Dill decoction for newborns from colic recipe. Dill water for newborns: recipe, benefits for children and dose. Is it possible to make water from regular dill?

How to make dill water for an infant

Colic in newborns is a difficult ordeal for both babies and parents. The first three months of a child's life are almost always marred by sudden pain in the intestines. Attacks usually occur daily, at the same time. Can last for 2 hours. And at this time the baby is more or less calm only in his arms. Cries a lot, draws up her legs, turns red, and may pass gas. His stomach is very tense.

What are the causes of colic in newborns? If they were known to science, then perhaps a cure would have already been invented for them. But he's still not there. There are only effective and not so effective effective ways ease the child's condition a little.

What to do for colic in newborns

1. Do not overfeed. Everything is clear with the mixture - it must be given at certain intervals and in a certain quantity. But when breastfeeding on demand, sometimes it is worth not giving the baby the breast “on demand”. Or stop feeding if it causes pain to the child.

So, in what case should you interrupt feeding, perhaps even give a pacifier to your child? If he draws his legs in and cries, he throws up his chest. The baby does not understand that it is the flow of fluid into the intestines that provokes pain in him and continues to suck. And, most likely, not even from hunger, but simply because of the sucking reflex. In this case, you need to deviate a little from the standard recommendations of lactation consultants and listen to the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky.

2. Create a good climate at home. This applies to both psychological climate- no one should talk loudly, swear, or air temperature and humidity. If the baby is comfortable, any colic is easier to experience. The humidity in the room should be at least 40 percent. And the temperature is not higher than 22 degrees.

3. Massage your tummy. Lightly move your palm clockwise around the navel. This helps the gas trucks move away faster. After the massage, it is very good to apply a warm diaper to the baby’s tummy (you can warm it up with an iron or in the microwave).

Effective remedies for colic in newborns - fennel or dill water

This is one of the most famous remedies for intestinal pain in a child. Used everywhere by our grandmothers. All that remains is to figure out where to get it and how to prepare it.

Buy real dill water for colic in newborns at the pharmacy. Take a prescription from a doctor. And this recipe indicates the composition of the product, which must be prepared in a special department of the pharmacy. Not every pharmacy has such a department. A prescription for dill water for newborns, prescribed by a doctor, may include the following active and auxiliary ingredients:

  • dill oil;
  • sugar;
  • distilled water;
  • talc.

And all this in certain quantities and proportions. If they tell you that such dill water can be prepared at home, do not believe it. There is no way you can make the kind of water you get in a pharmacy yourself. Only something vaguely similar. And if you try, it is only at your own peril and risk. An independent method of preparing dill water for newborns against colic at home is dangerous for the child’s health.

By the way, in pharmacies, for the production of the described product, the essential oil of not ordinary dill is often used, but its special variety - sweet fennel. It has not only carminative properties, but also antispasmodic, hepatoprotective and antifungal. And also, like any essential oil, it is a potential allergen. Therefore, you should start giving the drug in very small quantities, literally with half a teaspoon, and observe the child’s skin reaction. If all is well, the dosage is gradually increased. But, of course, dill water for newborns cannot be brewed and given to the child to drink instead of water, or supplemented with it. Consider it medicine. And, naturally, it must be taken in doses, like any medicine, even if it is of natural origin.

Dill water helps well against colic in infants when consumed in very small quantities. Literally one teaspoon before feeding should help. Next, according to the child’s well-being. It is usually recommended to give this remedy 3-4 times a day.

At what age can you give dill water to your baby according to medical recommendations? Almost from birth. It is usually recommended from the age of 2-3 weeks, in fact, when the most severe colic begins. A systematic increase in the child’s nutritional intake also plays a big role in this. And if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to buy pharmacy dill water, you can make it yourself. But its effectiveness will be several times lower.

Here is one of folk recipes. A teaspoon of fennel seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder, needs to be poured with 200 grams of boiling water, covered with a lid and left for an hour. Next, if the volume of liquid has decreased, add it to 200 grams. All is ready. The decoction can be given to a child. It is highly advisable to prepare it daily and not store it in the refrigerator for more than a day.

An alternative to dill water are pharmaceutical products such as Plantex, children's tea bags based on fennel, and Baby Calm, which also contains fennel.

The first months after the birth of a baby are a rather difficult time, since the body is not yet fully formed, and disruptions in its functioning may occur. Babies often suffer from increased gas production and colic, which can haunt them for quite a long time. The question of how to help their child faces many young parents. Experienced mothers and fathers advise using dill seeds for newborns who have similar problems.

Baby's gastrointestinal tract

Understanding the processes occurring in the child’s internal organs will allow you to quickly navigate the issues of helping the baby.

The formation of the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn is a complex process. Only by the end of the first year of life does his work stabilize. Before this period, not all enzymes are produced; the pancreas is still weak and produces little bile, the amount of which is not sufficient for the normal functioning of the body.

The intestinal microflora is not stable. The child suffers from flatulence, frequent regurgitation occurs, and bowel movements occur irregularly. As the internal organs develop, everything falls into place. But until this happens, the baby may have disturbed sleep and appetite. Even newborns in excellent health suffer from frequent bloating in the first few months of life.

Of course, it is impossible to speed up the process of formation of the gastrointestinal tract, but parents are quite capable of helping the child.

Dill fragrant fruits for newborns

Despite the fact that not all parents trust folk remedies, one of them is the best and time-tested remedy for colic and flatulence in infants. Dill seeds have been used successfully for newborns with similar problems for a very long time.

Dill seeds help newborns:

  • relax the smooth muscles of the intestines, as a result of which the pressure on its walls decreases, which in turn reduces gas formation, and the baby’s colic goes away;
  • remove fermentation products and normalize the child’s stool;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • as a diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys;
  • normalize sleep in infants.

So dill seeds for newborns are an indispensable remedy that you should always have on hand.

Pharmacies often sell ready-made dill water. It is quite suitable for use by children, but has a short shelf life. Therefore, many mothers prefer to prepare the decoction themselves.

How to brew dill seeds for a newborn

Seeds of dill and dill (fennel) are suitable for preparing such a decoction.

Dill decoction for newborns is prepared as follows:

  1. Dill seeds must be washed in warm boiled water.
  2. Grind a tablespoon of seeds in a mill or coffee grinder.
  3. Brew the resulting cereal in 100 ml of boiling water and leave to steep until it cools completely. This usually takes 40 – 45 minutes.

Also, dill seed for newborns can be prepared in a “water bath”:

  1. The seeds need to be “steamed” for about half an hour in 200 ml of water.
  2. The finished broth must be brought to the original volume of liquid. This can be done using chilled boiled water.

Also quite effective dill tea for newborns from fresh dill. But greens should be grown exclusively at home. Any assurances from vegetable sellers that the dill they sell is exclusively organic should be questioned for the sake of the child’s health.

So, finely chop homemade dill and brew with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes the drink is ready.

But it should be remembered that a decoction of seeds is more effective.

Attention! The decoction of any preparation should be thoroughly strained through several layers of gauze before use. And in order to be completely sure that small particles of seeds have been eliminated, it is worth straining the liquid through a waffle towel, or organza or lavsan. These are denser fabrics with good throughput. The fabric should be new, well washed with baby soap and boiled.

How to give dill water to a newborn

Dill infusion can be used starting from the first days of a child’s life. It should be offered to a newborn in small portions. It is better to check with a neonatologist for the amount required for the baby to achieve results, but usually this is a teaspoon per feeding.

The baby should drink the decoction 15–20 minutes before feeding. Then the decoction will have time to have a beneficial effect on the intestines.

You should know that children often have an extremely negative attitude towards dill seed decoction and refuse to take it. Moms have to resort to different tricks. Some people add it to a bottle of water, some mix it into milk, some into formula for feeding. Each mother has her own secret in how she takes dill infusion.

  1. Dill seeds should be purchased exclusively at the pharmacy! Seeds sold in “Everything for the Garden” stores are absolutely not suitable for feeding children.
  2. You should not prepare dill broth for newborns a week in advance. It will be enough for 3-4 uses.
  3. It is also useful for a nursing mother to drink dill water with her baby. This helps improve lactation, as well as normalize sleep, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. By the way, you can also give the young dad a decoction of dill seeds to drink. His central nervous system is also subjected to enormous stress due to the new unusual responsibilities that have appeared.
  4. Don’t forget to conduct an allegory test to determine your child’s tolerance to dill infusion. It is better for the mother to drink dill tea first and breastfeed the baby. Then introduce the decoction in small doses into the child’s diet, and in the absence of an allergic reaction, increase the volume to the optimal amount.

This is all that young parents should know about dill seeds for newborns. Whether or not to use them to improve the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract is up to you. But this simple remedy has helped minimize colic and bloating in more than one generation of babies.

No to colic! Dill is our answer!

The real test for a baby is abdominal pain. Doctors know what dill water is for newborns against colic and advise its use. In pharmacies and baby supply stores there are many products to alleviate the condition of the tummy in the first months of a child’s life. But how to understand them? Should you make your own dill water? The answer to this question can be found by studying the available medications and the recipe for dill medicine.

Dill water for newborns is fennel oil dissolved in water. In some cases, auxiliary components are added - various medicinal tinctures, including chamomile decoction. Fennel is sometimes called dill, although they are different plants. Hence the name of the drug. Newborns can receive it from the first days of life.

Where do digestive problems come from?

A child’s digestive system is not fully formed at the time of birth. Intestinal development is complete by 6 months of age. The stomach and esophagus are still very weak and are ready to digest only ideal food. But even mother's milk can cause colic in a baby. The products that the child’s mother consumes do not always provide confidence in the safety of the consequences of their consumption. All components that enter the mother’s body with food penetrate into breast milk. A baby can react even to relatively safe bread or steamed food, not to mention various fruits.

To prevent the baby from developing allergies or colic, the mother should carefully choose food. It is necessary to exclude red and orange foods:

  1. Strawberries.
  2. Raspberry.
  3. Beetroot.
  4. Apples.
  5. Watermelon.
  6. Oranges, tangerines.

Pediatricians advise not to eat citrus and exotic fruits. It is advisable to include more vegetables, cereals, and plants in your diet. You can eat only those that do not cause increased gas formation, excluding:

  • Cabbage.
  • Beans, peas, lentils.
  • Radish.
  • Grape.
  • Apples.
  • Melon.

It is necessary to exclude sweets, smoked foods, excessively salty and spicy foods, and fast food from the diet.

Baby's reaction

Newborn colic often occurs during or after eating. The baby begins to wince and groan. Often the pain makes him scream, pressing his legs to his tummy. It becomes easier only after stool or release of gas.

You need to be careful. If a child does not eat well, he begins to vomit, diarrhea, dill medicine cannot be saved. Need to call urgently ambulance or contact a doctor.

In other situations, it is worth observing the baby and studying his reaction to food intake. You may need to change the brand of baby food if the mother switches to formula feeding her baby. Another remedy may not cause violent reactions in the newborn's intestinal tract.

If, when changing the diet and strictly following the rules by the mother (while breastfeeding), the baby suffers from colic, then help will come dill water for newborns. One of the drugs known is Plantex. The doctor will recommend other medications from the pharmacy or refer you to the prescription department. You can prepare the medicine yourself. It is known that in the old days children were given a tincture of dill seeds.

Useful properties of fennel

These include:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins.
  2. Helps create beneficial intestinal microflora.
  3. Helps relax muscles and relieve spasms.
  4. Vasodilation.
  5. Assistance in accelerated urine excretion.
  6. Relieving inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  7. Stabilization of the heart muscle.
  8. Helps stabilize the nervous system.

Dill is good for all organs. It is also used to improve the functioning of the bronchi, lungs, and even to increase visual acuity, mixed with carrot juice. Dill water for newborns can also be consumed by the baby’s mother to increase the amount of milk and get rid of gas formation.

The main property is the elimination of colic in a newborn. The dill remedy seems to collapse the gas bubbles, making the baby feel much better.

Preparing the tincture

In the prescription departments of pharmacies, water for newborns for colic is prepared simply. The pharmacist mixes 0.05 g of fennel oil (extract from dill seeds) with 1 liter of water and mixes thoroughly under sterile conditions.

This drug is stored for up to 25-30 days.

But it's better not to keep it that long. It is advisable to use the product 2 weeks in advance.

In pharmacies you can buy fennel powder in bags. The rather aromatic and pleasant-tasting product must be diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Kids enjoy drinking this liquid.

For children a few days old, doctors recommend purchasing pharmacy versions of the product, since parents cannot always maintain optimal proportions. The sterility of preparing tincture or dill infusion is also a cause for concern. As soon as the baby’s gastrointestinal tract gets stronger, you can prepare the medicine yourself.

A few grams of fennel seeds are infused in boiling water for 1 hour, filtered and sold in the prescription department.

If the medicine is sold in glass containers, the glass should be darkened, and such medicine should not be stored in the light.

How to make the drug at home?

Original recipe for colic remedy:

  1. Grind the fennel seeds.
  2. Measure out 25 g of raw materials.
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Leave for 60 minutes.
  5. Strain the product and cool it.

The product does not last long, so you need to use it before the end of the day.

Another recipe. You need to purchase fennel oil at the pharmacy. Water – purify (you can take it from the filter and boil it). Proportions: for 1 liter of water – 5 drops of oil. This product can be stored longer than a tincture or decoction of dill seeds. The drug can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

You can also prepare medicine from fresh dill. It needs to be chopped finely and left in boiling water, or boiled for 2 minutes. The strained and cooled liquid should be given to the newborn.


Making dill tincture at home is more a budget option. In pharmacies, the product is expensive, especially if it is from well-known manufacturers.

How to give a decoction to your baby?

Drop by drop. If the baby is very small, 15 drops dissolved in milk or water are enough. You can give the product from a pipette onto the tongue. Over the age of 1 month, the number of drops is gradually increased to 30.

The drug should be taken before meals and in between feedings, when the baby is given plain water. In this case, you need to stroke the baby's tummy clockwise. Massage helps relieve pain and brings pleasure to the child.

5 ml of dill product is added to the feeding mixture. In order for the child to quickly get used to eating from a spoon, the drug is poured 1 drop into the mouth not from a pipette, but from a small spoon. This method is used when the baby is only breastfed, without formula feeding. It is permissible to give dill remedy up to 6 times a day.

In rare cases, fennel can cause allergies. If this happens, you need to consult a pediatrician about remedies for colic and increased gas formation in the baby.

You should be wary of overdose. You need to carefully read the information on fennel seed packets. It is advisable to avoid purchasing pharmaceutical products with impurities of other components. In a newborn, even ordinary chamomile taken with dill medicine can cause unwanted reactions.

Of the contraindications of dill remedy for colic, there is one warning. The drug should not be used by people with low blood pressure. If a newborn has health problems related to the functioning of the heart or blood vessels, you should consult a doctor before giving dill tincture.

For colic, dill tincture or pharmaceutical medicine based on fennel - the best remedy. Such a drug is also a salvation for the baby’s mother. A decoction of dill seeds improves digestion, helps remove gases and relieve pain.

Before using dill medicine, you should consult with your pediatrician, discussing the optimal dosage and intensity of use. It is necessary to prepare a medicinal liquid for a baby only under sterile conditions, so as not to introduce an infection, and to provide effective assistance to the child.

If you ask a woman who has recently given birth what she wants most, she will almost certainly answer that the most important thing for her is a happy and calm baby.

However, as practice shows, problems often arise with the second point, because newborns are constantly tormented by abdominal pain, which is why dill is so common among people when breastfeeding a child with colic. Firstly, this remedy is completely natural, secondly, it has no side effects, and thirdly, this plant improves digestion in general.

Fennel, as dill herb is often called, is an aromatic plant with dark green colored carved branches. Even in ancient times, people noticed that dill has pronounced carminative properties - it helps remove gases from the intestines, thereby reducing bloating and relieving discomfort in it.

This is a particularly useful alternative for infants, since fennel is a plant with low level allergenicity, so individual intolerance to such a natural medicine is very rare among newborns. In addition, dill does not have significant side effects, like most medications designed to improve digestion in babies and alleviate colic in the tummy.

The only negative property that can be assigned to dill water is its specific taste. Just like green itself herbaceous plant, tea or decoction based on fennel has a fairly pronounced taste and aroma, which is not always to the liking of babies fed on mother's milk.

Dill water can be given to newborn babies from the very beginning. early age, especially if they are tormented by severe abdominal pain.

If the baby flatly refuses a new drink, you can sweeten it a little, just remember that white refined sugar itself can cause gas, so you need to be careful when making fennel tea sweet.

Main benefits of dill water for infants

  • Help with colic: dill perfectly neutralizes raging gases in babies, naturally removing them out, thereby relieving symptoms and eliminating pain in the intestines.
  • A restful night's sleep: very often the cause of capricious and excited behavior in infants is pain in the stomach, and therefore if you eliminate this trouble, the baby will begin to sleep better at night, become more balanced and cheerful.
  • Good digestion: dill-based decoctions are good for intestinal motility, so this medicine will not only relieve gases accumulated in the newborn’s tummy, but will also allow him to empty the rectum in a timely manner, thereby avoiding the risk of constipation.
  • Affordable price: fennel seeds or dried leaves are inexpensive, and if you wish, you can get such a miracle remedy yourself if you have a plot of land or live in the private sector.
  • Safety: dill is the best alternative to drugs and chemicals if a child has intestinal colic while breastfeeding.

Dill water for breastfeeding a newborn

The fastest and easiest way to prepare such a healing and life-saving remedy is to buy ready-made fennel-based tea at a pharmacy or in the children's section of the supermarket. Nowadays, most well-known companies producing baby food produce drinks of this kind. They contain nothing but dried raw materials, pre-processed and placed into granules, except that sometimes a little sugar is added to the tea to improve the taste of the drink.

It's very simple to make - just boil some water, cool it and pour it into a baby bottle, where you add the specified amount of granules or powder. Shake the bottle and your baby tummy medicine is ready. And if you are worried that your baby may become addicted to plastic bottle, then give him dill water from a teaspoon or using a clean pipette.

If you wish, you can also get dried raw materials from the pharmacy. Only in this case, do not forget to first check its quality - such a product must have a certificate, as well as a note stating that the dill was grown in an area free from radiation and any other contamination.

For the best effect, this tea is best offered to the baby between feedings, when his tummy has already digested and absorbed his mother’s breast milk. But you should not do this more often than three times a day, since water can reduce the baby’s appetite, and at the next feeding there is a danger that he will eat less milk than he should.

This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in lactation. Therefore, feed your newborn fennel decoction little by little, in small quantities.

It is especially useful to offer such a life-saving remedy after lunch and in the late afternoon, when pain and cramping in the intestines usually intensify. But at the same time, it is necessary not to forget about a special diet for the nursing mother herself, since dill water will be useless if the cause of intestinal colic in the baby lies in the woman’s incorrect menu.

It is for this reason that, along with carminatives, doctors advise reviewing the diet of a young mother and temporarily limiting the consumption of potentially dangerous foods.

A nursing woman herself can take dill decoction, especially when the problem of excess gas formation and flatulence plagues both (this phenomenon is by no means uncommon after childbirth).

In addition, fennel has another positive effect, although not as pronounced as the ability to remove gases from the baby’s tummy - it gently calms the nervous system and helps improve sleep. Although dill does not have a strong sedative effect on the psyche, it is included in the category of products useful for nervous conditions and restless behavior.

It should also be noted that fennel-based decoctions and teas contain useful material– vitamins and minerals, so such water will not only soothe the tummy of a newborn baby, but will also partially replenish the need of his growing body for essential elements.

How to make a decoction of dill while breastfeeding a baby

It is best to prepare this water at home from dried fennel seeds, which you can get at any pharmacy in the city. However, do not stock up on dill water for future use - the shelf life of such a decoction is very short, so brew a new cup of tea for your baby every time.

  • To steam dried dill, first crush the seeds.
  • Boil one glass drinking water and let it cool a little.
  • Pour water over the fennel and leave for at least half an hour.

For one glass of boiling water you will need no more than one teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials. It is important to remember that water, just removed from the heat, kills and destroys all the beneficial properties of dill, so the tea is not steamed with boiling water, but with a liquid whose temperature has dropped to 75-60 degrees.

Since the ventricle of a newborn baby is very small, he does not need a lot of water for the tummy to work - a single serving should not exceed a teaspoon.

You can also prepare such a decoction using fresh dill, just wash the greens first and chop them finely.

In most cases, dill during breastfeeding and colic in a child copes well with the problem of cramping in the tummy. If this technique does not help you, consult your pediatrician and reconsider your daily diet.

This is one of the popular remedies for the treatment of intestinal colic in infants. Only a doctor can prescribe it, like any other medicine. The use of dill water for newborns according to a pediatrician's prescription often quickly gives a positive result, but it is important to follow the dosage and rules of administration specified in the instructions for the product. The medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form or made independently from fennel fruits.

What is dill water

The liquid is a 0.1% solution of fennel oil, which is also called “pharmacy dill”. Dill water for babies helps get rid of intestinal colic, and it can be given almost from birth. According to reviews from parents, the product does an excellent job of removing gases in babies due to its ability to relieve intestinal spasms. Regular use of water with fennel extract will relieve your child of abdominal pain and improve the digestion process. Benefits of dill water for newborns:

  • relieves inflammation digestive tract baby;
  • cleanses the intestines, normalizes microflora;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • relieves spasms of intestinal muscles;
  • helps cure cough by stimulating the formation and removal of mucus from the body;
  • calms the nervous system.

Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn?

As a rule, parents encounter the problem of colic at 2-3 weeks of the baby’s life, and the only approved remedy for eliminating the problem is dill water for babies. Dill and fennel extremely rarely give an allergic reaction, however, while taking liquid, it is important to monitor the condition of the newborn. If your baby has digestive problems in the first days after birth, you should consult your pediatrician and only then give the baby the solution.


The pharmaceutical preparation contains an infusion of fennel seeds as a base. By beneficial properties And appearance the plant is almost identical to ordinary garden dill. However, its use for preparing a solution is due to more pronounced medicinal properties. Dill tea for newborns against colic, which is sold in pharmacies, is made from essential oil fennel. You can make a remedy at home using fresh dill or fennel seeds.

How does dill water affect a newborn?

Effective folk remedy to improve intestinal motility and relieve spasms, it has a gentle effect on the baby’s body, extremely rarely causing Negative consequences. Dill water for newborns against colic has the following properties:

  • breaks up gas accumulations in the intestines, helps them to be eliminated naturally naturally;
  • relieves pain caused by colic;
  • provides a light disinfectant effect without worsening the condition of the intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the newborn’s immunity due to the content of vitamins and minerals;
  • activates the production of food enzymes, which help prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with deterioration of intestinal function in the future.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns

Regardless of how the solution was prepared, dill water is always taken the same way. Before giving the baby medicine, it is necessary to check the body's reaction for allergies. To this end:

  • give the newborn ½ teaspoon of fennel solution (preferably the day before breastfeeding);
  • Monitor your baby throughout the day to determine if there is an allergic reaction;
  • if the test went well, the next day give the newborn water 1 tsp in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For small children with a bloated tummy, it is necessary to correctly measure and give fennel water with a teaspoon. If the newborn does not want to drink it, mix the solution in a bottle with an equal amount of breast milk or formula. Fennel infusion can be given to a baby in this way:

  • take 5 ml of dill water with a syringe;
  • Try giving the newborn a syringe as a pacifier, slowly pouring the medicine into the mouth.

How much dill water to give to a newborn

Pediatricians recommend taking dill infusion for infant colic 3-4 times a day. With increased gas formation and severe pain in the tummy, the number of doses of the product can be increased. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes after the baby takes the medicine, the intensity painful sensations decreases. One glass of solution is designed for a child to take during the day. For small babies, this daily dose should be divided into large quantity receptions because they are unable to drink a lot of liquid at once.

Is it possible to add dill water to baby's water or mixture?

Fennel infusion is fragrant and has a spicy, bright taste, so children are reluctant to take it. To improve the taste of the medicine, it can be diluted with breast milk or infant formula. In addition, dill water for newborns at home can be diluted plain water, after which it is poured into a bottle, from which the baby will then drink.

Side effects

With the right home cooking and following the dosage specified in the instructions, dill water extremely rarely causes side effects. However, sometimes a safe remedy for colic has the following negative consequences:

  • allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea).


Infants should be given fennel solution strictly according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Despite the naturalness of the drug, significant use of it by a newborn can lead to negative consequences. When consuming an increased dose of dill water, as well as if it is taken too often, the baby may experience increased gas production or diarrhea. In addition, fennel solution in excessive quantities helps lower blood pressure.


Dill water has no contraindications, however, the product can cause an allergic reaction due to the slow adaptation of the baby’s body to a new product or individual intolerance to this plant. In this case, you can replace the colic medicine with an analogue by buying fennel tea for breastfed babies. The preparation is simple:

  1. The next morning, a small amount of the mixture is brewed with boiling water.
  2. Afterwards, give the baby a little throughout the day during meals.

How to prepare dill water

There is nothing complicated in preparing a decoction, but it is important to take into account all the nuances so that the product has medicinal properties. How to make dill water for a newborn? There are several recipes for preparing the solution:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of fennel seeds, then close the lid and let it brew for an hour. Afterwards, strain the infusion and give to the newborn throughout the day.
  2. You can brew the product in a water bath, for which a spoonful of dill or fennel seeds should be poured with boiling water (200 ml) and kept for 30-40 minutes in a container filled with hot water. The finished infusion is filtered using gauze. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator or room with a low temperature for no more than a day, but for newborns up to one year old, only fresh dill water is allowed.


Buying ready-made water for newborns is sometimes problematic, since it is sold exclusively in pharmacies that have a prescription department. Alternative option– purchase dill/fennel tea in bags (Plantex), but you will need to prepare the tea yourself. This form of the product can also help the baby quickly get rid of colic, and cooking the product is not difficult. Below is a table with prices for products in the capital's pharmacies:
