The best technical grape varieties. Wine grape varieties for the middle zone Grapes varieties growing in the middle zone

Grapes are very popular among gardeners in Central Russia, in the Moscow region and more northern regions. Today we’ll talk about varieties that are suitable for growing in the middle zone.

The “child” of a sunny, warm area is the culture of its place and climate. Until recently, the crop was perceived by gardeners in the Moscow region and central Russia as a material for landscape design. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, grape varieties have emerged that are adapted to growing conditions in various regions with more severe conditions. In particular, their climatic features are taken into account here: long frosty winters, late spring with frosts, short-term summer heat, cool autumn.

One of the successful “pioneers” of plant hybridization for these regions was the Russian biologist I.V. Michurin. He is the author of the frost-resistant mid-late variety Buitur (brave bull), capable of growing even without any shelter for the winter.

As you know, half the success of growing grapes depends on the right choice of variety. When choosing modern varieties, it is important to proceed from one of the main criteria - the timing (time) of ripening of the vines and berries. It assumes optimal conditions, namely:

  • the correct choice of a frost-resistant variety with certain taste characteristics, expected yield, and expected labor costs;
  • thoughtful selection of an area that is well lit and protected from cold air;
  • compliance with the rules of planting and caring for bushes;
  • the possibility of early full ripening of fruits (August-September) before a significant cold snap;
  • lignification of the vine after harvesting for safe overwintering;
  • do not allow immature branches to “enter” into the winter in order to avoid their freezing even with a slight drop in temperature.

Features of grape varieties

In the genus Vitis, ampelographs include about 80 species and almost 20,000 cultivars. Based on the intended purpose of the grapes, there is the following division:

Dining room

Table grapes, which are consumed fresh and have medicinal properties. It stands out with large clusters of attractive colorful aromatic berries of various shapes and is not intended for winemaking. During the breeding process, attention is paid to filling the clusters, achieving large fruit size, and reducing their acidity. The yield level here depends on climatic conditions, soil and compliance with agricultural practices during cultivation.

Technical (wine)

Technical (wine) is an excellent raw material for making juices, compotes, wine, cognac. It also retains its qualities in dried form (sultanas, raisins, currants). Its distinctive feature is the high specific gravity of the juice (up to 85% relative to the mass of the berry), and less fullness of the bunch. Here, the biological and chemical composition of the fruit, the method of cultivation, and not the external beauty of the bunches, as with table varieties, are in favor.

The advantages of this group are sweet, thick-skinned berries with seeds, containing a large amount of juice, and disease resistance.

The quality of products made from industrial grapes depends on the place where they grow. Therefore, there is a division into local (native) and transplanted (introduced) varieties.

When characterizing the appearance of table grapes, one can note its brightness and presentability, and technical grapes – a certain simplicity and uncomplicatedness.

Along with these most popular varieties among gardeners, there are also universal varieties that are suitable both for fresh consumption and for making good wine. They differentiate according to other characteristics (decorative, rootstock varieties, covering/uncovering, etc.).

In each of these groups, varieties that meet the above criteria and their intended purpose are widely represented. They are best adapted to the climate of the Moscow region and the entire Central Russia.

The best grape varieties for the Middle Zone with photos

The concept of “best” presupposes the presence of excellent taste and juiciness of the berries, resistance to frost and disease. Important criteria for the compliance of grapes with regional characteristics are the timing of fruit ripening, lignification of shoots, and accumulation of the required volume of substances before wintering. Based on this, the choice is made in favor of early grapes. After all, these varieties require from 85 to 125 days to ripen the berries from the beginning of the “revival” of the eyes on the vine. If this happens from the end of April/beginning of May, then from the second ten days of August - mid-September you can savor the ripe berries.

However, even among this group you can choose ultra-early varieties with ripening periods of up to 95 days (mid-August - first ten days of September).

Table grape varieties for the Middle Zone with photos

Experienced gardeners respond most positively to frost-resistant, early varieties such as:


Aleshenkin has slightly oval large and medium-sized fruits of amber color with a white “patina”. They are filled with sweet-tasting crispy pulp. Their ripening, like that of the vine, does not cause any trouble, even under unfavorable conditions for many grape varieties. High yields require adjustment of the brushes.


Delight is valuable for its spherical, massive, juicy yellow berries and high level of sugar content. Very resistant to frost and disease, does not require shelter.


Diana is the “brainchild” of North American breeders. Possessing large cone-shaped clusters, it has small fruits of pale pink color. Their taste is somewhat reminiscent of the familiar Isabella. It is considered one of the leaders among non-covering varieties for our climate, because it can withstand cold -30°C.

The Malengra seedling, bred by I. Michurin, has medium-sized berries with delicate golden-green thin skin. Depending on the quality of pollination, the yield may vary. This variety is often used for breeding early/extra-early varieties as a mother form.

Pleven nutmeg

Pleven nutmeg is the result of the work of Bulgarian breeders from the city of Plevna. The advantages include the large size of oblong amber-yellow berries, rich in juicy pulp with a pleasant taste and aroma of nutmeg.


Codriana of Moldavian selection has large purple fruits, high frost resistance and does not need shelter for the winter. In terms of taste, it competes worthy with the best varieties of Europe.


Laura (official name - Flora) is a hybrid form created by Ukrainian breeders by crossing Hamburg Muscat, SV 20-473, Odessa small and Husaine. Oval, very large light berries have dense, tasty pulp, sugary juice (23%).

Choosing just early table grapes, we suggest paying attention to such varieties as:

Arcadia (Nastya)

Arcadia or Nastya is considered one of the best forms of Russian selection. The sugar content of berries that are quite large in size and weight, amber in color, and have the shape of a pointed egg, exceeds 20%. They are collected in massive clusters that can weigh up to 2 kg. Withstands frosts down to -25°C.


Victoria also has large clusters with not very densely spaced pink fruits. They are attractive for their juiciness and taste. This uncovered grape is characterized by 100% early ripening, excellent presentation and transportability.

Malengre (precox)

Malengre (precox) has established itself as one of the most worthy among the uncovered forms in terms of high yield. However, its small oval light green berries with pulp that melts in your mouth, although covered with thick skin, do not tolerate transportation well. It is quite capricious in wet weather (cracking of fruits, rotting). This variety is often used to cross with other table grapes free of these problems.


Northern by its very name explains its high frost-resistant qualities (down to -30°C). It is valued for the absence of the need for shelter for the winter, high yields, full ripening in the early stages, and immunity to diseases. It has medium-sized round dark blue berries collected in cone-shaped loose clusters.

Grape varieties: video

Wine (technical) varieties with photos

Many “hoppy” wines are designated by the names of varieties (Aligote, Cabernet, Cahors, Kadarka, Riesling, etc.). However, not all representatives of the genus Vitis can be grown in our conditions. Most often, experienced gardeners and winemakers in the Middle Zone grow white and dark-berry varieties: August ChP, Bruskal, Dobrynya, Magic, Muscat Zolotisty, Rannyaya Zorka, Rondo, etc. This range is constantly being supplemented with varieties by domestic and foreign breeders, worthy of the attention of experienced “techies” and beginners .


A crystal with clusters of cylindrical/conical shape, on which medium-sized light berries are loosely arranged. Used to make dry table wines.

Platovsky nutmeg

Platovsky nutmeg with colorless (white) juicy fruits, “dressed” in a thick peel. In the sun they acquire pinkish tones. They are frost-resistant, transportable and have excellent marketability. At the same time, they are somewhat unstable against pests and diseases.


Siegerrebe - a variety bred by German breeders. It is interesting for its high frost resistance and resistance to various diseases. Its pink berries with a sugar content of about 28% produce aromatic, high-quality wines, juices and other drinks.


Solaris, like its ultra-early predecessor, comes from Germany. It has light green berries containing the same level of sugar. Wines made from Solaris are a mix of nut and pineapple aromas.


Amethyst - created by domestic breeders and can withstand down to -35°C. The berries are purple to black in color and grow to medium size. They have a subtle scent of chokeberry, nutmeg, and blueberry. It is good for both monovin and sepage (mixtures with clones of the same variety group).


Bacchus (Germany) – yellowish-salad, oval, medium-sized berries with a delicate aroma of nutmeg. And extractive wines already made from it acquire a floral-fruity aroma.


Bianka is a “native” of Hungary with greenish-yellow berries, juicy pulp, thin skin. They have a delicate, balanced taste, clearly manifested in juices, compotes and, especially, dessert/dry wines. The ability of the berries to ripen even after harvesting is noteworthy.

Nadezhda Altaiskaya

Nadezhda Altaiskaya, whose taste is reminiscent of late-ripening Arcadia. It has large, elegant clusters with large berries that ripen in the last ten days of August.

F – 14–75

F – 14–75 – this is one of the least problematic forms for the middle zone. The many advantages of nutmeg-flavored berries exceed their small size. They often ripen in early August.

Along with grapes intended for processing into various drinks, universal varieties are also grown in our area. They can be used both as “wine” and as tableware. These are such hybrids as: Gailyune (Golden Barrel), Zilga, Isabella large-fruited, Tambov Riesling, Shatilova 2-72, Express and some others.

Technical grape varieties: video

Growing technology includes such simple processes as:

  1. Determining the time for landing. The best time to start work in the cold climate of our region is the first ten days of May. A guide can be the time before the first leaves appear on the trees.
  2. Choosing a landing site. The best option is a well-lit, sunny area, protected from the north wind. Such an obstacle can be fences, walls of the house on the south side, or a specially installed screen. It is important to ensure movement, not stagnation of air.
  3. Soil preparation at the selected location begins before planting seedlings and cuttings (2-3 weeks before). It consists of loosening the earth (digging), creating not very deep holes or trenches and laying drainage in them. These can be small pebbles, pieces of crushed brick, etc.

Then fertilize the soil with manure or compost at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 m², superphosphate (up to 250 g/m²). If necessary, to neutralize, i.e. reduce the acidity of the earth (pH level from 6 to 7), a little lime should be added (200 g/m²).

After this, build a support up to 3 m high. These can be columns located at a distance of up to 2.5 m from each other. You should immediately stretch several rows of wire between them (the bottom one is above ground level up to 0.5 m, the rest - 30 cm). They will be needed to attach future branches.

  1. Planting seedlings carried out at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the fence with intervals between rows of plants - 2 m. In this case, the grafting site of the grapes should be above the soil level. After planting, seedlings attached to the support and sprinkled with soil must be watered abundantly. To avoid drying out of the planting site, the moistened soil should be mulched with manure/humus/sawdust.
  2. Watering. In general, grapes are quite resistant to lack of moisture due to the fact that the roots penetrate deep into the ground. However, in hot summer weather it is necessary to “water” young grapes generously at least 5 times during the season. In this case, the top layer of soil should be covered with mulch.
  3. : 1 – after harvesting in the fall, 2 – after opening in the spring with the removal of damaged/frozen shoots. To form a full-fledged bush, you need to leave more buds on thick annual shoots, and fewer on thin shoots. This is explained by the need to create conditions for the development of branches and increased fruiting on them.
  4. to avoid the threat of freezing. An exception may be non-covering varieties. When preparing for winter, before the first frost, you need to remove the remaining leaves, trim the branches and remove them from the trellises. The base of the bush is hilled up, and if there is an existing graft, it is completely covered with earth. Then all the branches are not very tightly tied, laid on the ground, wrapped in spruce branches, agrofibre or other insulating materials. The whole thing is covered with roofing felt on top. In the reverse order, the grapes are gradually opened only in the spring.

Following simple rules for choosing seedlings for your plot, planting and caring for them allows you to “taste the fruits” of your labor in just a couple of years.

Grapes are a capricious heat-loving vine. But the tasty and healthy berries are worth any effort to grow. Industrial vineyards are concentrated in the south of Russia, but winegrowers successfully cultivate the crop in the Urals under protected soil conditions. Whether the first experience of growing grapes will be successful depends on the correct choice of good varieties. In the Moscow region and the central zone, not only the winter hardiness of the variety is important, but also the ripening period of the grapes. Forms with a long growing season simply do not have time to mature and form a full-fledged brush. We offer you an overview of the best grape varieties, compiled based on reviews from experienced winegrowers and amateur gardeners.

What types of grapes are there?

Grape varieties have a complex classification. According to the type of agricultural technology and purpose of the crop, they are divided into technical And canteens. If the former, which produce small sour berries for processing, grow well and bear fruit without fertilizers, then the latter, which form large beautiful clusters, require a high level of agricultural technology. Table varieties are inferior to technical varieties in terms of resistance to major diseases.

According to frost resistance they are distinguished covering And uncovered forms. They differ somewhat in both design and care. This distribution is valid only for a certain climatic zone or even region. The same grape variety in Volgograd can be grown without shelter, but in the Moscow region it already needs protection. Varieties are also grouped according to the color of the berries and the intensity of nutmeg in the taste.

Winegrowers with many years of experience find it difficult to single out the ten best grape varieties, because each group will have its own favorites. At the same time, there are no ideal varieties without a flaw: for excellent taste and large beautiful bunches, you have to pay with susceptibility to disease and a tendency to crack. All table varieties are treated with fungicides in the spring for prevention, and less resistant ones are sprayed in the summer. The varieties presented below are always present at gardening exhibitions and are most often recommended to beginning winegrowers.

Just some fifty years ago, the words grapes, viticulture, vineyard were perceived by ear as something southern, sunny, hot, resort and sweet pleasure. During the season, of course, the residents of the middle zone and Siberia were regularly supplied with the miracle berry to the markets, mostly by dark-skinned horsemen in airfield caps. Many of the older generation remember plank stalls in old bazaars and large clusters of elongated golden “lady fingers” filled with the sun, not local - calm and peaceful, but foreign - scorching and sultry.

Time passed and it suddenly became clear that the breeders were not asleep. New grape varieties have been developed with a shorter growing season, early and very early harvests, and frost-resistant vines. Now the sun in the middle zone and more northern regions is enough for the foreign miracle berry to ripen and fill with sweet juice. And the endless and deep snow only helps this berry in winter. Because you can wrap the vine in them like in a warm duvet. And then the grapes will sleep under the snow all winter, so that in the summer they will again bestow their sweetness and honey smell on their caring owners.

Table and universal grape varieties

Grapes for central Russia, table varieties, that is, intended for fresh consumption. Grapes in the middle zone, including those in the Moscow region, may well gain from 16 to 24 percent of sugars, which will make them indistinguishable from those from the south, a useful and pleasant addition to the winegrower’s table.

Important! An amateur gardener is quite capable of growing a crop of up to 18 kg from each bush, every year. Unlike other garden crops, grapes bloom late, when the threat of return frosts has already passed.


Early variety. The grapes are slightly oval, greenish-yellow, large, crunchy, with a bright muscat smell. They grow in clusters weighing just under a kilogram. Lightweight and transportable variety. The bush is very tall and massive. The grapes are resistant to fungal diseases and have good frost resistance (down to -24 degrees). In the middle zone it winters with little shelter.

The beauty of the appearance of the variety


A very old and early variety. Ripens in a good warm summer in the second ten days of August. The berries are small, but have excellent taste. The color of the grapes is amber, with a muscat aroma. The sugar content is up to 20 percent, the bunches reach two kilograms with proper care. Winter hardiness is high, in the middle zone it requires a little shelter, possibly with non-woven covering material.


Uncovered grapes of medium ripening, very beautiful, dark blue with a whitish waxy coating. The fruits are round, sweet and tasty. Highly winter-hardy - winters under snow without shelter.

Beauty of the North

The berries are whitish-green in color and very sweet. The clusters of this grape are small and of medium size. Highly winter-hardy - overwinters without shelter. The bush is compact, very beautiful. Ripens very early, fully ripens even in the northern regions of the country.

Beauty of the North grapes

Russian early

One of the most delicious and, perhaps, the earliest in the ranking of early grape varieties. The berries are large and very sweet, with a harmonious taste. The brush is weighty, beautiful, attractive in appearance. The color is dark smoky. It will ripen even in the northernmost regions. Overwinters with little shelter.


High-yielding early grape variety. Resistant to diseases and pests. Overwinters without shelter, withstands frosts down to -32 degrees. Sugar content up to 18 percent. The grapes are sweet, the flesh is tender, crispy, the aroma is with a hint of kiwi. The brushes are small, light, pink-greenish. It is quite suitable for cultivation in central Russia.

Attention! When choosing any grape variety, gardeners in central Russia must familiarize themselves with the rules for growing a particular variety in certain climatic conditions.


It boasts a great berry taste. The grapes are huge, thin-skinned, finger-shaped, and come in a variety of colors in one giant cluster. Fruit colors range from yellow-pink to red and burgundy. Early and tall, requires constant pruning and quickly begins to bear fruit. Requires shelter during the cold season.

Sensation grapes


Grape variety of Siberian selection, early ripening. Seedless, self-rooted. The clusters are large, regular conical shape, dense. The berries are small, amber in color with a tan. The taste is simple but harmonious. Resistant to diseases, is an excellent pollinator for other varieties.

Interesting. Frost-resistant, winters in the middle zone under little cover.


The variety is characterized by medium-sized clusters and very large berries. Does not require special care, the berries are aromatic, juicy and sweet. Capable of producing up to 10 kilograms of grapes from one bush. Ripens in early September and has no tendency to pea. Frost-resistant, winters with light shelter.


A new unpretentious variety of early ripening grapes. Capable of bearing a high load, up to 7 brushes on each shoot. The flowers are bisexual and do not require pollinators. Sugar gains slowly, but the percentage is high (up to 22%). Productivity up to 20 kg per bush. Winter-hardy, but requires little cover.

Grape Seedling Charlie

Super Extra

The second name among gardeners is Citrine. Ripens in any region. The bush is vigorous, the clusters are large, the berries are surprisingly sweet and large. Overwinters with little shelter, flowers are bisexual, self-fertile. It is well transported and has early ripening properties.

Technical grape varieties for the middle zone

The best varieties of technical grapes for central Russia are intended for obtaining raw materials for grape juices and, of course, for producing your own homemade wine.

Note! How do technical varieties differ from table varieties? If you compare it by taste, it’s practically nothing. It’s just that the berries of technical grapes are inconspicuous - small, juicy, watery, and the cluster is denser. You can eat it in the same way as table food.

A list of grape varieties suitable for making homemade wine is presented below. The varieties were selected based on the possibility of cultivation in central Russia.


A hybrid of Baltic selection, incredibly winter-hardy. It is quite capable of spending the winter without shelter. Harvest up to 15 kg per bush. The fruits are purple, medium-sized, with a matte blue waxy coating. Sugar in grapes is up to 20 percent; it wilts on the bush without falling off after full ripeness. Ripening period is 110 days. Capable of 100% self-pollination.

Saperavi Northern

A variety of the famous Georgian Saperavi. The flowers are bisexual, the cluster is medium sized. The berry is small, dark blue, with a thick matte waxy coating. Dark pink juice contains sugars up to 28 percent. Traditional variety for winemaking. It has long been used in wine production. It overwinters only with good cover. Late variety.


Technical grape variety of very early ripening. Small brushes - up to 200 grams. The berries are small with a pink blush, sugar content is 20 percent, used to produce dessert and table wine. Winter-hardy, hardy, winters with light shelter, you can use covering material.

Additional Information! It is best to buy varietal material from trusted sellers or directly from nurseries, of which there are now a great many.

Growing grapes in the middle zone is a fascinating and educational process for the amateur gardener. The reward for this work will be a delicious miracle berry. A bowl of grapes grown with your own hands will be an excellent decoration for any holiday feast.

is a perennial crop that requires painstaking care from the gardener. Growing grapes in a summer cottage is complicated, since in a small area it is not easy to allocate a lot of space to the vine and provide the shoots with enough light and heat.

When selecting grape varieties for a personal plot, one must proceed from climatic conditions and, most importantly, from the biological characteristics of the plant.

  • The grapes prefer to grow on the sunny side and cannot tolerate constant shading. When planting bushes in a summer cottage, it is better to look for a place on the south side and provide the plants with protection from the wind.
  • For the most part, grapes are heat-loving and may suffer during wintering or spring frosts.
  • Grapes require proper treatment against diseases and pests that cause devastating damage to the harvest.
  • It is important to choose a site for grapes with soil suitable for growing, good drainage and heating.

If the gardener manages to create comfortable conditions for the planted bushes, then you can expect a high and high-quality harvest.

But the grape varieties selected for planting must be extremely hardy, productive and easy to care for.

One of the oldest and most unpretentious varieties, bred in the 18th century in the USA, Isabella grapes grow and bear fruit well in many regions with different climatic and soil conditions. On average, from bud opening to the ripening of dark blue round berries, it takes from 130 to 150 days. This grape variety belongs to the table grape variety, easily tolerates winter cold and can be grown without additional shelter, and is resistant to most diseases and phylloxera. Due to its unpretentiousness, Isabella is often used for landscaping.

According to the description and photo, this grape variety demonstrates a high growth rate in the summer cottage. In order to prevent excessive bush density, which promotes the development of mildew and slows down the ripening of shoots and the accumulation of sugars in berries, the vine is subjected to summer pruning.

In summer cottages, Isabella grapes produce cylindrical dense clusters, weighing from 140 to 200 grams and consisting of sweet and sour aromatic berries covered with a bluish waxy coating.

The Amur grape, grown in many summer cottages, has just as many advantages as Isabella. Cultivated varieties of this unpretentious plant, especially popular in the northern regions, obtained from crossing wild-growing Far Eastern plants, also find a place in central Russia.

From the wild ancestor, the Amur grape, according to the description and photo, took frost resistance, the vine tolerates cold temperatures down to -40 ° C, tallness and the rate of formation of new shoots.

Mature vines of this plant can climb to a height of up to 30 meters without growth restrictions. The annual growth exceeds 2 meters, and the main trunk of the grape is so powerful that it reaches 15–20 cm in diameter. Flowering of this grape variety begins in early May. The flowers, like those of other varieties of this species, cannot be called attractive, but the subtle aroma emanating from the brushes attracts a lot of insects.

The clusters ripening in September are large, sometimes reaching a length of 25 cm and weighing 250 grams. On average, the clusters weigh about 70 grams and consist of round, medium-sized berries of blue-black color. The consistency of the berries is juicy, the taste is sweet or, depending on the growing region and weather conditions, sourish and pleasant. The berries are covered with thick skin and can be consumed both fresh and as part of culinary preparations.

As can be seen in the photo and their description of the variety, Amur grapes are distinguished by large foliage, which in summer has a dark green color, and by autumn it acquires purple, violet, orange or yellow hues. This property of this grape variety makes it especially valuable for landscaping a plot and a country house.

Kesha grapes: variety description and photo

From Kesha grapes planted on a summer cottage, the first berries should be expected 120–130 days after the buds open. The variety produces vigorous vines with stably ripening shoots that survive winters with temperatures not lower than –23 °C. Grape shoots take root well, the plant has increased resistance to mildew infection and other diseases caused by fungi. This grape variety is distinguished by its early entry into the fruiting season, high yield and taste of the berries.

As can be seen from the description and photo of the Kesha grapes, the variety produces cylindrical-conical clusters of moderate density, weighing from 500 to 900 grams. The large oval berries, covered with medium-thick skin, are light golden or white in color with a pink blush, up to 3.2 cm long and weigh about 12 grams. The taste of the berries of this grape variety is sweet, harmonious, and the consistency is dense.

Once removed from the vine, the Kesha grape bunches can be stored and transported.

Grapes Delight: description of the variety and photo

To the photos and descriptions of grape varieties for a summer cottage, you can add Delight, which ripens 110–120 days after the appearance of young foliage. This early variety has an average growth rate, good tolerance to winter frosts down to -25 ° C, and high yield. Depending on weather conditions and the growing region, the vine requires 1–2 treatments against oidium and mildew. The shoots almost always ripen by winter; the best results in a summer cottage can be obtained by cultivating Delight grapes without shelter, for example, on arched formations.

The culture responds well to fertilizing, producing large clusters weighing from 550 to 2000 grams. Bushes with a large volume of perennial wood produce especially good harvests. According to the photo and description, the Delight grapes ripen oval-shaped berries, about 2.7 cm long and weighing up to seven grams. The color of ripe berries is white or light golden; the flesh of this grape variety is crisp, sweet and has a pleasant juice content.

Fully mature brushes can be stored on bushes for up to one and a half months without loss of quality. The harvest is well stored.

Anyuta grapes: description of the variety and photo

V.N. Krainov is the author of many grape varieties and high-yielding hybrid forms known among viticulture enthusiasts. According to the description and photo of the Anyuta grape, this hybrid of Krainova selection is also worthy of the attention of gardeners and summer residents. Rich harvests from tall grape bushes are harvested in the second half of September, while at the stage of flowering and ovary formation, normalization is necessary for this grape variety, otherwise, as a result of overload, the shoots ripen worse, and the berries turn out to be smaller and less sweet.

With high disease resistance, it is better to cover the bushes for the winter, since the Anyuta grape for central Russia is not frost-resistant enough.

The conical bunches of grapes of this variety weigh 700–1200 grams. The berries are oval, extremely large, weighing 14 grams. Anyuta berries have a beautiful deep pink color, thick, but not excessively skin, a harmonious taste and an unobtrusive nutmeg aroma.

The early-ripening hybrid grape Victor, also related to the achievements of V.N. Krainov, produces even clusters already in early August. The vine of this grape variety produces strong growth, the shoots ripen well during the season, but due to insufficient frost resistance, the bushes require shelter for the winter.

The Victor grape variety produces cylindrical, full-bodied bunches, the weight of which varies from 500 to 1000 grams. The density of the clusters is medium, the berries weighing from 9 to 14 grams, elongated with a pointed tip and an attractive pink color. The berries of this variety, interesting for summer residents, have a harmonious taste and fleshy, juicy pulp.

Resistant to phylloxera, gray rot and mildew, they are classified as late-ripening varieties. The clusters are removed from vigorous bushes of this grape starting in mid-September, and in some areas in early autumn the berries do not even have time to develop their full sweetness. Moldova is characterized by average resistance to frost, early onset of fruiting and excessive growth of bushes, which negatively affects the ripening of the berry and its size.

As can be seen in the photo and from the description of this grape variety for a summer cottage, Moldova produces medium-density conical or cylindrical conical clusters weighing from 300 to 500 grams. In some cases, it is possible to obtain bunches weighing one kilogram. Like other late grape varieties, Moldova berries have dense skin, dark purple in color and covered with a thick bluish coating. The berries are oval, quite large with a crunchy, fleshy consistency.

After harvest, Moldova grapes retain commercial quality for a long time, are transported and stored.

In mid-August, bunches of Augustine grapes, a high-yielding table variety, ripen, even in unfavorable years producing up to 60 kg of sweet berries per bush. The variety is characterized by increased frost resistance and resistance to known infections of this crop.

The bushes are distinguished by their high growth vigor, which makes it possible to use Augustine grapes for landscaping gazebos. When a large number of ovaries are formed, normalization of the brushes and growth is necessary.

According to the photo and description, this grape variety for a summer cottage produces conical bunches weighing about 500 grams. The density of the clusters is average, and the berries that make them up, permeated with light, are distinguished by their harmonious taste, golden hue and weight up to 5 grams. The ripe crop can be stored on the vine for up to 2–3 weeks. Wasps rarely cause damage to the hands; cracking and peas are not observed.

Grapes Kishmish

Today there are many varieties of grapes that delight the gardener with seedless, juicy berries. These brushes are always popular with both children and adults. In dacha plots right up to the Moscow region, the Kishmish No. 342 grape performs better than the rest, ripening in 110–115 days from bud opening.

Kishmish of this variety shows high growth vigor, survives winters with temperatures down to –26 ° C and annually pleases with abundant harvests. The average weight of a bunch is 500 grams, but on mature bushes of the Kishmish No. 342 grape, with a good supply of perennial vines, the bunches are as weighty and dense as possible. The berries are sweet, juicy and fleshy, practically without seed primordia, have a diameter of about 1.7 cm and a weight of up to 5 grams.

Grapes Nadezhda AZOS: variety description and photo

On the vigorous bushes of the Nadezhda AZOS variety, the berries ripen already in the second ten days of August. The grape variety is resistant to putrefactive and fungal diseases. Unfortunately, the winter hardiness of this variety is average, so when growing it in a summer cottage you cannot do without shelter.

The clusters of medium looseness have a conical shape and weigh 400–600 grams. The elongated or oval berries of Nadezhda AZOS are memorable for their rich dark color, dense pulp and simple but very pleasant harmonious taste. Among the advantages of the variety are excellent transportability of the clusters and the ability to be stored for a long time after being picked from the vine.

Nadezhda AZOS grapes, according to the description and photo, have good marketability and show consistently high quality berries.

Aleshenkin grapes: variety description and photo

From the Aleshenkin grape bush on a personal plot you can get up to 10 kg of berries. The ripening period is very early and does not exceed 110–120 days.

The grape variety is characterized by strong growth, decent ripening of young shoots and good rooting at . Even in rainy years with cool summers, the bushes produce a bountiful harvest. Judging by the description and photo, Aleshenkin grapes need rationing of shoots and brushes in order to speed up the harvest and improve its quality.

The Aleshenkin variety for the middle zone is not very resistant to diseases caused by fungi. It tolerates frosts in the winter season and spring frosts well.

The grape variety produces large, conical-shaped loose clusters. The average weight of a bunch is 500 grams, but under favorable weather conditions and proper care, the bunches reach a weight of 2000 grams. Aleshenkin produces medium-sized berries, weighing about 4 grams. The color of round and oval berries is amber or golden-greenish. The grapes have a pleasant sweet taste and crispy texture.

Video about grapes at a dacha in the Moscow region

​Similar articles​

History and description

​End of August - beginning of September​


Table varieties

​. Early ripening form. Last summer it ripened on August 20th. The clusters were not large in size, but their beauty is very attractive, the ripening of the vines is very good. For southerners, this form may not be as attractive. But as the owner of a northern vineyard, I still see only merits in it.​

Early grape varieties

​. We have a problem-free form in the north. The berries and clusters are not large in size, but otherwise have the same advantages. This form was the first to ripen last summer (August 5-10), and individual clusters hung until mid-October. It has a pleasant nutmeg taste.​

​Grapes have been sung countless times throughout human history. In addition, in the Bible, wine made from it is mentioned not only as a means to amuse the soul, but also as a cure for many diseases.​

Medium varieties

The best grape varieties for growing in Russia

​end of August​

  • ​Valiant (Brave)​
  • ​350​

Wine grape varieties

Photos of these varieties with descriptions above

​I am convinced that northerners should try not only early, but also early-middle varieties - given the long daylight hours in the north, some can perform excellently. The optimal ripening time for “techie” varieties, unlike table varieties, is by no means super early! A wine variety that is good for your area (especially red) should ripen within the maximum time allowed in your region, harmonizing its taste and absorbing the sun and warmth of the earth into the berries. This is the opinion of many experienced wine growers and winemakers. For our “Moscow-Tver” places, the optimal and at the same time the maximum possible late ripening time (before the first wave of autumn frosts) is approximately September 18-22, and a number of varieties from my list of recommendations fit into this scheme.​

White grape varieties

​Cardinal Lux​





​Scientists consider grapes to be one of the first plants cultivated by humans back in prehistoric times. In particular, written references have been preserved indicating its cultivation in Egypt and Mesopotamia in the 5-6 millennia BC. e.​

​There are many other grape varieties that grow well in the middle zone and are used as raw materials for preparing aromatic homemade drinks. When you decide to plant one of them on your site, be sure to check the data on its ripening time and resistance to major diseases.​

The best grape varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia

​beginning of September​


​Shatilov's hybrid​
​Characteristics of northern wine grape varieties - Table 1​

Read also: How, when and where to plant grapes ​8.8​

​. This variety was one of the first to ripen for me. It has more advantages than disadvantages, which include insufficient resistance to major diseases. The berry is sweet, juicy, after ripening it stays on the shoots for a long time and continues to gain sugar.​​. Does not need recommendations, the famous winegrower Evgeniy Polyanin said very well about it: “If they told me that I could only keep one variety for myself, I would choose Over time, this fruit spread throughout the world, and today plantations where various varieties of grapes are cultivated can be found even in Australia and South America. The shoots of this plant are called vines, and its fruits grow in clusters, which consist of 5 dozen or even several hundred berries, depending on the variety. As for the berries, they have different sizes and are oval or spherical in shape. If we talk about color, it can vary from bright yellow and greenish to dark blue, purple, black and pink. Grape bushes bear fruit for quite a long time, on average up to 80-100 years. 30% of the berry content is glucose. In addition, the fruits contain organic acids, minerals, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2 and provitamin A. Juice is obtained from grapes by squeezing, from which, after fermentation, wine of various strengths is obtained. The main thing that characterizes grapes is the varieties, the description of which will be given below.​ ​Wish you good grape harvests and aromatic homemade wine!​

​Extra early grape variety. Very productive, has increased frost resistance (up to 29°C below zero). Not susceptible to diseases, including gray rot.​​early​

​universal​ ​Variety​

​In a technical vineyard, it is important to focus on the quality of the grapes, and not on their quantity. The optimal yield for red varieties with frequent (up to 1 m) planting is 2.5-3 kg per vine, for white varieties - up to 5 kg. Therefore, yield standards for technical varieties are simply necessary. The first of them is carried out in the third ten days of June at the “pea” stage. Depending on the variety, we remove 30-50% of the brushes. We are not greedy.​​Find out more information​

​Charlie​ ​Laura​ ​Today, grapes are usually divided by area of ​​use as follows:​ ​On this page I will publish descriptions, photos and video materials of table, universal and industrial grape varieties growing and bearing fruit on my site (Belarus, Gomel). All varieties grow in open ground and ripen well and gain varietal taste and size characteristics. You can read more about the description of the variety you like by clicking on its name or link​

​An early-medium ripening variety (the harvest can be harvested 130-140 days after the start of the growing season). Resistant to diseases, tolerates severe frosts well. Productivity is average.​ What culture is afraid of is drafts. Therefore, it is better to plant it along a high fence or near the southern wall of the house.​

​early​ ​Purpose​

​The second normalization is carried out at the end of July. As a result, in European varieties and Amur hybrids of the Far Eastern selection line, we leave 1-2 brushes on the fruiting shoot (depending on the age of the bush), and on every third shoot we remove all the brushes. Without standardization, the sugar content of berries will be insufficient.​about grapes

​. Amazing new shape. This year I planted four inflorescences on one shoot - I had to remove them. Such forms are called “suicides”:​​"…The clusters and berries are large. This form grows almost

​Technical grape varieties are primarily intended for the production of wine (wine materials) and juices. However, they have rather mediocre taste. Two more distinctive features - the pulp in the berries is much less than the juice, and the clusters consist of berries of small mass, which are tightly pressed to each other.​​"Read more..."​

The clusters are small. The berries are medium-sized, yellow-green amber in color, with thin, durable skin.​ ​The average weight of the bunches is 170-200 g. The berries themselves are also not very large, oval, yellow-green or white in color with a slight waxy coating.​

​150​ ​-30°С

​Ripening​ ​Ringing shoots when the berries are in the pea stage increases the final weight and size of the berries, while later ringing (in the softening phase of the berries) is absolutely ineffective. Removing the leaves around the bunches promotes better coloring of the berries.​

​, its varieties, including​ ​If the number of ovaries is not normalized, the plant will exhaust itself. Large bunches. The taste is pleasant and harmonious. The vine ripens well in our conditions.​
​everywhere and does not let anyone down.​

​Table grape varieties. They are usually grown for fresh consumption as food. They are distinguished by excellent taste, have rich pulp and contain little juice. Moreover, the mass of the bunches is 0.5-2 kg, and they themselves consist of several dozen large or very large berries.​
​Before you start choosing grape varieties, I strongly recommend that you study this article​

The juicy pulp has a rich nutmeg aroma. That is why Odessa Muscat is ideal for making white table and dessert wines.​​The pulp is very juicy, it harmoniously combines acid and sweetness.​
​Note to the winegrower:​ ​300​
Frost resistance (without shelter) ​For the perception of the taste of grapes, the indicators of sugar and acid content are not as important as their ratio. The sugar content in grape juice is measured as a percentage, the acid concentration - in grams per liter, and if their ratio is approximately 2: 1, then the taste of the grapes is harmonious. If the ratio is 3:1 or lower, the taste will be uniformly sweet. Well, everyone understands what sour taste is.​
​uncovered even in the conditions of central Russia​ ​At the beginning of September, an impromptu “pomological commission” was held at the editorial office of the magazine “Gardener”. I suggested to eight editorial staff
​Shunya​ ​Universal varieties, as the name suggests, can be used with equal success both for food and for making drinks. For such grapes, the pulp and juice in the berries are approximately in the same ratio, and the clusters have an average weight of up to 1.3 kg.​
​«​ ​Purpose​
​Crystal grapes are ideal for making dry table wines.​ ​Northern viticulture, regardless of the area and latitude, is usually called the cultivation of a crop in a vineyard where the frost-free period is 135 days or less, and the average daily temperature in summer is +15...+20 °C.​
​Platovsky (Early Dawn)​ ​Bunch weight (g)​
​More about grape varieties - description (we are talking about both covering and not, there is also information from Potapenko varieties)​​, and also about​
​Try the berries of the new harvest and rate the varieties on a ten-point scale. Here are the results.​ ​. The vine ripens before the harvest - a sign of high frost resistance. The clusters are very elegant, according to the description they are bright red in color, but rather dark pink. The berry is large, 6-7 grams. This year it ripened on August 21-26. Resistance to major diseases is quite high.​
​Kishmish varieties, or, as they are also called, raisins, are used for drying, making confectionery and in cooking.​​How to choose the right grape variety.​
​Sugar content (%)​ ​Purpose​
​Technical grape varieties (“techies”) - varieties for winemaking.​ ​universal​

​Crystal​ ​Crystal​​how to care for him,​ ​Gala​​Nadezhda Aksayskaya​ ​As already mentioned, viticulture has a history of thousands of years, during which hundreds of varieties have been created, including table grapes.​ ​«​ ​Bunch weight (g)​

Northern grape varieties for the Moscow region and Central Russia for making wine at home

Northern, frost-resistant wine grape varieties - description, photos, care tips

​Sugar content

​Universal varieties (“generalists”) - varieties for fresh consumption, making juice and wine.​



​We have it ready by September 1st, medium height. The berries are yellow-green with a matte pruin, the taste is harmonious, sugar content is up to 19%, acidity is 8 g/l, does not crumble, and loses acidity when picked late. For food, juice, excellent wine - “mono” and in blend.​

​can be found from other materials on our site. Pay attention to the information block to the left of the text. There are links leading to other articles about grapes. And on the main page of our website for questions about this plant

Nordic wine grapes

​. The taste is similar to the variety Arcadia, beloved by many, but earlier ripening, therefore, unlike Arcadia, in the conditions of the Moscow region it grows outside the greenhouse. The clusters are elegant, beautiful and large. The berry is large. The ripening of the vines is very good. High stability. Ripening - at the end of August.​

​A special 10-point scale was developed to evaluate them. Moreover, unlike technical varieties, not only taste is important for dining rooms, but also appearance, since they are often a decoration for banquet tables. Also, to assess the quality of such grapes, the factor of early ripening is important. In particular, there are early (very early and simply early), early-mid, middle, mid-late and late varieties. In quantitative terms, this parameter is expressed as the number of days that must pass from the moment the buds appear until the berries fully ripen.​

​This will give you the opportunity to approach your choice consciously and avoid many mistakes and disappointments in the future.​

​Berry weight (g)​

​Bunch weight (g)​

​By the way, about wasps and the fight against them in saving grapes:​


​Prin (Platinum)​

​answers an experienced winegrower-practitioner.​



​Among specialists involved in growing this plant, the Pearl Sabo variety is still considered the standard of early ripening. This Hungarian variety is more than 100 years old, and its fruits can be tasted already on the eightieth day after the buds open. Its distinctive features also include a pleasant musky taste and high fruitfulness. The only drawback is the small size of the berries, which makes “Pearl Sabo” uncompetitive in comparison with other varieties that ripen quite early. However, many gardeners are happy to plant it on their plots in order to be able to enjoy delicious berries already in the middle of summer.​

​The “Flora” grape variety, which is how the “Lora” grape form, long known and beloved by many winegrowers, was entered into the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine, is a great success of the Odessa Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after. V.E. Tairov NAAS of Ukraine. By crossing the varieties “Muscat de Saint-Vallier”, “Husayne”, a mixture of pollen “Muscat of Hamburg” and “Koroleva Tairovskaya”, scientists managed to obtain a form of grape that is truly excellent in its taste and varietal characteristics. ​

Early and mid-early grape varieties for the Moscow region and Central Russia - you can’t rush!

​Ripening period​

​Berry weight (g)​

Caring for grapes grown for wine

  • ​Of course, the sweet grapes will ripen and attract wasps. To combat them, place traps in the vineyard with diluted beer, kvass, compote, just do not forget to change the “filling” in time. And remove the leaves around the bunches of grapes - they will be better ventilated, this will reduce the risk of fungal diseases to which, unfortunately, almost all grapes are susceptible.​
  • ​200​
  • ​-29 °C​
  • This variety has amber, crispy berries, a harmonious taste with nutmeg, sugar content 19%, acidity 7 g/l. The vine ripens well. Do not overexpose the berries on the bushes. For food and wine in a blend.​

​I am always amazed by people like the author of this article, who grow grapes, as she herself puts it, in the “Moscow region,” and especially not just table grapes, but varieties from which you can make wonderful wine. Even in the Kuban we can’t always get along with nature (in the field of growing grapes, and apparently not only after Krymsk), so this year after the winter, summing up the experience, I had to write an article: Caring for grapes damaged by frost and pruning them after frost.​

Northern grape varieties from which you can make good wine at home - photo description and characteristics


​. There is an opinion that with heavy rainfall, Victoria berries crack, but I did not observe this in my area. A worthy variety and, given its pedigree, promising for cultivation in the north. The berries and clusters are very beautiful. Frost resistance is high, as is resistance to major diseases. With a very high harvest load (I did not standardize the number of ovaries this year), the variety ripened on August 25-30.​

​In addition to Zhemchug Sabo, the definition of “early ripening grape varieties” includes Ekaro-35, ripening on the 88th day, Galahard - on the 89th day and Serafimovsky - on the 89th day. At the same time, it is known that gardeners continue to work on breeding faster-ripening grapes. In addition, the issue of obtaining frost-resistant options is relevant. Among the domestic varieties, one can also note the very early table variety Donskoy agate, which ripens well even in cloudy weather and has a large, conical, somewhat loose bunch, consisting of large, almost black, round berries. Arcadia is one of the early ripening varieties. This is a table variety with medium-sized bushes and high yield. Its clusters are very large and dense, and the berries are white.​

​Pruning (eyes)​

​Ripening period​




​The winter for our region was severe - the grapes froze very much. What can we say about Central Russia and the more northern and eastern regions where frosts of 25 degrees will not surprise anyone (though in our case it has exceeded -30). The man from whom I buy the grapes in bunches and seedlings spent 7 years creating an amazing multi-varietal vineyard (which, by the way, has almost all of the listed varieties), and this year, after wintering, according to his confessions, no more than a quarter remained - the vine was gone. And what varieties there were, you buy them and your eyes run wild - grapes are the size of a hen’s egg... It’s such a pity - you can see for yourself on his main page in the photo of his mother holding a crow half the size of herself (link - site about grapes and winemaking). lives in the Crimean region. His name is Sergei, who happily answers questions about vineyard management, varieties, and is generally a first-class specialist in the fight against grape diseases.​


​Nakhodka AZOS.​

​In Russia and Ukraine, in order to obtain a harvest at least in September, for decades they were forced to grow grapes belonging to the category of early ripening grapes. However, today, in connection with the climate changes observed on the planet, middle varieties of grapes have become popular, which ripen within 130-145 days from the beginning of bud break at a total of active temperatures of 2600-2800 ° C. In addition, medium-late varieties are known, which include , for example, the French table grape Alphonse Lavallee and the American variety Isabella, which is quite popular, the berries of which are collected in clusters weighing 140 g of moderate density and almost cylindrical shape.​

​This remarkable form has been the unchangeable leader in the ratings of grape varieties for many decades in terms of the totality of positive characteristics. Yes, there are varieties that are tastier, some are more productive, some are more frost-resistant and less painful, but if you put all the characteristics together and consider the totality of all the negative and positive features of a particular variety, it turns out that there has been no alternative to Arcadia for many years. It is for this reason that this variety can undoubtedly be called the most popular grape variety in the post-Soviet space. ​


​Pruning (eyes)​

​Grapes are the ideal raw material for making homemade wine. However, not all varieties of this crop grow well in the middle zone and are suitable for processing.​


​Prime (Platinum)​

The variety ripens in mid-September and is easily restored when frozen. The clusters are numerous, the berries are dark purple, juicy, sugar content is 22%, the taste is simple, the juice is not colored. There is a need for rationing of bunches and prevention of oidium. Promising for breeding. Suitable for red table wines - light, dark ruby ​​in color. When the variety is processed “in white”, dry, flesh-pink wines with a berry and fruity taste are obtained.​

​And look, in central Russia, despite the winters, they not only grow wine, but also make wine.​


​Selected clone of a famous variety​


​Technical (wine) grape varieties are not as beautiful as table grapes. But they are less whimsical, and their berries are distinguished by high sugar content (19-26%) and high juice content (75-88%), which makes them an ideal raw material for winemaking. Wine grape varieties are also used to prepare juices, compotes, soft drinks, etc.



​Golden Muscat Rossoshansky​

Of course, growing wine (technical) grape varieties in the Moscow region, Central Russia, for example, Tver and other regions of Russia with a similar climate (and in the north of Europe) is somewhat more difficult than in traditional viticulture areas, but much more interesting! This is a very real thing, you just need a creative approach.​

​Veronica​ ​Delight​ In addition, in Russian climatic conditions, good results can be achieved by growing the following varieties:

​Kishmish No. 342 or Hungarian sultana is a hybrid form of grapes of very early ripening. From the beginning of the growing season to the full maturity of the grapes, the variety needs only 105-110 days. In my country (Gomel), the variety ripens first in mid-August, 1-2 weeks earlier than other varieties.​

​17-18​ ​Despite the fact that grapes are a heat-loving crop, even in the middle zone you can harvest good yields of sweet berries. The main thing is to plant the “right” varieties on the plot, which will ripen before the end of September.​ ​-30°С


​Local form from Volgograd, which showed itself well in the Russian north. A very beautiful and vigorous variety, not afraid of overload, does not crumble, golden-green berries, harmonious taste, light nutmeg, sugar content up to 25%. For food and wine in blend and mono.​ ​The basic principle of winemaking in the northern regions​ ​7.6​ ​. A chubuk of this form was sent to me by an experienced winegrower, breeder Yuri Ivanovich Sidorenko. This year the grapes ripened on my plot on August 12-17. I see only a small drawback: the skin is relatively hard. But every cloud has a silver lining: it is too tough for wasps, so the berry lasts a long time, gaining more and more sugar.​

​American variety Valiant. It is vigorous and exhibits good resistance to low temperatures and has dark blue and blue berries. At the same time, the sugar content in fruits can reach 20 percent. In addition, Valiant is suitable for beautifying garden areas, as it is an excellent choice for landscaping hedges and garden arbors.​

​This hybrid form of grape was developed in Hungary through breeding work with varieties such as “Villars Blanc” and “Perlet”. ​

​1,8-2​ ​170-200​ ​We offer​
​Magic​ ​With good effort, you can get bad wine, but you will never make good wine from bad grapes with insufficient sugar content and lack of harmony in taste. The basis of every great wine is vineyards planted with the “Correct” varieties, and a specific terroir: a set of local conditions in harmony with the local varieties. If you have planted decent varieties and they really grow, you will get a noble wine. To do this, you need to thoughtfully use the climatic and geographical advantages of your region, neutralize the disadvantages and unlock the potential of each variety.​ ​Victoria​

​Super Extra.​

Augustine is a table variety that belongs to the category of early ripening varieties. This is a very unpretentious, reliable and high-yielding variety. Its clusters can be stored without picking them from the bushes for 20 days. The cluster of the Augustina variety is conical, large, of medium density, consisting of large, elongated white berries that have a harmonious taste and are slightly translucent in the sun. Suitable for decorating hedges and garden gazebos.​

​"Read more..."​ ​September​ ​1,5-2,1​

​5 technical grape varieties that are well suited for growing in the middle zone​

​Somerset Seedleys​

​400​ A vigorous variety that ripens in mid-September. After frost, it is restored with fruitful shoots. The berries are dark blue. The taste is harmonious, with a faint nutmeg-honey aroma. Sugar 23%, acidity 8 g/l. The pulp is juicy, the juice is not colored. The formation of bushes in the south is a two-armed cordon, in the north it is a fan or an inclined cordon. Suitable for red wines.​ The experience of enthusiasts who test grapes in risky farming areas helps determine the varieties. One of these vineyards is mine. It is located in the Tver region (300 km north of Moscow).​
​The most famous wine-producing regions in the world are the Mediterranean countries, Germany, Hungary and Chile. Georgian and Crimean wines are especially famous in the CIS, and wine grape varieties are also used to produce the famous Armenian cognac. Wines are also produced in Moldova. In addition, grapes for making wine have been grown in Australia for more than 150 years, where they were brought from Europe.​ ​The variety of large-fruited table grapes “Kodryanka” was bred by specialists from Moldavian​ ​3-4​

​second half of August - beginning of September​

​universal​ ​Marinovsky ​Shatilov's hybrid​

​Brief information on our “terroir”: northern latitude 57° 64, poor sandy soils, subsoils - moraine sandy loam, CAT (annual sum of average daily temperatures exceeding +10 °C) 2000-2400 (in recent years higher). The average temperature in July is +17…+ 19°C, the frost-free period is 130-135 days, frosts are not excluded before June 10 and after September 22.​

​Nakhodka AZOS​

​berries and a very early ripening period, the variety is a clear leader in these indicators. This form has everything to fit into our latitudes, and thoroughly. This year the berries ripened on August 10-15 - surprisingly early!​ ​Among the most valuable and famous varieties are Aligote (Makhranuli), French Cabernet Sauvignon, also known as Lafite, White Kokur, bred in ancient times in Egypt, White Muscat, German Muller Thurgau, famous Georgian Rkatsiteli, French Chardonnay, Armenian 3000-year-old the Mskhali variety and the Hungarian Furmint are the main raw materials for the production of excellent Tokaji wines, for which Hungary is famous. These top grape varieties come in many varieties. However, they are used to make excellent wines, which are very popular among true connoisseurs of this sunny drink.​ ​NIIViV "Vierul"​

​The variety attracts winegrowers with its high yield, resistance to frost and disease, as well as its early ripening (ripe bunches can be harvested in late August - early September).​

This variety is especially popular among winegrowers, because it is highly productive, is not afraid of pests and is not susceptible to fungal diseases. In addition, it perfectly tolerates frosts down to -22-24°C.​ ​early​ ​technical​

​Vigorous, comprehensively resistant to diseases and pests, the berries of this grape variety are black, small, sugar content up to 25%, acidity 8 g/l, colored pulp, very tasty and rich juice.​

​We grow grapes in open ground, in a covered culture. It was planted on a gentle southern slope in shallow trenches along a south-north line. We use two types of formation: fan and inclined cordon according to Belikova. This winter, on February 13, we had a temperature minimum for the last 40 years: -42 degrees. But our grapes, after opening, were cheerful and cheerful. Bloomed on June 6. The planting interval of technical varieties is a debatable issue. Our “techies” are planted approximately 1 m apart.

​7.9​ ​Viktor​ ​Despite the popular belief that white wines can only be made from green or yellowish-green berries, such drinks can also be made from pink or red grapes. The fact is that, regardless of the color of the skin of the fruit, there is colorless juice inside them. However, white wines are usually sweeter and lighter than red wines, and have a lower strength. The main feature of the production of such drinks is the organization of fermentation of grape juice in the absence of berry skins.​

​from the well-known varieties “Moldova” and “Marshalsky”. After the Italians acquired a patent for this variety, the variety changed its name to “Black magic”, but for us it will forever remain under the well-known and beloved name - “Kodryanka”. The variety has a very early ripening period; from the beginning of the growing season to the technical maturity of the grapes, the variety needs 110-120 days. ​

The clusters are small and loose. The berries are small, round in shape, dark blue in color, sweet and sour in taste, with a light musky aroma. This grape variety produces delicious table and dessert wines.​

  • ​The variety ripens very quickly (110-115 days after the start of the growing season) and is characterized by high yield. It is not afraid of frost (29°C below zero), has average resistance to diseases and pests. Medium sized bunches.​
  • The berries are round, medium in size, black or red-violet, covered with a specific waxy coating.​


​Platovsky (Early Dawn)​

Wine grape varieties for central Russia.

More than a hundred varieties have been tested; currently about 70 “techie” and “general-purpose” varieties are being tested, not counting the table varieties. They are all of different origins (Russia, Ukraine, Eastern and Western Europe, USA), but they grow in our latitudes, ripen and are suitable for high-quality juices and wines.​


​. This year it bore fruit for the first time, in the third year after planting - and three clusters at once, which amazed me both in size and in terms of ripening. Individual berries reached 38-40 mm in length. And I recorded ripening on my site on August 15-20. The vine ripened “good”. I'm looking forward to the next fruiting.​

​Experts believe that the best grape varieties (white) are grown in France. In particular, the already mentioned Chardonnay variety is recognized as their queen. White Chardonnay wines are also produced today in California, Australia, Italy, Argentina, Germany, South Africa, Austria, Chile and New Zealand. In order to get the original oak flavor, they are aged in special large oak barrels. In this case, you get an expensive elite drink. As for mass production, they use simple oak barrels or add oak chips and even special essence. Obviously, in such cases there can be no question of obtaining truly high-quality wine that will appeal to true connoisseurs.​ ​"Read more..."​​Purpose​


​Round white berries with a pinkish tint are also not outstanding in size, but they are very juicy and sweet, with a slight musky aftertaste.​

The pulp of the berries is fleshy, dark green, with a large number of seeds (4-6), the taste is sweet and sour, with a slight strawberry tint.

​-32°С ​Very early (end of August) grape variety, white berries, pinkish in the sun, harmonious taste. The pulp is juicy, the skin is thin and durable. Sugar content 20%, acidity 8 g/l. Be sure to remove stepsons! It is eaten quickly, but can also be used as a blend for wine.​ ​Some grape varieties seem to immediately say: “We are yours!” - for example, Rondo, Bruskam, varieties Shatilova, Crystal and Muscat golden Rossoshansky. Others will torture and suffer themselves, but suddenly they will get used to it and say: “okay, we’ll stay!” And with others you have to part... ​8.1​ ​Phenomenon (Augustine, Pleven stable).​ ​When considering white grape varieties, it is impossible not to mention German Riesling. It has been noted that the most delicious wines are obtained from berries grown in the Moselle River basin in Germany. In addition, there are excellent vineyards in the Alsace region of France, and this variety is also cultivated in Hungary, Austria, Argentina and the USA. While white wines from Chardonnay are known for their oaky flavor, drinks from Riesling are distinguished by the taste of pears and green apples and a floral-fruity aroma.​
​Due to the large size of the berries (relative to other technical varieties) and rather thin skin, “Druzhba” is a universal grape variety, that is, it can be used to make not only wines and juices with a unique muscat taste, but also to be consumed fresh as table grapes. And increased resistance to fungal diseases, high frost resistance, excellent yield and extremely early ripening, along with an excellent muscat taste (many winegrowers consider the taste of Druzhba to be the standard of muscat aroma), make this variety very promising in such non-traditional northern regions as Belarus and Central Russia .​ ​Sugar content (%)​ ​The Platovsky grape variety produces delicious table and dessert wines.​ ​Purpose​ ​Dobrynya​ ​400​



​We grow our grapes with love and have already learned a lot about them. But we’ve only recently been walking down the “winemaking road.” Last year, we made trial blends from a number of varieties that had entered stable fruiting: Rondo-Bruscam (dry red) and Muscat golden Rossoshanskiy in a blend with Kristallomy Platovskiy (dry white).​

​Nadezhda Aksayskaya​

​A truly phenomenal combination of sustainability, yield and taste. The clusters are conical, very beautiful, the berries are oval. Ripening in the second half of August. The vine is ripening perfectly.​

​The history of the white Muscat grape variety goes back to the times when Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs. Some researchers even associate its creation with the name of Cleopatra, which is completely unfounded, since it has been proven that it existed several centuries before the reign of this queen. Today Muscat is cultivated throughout the world, including South Africa and Australia. There are many different types of such grapes, as well as wines made from them. In particular, they can be either light and dry, with a low alcohol level, or sparkling, very sweet and strong.​

​ “Read more…”​ ​Bunch weight (g)​ ​Purpose​ ​Sugar content (%)​ ​technical​ ​Golden Muscat Rossoshansky​
​I have it ready on September 17th, strong, beautiful, holds the load. The grapes have black berries. Harmonious taste, sugar gains unevenly, from 17.5 to 22%. Good as a base for wine in a blend.​ ​Delicious! We look to the future with hope and interest. You can, of course, make wine “at home,” but we are thorough people: a wine press, a crusher and small barrels made of Adyghe oak have already been purchased. Now it’s time for a new harvest and new crops. Consider that the “first tower” for our future northern “chateau” is already being built, and we will continue testing new wine grape varieties for the north.​ ​8.3​ ​First-Called.​ ​As you can see, over many millennia of their history, people have been able to improve the grapes that, according to ancient Greek legend, were given to mortals by the Olympian gods, and have learned to create excellent wines from them. By the way, it is believed that the level of development of a country and people can even be judged by the culture of drinking wine.​ ​Crystal is an excellent frost-resistant variety of technical grapes of Hungarian selection. The variety has a very early ripening period - 110-115 days from the beginning of the growing season to technical maturity. Growth strength is average. Frost resistance is at -29 degrees, which makes the variety conditionally non-covering even in such northern regions for viticulture as Belarus. The clusters are medium in size, conical in shape, with medium density and weighing about 200 grams. The berries are small, oval-shaped, yellow-green in color with a pruin coating, weighing 1.5-2 grams. The taste is harmonious. The “Crystal” grape variety is used for the production of dry white table wines such as sherry. ​


​Berry weight (g)​

​Sugar content (%)​

​Bunch weight (g)​

​early​ ​universal​ ​Somerset Seedleys​ ​My test results​ ​Phenomenon​ ​Another gift to us, northerners, from southern breeders. Early ripening: August 18-23. The berry is beautiful, oval in shape, amber in color. The vine ripens very well.​
​To plan the purchase of seedlings, it is important to find out how different varieties performed among “experienced” gardeners. This is especially true for grapes, because here a good choice of variety is half the success. ​"Read more..."​ ​Ripening period​ ​Bunch weight (g)​ ​Berry weight (g)​ ​-32°С

Muscat Odessa


​Grape variety bred by Swanson (USA). Medium height, very early (late August). The berries are bright, pink, as if glowing in the sun. The clusters are small. The taste is harmonious, with a refined note. Perhaps the best seedless variety for northern viticulture. For food, but worth a try for wine production in combination with other seedlis.​

​White “techies” are easier to grow in the north than red ones; bringing their sugar content to the 17-19% required for white wine in our latitudes is quite realistic. But among winegrowers there are many fans of dry red wine, which is healthier than white wine - with a high content of bioflavonoids. For such wines, the grape condition begins with a sugar content of 20% and above.​

​8.3​ ​Summer Muscat.​ ​Told by Viktor Deryugin, a practical winegrower (​ ​The variety of white technical grapes “Platovsky” was bred at the Russian VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko, through selective crossing of such varieties as “Zaladende” and “Magarach’s Gift”. Due to its very early ripening (110-115 days from the beginning of the growing season to technical maturity) and the slightly reddish tint of the berry, it is also called “Early Dawn”. The berries are medium, weighing 2 grams, round, white, pinkish in the sun. Sugar content 20.2%, acidity 8.9 g/l. The grapes are used to make table and dessert wines. The tasting score of dry table wine is 8.4 points, it can be used for further distillation and production of high-quality strong drinks. ​ ​Pruning (eyes)​ ​Berry weight (g)​
​Ripening period​ ​300​ ​-30°С ​Dobrynya​ ​There are the most reliable varieties that grow in our country for 5-10 years and are guaranteed to produce harvests.​ ​Arcadia (greenhouse)​


​Early ripening, excellent taste, wood ripens very well (the key to good winter hardiness). This variety will remain in my vineyard for a long time.​

​Like last year, the summer was hot. In the second half of summer in the Moscow region, where my vineyard is located, it rained more often. For grapes, rain during the ripening period is a problem; in many varieties, the berries crack and rot. But as a tester, I was even glad of this circumstance: there was a good opportunity to look at the reaction of individual varieties and forms and highlight the best. Here are some results.​

​"Read more..."​ ​technical​ ​Ripening period​ ​Pruning (eyes)​ ​Rondo​ ​350​
​Grape variety selected by Potapenko, vigorous. The berries are dark purple, sugar 22%. Productive, resistant to mildew, gray rot, requires preventive treatment against oidium. Red wines are dry and semi-dry, well colored, with a successful bouquet.​ ​White: Crystal, Prim (Hungary), Platovsky and Muscat golden (NIIViV named after Ya.I. Potapenko).​ ​8.5​ ​Gala​ ​In amateur viticulture, not only varieties included in the register of breeding achievements are common, but also those not officially registered (they are called forms). Both are included in the review: some forms represent​ ​The variety was bred at NIViV "Magarach" (Crimea) by the method of generative hybridization from crossing the varieties "Madeleine Angevin" and (Magarach No. 124-66-26 + Novoukrainsky early). Technical variety with early-medium ripening period. The taste is harmonious, with a strongly pronounced citron-nutmeg aroma. Sugar content up to 25-27% with acidity 5-7 g/l. Tasting assessment of wine materials is 7.8-8.0 points. Based on this variety, in 1998 (“Livadia”, Crimea), a new brand of wine “Muscatel White” was created, which has already won the Grand Prix Cup (1999), silver (2000) and gold (2001) medals at international competitions of wine products in IV&V “Magarach” (Yalta). ​

​Pruning (eyes)​

Grape varieties. Description, photo+VIDEO |

​technical​ ​technical​

​Magic​ ​Rondo​ ​Red: August (Augustovsky black), Dobrynya selection Potapenko, Amur hybrids Shatilov 1-95.​​Laura​​. This is a new product that is being tested. The clusters and berries are very large. Disease resistance is high.​

Table grape varieties - varieties intended for fresh consumption

FLORA (Laura)

Great interest for fans. You can purchase them from collectors, in clubs or in small private nurseries.​ ​"Read more..."​



KISHMISH No. 342 (Hungarian school)

​mid-early​ ​technical​

KODRYANKA (or “Black magic” Black magic)

​Variety of Czech-German selection, “grandson” of “Pinot Sepage” and “Amurtsa”. Vigorous and beautiful, optimal for ripening in the north for wine varieties. You can leave it to “get” the sugar. With a standard shelter it easily tolerated -42 °C and is resistant to mildew. Pollinates well. Productive, high fruiting of the lower buds. The berries are matte black, the skin is thin but durable, the taste is harmonious and rich, with a cherry tone. Sugar up to 22%, acidity 9 g/l. Requires protection from early frosts, wasps, and birds. A good colorant for wines with a Merlot character.​ ​Varieties planted with us less than 5 years ago, but which have entered into stable fruiting: Magic, Klyuchevskoy, Bruskam (all from the Ya.I. Potapenko Research Institute of Viticulture), Somerset seeds (USA), Rondo (Germany), Taiga bisexual (Saratov ).​​8.5​​Cherry​

Universal grape varieties - varieties intended both for fresh table consumption and further processing - wines, juices...


​F - 14-75​

Technical grape varieties - varieties intended for winemaking and juice preparation






​mid-early​ ​Valiant (Brave)​

​Varieties whose testing has not been completed have signal clusters, but there is no stable fruiting yet. Basically, these are the “youth” of various areas of selection (European, Amur, European-American). Among the European varieties that are promising, in my opinion, are Bianca, Solaris, Seyval blanc, Ziegerrebe (white) and Leon Millau, Cabernet Cortis, Pinomenier, Regent, Pinot noir fruitful, Marechal Foch (red). Among the Amur varieties selected by Potapenko are Ametistovy and Marinovsky, as well as the Far Eastern Amur hybrids Galver and Novikov. In addition to the quality of the berries, the advantages of these varieties would include resistance to disease (while our infectious background is low) and high fruitfulness of the lower buds. Some Amur varieties (like Marinovsky, Amethyst) are good for making dry rose wines using the “white” method: from pure juice without infusion on pulp. And some Amur hybrids bred by Galver (P-26, P-33) are suitable for full-bodied, rich red wines. Seedless varieties (seedlies) from the USA - Reline pink seeds, Einset pink seeds, Venus, Somerset seeds, Jupiter - this is a zone of experimentation, from them you can get juices and wines with interesting combinations of flavors.​ Early varieties of carrots for the middle zone