watering. Violation of the rules immediately affects the condition: wilted leaves indicate a lack of moisture in the cells, and fungus or rot on the fruit indicates an excess of it. Therefore, it is important to know the features of irrigation different cultures at different periods of their lives.

General watering rules for garden crops

Each garden crop has its own requirements for the water regime, which depend on the characteristics of its root system - depth and absorption capacity. Thus, in a cucumber, a lot of moisture evaporates through a large leaf surface, and the root has a weak absorption ability.

Withered cucumber leaves indicate the need for watering

For carrots it's the other way around. Therefore, cucumbers need more water than carrots. But there are a number of general watering rules that apply to all garden plants:

  1. Plants' need for moisture increases with increasing intensity of environmental factors such as temperature, light, and wind force.
  2. The rate of watering vegetables in cloudy weather should be reduced.
  3. Best time To water the garden - evening (finish by 19 o'clock), on cold nights - morning.
  4. All vegetables that sprout from seeds require moisture until they emerge.
  5. An increased need for moisture is present in vegetable crops during the period of intensive growth (June–mid-July), and then watering is reduced so that the fruits do not become watery.
  6. More frequent moistening is necessary for crops growing on sandy soils that are unable to retain water for a long time.
  7. Effective operation of the root system is impossible without gas exchange. To ventilate the roots, the soil is loosened before watering, and after moistening, it is leveled. This way it is possible to avoid the appearance of a dense earthen crust around the sprout.

All plants need water

Basic methods of soil moistening

With properly organized watering, the plant grows, leaves and reproductive organs develop well, and the foundation for a future bountiful harvest is laid.

There are several ways to water a plant:

  • surface, when water is supplied along grooves;
  • sprinkling - spraying water from a watering can or hose;
  • drip, in which water flows to the roots through pipes.

You can water the beds in any way, the main thing is to follow the norms for watering vegetables; with drip irrigation, it is not difficult to adhere to them. But when humidifying from a hose, you can easily exceed or underestimate the standards. Excess moisture in the root layer will cause putrefactive processes. A deficiency will lead to the ovaries falling off (in cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), shoots being thrown out (in lettuce, radishes), and fruit reduction (in onions, garlic).

A universal method applicable to any garden crops is drip irrigation. It does not cause soil erosion, provides uniform moisture, and inhibits the growth of weeds, since the ground underneath them remains dry.

Preparing the site for drip irrigation

When watering, it is important to know that tap water- the worst source of drink for plants. It is better to collect rain and melt water. The water temperature must be close to the air and ground temperature, otherwise the plant will become stressed.

Features of watering vegetable beds and gardens

When distributing irrigation on a site, one should take into account the ability of different crops to extract water from the soil. The root system is decisive for the purpose of the water regime.

Differences between plants according to their water needs

The root system of plants is located in the upper or deep zone of the soil. Depending on this, vegetable crops are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Heat-resistant: watermelon, melon, beans, pumpkin, corn. These crops are capable of extracting water from the depths of the soil with powerful roots and using it economically.
  2. Able to extract water from a large volume of soil. This ability is due to the developed root system. This group includes peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, and beets.
  3. Species that require moisture are onions, cabbage, garlic, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes. They have a solid vegetative mass, through which intense evaporation occurs, and underdeveloped roots, unable to extract water from the depths.

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

Requirements of various crops for irrigation conditions

Proper watering consists of observing two rules: timeliness and norm. Therefore, it is important for the gardener to know the water needs of each crop being irrigated. different periods its cultivation.

The superficial root system of cucumbers and cabbage does not allow them to drink deep soil water. Before flowers appear, crops require moderate watering - 5–6 liters per square meter after 5–6 days. When flowering begins, watering is carried out every 3–4 days, using 8–10 liters of water per square meter. The same scheme is used for fruiting.

When growing cucumbers indoors, it is important to constantly maintain a small percentage of humidity in the soil and air, since the plant is moisture-loving. To do this, sprinkling is carried out periodically. The rate of watering cucumbers in a greenhouse remains the same as in open ground.

Table of watering norms for garden crops

Tomatoes do not tolerate irrigation well, so it is better to pour water at the root. The rate of watering tomatoes in a greenhouse or in open ground depends on the period of their development. After planting, the seedlings are not watered for 10 days to allow them to take root. During flowering (before the fruit appears), watering is moderate - 1–2 liters per root, to prevent the growth of green mass to the detriment of the ovaries.

When fruits appear, watering rates are increased to 3–5 liters per bush. At the stage of fruit ripening, watering is adjusted to 1 liter at the root every 10 days to prevent cracking or rotting of the fruit.

Peppers and eggplants like to drink heavily, but not in cold weather. When it gets colder, it is better not to water at all.

Onions, carrots, and beets are watered well during the period of leaf germination and root formation. In the future, abundance will only worsen the quality of the bulbs.

Potatoes are not watered until shoots appear. After this, each bush is given 2–3 liters of water to drink. During the flowering period and when tubers set, the rate of watering of potatoes is significantly increased. 3–5 liters of water are poured under each bush. A week before harvesting, the procedures are stopped.

Water requirements for fruit trees

Fruit trees need abundant watering throughout the growing season. In spring, water is necessary for the formation of new shoots and leaves; in summer, it is necessary to support the development and ripening of fruits.

The amount of watering depends on the type of fruit crop. Stone fruit species (apricot, cherry) are watered less frequently, while apple and pear trees are watered more often. The peach is very moisture-loving - its yield depends on proper care. The peach watering rate is 80 liters every 11–15 days.

Peach trees love plenty of moisture.

Dependence of irrigation norms on illumination

For all garden crops, the length of daylight hours affects yield. Prolonged cloudy weather increases the ripening period of fruits to two weeks. At the same time, their taste and quality suffer. After all, in addition to water, plants need light nutrition. Therefore, by increasing the illumination, you can increase fruiting.

Absorbing solar energy, the leaves transform it into biological mass: leaves, fruits, stems, roots. Water is involved in these processes. The natural increase in daylight hours leads to an acceleration chemical reactions, the implementation of which requires a little more moisture. This factor should be taken into account - watering rates increase depending on the illumination of the plants.

Compliance with irrigation standards is the key to obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest. But you should never put an end to this matter. Expert advice may come in handy and help you care for your garden more effectively.

If you are just starting to learn how to grow different cultures on your own summer cottage, you should know that the quality of the harvest largely depends on how correctly you water the beds. Lack of moisture negatively affects leaves and roots - they begin to wither and become bitter. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. How to water the beds and how can you avoid these unpleasant consequences? About all this in our today's publication.

Depending on the purpose, different waterings can be practiced:

  • Landing and post-landing. Designed to improve the survival rate of plants after planting by seed or seedlings.
  • Basic. The goal is to replenish the moisture deficit in the soil during the growing season.
  • Feeding. Used for applying fertilizers in diluted form.
  • Refreshing. The procedure should be used in hot weather conditions.
  • Anti-frost. Designed to reduce the risk of crops freezing.

All these types of irrigation should be used in combination. In this way, it will be possible to provide conditions for the proper development of plants.

When to water the garden?

How often to water the beds? This question is relevant for most novice summer residents. There is no definite answer to this, because everything depends on the type of soil, terrain, and crops grown. In the meantime, study general rules glaze:

  • Water regularly and in a timely manner.
  • Before you start watering, be sure to loosen the soil, this will saturate it with oxygen. It is also necessary to prevent the formation of soil crust.

What time of day to water?

It is advisable to moisten the soil in the garden bed in the evening or morning, when there is no bright sun. During this period, moisture evaporation will be minimized, and under the influence of sunlight, water droplets will not be transformed into miniature, scalding lenses. This is especially true on hot days. It is not advisable to delay the procedure in the evening, since the soil may not have time to dry by dusk, and this is fraught with the development of fungal diseases.

How often to water?

Infrequent but abundant watering is encouraged. If you add water in small portions, it will not be able to saturate the roots.

Do I need to water the plants after transplanting?

After you plant the seedlings in open ground, be sure to moisten the soil, as young plants have a special need for moisture.

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Should I water my garden after rain?

First of all, it depends on how long the precipitation lasted. Long and moderate rain is more beneficial for plantings than heavy and short-term rain. To check to what depth the soil has been moistened, stick a twig into it. The bulk of the roots of many vegetable crops are located at a depth of 15-30 cm from the surface of the earth.

How many times a day should I water the beds?

The number of waterings depends on the weather, how the plants feel and how old they are. If you just planted seedlings in the ground, water them every day. After rooting, carry out the procedure once every 2-3 days. Plants that grow in pots or in greenhouse conditions, dry much more actively than those located in an open area. This means that it is recommended to water them twice a day. If the weather is hot, watering should be more frequent. Areas with sandy soil dry out much faster than clay soils.

All these recommendations are not relevant to the situation when, for some reason, you could not get to the dacha, but upon arrival you noticed that the plants urgently needed watering. Withered stems and buds, dried and falling parts - all this indicates that the plant is experiencing a moisture deficiency. In this case, you need to take measures to protect the root system from drying out. You can water dried plants at any time of the day. First you need to loosen the dry crust, then water the plants at the root. You need to add water in small portions so that it saturates the soil and reaches the roots.

Read also:

How to properly prepare a greenhouse for winter

Is it possible to combine watering with fertilizing?

Necessarily! Moreover, you can add replenishment during each watering. In this case, it is necessary to follow the methodology of professor and vegetable grower Mecheslav Stepuro. For every 10 liters of water you need to add:

  • for the first watering: 20-30 g of potassium or calcium nitrate;
  • for the second: 30-35 g of potassium monophosphate;
  • for the seventh: 20-25 g of magnesium sulfate (magnesium sulfate);
  • for the tenth: 0.5-1 g of water-soluble iron sulfate, manganese, zinc, copper and boric acid;
  • for the thirteenth: 30 g of potassium monophosphate.

What water to water the garden

The proper development of plants largely depends on the temperature and quality of the water used for irrigation. Ice water is highly discouraged. This procedure can put the plant under stress and provoke disease. The same rule applies to water that is too warm. The optimal water temperature for irrigation should be around 15-25°C. Fill the barrel with water from a tap or artesian well. You can do this both in the evening and in the morning. This way it will warm up well and be completely comfortable for the plants.

The optimal difference between water and air temperatures is 15-20°C. If it is increased, there is a risk that the fruits will begin to crack and lose their presentation. Only cold-resistant crops can be watered with cold water. These are onions, garlic and cabbage. In this case, watering should be carried out not at the root, but by spraying.

To precipitate or evaporate harmful impurities, it is recommended to settle tap or river water. Regular water can be combined with nourishing infusions. To prepare a health composition, you need to pour 3 liters of water with 3 tbsp. l. ash and let the product brew for 2 days. Ash can be replaced onion skins(from two large onions). You can water the plants with rainwater. Such actions are permissible if there are no industrial facilities operating near the site.

Watering vegetables in open ground

So, let's look at what watering should be like for the most commonly grown vegetable crops.

  • Cabbage, cauliflower, Peking cabbage, cucumber, spinach, celery. They use up water quickly and require moderate but frequent watering.
  • Tomatoes, carrots, all types of melons. They are distinguished by a developed root system and have the ability to extract water at a depth of up to 80 cm. Moisture is consumed sparingly, so there is often no need to water these crops.
  • All types of onions and garlic. They use water economically. Watering should be carried out during the first half of growth.
  • Beet. The culture absorbs moisture well and actively uses it. Reacts well to irrigation.

Watering is influenced by the growth period of plants and the composition of the soil. If we are talking about young tomatoes and peppers, then 0.5 liters of water will be enough for one bush. During flowering, its volume should be increased to 0.7 liters. Mature plants need at least 1 liter of water.

Cucumbers are considered moisture-loving plants, so they will require 0.7 liters before they even begin to bloom. During the period of fruit formation, it is necessary to use 1 liter of water, and after its completion, at least 1.5 liters per bush.

As for the type of soil, it is important to consider that sandy and loamy soil dries faster than clayey and loamy soil. This means that plants that are planted in such a bed need more frequent watering.

How to water tomatoes in open ground

If tomatoes are grown in an open area, it is advisable to water them at the root 1-2 times in the morning. For watering you need to take settled or rainwater(30 l per 1 sq. m.). The fact that tomatoes lack moisture is indicated by small, yellowed and curling leaves and falling ovaries. In addition, there is a stop in the growth of the resulting fruits; in severe cases, blossom end rot can be observed on them.

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Diseases and pests of peonies: photos, description and treatment

How to water ground cucumbers

As soon as the plant blooms, watering should be done every 3-4 days. For 1 sq. m. it will take 30 liters of warm water. Watering at the root is not recommended; if you constantly moisten the root collar, this can cause root rot. If the weather is good, cucumbers will tolerate other watering methods (sprinkling, leaf sprinkling) without any problems.

How often to water peppers and eggplants in open ground

In order for these vegetable crops to fully develop, it is important to provide them with appropriate conditions. The soil needs to be moistened constantly, but as for sprinkling, it is not recommended. Watering should be done at the root (1-2 times every 7 days). For irrigation, you can use warm, settled water (15-25 liters per 1 sq. m.). You can moisten the soil under the bushes to a depth of 25-30 cm. If the air temperature is less than 15°C, you should refrain from the procedure, otherwise the plant may be affected by gray rot.

How often to water cabbage in the garden

Cabbage should be watered frequently and generously. This must be done once every 2-3 days, using 30 liters of water per 1 square meter. The soil should be soaked to a depth of at least 40 cm. Cool water is ideal for watering. In hot weather, you can water by sprinkling; on cloudy days, watering at the root is acceptable. A lack of moisture leads to cabbage being attacked by pests such as cabbage fly and cruciferous flea beetle.

How often to water carrots in open ground

Carrots in open ground should be watered 1-2 times every 7 days. For irrigation, you can use cool water (about 30 liters per 1 sq. m.). Irrigation by sprinkling is allowed. This vegetable especially needs watering in the first half of the growing season. A lack of moisture will be signaled by darkened, curled leaves. Then the volume of water should be reduced, and it is recommended to stop watering 20 days before harvesting root crops.

Is it possible to water beets with cool water?

Beets also do not tolerate watering with ice water. The soil should be moistened to a depth of at least 30 cm. For the entire season, in normal, non-drying weather, 4-5 waterings are sufficient. Root watering or sprinkling is suitable. For 1 sq. m. will require 30 liters of water. If the crop needs moisture, its tops will take on a purple-brown hue. Instead of forming root crops, the plant will direct its forces to throwing out flower stalks.

How to properly water onions and garlic in the garden

These crops do not need abundant watering. They need this procedure during the period of bulb formation. In this case, you need to take 35 liters of water per 1 sq. m. Before this, they should be watered once every 7 days, moistening the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm (look at the ends of the feathers to see if they have begun to turn yellow). A month before harvesting, you should refrain from watering, since excess moisture leads to the fact that the bulbs ripen worse and are poorly stored in winter.

Remember that the watering approach may be different for each onion variety. As a rule, early ripening varieties like an abundance of moisture. If 10-12 cm of soil is saturated with moisture, this indicates that you did everything correctly and the plants will not experience moisture deficiency.

Watering vegetables in a greenhouse

If you are growing vegetables in a greenhouse, your approach to watering will be slightly different. Of course, it will also have to be carried out during a period when the sun is not so active. The frequency of watering depends on the type of soil and the type of plant. However, greenhouse crops require more abundant watering than those grown in open ground. This is due to the fact that due to elevated temperatures, their stems and leaves wither much faster.

It is permissible to use warmer water for watering greenhouse plants. If watering is incorrect, excess condensation may form inside the greenhouse, so the greenhouse should be ventilated after the procedure. To reduce the volume of condensate, you can resort to spot watering (bottle irrigation).

Drought and heat sometimes take you by surprise, and the gardener needs to think about watering the vegetable crops in the garden.

All plants require a certain amount of water in compliance with the watering regime.

Let's consider when, how and what to water in the garden, which watering methods are better, whether vegetables need watering, how to properly water garden plants.

Each vegetable requires a certain amount of water and different frequency of watering the beds. You will learn a lot of interesting things about watering from the article.

How to water cucumbers

cucumbers moisture-loving plants, so they need frequent watering. The soil should be moist 20-30 cm deep.

Watering and sprinkling of cucumbers is carried out in the early morning before sunrise or in the evening after sunset, so as not to burn the leaves. In cloudy weather, water in the afternoon.

Be sure to water the cucumbers at the root using a watering can with a sprayer; using buckets or a hose is not recommended, as this can expose the root system, which will lead to a decrease in yield and fruiting.

Water the cucumbers as follows:

-- after sowing seeds in the ground. Water with warm, settled water (20 degrees) from a watering can, make sure that the soil does not dry out;
-- before flowering begins. Watering cucumbers during this period is carried out no more than once a week (if it rains, watering does not occur) - watering is necessary for the development of a strong root system of cucumbers, always at the root;
-- during the appearance of flowers and ovaries. Watering is carried out every 3-4 days (if it is hot, it is necessary to water every day). When the air temperature rises above 25 degrees, sprinkle the cucumbers. This procedure is carried out daily, due to which the temperature of the leaves and flowers decreases and the ovaries do not fade;
-- during the period of active fruiting. Water the cucumbers in the morning and evening. On mature plant You will need about 20 liters of water per 1 m 2 of land.

Video - How to water cucumbers correctly

How to water tomatoes

Signs that tomatoes need watering are that the leaves of the plants become smaller, curl, the ovaries may fall off, the fruits grow and ripen slowly. With frequent watering, the fruits become watery, and there is a risk of tomatoes being damaged by fungal diseases.

Watering tomatoes should not be frequent, but plentiful and carried out in the evening. It is advisable to use warm, settled rainwater for irrigation, with a temperature of 24-26 degrees, cold water and tap water can harm the root system.

Sprinkling of plants is carried out only in very hot weather. Water tomatoes at the root once a week - during the period of flowers and ovaries appearing. When ripening and fruiting begin, watering is carried out 2 times a week, 3-5 liters per plant.

Low growing tomato varieties During the ripening period, water less often or stop watering altogether, waiting for the fruits to ripen. This way you will achieve a high yield of tomatoes without cracks and damage from late blight and brown spot.

Tall varieties of tomatoes simultaneously have growing, ripe and formed fruits. Therefore, such tomatoes are watered in the usual way - once every 4 days, 10 liters of water per plant.

Video - How to water tomatoes

How to water cabbage

Improper watering of cabbage can cause a poor harvest. Cabbage loves moisture more than other vegetable crops. When watering, watch the weather; excess moisture can harm the plants.

When there is a lack of moisture, cabbage is attacked by cabbage fly and cruciferous flea beetle.

Watering cabbage depends on the weather: In dry and hot weather, sprinkling is carried out; on cool days, water is applied at the root. The soil should be moist to a depth of 40 cm.

It is necessary to water the cabbage with warm water (18-23 degrees) in the evening. Early cabbage water every 3-4 days with 7-10 liters of water for each plant. Late varieties watered daily.

Before harvesting, watering must be limited, otherwise it will lead to cracking of the heads of cabbage. Some cabbage varieties require more frequent watering.

Video - Watering cabbage

How to water peppers and eggplants

When watering, the soil should be moist to a depth of at least 20 cm. Watering peppers and eggplants is carried out 1-2 times a week with warm water (25 degrees), 15 liters per 1 m 2 of area (it all depends on weather conditions).

To avoid excess moisture remaining, it is necessary to loosen the soil in the area with plants.

Water under the roots or furrows, along the rows. During the fruiting period, water 2 times a week, 20-30 liters per 1 m2. If it gets hot, use evening or morning irrigation. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees, watering is stopped.

Watering garlic and onions

When the feathers of garlic or onions begin to turn yellow, this is the first signal to water. In dry weather, onions and garlic are watered every 5 days until ripening begins (from May to the end of June).

Water with warm water 5-10 liters per 1 m2 of area with plants, in the furrows between the rows.

A month before full ripening (approximately ripening begins on July 15), stop watering completely - the crop is poorly stored in winter and may not ripen due to excess moisture.

How to water carrots and beets

After sowing, carrot seeds should be kept in moist soil until they emerge. To achieve these goals, gardeners often use film, the moisture does not evaporate, and watering is rare.

When shoots appear, remove the film and water the plants every 10 days using a watering can with a sprayer. Water consumption is 30 liters per 1 m 2 of area with plants. Stop watering completely 3 weeks before harvest.

Lack of water for carrots can cause the formation of rough, uneven roots. If carrot leaves curl, it is not getting enough moisture.

Beet less demanding on watering. Over the entire season, it is enough to carry out 4 waterings (depending on weather conditions) of 30 liters per 1 m2. Watering is carried out in the evening or early morning.

Lack of moisture for beets can affect the root vegetables; they will be tough and tasteless. If the foliage color turns brownish-purple, the beets require watering.

Watering pumpkins and zucchini

Water these cultivated plants not often necessary.

For normal growth, zucchini is watered once a month, 20 liters per plant.

Until the moment of hilling, the pumpkin needs to be watered once, 8 liters per plant. After hilling, the pumpkin is not watered for 1 month. After that, watering is carried out every 10 days, 10 liters per plant. A month before harvest, watering is stopped.

Watering is carried out only at the root, in the evening or in the morning.

Watering potatoes

Potatoes do not particularly need watering, except in areas with arid climates and certain varieties that require abundant watering. Usually there is enough rain to produce a potato harvest.

Video - Effective watering for the garden

Watering is necessary for plants, because often there is no rain during the necessary periods of growth and development. So you have found out how much moisture various vegetables need for normal growth and fruiting.

Follow the frequency of watering based on weather conditions; excess moisture also has a bad effect on plants.

Sticking to correct modes watering, you can get a high yield of vegetables.

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Watering vegetables - when and how much

Noticed: different vegetables should be watered differently. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Horticulture and Vegetable Growing Dmitry ROMANKOV helped us understand the intricacies of this issue.




Frequently, in small doses (0.5-1 bucket per 1 sq.m.) and only with warm water in the morning or evening. During drought, wilted plants can be watered from a watering can over the leaves during the day, if they are protected from direct sunlight.


Less often than cucumbers, but more abundantly and only at the root or between the rows. It is advisable to mulch or loosen the soil a couple of hours after watering. Water more often in the morning: before flowering - 4 liters per 1 sq.m., during flowering and fruiting - 12 liters per 1 sq.m.

Pepper and eggplant

They water it much like tomatoes, but peppers can be watered along the leaves, and eggplants only in the grooves or at the root.


Frequent and plentiful. White cabbage can even be watered with cool water, because... it is cold-resistant. Heat-loving cauliflower and broccoli are watered with warm water at the root. Frequent and plentiful. White cabbage can even be watered with cool water, because... it is cold-resistant. Heat-loving cauliflower and broccoli are watered with warm water at the root.

Onion and garlic

Not abundant as they have small roots. Moisture is used sparingly, but the surface layer of the soil must be constantly moistened, since the tips of the feathers of onions and garlic immediately dry out during drought. Watering is stopped 3-4 weeks before harvesting.



Frequent and plentiful, since beets, although they have a powerful root system, quickly evaporate moisture (in the heat the leaves immediately wither). In cloudy weather or if the beets grow in partial shade, you can also water the leaves.

Zucchini and pumpkin

Most important at the beginning of growth, while roots are forming. They practically stop needing watering when the vines reach a length of 30-40 cm.


Especially necessary in drought and for plants early varieties, since moisture promotes the formation of larger tubers.


Moderate, because they have a fairly powerful root system. Watering is strictly necessary only during drought, especially for beans.

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What water to water plants

Tell us where to get water for watering plants at your summer cottage: from a well, a water tower, a nearby pond, and what should it be like?

Maria Aleksandrovna ZENKEVICH

Water for irrigation should be clean, free of turbidity, odor and rust, low in salt content, neutral or slightly acidic. Its quality is largely determined by the source from which the water was taken.

Give up the first bucket

Rainwater is considered ideal for watering, and can be used to feed any plant. Its advantage is its high dissolved oxygen content (about 10 times more than well water). The easiest way to collect rainwater is to place barrels under the drainpipes that come down from the roof of the house.

However chemical analysis rainwater indicates that in some areas it contains various by-products, in particular chemical waste, combustion products of solid and liquid fuel: soot, exhaust gases, etc. Everyone has heard about acid rain. Equally harmful is the settling of lime or cement dust, which causes rainwater to become hard. Therefore, in areas with an unfavorable ecological environment and in industrial centers, rainwater may contain harmful substances that will inhibit plant growth and accumulate in fruits and berries. In this situation, it is advisable not to use the first bucket of water from the roof for irrigation.

What does plumbing add?

The source of water in a gardening partnership can be a summer water supply or a standpipe. The water in them is pumped from deep soil horizons and is relatively clean. However, after passing through metal pipes, iron hydroxides accumulate in it, which is undesirable. The columns do not have this, but the water is not suitable due to its temperature. In both cases, water must be pumped into containers before irrigation to heat, oxygenate and precipitate rust.

On a note

Given the current unfavorable ecology, well water is not clean, being formed mainly from rain and snow water, which, penetrating into the subsoil layers, dissolves chemical compounds contained in the soil and rocks. IN last years Residues of pesticides, fertilizers and organic compounds from livestock farms are increasingly being found in it. But such water cannot be considered ideal and suitable for watering plants.

What does river water smell like?

Water from rivers, ponds and lakes, along with ordinary mineral salts, can also contain various impurities dangerous to plants. These are mainly mineral oils, modern cleaning and detergents, garbage and waste from various industrial and agricultural enterprises. And each of us has seen that there are always people who like to wash their cars on the shore of the lake. In agricultural areas, the same substances found in a well can be found in these springs.

What is wrong with the advice?

You can often find advice on the Internet: use water to water plants after washing or washing dishes. This could have been done by our ancestors, who used harmless ash for washing. And now there are “chemicals” harmful to plants in soap, powder, and dishwashing liquids. Sodium chloride with the addition of titanium compounds, vanadium and organic components is especially unsafe. At the same time, if the dishes were washed only with warm water, without additives, it is better to water the compost heap with it.

Agronomist Andrey Viktorovich DOLININ, Smolensk, answered the reader’s question

The professional literature indicates what soil moisture is optimal for a particular crop. However, determine optimal time for irrigation and calculate the amount of irrigation water can be done on your knee.

CUCUMBER- this is a real water-drinker. If you want a good harvest, provide it with constant moisture. The root system of plants is shallow and weak, and the leaves are large and actively evaporate moisture. When there is a shortage of water, plants can shed flowers and ovaries and form deformed fruits, which are often bitter and quickly turn yellow. Traditionally, cucumbers are watered 1-2 times a week. Watering rate is 20-30 l/sq.m. m. However, on very hot days, the crop is very useful from refreshing watering at the rate of 5-10 l/sq. m.

By the way, when growing cucumbers, it is very effective to combine drip irrigation with light sprinkling early in the morning.

TOMATO most sensitive to moisture in the phase of ovary formation and at the beginning of fruit ripening. The bulk of the roots are located in a layer of 30 cm, but it is advisable to moisten the soil to a depth of 50 cm. During the period of fruit ripening, it is necessary to maintain moderate humidity, in this case the tomatoes will be sweet and tasty, and will not crack or rot. When watering once a week, the irrigation rate is 20-30 l/sq.m. m, with more frequent watering, water consumption is reduced by 30%.

PEPPER AND EGGPLANT, LIKE CUCUMBER, have a superficial root system. Good watering is also very important for them. However, eggplant reacts very painfully to excess moisture, especially when it gets cold. Watering carried out in cloudy weather and in strong winds can stop the growth and development of plants and cause the ovaries to fall off. The irrigation rate for these crops is 15-30 l/sq.m. m.

POTATO has three critical periods when moisture deficiency can cause irreparable damage to the crop. The first - when the potato sprouts grow to 5-10 cm (that is, about 2 weeks after the appearance of the sprouts), the second - during the active growth of the above-ground part and flowering (as well as setting tubers), and the third - when the tubers gain weight. Last stage in middle lane falls approximately on the 1st -2nd decade of August. Irrigation rates are 15-30 l/sq.m. m.

LUKU Not much water is required to form a crop. It is important that plants do not experience moisture deficiency during the period of active leaf growth and bulb formation. Drought at this time will lead to the formation of small bulbs. Watering rate is 10-15 l/sq. m. And 20-25 days before harvesting, it is necessary to completely stop watering.

WHITE CABBAGE– one of the most moisture-demanding crops open ground. It is especially important to water the cabbage during the head filling phase, spending 20-25 l/sq.m. m. Stop watering late cabbage in 2-3 weeks


There have already been many letters about watering plantings, but in such a vein, as the author of the next message suggests, no one has yet approached this topic.

It's the other way around

Hello, dear gardeners. Today I want to offer you a topic not for discussion, but for reasoning. And therefore I want to ask you: what temperature is the rain? Surely the lady has nothing to do, the majority will probably be surprised, why this question? Moreover, among us gardeners, a craze has begun to water with warm water garden crops. No matter how you listen to your friends, no matter how you talk with colleagues in gardening, no matter how you open our favorite magazine, it’s all the same: plants don’t like cold watering. I still haven’t figured out where it came from and who the author of this technology is, and therefore I don’t know who to refer to. Maybe it’s documented somewhere, but I haven’t found it yet.

Also, by the way, for a long time I was looking for who came up with the idea of ​​germinating potatoes in the light until they become green sprouts. Found it. Our scientist TD. Lysenko, and he proposed his theory back in 1929. Although his innovation (like many others) turned out to be anti-scientific and did a lot of harm to agriculture. But that's up to him

lead, now God is his judge. But still, I cannot help but explain that potatoes quickly degenerate from germinating in the light and require replacement with elite varieties. But that’s not what I’m talking about today; I’ll go back to the beginning of the letter.

So, what is the temperature of the rain? Yes, just a few degrees of heat. Only when water falls on soil heated by the sun does it quickly heat up, and it turns out that rain does not heat the soil, but, on the contrary, cools it very quickly. That is why the plants are immediately invigorated by the heavenly water, since they also cool down. It turns out that just the opposite effect occurs, and in the summer nature does not spoil our plantings with warm water.

But what about the water that summer residents heat with free heat in specially installed barrels, which are kept in greenhouses and even painted black? But this, in my opinion, is precisely what poses the danger. Look here. Water dissolves gases in itself, and while it is cold, they are “enclosed” in it. And as soon as it heats up, all the gases are released outside.

In this case, the input becomes depleted and loses many chemical elements that are so necessary for the growth of our plants.

You can observe a similar process even in the kitchen. Take a glass, pour tap water into it and place it on the table. After some time, the entire glass will be covered from the inside with bubbles, but if you stir the water, they will all disappear. It will be even clearer if you place the glass in the sun. So it turns out that by heating water for irrigation, we are robbing our plants and at the same time impoverishing the soil. Any soil living creature that works to increase fertility is not happy about such water.

I'll go back to the rain again. How grateful our plants are to him! You look at how cheerful they are after it, how they stand like soldiers, and you can’t believe that not long before they were doused with water from a barrel.

Are we smarter than plants?

People are also afraid to water their plantings during the day: they say that the drops may cause burns on the leaves. These are certainly misplaced fears. If this were true, then after the first rain there would not be a single plant left on our planet, everything would burn. But no, everything is alive and fragrant! After all, the rain will pass, and here is the sun, and the rainbow, and the smells are sharper. And nothing dies. And cabbage, for example, generally likes to be watered with spring water at noon. What is it, worse than all other cultures? It’s just that its root system suffers greatly from the heat, because it is located in the upper layers of the soil. And if there is no mulch in the garden bed, then, poor fellow, you won’t envy her at all. Well, why cabbage? warm water? Oh well, if only she could. Let's take potatoes. At a soil temperature of 20° it stops forming tubers. So I have been watering my plantings in the sun for a long time now, and there is no damage to the garden.

But I never do this in those beds where there is no mulch. Since when bare soil is watered, it becomes darker and is even more heated by the sun's rays, thereby increasing its thermal conductivity. Moreover, watering bare soil also erodes its structure.

Well, okay, rain, but there is still groundwater. Their temperature at a depth of 1-1.5 m is always constant and equal to approximately 6°. But many plants have a deep root system that reaches this groundwater and feeds on it. And we don't even know about it. In the same tomatoes, let’s say, cbrnia reach a length of up to 1.5 m, so they grow due to this underground water and they don’t get sick, unless we ourselves help them get sick by watering hot water. So the letters from readers, where they suggest not to bother with watering tomatoes, but to let them decide this issue themselves, are absolutely correct. For some reason we think that we are smarter than our green pets, and this is still a big question...

And one moment. If the plantings required watering only with warm water, then agriculture There would be no need for watering installations (or they would be of a completely different design). After all, these systems work during the day, in the heat, spraying water from rivers and ditches over the fields. And these farms harvest huge harvests of vegetables (and, by the way, nothing burns there). So when will we stop doing extra work and suffering from crop shortages, at the same time preventing plants from developing normally?!

We are all against nature, against the Creator, who endowed our plants with strength by teaching them to search for groundwater. After all, even a person, having steamed in a bathhouse, is doused not with hot, but with cold water. Likewise, plants love cold rainwater. After all, the water temperature in the clouds is close to 0°, and when raindrops reach the ground, they barely heat up.

However, I'm already starting to repeat myself. So let's all think hard about this.

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