The theme of the homeland in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin. The theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of A. Tvardovsky The theme of the Motherland in Tvardovsky’s poems

A. Tvardovsky had a difficult time - Great Patriotic War, post-war devastation, years of great upheaval, construction of a new world. But no matter how severe the trials, he always remained faithful to the ideals of serving the Motherland. That is why he volunteered for the war and was with his country through thick and thin. The very word “homeland” contains great meaning- something dear, close, dear.

The theme of the Motherland is opened by the poem “About the Motherland” (1946). The author shows the vast expanses of Russia, its geography, famous places: “the warm sea of ​​Crimea”, “the coast of the Caucasus”, “a fishing village on the Volga”, “the heart of the Urals”, new cities of Siberia and the Far East. The picture of the country gives rise to a feeling of scale, superiority, and pride. But this love for the big country is closely intertwined with the love for the “small homeland.” At first glance, she appears unremarkable. But her modest, simple description is imbued with the sincere love of the lyrical hero. For him, this small, unknown side - the best place on the ground. Here are his roots, his heart:

The side is not rich in anything,

And that’s already dear to me,

What's there at random sometime

My soul was born.

He remembers her during the war, in foreign countries. Over the years, it becomes more and more dear. Here he experienced happiness and learned the “sacrament of his native speech.” Through his small homeland, the poet sees a huge country and feels responsibility for it. It is with love for the small homeland, mother, that love for the whole country begins, patriotism is born, which made it possible to win a difficult war. And wherever life takes you, no matter how it changes, a deep feeling for the little one native land alive in his heart:

But only before and now

My side is dearer to me -

For one reason only,

That you only get one life.

It would seem that the poet is speaking old, familiar words, but they touch the soul with their sincerity, simplicity and sincerity. It is the feeling of love, affection, closeness to one’s native land that gives a person strength and moral support. This is not loud pathos, but a simple truth, which A. Tvardovsky defends.

The theme of the Motherland is present in almost every poem by A. Tvardovsky. In the programmatic poem “I was killed near Rzhev,” the image of the mother turns from concrete to symbolic. He personifies all of Russia. Naive and close to the heart motives of the Motherland are heard in the poem “Vasily Terkin” (the return of a soldier to the Smolensk region), in “The Country of Ant”:

The earth in length and breadth -

All around us.

Sow one bobble

And that one is yours.

The theme of the present and future of Russia becomes the main one in the poem “Beyond the Distance.” The poem was completed in the early 60s. The plot is based on the journey of the lyrical hero across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express. The journey lasts ten days. First, the author shows the geography of Russia. At the same time, it receives a historical and philosophical explanation. Therefore, the road takes on a symbolic character. This is a symbol of Russian life. Along with the endless expanses, the author also depicts specific manifestations of her life. The lyrical hero crosses the “middle of his native land” - the Volga, then the Urals, taiga Siberia, and the Far East. These geographical images also take on a symbolic connotation. The Volga is traditionally associated with Stepan Razin, barge haulers, and later with the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, which expanded the capabilities of this river. That is why the author affectionately calls it Mother Volga, which absorbs seven thousand rivers. The Urals, the supporting edge of the state, are poetically depicted. This is the main forge of the country. During the war years, it provided the troops with equipment. The description of Siberia allows the author to talk about courageous and strong Siberians. They will never let you down or betray you.

If the description of the Volga, the Urals, and Siberia is given from the train window, then on the Angara the lyrical hero becomes a direct participant in the events. He composes a hymn to human labor and compares the conquest of the Angara with a battle on the battlefield. Nature resembles a living creature that resists people. The Angara is boiling more and more, but conquest will definitely happen. The author admires the courage of the builders and describes their work as a feat. At the same time, it shows that among the people there are opportunists who went to Siberia for the “big ruble.” The theme of “small homeland” arises again in the poem. The story about Father Ural evokes in the memory of the lyrical hero a picture of childhood. The chapter “Two Forges” shows the Urals and Zagorye, without which the lyrical hero cannot imagine his life. If the Urals are the forge of all Russia, then Zagorye is the forge of the author. Here he touches on the topic of the historical past. At the Taishet station, the lyrical hero meets his childhood friend. The friend’s story shocks the hero, as he survived the terrible times of the cult of personality. Thus, each chapter of the poem is symbolic, it opens the reader one distance after another. The word “distance” itself takes on a different meaning – it is not only a natural phenomenon, but also the future of Russia:

Thank you, Motherland, for the happiness

To be with you on your journey.

Behind a new difficult pass -

Take a breath

Together with you.

…. She is mine - your victory,

She is mine - your sadness...

A. Tvardovsky never separated himself from the fate of his country. The lines from the song can rightly be attributed to him: “... to be sad with you, my land, and to celebrate with you.” Indeed, the word “Motherland” should not be an abstract concept. She is inseparable from us. This is part of our soul, our strength. Preserving its traditions and increasing its wealth depends on us. The responsibility of everyone for their own destiny, for their fatherland, ultimately determines our future.

A. Tvardovsky had a difficult time - the Great Patriotic War, post-war devastation, years of great upheaval, construction of a new world. But no matter how severe the trials, he always remained faithful to the ideals of serving the Motherland. That is why he volunteered for the war and was with his country through thick and thin. The word “homeland” itself contains a great meaning - something native, close, dear.

The theme of the Motherland is opened by the poem “About the Motherland” (1946). The author shows the vast expanses of Russia, its geography, famous places: “the warm sea of ​​Crimea”, “the coast of the Caucasus”, “a fishing village on the Volga”, “the heart of the Urals”, new cities of Siberia and the Far East. The picture of the country gives rise to a feeling of scale, superiority, and pride. But this love for the big country is closely intertwined with the love for the “small homeland.” At first glance, she appears unremarkable. But her modest, simple description is imbued with the sincere love of the lyrical hero. For him, this small, unknown side is the best place on earth. Here are his roots, his heart:

The side is not rich in anything,

And that’s already dear to me,

What's there at random sometime

My soul was born.

He remembers her during the war, in foreign countries. Over the years, it becomes more and more dear. Here he experienced happiness and learned the “sacrament of his native speech.” Through his small homeland, the poet sees a huge country and feels responsibility for it. It is with love for the small homeland, mother, that love for the whole country begins, patriotism is born, which made it possible to win a difficult war. And no matter where life takes you, no matter how it changes, a deep feeling for his small native land is alive in his heart:

But only before and now

My side is dearer to me -

For one reason only,

That you only get one life.

It would seem that the poet is speaking old, familiar words, but they touch the soul with their sincerity, simplicity and sincerity. It is the feeling of love, affection, closeness to one’s native land that gives a person strength and moral support. This is not loud pathos, but a simple truth, which A. Tvardovsky defends.

The theme of the Motherland is present in almost every poem by A. Tvardovsky. In the programmatic poem “I was killed near Rzhev,” the image of the mother turns from concrete to symbolic. He personifies all of Russia. Naive and close to the heart motives of the Motherland are heard in the poem “Vasily Terkin” (the return of a soldier to the Smolensk region), in “The Country of Ant”:

The earth in length and breadth -

All around us.

Sow one bobble

And that one is yours.

The theme of the present and future of Russia becomes the main one in the poem “Beyond the Distance.” The poem was completed in the early 60s. The plot is based on the journey of the lyrical hero across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express. The journey lasts ten days. First, the author shows the geography of Russia. At the same time, it receives a historical and philosophical explanation. Therefore, the road takes on a symbolic character. This is a symbol of Russian life. Along with the endless expanses, the author also depicts specific manifestations of her life. The lyrical hero crosses the “middle of his native land” - the Volga, then the Urals, taiga Siberia, and the Far East. These geographical images also take on a symbolic connotation. The Volga is traditionally associated with Stepan Razin, barge haulers, and later with the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, which expanded the capabilities of this river. That is why the author affectionately calls it Mother Volga, which absorbs seven thousand rivers. The Urals, the supporting edge of the state, are poetically depicted. This is the main forge of the country. During the war years, it provided the troops with equipment. The description of Siberia allows the author to talk about courageous and strong Siberians. They will never let you down or betray you.

If the description of the Volga, the Urals, and Siberia is given from the train window, then on the Angara the lyrical hero becomes a direct participant in the events. He composes a hymn to human labor and compares the conquest of the Angara with a battle on the battlefield. Nature resembles a living creature that resists people. The Angara is boiling more and more, but conquest will definitely happen. The author admires the courage of the builders and describes their work as a feat. At the same time, it shows that among the people there are opportunists who went to Siberia for the “big ruble.” The theme of “small homeland” arises again in the poem. The story about Father Ural evokes in the memory of the lyrical hero a picture of childhood. The chapter “Two Forges” shows the Urals and Zagorye, without which the lyrical hero cannot imagine his life. If the Urals are the forge of all Russia, then Zagorye is the forge of the author. Here he touches on the topic of the historical past. At the Taishet station, the lyrical hero meets his childhood friend. The friend’s story shocks the hero, as he survived the terrible times of the cult of personality. Thus, each chapter of the poem is symbolic, it opens the reader one distance after another. The word “distance” itself takes on a different meaning - it is not only a natural phenomenon, but also the future of Russia:

Thank you, Motherland, for the happiness

To be with you on your journey.

Behind a new difficult pass -

Take a breath

Together with you.

…. She is mine - your victory,

She is mine - your sadness...

A. Tvardovsky never separated himself from the fate of his country. The lines from the song can rightly be attributed to him: “... to be sad with you, my land, and to celebrate with you.” Indeed, the word “Motherland” should not be an abstract concept. She is inseparable from us. This is part of our soul, our strength. Preserving its traditions and increasing its wealth depends on us. The responsibility of everyone for their own destiny, for their fatherland, ultimately determines our future.

A. Tvardovsky had a difficult time - the Great Patriotic War, post-war devastation, years of great upheaval, construction of a new world. But no matter how severe the trials, he always remained faithful to the ideals of serving the Motherland. That is why he volunteered for the war and was with his country through thick and thin. The word “homeland” itself contains a great meaning - something native, close, dear.

The theme of the Motherland is opened by the poem “About the Motherland” (1946). The author shows the vast expanses of Russia, its geography, famous places: “the warm sea of ​​Crimea”, “the coast of the Caucasus”, “a fishing village on the Volga”, “the heart of the Urals”, new cities of Siberia and the Far East. The picture of the country gives rise to a feeling of scale, superiority, and pride. But this love for the big country is closely intertwined with the love for the “small homeland.” At first glance, she appears unremarkable. But her modest, simple description is imbued with the sincere love of the lyrical hero. For him, this small, unknown side is the best place on earth. Here are his roots, his heart:

The side is not rich in anything,

And that’s already dear to me,

What's there at random sometime

My soul was born.

He remembers her during the war, in foreign countries. Over the years, it becomes more and more dear. Here he experienced happiness and learned the “sacrament of his native speech.” Through his small homeland, the poet sees a huge country and feels responsibility for it. It is with love for the small homeland, mother, that love for the whole country begins, patriotism is born, which made it possible to win a difficult war. And no matter where life takes you, no matter how it changes, a deep feeling for his small native land is alive in his heart:

But only before and now

My side is dearer to me -

For one reason only,

That you only get one life.

It would seem that the poet is speaking old, familiar words, but they touch the soul with their sincerity, simplicity and sincerity. It is the feeling of love, affection, closeness to one’s native land that gives a person strength and moral support. This is not loud pathos, but a simple truth, which A. Tvardovsky defends.

The theme of the Motherland is present in almost every poem by A. Tvardovsky. In the programmatic poem “I was killed near Rzhev,” the image of the mother turns from concrete to symbolic. He personifies all of Russia. Naive and close to the heart motives of the Motherland are heard in the poem “Vasily Terkin” (the return of a soldier to the Smolensk region), in “The Country of Ant”:

The earth in length and breadth -

All around us.

Sow one bobble

And that one is yours.

The theme of the present and future of Russia becomes the main one in the poem “Beyond the Distance.” The poem was completed in the early 60s. The plot is based on the journey of the lyrical hero across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express. The journey lasts ten days. First, the author shows the geography of Russia. At the same time, it receives a historical and philosophical explanation. Therefore, the road takes on a symbolic character. This is a symbol of Russian life. Along with the endless expanses, the author also depicts specific manifestations of her life. The lyrical hero crosses the “middle of his native land” - the Volga, then the Urals, taiga Siberia, and the Far East. These geographical images also take on a symbolic connotation. The Volga is traditionally associated with Stepan Razin, barge haulers, and later with the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, which expanded the capabilities of this river. That is why the author affectionately calls it Mother Volga, which absorbs seven thousand rivers. The Urals, the supporting edge of the state, are poetically depicted. This is the main forge of the country. During the war years, it provided the troops with equipment. The description of Siberia allows the author to talk about courageous and strong Siberians. They will never let you down or betray you.

If the description of the Volga, the Urals, and Siberia is given from the train window, then on the Angara the lyrical hero becomes a direct participant in the events. He composes a hymn to human labor and compares the conquest of the Angara with a battle on the battlefield. Nature resembles a living creature that resists people. The Angara is boiling more and more, but conquest will definitely happen. The author admires the courage of the builders and describes their work as a feat. At the same time, it shows that among the people there are opportunists who went to Siberia for the “big ruble.” The theme of “small homeland” arises again in the poem. The story about Father Ural evokes in the memory of the lyrical hero a picture of childhood. The chapter “Two Forges” shows the Urals and Zagorye, without which the lyrical hero cannot imagine his life. If the Urals are the forge of all Russia, then Zagorye is the forge of the author. Here he touches on the topic of the historical past. At the Taishet station, the lyrical hero meets his childhood friend. The friend’s story shocks the hero, as he survived the terrible times of the cult of personality. Thus, each chapter of the poem is symbolic, it opens the reader one distance after another. The word “distance” itself takes on a different meaning – it is not only a natural phenomenon, but also the future of Russia:

Thank you, Motherland, for the happiness

To be with you on your journey.

Behind a new difficult pass -

Take a breath

Together with you.

…. She is mine - your victory,

She is mine - your sadness...

A. Tvardovsky never separated himself from the fate of his country. The lines from the song can rightly be attributed to him: “... to be sad with you, my land, and to celebrate with you.” Indeed, the word “Motherland” should not be an abstract concept. She is inseparable from us. This is part of our soul, our strength. Preserving its traditions and increasing its wealth depends on us. The responsibility of everyone for their own destiny, for their fatherland, ultimately determines our future.


A. Tvardovsky had a difficult time - the Great Patriotic War, post-war devastation, years of great upheaval, construction of a new world. But no matter how severe the trials, he always remained faithful to the ideals of serving the Motherland. That is why he volunteered for the war and was with his country through thick and thin. The word “homeland” itself contains a great meaning - something native, close, dear.

The theme of the Motherland is opened by the poem “About the Motherland” (1946). The author shows the vast expanses of Russia, its geography, famous places: “the warm sea of ​​Crimea”, “the coast of the Caucasus”, “a fishing village on the Volga”, “the heart of the Urals”, new cities of Siberia and the Far East. The picture of the country gives rise to a feeling of scale, superiority, and pride. But this love for the big country is closely intertwined with the love for the “small homeland.” At first glance, she appears unremarkable. But her modest, simple description is imbued with the sincere love of the lyrical hero. For him, this small, unknown side is the best place on earth. Here are his roots, his heart:

The side is not rich in anything,

And that’s already dear to me,

What's there at random sometime

My soul was born.

He remembers her during the war, in foreign countries. Over the years, it becomes more and more dear. Here he experienced happiness and learned the “sacrament of his native speech.” Through his small homeland, the poet sees a huge country and feels responsibility for it. It is with love for the small homeland, mother, that love for the whole country begins, patriotism is born, which made it possible to win a difficult war. And no matter where life takes you, no matter how it changes, a deep feeling for his small native land is alive in his heart:

But only before and now

My side is dearer to me -

For one reason only,

That you only get one life.

It would seem that the poet is speaking old, familiar words, but they touch the soul with their sincerity, simplicity and sincerity. It is the feeling of love, affection, closeness to one’s native land that gives a person strength and moral support. This is not loud pathos, but a simple truth, which A. Tvardovsky defends.

The theme of the Motherland is present in almost every poem by A. Tvardovsky. In the programmatic poem “I was killed near Rzhev,” the image of the mother turns from concrete to symbolic. He personifies all of Russia. Naive and close to the heart motives of the Motherland are heard in the poem “Vasily Terkin” (the return of a soldier to the Smolensk region), in “The Country of Ant”:

The earth in length and breadth -

All around us.

Sow one bobble

And that one is yours.

The theme of the present and future of Russia becomes the main one in the poem “Beyond the Distance.” The poem was completed in the early 60s. The plot is based on the journey of the lyrical hero across Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express. The journey lasts ten days. First, the author shows the geography of Russia. At the same time, it receives a historical and philosophical explanation. Therefore, the road takes on a symbolic character. This is a symbol of Russian life. Along with the endless expanses, the author also depicts specific manifestations of her life. The lyrical hero crosses the “middle of his native land” - the Volga, then the Urals, taiga Siberia, and the Far East. These geographical images also take on a symbolic connotation. The Volga is traditionally associated with Stepan Razin, barge haulers, and later with the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, which expanded the capabilities of this river. That is why the author affectionately calls it Mother Volga, which absorbs seven thousand rivers. The Urals, the supporting edge of the state, are poetically depicted. This is the main forge of the country. During the war years, it provided the troops with equipment. The description of Siberia allows the author to talk about courageous and strong Siberians. They will never let you down or betray you.

If the description of the Volga, the Urals, and Siberia is given from the train window, then on the Angara the lyrical hero becomes a direct participant in the events. He composes a hymn to human labor and compares the conquest of the Angara with a battle on the battlefield. Nature resembles a living creature that resists people. The Angara is boiling more and more, but conquest will definitely happen. The author admires the courage of the builders and describes their work as a feat. At the same time, it shows that among the people there are opportunists who went to Siberia for the “big ruble.” The theme of “small homeland” arises again in the poem. The story about Father Ural evokes in the memory of the lyrical hero a picture of childhood. The chapter “Two Forges” shows the Urals and Zagorye, without which the lyrical hero cannot imagine his life. If the Urals are the forge of all Russia, then Zagorye is the forge of the author. Here he touches on the topic of the historical past. At the Taishet station, the lyrical hero meets his childhood friend. The friend’s story shocks the hero, as he survived the terrible times of the cult of personality. Thus, each chapter of the poem is symbolic, it opens the reader one distance after another. The word “distance” itself takes on a different meaning - it is not only a natural phenomenon, but also the future of Russia:

Thank you, Motherland, for the happiness

To be with you on your journey.

Behind a new difficult pass -

Take a breath

Together with you.

... She is mine - your victory,

She is mine - your sadness...

A. Tvardovsky never separated himself from the fate of his country. The lines from the song can rightly be attributed to him: “ be sad with you, my land, and to celebrate with you.” Indeed, the word “Motherland” should not be an abstract concept. She is inseparable from us. This is part of our soul, our strength. Preserving its traditions and increasing its wealth depends on us. The responsibility of everyone for their own destiny, for their fatherland, ultimately determines our future.

Undoubtedly, war lyrics occupies a significant place in the work of A.T. Tvardovsky, but the poet’s works also touch on other topics theme of the motherland, poet and poetry, love and etc.

The theme of “small homeland” was one of the dominant themes in Tvardovsky’s lyrics. The poet was born in the village of Zagorye, Smolensk province, who was forever embodied in the famous lines. These are the poems “A Thousand Miles Away”, “I Remember How My Grandfather Died”, “About the Motherland”, “Cruel Memory”, “Behind the Open Window”, etc.

In the poem “About the Motherland,” the poet paints colorful pictures of those famous lands in which he could have been born - Crimea, Volga, Ural, Siberia. Tvardovsky admits that his native side is still dearer to him, albeit unknown, but his own, if only because it was in its vastness that his soul was born:

But only before and now
My side is dearer to me
For one reason only,
That you only get one life.

Tvardovsky’s theme of the homeland forever merges with the images of the people the poet loves. In the poem “I remember how my grandfather died,” the pain from the loss of my grandfather takes on a philosophical sound - the author talks about death and the memory that a person leaves behind:

I believe that my departure, too,
Appointed for tomorrow or for old age,
Will invite living friends to participate
And I will not be left alone in death.

In his poems (“Country Ant”, “Vasily Terkin”, “House on the Road”) Tvardovsky declared himself as a a poet of an epic nature. The epic nature of the poet’s talent is also noticeable in his lyrical cycles (“In Memory of Mother”), related to the theme of “small homeland.”

“In Memory of Mother” also includes the poet’s reflections on tragic fate mothers, and a philosophical rethinking of the meaning of the mother in the fate of every person. Maria Mitrofanovna was repressed and taken to Siberia in 1930. In his cycle, Tvardovsky captured the grief of the Russian soul for its native places, longing for its former life. It is no coincidence that the cycle often contains notes of folk songs, harmoniously flowing into the poet’s lines. One of the main motives of the cycle was motive of separation. The author philosophically rethinks separation from his mother - not the one dictated by death, but hundreds of small separations that happen when a young soul strives for freedom - into an independent life:

... give us handkerchiefs and socks
Kind hands will lay them down,
And we, fearing delay,
We are eager for the appointed separation.

“In Memory of Mother” also became evidence of the awareness of collectivization and dispossession as a national tragedy.

A large place in Tvardovsky’s lyrics is occupied by traditional dl. In Russian literature, the theme of the poet and poetry: “About Existence”, “To Fellow Writers”, “A Word about Words”, “To My Critics”, etc. “Take heart for a difficult task, // Fight, rage and get into trouble"- this is the author’s creative credo. Tvardovsky actively defended the right to his own literary style, to the relevance and timelessness of his works. The poet understands creativity as a discovery, and vanity, everyday routine and fame are perceived by him as pathetic and petty misunderstandings. The most authoritative poet, editor of Novy Mir, Tvardovsky could speak openly with his contemporaries, defending the principle “ without retreating, be yourself". The poet was extremely demanding of himself and his colleagues: “It’s true, it’s not the gods who fire the pots, // But it’s the masters who fire them!” Considering that " a word is also a matter", the poet placed enormous responsibility on those who were given the talent and desire to speak.

Poems about love are few in number in Tvardovsky’s works. As a rule, love is understood broadly by the poet: it is a feeling for a woman, and a feeling for one’s native land, it is both friendship and deep affection. The main thing for the author is a feeling of kinship with a loved one (homeland, etc.), a feeling of “elbow”.

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