Medicinal plants in the garden. How to arrange a flowerbed-medicine kit at your summer cottage: growing medicinal herbs Using mulching materials

Practicality has always been one of the best qualities successful summer resident. The economic owner of a country house will improve the house, reap a rich harvest, and grow the largest and most ruddy apples in the garden - and all because he uses only successful experience and is not afraid of experiments. Why not, for example, turn a flowering bed into a compact garden medicine cabinet or plant a medicinal flower garden in place of a vegetable garden? Let's try to figure out whether useful plants can replace traditional phlox and asters in terms of their decorative characteristics.

Our task is to arrange a flower garden at the dacha, but not an ordinary one, but an exclusively medicinal one, so that each plant in the flowerbed has useful properties - medicinal or cosmetic.

I dug up a few roots and prepared an infusion for gargling, steamed a couple of flowers, and the aromatic soothing tea was ready. But at the same time, our plants should bloom beautifully or, in extreme cases, have expressive leaves. Fortunately, there are dozens of such examples among the medicinal flora, but we will only dwell on a few in more detail.

The simplest solution is to plant several ready-made flower beds with medicinal flowering herbs. It's no secret that among useful plants there are specimens with lush buds and beautiful inflorescences

Instead of delphinium, you can plant a similar fireweed, better known as Ivan-tea, and replace hyacinths with lavender. The appearance of the flower bed will not change, but each new plant is valuable for its own medicinal properties.

If you are not used to using a “green first aid kit”, you can do so, but experienced “healers” always stock up on useful herbs for future use, so a small motley flower garden will not be enough. Fresh stems, leaves, buds and roots are used immediately, but most of them are dried and used throughout the year.

Therefore, 2-3 bushes will not be enough; it is better to prepare several flower beds, a multi-level flower garden, or create a small pharmacy complex consisting of flower beds, plants in pots or containers, which can be stored on a closed terrace for the winter.

The fact is that not all medicinal perennials are able to survive a harsh winter, so containers are an excellent mobile means for seasonal decoration of a summer cottage.

For medicinal herbs, we recommend that you “stake out” flower beds near a residential building, a summer kitchen or a gazebo - that is, a place where it will be convenient to work with plants in the future (prepare decoctions, tinctures, dry, etc.)

If this is not possible, any corner of the garden, or even an area for children's games will do. The main thing is that our flower beds do not interfere, but, on the contrary, serve as decoration for the summer cottage.

Useful plants for a flower bed: planting, growing, care

Almost all medicinal herbaceous plants are blooming. Some have small, inconspicuous inflorescences (yarrow), others have bright buds (officinalis, foxglove). You can plant both or combine them, creating wonderful compositions. You can alternate rows of brightly flowering plants with greenery, as the leaves of many herbs look impressive. For example, kupena officinalis resembles a lily of the valley, and chervil resembles a fern.

Let's consider the conditions for growing those herbs that are familiar from childhood, are freely sold in pharmacies and are actively used at home. Each plant is safe as long as the dosage is not exceeded. We also do not forget about individual intolerance and allergic reactions, so consultation with a doctor before use (or even garden experiments) is mandatory.

St. John's wort - for all diseases

Our grandmothers did not grow St. John's wort, but rather collected the tall stems with bright yellow flowers in the fields just outside the village. Nowadays it’s difficult to find a clean area with safe soil and plants; it’s much easier to grow healthy grass in your dacha. And we will sow St. John's wort right in the flowerbed.

St. John's wort is a perennial, this must be taken into account when arranging a flower bed. At proper care begins to bloom by the end of the first year, and in the second year numerous and lush flowering is observed

You need to sow in the fall so that strong shoots appear in the spring. We choose a place closer to the center of the flowerbed, since the height of St. John's wort reaches 30 cm. We cultivate the soil: dig it with compost or peat, add a little floral mineral fertilizer. The distance between rows is 40-45 cm.

We do not bury the seeds, but leave them on the surface, slightly pressing them into the soil. In dry and hot springs, it is better to use a potted growing method and plant ready-made seedlings in the ground. A month and a half after germination, another feeding with nitroammophos is necessary - 2 g/m².

The main care for St. John's wort is weeding and additional watering during drought. Starting from the second year of planting, they give 150-200 g of dry raw materials per 1 m²

Mint – for vigor and freshness

Many people grow this unpretentious plant with a pleasant aroma in their gardens, but we will plant it in a flower bed.

Mint does not boast luxurious buds, but is perfect for edging taller flowering herbs.

One of the main advantages of mint is its undemandingness to growing conditions: it grows well in any soil, withstands dry periods, and develops well in sunlight and partial shade.

When planting in autumn, we add biological fertilizers to the ground - manure, compost, wood ash. We will need pre-prepared sprouts or rhizome cuttings. Given the rapid growth, we leave intervals of up to half a meter between nests. In spring, mint requires abundant watering.

To achieve a decorative effect and make the bushes even, pinch the tops of the main stems. Mint grows actively, so care consists of weeding, watering and infrequent loosening. In the sun the bushes will be more lush and tall, in the shade they will be miniature.

Because of high humidity mint may develop rust. Do not rush to feed with chemical fertilizers (sometimes the disease occurs due to their fault) - remove large branches and add a little compost to the soil, new shoots will be healthy

Material about the intricacies of growing fragrant herbs will also be useful:

Solar calendula

There are so many varieties of calendula that only with its help you can decorate several flower beds. The height of the plants (from 20 centimeters to one meter) allows you to create all kinds of multi-tiered compositions. Many people love calendula for its long flowering period. Thanks to their cold resistance, the plants do not wither even in frosts - down to -5ºС.

The decorative possibilities of calendula are endless: many varieties (Hamlet, Favorite, Sensation, Kabluna, Medallion, Golden Ball, Meteor, Radio) are rich in shades from soft yellow to bright orange or light brown

Calendula, or “marigold,” loves sun and moderately moist soil. In a shaded area, the growth of both stems and inflorescences slows down. It is better to sow it in October, right in open ground. Spring crops will sprout and bloom much later.

We place the seeds in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm, placing them in a 30x30 nesting method. With this planting, the plants will be tall and lush. If rows are needed, sow in a “path” at intervals of 5-6 cm.

To protect calendula from powdery mildew and similar spotty diseases, before flowering we treat the stems and leaves with the garden remedy “Topaz”, and remove wilted inflorescences and dry leaves in a timely manner

Fragrant lavender

The most popular varieties are pedunculate, Dutch, real, Stehad, and serrated lavender. Plants different types differ in height, leaves, shades and shape of inflorescences.

Pink, blue and purple lavender is used in flower beds to create an expressive floral background or a neat bright border, combined with white, red and blue shades, as well as greenery

Lavender likes sunny areas and is intolerant of waterlogging, so drainage or raised beds are necessary in wet areas. To regulate acidity, you can add wood ash to the soil, and compost to loosen it, then flowering will be especially abundant.

If it is difficult to fulfill all the conditions, purchase the broad-leaved lavender variety - it is unpretentious and feels great on any soil.

Be careful with nitrogen fertilizers - they affect the development of stems and leaves, while the inflorescences become insufficiently lush. It is better to feed lavender with potassium fertilizers

The simplest method of propagation is by stem layering. We bend the branch, press it to the ground, sprinkle it and secure it with a weight or a pin. It takes several months for rooting. As soon as the roots have formed, we cut off the cuttings and treat the cut with charcoal for protection.

Valerian - cat's joy

The soothing drink with drops of valerian is familiar not only to people; our pets - cats of all kinds - happily gnaw the dried roots, for which this amazing plant is called cat grass.

Small, fragrant, pinkish-white flowers of valerian, collected in large inflorescences, are rather background flowers, so they will easily fit into any floristic composition; moreover, they bloom throughout the summer, which will only benefit our medicinal flower bed

We sow the seeds in July, then replanting will be required in September. We make shallow grooves in the soil, place the seeds and sprinkle them with nutritious soil, preferably humus.

In about a couple of weeks, seedlings will be visible, which, after the appearance of the fourth leaf, are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. The soil of the flowerbed must also be enriched with humus, dug up and loosened.

Plants that will remain in the flower bed for “wintering” must be fed with nitroammophos or a similar fertilizer (containing phosphorus and nitrogen), 50 g per 1 m² is enough

If you sow plants in early spring, then by autumn they will produce the first crop of rhizomes, and summer plantings will be useful only the next year.

Sage - a universal healer

In the northern regions, it is preferable to grow winter-hardy and useful varieties - Patriarchal Semko, Nectar, Aibolit, Breeze. The listed species are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation and are officially recognized as medicinal.

Sage forms tall, lush blue bushes, so when decorating flower beds best place will be central or near the wall (fence), if the flowerbed is adjacent to the fence

For planting, soil of medium acidity (up to 6.5 pH) and good lighting are required. Moderately moist loamy soil is suitable. As fertilizer we use compost, humus and flower potassium-nitrogen fertilizers.

We plant the seeds in October or early spring, arranging them in nests or grooves, at intervals of 25 to 45 cm. We make 2 cm indentations and sprinkle with loose soil. In one place, sage develops for quite a long time - up to 8 years.

Apothecary flower garden design

Let's start with the fact that the shape and size of medicinal flower beds are no different from ordinary ones. Let's assume that you have already selected several useful plants that differ in height, splendor, shades and size of inflorescences. Our task is to correctly design the flowerbed itself and arrange the plants on it so that the overall composition looks attractive and does not resemble spontaneously and haphazardly planted crops.

The shape of the flower bed can be round, oval, square, rectangular or elongated along the facade of the house or fence. If it is located in the center of the site, combined structures can be used.

The original two-tier design is ideal for creating a medicinal flower garden: sectors of different shapes can be filled with crops with inflorescences of different shades, contrasting or related

The idea of ​​raising flower beds is not new - it is with the help of raised structures that you can create magnificent flower beds-pyramids. From a technical point of view, such structures also have an advantage: it is convenient to arrange a drainage layer in them for plants that do not like too wet soil.

If you are used to working with beds, then you can create an interesting flowerbed in the form of a mini-garden: divide a large area into sectors that resemble separate beds, and plant them with flowering crops

It’s easy to plant plants of one type; it’s much more difficult to create compositions from different cultures within one flowerbed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances:

  • flowering time;
  • stem height;
  • shape and shade of inflorescences;
  • growth activity.

The rest depends only on the imagination of the gardener. Let's give an example of a flower bed with a composition of 12 plants. Of course, it will provide little medicinal raw materials, but the decorative effect is excellent.

Inhabitants of the flowerbed: 1 – parsley; 2- chives; 3 – thyme; 4 – mint; 5 – chamomile; 6 – rosemary; 7 – oregano; 8 – tarragon; 9 – sage; 10 – echinacea; 11 – lavender; 12 – medicinal hyssop

We remind you once again that before using any cosmetic and medicinal herbs, you must check whether you are allergic to them.

Bright and expressive nasturtium, which we are used to using as an ampelous floral decoration, is also useful: it helps with hypertension, bronchitis and anemia

If everything is in order, then we will consider in what cases our flowerbed-first aid kit may be useful just outside the city, when there are no pharmacies or clinics nearby:

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile is indispensable for colds: inhalation, gargling with decoction, medicinal tea.
  • Echinacea and St. John's wort will strengthen the immune system.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of calendula will help with sore throat and stomatitis.
  • Tea with mint and lemon balm is not only tasty, but also healthy - invigorates, refreshes and improves digestion.
  • Skin rashes and minor scratches are treated with decoctions of celandine, string and St. John's wort.
  • Sage is indispensable for bronchitis and gastrointestinal inflammation.

If you use useful plants correctly, half of the medicines in your first aid kit brought from the city will remain untouched.

Common Echinops is known to those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. It increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also helps with headaches, polio and multiple sclerosis.

It turns out that it’s so easy to be practical and harmoniously combine the beauty and benefits of plants! And medicinal crops require no more care than traditional flower beds.

And finally, about how medicinal herbs are grown in the north, on the island of Kizhi:

Having medicinal plants in the garden or front gardens today is not only convenient, but also fashionable. Gardeners are coming up with more and more options for such flower beds.

It’s not that difficult to make one that includes not only beautiful but also useful plants.

Some gardeners select plants - flowers and herbs - based on their beneficial properties, while others prefer to combine them based on color and flowering time.

One way or another, having such a flower bed on your site is useful for everyone. It makes it possible to have medicinal plants on hand that will help cope with various kinds of diseases, or will be an excellent addition to your usual tea.

You can select and sow plants today. You will find seeds in a gardening store, where you will also receive information on the peculiarities of growing medicinal plants.

As a rule, all useful plants in a flower bed need a sufficient amount sunlight and warmth. The soil should be moderately fertile.

Consider several factors when organizing a flower bed. Firstly, some medicinal plants require time to ripen so that they have time to gain their healing power.

Secondly, there are both annual and perennial plants, and the second option is better not to bother with replanting and choose a permanent place of “residence” for it.

You have two options for how to make from medicinal plants:

  • Organized flower bed.
  • Flowerbed "savage".

As the names indicate, in the first case, plants are selected according to one of the parameters, for example, flowering time. They do not lose their medicinal properties, but the flowerbed looks more civilized.

However, a “wild” flower bed can also look quite colorful. Designate a place specifically for medicinal plants, for example in the corner of the garden near the fence. Fence an impromptu flowerbed with savage stone or brick and plant your seeds.

Thickets of various flowers will be very attractive. You just have to make sure that each of the flowers has enough space and sun.

Let's look at the most popular and easy-to-process plants that have healing and beneficial properties.

Medicinal plants in a flowerbed

The first thing you should remember when choosing plants for your medicinal flower bed is their safety for your health and the health of your family. Plant only those plants that have no contraindications.

In addition, when choosing, find out separately whether the plant you have chosen has poisonous parts: leaves, fruits, flowers, juice. This is especially important if there are small children in the family.

What plants can you plant in your garden to later use for medicinal purposes? Let's name a few of the most common options.

  • Melissa
  • Sage
  • Oregano
  • Lavender
  • Elecampane

These plants have long been known for their healing properties. In addition, such flowers for a flower bed* look very attractive.

Melissa, which can be found in gardens and front gardens, is not distinguished by its bright and catchy blooms, but has lush and juicy greenery. As a rule, dried lemon balm leaves are added to tea.

They give the drink a unique aroma and taste, while toning the body and calming it. nervous system.

If you want to have a lush carpet of green leaves on your site, feel free to plant mint. This plant spreads very quickly throughout the area. Mint has been used for making tonic drinks for centuries, and mint oil can freshen breath and normalize blood pressure.

You can use sage from your own garden not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a spice. This large bush grows very beautifully and luxuriantly. By the way, sage goes well with rose bushes.

Oregano was collected in the forests by our grandmothers. A unique aromatic tea is made from oregano with lemon balm or mint; it has thousands of fans.

Oregano is one of the perennial plants. By planting it once in a place that you will not disturb in the future, you will receive a good harvest of fragrant grass every year.

Oregano blooms profusely with small flowers. The medicinal plant is collected during the flowering period, and these flowers are added to tea.

Lavender, contrary to popular belief, grows beautifully in central Russia. Lavender has a unique aroma that is known to literally everyone; it cannot be confused with anything else.

You may not drink tea with lavender, but you will make excellent fragrant sachets for linen closets and bedrooms.

The common elecampane will also help you. Our ancestors believed that this flower absorbs the nine forces of nature and helps against almost all diseases.

If you are just starting to grow medicinal plants on your plot, this set will be quite enough. You can use plants either fresh or dried.

Once again, it is worth noting that for chronic or other diseases, before using medicinal herbs as directed, consult your doctor.

November 14, 2014

Plants that delight the soul and heal the body. Flowers, trees and shrubs with medicinal and decorative properties will become not only decoration in the garden, but also a small green pharmacy. Landscape designer Olga Kirillova presents the third article about useful and beautiful plants(first part, second part). Olga also prepared for readers an option for planting plants along the fence. In the diagram you can see how this plant group will look in different time. At this point, the editors of Green Portal finish their introductory remarks and give way to the author.

Hello, dear readers!

I present to your attention my third article, which is a brief encyclopedia on medicinal plants. We see many of these plants every day in our gardens and don’t think about them. beneficial properties ah, we generally consider many to be weeds, but they are so magnificent in flower beds! It turns out to be very simple to create a bright and varied garden exclusively from medicinal plants, because there are more of them than you think.

A large tree with a dense crown and very beautiful flowers. In May, the crown is decorated with erect, large inflorescences with white or pale pink flowers that have a delicate scent. In landscape design, chestnut is used as a tapeworm or in group plantings. This tree has a dense openwork crown that provides good shade.

Flowers, seeds, leaves and bark are used for medicinal purposes. Flowers with leaves are suitable for collection in May, and the seeds are dried from the beginning of September. The bark is removed from the branches after they are pruned in the spring.

Most often, alcohol tinctures are made from seeds and flowers to relieve swelling and inflammation. Horse chestnut slows down blood clotting, so it is recommended for thrombosis. A decoction of the bark relieves vascular spasm; it is used for malaria, intestinal disorders, and increased acidity of gastric juice. A tincture of flowers in vodka or just a decoction effectively helps with heart and liver problems. Periodic intake of fresh chestnut juice in small doses (20-30 drops) eliminates blood stagnation due to varicose veins.

European cedar/European pine

A very popular plant in modern landscaping. It has rapid growth and, with high-quality care of young seedlings, a beautiful lush crown almost from the very bottom of the trunk. This is a very independent plant and it looks best when planted in a solitaire planting; of course, it will not get lost in a group either. With the help of this tree you can fill quite a lot of planted space, since European cedar does not need padding.

Preparations from cedar, like those from most conifers, have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant and blood purifying properties. With the help of cedar preparations, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Fresh spring bark is used as a laxative and diuretic.

The needles are used in food as a source of vitamins; they are often added to vitamin drinks. Crushed young cones help in the treatment of scurvy, gout, wounds and abscesses. Infusions from pine needles are drunk for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Pine baths are good for the skin, remove toxins and help with rheumatism. Pine needles are good for cardiovascular diseases. The decoction is used to gargle with a sore throat, the oral cavity with stomatitis, and the nasal passage with a runny nose. They drank tincture from nut shells for deafness.

This delicate plant is used in landscaping as one of the components of meadows or flowering lawns. This is a wonderful type of lawn that does not need to be mowed - everything blooms and everything is beautiful, although it looks a little wild.

Flowers, roots and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Since ancient times, healers from various countries have used this plant to treat a wide variety of ailments. It is used for gout, in the treatment of the liver, joints, gall bladder and intestines. Infusions of this plant are considered effective means in case of liver intoxication, they improve the flow of bile. Decoctions cleanse the blood and normalize intestinal function. used in the treatment of mononucleosis and hepatitis. Infusions and decoctions are also used externally in the treatment of various skin diseases and lesions.

A very popular plant in landscaping gardens and parks. In private landscaping, Norway maple of various bright varieties stands out among other plants from spring to late autumn, attracting attention with the colors of its leaves, especially if the plant is planted in an open, illuminated area.

Not many people know that this plant has medicinal properties. Leaves, shoots, seeds and sap of maple are used. Infusions and decoctions of maple help in the treatment of kidney diseases (including stones), inflammation Bladder and jaundice, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, maple is used to treat herpes, pneumonia, stomatitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

This is a fairly popular plant, cultivated in central Russia as an annual. Mature plant forms a powerful bush with decorative leaves. It can reach 2-3 meters in height. It is good to use castor beans as a hedge or in the background of flower beds along the fence. Reaches maximum decorative value in open sun.

The most valuable raw material in castor beans are its large seeds. After processing them, the well-known castor oil is obtained. Castor bean is a poisonous plant, but treatment with hot steam during hydrolysis decomposes the poisonous ricin. Castor oil has laxative properties and relieves constipation. Recommended use for patients with gastrointestinal tract. In case of poisoning, it is recommended as a cleansing and toxin-removing agent. IN folk medicine the oil is used as a diuretic and anthelmintic. Since it has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, the oil is used in the treatment of ulcers, burns, eczema and cervical erosion.

Tall perennial, reaching a height of more than 1 meter. This is a very beautiful independent plant that prefers partial shade. Black cohosh looks great both when planted individually and in group plantings.

Black cohosh roots are mainly used as medicinal raw materials, which are suitable for use after the fruits ripen. They are mainly used to prepare alcoholic and aqueous tinctures, extracts and, less commonly, powder.

The medicinal properties of this plant are widely used in modern medicine. An infusion of the roots is taken for high blood pressure, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and diseases of the oral cavity. The juice of the plant and fresh crushed leaves are used externally for treatment. skin rashes, arthritis and rheumatism. Black cohosh is also used as an antidote for bites poisonous snakes and spiders. This is a good anti-inflammatory and tonic. An aqueous tincture of the roots has calming properties and helps with insomnia. Black cohosh preparations stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, relieve muscle and joint pain, relieve toothache, and treat gastritis. In general, a very beautiful and useful plant.

A perennial plant, very popular in garden landscaping. Bells are widely used in mixborders, alpine slides, rockeries, flowerpots and borders.

Bellflower leaves contain many beneficial minerals and vitamins. Preparations from the aerial part of the plant are used as a sedative and hemostatic agent. Decoctions are used to treat cough, uterine bleeding, headaches, fever, thyroid disease and stomach pain. Externally, lotions are used to treat wounds, bites and scratches from animals. Compresses are applied for arthritis.

A perennial shade-tolerant plant that can often be found in forests and forest edges. The decorative feature of this plant has become widely popular among gardeners, and in gardens you can now often see dense green meadows. The hoofed grass has very beautiful leaves that it does not shed even in winter. Leaves are shed only after waiting for the end of spring. After resting a little, he gains strength again. This is a very beneficial plant for creating a shady lawn, shady flower beds and rockeries with alpine slides, which are “lucky” to be under trees with a lush and dense crown. Its long-lasting decorative effect and unpretentiousness are very helpful in landscaping any area.

The leaves and roots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Clefthoof has an analgesic effect. A decoction of the root is good for headaches, toothaches, and joint pain. An infusion of leaves helps with gastrointestinal diseases. For insomnia and nervous disorders due to stress, a vodka tincture is used.

A popular spicy aromatic plant. Catnip has a unique smell and is very decorative when planted in masses. Also goes well with other plants in the flower garden. Loves light and moisture. True to its name, it really attracts cats!

The above-ground parts of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. Catnip grass has bactericidal properties. External lotions help with suppuration on the skin. When taken orally, it has an antipyretic, analgesic, hemostatic, and sedative effect. Catnip is used to treat anemia, liver and intestinal diseases, jaundice; preparations from catnip increase appetite and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Cat's Paw/Gorlyanka

Perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. A low ground cover plant of the weed type, as it grows quickly. The plant prefers meadows and clearings with light soils. In gardening, it looks great in alpine hills and rockeries, planted among stones and gravel. With sufficient light and acidic soils, over the course of a year, one plant can grow into a dense, trampling-resistant carpet, which is very convenient for creating flowering lawns.

Used aboveground part during flowering, seeds and roots. Powders, infusions and decoctions are made from them. Cat's paw increases blood clotting, is an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drug. Externally in the form of ointments it is used for various rashes and lesions on the skin.

Ashy ragwort/Cineraria

This perennial plant, cultivated as an annual, is very popular in urban and garden landscaping. Cineraria is frost-resistant and does not require watering. Retains the decorative appearance of its leaves until frost. Used for flower beds, flowerbeds, ridges, borders.

Few people know that this plant has medicinal properties. The root of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material, preparations from which have sedative and analgesic properties. A decoction of the root is used for intestinal disorders, exacerbation of ulcers, angina pectoris, and bronchial asthma. Ragwort extract is prescribed for uterine bleeding.

Large tree-like shrub with numerous red and dark blue berries. In landscape design, this plant is used in the design of backgrounds, group plantings, solitary plantings near water or recreation areas.

Buckthorn bark infusion is very popular medicine. The collection of bark is carried out in the spring during sap flow, when it comes off best. You can only use bark that was dried one or two years ago. Buckthorn bark infusion is an effective mild laxative. The bark also helps in the treatment of skin diseases, fever, anemia, liver and gallbladder diseases. The plant has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

This aquatic perennial plant is very common in wild ponds and rivers. Quite often, the egg capsule can be seen in the design of large private ponds. Its floating leaves cover the water surface very well, which reduces water heating and, as a result, reduces the development of unicellular algae.

The rhizome, leaves and flowers of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. Preparations from the egg capsule have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and hemostatic properties. The root of the plant contains enzymes that have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms. Recommended for use in cases of immunodeficiency, after organ transplantation or after chemotherapy. Tincture from the capsule is used for rheumatism, bleeding and gastritis. The decoction treats pneumonia, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Flowers are applied to inflamed areas of the skin. The rhizome of the plant is very poisonous, so preparations based on it should be taken with caution.

This beautiful perennial plant, which is not so often found in garden landscaping, will bring a sea of ​​sun and softness to the flower garden. The swimsuit is beautiful all summer long. Its flowers are large and very bright in color. It is great for rock gardens, rockeries, coastlines and small flower beds.

This plant is poisonous, but all its parts are used for medicinal purposes. Liver diseases are treated with a decoction due to its diuretic properties. good remedy from edema. Aqueous infusions were previously used for epilepsy, dropsy and scabies, angina pectoris and superficial tumors.

Kuril tea/Centlefoil bush/Cinquefoil bush

A very popular plant in garden landscaping. There are many various types, forms and varieties of plants, but they are all beautiful and have medicinal properties. The most commonly used plant is the shrubby cinquefoil; it looks great in small hedges and flower beds, combining well with other perennials and in group plantings with trees and shrubs.

The plant is completely harmless and you can brew tea from it without fear. Dried shoot tips and rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. Cinquefoil has antiviral properties, so it is recommended to use it for colds, dysentery, and to suppress staphylococcus. This plant is an alternative to many antibiotics. The use of Kuril tea improves immunity, calms the nervous system, and increases platelet formation. Long-term use does not have any side effects.

Kutra hemp/Kendyr hemp

Perennial tall plant. Looks good next to paniculate phlox or in the background of mixborders.

All parts of a 2-3 year old plant are collected in the fall. It is used to reduce heart rate, increase blood flow, and dilate blood vessels. Infusions and decoctions have diaphoretic, laxative, diuretic and expectorant properties.

Beautiful annual plant, which is convenient to sow in heaps directly into the ground between the perennial flowers of the mixborder. Flax has a tall, sparse bush and pale blue flowers that close at night.

Flax seed is mainly used for medicinal purposes. Flax seeds have a lot of extremely useful substances and organic compounds. In addition to being a useful addition to the daily human diet, flaxseed has expectorant and laxative properties. Infusions from it also help against dropsy, gastritis, and diarrhea. Compresses are applied to resolve boils and rheumatism.

Yellow daylily/Hemerocalis

A common plant in our gardens. It is a rhizomatous perennial that good conditions It reproduces very actively. Daylilies are beautiful and grow in a friendly and dense group. Looks great in the coastal zone, in missborders, in plantings with shrubs, in hedges, in flower beds and rockeries.

This plant, which has taken root in gardens, is very popular for medicinal purposes. Root, herb and flowers are used. Infusions and decoctions have tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anti-cold and disinfectant properties. Daylily is used to treat heart disease, gall bladder, rheumatism, cystitis, for drug poisoning, to lower blood pressure and temperature.

A perennial bulbous plant worthy of any garden. Some species have a strong, bright odor, while others have a very delicate and sweet odor that attracts insects. The plant is very popular in garden landscaping, as it is quite easy to grow and looks very impressive in flower beds.

Bulbs, flowers, juice from stems, stems and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. An infusion from the bulb is drunk for uterine pain and bleeding. An alcohol tincture of leaves, flowers and stems is used for irritation of the ovaries, heart problems, and weakened vision due to severe fatigue. Lily helps digest meat if you drink its infusion during meals. Onion lotions soothe the skin and help with abscesses.

Who is not familiar with linden? I think there is no point in talking about the popularity of this plant in urban landscaping. This tall tree with an openwork crown and a pleasant smell during flowering. It has a lot of useful properties, thanks to which it is often used in folk medicine. Mainly used are linden flowers, which have diaphoretic, antipyretic, bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic and anti-cold properties. Infusions and decoctions of linden flowers are used for colds, sore throats, and gastritis. Linden enhances the production of gastric juice and increases bile formation. In addition, it has a mild calming effect on the nervous system.

A very beautiful and therefore very beloved annual plant by gardeners. Lobelia is a charming cloud of small flowers of bright colors. Blue lobelia is especially impressive.

Few people know that this is also medicinal plant. Preparations based on lobelia are used for drug poisoning, the threat of lung collapse, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Lobelia improves vascular tone and is effective in big losses blood. The tincture is used to relieve spasms in bronchial asthma. Lobelia herb is added to anti-asthma cigarettes. We should not forget that this is a poisonous plant and an overdose can paralyze the respiratory tract.

A beautiful perennial plant that looks great in the design of flower beds and garden beds. Tall varieties are used in mixborders, and low-growing varieties are used in alpine hills and rockeries.

Its inflorescences and upper leaves are used as raw materials. Their decoction was previously taken as an antidote to poisonous insect bites. Now snapdragon is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, eyes, intestines, urinary system and colds.

A beautiful perennial that gardeners are increasingly using to decorate their gardens. Sometimes it is also called snapdragon, but this is a wild species, having only a yellow color. In the wild, this plant is very common, but not everyone knows that with the help of toadflax you can save a person from the most severe poisoning. It has very strong detoxifying properties, although it is itself poisonous.

The aboveground parts of this plant are used. Flaxseed has diaphoretic, expectorant, choleretic, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Has a slight anthelmintic effect. It is used for dizziness, headaches, conjunctivitis, eczema, jaundice, sore throat, and anemia. Ointments, decoctions, infusions are made and lotions are applied to the affected areas.

Create a group planting along the fence

Almost always we plant plants along the fence to decorate it, or to hide it. As a rule, these are either hedges or chaotic plantings of everything that grows more or less luxuriantly and hides an unsightly fence or neighboring area from view as much as possible.

I offer you the option of planting along the fence. Only group planting of trees and shrubs is used here. An excellent option for people who do not have time to care for the garden and who want to economically improve the area.

Assortment of plants

  1. Elderberry – Sambucus racemosa
  2. Norway spruce – Picea abies ‘Inversa’
  3. Viburnum viburnum – Viburnum opulus ‘Compactum’
  4. Norway maple - Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’
  5. Alder buckthorn – Rhamnus frangula ‘Asplenifolia’
  6. Chinese juniper – Juniperus chinensis ‘Japonica’
  7. Single-color fir – Abies concolor ‘Compacta’
  8. Bush cinquefoil – Potentilla fruticosa ‘Tangerine’
  9. Round snowberry – Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Variegatus’

View in May:

View in July:

View in September:

View in November:

We bring to your attention diagrams of flower beds made from herbs. These are not just flowering beds - they are a collection of spicy and aromatic tea plants that can be a great addition to your table as seasonings.

Beautiful and useful: flower beds made from herbs

Flower garden scheme No. 1

This is a set of seasoning plants. We have collected the most necessary plants that most housewives use every day. And they combine perfectly in a flowerbed - it is not only a useful flowerbed, but also a beautiful one. Such a flower bed can be organized even in the smallest areas near the house.

Spicy flower garden diagram No. 2

This flowerbed contains only the most necessary seasonings and spices. Distinctive feature This flowerbed is its simplicity. A small set of plants allows you to keep only the most necessary and popular herbs in your family. And not just plant them in a random order - but form them beautiful flower bed near the house.

Scheme of a flower garden of herbs No. 3

Another great scheme for a spice flower garden for your attention. The main herbs were selected and located in the very optimal option- just right for a small flower bed near your house.

Scheme No. 4

Using this scheme, you can easily form a cool flower bed from plants that are usually used to make aromatic and vitamin teas: mint, thyme, monarda (the smell resembles bergamot), strawberries. The queen of this flower bed can be called purple coneflower. Everything is thought out - the ideal flower bed for every family.

Varied, aromatic, colorful, and often healing herbal teas are a special pleasure for every gardener. The fragrant petals of tea rose, refreshing mint leaves, and the playful lemoniness of lemon balm are so tempting that it is almost impossible not to make a special tea from them in the summer. For those who love original drinks and independently prepared herbal infusions, there are specially created “tea” flower beds and ridges - small garden compositions in which plants are planted that can become the main star of tea drinking in their garden.

Choosing a place in the garden for a “tea” flower garden

The fashion for “tea” flower beds did not come to us, surprisingly, from England at all. Special flowerbeds of useful plants became popular along with Scandinavian design, but this idea quickly won the hearts of landscapers. At exhibitions, fairs and garden shows all over the world, different variations of tea beds have become almost obligatory participants. Setting up a small ensemble of plants in your garden, the leaves, flowers, twigs or roots of which can be used for herbal teas, is a special pleasure. Such a flower garden will definitely attract a lot of honey plants and butterflies, because such perennials are favorites not only of gardeners themselves.

A tea flower bed can be created in any corner of the garden. This should be a mini-flower garden - large, pompous flower beds are best left for either a classic design or a mixed design. Neat, round, oval or square flower beds, where it is easy to reach even the plants in the middle - perfect option. It is better to surround the tea flower garden with a decorative border. A neat low fence or fence, decorative tape, clinker border - it’s better to choose warm, cozy design options that are in harmony with the design style of your garden.

If you are just experimenting, then you can create a portable flower garden - in a large flower bed, an old trough, a large portable container, and you should move on to stationary tea beds after your first “test”.

The main thing to take care of is choosing a warm, protected area and a place from which it is convenient to approach the plants. Very often, a “tea” flowerbed is placed on the lawn, near the terrace or on the terrace (like an interspersed flower garden), near the house itself, replacing plantings near the foundation or near the recreation area. It is logical to create a “tea” flower garden where it is convenient to collect aromatic material for brewing tea - not far from tea drinking places or at home.

If you are just experimenting, you can create a portable flower garden - in a large flower bed, an old trough, a large portable container, etc. © Namiki Herb Garden Journal

General rules for designing “tea” flower beds

When designing “tea” flower beds, the following general rules are followed:

  • plants for regular gardens are strictly ranked, and for landscape ones, the emphasis is slightly shifted and crops are mixed to achieve the effect of wild charm;
  • the structure of the flower bed can be made more interesting by dividing it into sections, introducing a pattern or bright signs, through multi-level solutions;
  • crops are selected according to preferences for the same conditions and plant care, or a place is selected so that part of the flower garden is in the shade, and part enjoys the bright sun;
  • plants should contrast with each other in the type of flowering, the structure of the inflorescences or the size of the flowers, the type and nature of the growth of greenery;
  • the soil for planting is prepared in advance by digging the soil deeply, introducing high-quality organic fertilizers and adjusting the soil reaction to neutral, and its structure to loose and breathable, but sufficiently moisture-absorbing.

One of essential principles drawing up “tea” beds: plants that are going to be used for making drinks should be chosen carefully, carefully analyzing them medicinal properties. Each, even the most modest crop used for herbal teas, has a whole set of properties and is also used in medicinal preparations.

When choosing plants, it is worth checking whether they have a tonic or calming effect, and the basic principles of their effect on the body. When creating a tea flower garden, it is imperative to take into account your health status, especially chronic diseases. After all, despite the aroma, beauty and variety, herbal teas are not a completely harmless activity for experimentation. In some cases, it is better to consult a doctor or herbalist about plants whose influence you doubt. Before using plants for tea for the first time, it is worth checking the individual reaction to their decoctions.

A tea flower bed can be created in any corner of the garden. © anisrav

Stars of the "tea" flower bed

Usually, when thinking about tea flower beds, flower beds of mint and lemon balm immediately come to mind. But the range of species for such fragrant, interesting and functional flower beds is not limited only to unpretentious and standard herbs. There is a place in the tea flower garden for berry bushes, plants from the category of beautifully flowering stars, and even inhabitants of ordinary beds.

Among the shrubs in the “tea” flower garden, you can plant the species that are most often used for tea pickings - tea rose, “false jasmine” mock orange, Japanese quince, black currant, raspberry. You can also use fruits for interesting fruit teas. fruit trees: columnar miniature trees, including apple or cherry trees, can be planted in the very center of the flower garden or in the background, creating spectacular and beautiful accents there.

Rose hips can also be included among tea plants, but bushes that produce a large number of fruits rarely boast compact dimensions. Both dwarf trees and shrubs play the role of a visual peak of the composition. They are placed not only in such a way as to give the flowerbed of tea plants the most interesting relief, but also taking into account the necessary care, including annual pruning and rejuvenation: berry and fruit bushes, decorative types plants need free access. Therefore, it is not advisable to place them in the center of the tea flower garden.

If there is a separately growing bush in the garden or an old plant that they plan to radically rejuvenate - for example, a currant or rose bush, then you can plant a flower garden around it.

There is also a place in the “tea” flower bed for another berry plant – strawberries.

Herbaceous perennials and herbs offer you to choose flowering plants (and not only) according to your taste and your favorite aromas. The best crops for “tea” flower beds include:

  • mint, including curly, common and peppermint, fragrant, bright, spreading aggressively, but very beautiful when there is sufficient soil moisture;
  • lemon balm, which retains its beauty in almost any circumstances, with its impeccable leaf shape, bright, almost light green color, as well as lemon or catnip, which is very similar to it, which is often sold here under the guise of lemon balm;
  • dazzlingly bright, amazingly hardy and pleasantly standing out against any background lofant - Korean mint, agastachys;
  • sage - common and self-seeding annual clary sage;
  • unique silver-carved and slightly dangerous fragrant rue;
  • sloppy, but very elegant during flowering, pharmacy or ordinary chamomile, which in the company of denser plants seems weightless;
  • thyme or thyme, different varieties of which differ in the shade of aroma and the color of the greenery, the shape and density of the bushes;
  • Valuable not only for its firework-like fragrant inflorescences, lemon monarda;
  • spectacular, hardy and fashionable Echinacea aromatica;
  • angustifolia lavender with its neat inflorescences and unique leaves.

There are also plants “for everyone” - fragrant fennel, whose light lilac inflorescences-umbrellas surprise with a completely different shade of aroma than anise leaves, as well as cilantro, chicory, whose roots are added to tea, St. John’s wort, hyssop, lemon verbena, oregano, fireweed, fireweed, tansy, bedstraw, basils, amaranth, rosemary, marigolds, cornflowers, marjoram, tomentose pelargonium, snakehead. And some even manage to grow fragrant cinquefoil and calamus in an ordinary “tea” flowerbed.