Who developed the British cat breed. The history of the appearance of the British cat. CFA System Standards

🐱 Description of the character of British cats. History of the origin of the breed. Types, colors and care of British cats. When to give first vaccinations to British kittens. Pregnancy and childbirth of British cats.

British cat


One of the most independent cats in character, they are so imposing and beautiful that their royalty has not been disputed for a long time. Eat different versions, speaking about the reasons for independent disposition and the birth british cats. A gray fur coat, amber eyes, thick undercoat and a stern, piercing gaze into the very soul - this is what the British cat breed is. These are one of the most beloved cats in the world, who enjoy human love quite rightly.

Origin of British cats

As a result of historical research, we came to the conclusion that the breed is already about 2000 years old. According to legend, domestic cats appeared in Britain thanks to the Roman conquerors: they could not help but take with them such serious protectors from rodents. The cats quickly mastered the island of Great Britain - the creatures turned out to be hardy and had good health.

Gradually, the gray-haired cat with amber-colored eyes firmly entered the history and life of the British. Due to the diligence of breeders who persistently consolidated the external standards of the breed, British cats showed themselves at an exhibition in 1871 in London.

The world wars affected the number of cats, so felinologists set about restoring the breed: Chartreuse, Scots, Burmese, Russian Blues and Persians took part in the breeding.

The British breed became independent in 1950 and is divided into long-haired and short-haired representatives, resulting from selection research.

Description of the British

This is a fairly powerful animal with a somewhat stocky body and a large chest has well developed muscles. The body is perfectly balanced, and the limbs are strong and strong.

Female cats are significantly smaller than males, their maximum body weight is 6 kg, while well-fed males can reach 12 kg.

On average, British cats live 12-16 years. The main thing is to properly care for your furry friend and not forget about feeding.

The legs are short but strong, and the tail is quite fleshy and rounded at the tip.

All British cats have thick fur, which can be blue, grayish or lilac. There are two types of breed: long-haired and short-haired.

It is characterized by a round head and thick cheeks, giving the muzzle that very serious expression. The neck is short and massive and has a distinct fold.

The nose is small, and the ears are short and rounded. Perhaps this softens some of the severity of British cats. The location of the ears does not distort the impression of the roundness of the head. A feature of British women is considered to be noticeable jowls and a depression between the ears.


The character of a true British girl is such that you shouldn’t even try to use force in education - interaction can be achieved faster with a positive and encouraging approach.

The act of poking your nose into a puddle will also not work, because soon a new puddle will be made, but out of fear. It is better to learn how to train a British kitten to go to the litter box and not resort to violence. If you slap an unlucky kitten with a rolled-up newspaper, you shouldn’t be surprised at the maturing cat’s reluctance to communicate with its owner.

Cats perfectly understand an angry tone, remember the meaning of the word “no,” especially if, at the moment of dissatisfaction with the pet’s behavior, the owner hisses.

In general, a cat’s intelligence allows it to follow the rules of behavior established in the house.


If the cat visits the street, bathe it as its fur becomes dirty; if not, then a couple of times a year is enough. The first time a cat is bathed is when she is a child.

The procedure is standard: a towel is laid on the bottom of the bathtub or basin so that the purr does not slip with its paws. The animal is treated kindly and carefully; there should be no evil tone in the voice. Rinse the washed pet out of the ladle, without using a shower head.

The clean creature is wrapped in a terry towel or dried with a hairdryer if the cat is not afraid of it.

It is important to ensure that water does not get into your eyes, nose and ears.


The British cat's appetite is good. Owners like their unpretentiousness in food: pussies willingly eat both ready-made food and natural food. Milk is stopped when the cat reaches the age of 3 months, replacing it with fermented milk products.

Do not forget to add 1-2 ml of Vaseline oil to food once a day to prevent constipation.

For feeding, a wide bowl is needed due to the rather large size of the head.

British cats, like other cats, should not be fed chicken bones due to the risk of damaging the cat’s internal organs.

Kitten care

The main task of caring for a kitten is proper nutrition with big amount protein, calcium and vitamins. Seaweed supplements are suitable for all breed colors except blue, cream and lilac.

Health of the British cat breed

By nature, British cats have good health - the genetic selection of the breed has taken care of this. However, cats need timely vaccination at a veterinary clinic. You can find out from your doctor when and what first vaccinations should be given to British kittens. This way, the owners will provide protection to the pet from many serious diseases.

If cats are provided with a balanced diet, then no health problems are expected.

Particular attention should be paid to the first pregnancy and birth of a cat. It is important to care for your pet more diligently, having previously carried out anthelmintic procedures and vaccination against diseases before mating. Pregnancy in British cats lasts generally 58-70 days, depending on the type of breed.

Buy a British cat

Having fallen in love with charming British cats, you will definitely want to have one in your home. Together with the charming creature, the owner receives a good, loving and kind friend who will be a joy for the whole family.

People do not always take the issue of purchasing a domestic purebred cat seriously. A true purebred British kitten can only be bought in a nursery, where they are bred by professionals and guarantee the impeccability of the breed's genes. Although in nurseries the price of kittens will be higher than on Avito, in the end you will save much more nerves and money in the future.

The wonderful British baby will immediately find a place in the heart of the new owner, demonstrating all the features of the aristocratic breed.

Video about the British breed

The British Shorthair cat is one of the ancient, widespread breeds around the world. The history of origin is not entirely clear, there are speculative data. Cats of this breed have an impressive appearance, a spirited character, and the grip of a predator.

History of the breed

Great Britain is considered the birthplace of animals. Hence the name of the breed. There are several versions of the origin of the breed, but there is no reliable data. Scientists and historians are more inclined to the following.

On the islands of Britain, unusual-looking cats appeared thanks to the Romans. According to historical data, attacks by the ancient Romans occurred from the year 43. That is, the breed appeared in Britain at the beginning of the 1st century AD. A distinctive feature of the cats was their thick, short hair and large size. A reliable coat protected the animal from moisture and cold, and the predator’s grip did not leave the cat without food. The animal has completely mastered the unusual terrain and adapted to its living conditions.

For a long time, British cats were used as the main weapon against rodents, small pests of fields, agriculture. Due to their endurance, good health, massive body, and death grip, they quickly dealt with the victim.

In the 16th century, members of high society drew attention to these creatures. Since about 1870, official cat exhibitions began to be held. The British cat is among the first participants. From this time on, breed standards were clearly defined. Breeders began to intensively develop new breeds. The British Shorthair cat was often used as a basis. The strongest, strongest representatives were crossed with Persian cats. From here came the round, slightly flattened shape of the muzzle.

Then came the time of wars - World War 1, World War 2. During this period, the number of British cats decreased significantly. To renew the breed, they began to cross it with similar ones - Burmese, Scottish, Persian, Russian Blue, Chartreux. Thanks to this, several barely distinguishable varieties of the breed appeared. Despite this, the British Shorthair cat is considered one of the few that have been crossed in order to improve physiological and psychological qualities. Today this breed is known throughout the world.

Description of the breed

The appearance of cats is striking in their balanced forms, massiveness, power. The weight of males reaches 6 kg, females - 4 kg. A fairly large animal requires appropriate forms. The body is squat, with a massive chest, powerful legs, and well-developed muscles. The head is of a regular round shape with thick cheeks, a well-defined nose, medium ears, and piercing dark yellow eyes. Thick, long, fleshy tail. Thick, short hair looks neat, well-groomed, and practical. Its colors have more than 60 shades, the classic colors being blue and lilac.

Detailed breed standard

  1. The head is enlarged, round, with smooth features. Thick, fleshy cheeks, wide cheekbones.
  2. Medium round ears. Placed at a great distance from each other.
  3. The neck is well developed with a pronounced fold. This is what sets the British apart from everyone else.
  4. Wide medium nose. At the transition to the forehead, indentations are noticeable. At one time, this detail became the reason why cats were no longer crossed to create the ideal breed.
  5. A strong chin is level with the upper lip and nose, giving the animal a menacing, serious appearance.
  6. The eyes are regular round in shape. A special feature of the breed is their bright orange color. They are found with deep blue and green eyes. Kittens have blue eyes at birth; as they grow older, they turn yellow.
  7. The characteristic features of the body are large size, a flat back with a massive chest.
  8. Massive paws, short legs, with well-developed muscles.
  9. Thick, rounded tail, medium length.
  10. The coat is thick, short, and of medium hardness. It looks like plush, which is why the cat is often called plush.


There are several officially recognized colors of the breed that are allowed to participate in exhibitions:


Each individual is different. It depends not so much on genetics, but on upbringing and environment. In general, cats are distinguished by a calm temperament and a sense of dignity. These independent creatures always try to emphasize their importance and do what they see fit. They often protest and do not listen to the owner’s commands.

Self-sufficient cats go without attention for a long time. Moreover, they don’t like to be carried around. At the same time, cats are peaceful, good-natured, sociable, and not annoying. They always escort the owners to the threshold, and then meet them there.

Animals do not show aggression, they love attention and affection. Without it
they withdraw into themselves, do not make contact, and stop being nice. If the owner cannot stand it, he takes her to cuddle, the cat will not scratch in response, will not scream, will simply wait a moment, and calmly free himself from the hug. Good sense of tone. You can’t shout at them or be rude. They quickly forget minor mood swings, but they remember serious insults for a long time. They treat people well who express love for them.

The cat is not mischievous. Disciplined. Once trained to the toilet, she will always find it. These are real gentlemen. He expresses his affection very covertly.
In a good mood, they play beautifully, play with paper, gracefully bypass all obstacles, do not touch breakable objects, and do not damage furniture. At the same time, he never ceases to demonstrate aristocratic manners. She will not chase a ball, ride on curtains, or tumble with a ball.

Their massive build makes them clumsy. The most unpredictable detail attracts their attention - a thread, a crumpled piece of paper, a sunbeam. The cat does not know how to meow loudly; the sounds are more like grunting and croaking. But after petting the animal, you can hear a grateful purr.

Breed varieties

There is only one type of breed - the British
long-haired cat. In terms of appearance, the only difference is the long coat. It happens that short-haired females and males have weak genes responsible for hair. Therefore, the offspring appear with long hair. Cases became more frequent during intensive breed crossings. As a result of this process, that very weak gene made itself felt.

When crossing with the Persian breed, they noticed that the skull became irregular in shape, and the depression on the bridge of the nose deepened. At this point, crossing with the Persians stopped; their persistent representatives continue to produce interesting offspring.
Very often this cat is confused with fold-eared cats. Their appearance has a lot in common, however, these are 2 different breeds.


The cat takes good care of its short hair on its own. However, to prevent a lot of hair from getting into the stomach, you need to comb it out with a comb once a week. Particular attention is required during the molting period. Then you have to scratch every other day. It is undesirable for cats to stay in the sun for a long time, as the tips of the fur become reddish. This rule applies to those individuals who participate in exhibitions.

The British are a slow-developing breed. They reach their maximum body length within 3 years of their life, with final physical development completed by 6 years. A cat’s reproductive system becomes complete only after 2 births. It is not recommended to mate animals before 3 years of age.

A young, underdeveloped body cannot withstand childbirth, and the cat dies. A male, having started mating early, runs the risk of becoming weak in a couple of years. Cats become caring mothers, lovingly caring for their kittens, raising them, and teaching them.


Very unpretentious in food. They love sweets, but are indifferent to fish. You need to monitor their body weight because they love to eat. Animals often experience constipation, this is a feature of the digestive tract. To avoid troubles, add Vaseline oil - 2 ml - to your daily diet. Milk can be given up to 3 months of life, then this product is replaced with yogurt, kefir, and yogurt.

In general, you can feed them ready-made dry food, wet food, or self-cooked food. You always need to pay attention to the quality of products, since problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise. Drinking water must always be available.

Diseases of the breed

They are naturally healthy. Owners should give her the necessary vaccinations, monitor hygiene, and proper nutrition. No pathological diseases were recorded. Despite the fact that cats have strong immunity, sitting in a draft can easily cause them to catch a cold. But they successfully cope with the disease without serious treatment.

Who is it suitable for?

The British cat is often called the pet of businessmen. These people are always busy and are away from home for a long time. At the same time, the cat does not become depressed, does not suffer from loneliness, and always finds something to do. And when the owner returns, he rushes to greet him. When going out to work, you can see her looking out the window and following her with her gaze. Such a loyal, devoted friend. The cat likes to sit next to the owner, watch a movie with him, and watch work. Unobtrusive, clean, intelligent by nature. They love to be petted.

Attitude towards the owner

Cats with a strong sense of duty. Always attached to that
the person who cares about them the most, and most importantly, feeds them. Comes to the owner to sit next to him or on his lap. Understands his commands, listens, but often does what he considers necessary. Shows his feelings hidden. But he always greets you from work with a kind look and sees you off with sadness in his eyes. This is the type of cat that will never betray, does not run from one hand to another. Only trusted people allow themselves to be petted. Does not approach strangers closer than 2 meters. When trying to approach her, she quickly runs away and hides.

The cat always makes it clear to be picked up and stroked. Most of the time he just prefers to be nearby.

Relationships with children

It is better not to have a British cat as a toy. Patient, self-possessed, disciplined, non-aggressive. It will not harm the child. Will not tolerate squeezing or excessive squeezing. She will not feel comfortable with a small child. He will constantly run away and hide. Gets along very well with older children. Attached more firmly than to adults if treated appropriately.

Interaction with other animals

The British cat gets along well with other pets, even other cats. But he can always stand up for himself in the event of an attack. Doesn't show initial aggression or hostility.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The British Shorthair cat is one of the most common breeds in our country. You can buy it in nurseries, directly from cat owners. Sales announcements are always available in the press and on classifieds websites. Prices vary. Kittens are valued in rubles and dollars. The price for a plush kitten is from 3,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub. Depends largely on the pedigree. It is better not to buy adult cats; they have a hard time parting with their previous owner and do not get used to their new place of residence. A bunch of cats from RUB 3,000.

What to look for when buying a kitten

If he is selected to participate in exhibitions, sell offspring at a high price, you should carefully read the standard of each
varieties. However, it should be borne in mind that little Britons are funny, awkward creatures. There is no smell of body balance there at all. Small body, big head, large paws. Each part of the body develops in turn. The color changes over time, and so does the eye color. In most cases, photos of females and males are evaluated.

Of course, it is worth paying attention to the behavior of kittens. As adults, these are reserved individuals, but when they are small, they are not averse to being pampered. If apathy or weakness is observed, the kitten may be sick. There are no other significant recommendations.
The British Shorthair cat does not require special care and eats whatever is served. He is distinguished by discipline, strong immunity, and restraint.

This cat never gets in the way, becomes a full-fledged member of the family, and adds comfort with its presence. Well-deserved awards for cats when participating in exhibitions have made this breed elite and expensive. Therefore, wealthy people often become its owners. And the cat, in turn, became a symbol of prosperity.

The British Shorthair is one of the most popular cat breeds in our country. These plush goodies are calm, affectionate, but at the same time not intrusive. They seem to smile at you with their wide muzzle, like the Cheshire cat from the fairy tale about Alice.

History of the breed

The British Shorthair itself dates back to the 19th century, but the roots of the breed go back far, to the beginning of our era. It was then that the Romans waged wars of conquest in Europe, including in England, where they brought cats from the continent. But those cats were outwardly far from modern British ones. And only many centuries later, crossing with other breeds in the climatic conditions of Foggy Albion, they acquired the characteristic qualities of the breed known to us.

It was only in the 19th century that cat lovers began to notice the beauty and strength of the British. A well-known popularizer of them was Harrison Weyer, a great connoisseur of cats. It was he who held the first cat show in London in 1871, at which many breeds were presented, but the star was the British Shorthair cat. Further popularity began to grow like a snowball; owning this cat was considered status in many English homes.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the British lost in popularity to Persian and Abyssinian cats. It was only after World War II that the breed again began to attract the interest of breeders.

Over time, the British breed spread and gained incredible popularity throughout Europe and the USA. In 2017, these cats were in 3rd place in the world in popularity among all breeds registered by the CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association).

Description of the British cat breed

The main characteristics of British Shorthair cats are strong and strong animals with short but powerful limbs, a rounded wide head and a wide body. Adult cats weigh up to 8 kg, male cats from 4 to 6 kg. Kittens quickly become large, but finally mature only at 4 years of age. Let's take a closer look at the breed standards.

The British body is strong, muscular, big-boned. Straight back and wide powerful chest. The paws are short, but also powerful to support the weight of the body, with strong rounded pads. The tail is of medium length, wide at the base and tapering to a rounded tip.

The most memorable head of British cats. It must be wide and regularly round in shape. The muzzle should also be rounded, thanks to the massive jowls (cheeks). Such a wide muzzle gives the appearance a resemblance to the fairy-tale Cheshire cat.

The nose is short, straight, and also wide. A small depression is noticeable on the bridge of the nose. The ears are necessarily wide and low, small, triangular in shape, rounded at the tips. They only emphasize the entire roundness of the animal’s head.

The eyes are large and round, set wide apart. Most are golden or copper in color, only whites may have blue, or chinchillas may be green or green-blue.

The coat of the British Shorthair is short and dense, it feels like plush, just as hard and elastic. The undercoat is also very dense, which allowed these cats to survive in the difficult climate of the British Isles.

There is another type of British - longhaired, which has recently begun to gain popularity in many countries. Long-haired kittens can also appear in litters of short-haired cats. Although they are called long-haired, they still have medium-length, straight hair with a dense undercoat.

British colors

About 30 color variants of these animals are officially recognized.

  • Solid - blue, white, black, red, cream, chocolate, gray. Painted evenly in one color, without inclusions. The most common color is blue.
  • Smoky - cats with a contrasting color, having a dark, evenly colored coat with a lighter undercoat.
  • Tabbies are cats with a spotted, marbled or striped color. The drawing should be clear, with a mark in the shape of the letter “M” standing out on the forehead.
  • Bicolor is a two-color color, one of which is white, and it should not be more than half.
  • Tortoiseshells are colors that combine several colors: blue with cream, red with black. The spots on the body are distributed chaotically.

Character of British cats

Britons have a unique character, unlike other cats. They are affectionate and friendly, but at the same time quite independent and stubborn. They tolerate the absence of the owner of the house quite well, so they are very suitable for people who often stay at work for a long time.

These cats love affection, but at the same time they do not always like to be squeezed and picked up. These are not at all annoying animals; they will always find something to do. They love to play, but not endlessly. Too much attention from people will tire them, and they will quickly go away about their business. My favorite activity is observing what is happening around me from a distance. But sometimes they can actively “participate” in household chores.

Britons love all family members, as a rule, without particularly singling out any one. They also treat children kindly, but without allowing themselves to be treated carelessly. But they are unlikely to come close to strangers or allow themselves to be petted. No, they will not aggressively hiss at guests, they will simply stay away.

These cats are also quite friendly with other animals in the house - cats and dogs, especially if they were raised with them from an early age.

In general, these animals are different high degree balance in everything. They will not misbehave or misbehave in the house in the absence of their owners. They would rather sit on the window, watching the birds and passers-by.

They are characterized only by curiosity, although, like many other cats. They definitely need to look around, sniff everything new, climb into a package or a new bag.

But the beneficial fruits of all the balance and friendliness of the British character will, of course, appear only after the correct upbringing of a kitten with early age. The British mature slowly, only by the age of 4, so you have time of at least up to a year to instill good manners and wean them from bad habits, if any.

In terms of maintenance, these cats are also quite independent and unpretentious. They are distinguished by cleanliness, so they often engage in licking and combing their fur. But due to its very thick coat, including the undercoat, they shed frequently and profusely. And to ensure that hairballs get into the cat’s stomach as little as possible, and also spread throughout the apartment, you need to comb your pets frequently and thoroughly. This should be done at least once or twice a week.

In order for an adult animal to take this calmly and allow itself to be combed, it is necessary to accustom the kitten to this procedure from a very early age. It is convenient to use a soft brush with fine bristles. During molting, this process will have to be carried out daily. And they shed profusely and often, despite their short hair, so it will be difficult for people with allergies to handle them.

You should not bathe often; clean British people will be clean and odorless even without it. But if bathing is necessary, use special shampoos for short, dense coats and then dry the coat thoroughly.

Ears and eyes should be examined regularly and, if necessary, cleaned with clean, damp swabs. For the eyes, you can moisten the swab with a special solution.

You need to regularly monitor the claws and, if necessary, trim them carefully.

How to feed British cats

When it comes to feeding, the British are also not particularly picky and do not have food allergies. Industrial feeds, both dry and canned, are suitable. Since representatives of this breed are not particularly active, they are prone to obesity if the feeding regime is not followed. Avoid overfeeding, follow the recommended feed dosages specified by the manufacturers.

You can feed with natural food, but should not be mixed with artificial nutrition. Selecting a natural diet requires more time and some experience. But you can't feed cats from your table.

Natural nutrition should include:

  • Meat and offal - beef, poultry, without bones, of course. Cartilage can sometimes be given to teeth.
  • Porridge, boiled and fresh vegetables– should make up about a quarter of the diet.
  • Fermented milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. An adult animal should not be given milk.
  • Once or twice a week you can give a boiled egg.

DO NOT give spicy, sweet, pickled, salty or smoked foods. It is not recommended to feed fish, especially raw fish and pork.

When feeding natural products, it is useful to feed with vitamin and mineral supplements. When feeding with ready-made industrial food, this is not necessary; all substances are already balanced in its composition.

British health and illness

British cats are a naturally bred breed, so they have retained the good health of their ancestors. However, there are some characteristic diseases that are also characteristic of them:

  • Polycystic kidney disease. A hereditary disease that leads to the death of an animal. There is no complete cure, it is only possible to slow down and alleviate the course of the disease;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Hair loss;
  • Watery eyes;
  • Colds;
  • Obesity.

British cats live on average 10-15 years with good care, some can live up to 20.

Interesting facts about British cats:

  • These cats are perfect for people who have little free time and are often away from home. They are also called “businessmen’s cats.”
  • Cats of this breed have an independent character, they do not like to sit on hands, and they will only allow themselves to be petted by loved ones.
  • This is the oldest breed of cat in England and one of the oldest in the world, believed to have originated from the Egyptians brought by the Romans and the European forest cats found in northern Europe.
  • It is assumed that the famous Cheshire cat from the fairy tales about Alice was copied from the British breed.
  • The British are lovers of sleep, they do it 14-16 hours a day.
  • By nature, these cats are excellent hunters, especially mice.
  • It is the tabby-colored Briton who is the face of the Whiskas feed manufacturer.

British shorthair and longhair cats are a strong, kind and intelligent breed that is popular in many countries around the world. Currently, the British Longhair cat has fully formed as a full-fledged breed, and its history of origin is unusual and very interesting even for the common man.

Versions of the appearance of the British cat

British cat in America

The American history of the British Shorthair cat began, according to scientists, not with the “arrival of the first Pilgrim Fathers,” who arrived on the sailing ship Mayflower back in 1620 in the territory of the American state of Massachusetts. Smart and hardy animals were brought to America during the mass migration of settlers from the inhabited territories of the Old World. It was in 1607 that English emigrants arrived in large numbers along with cats in North America, where the first colony of Jamestown was founded.

This is interesting! Natural conditions gave the animals solidity and heavy bones, and felinologists brought the breed to complete perfection, as a result of which modern British cats received a magnificent exterior, due to outcrossing with Persians.

In 1904, the American Cat Association registered the very first official representative of the domestic shorthair breed. This name was transformed into the American Shorthair breed in the middle of the last century. Very beautiful short-haired animals were highly valued even by the most fastidious American breeders, which affected the cost. Without a doubt, purebred British Shorthair cats participated in the formation of the American national shorthair breed.

British cat in Europe

In Europe, British cats spread with incredible speed. Currently, a story has been preserved related to the famous English adventurer Richard Whitington, who set off on a ship under the unusual name “Unicorn” to India or Africa in search of happiness.

On the trip, this navigator took with him his beloved pet cat, Fitze. The ship was destined to be caught in a strong storm, but fortunately, the sailors not only survived, but also, by the will of fate, found themselves in a country with a countless number of rodents.

Whitington's cat was noted for the active extermination of rats and mice, therefore, by the decision of the grateful ruler of the country, Fitze was appointed supreme commander, and his owner became an adviser. A few years later, the Englishman Richard Whitington became well known as Lord Cat or Pussy, and was even elected mayor three times. The Whitington family coat of arms is crowned with an image of a cat holding a mouse in its mouth.

This is interesting! The story of the cat, whose owner was Dick Whitington, became world famous thanks to the famous cycle of parody poems written by Thomas Eliot and the musical “Cats”. Among other things, the “British” are the only representatives of the cat world who are able to smile.

In America, the British cat was officially registered as a separate breed only in the middle of the last century. Currently, the beautiful palace that belonged to Lord Cat is very well preserved, which is why the building still houses the city exchange.

History of the breed in Russia

Work aimed at restoring and significantly improving the British Shorthair cat was continued only after the Second World War ended. World War. Initially, representatives of this breed were used in crossing with Russian Blue cats, Persian and Carthusian cats, which were popular at that time.

Somewhat later, the British were classified as an independent breed, after which they appeared in our country. The very first purebred British cats were brought to Russia in the seventies of the last century. During the first few years, domestic breeders highly appreciated all the advantages of this breed, so now the “British” have been able to push aside even the Siamese and Persian cats in terms of popularity.

The first epoch-making felinological exhibition is considered to be the display of pedigree animals in the Moscow equestrian complex “Bitsa”, which was held in the spring of 1987, but without the participation of domestic purebred British shorthaired domestic cats.

The fact is that the very first “Britons”, obtained under Russian breeding conditions, only in their external characteristics resembled the pedigree British Shorthair, which was due to the use of European Shorthair and Persian cats in crossing.

This is interesting! The very first elite purebred animals were brought to our country a little more than a quarter of a century ago from Holland and West Germany, and a little later, the most valuable breed representatives exported from Great Britain appeared in Russia.

Among other things, the British cats that were exported from the Czech Republic and eastern Germany were also very far from perfect, and therefore did not belong to the category of first-class representatives of the breed.

The British breed is considered one of the oldest and most popular cat breeds in the world. Its representatives have conquered the planet with their truly royal appearance, calm character with gentlemanly restraint and self-esteem. They are unpretentious and hardy. Cats of this breed are worthy of getting to know them better, finding out where they came from and what types they come from.

History of the British cat breed

And now it is not known exactly how British cats appeared. There is an assumption that back in the first century BC. The ancient Romans brought such cats to England. The density of the coat contributed to the fact that the animals were able to adapt in the shortest possible time to the conditions of a different climatic zone. For a long time, these cats hunted small rodents, demonstrating their excellent hunting qualities.

In the 16th century, breeders became interested in the bright appearance of British cats. In 1871, the British breed was represented at the first international cat exhibition, held in Great Britain, in London, by a blue British cat and became the winner there. During the same period, standard breed indicators began to be developed, and mass breeding of British cats began.

The beautiful appearance of British cats has attracted the attention of breeders

To achieve ideal standard indicators, especially beautiful British cats took part in the selection. TO mating attracted individuals of the Persian breed, which gave the British a rounded, slightly flat muzzle. Participation in wars led to the decline of representatives of the British breed, and in order to preserve it, breeders began to breed the British with similar breeds of cats: Scottish, Chartreux, Burmese, Russian Blue.

The breed of British cats is among the breeds that have not experienced strict selection.

The year 1980 was marked for the breed of British cats by receiving the championship title. The development of standard British indicators was completed. It was the first breed in the UK, officially registered in 1980. The breed is recognized by the largest felinological organizations in the USA and Europe.

Features of British breed cats

Typical features that characterize cats of this breed include: a large head, strong paws, a massive body with a large bone system.

British cats have a large head, massive paws and body


The British cat is a medium-sized animal, with a benevolent look on its round face, plush dense fur, and a wide variety of colors. When comparing British cats and cats, the former look more massive. These animals are characterized by slow development, they reach maturity by 4 years. To distinguish an ordinary cat from a purebred animal, one should refer to systems of international criteria.

CFA System Standards

There are different felinological systems in the world with their own standards regarding the appearance of animals. In accordance with the standard indicators established by the CFA felinological system, animals of this breed belong to the type of cats that are strong, harmoniously developed, with a large chest. A characteristic feature of the breed is the squat appearance of the animals, which is given to it by short legs.

Representatives of the British breed are harmoniously developed

The standards of the American system, in addition to CFA, are followed by TICA. American breeders have the main requirement for the animal's physique; in addition to the American one, there is a European system of standards (WCF, FIFe, FARUS systems), which pays special attention to the color of cats. However, the general appearance of the British breed cats indicated above is the same for the standards of all systems.

Structural features

In more detail, the body parts that make up the structure of British cats can be described as follows:

  • The animal's head is large and round, which is noticeable when looking at the cat from the front. It is quite large, set on a thick, short neck. The cat has a convex forehead. The cheeks are thick and dense, well defined. The nose is wide and of medium size. It is straight, with a slight depression on the bridge of the nose, noticeable in profile. The cat's nose, together with a straight chin, forms a vertical line.
  • The muzzle is well developed, wide at the cheekbones, and ends with a massive chin.
  • The ears are of medium size, set far apart from each other on the head and do not disturb its roundness. They are wider at the bottom and their tips are rounded.
  • The eyes are large and round. They are located straight and wide on the muzzle. Well opened. Their color is influenced by the color of the cat's fur.
  • The animal has a medium-sized body, it is stocky, squat, and proportional. Cats have a short straight back, a wide chest shape, and strong and heavy shoulders.
  • The paws are thick, small in height, with a strong bone structure, rounded, strong pads on the paws. The cat's forelimbs are straight.
  • The animal's tail is not very long. It is thick at the base and rounded at the end.
  • Dimensions. At any age, animals of this breed have a compact build. They finally gain weight at about 3 years of age. It has been noticed that cats with a single color are larger than cats with different colors. For males of the breed, the weight ranges from 5 to 8 kg, for castrated ones it is about 12 kg. Females weigh from 3-4 kg, sterilized - up to 7 kg. The height of the animals at the withers reaches 33 cm.

Features of wool

According to the standard, British cats have rather dense, short hair. The coat should be uniform in density and length, with a thick undercoat, elastic to the touch, and not too soft. The British coat should be shiny.

The British fur coat is thick and shiny.

British color

According to the standard, British cats have dozens of different colors. Solid colors are not necessary at all. Even with a solid color, deviations in the uniformity of coloring of the fibers are possible, expressed in the manifestation of different tints, haze, and shadedness. Among the colors allowed by the standard are:

  • Plain. Among them:
    • Blue. This is a common classic color. With it, the cat's fur and skin are blue, the undercoat is lighter than the main color. The lighter the color, the more valuable the cats are. In adult blue cats, the eyes become a rich amber color.
    • Black color is less common, since by the age of one year the color of the coat can turn from black to brown. This is due to heredity.
    • Lilac. It is a complex combination of tones, which includes blue, pink and gray shades.
    • Chocolate. Wool of this color looks like fur on a mouton fur coat.
    • The red, ginger color is the result of crossing the British with exotic Persian cats and other breeds with reddish shades of fur.
    • Cream. This solid color comes in a predominantly pale cream tone.
    • White. There is a risk in getting healthy offspring from white British cats, since the kittens may be born deaf.
  • Smoky (gray). Its main difference from solid colors is the contrast between the ends of the brightly colored hairs and the pale, close to white, undercoat. The color seems monochromatic, but when the cat moves, it becomes noticeable that its fur turns silver and shimmers.
  • Color point. The main color of the coat is light (white), and the palette of secondary colors begins with light gray tones and ends with red. A classic example of this color in a British cat is the rarely seen Siamese color with black or chocolate tones.
  • Silver shaded, golden shaded. The head is painted in the main color. back, ears and tail, and the fur of their neck, chest, belly, and paws is silver. Golden shaded color is rare.
  • Tortoiseshell. Consists of 3 colors; black, red (red and white (cream). Mostly the owners of this coat color are female individuals.
  • Tabby. Characterized by the presence of a pattern on the wool. There are striped, marbled, spotted tabbies.
  • Bicolor. This color is represented on the fur of cats in two colors, one of which is necessarily white. Among purebred Britons of this color, white is observed on the face and chin. The neck, chest, belly and paws are also painted with it.
  • Particolor. This color is obtained by mixing white and tortoiseshell or tabby.
  • Harlequin. With it, about 4/5 of the fur is white, and the belly is the same color. The head is on top, the ears are black, the tip of the nose is pink.
  • Wang. The main background in this case is white, the tail has a different color, and spots can sometimes be on the head.

Photo gallery: different colors of British cats:

Beautiful British black cat Blue color is classic for the British The color of British cats is lilac A chocolate cat looks like a teddy bear The red color of the British cat resembles the sun Elegant cream colored kitten White Brittany is beautiful but rare The shaded silver color of the cat casts silver Tortoiseshell color occurs in females British bicolor Particolor British breed cat Lilac harlequin cat Color of the British Van cat breed The smoky color shimmers and silvers when the cat moves Tabby cat with merle pattern The Siamese pattern is a prime example of the color point color. Golden shaded cat

The British have some shortcomings. These include:

  • too long fluffy coat;
  • various birth defects;
  • elongated body shape;
  • fuzzy jaw lines;
  • colors with various inclusions of other colors.

The animal may not meet the standards and will be disqualified. This is possible when:

  • the eye color does not match the main color of the animal;
  • there are flaws on the tail;
  • spots in the armpit or groin;
  • disturbances in color, pigmentation of paw pads, nose;
  • the number of toes on the paws does not correspond to the norm;
  • malocclusion;
  • obvious signs of illness.

Health, life expectancy

The British are representatives of an aboriginal breed, and therefore they have no hereditary diseases or congenital pathologies. These animals good immunity, they don't get sick when proper care. At 5 months, their eyes may become watery, but usually severe lacrimation goes away on its own, without the use of medications.

British cats have good health

Prolonged exposure of a British cat to drafts can cause it to develop a cold. If such an animal is not fed properly and its teeth are not brushed, this can cause gingivitis and the appearance of tartar.

In rare cases, Britons are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • hemophilia (chronic bleeding, severe disease due to decreased blood clotting);
  • nail fungus;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Character, habits of the animal

British cats have an independent character. Negative trait his is independent decision-making, which often does not correspond to the opinion of his owner. Outwardly, the Briton is indifferent to affection, he does not ask to be held, does not suck up, and behaves rather reservedly with his owner. However, during separation from him, the cat misses its owner and waits for his return. But the pet communicates with its owner depending on its mood: it will not be possible to pet it by force.

Despite the outward seriousness of the British, they are called the most life-loving and positive animals. It has been noticed that cats of the British breed, thanks to their very plump cheeks and protruding tongue, are able to smile, and this sets them apart from other felines.

British cat smiling

British people cohabiting with other animals and people

Cats of this breed are characterized by sociability and friendliness. They treat all family members who love them well. In the house they get along peacefully with other animals that do not show intrusiveness towards them. The British love children. However, they do not tolerate familiarity. Their independence of character and low maintenance make these cats ideal companions for people who spend a lot of time at work. Representatives of the British breed are often called “cats for businessmen.”

The British are not known for their aggressiveness. They avoid open conflicts and simply withdraw when quarrels are brewing. The intelligence inherent in these animals does not allow them to bite and scratch when communicating with household members. British cats perceive guests rather coolly and try to move away.

The British reserve does not interfere with their playfulness. During the game, they do not misbehave or cause damage to interior items. Cats meow quietly and rarely. They can communicate with their owner by making louder sounds.

From the experience of communicating with a British, gray long-haired cat called Epifan, who is 5 years old; we can conclude that this cat, as a true representative of the British breed, is quite friendly, inquisitive, and sociable. He adores his owner, misses her and rejoices at her return. Passionately loves to play. He doesn’t like to sit in his owner’s arms and sits next to him. The cat likes to be at the dacha and explore the territory of the dacha.

Types of British cats

Representatives of this breed may differ in appearance. Depending on this, several varieties are distinguished.

British fold cat

You can often find references to British fold cats. However, not a single felinological organization has a description of such a breed. The British Fold cat does not exist. This phrase combines two breeds: the British Shorthair with standard ears and the Scottish Fold. Kittens with folded ears (fold ears) are obtained only from cats of the Scottish breed; kittens born also belong to this breed.

Fold cats are not of the British breed, but only of the Scottish breed

This type of British cat breed was the result of crossing the British and Persians. This type of British cat is recognized as a separate breed and is admitted to exhibitions by the International Cat Organization (TICA) and the World Cat Federation (WCF). These cats have straight, medium-length fur, as well as fluffy “pants” and a “collar”.

The British Longhair is similar to its shorthaired variety, but its fluffy “pants” and “collar” give it away

Such animals with any coat color are allowed to participate in exhibitions, with the exception of snow-white mixed with color point.

This type of coat is considered the breed standard. In its density and tenderness it is comparable to bear fur. The coat of the British Smooth-haired is thin, similar to plush wool. The hairs have the same length, averaging 2.4 mm.

British shorthair cats have fur that resembles a bear's skin.

Deviations in the structure of the coat can be an obstacle to the participation of such cats in various exhibitions.

Video: British Shorthair cat breed

British cats have recently developed a variety called the British chinchilla. Chinchilla is not the name of the breed, but a type of coat color of British cats. This is an artificially bred variety of British cats that has an original exotic color, reminiscent of the fur of rodents of the same name. This color is considered one of the most valuable and rare.

British silver chinchilla, owner of a rare color

British chinchillas have 3 types:

  • with a golden color, when the color of each hair turns from black to light brown or peach;
  • with a silver color, the color of the hairs changes from white to black, the coat seems to be covered with a light black veil;
  • with a silver shaded color, in which the color turns out to be darker because there is a higher percentage of black hairs in the coat; Animals with this color often have black stripes on their tails.

Among these chinchillas there are short-haired and long-haired. All of them have thick hair and a dense layer of undercoat, but the color of short-haired chinchillas is more clearly expressed. In long-haired dogs, it is more tender and softer.

British cats are often called British Straights because their ears are set straight on their heads. They should not be confused with Scottish straight kittens (straights), which appear in Scottish Fold litters along with babies with curled ears.

Straight-eared kittens also appear in Scottish Fold litters, but they are not British, but Scottish

Contents and features of caring for British cats

The British breed of cats does not require special care, so keeping them is not associated with any difficulties. Caring for your pet is as follows:

  • Combing the coat with a massage slicker brush, this should be done twice a week. With this procedure, dead hair is removed and a kind of massage is performed.
  • Short-haired cats can be washed 1-2 times a year or as needed. Long-haired pets require water treatments more often.
  • After 2 weeks, an adult cat should have its claws trimmed to ½ of their length.
  • Remove natural discharge from the eyes daily using a cotton pad, moving from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner corner.
  • The cat's ears should be examined every two weeks, and accumulated wax should be removed with a cotton swab or disk moistened with a hygienic solution.
  • Needs to be checked every day oral cavity animal in order to promptly detect tartar or other pathologies. To prevent them, a kitten should be taught to brush its teeth from a young age.
  • Balanced and proper nutrition. It has big influence on the health and appearance of British cats. The food must contain everything the cat needs useful material, vitamins and microelements. The diet may include ready-made balanced feeds or natural products. The cat’s nutrition depends on the age of the animal, its state of health, and preferences.

Caring for a cat requires regular trimming of its claws.

To maintain normal cat health, he will need annual preventive examinations at a veterinary clinic and timely vaccination.

Features of mating and breeding

Breeding British breed kittens should be done by someone with experience. The peculiarity of mating is that the blood of the cat and the cat must be of the same type - A (in most cats) or B, which is typical for a small percentage of pets, otherwise there will be a conflict between different types blood in parents will lead to the birth of non-viable offspring. To avoid this, breeders conduct special testing on cats before they reach puberty.

In the UK, puberty occurs when they are 7–9 months old. However, the most favorable period for the first mating with a cat occurs between 10 and 18 months, when the cat’s body is strong enough to endure childbirth without harm to health.

How often do British cats go into heat, its duration

You can tell that a cat is in heat by her behavior. She becomes affectionate with male representatives, arches her back, and meows loudly. The interval between estrus in cats varies, on average it ranges from 15 to 20 days; estrus lasts 7–9 days. During estrus it is recommended:

  • Do not give medications that can suppress the cat's heat. This might end hormonal imbalance, formation of tumors.
  • Wait out the cat's first two heats, and on the third, take her to the groom, preferably the next day after the start of the heat.
  • For the first mating, find a cat with experience so that he can cope. if the cat shows obstinacy.
  • You should not mate cats and cats that do not have experience in this matter, otherwise you may need the help of the owners, which will take more time.

A young cat needs to choose a cat with experience who understands why she was placed with a cat. Mating should be carried out with a cat whose coat color matches the color of the cat's coat. There is no need, for example, to mate a purple cat and a black cat. Otherwise, the kittens may turn out to be multi-colored. This fact will not affect their health, but animals with a single color are more often suitable for exhibitions and sales.

British male and female cats must fit together

For a cat to become pregnant, 2 days of mating are enough. In order for a cat to give birth to healthy offspring, the cat should not be mated more than 3 times a year.

You can know that your cat is pregnant if she hasn't gone into heat after 3 weeks. Otherwise, she is again taken to the cat for mating.

How to choose the right British breed pet, prices, where to buy

You should not buy a British breed kitten on the street or market. For this purpose, it is better to prefer a good certified nursery. You should choose a kitten when it is 1.5 months old to look at its color, breed, and development.

When choosing a kitten, pay attention to the following points:

  • his grooming;
  • activity, curiosity, playfulness;
  • the kitten must be healthy and well-fed;
  • The baby should not hiss or show aggression.

It’s great if, when choosing a kitten, you can also see its parents; they should be well-groomed, healthy, and have good natural characteristics. The origin of a purebred kitten must be confirmed by its pedigree.

The health of a kitten can be determined by the following indicators:

  • clear, shiny eyes; minor discharge is allowed;
  • cold and wet nose;
  • clean mucous membranes;
  • clean ears without black spots;
  • there are no creases on the tail, its surface is smooth from beginning to end;
  • wool without wounds, red spots, bald spots;
  • straight teeth.

When buying a kitten of the British breed, you should know how it differs from the very similar baby of the Scottish breed.

Table: external differences between kittens of the British and Scottish breeds

Indicator nameBritishScots
Body structureStocky, squatMore graceful lines
EarsStraight, erect, slightly rounded, set at a slight angleThe Scottish Straight variety has straight ears, set more vertically, while the Scottish Fold has folded ears (dropping)
HeadRound, well-defined cheekbones, spreading cheeksA clear chin, an oval muzzle reminiscent of an owl's head
PawsMassive, short, which gives the impression of a heavy bodySlender paws proportional to the body
TailRounded at the end, shortFlexible, longer tail of medium thickness

From the litter you need to choose the most well-fed and fat kitten. Its cost will be influenced by the gender, age, pedigree, and color of the animal. On average, the price ranges from 2.5 to 10 thousand rubles. If you buy a kitten from titled parents in a nursery, the price can be significantly higher, up to 30 thousand rubles.

The plumpest kitten is chosen from a cat's litter