When colic in newborns. How to understand that a child has a tummy ache due to colic. Mom's anxiety

Colic is a clinical syndrome that manifests itself in infants. Most pediatricians tend to view colic as a natural physiological phenomenon associated with the functional immaturity of the digestive system. At the same time, it is important to know that there are others, up to quite serious ones, the first manifestations of which are very similar to painful, but, in general, harmless colic.

How long does colic last in a newborn?

Intestinal colic in infants is sometimes called three-month-old. The number three is associated with the functioning of the intestines in a completely mystical way. So:

  • the first attacks appear in the third week of life;
  • the total duration of an attack of pain during the day is about three hours;
  • the problem disappears on its own after reaching the age of three months.

In some sources, you can also find mention of three restless days a week. In fact, the “rule of three” is very conditional, colic can begin earlier or much later, torment the baby not up to three, but up to six months, etc.

How to understand that a newborn baby has symptoms of colic

The symptoms of an attack of colic in an infant are quite characteristic and well known to experienced mothers.

Colic is referred to as a "diagnosis of exclusion". If the baby feels good outside of the attacks, eats normally and gains weight, he has no signs of indigestion, the problem is temporary and the baby does not need serious treatment. The doctor will recommend techniques and advise you to be patient.

Can colic in a newborn baby be permanent

As a rule, colic begins with rare (1-2 times a week), short-term attacks (15-20 minutes), which stop after gas or stool passes. In the future, the frequency and duration of colic increase, sometimes reaching 8 hours. An alarming sign with prolonged colic may be the imposition of other symptoms in the form of foamy stools, constipation. In this case, an additional examination is required to exclude diseases that have similar features.

Can colic occur during feeding

Attacks of colic are quite clearly associated with feeding, appearing about 20-30 minutes after it, mainly in the evenings. Sometimes an attack of pain can also come during a meal, prompting the baby to refuse the breast or bottle. This is due to the fact that milk, getting into the intestines, increases its peristalsis. Swallowing air during feeding may also be a possible cause. In this case, you need to hold the newborn upright or massage the tummy. You should not give the baby a breast, if he himself does not want it, until the attack passes. Otherwise, excessive obsession can lead to rejection of the breast even in the absence of colic. Sometimes a child's anxiety during feeding can be caused.

How to distinguish colic from gaziki in a newborn

One of the causes of intestinal pain (colic) in a newborn may be gaziki - the so-called accumulation of gases in the intestines. At the same time, colic and gaziki can manifest themselves independently of each other. With increased gas formation, the child is restless, groans, tightens his legs, pushes, but cries quite rarely and not as piercingly as with colic. After six months, colic remains only in memories, and the problem of gaziki can periodically arise as a reaction to dietary habits.

How to distinguish colic from constipation in infants

It is very important to distinguish colic from constipation. Normally, a breastfed baby has stools 4-7 times a day. If bowel movements occur 1-2 times a day or less, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

How to distinguish colic from hunger

In theory, everything is simple: a hungry baby should calm down if you give him a breast or a bottle of formula. In practice, there are other options: the quantity or quality of milk has changed, the mixture has been chosen incorrectly, and the baby does not receive enough necessary substances. Malnutrition is indirectly indicated by a change in the frequency of bowel and bladder emptying. The baby begins to cry immediately after feeding and cries almost constantly, becomes lethargic, does not sleep well. Hungry babies can get carried away by sucking fists, fingers, and anything that fits in their mouths. With prolonged malnutrition, there is a decrease in the rate of weight gain. For more information about this or that age and how to determine, read the special articles.

How to distinguish colic from lactase deficiency

Abdominal pain can be a symptom of lactase deficiency (in everyday life it is sometimes mistakenly called lactose deficiency). The lack of an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar is indicated by:

  • liquid foamy stools with lumps, bowel movements occur more than 10 times a day. The smell is pronounced sour. Artificial babies may be constipated, but the stool structure has the same characteristic features: clear lumps, then frothy liquid.
  • lag in weight.
  • violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora.

It does not exclude colic, on the contrary, their manifestations only intensify.

Can there be fever or diarrhea with colic

Fever and diarrhea are very warning signs. The appearance of such symptoms means that in addition to or instead of colic, your baby has more serious problems with the digestive system. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to tell if a newborn has colic

Focusing only on the crying and anxiety of the child, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether colic has passed or not. Indeed, at the age when they pass, teething begins, which also causes a lot of anxiety to parents. Therefore, the main criterion that you can focus on is the baby's tummy. If crying is accompanied by a dense and swollen tummy, flatulence, then colic still bothers the baby. When the baby's tummy is soft, it means that the colic has already passed, and the cause of crying must be sought elsewhere.

You bring a newborn baby home and for several days, sometimes weeks, you are in a joyful high spirits and the feeling that you have the calmest child in the world. However, after some time, one evening, a heart-rending cry of a child is heard, he blushes, clenches his fists and pulls his legs to his tummy. All attempts to calm the baby lead to nothing but tears, fatigue and irritability of the parents themselves. The episodes of this heartbreaking cry are repeated every day at about the same time, in the late afternoon, and it seems that they will never pass. This is how colic occurs in newborns.

All children have gas in the stomach, this is a normal part of the digestive process. However, due to the imperfection of the digestive system of the newborn, so-called infantile colic may occur. More than 70% of all newborns suffer from infantile colic. How do infantile colics manifest themselves and how to get rid of them, thereby alleviating the condition of the child? Why do babies have colic and when do newborn colic begin?

Abdominal pain in a baby occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which makes it difficult for the passage of feces through it. Against this background, there are short sections of the intestinal tract with increased pressure (bloating). And behind all this, colic occurs - impulse pain spasms. And provokes this phenomenon flatulence. Doctors around the world are still arguing about the true causes of colic. However, it is known for certain that colic in a newborn is caused by air (gas) in the child's digestive tract.

Where does the baby get a large accumulation of air? About 60% of its total volume enters the gastrointestinal tract by ingestion. The baby simply does not yet know how to burp, so the air is pushed into the duodenum, and from there into the intestines. He cannot go back, since each section of the gastrointestinal tract is separated by a sphincter - a specific organic valve. The remaining 40% of the air is released during the digestion of food, during the formation of microflora, as well as from the food itself.

Gas formation in the digestive tract

Gas is produced in the digestive tract from the moment a baby takes their first sip of breast milk or formula. Gas in newborns is a natural by-product of the digestion of lactose, proteins, and other nutrients.

There is no reliable evidence, but many pediatricians and breastfeeding experts claim that during lactation, traces of gas-producing foods, such as cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage) and legumes, can be transmitted from mother to child. Other experts also warn of high acidity in mom's diet. Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries and tomatoes with a high acid content can irritate the child. Dairy products in the mother's diet can also lead to "intolerance" in the baby. The problem is usually associated with the milk protein found in milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, etc., in addition, products containing soy can cause milk protein intolerance.

What foods cause colic in newborns? Nutritionists recommend in the early stages after pregnancy, nursing mothers to abandon:

  • Cabbage (especially sauerkraut), radishes, turnips;
  • legumes;
  • grapes;
  • Whole cow's milk;
  • Sour cream and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cheese);
  • raisins;
  • soy products;
  • Bakery products (yeast baked goods);
  • Sweets (chocolate, marmalade)
  • Eggs (it is the yolk that increases flatulence, and can also provoke allergies).

Of course, you should also refuse carbonated drinks, smoked meats, mayonnaise, preservation, products with food additives (crackers, chips, corn sticks, instant noodles).

Are there any products that reduce gas formation? Mom's diet for colic in a newborn should include the following foods:

  • Lean meat;
  • Vegetables (boiled);
  • Fruits (preferably baked or stewed).

When breastfeeding, a mother can test how foods can affect her baby by eliminating all listed foods from her own diet for a period of two weeks. The introduction of products from the list of restrictions is necessary very slowly, one product every 10 days, to control the reaction of the child.

Baby swallows air while feeding

Air bubbles can also enter the digestive tract through the child's mouth. Most often, this is the result of breast or bottle sucking. For this reason, it is important for the baby to burp every 5 minutes during a feed or between breastfeeding changes. After feeding, it is also recommended to hold the baby in an upright position, pressing his tummy to you, and holding his head until he burps the swallowed air. Sometimes it is required to keep the child like this for up to 10 minutes, this can be uncomfortable, however, this is the most effective way to get rid of the air that has entered the stomach. If your baby is formula-fed, make sure the bottle nipple has the correct hole size. If the opening of the nipple is too large, it will cause the baby to drink all the mixture too quickly. Since the baby is still too young, if the formula is fed quickly from the bottle, he may choke or swallow air. Try to choose bottles with the so-called anti-colic effect or anti-colic system. The nipple shape of these bottles is designed to reduce the chance of accidental swallowing of air.


Colic in a newborn may occur due to the so-called hyperlactation syndrome. Milk in the breast of a nursing mother differs in the anterior and posterior. Foremilk contains more water and lactose, and it usually flows out of the breast under pressure during feeding. Hindmilk is rich in nutrients that the baby needs for growth and development, it is more fatty and nutritious. We can say that the child gets drunk with the front milk, and eats up with the back milk. However, it happens that the child drinks only the front milk, not getting to the hind milk. With frequent feeding, the body simply does not have time to digest lactose-rich milk, and it begins to ferment. The child, not eating enough foremilk, asks for the breast more often, and the problem of hyperlactation and colic is exacerbated. To solve this problem, experts recommend allowing a two-hour break between feeds and keeping the baby at the breast longer so that he can get enough hindmilk. Also, it is not recommended to soothe the baby by applying to the breast during colic, as the baby will again receive a dose of milk that may not be digested.

Overexcitation of the child

Excessive arousal in a child can also lead to the risk of developing colic, similar to how many adults experience intestinal upset in stressful situations. In general, the more activity (guests, TV, phone, extraneous loud noise, bright lights, etc.) during the day the child has, the higher the chances of colic in the child in the evening and at night. This is one of the supposed answers to the question: why does colic occur in newborns at night. Overexcitation during the day affects the nervous system, provoking stress, which is expressed in intestinal problems and provokes painful spasms.

Changing the child's diet

Feeding a baby and an artificial baby can also cause colic. Switching a baby to formula or changing formula can cause colic in newborns. The introduction of solid foods in older infants can also create uncomfortable situations, and it will take time for the child's body to adapt and learn to digest the new food with the help of various enzymes and probiotics. In addition, gas-causing foods such as cruciferous vegetables, certain fruits, and beans should be introduced carefully.

Swallowing air while crying

Crying in babies in a certain amount is normal, since it is their only means of verbal communication. Crying may indicate that the baby is hungry, lonely, cold, hot, uncomfortable, or in need of a diaper change. Many babies cry for no apparent reason as they are just getting used to the new world. When babies cry, they swallow air that enters their digestive system. These air bubbles can become trapped in the stomach and/or end up in the intestines. Colic in newborns can also be a direct result of swallowed air while crying.

Why does gas in a child's digestive system cause pain and discomfort?

Generally, gas is not a problem and does not cause pain or discomfort because it is pushed through the digestive system quickly and easily. However, babies are born with a very immature digestive system. Most experts agree that during the first thirteen weeks of life outside the uterus, a newborn's digestive system is literally just learning to function. The muscles that support digestion have not developed the correct rhythm (peristalsis) to move food efficiently through the GI tract. In addition, newborns lack the beneficial bacterial flora (probiotics) that develop over time. Gas pockets are pinched in the upper and lower intestines. The gas acts as a plug, obstructing or stopping the flow of gastric juices, and creates pressure, causing painful bloating and abdominal swelling. The immature digestive system of an infant is not able to cope effectively with the situation. When gas pockets form in the stomach, it can cause the stomach to swell and this is also the main cause of hiccups.

Colic in a newborn: symptoms

Doctors usually diagnose colic based on the "rule of three". Crying in a child:

  • Lasts at least three consecutive hours;
  • Occurs at least three days a week;
  • Episodes recur for at least three consecutive weeks.

How do you know for sure if your baby has colic? There are several symptoms of colic in a newborn and, in addition to the rules of three, there are additional signs and symptoms that characterize colic in a newborn:

  • Crying occurs at the same time every day (usually at the end of the day);
  • The baby is crying for no apparent reason (he is not cold, not hot, he is not hungry and does not need a diaper change;
  • The child may pull the legs to the chest, clench the fists and generally move the legs and arms more than usual;
  • The child closes his eyes when crying or vice versa opens them wide, holds his breath when crying for a short time;
  • Intestinal activity may increase and he may spit up or fart;
  • The nutrition and sleep of a crying child is disturbed - he frantically searches for a nipple, but throws it away as soon as he starts sucking it. Sometimes he falls asleep for a few minutes and wakes up again from his own scream.

What is the difference between colic crying and normal crying

There is no clear definition of how colic crying differs from crying for another reason. But doctors generally agree that the difference is that with colic, the child bursts into tears, cries inconsolably, crying is replaced by screaming, and this ordeal lasts for several hours, and sometimes much longer. Most often, periods of colic repeat daily.

Important! Be sure to consult a pediatrician, even after one episode of such crying. Not only colic in a newborn This behavior of a child can cause serious illness.

When do they start, how long do they last and when do colic in a newborn go away?

How long does colic last in a newborn? The good news is that colic doesn't last forever. In most babies, colic peaks around 6 weeks and then usually starts to narrow around 10 to 12 weeks. By 3 months (usually a little later in preterm babies), most infantile colic seems to go away by some miracle. Colic may stop suddenly, just as it began, or end gradually: a period of days with colic is replaced by days without colic, more and more often, until they completely disappear.

Important! Colic in newborns usually begins at 3 weeks, and ends by 3 months, but there are exceptions, in boys, colic can begin earlier: from the second week of a child's life and last longer: up to 4 months.

Colic in newborns home treatment

How to alleviate the condition of the baby? What ways can help to treat colic in newborns at home?

Finding the perfect remedy for colic in newborns is partly trial and error. One means helps some babies, others help others, but all non-drug treatment comes down to the following simple methods:

Reducing gas in the digestive tract of a child

Babies have an innate reflex that kicks in when we do things that mimic life in the womb. Sometimes it's like a "switch" for crying. These activities include: swaddling, rocking the baby, sucking on the nipple or breast, lying on the stomach or on the side. Of all the actions in the fight against colic in newborns, one should stop at “white noise” and the position of the child lying on his stomach in the “footballer” position.

Newborn posture for colic

Pose "footballer" for a newborn. This position in many cases helps the child with bouts of colic, calm down and fall asleep. The baby's head is located on the elbow bend of the adult's arm and the child's butt is supported by the same hand, and the second hand passes between the child's legs and supports the tummy. There is a similar version of this pose, only in this case, the child’s head lies in the palm of an adult.

Pose of a football player for a newborn. Option 1

Pose of a football player for a newborn. Option 2

"White noise

“White” noise is quiet, monotonous sounds that imitate the sounds that the baby heard in the womb, calmed down and fell asleep under them. Most often, for these purposes, they use a vacuum cleaner working in the next room, a working washing machine or a switched on hair dryer.

Dill water

Dill water is widely used in folk medicine to relieve gas, bloating and other painful symptoms in young children. Also, the remedy is popular in pediatrics, since pharmacy dill (fennel) is the leader in the list of drugs designed to eliminate colic.

Important! Colic in newborns is not a disease, it is a condition of most newborns that passes without a trace over time. The most difficult thing for parents, especially for a mother, is to feel powerless in a situation where her baby is crying in pain, and she cannot help him. Ask relatives to help with the child, get distracted, at least for 20-30 minutes. Peace of mind is very important for a new mother. Remember: you must control the situation, only with your calmness and confidence, this period will pass and, after a while, you will again enjoy the development and growth of the crumbs.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

When a tiny newborn cries hysterically, new parents panic. How to understand that a child has colic, and not a serious illness? Painful sensations in the tummy occur in infants as a result of the natural adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to new environmental conditions. Knowing how colic manifests itself, you can distinguish them from signs of a developing pathology.

Key signs in newborns

How to determine colic? Colic is called paroxysmal pain in the abdomen of a child. She appears suddenly. The newborn changes his behavior dramatically. A calm and benevolent mood instantly disappears. The baby suddenly wrinkles his face and starts to cry. The baby convulsively wriggles his whole body, arching his back and tucking his knees to his stomach. He twitches his legs and vigorously swings his arms. His body becomes tense, literally compressed into a ball. The actions of the baby are accompanied by a loud heartbreaking cry. The face of the suffering baby becomes crimson. His tense tummy hardens and takes on a convex shape. The baby is impossible to calm down.

The newborn frightens the young mother with its appearance and piercing cry. She tries to rock him, gives him breasts. Babies usually calm down quickly while breastfeeding. But with colic, the baby, as a rule, decisively refuses the breast. In some cases, he can greedily grab the nipple with his lips and start sucking milk, but after a couple of minutes he decisively turns away from her. After feeding, his cry becomes even stronger. All attempts of the mother to calm the child do not give the desired result.

During an attack, the child periodically releases gases. In a vertical position, it releases air. A newborn may spit up several times. During colic, the child becomes very restless and irritable.

As suddenly as it begins, so colic ends. The child abruptly falls silent and calms down. His skin quickly turns white and acquires a healthy shade. The baby relaxes, becomes lethargic and looks tired. He can fall asleep almost instantly. But a new attack of colic wakes him up and forces him to scream heart-rendingly again.

How to recognize colic in a newborn? Attacks of colic usually occur during meals. The baby suddenly begins to writhe painfully, grabs and throws the nipple several times in a row. Painful spasm can also appear immediately after eating or between meals.

From intestinal colic, children often suffer in the evening and at night. Spasms can torment them for several hours in a row.

A characteristic sign of intestinal colic are changes in the stool. It changes from golden to green and contains undigested pieces of food.

Infant reactions

To understand that a child has colic, you can by his reaction to heat. If you press the baby's tummy to the mother's body, the colic will become less painful. The baby will noticeably cheer up and calm down a little. His scream will become less intense. He will cry plaintively as he tries to sleep. Contact with the mother's skin will have a beneficial effect on him. The beat of her heart will remind him of a pleasant intrauterine period for him.

The psycho-emotional state of the infant directly affects the strength of the manifestation of attacks of intestinal pain. The warmth and pleasure of contact with the mother can completely eliminate mild intestinal colic in a newborn or make them quite bearable.

A similar effect appears when the baby is placed on the stomach, ironed with a hot iron, a diaper folded in several layers. The gentle warmth emanating from the heated tissue relieves spasms and dulls pain. The baby calms down and relaxes. He can eat and sleep until the diaper is cold. Changing the cooling diapers to warm ones, you can alleviate the condition of the baby for a long time.

There is a direct relationship between the swallowing of air by an infant and the appearance of colic. The child becomes a little easier in an upright position. In this position, gases are intensively released, which cause bloating and painful cramps. Pain subsides after using a gas tube for newborns. To free the intestines from gases, the baby is laid out on the tummy. After the air is released naturally, the baby experiences instant relief.

Often, intestinal spasms disappear immediately after defecation of the newborn. He calms down and falls asleep instantly, ignoring the soiled diaper.

If you feed a newborn in an upright position, much less air will enter his body. Attacks of pain will become less intense and will occur less often. Changing infant formula and eliminating gas-producing foods from the mother's diet can reduce the likelihood of cramps.

It is possible to determine that a baby has colic by its reaction to bathing. A noticeable relief in the condition of the baby occurs immediately after immersion in warm water. A warm bath relieves painful spasms, the baby feels a little better and calms down for a while. However, after bathing, the attack intensifies again.

The dynamics of the severity of symptoms

Colic begins to manifest itself clearly at the age of 3-4 weeks. Some newborns have spasms around the clock with short breaks. Severe intestinal spasms do not allow the newborn to fully eat and sleep. If bouts of pain torment the baby all day, he may not gain weight. However, most children gain weight very well, despite regular pain.

As the child grows older, the nature of the pain attacks changes. They appear less often and last less time. The imperfect digestive system of the newborn gradually develops. Food is better digested and absorbed. The stool acquires a uniform texture, a characteristic pleasant sour smell and a golden color.

Colic does not occur as abruptly as before. At first, the baby becomes restless. He often wakes up, groans, kicks his legs, arches his back and wriggles. Then he starts to cry softly. As the pain increases, the intensity of the scream increases. However, heartbreaking screams occur less and less often. An attack can only be indicated by the irritability of the baby and his weak crying.

Over time, seizures appear so weakly that the child's mood only temporarily deteriorates. He may wince during colic without interrupting his sleep.

A slight increase in colic may be observed after the introduction of a new infant formula or the addition of new foods to the mother's diet. Especially those that contain a lot of fiber.

Already after 2-2.5 months after birth, many babies experience a noticeable improvement in well-being. They are mostly in a good mood, cry less and eat better. In some cases, severe colic torments a child up to 4 months. In male babies, colic may be more pronounced, they appear a little longer than in newborn girls. However, at the 5th month of life, the vast majority of children completely get rid of pain attacks.

Warning signs

Parents should be alert if the baby is spitting up very often and profusely, or if there is a feeling that the child is spitting up everything he eats. An alarming sign is strong regurgitation with a "fountain", resembling vomiting. The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is blood in the vomit.

A lethargic state of the baby is considered a dangerous sign.

After an attack of normal colic, he may look sleepy and tired. However, the child quickly gains strength and recovers.

If the baby cries frequently and does not appear alert between attacks, the baby should be seen by a doctor. An alarming sign is a significant underweight, developmental delay, poor breast sucking, pale skin.

If the baby is constantly pushing, he has severe flatulence and rumbling in the stomach, you need to inform the doctor about this. An alarming symptom is the fetid smell of the stool, as well as the presence of blood, mucus and purulent masses in it. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Severe diarrhea or constipation can also be dangerous for the newborn. You need to monitor the child's temperature. An increase in body temperature above 38 ° C is a sign of the disease.

A doctor should be consulted if an infant develops a rash. If during attacks of pain the baby screams hoarsely, he has trouble breathing, or he begins to choke, urgent medical attention is needed. It is dangerous when there is a rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath. You need to understand that such symptoms can be a sign of a serious illness.

The reason for the excitement is the lack of positive dynamics in the development of the baby's digestive system. If after 2-3 months there is no improvement, colic is tormented with the same strength and frequency, you should consult a doctor for an examination. The cause of colic in 5% of infants may be organic pathologies.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the attacks of pain began to occur more often or are more pronounced. Especially if other suspicious signs of trouble have joined.

The health of the child is evidenced by his appetite. In the interval between attacks of intestinal colic, he should eat well. If the baby suddenly lost interest in food, this is a bad sign.

Colic in a newborn, the symptoms of which disturb almost all babies, are known to every parent. Indeed, at the birth of a baby, there are no beneficial microorganisms in his body yet, because in the mother’s stomach the child was protected and did not need them. The food that came to the baby through the umbilical cord was digested by enzymes.

So the baby received the vitamins and minerals he needed. And with the birth of a child, he finds himself in an environment that carries a lot of microorganisms that are not always useful for a newborn. It is not yet possible to fight the latter due to the lack of immunity. The colonization of beneficial bifidobacteria and other species occurs with the onset of breastfeeding.

The etiology of the disease in infants

In the first two weeks of life, the baby receives a colonization of microorganisms sufficient for it with mother's milk, but then a failure in the digestion of food begins to occur due to a lack of bacteria. A sparsely populated intestine is not able to cope. Remains of food accumulate in the intestines, and the fermentation process starts. Gas bubbles are formed every minute, accumulating, they expand the walls of the intestine and cause colic in the newborn.

There are many reasons for their occurrence, the most common is malnutrition of the mother. For example, lactating women should not eat cabbage and beans, as they contribute to gas formation and cause painful bloating. Every mother should, from the first days of the appearance of her baby, adhere to a diet and gradually move to a common table.

Breastfeeding technique also plays an important role. After all, if the nipple with the areola is not properly grasped, air can seep into the stomach with food and cause colic.

In the modern world, many mothers refuse to breastfeed and from the first days they begin to give various advertised mixtures, the amount of bifidobacteria in which is not enough for the body. Despite the large selection of formulas on the market, it is still impossible to replace mother's milk.

The development of colic also occurs during the transition of the baby to artificial nutrition. To check the presence of the required number of bacteria in the body, doctors recommend taking a stool test.

One of the preventions for the onset of spasms is long-term breastfeeding, so that beneficial bacteria enter the body of the baby for as long as possible. According to WHO recommendations, breastfeeding up to 6 months is desirable without any supplements. And complementary foods start step by step and in small portions.

Other causes of colic in infants

Colic in newborns depends on the speed of movement through the gastrointestinal tract of the accepted food, improperly diluted mixture.

The presence of jaundice can also provoke the appearance of colic. Some changes in the nervous system of the baby can lead to gas formation. Therefore, you should contact the clinic for preventive medical examinations, especially with a neurologist.

Common symptoms in infants

Symptoms of colic in newborns should be distinguished from an intestinal infection. To do this, you need to observe his behavior during the feeding period.

  1. For attacks of spasms, the same time of day is characteristic, more often in the evening or at night, a sudden appearance.
  2. The baby begins to frown, grunt, his face turns red, tossing and turning, trying to indicate his condition so that his mother can understand and help.
  3. When pain occurs, the baby jerks his legs, trying to press them to the tummy and unbend, arches his back and strains a lot.
  4. Hands clenched into fists.
  5. Cries loud and hard.
  6. If you feel the stomach at this time, then you can note its hardness, putting your ear to the tummy - you can hear the rumbling of the intestines.
  7. After spitting up or emptying the intestines, passing gases, the pain subsides, and the child calms down. After a while, the signs of colic recur.
  8. The rest of the time, the baby feels good, active, eats well and gains weight.

What time of day do the symptoms appear?

During the day, the baby recognizes the world and pays attention to every little thing. However, by 18 o'clock the fermentation process starts, and the pain begins. The most important help to the baby is mother's hands, from which comes warmth and affection. This psychological moment calms the child and even eliminates part of the colic. Mom needs to take the baby so that the hand is under the tummy, and the baby's head lies in the palm of your hand. With the other hand, stroke the back. Or just press the baby to yourself and stroking the back, help the disturbing gases go away.

If the baby is already a month old, then it can be turned over on the tummy, having previously laid a heated diaper, and continue to stroke the baby on the back.

You can use some massage techniques: lift the baby's legs and press them to the stomach with your knees, which will free the way to the exit of gases; stroking the abdomen clockwise, while trying not to press and irritate the right hypochondrium, the location of the liver.

Some medicines give a good effect in the fight against colic. For example, hofitol, bobotik, babynos, plantex and others. However, doctors do not recommend giving drugs in the first 21 days of life for babies, for this it is better to use traditional methods of treatment, massages and dill water.

A few examples of folk treatment of colic:

  • the use of herbal teas and infusions. They must be given before every meal. Tea is made from chamomile, fennel, mint, ginger;
  • dill infusion 2-3 teaspoons 2 times a day;
  • a warm bath with chamomile will help with severe pain;
  • using a gas tube.

When do spasms go away?

After delivery, a woman should refrain from taking bread, chocolate, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, dairy products and legumes. The diet should be kept until the end of the first month, then gradually expand your diet, and it is advisable to increase certain foods in the first half of the day in order to observe the reaction of the child's body to the product.

And also the psychological state of the mother will play a role, the child, like a sponge, perceives all the emotions of the mother. If the mother is annoyed or worried, then the occurrence of colic will not take long.

In addition to proper attachment to the breast, attention should be paid to the baby receiving not only upper milk, but also lower milk. When there is a lot of milk, the baby receives immature upper milk, and the amount of lactose in it is low. Therefore, there is a pumping of a certain part of the milk before feeding.

Therapeutic measures for colic in newborns can be different, the choice is up to mothers who want to quickly rid their baby of a painful condition. However, American scientists are sure that traditional medicine is ineffective here and the process of colic passes on its own in accordance with the allotted time. They conducted experiments in which it was noticed that folk methods helped only three out of a dozen. Scientists attributed these three children to the closeness of the mother with the babies and the mentally calm state of the parents.

In the first months of their child's life, parents most often turn to pediatricians with one problem. Moms and dads complain about the occurrence of anxiety attacks and crying in the baby for no apparent reason. As a rule, such a condition is a manifestation of intestinal colic. They do not cause serious violations in the state of health of the child. At the same time, the symptoms of colic in a newborn require certain measures from the parents.

What is colic and what causes them

Intestinal colic in medicine is called cramping pain that occurs in a child at the beginning of life and is accompanied by severe anxiety of the crumbs. For the first time, a similar condition can occur in a baby at the age of 2 weeks and last up to 3 months.

What is causing the pain? Such an unpleasant symptom occurs due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of children after birth is still underdeveloped. It has certain anatomical and physiological features:

  • in the oral cavity, the salivary glands are underdeveloped;
  • the esophagus of newborns is characterized by mild physiological narrowing;
  • if we talk about the stomach in children in the first months of life, then it has an insufficiently developed secretory apparatus, there is slow motility, sluggish peristalsis;
  • the intestines in the first hours of life are free from bacteria.

At an early age, intestinal colic in most children is due to the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it is important for parents to know that there are a number of factors that increase the manifestations of gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Causes caused by anatomical and physiological features

The main cause of colic in a newborn is a violation of the motor activity of the intestine. This is due to the immaturity of the central and peripheral regulation of the innervation of the named internal organ. The peristaltic wave, which should cover the entire intestinal tube, affects only some areas in children at an early age. Because of this, a sharp spasm occurs in certain parts of the small intestine, which provokes the appearance of pain.

Another cause of intestinal colic, due to the incomplete maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, is the immaturity of the enzyme system and the formation of microbiocenosis. In a small child, carbohydrates and fats are not completely broken down. Because of this, there is increased gas formation, due to which the small intestine swells and pain begins. Regarding microbiocenosis, it is worth noting that beneficial microorganisms gradually populate the intestines. Their quantitative increase provokes increased gas formation.

Other factors causing intestinal colic

Other causes of abdominal pain in young children include:

  • non-compliance with a certain diet by a nursing mother, because the properties of milk depend on the nutrition of a woman (mothers are advised to exclude certain foods from their diet or consume certain foods in a minimum amount);
  • aerophagia - swallowing air (this is possible if the baby is not properly attached to the chest, the bottle is in the wrong position during artificial feeding);
  • violation of the rules for preparing a mixture for a child (excessive or insufficient dilution of the product);
  • irrational feeding (overfeeding, forced feeding).

A few years ago, dysbacteriosis was attributed to the causes of symptoms of intestinal colic in newborns. Currently, doctors refuse this diagnosis. In children of the first months of life, the microflora is constantly changing. This is not a deviation, so the diagnosis of "dysbacteriosis" is erroneous. At the same time, there is one nuance. In children, the intestinal microflora can be disturbed if their breastfeeding mothers take antibiotics. Medicines pass into milk, and then into the digestive system of the child.

General clinical picture

Back in 1954, the famous American pediatrician Morris Arthur Wessel (M. A. Wessel) defined intestinal colic. It is used by specialists at the present time, because it serves as the main diagnostic criterion. It will also help parents understand how to recognize the symptoms of colic in a newborn. This definition is also called the "rule of triplets". It states that intestinal colic is a paroxysm of crying, irritability, or restlessness that lasts:

  • more than 3 hours a day;
  • more than 3 days a week;
  • for 3 weeks or more.

If a child has episodes of crying and anxiety that correspond to the “rule of triplets”, then parents can be sure that it is intestinal colic that torments their baby, and not some kind of pathology. The absence of diseases is also indicated by the fact that no suspicious symptoms are observed in the intervals between attacks. The child feels and behaves absolutely normally. He actively sucks his mother's breast or bottle, gains weight well.

How seizures work

The most typical time for the occurrence of pain in a child is the evening hours (somewhere from 17 to 19 hours). At first, intestinal colic is observed quite rarely - 1-2 times a week. The duration of the attacks is from 1-2 to 15-20 minutes. In the future, intestinal colic begins to torment the child more and more often. They become longer.

Sudden onset is what is characteristic of the symptoms of intestinal colic in newborns. What signs are observed? At first, babies may frown, squirm, grunt, twist their mouth. Then they begin to scream loudly and piercingly. The skin of the face turns red. Toddlers press their legs to their stomach (in common people they say that children “knock their legs”). Feces and gases in this state do not depart.

On examination, you can notice a few more symptoms of colic in newborns - bloating and tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which does not reach the degree of "acute abdomen". The condition improves, as a rule, after defecation or gas discharge. After a while, the colic recurs.

The severity of intestinal colic

Depending on when the pain attacks appear, experts distinguish 3 forms of infantile colic. The first one is typical. This form is characterized by the appearance of intestinal colic at the age of 6 weeks. Up to 2 months, the condition progresses - attacks become more frequent and prolonged. Then the manifestations of intestinal colic become less and less bright. By 3-4 months, the pain ceases to bother the baby.

The second form is called persistent. It is characterized by the continuation of intestinal colic after 3-4 months. A similar form is observed in cases where children have some kind of concomitant pathology, combined variants of functional disorders. It is important not to confuse the stubborn form with the late form. The latter is characterized by a late onset of intestinal colic. With this form, pain begins to torment the child after 3 months of life.

The difference between colic and pathologies, diseases

Crying and crying are symptoms that can be observed not only with intestinal colic. There are serious pathologies, diseases with a similar clinical picture. Certain features confirm that there are not signs of some kind of ailment, but symptoms of colic in newborns. There are the following diagnostic criteria:

  • age from 1 to 6 months;
  • sudden onset;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • the recurring nature of the symptoms, the alternation of painful periods with periods of absolute well-being;
  • bloating due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • the onset of relief after a bowel movement or discharge of gases.

The presence of intestinal colic in a child can be doubted if there are violations of weight gain, attacks of shortness of breath and cyanosis, fever, convulsions, lethargy and refusal to eat, vomiting (not regurgitation), a violation of the nature of the stool, various suspicious skin symptoms ( swelling, rash). Also for colic are not typical: pain on palpation, muscle tension of the abdominal wall and difficulty with deep palpation. These symptoms may be inherent in an acute surgical condition, which requires urgent specialist help.

Psychological atmosphere

An important component of successful treatment of intestinal colic is a favorable psycho-emotional environment in the family. A small child does not understand the speech of parents, but reacts to their emotions. Inexperienced parents are very scared of infant colic. Sometimes it even comes to tantrums. First of all, don't panic. To begin with, it is recommended to consult with a pediatrician. In the absence of serious concerns, the specialist will talk about proper nutrition and prescribe drugs that will alleviate the child's condition.

It is important for parents to know that colic is physiological and not pathological. Their appearance serves as a signal that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is adapting to extrauterine life. Mom should spend more time with the baby, but you don’t need to abuse it either. Everyone needs rest, enough sleep. If a woman cannot cope with anxiety, then a doctor can help. He will recommend the safest sedative for the child, because it is no secret to anyone that all the pills used by the mother affect the composition of the milk.

Maternal nutritional adjustment

An important role in the treatment of colic is played by the correction of the mother's diet. A woman should eat varied, taking into account the fact that foods are best eaten simple - without preservatives, fillers, dyes. It is also important to consider that all products for nursing mothers are divided into 3 groups - “allowed”, “limited” and “prohibited”.

Symptoms of colic in newborns: what foods should mom eat

Product group

What is allowed

What is better to eat in limited quantities

What is prohibited

Meat and fish products

When breastfeeding, low-fat varieties of pork, beef, rabbit and poultry are good for the mother and safe for the baby. It is allowed to eat almost any river and sea fish (with a few exceptions).

  • fatty meats;
  • delicious fish species;
  • salo;
  • smoked meats.
  • mackerel;
  • crayfish;
  • crabs;
  • chocolate;
  • garlic;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol.


The most useful for women are fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, natural yoghurts without additives. If desired, you can drink milk, but not more than 200 ml per day. It is best used for making cereals, mashed potatoes. The list of allowed dairy products also includes low-fat cottage cheese and mild cheese.

  • milk;
  • store-bought dairy products containing various additives, dyes.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Nursing mothers are allowed to add a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries to the menu.

  • cabbage, peas, beans;
  • lemons, oranges, mangoes, avocados;
  • raspberries, strawberries, grapes.

Sweets, confectionery

From the list of sweets and confectionery, dry cookies, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, crackers will not harm the baby.

  • sugar;
  • confectionery with a lot of artificial preservatives and colors.

If there are symptoms of colic in newborns, mothers are advised to drink table non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas with oregano, mint, thyme.

  • non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

Other products

The list of allowed products also includes bread (best with bran), various cereals, butter and vegetable oils.

  • margarine;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • mayonnaise;
  • black bread.

Feeding a bottle-fed baby

If the child is on artificial or mixed feeding, then it is very important to choose the right adapted mixture. Choosing a substitute for mother's milk is a responsible and difficult process, so you should consult a pediatrician about what to do with the symptoms of colic in a newborn. In general, formulas containing short-chain triglycerides are recommended by experts for artificial feeding. For severe pain, infant formulas with partially hydrolyzed protein or reduced lactose may help. For some children, the appointment of hypoallergenic mixtures is effective.

When using dry infant formula, you must follow the rules for their preparation. This is very important to understand. The symptoms of colic in a newborn are known to often occur due to improper dosing. Parents are advised to clearly measure the volume of water and the amount of powder.

Physical methods of pain relief

Although colic is not a pathological condition, the child still needs to be helped to survive the painful period. One of the methods of pain relief is physical. It is customary to lay the child on the stomach with the legs bent at the knee joints. Under it put a warm diaper or heating pad. It is impossible to rock and shake the baby.

Helps to cope with pain and massage the abdomen. It is performed about 5 times a day before feeding for 5-6 minutes. Massage is done with soft circular movements clockwise, as well as from top to bottom (from the ribs to the pubis). During exercise, touching should be slightly stronger than normal strokes. At the same time, intensive movements in the right hypochondrium are prohibited, because in this area the edge of the liver protrudes from under the costal arch in the newborn.

Medical therapy

There are various drugs that are used for the symptoms of colic in a newborn. How do you know which medicine is best for you? You do not need to choose any funds yourself. Any medicine can be given to a child only if it is prescribed by a pediatrician.

So, with intestinal colic, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Means with carminative action. A phytocollection based on fennel, lemon balm, chamomile has a positive effect.
  2. Simethicone preparations. One of the medicines containing this component is Bobotik. Simethicone weakens the tension of gas bubbles and leads to their rupture, prevents the appearance of new bubbles.
  3. Pancreatic enzyme preparations. They treat the symptoms of colic in a newborn only if the exocrine function of the pancreas or bile secretion is impaired.

Other Methods

A gas tube is sometimes used to remove gases from the intestines. It is introduced with soft twisting movements into the rectum to a depth of 3 to 4 cm. If properly set, after a few minutes, the child begins to pass gases thanks to the tube. However, parents should not experiment with this method. The installation of the gas outlet tube should be carried out by a specialist who knows how to perform this procedure. Parents, in the absence of experience, can damage the child's intestines.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the causes, symptoms, treatment of colic in a newborn is a very important topic for all parents, because almost every family is faced with this problem. It is important for moms and dads to know that screaming and crying due to pain in the tummy at this age is quite normal. When it occurs, you do not need to worry and worry. Fighting pain attacks requires patience and calmness, as well as contacting a pediatrician for more accurate answers to the question of what to do with colic in a newborn.

The birth of a child is the happiest, most joyful and expected event. Young parents, especially those who have adopted a baby for the first time, dream of the first smile, sweet sounds, hugs. However, the baby suddenly begins to worry - he screams, cries. Often young mom and dad don't know what to do about it.

After several long days of constant screaming, you can see a picture: a crying mother with a screaming baby in her arms and a confused father who rushes around the apartment in search of a remedy. There can be many reasons for this behavior of a child. However, the most common cause of crying is colic in a newborn baby.

Doctors define colic as short bouts of intense pain that repeat continuously one after the other. They overtake the baby at 2-3 weeks after birth and spontaneously stop by 3-4 months of the newborn's life. They last approximately two to three hours a day and are tolerated differently by each child. According to statistics, about 80% of newborn babies suffer from pain during colic. It must be said right away that the parents themselves will not be able to determine whether the newborn baby has colic. Be sure to contact a specialist. The pediatrician will first examine the baby to rule out other possible causes for concern - skin rashes (itching), diaper rash, high body temperature, otitis, colds. Realizing that there are no other reasons, the pediatrician checks if the symptoms of colic are present:

  • Abruptly and unexpectedly, the child begins to scream heartbreakingly for several hours, most often in the evening. Then he also instantly calms down;
  • Presses the legs to the stomach, knocks them;
  • The face turns red;
  • The tummy swells, when pressed, gases escape;
  • Most often, anxiety increases after eating.

If these symptoms occur in a newborn, then the pediatrician diagnoses "infantile intestinal colic." To alleviate the suffering of the baby, you must first understand and eliminate the causes of colic in the newborn. The exact explanation for these pains is difficult to establish, so you should try to exclude all causes of colic. There may be several.

Causes of colic

  1. The gastrointestinal tract is not fully developed.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Weak, undeveloped abdominal muscles do not allow the baby to control the removal of gases from the intestines
  4. If the child is breastfed, then perhaps the young mother does not know how to properly breastfeed. The baby takes the nipple incorrectly, because of this, when sucking with milk, air enters the stomach, which provokes bloating and accumulation of gases.
  5. A nursing mother does not monitor her diet - she consumes too many foods that cause flatulence.
  6. If the child is formula-fed, then often parents choose the wrong nipple on the bottle (a large hole through which more milk flows out than necessary).
  7. Wrong mix. Too concentrated or contains vegetable heavy oils, such as palm.
  8. Parents do not lift the child vertically after eating, which prevents excess air from escaping naturally (burping).
  9. Food allergy or some other disease of the digestive system.
  10. Systematic overfeeding of the child. The enzymatic system is not yet formed and the food is not fully digested, so the fermentation process begins.
  11. The child cries heavily and for a long time, because of which he involuntarily swallows air.
  12. Hereditary factors, pathologies

Many scientists believe that one of the causes of colic in a newborn may also be the fact that immediately after birth, the child is under the influence of maternal hormones. And if a woman experiences stress during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, then it also affects the physical condition of the baby.

Treatment and prevention of colic

General tricks

  • Do a massage daily to strengthen the muscle corset and eliminate tension in a newborn baby. Massage is done before meals and is stroking the tummy according to the movement of the hour hand for three minutes. After the massage, it is advisable to bend the legs 2-3 times and pull them up to the tummy to release gases.
  • Do gymnastics daily: exercise "cyclist", and then lay the baby out for a short time on the stomach to normalize bowel function.
  • After feeding, be sure to lift the baby vertically and hold it (in a column) until excess air is released.
  • Heat the diaper (ironing it with an iron) and wrap the baby's tummy around or put the diaper on your stomach, and put the baby on it with the tummy down.
  • Try to never overfeed your baby.
  • It is necessary to learn how to apply the baby to the breast correctly. Take a position that is comfortable for you and attach the baby to the chest so that he captures the nipple along with the areola, tightly burying his nose in the chest. During feeding, no extraneous sounds should be heard and the mother should not feel pain. Use the services of a lactation consultant, he will help you avoid common mistakes and follow all the nuances for successful and long-term feeding.
  • Let the baby stay at the breast for a long time. At the very beginning of breastfeeding, one feeding can take about an hour.
  • With artificial feeding, it is necessary to choose the right nipple with a suitable hole. Hold the bottle at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Many manufacturers now offer special anti-colic bottles.
  • When artificial feeding, choose the right mixture for feeding. Give preference to adapted mixtures. They are close in composition to breast milk, nutritious and easy to digest. Contains fermented milk products, goat's milk. Check that the composition does not contain palm and rapeseed oil. You can choose a therapeutic mixture, which is partially introduced into the daily diet (1-2 feedings). If the mixture is not suitable for the child - allergic reactions, loose stools, no weight gain - make the transition to another mixture gradually so as not to provoke even more severe colic.
  • Avoid prolonged, intense crying, which can make colic worse. Soothe your baby in every way possible.

Medication treatment

If general techniques do not help relieve colic in a newborn baby, then use medications. Each of the following groups of drugs has proven itself well, parents can try them all (in turn) and understand which drug helps their baby more effectively. Remember that it is impossible to give any drugs to a child on your own, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

There are several groups of drugs that effectively cope with the problem of colic in newborns:

  • Preparations based on the substance "simethicone" (the most famous are Subsimplex, Bobotik, Simethicone, Espumizan, Infacol). Simethicone is an inert substance that turns gas (bubbles) into a liquid, thereby reducing pressure on the intestinal walls. It relieves pain, does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in any way, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is completely non-addictive.
  • Phytopreparations (brewed teas from cumin, dill seeds, anise, chamomile flowers, preparations based on fennel - Plantex, Beibikalm, Beibinos). Tea is brewed according to the recipe: 1 teaspoon per 200 grams of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. It is given to newborn babies with colic before feeding, 1 teaspoon (no more than 4 tablespoons per day). Can be poured into a formula bottle or diluted with breast milk.
  • Preparations containing probiotics (the most famous are Bifiform, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acepol, Hilak Forte). Probiotics are live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that colonize the intestinal microflora of the child and help digest food.
  • Enzyme-based preparations (the most famous are Mezim, Lactazar, Creon). Enzymes are proteins (protease, lipase, amylase) that accelerate the breakdown of nutrients. If colic in a baby occurs due to the problem of the breakdown of milk proteins, then taking enzymes is simply necessary.

It is necessary to take these drugs only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

breastfeeding mom diet

Everything that a mother eats during the day passes into breast milk, so her diet must be correct. If a newborn baby suffers from colic, lactating women should exclude foods that cause excess gas formation from their daily diet:

  • replace whole milk with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, biolact);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, soybeans);
  • pickled vegetables;
  • smoked products;
  • wholemeal and rye bread;
  • fresh apples, pears;
  • sweet (especially flour).

Enema and gas tube

To eliminate constipation, as the cause of colic, it is necessary to give the child an enema. The personal hygiene item itself - an enema - must be boiled, the tip should be lubricated with oil. You need to administer an enema to a baby who lies on his back, bending his legs to his tummy. For a newborn baby, 30 ml will be enough. boiled warm water. Remember that an enema can lead to intoxication of the body, so do not abuse its frequent use.

A more gentle way to get rid of constipation is a gas tube (Windi, Roxy Kids brands). It can be used no earlier than 4 hours after the last injection. Unlike an enema, a gas tube cannot do any harm. However, if you clumsily insert the tube, you can injure the baby's intestinal mucosa. It would be best if the pediatrician shows the first introduction to the parents.
In any case, parents need to remain calm and support each other, because the period of colic in their newborn baby will end quickly and without a trace.

Watch a video on colic in newborns

Intestinal colic is paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which in young children is manifested by anxiety, sudden loud crying, refusal to eat. Colic often appears in babies after the third week of life and, as a rule, resolves on its own by the end of the third or fourth month of life.

With colic, the child's stomach is swollen, tense, the legs are pulled up to the stomach, sometimes the baby randomly bends and unbends the legs, trying to alleviate his condition. Attacks of colic in newborns, as a rule, appear during feeding or a few minutes after eating, more often in the evening. In newborns and children in the first months of life, colic can last from several minutes to 2-3 hours, often repeating from day to day. As a rule, a noticeable relief of the condition occurs immediately after the passage of stool or gases. Outside of an attack of colic, children eat with appetite and are in a good mood.

Causes of colic in a newborn

Pain with intestinal colic in children most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence);
  • swallowing air during feeding (aerophagia);
  • overfeeding;
  • incomplete breakdown of proteins, fats or carbohydrates in breast milk or artificial milk formula (for example, lactase deficiency);
  • constipation, etc.

When breastfeeding, the cause of colic in children may be a violation of the technique of attachment to the breast, as well as the nutrition of a nursing mother. Improper attachment to the breast and short feeds can cause the baby to suck out only foremilk, which is rich in carbohydrates, which can increase intestinal gas. In addition, improper nipple grip, greedy sucking leads to the swallowing of air by the baby during feeding and the development of so-called aerophagy.

If a nursing mother herself eats foods that increase fermentation in the intestines, then this can lead to excessive gas formation in the intestines of the baby.

Overfeeding a baby, especially a formula-fed baby, puts more stress on their immature intestinal enzymatic system, leading to incomplete digestion of food and the development of constipation. All this causes the accumulation of gases in the intestines of the crumbs, the development of flatulence and, as a result, the appearance of colic in the newborn.

The immaturity of the production of the lactase enzyme (lactase deficiency) is most often found in premature babies, babies with signs of intrauterine growth retardation, who have undergone hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and severe conditions in the neonatal period. With lactase deficiency in the intestines of the baby, the amount of lactase is reduced - an enzyme that processes the milk sugar lactose, which is found in large quantities in breast milk or formula milk.

As a result of incomplete breakdown of milk sugar in the intestines of the crumbs, the processes of fermentation and rapid release of gases begin. The abdomen swells, rumbles, the stool becomes thin with a lot of gas, and as a result, the child develops colic. Often lactase deficiency is temporary and is associated with the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. As the child grows, there is an increase in the production of the lactase enzyme in the intestines and the digestion and absorption of milk sugar, which the baby needs for proper growth and development, improves.

Violations of the formation of the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) in young children lead to incomplete breakdown of nutrients, excessive gas formation and the occurrence of intestinal colic. Useful intestinal microflora (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E. coli) is able to form and secrete digestive enzymes, which improves the digestion of food and accelerates its absorption. In addition, beneficial microflora ensures timely bowel movements, protects against allergic reactions and constipation.

In children who are breastfed, the intestinal microflora is represented mainly by bifidobacteria, which contribute to optimal digestion of food. Meanwhile, in artificially fed children, lactobacilli and opportunistic microbes are detected in greater numbers (these microbes live in the intestine normally, but under certain conditions they can become pathogenic, begin to multiply and lead to the onset of the disease). With an excess of these microbes, putrefactive processes in the intestine increase, causing increased gas formation, colic and constipation. After all, it is with mother's milk that the baby receives bifidogenic factors that contribute to the growth of much-needed bifidobacteria.

It should be noted that, due to the immaturity of organs and systems in premature babies compared to full-term babies, their intestinal colic is more pronounced and protracted, sometimes lasting up to 5-6 months of life.

In the vast majority of cases, intestinal colic in a child is still a temporary phenomenon and is associated with the functional immaturity of organs and systems. However, despite all its harmlessness, intense, frequent and long-lasting intestinal colic in infants can lead to disruption of sleep, nutrition of the child, which, of course, requires taking measures to eliminate or reduce them.

How to relieve the suffering of a child with colic?

To relieve pain at the time of colic in a newborn, you should start with the simplest and most affordable actions:

  • Take the baby in your arms, try to create a comfortable position that facilitates the passage of gases from the intestines. This can be laying out on the stomach with half-bent legs, the position of the child with the stomach on the mother's stomach.
  • Put heat on the baby's stomach area (a warm hand, mother's stomach, and a diaper pre-warmed with an iron will do).
  • Stroke the belly of the crumbs in a circular motion around the navel in a clockwise direction, massage the belly.
  • Do a few exercises with the baby's legs like a "bike" or just press the bent legs of the crumbs to the tummy.

With the ineffectiveness of previous measures, it is possible to use a gas outlet tube or an enema to facilitate the discharge of intestinal gases and stool.

∗ Gas tube. Use a clean, boiled gas outlet tube purchased from a pharmacy. To facilitate advancement, be sure to lubricate the tip of the tube with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. Lay the baby on his back, bend his legs slightly and press them against his stomach. Gently, slightly turning the tube, insert it into the rectum and leave for a few minutes. To facilitate the discharge of gases, you can stroke the baby's tummy clockwise.

* Enema. If the colic is very strong and difficult to tolerate by the baby, it is possible to facilitate the passage of gases and stools by giving an enema. Pre-boil pear enema No. 1, fill with boiled water at room temperature, grease the tip of the enema with vaseline or vegetable oil. Put the child on its side, bend the legs and bring it to the stomach and carefully insert the tip of the pear enema into the rectum to a depth of 3–5 cm, then squeeze the pear. Squeeze the baby's buttocks, gently pull out the tip of the enema and hold the baby in this position for some more time. For a cleansing enema, it is enough to introduce 25–30 ml of water for a newborn, and 60–150 ml for an infant. A gas tube or enema should not be used regularly, but only in cases where the previous methods have not helped, so as not to disrupt the baby's own bowel movement.

∗ Medications. To facilitate the passage of stool and gases, it is possible to introduce a candle with glycerin. However, this remedy can be used only occasionally, as an emergency, since prolonged use of suppositories can not only cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, but also prevent the restoration of an independent stool.

If it is difficult to cope with colic in a child and all the described actions do not help, then the doctor may prescribe the child to take drugs designed to combat flatulence. They reduce the accumulation of gases in the intestines, facilitate their discharge and thereby reduce pain. However, before you start giving your baby any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember that the child may have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Since colic can persist for up to 3-4 months, medications can be taken both once - to relieve symptoms, and for a long time - for the purpose of prevention.

Rarely, but it happens that intestinal colic is very strong and brings significant suffering to the child. In these cases, pediatricians prescribe antispasmodics for babies. The choice of drug, dose and duration of administration can be determined by the doctor only after examining the crumbs and excluding other more serious causes of suffering. With the development of intestinal colic against the background of violations of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), it is necessary to establish its causes, followed by the addition of pre- and probiotics to the treatment. To do this, you may need to take some tests (for example, feces for dysbacteriosis, etc.).

If, despite the measures taken, there is no positive dynamics or an increase in other intestinal disorders (constipation, unstable or loose stools, regurgitation, vomiting, weight gain disorders), the baby needs to conduct an in-depth examination to identify the cause of the violations that have arisen, followed by the selection of treatment.

Prevention of intestinal colic in children

It is important from the first minutes of a baby's life to ensure breastfeeding, which is the most balanced, easily digestible and healthy food for a newborn baby. Breast milk contains not only easily digestible nutrients, but also enzymes that facilitate its digestion, growth factors and substances (oligosaccharides) necessary for the formation and development of beneficial intestinal microflora, proper intestinal motor function.

If the baby is breastfed, it is important to properly attach to the breast and correctly capture not only the nipple, but also the areola (the pigmented circle of the mammary gland around the nipple).

When artificial feeding, it is necessary to use bottles with a nipple equipped with a valve that prevents the baby from swallowing air during feeding.

It is important to choose the right milk formula that facilitates digestion and reduces gas formation in the intestines of the child. These can be mixtures with partially digested protein, with a reduced content of lactose milk sugar, enriched with oligosaccharides. In children suffering from constipation, it is advisable to use special therapeutic mixtures with thickeners that facilitate bowel movements. However, only a doctor will help you choose the right milk formula, carefully sorting out the possible causes of colic in your baby.

Regardless of the type of feeding (from the breast or from a bottle), after feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby in an upright position for several minutes to drain the air swallowed during feeding.

Remember: intestinal colic in infants is most often an adaptive reaction to new conditions of existence. Therefore, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions for easier adaptation of the crumbs in the form of proper nutrition, daily routine, and a calm atmosphere in the family.

Predisposing factors

To the occurrence of intestinal colic in infants predispose:

  • immaturity of the central and peripheral nervous regulation of the intestine, which leads to uneven contraction of the intestine, a sharp spasm of its individual sections and pain;
  • immaturity of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract (substances involved in the digestion of food) leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in mother's milk and excessive gas formation in the baby's intestines;
  • violation or delay in the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora involved in the processes of digestion of food, protection against pathogenic microbes.

What does a breastfeeding mother eat?

From the menu of a nursing mother, foods that lead to increased gas formation in the intestines should be excluded (whole milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, corn, sauerkraut, grapes, apples, watermelon, fresh yeast bread, rye bread, kvass, dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes , figs). It is advisable to limit fatty foods and extractive substances (broths, seasonings) in the diet, exclude highly allergenic foods (nuts, honey, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, red and orange vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, chicken meat, sausages and sausages, canned food, etc. .), which can disrupt digestion and intestinal motility in both the mother and the child.