How to play pig at cards 36. Board game pig. How they screwed me up...

Board game

Number of players
From 2 to 10

Party time
From 15 minutes

Game difficulty

Tabletop card game"Svintus" is designed for an office team with, at least some of its representatives, a sense of humor and an unbridled desire to win.

The goal in the board game Svintus

Be vigilant and stop trusting these cunning people around you: each of them can play a trick on you. If you managed to score 30 points in all games, you are the most prudent, cunning, lucky of the players (underline as appropriate).

Board card game Svintus: rules of the game

  • So, initially the deck is shuffled as thoroughly as possible. Afterwards, each player receives 8 cards for use (don’t even think about showing off your loot). The deck is placed face down in the middle of the table.
  • The player who participated in the distribution removes the top card from the deck and places it next to it, face up, thereby creating a new game pile. All attention is on her, she is the center of the gameplay.

If you want to end up looking down on everyone (quite deservedly), work hard and follow the extremely difficult rules:

  • “Slip to a friend”: Each player takes turns covering the top card of a new pile that matches it in color or value. So, for example, a blue deuce can be covered either by any blue card or by any deuce. If a player does not have a matching card, he takes one from the deck. The participant in the game is obliged to draw cards until he comes across one suitable for a move (try not to draw half the deck at once, the trick is to throw away the cards the fastest). Only then does the next person make a move.
  • “Svintus”: Before using his penultimate card, the player must look around the players with an extremely contemptuous look and shout “Svintus!” If the player does not do this, and any of the opponents notices that he has one card in his hands, he can force him to take 3 additional cards from the deck as punishment (no need to rush at people if this happens to you, all is not lost). But this can only be done until the next player plays a card.
  • "Interception." In fact, all cards are at least presented in 2 copies. If you see that someone has played a card that you also have, you can (it doesn’t matter if it’s your turn, be selfish) throw away your card too. Here, to raise the general mood and spirit of competition, you can glance at your colleagues from under your brows and quietly say: “You are all a bunch of losers!” The player who is in the queue after you takes the next turn.
  • "Translation". If the participant walking in front of you played “Zakhrapin” or “Khapezh”, you can discard a card of the same type. In this case, the next player will be forced to skip a turn or draw 6 cards only if he cannot “translate” to the player behind him. If he finds a suitable card, he will involve his fellow player in even greater trouble.
  • If the deck runs out, shuffle the game pile and use it as a new deck. Cards of special deceit:
  • “Hapezh” - after throwing out this card, the player who goes next (without crying loudly) takes 3 cards from the deck and skips the turn. The other players can make a pitying face or laugh an evil laugh.
  • The card "Peregryuk" has the ability to turn everything upside down. After using it, the game goes in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. If you use it again, the game will return to normal and so on.
  • The player who played the “Zakhrapin” card before his turn misses his turn.
  • “Polysvin” is a card that can be placed on any other. Thereby changing the color of the game, or, if desired, leaving everything as it is.
  • “Tikhokhryun” was created for lovers of a quiet and peaceful life. By playing this card, the participant opens a “circle of complete silence.” If any of the players breaks the silence, the circle is interrupted and the offender draws 2 cards from the deck.
  • If “Tikhokhryun” calls on everyone to be calm, then the “Cottonhoof” card, on the contrary, will cheer up every player. Once it is on the stack, each player needs to cover it with their palm. That brake, excuse me, the player whose palm is on top takes 2 cards.
  • All special pig cards except "Poly Pig" can be placed on a card of the same color range, or the same card of any other color.
  • Scoring occurs in this way: the first player who gets rid of his cards receives as many points as the number of cards left in all opponents' hands. The player who scores 30 points is the absolute winner of the game! Now you are ready.


Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 36 or 52
Number of players: from 2 or more
Card seniority:2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: be the first to get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. The lowest card is taken from the deck. Depending on the number of cards in the deck, 2 (6) of any suit are taken out and placed in the center of the table. This card is a store (pig). The donor is determined by lot. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and placed closed next to the magazine. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. The player draws a card from the deck and must place it on the store if that card is one value higher than the store card. If the card does not fit, then the player takes the card for himself. If one ascending order to the king is collected, then these cards are put aside and the next player in turn must put 2 (6). Then the players continue the game according to the same rules.

When the deck is dealt with, players continue playing with cards from their hands. The first player to get rid of all his cards wins.


Card game "Pig"

The number of partners in this game is unlimited, therefore, if there are a large number of players, you should use a full deck of 52 sheets, which is placed with an open deuce or six. Then all partners take turns removing one card from the deck and placing them each in front of them, this card represents each player’s store: a six or two lying in the middle of the table represents a pig, on which cards are placed in ascending order.

Cards are placed on cards representing shops in descending order, without distinguishing suits. Since aces don't go anywhere, kings are placed on them. If the ace is on the store, then it cannot be removed even by a pig. The pig ends in a king and is put aside. The next pig starts with the first two or six shown on the ticket.

The winnings of the game belong to the one who manages to lose all the cards, with the exception of aces, and the rule of the game requires that only two of his neighbors, right and left, should lose cards to the shops.

A card that goes in order to the pig's card can no longer go to the partner's store and must be placed on the pig.
Who with a cheerful piglet,
With a tail - such a hook
Runs through the yard

Dispersing the kids?
Well, of course, a pig.

What do you know, friends?

Nursery rhyme In the world family entertainment is gradually fading into the background. And if earlier evening communication was commonplace, now everyone communicates with their own gadget. However, there is a fun alternative to mindlessly and relentlessly staring at screens.

History and useful information

  • From 2 to 10 players
  • From 15 minutes
  • Game difficulty: Normal
  • Skill Development: Attentiveness

Almost fifty years ago it was patented in America "Uno". For comparatively a short time she conquered the whole world. Simple rules, compactness, bright colors made this invention a faithful companion to noisy companies and cozy evenings at home. Based "Uno" a large number of clones and analogues were created. "Svintus" (both old and new versions) is an interpretation of the famous "Uno", in many ways superior to the original.

The game "Svintus" after release in Russian Federation almost immediately became a bestseller. At first, the developers positioned it as entertainment for office workers. “Put a pig on your comrade!”- a motto that immediately catches your eye.

The goal is to prove that you are the best of all the office plankton, using both regular and special “Svintus” cards, and, of course, get a lot of fun from the game!

Very soon it turned out that this game, every line of the rules of which is imbued with bright, specific humor, magnificent pictures and an indescribable atmosphere, is interesting to a much wider circle of players.

Numerous additions

Before we talk about all the highlights of "Svintus", we invite you to familiarize yourself with the additions to the basic version; perhaps they will be more interesting for you.

So, office workers got carried away with the “pig” game.

Sitting in the office, they did not notice how the zombie apocalypse had come outside the window. Now they need not only to prove which of them is better, but also to survive among the monsters. Viruses and bacteria are added to the standard rules; the main thing is to figure out which of these are useful and which will only harm. Do you like dark jokes and think the living dead are the cutest creatures? Then board game "Zombie Pig" for you!

A new version of "Svintus" for those who are still far from working in an office - "Young Svintus", intended for children from four years old. It has a different design and it is possible to come up with funny conditions using the “Pointer” card. But in general the rules have not changed.

If the idea of ​​"Svintus" seems too simple to you, the idea is not original, and the rules are boring, pay attention to the new version "Svintus 2.0". In the box you will find a hundred different additional cards, “Pig Bureaucracy” will now be added to “Parrot Courage”, “Snake Etiquette” and “Dog Cockiness”. Players can choose new features and, accordingly, the difficulty level.

When you have already played enough and classic version, and apocalyptic, and even for children, but game 2.0 is still not for you, we know what to offer you. "Pig Rules of Etiquette" is another original addition to this pig story. In addition to the main cards, there is “Snake Etiquette”. A great way to have fun, and at the same time improve your manners.

But “Pig in a Cube” is significantly different from all the board games in this series. There are cubes and many additional cards. This is entertainment for those who can count well and like to stretch their brains.

A universal addition to all previous games will be the icing on the cake. "Svintus Metamorphoses" is not an independent game, and in the package, in addition to the instructions, you will only find a few special cards. But they will completely change all the events taking place at the gaming table. Thanks to them, additional animals will appear in the game, each of which has its own unusual ability. But, under certain conditions, the dark side of a fluffy bunny or a harmless baby elephant will come out, and then the level of fun in the room will skyrocket! This magic box can only be used in conjunction with one of the main versions of the game.

Purpose of the game

The main goal of all variants of the game "Svintus" is simple - you need to get rid of all the cards that you have in your hands. The first person to fulfill this condition is the winner. Of course, you shouldn’t think that it’s very easy. Remember, you are playing an incredibly piggy game, which means surprises cannot be avoided.

You can play once, or you can play a whole series of games, counting points after all the games played and identifying the best employee in your office.

The rules contain the following numbers:

  • if you play together, then the game goes up to 30;
  • if 3-4 people participate, then up to 40;
  • if there are 5-7 people in the game - up to 50;
  • If there are 8 or more people in the game, then the game goes up to 60 points.


Naturally, the “composition” of the game differs in each new version. For example, in "Pig in a cube", in addition to dice, digital and special cards (which are called “Gluttonous” here), there are also images of edible supplies. And in "Zombie Pig" you will find colorful cards with viruses and vaccines.

But let's talk first about classic version this board game.

In the compact box of "Svintus" you will find 64 regular cards four colors (blue, orange, red, green) with numbers from zero to seven. There are only 48 exclusive “pig” cards:

  • “Zakhrapin”, two of each color;
  • “Peregryuk”, two of each color;
  • “Khapezh”, two of each color;
  • “Tikhokhryun”, two of each color;
  • “Cottonhoof”, two of each color;
  • "Polysvin."

In addition, the package includes a colorful brochure with all the instructions and game nuances.

Naturally, in other versions of the game the equipment changes. So, in the game “Svintus Etiquette Rules” or in any other, the number of cards and their names are completely different.

Rules of the game

Learning the rules will take no more than two minutes. All you need to do is take the deck out of the box, shuffle the cards and you can start playing right away.

The game can be played by two to ten people aged five years and older. Each player receives eight cards. Be careful, no one should see what you are hiding in your hands. The remaining cards are placed in the middle of the playing field. One card is placed face up.

Each person plays cards on their turn. In this case, the top card of the pile and yours must have the same color or number. The game ends when one of the participants is left empty-handed. At the end of the game it is very important to count the points. It’s also simple here - the number of cards is equal to the points awarded to the winner.

Game mechanics

The game has important moments and tricky rules. Also, don't forget about special cards. So, learn to be a real pig!

First of all, let's talk about these strange cards with piglets, each of which very accurately characterizes office workers.

  • “Khapezh” is a card after which the next participant skips a turn and takes an additional three cards. The task of his colleagues is to pretend that they really feel sorry for the poor guy and quietly rejoice to themselves.
  • “Perekhryuk” is a card that changes the order of moves in the game. After laying it out, the participants walk counterclockwise, and the next time the order is resumed.
  • "Zahrapin." When this card appears on the table, the next participant misses his turn.
  • “Polysvin” is a kind of trump card in “Svintus”. This is a gray card and can be played regardless of the top card in the deck. The player who placed this pig changes the color of the game to any other.

If you are tired of listening to the clicking of computer keys, the squeak of a pen on paper and the endless gossip of colleagues, it’s time to use the card "Tikhokhryun". As soon as this card is on the gaming table, all participants fall silent. The idyll continues until the one who threw away this wonderful card moves on to the next round. The one who breaks the vow of silence takes an additional two cards, but also gives others the right to talk.

When “Cottonhoof” comes into play, the game gains completely different momentum. All participants must react instantly and slam their palm onto the deck. The most important “brake”, who was the last to put his hand, takes away two additional cards. You can sympathize with the poor guy and recommend vitamins for care.

Code words and tricks

A very important point in the game, without which it will be difficult for you to win, is not to forget the code word. When you have two cards left in your hands and you decide to get rid of the penultimate one, you need to shout out the word “Svintus!” loudly and clearly so that everyone at the table can hear. If you miss this moment and your opponent catches you, you will have to draw three cards from the deck. True, there is also a plus: the punishment is valid until the other participant has acted.


This is the first time I've held a game in my hands that immediately lifts my spirits. But I haven’t started playing yet! There are just such funny little pigs on the game maps. And their names – Tikhokhryun, Perehryuk, Zakhrapin – in themselves bring a smile. I'm anticipating fun! Especially if the company is on vacation and after a hearty dinner. But shhh... - we don’t drink and we don’t advise you to!

Actually, this card game is recommended for the office, for big company, but it will also go great in the nursery. And in the family too. A great way to have fun, and at the same time practice speed, reaction time, attentiveness and the ability to outwit your opponent and calculate moves in advance.

The game of "Svintus" is mega-popular - this can be seen at least from the fact that there are an incredible number of varieties of "Svintus". There is “Young Pigball”, “Svintus - Rules of Etiquette” and even - tremble, office! - "Zombie Pig." They are such fertile pigs!

The entire range can be found on the Hobbyworld website.

Name. Card game “Pigtail. Give a damn to your comrade!”

Publisher. World of Hobbies LLC.

Price. 390 rub.

If a friend suddenly turns out...

At first glance, there are a lot of rules of the game, at first it seems that you understand them like a pig in oranges, but then nothing happens, and without even noticing how you got involved and remembered. Moreover, “Svintus” is somewhat similar to the card game “101”, which we played as children. In those distant prehistoric times, when there were no other beach lying games.

All players are dealt 8 cards. The goal of the game is to get rid of cards as quickly as possible by laying out your own cards - ones that match in color or value. But it was not there! As soon as you try to get rid of the penultimate card, and your comrades have discovered this, you are immediately fined - you take three cards from the deck. To prevent this from happening, you need to loudly shout “Svintus!”

But this is not all the surprises that the pigs gave us. There are also “named” cards:

Khapej - the next player takes 3 cards and skips the turn,

Zakhrapin – the next player misses a turn,

Perekhryuk - the game changes direction: everyone walks counterclockwise,

But this would be nothing, it happens, but the pigs decided to have fun at the same time. If dropped:

Tikhokhryun - all players must remain silent for one round of the game. Whoever laughs will drink cat's blood and takes 2 cards. And it is at this time that you really want to giggle!

Cottonhoof - As soon as they see this card, all players must place their hand on the deck. The one who misses and ends up last takes 2 cards.

The most favorable pig card is Polysvin. This pig is omnivorous and can be placed on any card.

How they screwed me up...

My husband and I played for the first time to understand how to play and to “test out” the rules. And who do you think screwed who? Well, it’s okay, summer is ahead, the sea is ahead - I’ll have plenty of time to show who is the most insidious here! The main thing is not to forget to take “Svintus” with you. I'm talking about the game, of course, and not about my husband))

And while playing with a child, we learn colors and numbers. I thought that the personalized pig cards - Perehryuki and Zakhrapin - would be too tough for her. But it’s okay, I learned it! For now, of course, it’s difficult to follow all the rules, but my young piggy is training, growing, and in a couple of months he will be able to professionally give a competent pig to a friend)) But seriously, playing “Pigtail” is somehow not offensive, and losing is not terrible.

However, my nephews will come to visit soon - we’ll check there. I will definitely report on the results))

In general, the card game “Svintus. Give a damn to your comrade!” You definitely won't get bored. Unexpected turns of the game, silence when you really want to laugh, suspicion: what if someone decided to leave the game? The game is very dynamic and does not forgive slow-wittedness - if someone thinks for a long time, takes 2 cards, does not have time to put their hands on the deck after Cottonhoof - also help yourself to the cards. Everything is especially fast and fun in a large company - the number of cards allows even 10 players to play.

And also a big plus! - “Svintus.” Give a damn to your comrade!” very compact, takes up little space, you can easily take it somewhere on vacation - to the beach or while away the time on a trip. We will definitely take it with us on the train – both to play with and to entertain fellow travelers. It's definitely better than cards and carries such a negative connotation. Oh, how cleverly I wrapped it up! This is all because I began to play board games more often - “Consideration”, “Karkusha”. Something in my head first creaked and jingled out of habit, and then the process began!))

So, pros"Pig":

  1. funny
  2. fascinatingly
  3. suddenly
  4. excitedly
  5. Interesting
  6. easy to remember
  7. compact

That's all for me. Everyone interesting games in fun company! Preferably on the beach, of course!))