So he doesn't need me. He doesn't need me. How to understand that a married man needs you

During the period of falling in love, women often do not notice the dismissive and consumerist attitude, and when they take off their “rose-colored glasses,” they become disappointed. To understand whether a girl will receive deception and betrayal in exchange for sincere feelings and loyalty, she should take a close look at the behavior of her chosen one. Special methods of psychologists will help you understand whether a man needs a girl or is he just using her.

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There are a number of signs that indicate a man is not ready for a serious relationship. These include the following behavioral features:

  1. 1. He sets the place and time of the meeting himself, when it is convenient for him. The partner’s girlfriend’s opinions and wishes are not of concern. The rest of the time he doesn’t pick up the phone, abruptly ends the conversation and refers to his workload. No matter how busy a man is, if he needs a person, he will always listen to his opinion.
  2. 2. At any time, he can change the girl’s plans without having good reasons for this. He prefers to hold meetings in the dark on neutral territory. Men only allow themselves to treat their mistresses this way.
  3. 3. The partner tells practically nothing about his life and does not introduce him to relatives, friends and colleagues. He does not want to start communicating with the environment of his new passion and her parents.
  4. 4. A man is constantly dissatisfied with the girl’s behavior and expresses all his comments out loud. He may not be happy appearance, hobbies and preferences of his beloved, but he does not want to leave. The goal of a person is to lower a woman’s self-esteem.
  5. 5. He can make a scandal and, without asking for forgiveness, not get in touch for several days so that the girl feels guilty.

If a man doesn't need a woman, he doesn't watch his speech. Compliments are reminiscent of a performance in a cheap theater. The partner does not need to choose words to address his interlocutor - the guy does not value her and does not consider it necessary to waste time on such “trifles”. If the girl is completely indifferent, the partner allows himself to insult her and use obscene words in his vocabulary.

When a man needs only one thing - an intimate relationship, he completely changes and surrounds the girl with feigned attention and care. You need to understand that men have a more urgent need for physical intimacy and, during periods of its lack, are ready to put on performances. If a man reacts rudely and inadequately to a refusal, then the best option

development of relations is their rupture.

You can check whether a man has sincere feelings by his concern. A woman only needs to find herself in a difficult situation at least once to find out why her lover stays with her. In the absence of reciprocity, the partner will not be interested in her health and will not bring medicine when she gets sick. He doesn’t care about any woman’s problems; she will solve them herself.

If a man doesn’t need a girl, he won’t use the pronoun “we” in a conversation. A person can lie, inventing various legends, thinking through all the details, but he does not consider this union as a couple that has prospects for the development of relations. A man can associate the pronoun “we” with immediate events, for example, “Are we going to the cinema tomorrow? ”, but he will not say phrases such as “When are we going to go on vacation at the seaside? ” or “When will we plan to have a baby? " He knows that the answer to these questions is “never” and sees no point in asking them. If there is no interest in a girl, a man will not get acquainted with her hobbies, family and friends. The experiences of his “beloved” are not important to him, and all conversations are connected only with what is happening in this moment

. A guy can discuss a movie, but he will never ask who her favorite director or actor is. If a woman starts a conversation herself, he will listen without reacting in any way, or change the topic. In such a situation, girls begin to blame themselves, believing that they are overloading the man with their minor problems, but this is not so. The chosen one deceives and takes advantage of the woman.

How to understand that a man needs a woman? If the chosen one needs a girl, she will feel it and the need to ask herself questions will disappear. She will be surrounded by attention and care, and no busy work schedule will become an obstacle to spending time together. A man will not behave suspiciously and secretly. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he will introduce his beloved to his parents and friends. The partner will not hide his personal life and talk about hobbies and interests.

  1. The following signs indicate sincere feelings in a man:
  2. 2. The presence of gifts indicates that the man is trying to win his chosen one, and she has won his heart.
  3. 3. He began to change for the better - he got rid of bad habits, found a well-paid job or bought a new car.
  4. 4. The guy gives compliments because he notices all the little things and details of the girl’s appearance. He behaves politely and gallantly.
  5. 5. A man is gentle and affectionate towards a woman.

Falling in love makes a guy jealous. To do this, he does not have to make loud scandals and constantly find out with whom the girl spends time. When a woman interacts with young people, the man will hug her and show her other signs of attention to demonstrate that she is in a couple. Some people cannot restrain their emotions in a fit of jealousy, which often leads to scandals and quarrels. This behavior is unlikely to change.

A man who values ​​a woman will not spare her money, time and mental strength. The person tries to help her when any problems arise. And he will never allow himself to offend a woman. If he did this, he will definitely ask for forgiveness. In such a relationship, the girl feels desired and can rely on her chosen one at any time.

Many people believe that a man needs time to understand whether he needs a woman, and this justifies his coldness. In fact, it is impossible to hide sincere interest, and if the feelings are mutual, the girl will definitely notice it. A woman needs a family, children and stability, and if a man does not understand this, then it is better to end such an affair immediately.

Is there love at a distance?

When, while talking on the phone, a girl wonders whether a guy really needs her, she needs to realistically assess the situation and draw the right conclusions. If the acquaintance occurred while on vacation in another country or visiting an entertainment venue, the chances of creating a real long-term relationship are very small.

Lovers may be separated by circumstances such as a business trip, study or service. If a man really needs a girl, he will not call and write less often, but will constantly share his thoughts and experiences. He will find any way to contact his beloved, at least for a minute, and will not make empty promises.

A woman needs to determine who initiates communication. If a man doesn’t write or call first, then the girl’s life doesn’t interest him. He may not respond to SMS and phone calls, constantly refer to how busy he is, and will come up with a lot of excuses to keep communication to a minimum.

How to check feelings?

If a woman doubts her partner, then it’s easy enough to check whether he has feelings. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. 1. Stop being interested in his life and affairs. All conversations about how the man spent his time, where he was and why he didn’t call should be excluded. If a guy has feelings for a girl, he will notice such changes and start asking counter questions.
  2. 2. Change for the better. You can do a different hairstyle, buy new underwear or shoes high heels. He will definitely notice such changes and will begin to wonder for whose sake the woman started the transformation.
  3. 3. Cause feelings of jealousy. To do this, you need to ask a work colleague or friend for a ride home. During a conversation with your loved one, casually mention this without specifying details - you need to give the man the opportunity to come up with the ending of the story himself. You can also arouse feelings of jealousy with calls and SMS that will constantly arrive on a woman’s phone.
  4. 4. Imaginary pregnancy. You need to tell the guy about the pregnancy and monitor his reaction. If he was scared, then there can be no talk of any sincere feelings.

There is no need to fight for relationships that are far from ideal. You shouldn’t be content with little when you can find a loving and caring man. All people are different, and modern world"consumer" attitude is becoming more common. Some women are satisfied with this state of affairs, and they are ready to spend best years life on a person who is completely indifferent. Successful and purposeful people immediately abandon such connections and create happy marriages.

After the breakup

Some girls want to get back into a relationship after breaking up with their ex-boyfriend. Before starting active actions, you should make sure that he has feelings. This can be done using the following criteria:

  1. 1. Communication. If a man continues to communicate with his ex-girlfriend, she is dear to him at least as an interlocutor. If he texts and calls at least once a week, he definitely cares and needs the company of a girl.
  2. 2. Meetings. After the end of a relationship, men prefer to cut off all contacts with their beloved. If a guy offers friendship and tries to see each other as often as possible, then he probably still loves the girl.
  3. 3. Statuses and music. IN in social networks in the period after a breakup, on the page of a former lover who still has feelings for the girl, you can notice sad statuses and music.
  4. 4. Active lifestyle. Trying to forget their chosen one, many guys suddenly begin to lead an overly active lifestyle. This indicates a strong emotional shock that was caused by the breakup.
  5. 5. Lifestyle. If a person led a measured lifestyle, and after separation he went into all sorts of troubles, then he worries and cares.

Before resuming a relationship with your ex-boyfriend, it is worth remembering the reasons that provoked the breakup. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time, and perhaps the ex-boyfriend will not be against the relationship, but it is worth thinking about its feasibility.

Features of the zodiac signs

To find out about the sincerity of a man’s feelings, you can consult a horoscope. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and shows feelings differently:

  1. 1. Aries. They are impatient and do not know how to wait. They want to get everything at once and talk about their passions without hesitation. Aries persistently achieve what they want, but this in no way speaks of love. This is how they treat all the women they like. In the absence of reciprocity, they will not suffer or worry, but will find a new object. If there are serious feelings, Aries does not rush things, but tries to create an atmosphere of silence and comfort. A man will conquer his chosen one with stories about how successful and strong he is.
  2. 2. Taurus. If a representative of a given person likes a woman, he will immediately let you know about it. The man will constantly call and text. Seeing his beloved on the street, he will definitely call out to her and embrace her. Taurus loves and knows how to care for women. Such a man will invite the girl to various social events, give flowers and sweets. The more money he spends on a girl, the more important she is to him, but due to his indecision, the “bouquet and candy” period may drag on.
  3. 3. Gemini. They love flirting and are distinguished by their ingenuity in courtship and unpredictability. With these men, such a feeling as boredom will be unfamiliar. They love to make fun of the girl and play pranks on her. But Geminis tend to idealize their partners. After getting to know each other better, they may become disappointed in the girl and start looking for new perfection. If he has serious feelings, a man will not ridicule a person’s shortcomings and will treat weaknesses with tenderness.
  4. 4. Cancer. This is a practical homebody whose priorities are family values. Before he starts dating a girl, he will find out her attitude towards home and housekeeping. The representative of this sign evaluates women by their readiness to fulfill his requirements. If a man’s feelings are serious, he, on the contrary, will fulfill all the wishes of his beloved. It is very important for Cancer to have a devoted and faithful partner who can strengthen his inner world.
  5. 5. Leo This is an ambitious man who does not like to hint, but speaks directly. He immediately lets the girl know about his feelings. During the period of courtship, he prefers to go to expensive restaurants and surprise his chosen one with noble deeds, but this does not indicate the sincerity of feelings. If Leo really needs a girl, then he will stop talking about his merits and will show a keen interest in her.
  6. 6. Virgo. You can rely on men of this sign in everything. They love to analyze the situation and give worthwhile advice. It is difficult to get Virgos to have a frank conversation, and they express their sympathy with hints. They will take a long time to decide whether the girl is suitable for a serious relationship. If such a man is really passionate about a woman, he will immediately propose marriage. Having heard a refusal, Virgo will continue to try to get her partner’s attention for a long time.
  7. 7. Libra. These men have changeable moods and do not like quarrels and conflicts. They charge everyone around them with their optimism. Libra men like to look after a girl, and they are in no hurry to move to the next level of the relationship. These guys are afraid of responsibility and commitment. If the partner is seriously interested, he will begin to take decisive steps - he will introduce him to his parents and friends, and make an offer.
  8. 8. Scorpio. Men of this sign have a special magnetism that attracts women to them. He is akin to a good psychologist who knows how to speak words that hit the target. He can surround a woman with attention and care, and his compliments cannot be forgotten, but this will in no way indicate the sincerity of his intentions. Scorpio really needs sex, and to get it, a man will do anything. If he is committed to a serious relationship, he will notify everyone that he is in a couple. Scorpio will begin to behave as if the girl completely belongs to him and will be very jealous.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. Men love adventure, independence, and intimate relationships are important to them. Feelings are expressed by purchase expensive gifts or going to restaurants. The chosen one must be ready for various adventures that attract Sagittarius so much. If he likes a girl and is in the mood for a serious romance, then he will try to be with her all his free time. Sagittarius will constantly tell interesting stories, amaze with your intelligence and erudition.
  10. 10. Capricorn. This man is very distrustful of others and constantly strives to double-check everything. He falls in love hard and, afraid to show his feelings, demonstrates complete indifference to the object of his love. It is important for Capricorn to understand that he can completely trust the girl. If he has serious intentions, he will begin to consult with his partner and show other signs of loyalty.
  11. 11. Aquarius. They are smart and charming, but prefer to demonstrate feelings not through actions, but through words. They like to talk a lot and give the girl compliments. It is easier for Aquarius to first make his beloved his best friend, and then move on to a more serious level of relationship.
  12. 12. Pisces. These are very sensual natures that are difficult to decipher. If they fall in love, then for real. There will be violent quarrels and passionate reconciliations in the relationship. They are very touchy and, in the absence of their partner’s feelings, do not forgive and immediately leave. If Pisces has serious intentions, he will be able to forgive almost everything, but his trust should not be abused.

Women are accustomed to looking for excuses for men’s “missteps.” Don't blame yourself if your partner is cold and completely indifferent. It is better to start looking for a person who will appreciate the girl at her true worth and will not give her a reason to think about the feasibility of the union.

If you just met and you left him your phone number. If a guy calls you back right away, then this is, in principle, a positive sign: he may be quite seriously interested in you. Although, perhaps, he regards you as a one-night adventure. But the fact that he called back is already a positive factor. It would be worse if your phone never recognized his number on the display.

If he calls, try not to be too emotional and don't start making plans for your future together. It’s worth staying calm and turning on your brain. How do you understand that his call means that he doesn’t need you for a serious relationship?

If he called late, that is, he promised at one time, but calls much later. Your conversation isn’t going particularly well: he’s not in the mood to answer questions about himself, and he’s not particularly interested in you. The only thing he is interested in is meeting you.

In this situation, you should think about whether you need this date. You can be sure that the young man will disappear after the first sex. If you are mentally prepared for this, then you can easily spend one night with him.

But, if you are still looking for a serious relationship and dream of true love, you should not waste your energy and emotions on this young man.

A more difficult situation is when a man makes it clear that the girl is not needed, despite the fact that they have been in a relationship for a long time.

The beginning of your relationship could inspire a novelist to create a new masterpiece. Your man was caring, he surrounded you with attention and love. But, unfortunately, your happiness somehow quickly ended.

Your man makes it clear that he no longer needs you. How exactly does he do this - how do men make it clear that a girl is not needed?

You will feel changes in his behavior and attitude towards you. He is no longer pleased to meet with you and every time he finds a lot of things to do just so as not to meet with you.

It is now important for him to stay late at work or go to a bar with friends. He often forgets to call you, and explains this by being very busy.

You stopped spending time together, although you used to have a huge number of joint activities that brought you both pleasure.

Quarrels became more frequent. Moreover, because of the little things. He constantly finds fault with you: he is not satisfied with the way you dress, the way you cook, or the way you communicate with him.

You feel a lack of attention. You miss love and care from him.

If you sit down and analyze the whole situation and his behavior, you will understand that your man is making it clear that he doesn’t need you anymore. Perhaps he met another girl or simply stopped loving you. The saddest thing in this story is that the man does not have the courage to admit this to you and talk honestly.

What to do in such a situation? Pull yourself together and stop crying or making scandals with him. Believe me, such methods have never helped anyone solve problems. If a man himself does not dare to start a conversation, do it yourself. You must be determined in your decision - to dot all the i's.

Very often, women conclude that their man does not love them or does not appreciate them, or that he does not need them, but in reality this conclusion is not at all justified.

A woman has a feeling that a man does not need her and, as often happens, women believe in the truth of their feelings.

But remember that our feelings fluctuate all the time and depend entirely on what is happening with our hormones. For women, this means that every month you have very strong cycles of changes in hormones, and therefore feelings.

Therefore, you may suddenly become overwhelmed and you will begin to really feel and think that your man does not need you, but in reality this may not be the case at all.

This is very important to understand, not only for women, but also for men. In men, hormones and other elements in the body also fluctuate all the time. Because of this, a man’s thoughts and feelings constantly change.

Therefore, in any case, you need to talk openly with your man about how you feel, and openly tell him that you have a feeling that he does not need you. Do all this in the form of an open, respectful dialogue with him.

And then he will most likely ask, “Why did you decide that I don’t need you?” And under this he will want to see the facts, that is, the specific behaviors from which you drew your conclusion.

Often there are no such behaviors, and then it becomes clear that you are simply worried, not based on facts and behavior on the part of your man.

Then you just need to work through these worries while talking with him, tell him everything openly and ask him for what you are missing. Or simply understand that this is a temporary disruption of your hormones, and that in a few days your worries will go away on their own. This happens very often among women.

If a man didn’t really need you, then he wouldn’t be with you, if he is with you, then he needs you.

If he cheats on you but remains in the relationship, then he needs you too. He satisfies some of his needs with you, and other needs with the one with whom he cheats. Yes, this is an unpleasant situation, but even in this situation he needs you, otherwise he would just leave and that’s it.

Therefore, it is very rare that a man really does not need a woman.

See my other thoughts on this issue in the video at the beginning of this page, and ask new questions below in the comments.

Sometimes a relationship develops between a man and a woman that seems to exist, but it seems that there is almost none. They are sluggish, have little initiative, and are not at all energetic. Or, on the contrary, incendiary, but fickle, meetings from time to time, no heart-to-heart conversations, only passion.

At first, women may be satisfied with both options. They wait patiently until something changes for the better - relationships become more open, stable, and strong.

But time passes and nothing changes. And thoughts involuntarily creep in about whether such a relationship has a future, whether it is worth continuing it, or whether it is better to interrupt it now, so as not to regret later the years passed in vain.

This is where the question arises: how to understand whether a man needs you, or whether he is indifferent to you, is simply using you and is not going to build any serious relationship?

A man and a woman are two boxes in which the keys to each other are stored.

Karen Blixen

How to understand that a man does not need a girl

  • The first and most telling sign is his behavior. How often do you meet, call each other, go to the movies, restaurants together, just take a walk or watch movies together?

    If all of the above happens at least weekly, then there is most likely no reason to sound the alarm. In addition, a lot depends on the man’s employment and his work schedule. Today, 12-hour workdays and 60-hour workweeks are not uncommon.

  • The second sign is his attitude towards you. Even if a person is very busy at work, but loves you and misses you, he will find a minute to write a message, send a sweet mms or order a bouquet of flowers for you.

    His desire to spend his free time (or most of it) with you is also a good sign. If a man treats all offers to meet with coolness, demands that the girl not call him first, and behaves aloof or even rude when meeting, these are alarming symptoms.

  • The third sign is constant betrayal. Let there be no officially registered relationship between you yet. This does not mean at all that you should forgive him for going “to the left.”

    You shouldn’t hope that the guy will go crazy and at some point decide that he only needs you. By his behavior he already shows his attitude towards you.

Classic signs

There are other signs that allow you to understand that a man does not need you:
  1. He rarely calls and doesn’t respond to texts., often turns off the phone or even puts your number on the ignore list.
  2. You don't go anywhere together. You don’t have mutual friends with whom you can sit in a friendly group. You do not go to visit his or your relatives. You never even go shopping together.
  3. He doesn't care what happens to you. You are connected only by sex during rare meetings, and the man never asks questions about how you are doing at school or at work, how your day was, and generally tries to talk to you less.
  4. The man is not jealous of you. Even if you openly provoke him to jealousy, talk on the phone with another guy in front of him, accept gifts and courtship from other men, and he knows about it, but does not react to it at all.

Finally, you can rely on your own feelings. Don't you feel desired, loved, needed by this man? Most likely, this is the case. How do you know if a man needs you? Invite him to break off the relationship or be the first to stop answering calls, reject offers to meet. It is quite possible that your romance will calm down happily.

If you are dear to a man, then he will finally perk up and begin to take actions that will help you feel desired, loved and necessary.

The image that a man creates when thinking about an ideal woman is similar to the image that a woman creates when thinking about the ideal man.
Marlene Dietrich

How to understand that a married man needs you

Relationships with married men are even more confusing. The signs of coldness given above may be elements of conspiracy. The man doesn't want to destroy yet. And if you agree with this approach (you decided together that it is worth waiting a little - because of the children, the wife’s sick heart, solving financial issues, etc.), then you cannot focus on the standard signs of cooling in a relationship.

But there are other symptoms. Let's talk about them below.

So, you can determine whether a man who already has a wife needs you by the following signs:

If a woman is tired of a man's advances and wants to get rid of them, it is best for her to marry her pursuer:
in this way she will most likely get rid of the gallantry that has bored her.
Martti Larni


The main thing to remember in such relationships is that your youth and beauty are not eternal. You need your own family, with children and stability, and not a furtive relationship.

If a man also understands all this, and you have a rough idea of ​​when your affair will go from being secret to being revealed, then the relationship has a future.

If a man is already satisfied with everything, and you get nothing from him except sex and empty promises, then it’s worth ending such an affair once and for all.

In this part, we will continue to consider the question of how to understand that a man needs you, based on the stage of male courtship.

Before answering this question, we need to consider the stages of male courtship. People periodically write to me objections that it seems like there are no stages. It seems like all this is nonsense and they give examples. Let's say that some girl you know, after an hour of dating, has already gone to bed with her boyfriend. And nothing. They got married later and seem to be living well.

Such examples, of course, exist, and I do not at all intend to deny their existence. Just the point. If the task is simple, then you can make a hundred rather serious mistakes and still achieve a positive result.

For example, you decide to cook noodle soup. The recipe says that you need to first throw the meat into water and cook it, and only then the noodles. (In other words, the stages of the soup preparation process are described).

But some woman decided that there are no stages (or simply does not know about them). Therefore, she first throws noodles into the water, and after some time raw meat. It is clear that the result is soggy noodles with undercooked meat, and not at all tasty soup with noodles.

But now she gives such soup to men who had been hungry for three days before, and besides that, they had not eaten anything tastier than raw wheat grains. And these men are delighted. They are ready to almost carry such a woman in their arms for such a “delicious” dish.

Based on this example, we can conclude that there are no stages (recipes and techniques for treating men) or that they are not needed. But this, of course, is not true. As soon as the task becomes even a little more complicated, i.e. You are not the only woman among men who have not seen a woman for several years, then you can’t get by with just undercooked meat and soggy noodles. You need to really be able to do something, or at least not make too many mistakes when dealing with men.

A description of the stages of courtship and their order will give you the answer to the question of how to understand that a man needs you. The description of these stages is, to some extent, a recipe for dealing with men. Of course, each stage has its own subtleties, like if we go back to the recipe analogy, subtleties when choosing meat, choosing noodles, etc. But you can read about how to choose a man, how to understand whether he is a Don Juan or actually in love with you in the book “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? or Never run after a man, let Him run after you!”.

Okay, let's get back to the stages of a man's courtship, which will help you understand whether a man needs you, whether he likes you, or whether he just decided to have fun.

Last time we finished at the pigtail pulling stage. Let's move on to the next stage.

Reducing twitching intensity for the pigtails.

All good things come to an end sooner or later (at least in the form in which they were) and at some point a man begins to reduce the intensity of “pulling his pigtails.”

I don’t even know what to write here. Well, less often a man stops pulling his pigtails and that’s it.

A man provides assistance.

Of course, it is desirable for the man to help the woman little by little in the previous stages of the courtship process. However, at this stage it is desirable for the man to perform a “feat” for your sake. If he does heroic things for you, then he really needs you.

Of course, there is no need to understand by feat something like “threw himself into an embrasure and died.” This, most likely, greatly helped (in his understanding more than in yours) the woman from some not very simple situation.

To rephrase it a little, a man falls in love with a woman whom he “saved” from someone. It doesn’t matter whether it’s real villains, some kind of intellectual challenge, or something else.

I once “saved” my future wife from “evil” landlords who wanted to kick her out of the apartment and onto the street. Other men save from mice, neighbors, financial problems, lack of connections, etc.

If at this stage a man did not “rescue” you with his help, then he is unlikely to be able to fall deeply in love with you.

There is no need for a man to provide help too early, at least not serious help. But sooner or later, in a difficult situation, you need to look at a man with a helpless look, you can cry a little and say something like “That’s it, I’m dying, and no one can help me.” If a man starts to “save” you, it means he really needs you.

Telling a man “help, or you’re not a man” is usually too much. (Although I repeat – these are subtleties, the main thing is to follow the recipe). But in average man often leaves after your hidden plea for help in silence, and then thinks and does something.

Well, if I discuss subtleties, I will inevitably leave the main thing. And the main thing is this.

A man falls in love with a woman when he gives her serious help.

This common law. This is an axiom of life. If you ignore this law, then women who are noticeably inferior to you in appearance, intelligence, ability to communicate, etc. they will easily bypass you in the fight for good men. Read about the psychology of men in love in the book "Psychology of men in love".

Of course, it is very, very desirable that the question of help does not arise immediately, but just after passing through the initial stages. If at the very beginning of dating we are talking about serious help, then a man may ignore such a request or even leave a woman who is too problematic. And this does not mean that he did not need her. She simply began to “load” the man with problems too early.

You can also derive the opposite rule (no longer a law, but simply a sign). If a man provides you with serious help, clearly beyond the scope of professional or ordinary help (not related to family, etc.), then it may very well be that he is in love with you and so you can understand that he needs you.

This rule is no longer 100% accurate, but it works quite often.

Touching, bed.

The next stage is when a man begins to open his arms, kiss a woman or invite her to have sex with him.

What can you say about this stage?

Firstly, as I already said, it is undesirable to go through it before completing the previous stages. (If, of course, the goal is a long-term relationship) I repeat that it all depends on the complexity of the task. If the task is simple, in the sense that some men are not very difficult to bring down the aisle and marry them, then serious mistakes can easily pass. If the task is not very simple, then violating the man’s cooking recipe is a gross mistake.

Secondly, the speed at which stages progress may differ significantly between different people and in different circumstances.

Sometimes everything happens quite quickly, but this does not mean that there are no stages of courtship.

The speed of passing the stages depends on:

- the age of the man and woman (usually the older, the faster);

— their characters (introverts are usually slower);

- intensity of communication (here it is clear that the more intensively they communicate, the faster it is possible);

— maybe a dozen other factors.

In other words, completely normal sex may take a couple of weeks, and sometimes even six months is not enough for the relationship to mature. See for yourself what stage of the relationship you are in. If it's time, then it's time. If it's early, it's early.

This is probably a little off topic, but I'll touch on it a little. Some women have the belief that sex can keep a man. This is true to some extent. A young man, especially one who does not know how to care for women and is not very valuable on the bride market (i.e. not very handsome, rich, etc.) can be kept for some time. But even in this case, this is a rather weak method. If a man is not very young, knows how to care for women, and is valued on the market for brides and grooms, then this is not a way at all. And about how to keep a man, read the article on our website “» Sunny hands

“How to keep a man. Or the initiative is punishable."


I will loosely call the next stage the “honeymoon”. Why conditional? Because for us, the honeymoon is the next stage after passing through the stage of sex, and not at all in its original meaning, when it came to the month following the wedding. This is the month when a man is in some kind of euphoria. Everything is fine. He likes the woman. He likes sex (read about what men prefer in sex and other secrets in the book"The most intimate men's secrets and secrets"

). Under the feeling of this euphoria, he usually does not even notice any shortcomings (in his opinion, of course, shortcomings) in his chosen one.

Obviously, such euphoria will not last forever. For some men it lasts only a week, for others a year, but sooner or later it ends. (The period again depends on the compatibility of characters, density of communication, life circumstances)..

Growing mutual discontent

This is where conflicts come to the fore, arising 80% from women’s misunderstanding of the psychology of men, and men’s misunderstanding of the psychology of women. (The rest of the conflicts are due to the dissimilarity of characters, values, etc.). To understand the psychology of men, read articles on our website “Sunny Hands” in the “Psychology of Men” section

Many women do not know how to go through this stage of falling in love with a man and therefore cannot bring him to the altar. What advice can I give here? I repeat once again that a period of dissatisfaction with your chosen one does not mean that he does not need you.

Firstly, be prepared for the fact that a man’s love will definitely manifest itself in the form of dissatisfaction with your actions. This can manifest itself openly in the form of scandals and quarrels, or hidden in the form of irritation, withdrawal from communication, distancing, etc.

This stage is completely natural and there is no escape from it. In fairy tales they usually don’t get to it, but that doesn’t make it go away.

Secondly, try to study the basics of male psychology by then.

Two of the most common mistakes- this is a violation of a man’s inner space and an overly harsh attempt to instill in him the correct skills of behavior in the house. These mistakes will definitely lead to sharp conflicts, even breaking off relationships.

An example of the first mistake is an attempt to call at work, demand communication only after a breakup, just a small amount of space (which a man needs an order of magnitude more). I wrote about this in detail in books.

The second mistake is the requirement to change a man’s habits around the house, which may include asking him to wash dishes in a special way (for example, to wipe them, to arrange dishes in a certain way, etc.), to arrange clothes, shoes, etc. in a special way. cut fruit in a special way, wash yourself, quit smoking, etc.

All of this, of course, can be redone (or almost all of it), but not in a few months. I will not talk about this in detail, since this would not be enough for a whole article.

There are quite a lot of women who cannot get past this stage and therefore remain single.

They are disappointed in a man and think that it will be different with another. But after some time the other man also begins to express dissatisfaction or runs away. Then one may become disappointed in men in principle and say that: “All men...” This is wrong. Men are simple and learning to treat us is no more difficult than learning to drive a car.

Why am I telling you all these stages? Why all this information, which at first glance is difficult to apply in practice?

Without a diagnosis, treatment is impossible. Without understanding where you are “stuck” in a relationship with a man, it may be unclear what to do next. It happens that a woman is chronically stuck in some phase. From a chronic lack of understanding that there has been a man in love nearby for several years who needs you like air, to a chronic inability to go through the phase of discontent. If you understand where you are stuck, it can be much easier to move forward.

And of course, the most important thing is to understand the stages of a man’s love - try not to jump over stages, but smoothly go through them one after another.

Trying to jump stages almost always ends in failure, no matter how much your partner needs you. If you are already doing well with men, then you don’t have to worry too much about these stages. However, if there is failure after failure, then try to analyze where it is not working. Often this alone can help solve the problem right away.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.