Rules for growing cauliflower in open ground and in a greenhouse. Features of growing cauliflower in greenhouse conditions Cabbage in a greenhouse

If the region of your residence has a cold climate, then, of course, it is better to give preference to a greenhouse. The article will tell you how to properly grow vegetables in such conditions and how to care for them.

Which varieties are better?

The varieties that ripen at the very beginning of summer are best suited for the greenhouse. Below is a list of the most popular of them - these varieties are preferred by all experienced gardeners. :

  • Ditmar cabbage - its fruits ripen fifty to seventy days after planting. The weight of the fetus will be approximately one and a half kilograms. The harvest will ripen at the same time;
  • Cabbage K206 Number one - second in early ripening after Ditmar cabbage. The fruits of this variety ripen by day 125, the weight does not differ from that described above;
  • The variety Golden Hectare 1432 is the latest variety among the early ripening ones; the fruits ripen on about 135 days, and are distinguished by their heavy weight - on average about two kilograms.

How to prepare the soil?

– this is sandy loam. It will be better if your greenhouses are located on a small hill (if there is one on the site): in this case, the soil will dry out much faster in the spring, which means that the start of the planting process can be noticeably accelerated.

It is better to start cultivating the planting soil in advance - in the fall, this is done so that the pests living in the soil die during frosts, leaving you with clean and fertile soil suitable for vegetables.

It is better to plant cabbage in the part of the garden where onions, legumes, carrots, cucumbers or potatoes used to grow, because these vegetables leave behind nutrient-rich soil.

In addition, cabbage does not grow well in former beds of radishes, radishes, lettuce or any other cruciferous vegetables. .

It is advisable to remove all vegetation from the garden immediately after you have harvested the autumn harvest. After this, carefully dig the soil as deeply as possible, while simultaneously fertilizing the soil. Both organic fertilizers, such as compost or manure, and minerals will help.

Further soil preparation should be carried out in March, before planting. If the ground becomes hard, it is necessary to dig it up again. .

How to prepare seeds for planting?

In order for cabbage seedlings to bear as many good fruits as possible, you need to prepare them for planting in advance. The principle of choosing seeds is quite simple - the more, the better. Good granules are slightly darker than others and reach one and a half millimeters in diameter.

To select the best grains, a calibration sieve is used, which allows small seeds to pass through and leaves the largest ones. If there is no sieve, dip the seeds in salt water and plant those grains that have sunk to the bottom, remembering to dry them first.

After selecting the seeds, they need to be heat treated, which will prevent the occurrence of diseases in the future plant. Place the selected seeds in water heated to 50 degrees for twenty minutes, and then in cold water for a couple of minutes. Then the seeds need to be dried by spreading them on a dry cloth.

To be on the safe side, after heat treatment, you can treat the seeds with drugs that kill pathogens. . .

Types of greenhouses

Early cabbage is planted in greenhouses already in February, and later varieties, for example, Golden Hectare 1432, in early spring. . In the first case, the frame is mounted at a distance of 30 cm above the soil and covered with film, in the second, a foundation pit is made with a layer of biofuel sprinkled with soil. – .

Planting seeds

It is better not to plant seeds immediately in open ground; they may simply not take root. It is better to start with a soil mixture: it includes peat, sand and turf in proportions of 1:1:1. Fill the greenhouse with it, cover it with film and wait until the soil warms up to 25 degrees. Then you can start planting the seeds.

The grains are planted at a distance of a centimeter from each other and to the same depth. The distance between the rows should be about three centimeters. If all conditions are met, you will receive the first shoots within five days.. As soon as the seeds have sprouted, the temperature should be lowered to +10, and after a week raised. The temperature should be as follows: +9 degrees at night and +17 during the day.

2 weeks after the cabbage seedlings emerge, the sprouts are transplanted into separate pots with peat, but thinning the beds can also be done. If you decide to replant the plants, then an hour before the procedure, spill them with a weak manganese solution. By the way, you can also water the beds with it once a week for prevention. When replanting, remove the sprouts from the ground along with the clods.

Sprouts should be planted in a new bud at the level of the lower leaves. When the procedure is completed, increase the air temperature by 2 degrees, this will allow the plants to take root faster. Then you need to return to the previous temperature.


three to four leaves, they can be planted in the ground. Early varieties are planted by the beginning of April. It’s good if the seedlings give off a little purple color, but completely green sprouts will be weak and will not take root well in the ground. Do not water the sprouts for a week before planting, but water them thoroughly immediately before removing them from the ground.

When planting cabbage in beds, make sure that the distance between the rows is at least sixty centimeters. It is better to maintain a distance of thirty centimeters between the sprouts themselves. Make a hole, fill it with water and fertilizer, place the seedling in it along with clods of soil in which it grew. Cover the roots with soil up to the bottom leaves and compact the soil.

How to care and water?

Water your cabbage beds at least twice a week. For every square meter of land, about eight liters should be used - no less than one bucket of water per head of cabbage. Watering is best done in the morning. Once every ten days, feed the plants with a solution of sulfate and tincture of urea or mullein (diluted in a bucket of water). After fertilizing, do not forget to loosen the soil around the cabbage. 20 days after planting, the plants need to be earthed up; the next such procedure is carried out another ten days later.

Early cabbage is harvested when the head of the plant becomes loose. When collecting later varieties, they focus on the density of the head. Try not to overcook the head of cabbage, otherwise it will begin to crack and you will not be able to store the fruit for a long time.

A vegetable grown in a greenhouse is much more likely to bear good fruit than cabbage grown in open ground. This happens because the correct temperature regime is maintained in the greenhouse.

Cabbage is not a heat-loving and pampered crop, and therefore is rarely grown in greenhouses. But this method can be quite productive for germinating seedlings. If you know the temperature indicators required for a greenhouse, as well as when it is best to sow seeds and plant seedlings, you can get strong seedlings and, as a result, a good harvest.

Proper soil preparation

Depending on the external conditions and climate of a particular region, planting dates may vary slightly. It is advisable to plant the seeds 2 months before transplantation, i.e. until full-fledged seedlings form. If planted in the ground in May, you need to sow cabbage seeds in March.

Since the crop loves moisture, you need to take this into account when choosing the soil composition, making it fertile and light. The best option is:

  • 2 hours humus;
  • 1 tsp of the selected type of soil (fertile black soil, for example);
  • 1 tsp sand.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

It is recommended to pre-treat the seeds to increase immunity and protect them from pests and pathogens. It is permissible to use a solution of potassium permanganate or a selected chemical. The folk method includes heat treatment: place in water at 50°C for a few minutes, then in cold water for a few seconds, dry well.

Germinating cabbage seeds before planting

The planting scheme depends on the chosen growing principle. If you follow the basics, in particular the future picking, holes should be made every 2 cm, and the seeds should be sown at a distance of 1 cm.

If picking is not planned, you must initially maintain a greater distance:

  • 5 cm between beds;
  • 3 cm between seeds.

Advice. In order for seedlings to appear earlier, the beds should be covered with film. If the temperature conditions are observed, you can expect them to sprout in 3-4 days. Immediately when sprouts appear, the film is removed so as not to interfere with growth.

It is necessary to observe the climatic regime for each period of seedling development. So, at the time of sowing and seed germination, the following indicators are needed:

  • during the day: 15-17°C;
  • during the day in cloudy weather: 13-15°C;
  • after dark (evening and night): 7-9°C.

If the values ​​in the greenhouse are higher, they must be deliberately lowered. This allows you to “harden” the seedlings, increasing their vitality and strength.

When the seedlings sprout, the temperature should be reduced slightly - to 8-10°C. Accordingly, on a cloudy day, a couple more degrees are forcibly removed, since the processes of photosynthesis at this moment are very inactive.

Attention! Excessive heating of the air leads to the fact that the seedlings become soft and “stretch out”.

Picks and secrets of growing strong seedlings

When plants develop 1-2 leaves, they can be picked or planted. The soil can remain the same, but it is better to slightly change the composition in accordance with the recommendations:

  • 3 parts peat;
  • 1 hour humus;
  • 20 g per 10 liters of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate substrate and twice as much for superphosphate.

Picking and transplanting cabbage can be done when 2-3 leaves appear

In the absence of peat or, if desired, ordinary garden soil is taken according to a similar principle, but then more humus will be required - 3 parts.

Replanting should be done carefully, without disturbing the roots. After the procedure, it is recommended to shade the crops and increase the temperature by a couple of degrees for 2 days.

Advice. Plants should be thoroughly watered a couple of hours before the procedure. After transplantation, repeat.

Watering the crop occurs according to the following scheme: rarely, but abundantly. Optimally once every 10 days. It is important to control humidity. To balance it, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse. It’s better to add water in the morning.

After 3 leaves appear on the bushes, it is time for primary feeding. Mineral fertilizers or a solution of liquid droppings or mullein - the choice is up to the summer resident. The second feeding occurs after 14 days with a slightly increased dosage. For example, they recommend:

  • ammonium nitrate: I – 20 g, II – 30 g;
  • potassium sulfate: I – 10 g, II – 20 g;
  • superphosphate: I – 40 g, II – 60 g.

Transplantation and subsequent care

If you plan to further grow a crop in the garden, open the windows and remove the frames within a few days so that the seedlings are “hardened”, strengthened and prepared for future environmental conditions. Before the procedure, it is better to feed the seedlings with minerals, increasing the proportion of potassium. In order not to overdo it with microelements, you can dilute a solution of wood ash, which acts as a natural substitute for potassium.

Attention! On the 60-65th day, the seedlings already acquire 6-7 leaves and reach 20-25 cm. The color is bright, rich green. Sluggish, sickly-looking seedlings should not be used for planting.

Planting scheme for a 60*30 cm vegetable garden. A similar algorithm is suitable for leaving the crop in a greenhouse. The holes are well watered beforehand. It is better to replant the sprout with a lump of earth on the rhizome. Sprinkle with soil up to the first leaves. Lightly compact the soil near the stem. Care includes:

  • abundant but relatively infrequent watering;
  • fertilizing once every 2 weeks (it is better to alternate organic matter with nitrogen-containing and potassium fertilizing) or less often;
  • It is permissible to sprinkle the leaves with ash - this is both a kind of natural feeding and protection from pests. An ash solution applied by spraying is also suitable;
  • hilling, loosening the soil around the stem to free up moisture access to the root;
  • cleaning weeds.

Attention! Cabbage does not like shade. Only a large amount of sun contributes to its normal development.

Growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse has a number of features, without knowledge of which it is difficult to obtain healthy and strong seedlings. In this article I share my experience of caring for cabbage seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions.

How and when to sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings

The time for sowing cabbage seeds is different for each region. It is determined so that by the time of planting the plants have reached the age of 60-65 days. I live in Kaliningrad and sow cabbage in a greenhouse for seedlings in the second half of March. And I plant it somewhere in mid-May.

In a greenhouse, cabbage seedlings are grown in two ways: by sowing seeds in containers or directly into greenhouse soil.

In the first case, the substrate is prepared from two parts of humus, one part of good garden soil and one part of sand. I recommend adding a glass of wood ash to a 10-liter bucket of mixture.

In the second option, a mini-bed is formed in the greenhouse. Then 130-150 grams or 200-250 grams of lime, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 45 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium sulfate per square meter of sown area are added to the soil.

For a box 35 centimeters wide and 50 centimeters long, you will need about 3 grams of cabbage seeds, and 10-14 grams per square meter of greenhouse.

When growing cabbage without picking, the seeds are sown in rows located at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. And between individual seeds leave 2-3 centimeters.

To ensure that the seeds germinate quickly, cover the greenhouse soil with film and wrap the containers in plastic bags.

Conditions for growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

At a temperature of +18...20 degrees, cabbage hatches within 3-4 days. For the full development of seedlings, the temperature on a sunny day should be +15...17 degrees, and on a cloudy day - +13...15 degrees, and at night - +7...9 degrees.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, the plants require hardening. To do this, after full germination, the air temperature in the room is reduced to +8...10 degrees.

The temperature optimum for the roots is lower than for the above-ground parts. Therefore, the cool microclimate in the greenhouse helps to obtain super high-quality seedlings.

On a gloomy, cloudy day, photosynthesis in plant tissues is sluggish. In such weather, it is recommended to keep the temperature 2-4 degrees lower than on a clear day.

Also make sure that the greenhouse is colder at night than during the day. Excessive night heating leads to pampering of cabbage seedlings.

Picking and thinning cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Blackleg often affects cabbage seedlings when overwatered.

As soon as the cabbage plants have their first true leaf, they are planted in cups with a diameter of 6x6 or 8x8 centimeters. If you are growing seedlings in greenhouse soil, remove excess seedlings - increase the distance between seedlings in rows to 5 centimeters.

To prepare the soil mixture, I take three parts peat and one part humus. An alternative option is one part garden soil to 3-8 parts humus. I add 20 grams of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 50 grams of superphosphate to a bucket of substrate.

Before cabbage seedlings are watered abundantly.

Carry it out like this:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the box.
  2. For better development of lateral roots, the tap root is slightly trimmed.
  3. The seedling is immersed in a hole 2-3 centimeters deep in the center of the pot.
  4. The substrate is lightly crushed in the area of ​​the roots and subcotyledon.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all cabbages and lightly water the soil mixture in the pots.

For 2-3 days, the seedlings are placed in a semi-shaded and warm place.

Caring for cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

Cabbage seedlings are also convenient to grow in a warm garden bed.

When growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, they need rare but generous watering. Plants are watered once every 7-10 days in the morning. After which the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent air humidity from rising above 60-70%. Damp air is the main cause of seedlings being affected by fungal diseases.

The first time the picked seedlings are fertilized when they have 2-3 true leaves. To do this, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Each seedling is given 2-3 tablespoons of fertilizer.

The second feeding is done 10-15 days after the first. The rate of ammonium nitrate is increased to 30 grams, superphosphate - to 60 grams, and potassium sulfate - to 20 grams. Apply 100-150 milliliters of fertilizer to each plant.

Cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse need pre-planting hardening. It is designed to accustom pampered plants to the harsh realities of open ground.

Hardening procedures begin 14 days before the planned planting. For the first 3-5 days, the greenhouse is intensively ventilated. And 10 days before planting the seedlings in the garden, the frames on the greenhouses are removed or the roofing on the greenhouses is partially removed.

Kohlrabi cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse

It is advisable that the plants are regularly exposed to direct sunlight. But you need to make sure that they are not exposed to rain - a week before planting, the amount of watering is sharply reduced.

To mitigate the stress experienced by seedlings during transplantation and immediately after it, the day before work, cabbage is fed with mineral fertilizers with a high potassium content. To do this, 60 grams of potassium sulfate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to 10 liters of water and 100-150 milliliters of solution are consumed per plant.

Early cabbage has its advantages and disadvantages. Early ripening varieties will yield a harvest within a month and a half after planting the seedlings, forming slightly loose, medium-sized juicy heads of cabbage. They are not left in the cellar for the winter, since early varieties of cabbage are not intended for long-term storage. It has a low yield, and the heads of cabbage easily crack if improperly watered or overripe. But these vegetables appear on the table earlier than others, giving the body much-needed vitamins and minerals after a long winter. To harvest a generous harvest of tight heads of cabbage, it is preferable to grow cabbage in a greenhouse, where ideal conditions are created for it.

Ultra-early ripening variety Cossack has excellent taste. Smooth, round heads of cabbage weigh about 1.5 kg and have an average density. Vegetables will ripen 40 days after planting the seedlings. The leaves are thin and delicate, have a dark green color with a bluish tint. The variety is resistant to cracking, immune to mucous bacteriosis and blackleg. Under favorable conditions, 5 kg of vegetables per square meter are harvested. The variety is a hybrid, so there is no need to collect seeds from it.

Early ripening cabbage of the Ditmarskaya early variety will yield a harvest 40 - 45 days after planting the seedlings. Elastic light green heads of cabbage reach a weight of 2 kg. They have medium density, a classic round shape and excellent presentation. Therefore, early Ditmar cabbage is often grown for sale. The inner and outer stalks are short. The leaves are thin and succulent. Very tasty fresh, they are used to make salads. The variety is immune to clubroot, as well as mucous and vascular bacteriosis. Gives high yields - 5.5 kg per square meter. Vegetables should be harvested immediately after reaching technical maturity. As they ripen, the heads of cabbage will crack. Vegetables ripen together.

Parel white cabbage was bred for early harvest. Vegetables can be harvested 50 days after planting the seedlings. Exactly as much is needed to form bright green, tight heads of cabbage with a round shape. The vegetable weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg. Due to its high taste and external qualities, it is often grown for sale. Parel cabbage is distinguished by a high content of vitamin C. The variety is unpretentious in care. Resistant to cracking, blooming and bolting, as well as temperature changes. Already in May, you can harvest the first harvest of vegetables: about 4.5 kg per square meter.

The early-ripening variety Golden Hectare, popular among gardeners, is valued for its consistently high yield and excellent taste. It was for its excellent characteristics that the variety was given the name “golden”. Vegetables are formed and filled about 100 days after planting the seedlings. The rounded white heads of cabbage are of medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. You can harvest up to 8.5 kg of cabbage per square meter. The head of cabbage rarely cracks, the vegetable transports well and is stored longer than other early types. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Growing cabbage seedlings

How to grow early cabbage correctly? The use of greenhouses will help create optimal conditions not only for growing cabbage, but also for getting an early harvest. Cabbage is grown from seedlings in a greenhouse. Seeds can be sown as early as February. Before sowing, the planting material is sorted out, setting aside large and dark grains for planting. They definitely need to be processed. First, the seeds are immersed in hot water (up to 50 degrees) for 20 minutes, then in cold water. After processing, the grains are dried.

It is better not to plant seeds in ordinary soil. A soil mixture is prepared for greenhouses from sand, turf soil and peat, taken in equal parts. When the temperature under the film reaches 20 - 25 degrees and the soil warms up, you can begin planting the seeds.

The seeds of early cabbage are sown tightly, immersed in the soil to a depth of about 1 cm. It is enough to leave 3 cm between the rows. The first shoots will appear after 4 days.

When the seeds germinate, the air temperature is reduced by 10 degrees. A week later, the greenhouse is again heated to 17 - 18 degrees during the day and 9 degrees at night. Maintaining temperature is very important. In the heat, plants become thin and stretch upward. When they are cool, growth slows or stops.

Two-week-old sprouts can be transplanted into pots, but it is enough to simply thin them out. They will already have 1 or 2 leaves. From this moment on, the seedlings need to be intensively watered and fertilized. The first time they are fed with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. The second time, only nitrogen fertilizing is needed. The last third fertilizing is carried out just before planting in the greenhouse with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. At this stage of growth, daily morning watering is necessary.

Before planting plants in a permanent place in the greenhouse, they should be prepared for new conditions.. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated more often and the air temperature reduced by a couple of degrees. Before planting, the seedlings are fed. It is sprayed with a composition of potassium sulfate and urea. The solution is prepared by adding 1 tbsp. l. components into a bucket of water. Product consumption is about a glass per sprout. A week before transplanting, the plants stop watering. They are poured generously only immediately before being removed from the ground.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

By this time the greenhouse should be ready. It is advisable to dig up the soil in it in the fall. You need to dig deep, using the tip of a shovel, while adding fertilizers - manure, mineral fertilizers or compost humus.

You cannot plant cabbage on the same piece of land for two years in a row. It is better to alternate the crop with cucumbers, potatoes, legumes or onions. After these plants, many useful substances necessary for early cabbage remain in the soil.

Early cabbage loves light very much. The daylight hours for her should be at least 14 - 17 hours. In the northern regions, it is advisable to equip the greenhouse with lighting lamps. This will allow, if necessary, additional illumination of the plants on short and cloudy days.

The seedlings are ready for planting if the plants already have 3 - 4 leaves. The criterion for the quality of planting material is green color with a purple tint. The best plants are selected using this principle. Green sprouts without shimmer with a weak root system are unlikely to take root. Around the beginning of April, early cabbage is transplanted to a new place in the greenhouse.

The rows are marked at a distance of 60 cm. Seedlings along with soil are planted every 30 cm in the row. It is recommended to add fertilizer to the holes prepared in advance. The soil should cover the stem to the base of the first leaf. After planting the plant, the soil around it is compacted to ensure good contact between the new soil and the roots.

Planting early cabbage in a greenhouse (video)

Plant care

To grow early cabbage with good performance, you need to provide proper care. This moisture-loving vegetable requires regular watering at least 2 times a week. It is advisable to do this in the morning and not spend more than 8 liters of water per square meter.

The first watering is carried out a week after planting when the seedlings take root well. Cabbage is hilled for the first time 20 days after planting, the next time - after 10 days. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

The garden beds must be clean. All emerging weeds must be removed promptly. When the stump begins to form, it needs to be covered with soil.

It is useful to fertilize the plants every 10 days tinctures of mullein, chicken manure, urea or sulfate solution. You can sprinkle the soil and cabbage leaves with wood ash. It will not only feed, but also protect the plant from pests.

Wood ash mixed with mothballs will get rid of whites, cabbage flies and cutworms. Tobacco dust with added lime will repel the cruciferous flea beetle. As soon as the head of cabbage appears, treatment of the plant with these drugs should be stopped. Now we must get rid of pests manually, destroying their eggs at the same time.

How to properly plant, water and care for early cabbage (video)

You can use decoctions of wormwood and tomato stems. They are effective in the fight against caterpillars. Tinctures of tobacco, dandelions, hot pepper or garlic will help overcome annoying aphids. Even a novice vegetable gardener can grow early cabbage.

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This cabbage is well cultivated almost throughout the country. In the northern regions, cauliflower is cultivated in greenhouses or greenhouses, and in the south it is planted in the ground. Cauliflower seeds were brought to our country over 2 centuries ago from Europe. Since then, the plant has become a regular in the greenhouses and beds of experienced and not so experienced gardeners. The plant is very whimsical. For those who decide to grow it, it is better to take into account all the nuances so that it does not turn out that the inflorescences darken, wither or the ovaries do not appear.

Much depends on the right soil

- means saturating the soil with phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and boron with lime. The application of nitrogen should be limited. Cauliflower needs a soil acidity of PH5:5. There are no restrictions on the composition, but the cultivation of cauliflower should be carried out in soil where there are no or minimal impurities of harmful substances. It is important to saturate the soil with fertilizers and provide high-quality watering. The most suitable soil composition for this crop is chernozem, medium loamy soil.

It’s good if, before planting such a crop, the following grew in the soil:

  • Tomatoes;
  • Potato;
  • Beet;
  • Beans;
“lived”: radishes and related crops. It is permissible to cultivate vegetables in one place for no more than 3 years. Later, harmful microorganisms may accumulate in the main part of the soil.

Sow seeds in open black soil in early May. The depth of planting cabbage seeds is no more than 2 cm. The soil must first be well moistened. The first shoots can be expected in July.

How to grow seedlings correctly?

It is important to remember one thing - the correct seedless method of planting a plant, when seeds are thrown directly into open ground, is suitable only for the southernmost parts of the country. There, almost all vegetables are harvested using this method. To the north, sowing cabbage seeds directly into open ground is fraught with the death of the bushes, or the complete non-ripening of the crop.

In the northern parts, seedlings are sown correctly in special boxes during March (early varieties), from the first days of April to the beginning of May (mid-late) and from the last days of May to June.
. It is correct to move seedlings into open ground:
  • After 56-60 days (early varieties);
  • In one and a half months (mid-late);
  • A little more than a month later (late).

Before planting cauliflower seeds in boxes, it is better to do a thorough dressing. For disinfection, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. In addition, a contrasting temperature is required to harden the material. Its fluctuations, together with the correct method of fertilization, lead to summer residents reaping an excellent harvest.

This type of cabbage is an annual crop, so sowing to obtain seedlings and a ground or greenhouse harvest is carried out annually. The varieties are quite varied. The most common:

  • Summer resident;
  • Amphora;
  • Purple;
  • Snowdrift;
  • Hybrid Cheddar.

The correct inflorescences come in not only white, but also green, yellow, and purple tones.

To properly grow a crop, you should find a suitable box and fertilize the soil for young bushes. The seedlings are kept at home until the unprotected soil warms up very well.

A week after transplanting into greenhouses or open areas, the black soil is divided into squares directly in the boxes, according to the growth of each bush.
This is done in order to form an optimal root system for the seedlings. To transplant cabbage seedlings into open ground as early as possible, seedlings need to be created in February - March.

There is a method of forcing cabbage seedlings, in which several seeds are planted in separate glasses filled with very well-fertilized soil. In this case, the nutrient solution can also be introduced during the growth of the bushes. It is important to use peat, ash, and mullein as fertilizer.

Boxes with seedlings must be kept in a room where the air is no higher than +20°C. As soon as the shoots appear, the temperature is reduced to +8°C.

(too hot or cold), inflorescences may not form.
. It is necessary to monitor how the soil in the boxes dries out. It is advisable to water more often when the room is dry.

Proper transfer of plants for cultivation to the beds

The crop is planted in unprotected soil in very cloudy times, when the rays of the scorching sun do not reach the inflorescences. In this case, warm weather is required; a sunny place is chosen for planting.

To properly grow the crop, it is recommended to fertilize the soil first. It is advisable to add humus, peat, compost.

A little ash is poured into each hole separately.
It is advisable to bury the cabbage down to the first leaf and water it. Initially, the bushes need to be covered with film so that the cabbage gets used to the new conditions and the harvest does not deteriorate. This protects it from pests and various diseases.

During the process of crop growth, experienced summer residents recommend properly loosening the bushes and removing weeds. High-quality watering does not mean oversaturating plants with moisture. To grow a crop correctly, the soil must not be turned into a swamp. .

Too much moisture will disrupt root growth and spoil the tops. It is recommended to feed cabbage three times a season. This is done for the first time 11-12 days after planting. Next, fertilize the bushes once every couple of weeks. It is enough to pour a liter of liquid under each bush. Among the fertilizers welcome:

  • Mullein;
  • Bird droppings;
  • Urea;
  • Potassium chloride;
  • Superphosphate.

To grow cabbage correctly, as soon as the ovary appears, you should stop feeding, and cover the head of the cabbage with its own leaves, bending them upward. . Proper watering should be carried out in the same mode.

What cabbage diseases prevent the crop from growing?

– fungi.

If their signs are present on the leaves, it is worth urgently treating them with “Fitosporin”, which perfectly eliminates the enemy without harming the inflorescences.

Therefore, the main defense should be deployed against these insects, otherwise you will not get a rich harvest. The drug “Enterobacterin” will help, but burdock tincture is the safest. Place fresh burdock leaves in a bucket, pour in and leave for 24 hours. Watering is carried out at the root and the area is sprayed.

Receipt and proper harvesting

(mostly cabbage). If the leaves are powerful and the head is not ripe, remove secondary, weak shoots. The same can be done to obtain a second harvest. Caring for the plant is carried out in the same order as when obtaining the first result.

The new inflorescences will not be as lush and the heads will not be as large, but you can get a completely acceptable result. To grow, cabbage is dug up along with the roots and transferred to a warm, secluded place. . It is important to properly water the bushes when growing. The plant will no longer need sunlight. After a couple of months, new heads will appear and you can enjoy the harvest.

What things are important to grow cabbage?

As soon as the first inflorescences appear on the cabbage, it is advisable to shade the fruits. You should not expose the crop to the scorching rays of the sun. They can cause great harm to the plant. The head will darken even if it is covered with leaves.

Even if the alarm is false, it will not harm the bushes. At the very end of the season, they don’t take risks. The cold may come very soon, but the cabbage will not yet ripen. It is advisable to safely use the growing method in order to obtain the desired result.

For this, seedling and non-seedling methods are used. The first is suitable for almost all regions. To obtain good material for cultivating it in the ground in the summer, you should try at the initial stage. To properly grow a crop, you need to properly prepare the land and care for the seedlings during their growth.