Selected chapters from the book “Ayurvedic Therapy” by David Frawley. Health improvement, balancing Vata Dosha, how to balance wind in movements

Is the balance of doshas related to what is happening outside the window? “Yes, because we are part of nature, so all its fluctuations are reflected in our condition,” says Nadya Andreeva, wellness and Ayurveda specialist, author of the “Beautiful and Slim Winter” seminar. - And this usually happens according to the principle “like reinforces like.” Therefore, an excess of some dosha outside of us provokes this inside our body.” Don't believe me? Then remember what happens to our mood and well-being in cloudy weather: it becomes difficult for many of us to maintain cheerfulness and a perky mood.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, autumn is the time when vata dosha predominates. “Her characteristic qualities are lightness, frivolity, transparency and fragility,” says Nadya Andreeva. — And in some regions of Russia, autumn is exactly like this. But in many parts of our country all this is mixed with manifestations of kapha dosha, which is characterized by rain, fog, high humidity, and a certain heaviness.” Without proper adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, this can upset the balance of the doshas in the body and create health problems.

Vata dosha imbalance

It is provoked by windy, cold and dry weather. “This is a positive factor for Pitta people with their hot nature,” says Anuraj Rajendran, A doctor of Ayurvedic medicine in the third generation, a specialist in the Atreya Ayurveda network of medical centers. — But for people of the Vata type it is a negative factor, since their nature is already cold. This will also have an unfavorable effect on people of kapha constitution: their predominant dosha increases with excess cold.”

Imbalance of vata dosha in the body has clear signs. “General symptoms of its imbalance are dry skin and mucous membranes, pain in the joints, bones, limbs, colds, various kinds of cosmetic problems, such as hair loss, dandruff,” explains Anuraj Rajendran. Nadya Andreeva also lists anxiety, insomnia, weakness, mood swings, cravings for sweets and fatty foods as signs of vata “raging” in the body.

Imbalance of kapha dosha

Kapha, as a rule, is enhanced by damp, cold and gloomy weather - rain, sleet, heavy clouds. The predominance of this dosha in nature is well tolerated only by pitta-type people: as mentioned above, it slightly “cools” their temperament. But those who have a vata or kapha constitution will most likely suffer from its excess.

There are quite a few manifestations of excess kapha in the body. “On the mental and emotional levels, kapha can manifest itself as a feeling of lethargy, a slightly depressed, apathetic mood, a reluctance to go out, try something new, or meet strangers,” says Nadya Andreeva. “Physiologically, kapha can manifest itself in the form of excess mucus, cellulite, nasal discharge and respiratory diseases in general.”

What to do?

You can restore the balance of all three doshas in the body through changes in diet, lifestyle and cosmetic procedures. How to proceed?

1. Determine your constitution type (For example, ). If one of the cold doshas predominates in you, keep in mind that in the autumn-winter period you need special attention to your diet.

2. Find out which dosha is predominant today outside. “If you look outside and see that it is cloudy, damp, sleeting or raining, then most likely you should pay attention to balancing kapha,” says Nadya Andreeva. — At the same time, the change of seasons, any changes are always associated with vata. Therefore, in the fall, there will be an abundance of cotton wool in any case, even if it is humid or just cloudy outside today.”

3. Choose the appropriate strategy by listening to your body. Noticed your symptoms unbalanced cotton wool?“Try to exclude dry and light foods and dishes from the menu (for example, chips, bread, muesli, crackers), as well as everything cold. Reduce the amount of food with a bitter and astringent taste: they can lead to constipation and will dry out the body from the inside,” says Nadya Andreeva. In your menu, focus on foods that are slightly spicy or sweet, oily or fatty (add melted ghee to your dishes, eat more nuts and seeds).

The practice of yoga is also worth reconsidering. “Vata is fragile, it can be balanced by gentle practice, with circular movements of the joints and leisurely warming up. “Salutations to the sun”, exercises for the lower abdomen and lower back will have a positive effect,” says Nadya Andreeva.

Do you feel that Kapha is out of balance? Reduce the amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods in your diet, reduce the amount of dairy products and meat. You should also avoid cold foods. The emphasis on the menu can be placed on dishes with stimulating spices, hot soups and stewed vegetables.

“In practice, you should pay a lot of attention to backbends and any active movements - this will disperse the stagnation of kapha,” says Nadya Andreeva.

Both “problem” doshas in autumn will benefit from self-massage with warm sesame oil, herbal teas with the addition of ginger and honey. “Warming breathing, for example, or kapalabhati will help a lot. They warm up the body and improve blood circulation and lymph flow,” says Nadya Andreeva. “In general, it is believed that in the fall it is worth paying special attention to tonic therapy (that is, maintaining vata) and accumulating strength.”

By balancing the doshas according to the season, you can improve your well-being and mood.

Om! Remember your mind, remember yourself.
- Isha Upanishad 14

The danger of excessive treatment

Physical illness often arises as a result of excessive attention to one's physical body and the material world. If we give too much energy to our physical condition, we can thereby aggravate the disease. We must take good care of our body, but we must not allow it to dominate other aspects of our lives. One should make the necessary efforts with faith and patience, but at the same time devote most of one’s energy to the truly spiritual and creative aspects of life.

Nowadays, many suffer from excessive treatment. We take too many medications, visit doctors and healers too often. Excessive efforts to restore health lead to the fact that it is even more upset. Therefore, you should not be impatient and complicate the treatment. If we take too much medicine, we will not achieve success. Even if our condition leaves much to be desired, it is worth thinking about not making it worse. In addition, therapeutic methods take time to show their effects, so they should not be changed too hastily. You should also not use many different methods at the same time, especially strong ones.

Life modes

Sattvic lifestyle

All human beings should adopt a sattvic lifestyle, which gives peace and clarity of mind. Ayurvedic methods are usually sattvic (harmonizing) in nature.

A proper lifestyle is perhaps the most important of the main factors in maintaining physical and mental health. It does not imply the oppression of our nature, but, on the contrary, the revelation of its deepest capabilities.

Vata is a dry and cold dosha. She is soothed by warm, nutritious, soft and easily digestible food. Vata prefers salty, sour and sweet tastes, as well as foods that bring peace and satisfaction.

Rules of Ayurvedic nutrition for people of Vata type:

Prefer hot, nourishing, juicy and oily foods, limit the consumption of cold, dry and rough foods.

Prefer sweet, sour and salty flavors with added spices, reducing pungent, bitter and astringent tastes.

Meals should always be regular. Vata should not eat on the go or hastily, in an excited or nervous state, eat while reading or watching TV.

Vata should not mix too many types of food. It will be better if you eat what you prepared yourself.

All soothing dishes are most favorable: warm milk, butter, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, casseroles, porridges, warm soups, noodles and other flour dishes, stewed vegetables, fresh yeast-free bread.

Cold water and ice should be avoided - cold food increases Vata, so, for example, salads should be at room temperature, not “from the refrigerator”.

A hearty and satisfying breakfast is beneficial, for example, hot rice, wheat or oatmeal porridge, as well as other things: warm, milk and sweet.

Before lunch, you can drink a glass of warm water in small sips. Instead of salad, it is better to eat hot soup; hot porridge for lunch is a completely correct dish for Vata-type people. Boiled vegetables in salads are more acceptable to Vata than raw ones. Fresh bread, butter and warm dessert are also featured.

At the end of the working day, when Vata-type people often experience a decline in performance, hot herbal or ginger tea with cookies or other sweets helps a lot.

Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk.

Vata's problems are often mental in nature, having more to do with their hypersensitivity than with their perceived food. People of Vata type should strictly adhere to the correct regimen and healthy lifestyle, practice yoga and meditation, use it to reduce Vata medicinal herbs.

For example, lassi drink can reduce excess Vata in the body. You can prepare it yourself by mixing half a cup of kefir and water, adding a pinch of chopped ginger, salt or cumin.

DAIRY PRODUCTS. Any more natural dairy and fermented milk products are good and healthy: butter, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream. Milk should be drunk warm and boiled before drinking. You should not drink milk with your main meal.

SWEETS,HONEY and SUGAR. Any sweets are favorable for Vata (just remember in moderation), but halva and honey (in combination with warm milk or ginger infusion) are especially useful.

VEGETABLE OILS. Most vegetable oils are suitable for Vata, in order of preference: sesame, ghee, olive, sunflower, but it works especially well: on the brain - almond oil, on hair - coconut and sesame, on the skin - mustard. You should only limit your consumption of margarine and corn oil.

BREAD PRODUCTS. Bread shown is unleavened and freshly baked, including buns, pies, pancakes or pancakes. White bread and sprouted wheat bread are better than others, you just need to avoid eating crackers, biscuits, crackers, breakfast cereals, etc.

VEGETABLES. Any vegetables, due to their lightness and dryness, are bad food for Vata. Vata can eat vegetables, but only in cooked form (boiled, stewed), with plenty of oil and spices. Eating raw vegetables is possible only in the form of juices. Favorable: beets, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, peas, green beans, zucchini, pumpkin, black olives, okra (okra), Jerusalem artichoke, seaweed, spinach, onions and garlic. Potatoes are acceptable if boiled rather than fried. Limit as much as possible: raw cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, radishes, turnips, peas, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, spinach, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms. The listed vegetables can be consumed only after boiling with oil.

Fruits and berries. Unripe and highly astringent fruits should be avoided; give preference to sweet and juicy ones. Favorable: apricots, peaches, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, grapes, cherries, plums, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, papaya, dates, figs, watermelons and melons (but only ripe and sweet ones). Avoid: consumption of unripe fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries, as well as dried fruits. Apples and pears can only be used after boiling or baking.

CEREALS and LEGUMES. Rice, wheat and oats are very favorable; legumes include mung bean, dal, red lentils, soybeans and its products, and tofu. Need to limit consumption barley, buckwheat, millet, rye, corn, beans, peas, white beans, dry oatmeal, chips, popcorn, dry bread.

SPICES and SPICES. The best spice for Vata is fresh ginger, which promotes digestion. Almost all spices are useful, but especially sweet and warming ones: cloves, anise, bay leaf, basil, black pepper, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cilantro, green shoots of coriander, tarragon, fennel, as well as ketchup, mayonnaise , pickles, chutney, chilli, garlic, tamarind, vinegar, mustard and salt. Limit: bitter and astringent spices - horseradish, saffron, turmeric, coriander seeds, as well as chocolate.

NUTS and SEEDS. All nuts and seeds (except peanuts) are beneficial. The most recommended are almonds, pumpkin seeds, and tahine (sesame seed paste). 10 almonds (but clean - without husks), eaten in the morning, will provide the body with nutrients for the whole day. Salted nuts are better than any other dry and salty snack.

MEAT and SEAFOOD. Possible consumption of chicken, turkey, fish and seafood (all in small quantities). Animal meat should be avoided

TEA, COFFEE AND DRINKS. The following are favorable for Vata: warm or hot water, especially with lemon, hot milk with spices, cocoa, coffee from cereals, herbal teas, vegetable broths, natural wine and beer, juices: apricot, pineapple, orange, grape, cherry, grapefruit, carrot, peach, mango, papaya, aloe, as well as berry juices (except cranberry). WITHshould be excluded carbonated and cold drinks, natural coffee, black tea and strong alcoholic drinks.

HERBS AND PLANTS. Favorable: Ajwain, Marshmallow, Orange Peel, Hawthorn, Wintergreen, Cloves, Strawberries*, Ginger (fresh), Catnip*, Lavender, Lemongrass. Raspberry, Pennyroyal, Spearmint, Peppermint, Oatstraw, Comfrey, Fenugreek, Chamomile, Sassaparilla, Sassafras, Licorice, Fennel, Chrysanthemum*, Elderflower, Chicory, Sage, Saffron, Rosehip, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berries. Don't use: Basil, Hibiscus, Blackberry, Jasmine, Ginseng, Yerba mate, Holly, Feather grass, Cinnamon, Nettle, Red clover, Corn silk, Burdock, Alfalfa, Melissa, Mormon tea (ephedra), Borage, Dandelion, Passion flower, Yarrow, Violet, Hops, Barley.

STARVATION. Preventive fasting is recommended to be carried out once a month for 24 hours on warm boiled water or sweet grape juice.

Dosha Vata– this is a pair interaction of primary elements Air And Ether, and this is not a mechanical combination, but a complex one. Doshas include the qualities of the primary elements themselves and create new properties.

Doshas must be balanced, otherwise various diseases arise. It is the imbalance of the doshas that Ayurveda names as the cause of various diseases.

Also read about other doshas:
Five types of cotton wool

Do you want to know why Vata has such a strong impact on our health? It turns out that for each part of the body there is a specific type of Vata. There are five types in total. And the imbalance of each of these Vatas leads to specific disorders in the body.

  1. Prana Vata(at chest level) causes: anxiety, overactive mind, trouble sleeping, difficulty breathing.
  2. Udana Vata(throat, head): dry cough, sore throat, ear pain, general fatigue.
  3. Samana Vata(stomach): slow or fast digestion, gas, intestinal cramps, poor absorption, weak tissues.
  4. Apana Vata(lower abdomen, legs): intestinal colic, menstrual problems, lower back pain, diarrhea, constipation, gas formation.
  5. Vyana Vata(responsible for the whole body): dry and rough skin, nervousness, sweating, poor circulation, stress-related problems.

Vata rules movement, breathing, balance, coordination. This is the predominant dosha.
Season, when dosha predominates: autumn, spring.
Distinctive features: dry, light, cold, uneven, rough, thin, mobile, clear, astringent.

Regulating Vata dosha gives:

Strong immunity, quick reaction, alert mind, deep and restful sleep, good mood, proper metabolism.

  1. Prana Vata: feelings, creative thinking, overall thinking, enthusiasm, it is the leader of all 15 subdoshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
  2. Udana Vata: good voice, memory, new ideas.
  3. Samana Vata: good movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Apana Vata: complete and timely elimination of waste, strong reproductive function, balanced menstrual cycle.
  5. Vyana Vata: good blood supply, regular heart rate, moderate sweating, heightened sense of touch.
    Locations Vata doshas: colon(main place), hips, ears, bones, organs of touch.
    Times of Day Vata dosha is most active: 2.00-6.00, 18.00-22.00 .

Vata regulates all movement in the mind and body. It controls the flow of blood, the elimination of waste, breathing, and the movement of thoughts throughout the mind. In general, Vata governs metabolism and is responsible for metabolism.

Therefore, both Pitta and Kapha cannot move without Vata. Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic principles in the body. Therefore it is very important to keep Vata in good balance.

Perhaps this is your problem? Then your type is: Vata dosha.

  1. Do you have dry, rough, thin skin?
  2. Are you underweight?
  3. Are your thoughts constantly racing?
  4. Are you worried all the time?
  5. Are you constantly overcome by fears of varying degrees of intensity?
  6. Do you have constipation?
  7. Do you suffer from insomnia?
  8. Do women suffer from vaginal dryness?
  9. Are you often absent-minded and forgetful?
  10. Discomfort and crunching in the joints?
  11. Do you get tired quickly?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you need to balance Vata.

Excess vata causes:
  • Increased organ size
  • Stitching, cutting and pressing pains,
  • Loss of sensation
  • Weakness, body pollution, thirst, trembling, dry skin.
  • Cavity formation, dryness, pulsation, curvature, ossification,
  • Astringent taste in the mouth, blue or pale skin.

Diet for Vata

  • Eat enough food, but no more than you can easily digest.
  • Dairy. All dairy products pacify vata. Always boil milk before drinking and drink it warm. Do not drink milk after a hearty meal.
  • Sweets. All sweets are good (in moderation) to pacify Vata.
  • Cereals. Rice and wheat are very good. Less barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye and oats.
  • Fruits. Sweet, sour fruits such as oranges, bananas, avocados, grapes, cherries, peaches, melons, berries, plums, pineapples, mangoes and papayas. Reduce dried fruits and light fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries.
  • Vegetables. Beets, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus and sweet potatoes are all very good. They should be cooked and not raw. The following vegetables are acceptable in moderation if cooked, especially with ghee and/or Vata-reducing spices: peas, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, zucchini and potatoes. Fresh cabbage and legumes - in small quantities.
  • Spices. Cardamom, cumin, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cloves, mustard and a small amount of black pepper.
  • All nuts good.
  • Oils. All oils reduce Vata.

For Vata type people, it is important to follow a diet, breakfast is especially important, because... it, in its own way, sets the rhythm for your entire day. A simple example: if you eat food in the morning that increases vata, then as a result your stomach will rage for half a day, gases will form in it, and all that. If breakfast “grounds” your dosha, then you will feel lightness and energy in your body.

By the way, it relieves gas in the stomach.

Tastes could not be discussed

This is for sure, but if you want to calm vata dosha, then prefer in your diet, and. Of course, no one is saying that you need to give up, say, astringents or pungents, just reduce the amount of them, giving priority to the first three. By the way, regarding spicy food, such food has a drying effect on the vata body, which can unbalance this dosha. The consumption of spicy and salty foods can be increased in the cold season (winter), but in the summer it is better to focus on sour (and also salty) tastes. In both warm and cold weather, your diet should include a sweet taste as a “background support”.

What should a diet for vata dosha include?

Preference should be given to warm food, moderate in weight, which should contain oil - vegetable or butter (in moderation, of course). Warm milk, cream, sour cream, butter, warm soups, stewed vegetables, hot cereals, and freshly baked bread can calm vata.

It's easy to figure out which foods are right for you once you know the nature of your dosha: Vata is cold, light and dry, so warm, nutritious foods will stabilize it. At the same time, cold salads and snacks, iced drinks, raw vegetables and herbs are capable of... It is important to understand that you do not need to give up consuming these products completely; you just need to consume them in reasonable quantities, giving priority to those that soothe your dosha.

Breakfast was mentioned above, or rather its importance for Vata type people. Hot porridges (and mashed potatoes) made from rice, wheat and oatmeal are very good for breakfast. You can also cook from other grains, the main thing is to remember the principle that your breakfast should be mostly warm (even a little hot), to some extent liquid or puree and, preferably, have a sweet taste or a sweetish aftertaste. Again, you can eat salty foods for breakfast, the main thing is that the dish is warm and not dry in consistency. By the way, some additional advice: it is better to avoid fried or floury foods for breakfast - from experience, such foods have a negative effect on vata dosha in the morning.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink hot herbal tea with some kind of snack (as a snack for vata dosha, salted nuts are good, because they are “heavy” foods and ground vata; but it is better to limit sweets). However, avoid drinks with high caffeine content as it irritates vata.

If you drink milk, drink it hot (ideally after the first “rise” during boiling); you can add a little sugar or honey to it.

For people with vata dosha, all ripe, sweet and juicy fruits are good, but you should not get carried away with green (i.e. unripe) fruits, because they have a strong astringent taste, which enhances vata.

For drinking, it is ideal to use warm or room temperature water; Limit drinking cold water and drinks.

Foods for vata dosha

In general, you can eat all natural foods for all doshas to have a varied and nutritious diet, you just need to understand which foods excite your dosha and which calm it, and plan your diet or diet based on this, if you want.

Vegetables: asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, okra, onions and garlic, radishes, sweet potatoes, turnips.

Fruits: bananas, coconuts, mangoes, dates, melon, peaches, and in general all sweet and juicy fruits.

Cereals: rice, wheat, oatmeal.

Dairy: all are good for vata dosha, only it is recommended to boil the milk until the first rise before drinking - this will facilitate its absorption.

All in all: warm, moist, “weighty” food, moderately coarse or soft, fairly (but not too) oily, with a sweet, salty or sour taste (predominantly; other tastes should also be present, only in smaller quantities relative to those mentioned) ; It is beneficial to use ghee or ghee.

Spices for vata dosha

In general, everything is possible (for a variety of tastes), but give preference to things like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and cloves (in moderation).

What should I do if I have a mixed type?

This situation, by the way, is not uncommon - I would even say that people with 2 dominant doshas are most common. Two dominant doshas - this means that, for example, when you take a dosha test, you get scores distributed by dosha, and usually the picture looks like this: for example, vata - 60 points, pitta - 30, kapha - 10, and in this case, you will be of the vata-pitta type; if you get pitta - 55, kapha - 35 and vata - 10, then you are pitta-kapha, etc. The number of points in this example is conditional (it will depend on the specific test).

Why am I saying this? The point is that when you build your diet, take into account not only the dominant dosha, but also the secondary one (of course, the emphasis is on the main one, especially if there are signs that it is out of balance).

Foods that increase vata dosha

Now examples of what should not be abused, especially if your dosha is already unbalanced.

Vegetables: white and cauliflower cabbage, celery, eggplant, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, peas, peppers, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, zucchini. If you do cook these foods, add more kapha to them, i.e. pure ghee (ghee - you can cook with it), unrefined sesame oil is also suitable. It is better to avoid tomatoes altogether, except for small amounts in salads.

Fruits: apples, pears, pomegranates (we are talking about foods that stimulate vata dosha, in case you forgot :)).

Spices, unsuitable for vata dosha: in fact, vata can eat all spices and herbs, but in moderation. However, if vata dosha is already out of balance, be careful with the following: coriander (both seeds and powder), chambhala (methi or fenugreek), and parsley. You should also refrain from overly hot and “dry” spices, such as dried chili peppers, because. they will increase vata in the body.

All in all: Vata is increased by foods that have a vata dosha nature, such as crackers, frozen desserts, large amounts of raw vegetables and salads made from them. Salads are good, but just don’t load up on them if your dosha is already out of balance or you have nothing to compensate for such foods (i.e., you don’t have foods with a pitta or kapha nature on hand). Vata also increases in the body under the influence of refined foods (sugar and flour, especially the highest grade) - they are light and dry in nature, and excite the dosha. As for tastes - don't eat a lot, and... Also avoid cold foods and stimulants, including alcohol, fast food, tea (especially long leaf and green tea), brown (brown) rice, and foods containing large amounts of refined sugar.