Where can I get the exam results? How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam? Regional information processing centers: addresses. About the Unified State Exam results

On the Internet there is official portal Unified State Exam. This portal allows the student or his parents to understand whether the required test has been passed and what its result is.

Unfortunately, not every region of our country decides to publish information about the results of the Unified State Exam on the specified website. If you cannot find your information, then you need to find a website in your region with information about the results. For example, for graduates of the Vladimir region, the link to the site where you can find out the results of the Unified State Exam is listed below - in the Sources section.

What information must be provided to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

In order to find out the necessary information based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you must indicate the following data on the official website:

  • registration code or passport number (indicated without series);

  • region of your residence, for example, Moscow.

Required information may vary on regional websites. So, for example, on the website of the Vladimir region, a graduate will only need to indicate the series, passport number and subject in which the Unified State Exam was taken.

In what time frame can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam based on passport data?

On average, such periods are at least 9 days for compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian language. And for the exams that the graduate himself chose, less time is needed - about 7 days.

No less than the Unified State Exam results themselves, participants in the Unified State Exam are interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually it takes 8-12 days. Let's take a closer look at how this time is spent.

After completing the exam, the Unified State Exam forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RTC).

  • Processing of the results of the compulsory Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics in the Russian Center for Educational Institutions should not exceed 6 calendar days after the test. During this time, specialists will scan the Unified State Exam forms, check the information entered in the forms, and subject commissions will evaluate the answers to tasks with a detailed answer.
  • Checking the Unified State Exam results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, English language, German, French and Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant examination.

After completing the verification of exam results in regional information processing centers, the work is sent for centralized verification. It ends no later than in 5 working days from the moment of receiving the work.

Then within 1 working day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. Over the next 1-3 days exam results become known to Unified State Examination participants.

Usually, the results of the Unified State Exam are announced 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's do a couple of simple calculations. To the official date of the Unified State Exam 2018 we will add the number of days spent on processing and sending the Unified State Exam results to the regions. We get approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam 2018 , held on the main dates:

  • Geography: no later than June 8
  • Computer Science and ICT: no later than June 8
  • Mathematics (basic level):no later than June 13
  • Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15
  • Story: no later than June 18
  • Chemistry: no later than June 18
  • Russian language: no later than June 20
  • Foreign language (oral part): no later than June 23
  • Social science: no later than June 24
  • Biology:no later than June 29
  • Foreign language: no later than June 29
  • Physics:no later than June 30
  • Literature: no later than June 30

Approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Examination 2018, held in reserve days :

  • Computer Science and ICT, Geographyno later than July 3
  • Mathematics:no later than July 6
  • Russian language: no later than July 7
  • Foreign languages, biology,story,social studies, chemistry: no later than July 7
  • Literature, physical education:no later than July 8
  • Foreign languages ​​(oral part): no later than July 10

In regions with inaccessible and remote areas, the results of the Unified State Exam may be announced a little later. At the same time, the period for announcing the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days. However, usually the results become known even earlier than these dates.

For all parents, there comes a time when their child faces final exams. This period is difficult not only for the schoolchildren themselves, but also for their parents. It would seem that the final exams are over and you can relax.

But another problem immediately appears: everyone wants to quickly see the results of the Unified State Exam. Neither the graduates themselves nor their parents have the strength to wait for the moment when the official results appear on the school stand. I would like to quickly see which tasks were completed correctly, and which ones were completed with errors, which negatively affected the final score for the Unified State Exam. But not everyone knows how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam.

What is the Unified State Examination?

In the Soviet Union, final exams in secondary schools were carried out in the traditional form. The students prepared using the tickets offered to them by their teachers. During the exam itself, the student drew out the task, prepared for the answer for 15-20 minutes, and then answered the questions indicated on the ticket. The examination committee included teachers from the school, and there was a high probability of the subjective opinion of the teachers.

Having received a certificate of completion of secondary education, the graduate took exams again, but this time for admission to the educational institution of his choice. Such a system led to corruption; parents often “paid” for the successful completion of their child.

Appeal of Unified State Exam results

Graduates are concerned not only with the question of how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam, but also whether it can be improved and the number of points increased. There is such a procedure as an appeal. The student has the right, within 3 days after his Unified State Exam scores become known, to submit an application to the main certification commission. The statement must indicate your disagreement with the test result.

The period for considering an appeal depends on the number of applications submitted. On average it is 3-5 days. After reviewing the work, the graduate is informed about the change in the number of points for his work. It is important to understand that the result can change both in the direction of increasing the number of points and in the direction of decreasing them. Therefore, before applying for a job review, you need to think carefully.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

Future graduates often ask teachers how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam from previous years in order to begin preparing for final exams.

All regional centers involved in processing the results of final exams provide similar information to the district education departments. They, in turn, send the results of final tests to representatives of school administrations. It is at school that you can find answers to all questions related to the upcoming examination session, including finding out how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam, what minimum threshold must be overcome in order to become the owner of a certificate of secondary education.


This form of final testing, such as the Unified State Exam, has existed in Russia for several years. Disputes regarding the feasibility of its implementation have not subsided to this day. Every year, graduates come up with the question of how to find out the results of the Unified State Exam.

An analysis of statistical studies conducted on issues related to this form of graduation session indicates confidence in the Unified State Exam on the part of graduates, their parents, and teachers. Many students have experienced the benefits of passing the Unified State Exam, which gives them a chance to become a student at a prestigious metropolitan university without connections or acquaintances.

How and where to receive notification for the exam? Can a student who has passed the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level in 10th grade, in 11th grade should I choose specialized level mathematics? How are students informed of exam results? How long will the Unified State Exam results be valid? Is it possible to take the same subject in both the early and main periods? Is there an age limit when taking the Unified State Exam?

These and other questions are answered by Andrey Postulgin, Deputy Director of the Moscow Center for Quality Education, Head of the Regional Information Processing Center of the City of Moscow.

Frequently asked questions about the Unified State Exam

How and where can I receive notification for the exam? Is it necessary to show a notice when entering the PES on the day of the exam?

An exam notification is not required to enter the PES on the day of the exam.

Is it possible for a citizen Russian Federation submit an application to participate in the state final certification by presenting a foreign passport (if the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is being replaced)?

If the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is being replaced, you must indicate a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (form No. 2P).

A foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside its borders. It can be used to submit an application for participation in the state final certification, a final essay (presentation) on the mos.ru portal, however, after receiving a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, information about the identity document must be updated.

- Is it possible to register only for the written part of the Unified State Exam in a foreign language?

Yes, a participant can only register for the written part of the exam foreign languages. Separately, you can get no more than 80 test points for the written part.

My daughter finished 9th grade and is now in her second year of college, but wants to leave and go to university. To enter, she needs to obtain a certificate for 11 classes and pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, chemistry and biology. How can she get a certificate and pass the Unified State Exam?

To obtain a certificate of secondary general education, the participant must pass the state final certification (GIA). For this the student needs to check with his educational organization whether there is state accreditation educational activities for educational programs of secondary general education (state accreditation)? And if available, submit an application for participation in the State Examination. If the college does not have state accreditation, then you need to attach to an organization that has state accreditation for the period necessary to pass the state final certification, and after that submit an application to participate in the State Examination.

I have a certificate of disability. Do I need to obtain a conclusion from a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in order to increase the duration of the Unified State Examination by 1.5 hours?

No no need. If there is a certificate of disability, the participant has the right to increase the duration of the exams by 1.5 hours (30 minutes to the duration of the exam in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”), as well as to choose the form of passing the State Examination - the Unified State Exam or the State Examination.

To organize additional special conditions When conducting exams, you must contact the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of Moscow to obtain a conclusion.

If a student passed the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics in 10th grade, does he have the right to choose the Unified State Examination in specialized level mathematics in 11th grade?

It has. Graduated in Moscow in 2019 current year who has a valid result in basic level mathematics has the right to choose to take the Unified State Examination in basic or specialized level mathematics.

I am the parent of an 11th grade graduate. My child is homeschooled. Is it possible to organize the Unified State Examination at home?

Yes, it's possible. For those who study at home for health reasons, the exam is also organized at home. The basis for organizing an exam at home is the conclusion of the Central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission of the city of Moscow.

About the Unified State Exam results

- How can I get acquainted with the results of my exams for the current year?

Unified State Examination participants can view exam results and images of their exam paper forms on the Official Website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow (mos.ru). Also, students can receive the results of the Unified State Exam in their educational organization, graduates of previous years - in the regional information processing center of the city of Moscow.

Where can I find out the registration code that is required to view exam results and the final essay (presentation) on the Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow (mos.ru)?

The participant's registration code is indicated in the notification for the exam or for the final essay (presentation).

In 2018, I received a certificate of secondary general education, but I am not satisfied with my Unified State Exam results. Next year I will retake these exams. If I do worse next year, will I be able to use the results from 2018?

Yes, you can. When entering a higher education institution, an applicant, at his own discretion, can choose any current Unified State Examination results in the relevant subject. Unified State Exam results are valid for four years following the year in which they were received.

- I am a graduate of previous years and took the Unified State Exam in 2018. How long will my results last?

The validity period of the Unified State Examination results is four years following the year of their receipt. Accordingly, the Unified State Exam results obtained in 2018 will be valid until the end of 2022.

About appeals

I do not agree with the results of the final essay dated December 5, 2018. How can I appeal a score I disagree with?

There is no provision for filing an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points on the result of the final essay (presentation).

- When can I file an appeal about disagreement with the Unified State Exam scores?

The appeal is submitted within two working days following the official day of announcement of the exam results in the relevant subject.

Can the number of points based on the results of consideration of an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points change downward?

Yes, it can. If the conflict commission satisfies an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the number of previously assigned points may change either in the direction of increasing or decreasing the number of points.

Graduates of previous years

- What documents are required for a graduate of previous years to apply for participation in the Unified State Exam?

When a graduate of previous years submits an application on the mos.ru portal, the following documents are required:

  • identification document;
  • SNILS;
  • document on education or a certified copy of a document on education (diploma, certificate of secondary general education, original (or copy) of a foreign document on education with a certified translation from a foreign language).

If it is necessary to organize special conditions, a copy of the recommendations of the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of Moscow and/or the original or a certified copy of a certificate of disability (if available) must be attached to the application.

- Is the final essay mandatory for graduates of previous years?

No. Graduates of previous years write a final essay if they wish.

I am a graduate of previous years. What level of Unified State Examination in mathematics can I take? Do I need to take basic level math to get into college?

Graduates of previous years can choose only mathematics at the profile level to submit the Unified State Exam results to higher education institutions. educational establishments upon admission to undergraduate and specialist programs.

I am a graduate of previous years. This academic year I plan to take the Unified State Exam. Is it possible to take the same subject in both the early and main periods?

No you can not. The examination procedure does not provide for the opportunity to take the same subject both early and during the main period of the state final certification within one academic year.

I am a graduate of previous years. What exam period can I choose to take the Unified State Exam this academic year?

Graduates of previous years can take the Unified State Exam in the early period(s) or reserve days of the main period.

I am a graduate of previous years and have registration at my place of residence in another region. Can I register to take the Unified State Exam in Moscow?

Yes you can. Graduates of previous years can register to take the Unified State Exam in Moscow, regardless of registration at their place of residence.

- I graduated from school many years ago. Now I'm 31 years old. Can I take the Unified State Exam? Is there an age limit?

Anyone who has completed the educational programs of secondary general or secondary education can take the Unified State Exam. vocational education, regardless of age.

I took the Unified State Exam in 2017 in Moscow. In 2018 I changed my passport. How can I change my passport details so that there are no problems when applying to a university?

How to apply for participation in the Unified State Exam?

Graduates of previous years submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam at the places of registration in Moscow before 1st of February. To submit an application, you must have an identification document, an original education document (certificate of completion of secondary general (complete) education programs or a diploma of secondary vocational education) and SNILS (if available).

Students of secondary vocational educational institutions and foreign educational organizations must have with them an identity document, a certificate (of the established form) from the educational organization in which they are studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

After February 1 Applications for participation in the Unified State Examination of students, graduates of previous years, persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as students receiving secondary general education in foreign educational organizations, are accepted by decision of the state examination commission only if the applicant has valid reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) no later than two weeks before the start of the exams.

How and where to receive a notification for the exam, what do you need to have with you?

Graduates of the current year contact their educational organization at the place of study. Graduates of previous years and students in educational programs of secondary vocational education apply to the places of registration with an identity document at the following addresses:

  • Moscow, Teterinsky lane, 2A, building 1;
  • Moscow, Zelenograd, room 1128;
  • Moscow, Semenovskaya square, 4;
  • Moscow, Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, no. 47;
  • Moscow, Aerodromnaya street, building 9.

Information on receiving notifications for exams for GIA-11 participants (USE, GVE), final essay (presentation)

How can I find out my results?

You can view the results on the Portal of government and municipal services(functions) of the city of Moscow (pgu.mos.ru). To do this, you need to register on the Portal, then go to the section “Education, studies”, “Results of the state examination (USE, OGE, GVE), final essay (presentation)”. The suggested fields are filled in (the registration code is written on the notification).

Graduates of previous years can also receive their results at the address: Semenovskaya Square, 4, upon presentation of an identification document.

Graduates of the current year can familiarize themselves with their results in their educational organization.

Instructions for viewing exam results and images of answer forms for Unified State Exam and State Examination participants on the Moscow City Services Portal

What should I do if I do not agree with the points given?

If you disagree with the assigned points, you can file an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points.

Graduates of previous years submit an appeal of disagreement with the assigned points to the address: Semenovskaya Square, building 4.

Graduates of the current year are in their educational organization.

What should I do if I did not appear for the exam for a good reason?

If you are absent from the exam for a valid reason, you must, within two working days from the date of the exam and no later than three days before the date of the exam, contact the state examination commission with a document confirming good reason, and an identity document. The public reception office of the State Examination Commission is located at: Semenovskaya Square, building 4.

Graduates of the current year provide a document confirming a valid reason and an application addressed to the chairman of the State Examination Committee of the State Academy of Sciences to their educational organization.