PGS test methods. Sand-gravel mixtures for construction work. Labeling, transportation and storage







Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design and Survey Institute for the Problems of Mining, Transport and Processing of Mineral Raw Materials in the Construction Materials Industry" (FSUE "VNIPIIstromsyrye")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated December 5, 2014 No. 46-2014)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 12, 2014 No. 2033-st, the interstate standard GOST 23735-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2015.

5 INSTEAD GOST 23735-79

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system common use- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform. 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology



Sandy-gravel mixtures Gog construction work. Specifications

Date of introduction - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sand-gravel mixtures obtained from gravel-sand and boulder-gravel-sand rocks in accordance with GOST 31426 and used for the construction of lower layers of bases for road surfaces, drainage layers, road embankments, temporary highways, backfilling of pits, trenches, installation of cushions for monolithic foundations, backfilling of foundations for various sites, for planning and landscaping, for reclamation and other types of construction, in accordance with the requirements building codes and rules for relevant types of work.

This standard does not apply to sand and gravel mixtures used as aggregates for concrete.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8267-93 Crushed stone and gravel made of dense rocks for construction work. Specifications

GOST 8269.0-97 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks and industrial waste for construction work. Methods of physical and mechanical tests

GOST 8735-88 Sand for construction work. Test methods

GOST 8736-93 Sand for construction work. Specifications

GOST 25607-2009 Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures for coatings and foundations of highways and airfields. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 31426-2010 Loose rocks for the production of sand, gravel and crushed stone for construction work. Technical requirements and test methods.

Application - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 sand-gravel mixture: Construction material, which is a mixture of sand and gravel.

3.2 sand: Rock and mineral fragments rounded to varying degrees, ranging in size from 0.05 to 5 mm.

Official publication

3.3 gravel: Fragments of rocks and minerals, rounded to varying degrees, measuring over 5 to 70 mm.

3.4 boulders: Fragments of rocks and minerals over 70 mm in size, rounded to varying degrees.

3.5. bulk density: The ratio of the mass of an air-dry sand-gravel mixture to its volume in an uncompacted state.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Sand and gravel mixture is produced and supplied in two types:

Natural sand-gravel mixture obtained by mining gravel-sand rocks and supplied without any further processing:

Enriched sand-gravel mixture obtained by mining gravel-sand and boulder-gravel-sand rocks and supplied after its enrichment: removal or addition of certain granulometric fractions of sand and (or) gravel, removal of boulders and (or) dust and clay particles .

4.2 Sand-gravel mixtures are assessed by general indicators characterizing the properties of the sand-gravel mixture as a whole, and indicators characterizing its gravel and sand components.

4.3 General indicators of the properties of sand and gravel mixture

4.3.1 General indicators of the properties of a sand-gravel mixture include:

Grain composition:

Largest gravel grain size:

Bulk density;

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides:

Filtration coefficient (as required by the consumer).

4.3.2 The grain composition of the sand-gravel mixture is characterized by the content of sand fractions less than 0.16 mm in size, from 016 to 0.315 mm. from 0.315 to 0.63 mm. from 0.63 to 1.25 mm. from 1.25 to 2.5 mm and from 2.5 to 5.0 mm; gravel fractions ranging in size from 5 to 10 mm. from 10 to 20 mm. from 20 to 40 mm and from 40 to 70 mm: fractions of boulders ranging in size from 70 to 100 mm and from 100 to 150 mm.

4.3.3 In a natural sand-gravel mixture, the content of gravel grains should be no less than 10% and no more than 90% by weight.

from 15% to 25%;

se. 25% 9 35%;

4.3.4 The enriched sand-gravel mixture, depending on the content of gravel grains, is divided into five groups:

It is allowed to supply an enriched sand-gravel mixture obtained by adding to the mixture or removing from it gravel or sand, or both at the same time: it is also allowed to add crushed stone or crushed sand to the mixture, or both at the same time. In this case, when determining the mixture group, crushed stone is included in the gravel component, crushed sand - in the sand component of the mixture.

The permissible content of crushed stone and crushed sand in the enriched mixture is determined by agreement with the consumer.

4.3.5 The largest grain size of gravel D*** in a natural sand and gravel mixture must be no less than 10 mm and no more than 70 mm.

4.3.6 Largest gravel grain size in enriched sand-gravel mixture

must have one of the following values: 10, 20.40 or 70 mm.

4.3.7 By agreement of the parties, the supply of sand and gravel mixture with the largest grain size over 70 mm is allowed. but not more than 150 mm.

meet the requirements given in table 1.

Table 1

Table 2

4.3.11 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of sand and gravel mixtures must comply with the requirements given in GOST 30108. Appendix A.

4.3.12 Sand and gravel mixtures should not contain clogging inclusions.

4.4 Indicators of the properties of gravel and sand components

4.4.1 Indicators of the properties of the gravel component include:

Grain composition (at the consumer’s request);

Gravel strength;

Frost resistance:

Mineralogical and petrographic composition.

4.4.2 The strength of gravel included in the natural and enriched sand-gravel mixture, the content of weak rock grains in it and frost resistance must comply with the requirements of GOST 8267.

4.4.3 Indicators of the properties of the sand component include:

Grain composition;

Size module;

Mineralogical and petrographic composition (at the consumer’s request)

4.4.4 Sands included in the natural sand-gravel mixture, in terms of grain composition, must comply with the requirements of GOST 8736 for coarse, medium, fine and very fine sands. The content of particles passing through a sieve with mesh No. 016 should not exceed 20% by weight.

4.4.5 Sands included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must, in terms of grain composition, comply with the requirements of GOST 8736 for coarse, medium and fine sands. The content of particles passing through a sieve with mesh No. 016 should not exceed 10% by weight.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Sand and gravel mixtures must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer. Acceptance and delivery of sand and gravel mixture is carried out in batches.

5.2 A batch is considered to be the quantity of sand and gravel mixture established in the supply contract and simultaneously shipped to one consumer in one railway car or in one vessel. Upon shipment by car A batch is considered to be the amount of sand and gravel mixture shipped to one consumer during the day.

5.3 To verify compliance of the quality of the sand-gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard, acceptance inspection and periodic testing are carried out.

5.4 Acceptance control at the manufacturer is carried out daily by testing a combined sample taken in accordance with GOST 8269.0.

5.5 During acceptance control, the following is determined:

Grain composition of sand and gravel mixture;

5.6 During periodic tests, determine:

Once a quarter and whenever the properties of the rock being developed change: the strength of gravel and the bulk density of the mixture (bulk density at humidity during shipment is determined as necessary);

Once a year - frost resistance of gravel and the class of the sand-gravel mixture according to the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

5.7 When checking the quality of the sand-gravel mixture, the consumer must use the procedure for sampling from vehicles provided for by GOST 8267.

5.8 The quantity of supplied sand and gravel mixture is determined by volume or weight as agreed between the supplier and the consumer in accordance with GOST 8267 or GOST 8736.

5.9 The manufacturer must accompany each batch of supplied sand and gravel mixture with a quality document indicating:

Name of the manufacturer and its address;

Number and date of issue of the document;

Name and address of the consumer;

Batch number, name and quantity of supplied sand and gravel mixture in cubic meters;

Wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice numbers:

Type of sand and gravel mixture;

Grain composition of the mixture;

The largest grain size of gravel;

Mark the size of the gravel in the mixture;

Frost resistance grade of gravel in the mixture;

Sand fineness module, passage through a sieve with mesh No. 016;

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of the mixture;

Designation of this standard.

6 Test methods

6.1 The grain composition of the sand-gravel mixture is determined in the manner established by GOST 8269.0. At the same time, the standard set of sieves includes additional sieves with meshes N9 063. 0315 and 016.

6.3 The bulk density of the sand-gravel mixture is determined according to GOST 8269.0. specific effective activity of natural radionuclides - according to GOST 30108. filtration coefficient - according to GOST 25607.

6.4 To determine the properties of gravel and sand included in the sand-gravel mixture, it is divided into gravel and sand, while ensuring the maximum content of gravel in sand and sand in gravel, established respectively by GOST 8736 and GOST 8267.

6.5 The grain composition of gravel is determined by calculation using data on the grain composition of the sand-gravel mixture obtained in accordance with 6.1. The content in gravel of each of the fractions included in its composition a,%, is determined by the formula

where a t tf is the content of the gravel fraction in the sand-gravel mixture. %;

6.6 The strength of gravel, the content of weak rock grains in it, frost resistance, the content of dust and clay particles and clay in lumps are determined according to GOST 8269.0.

6.7 The grain composition of sand is determined by calculation using data on the grain composition of the sand-gravel mixture obtained in accordance with 6.1. The content in the sand of each of the fractions included in its composition a. R. %. determined by the formula

""""AND*. (2)

where a aJat is the content of the sand fraction in the sand-gravel mixture. %:

The total content of sand fractions in the sand-gravel mixture. %.

6.8 The modulus of sand fineness, the content of dust and clay particles, clay in lumps and organic impurities (humic substances) are determined according to GOST 8735.

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Sand and gravel mixtures are transported in bulk in vehicles of any type in accordance with the current transportation rules.

7.2 Sand and gravel mixtures are transported and stored in conditions that protect them from clogging and contamination.

UDC 691.22:006.354 MKS 91.100.15

Key words: sand and gravel mixtures, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods

Signed for publication on 02/02/2015. Format 60x84%.

Uel. oven l. 0.93. Circulation 35 eq. Zach. 274.

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard


123995 Moscow, Granatny per.. 4.

GOST 25607-2009. Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures
for coatings and foundations of highways and airfields.

GOST 25607-2009

Group W18




Crushed stone-sandy mixtures for road and airfield surfacings and bases. Specifications

MKS 93.080.20

Date of introduction 2011-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by the "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"

Standard information

1 DESIGNED Open joint stock company"Road Research Institute" (JSC "SoyuzdorNII") of the Russian Federation

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization in Construction TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 36 of October 21, 2009)

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 22, 2010 N 63-st as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2011.

5 INSTEAD GOST 25607-94

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the “National Standards” index, and the text of the changes is published in the “National Standards” information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-made crushed stone-sand, gravel-sand and crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures used for the construction of coatings, bases and additional layers of the foundations of highways and airfield foundations and strengthening of road shoulders, as well as crushed stone used for the construction of foundations according to the spell method.

This standard does not apply to aggregates for heavy and fine-grained concrete, asphalt concrete mixtures and ready-mixed bases and coatings treated with inorganic and organic binders.

2 Normative references

Control points for preliminary radiation-hygienic assessment are selected in accordance with.

4.6 Sampling and preparation of samples of crushed stone and the finished mixture for quality control is carried out in accordance with.

4.7 When checking the quality of crushed stone and ready-made mixtures, the consumer must apply the procedure for sampling from vehicles established in.

4.8 The quantity of crushed stone or ready-mix supplied is determined by volume or weight in accordance with.

4.9 When shipped to the consumer, each batch of crushed stone and ready-made mixtures is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

  • name of the manufacturer and its address;
  • number and date of issue of the document;
  • name and address of the consumer;
  • batch number and quantity of material;
  • wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice numbers;
  • name of the material;
  • grain composition of crushed stone and ready-made mixtures;
  • content of dust and clay particles and clay in lumps;
  • content of lamellar and needle-shaped grains in crushed stone (gravel);
  • crushability grade of crushed stone;
  • grade for frost resistance of crushed stone;
  • crushed stone water resistance grade;
  • weight loss when determining the stability of the structure against ferrous and silicate decomposition;
  • grade of crushed stone and ready-made mixtures based on plasticity;
  • content of crushed grains in crushed gravel;
  • bulk density;
  • degree of heaving (only for mixtures intended for frost protection layers);
  • filtration coefficient (at customer's request);
  • specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;
  • designation of this standard.

5 Test methods

5.1 Crushed stone used as independent material, as well as crushed stone and gravel included in the mixtures, are tested according to. The crushability grade of crushed stone from sedimentary rocks is determined in a water-saturated state.

5.2 To determine the grain composition of the finished mixture, a laboratory sample, dried to constant weight at a temperature of (105±5) °C, is divided into crushed stone (gravel) and sand and weighed. The grain composition of crushed stone (gravel) is determined using a standard set of sieves. The grain composition of sand is determined by sieving on sieves with mesh N 2.5; 063 and 016 according to GOST 6613. Then, by recalculation, the total grain composition of the finished mixture is determined.

5.3 The stability of the structure of crushed stone (gravel) against ferrous and silicate decay is determined by.

5.4 The degree of heaving of ready-made mixtures used for constructing frost-protective layers is determined by the following addition.

Mixtures in which the sand component is contained in an amount of more than 10% by weight are subjected to testing; the remaining mixtures are considered obviously suitable for frost-protective layers.

The mixture prepared for testing is sifted through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 20 mm and three samples weighing at least 3 kg each are taken from the material that has passed through the sieve. Samples are placed in detachable molds and compacted using the layer-by-layer thrombus method to the maximum density, determined by the optimal humidity, determined by 5.12 of this standard. The dimensions of the split molds are taken depending on the maximum size of the mixture materials.

The degree of heaving is determined in the absence of load on the sample. The arithmetic mean value of determining the relative deformation of frost heaving of three samples of the mixture is taken as the test result.

5.5 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined in specialized laboratories on duly certified gamma spectrometric installations or in radiation metric laboratories of supervisory authorities.

5.6 The provision of the quality indicators of crushed stone, gravel and ready-made mixtures in terms of grain composition (the content of grains smaller than the smallest nominal size and larger than the largest nominal size) and the content of dust and clay particles is determined by , paragraph 6.4, established by this standard.

5.7 Determination of the content of dust and clay particles in ready-made mixtures

, (1)

Where P 1, P 2- content of dust and clay particles, respectively, in crushed stone (gravel), sand, % by weight;

a 1, a 2

5.8 Determination of clay content in lumps in ready-made mixtures The clay content in lumps in ready-made mixtures is determined by selecting a mixture of particles differing in viscosity from an analytical sample. The determination is carried out separately for crushed stone (gravel) of each fraction and sand included in the mixture. To carry out the test, the finished mixture is sifted through a sieve with a hole diameter of 5 mm. The total amount of clay in lumps in mixtures G cm,% by weight, is calculated as the weighted average value of the clay content in lumps in crushed stone (gravel) and sand according to the formula

, (2)

Where G 1, G 2- clay content in lumps in crushed stone (gravel), defined as the weighted average in a mixture of fractions and sand, % by weight;

a 1, a 2- the content of crushed stone (gravel) and sand in the mixture, respectively, according to the results of determining the grain composition, % by weight.

5.9 Determination of the plasticity number of crushed stone and the finished mixture

The plasticity number of crushed stone and the finished mixture is determined on grains less than 0.63 mm in size, obtained from sifting the crushed stone product and after sieving the finished mixture on sieves with mesh sizes of 1.250 and 0.630 mm.

The plasticity number is determined as the difference between the humidity indicators of the yield boundary and the rolling boundary. Sampling, determination of the yield boundary and the rolling boundary are carried out using.

The ductility grade is set in accordance with 3.1.4.

5.10 Determination of water resistance of crushed stone (gravel)

5.10.1 Essence of the method The water resistance of crushed stone (gravel) is determined by the change in the mass of the sample after it is saturated with water and dried.

5.10.2 Test equipment

Static weighing scales or laboratory scales according to .

Drying cabinet.

A vessel for saturating the material with water.

5.10.3 Preparation for testing

Crushed stone (gravel) is washed and dried to a constant weight at a temperature of (105±5) °C, after which it is sifted on a sieve with a mesh size of 5 mm and two analytical samples are taken with the weight given in Table 4.

Table 4

5.10.4 Test performance

The sample is placed in a vessel with water room temperature so that the water level in the vessel is at least 2 cm above the surface of the grains. The sample is kept in water for 48 hours, after which the grains are washed on a sieve with a mesh size of 5 mm, dried at a temperature of (105±5) °C to constant weight and weighed.

Water resistance of crushed stone (gravel) m,% by mass, calculated by the formula

, (3)

Where m 1, m 2- mass of the sample before and after saturation with water, respectively, g.

The result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of two samples.

The water resistance grade is set in accordance with 3.1.5.

5.11 Determination of the filtration coefficient of ready-made mixtures

5.11.1 Test equipment Static weighing balances and laboratory balances.

Drying cabinet.

A sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm.

SoyuzdorNII device of types KF-01, PKF-3 for determining filtration.

5.11.2 Sample preparation for testing and testing

The finished mixture weighing at least 10 kg is dried to constant weight at a temperature of (105±5) °C and two laboratory samples weighing at least 5.0 kg each are taken. The laboratory sample is sifted through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and the sand content in the mixture is determined. M p.

If the sand mixture contains less than 10% by weight, the filtration coefficient is not determined (the mixture is obviously suitable for use in additional layers).

If the mixture contains more than 10% sand by weight, then its grain composition is determined in accordance with. It is allowed not to determine the filtration coefficient of sand containing grains with a size of less than 0.16 mm in an amount of no more than 25% by weight and with a size of less than 0.05 mm - no more than 5% by weight. The results of sand sieve analysis are presented graphically in the form of a sieving curve plotted on a semi-logarithmic scale. The effective sand particle size is graphically determined from the sieving curve D e.p., which corresponds to the nominal size of the sieve openings, the total residue on which is equal to 90%.

Using the sand sieving curve, the effective particle size of the mixture is graphically determined D e.s., which corresponds to such a nominal size of the sieve openings, the total remainder X on which is determined by the formula

, (4)

Where M p- sand content in the mixture, % by weight.

The filtration coefficient of sand included in the mixture is determined by.

5.11.3 Processing results

Mixture filtration coefficient K c, m/day, calculated by the formula

, (5)

Where K p- filtration coefficient of sand included in the mixture, m/day,

D e.s.- effective size of part of the mixture, mm;

D e.p.- effective sand particle size, mm.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of two samples is taken as the test result.

5.12 Determination of the optimal moisture content of the finished mixture

5.12.1 The optimal moisture content of the finished mixture is determined by the water absorption of crushed stone (gravel), determined by , and the optimal moisture content of sand, determined by , included in the mixture.

5.12.2 The laboratory sample of the mixture is dried to constant weight at a temperature of (105±5) °C and separated into sand and crushed stone (gravel) by sieving on a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter.

5.12.3 Optimum moisture content of the mixture W cm,% by weight, determined by the formula

, (6)

Where W absorb- water absorption of crushed stone,% by weight;

W wholesale- optimal sand moisture content, % by weight;

a 1, a 2- content of crushed stone and sand in the mixture, respectively, % by weight.

6 Transportation and storage

6.1 Crushed stone and ready-made mixtures are transported in open railway cars and ships, as well as in cars in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods by the appropriate mode of transport, approved in accordance with the established procedure, and stored separately: crushed stone by fractions, mixtures by numbers, protecting them from mixing and contamination.

When transporting by rail, compliance with the requirements must be ensured technical specifications loading, transportation and securing of goods operating on this type of transport.

When transporting ready-made mixtures to a construction site, intermediate loading and unloading operations are not allowed.

6.2 When shipping and storing crushed stone and ready-made mixtures in winter, measures must be taken to prevent them from freezing (shovelling, treatment with special solutions, etc.).

End of document




GOST 23735-79



By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated June 22, 1979 No. 92, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.80

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to natural and enriched sand and gravel mixtures used:

natural - for the construction of road surfaces, the top layer of bases for coatings, for drainage layers and for other purposes in road construction in accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulations for the construction of highways;

enriched (obtained from natural sand and gravel mixtures by enrichment) - in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations for the relevant types of construction work.

The standard does not apply to natural sand and gravel mixtures used as a semi-finished product for subsequent processing by consumers.


1.1. Sand-gravel mixtures are characterized by:

the largest grain size of gravel;

indicators adopted for evaluating gravel according to GOST 8267-93 (grain composition, strength, grain content of weak rocks, frost resistance, content of dust, clay and silty particles, clay in lumps and mineralogical and petrographic composition);

indicators adopted for assessing sand according to GOST 8736-93 (grain composition and fineness modulus, content of dust, clay and silt particles, including clay in lumps, content of organic impurities and mineralogical and petrographic composition).

1.2. In a natural sand-gravel mixture, the content of gravel grains larger than 5 mm should be no less than 10% and no more than 95% by weight.

1.3. The enriched sand-gravel mixture, depending on the content of gravel grains, is divided into five groups:

from 15 to 25%

St. 25 » 35%

Supply of enriched sand-gravel-crushed stone mixture is allowed. In this case, crushed stone is included in the gravel component of the sand-gravel mixture.

1.4. The largest grain size of gravel ( D max) in a natural sand-gravel mixture should be at least 10 mm and no more than 70 mm.

1.5. The enriched sand-gravel mixture should have gravel grains of the largest coarseness ( D max) one of the following values: 10; 20; 40 or 70 mm.

1.6. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to supply a sand and gravel mixture with gravel grains with a particle size of over 70 mm, but not more than 150 mm.

1.7. The grain composition of gravel included in the natural sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. .

Table 1

1.8. The grain composition of gravel included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. .

table 2

1.9. The strength of gravel included in the natural and enriched sand-gravel mixture, the content of weak rock grains in it and frost resistance must meet the requirements of GOST 8267-93.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

1.10. The sands included in the natural sand-gravel mixture in terms of grain composition must meet the requirements of GOST 8736-93 for coarse, medium, fine and very fine sands.

The sands included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the grain composition requirements of GOST 8736-93 for coarse, medium and fine sands. The content of particles passing through a sieve with mesh No. 014 in sands that are part of a natural sand-gravel mixture should not exceed 20%, and enriched - 10% by weight.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

1.12. Sand and gravel mixtures should not contain clogging inclusions.

1.13. Natural and enriched sand and gravel mixtures, depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides Aeff, are used:

for the production of materials, products and structures used for the construction and reconstruction of residential and public buildings with Aeff up to 370 Bq/kg;

for the production of materials, products and structures used for construction industrial buildings and structures, as well as the construction of roads within the territories of settlements and areas of prospective development with Aeff over 370 Bq/kg to 740 Bq/kg;

for the production of building materials for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements with Aeff over 740 Bq/kg to 1500 Bq/kg.

If necessary, in national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).


2.1. The sand-gravel mixture produced by the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of sand and gravel mixture is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of sand and gravel mixture simultaneously shipped to one consumer in one train or one barge.

When shipping by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of mixture shipped to one consumer within one day.

2.3. The quantity of the supplied mixture is determined by volume or mass. The mixture is measured in wagons, ships, and cars.

2.4. Weighing the mixture shipped in wagons or automobiles is carried out on railway or automobile scales. The mass of the mixture shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.5. Conversion of the quantity of the mixture from units of mass to units of volume or vice versa is carried out according to the values ​​of the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture in a state of natural humidity. The moisture content of the supplied mixture is established by agreement of the parties, taking into account the conditions of its extraction, experience in operating the quarry, geological exploration data and the time of year.

2.6. Determination of the grain composition of the mixture, the content of dust, clay and silt particles, including clay in lumps, is carried out daily.

2.7. Determination of the strength of gravel and the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture is carried out once a quarter, frost resistance, the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of gravel - once a year.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

2.8. Sampling of the mixture for testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97. The sample size is the same as for unfractionated gravel.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

2.9. When checking the compliance of the sand-gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard, the consumer must use the sampling procedure given below.

If the test results of one sample are unsatisfactory, a second sample is tested. If the test results of the second sample are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance. If the test results of the second sample are satisfactory, a third sample is tested, the test results of which are final.

Note. It is allowed to carry out a quality control check of the mixture per carload.

2.11. To control the quality of the mixture in a batch shipped by water transport, one sample is taken from each part of the batch with a volume of no more than 500 tons (350 m3). Sampling is carried out when unloading and loading a vessel from conveyor belts or other types of loading and unloading equipment.

The quality of the mixture is determined by the arithmetic average of the test results of all samples.

2.13. The mass of samples taken for control testing of a batch of railway cars, ships or cars in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. - must be at least 5 times the total mass of samples for testing in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97. Samples are reduced to the required size using the quartering method or using grooved dividers.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Testing of gravel and sand included in the sand-gravel mixture for all indicators, except grain composition, is carried out separately according to GOST 8269.0-97 and GOST 8735-88.

To prepare the mixture for testing, it is divided into gravel and sand, while ensuring the maximum content of gravel in sand and sand in gravel, established respectively by GOST 8736-93 and GOST 8267-93.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

3.2. Determination of the grain composition of the mixture is carried out in the same manner as the determination according to GOST 8269.0-97 of the grain composition of unfractionated gravel, by sieving on sieves after preliminary drying of the entire sample to constant weight. In this case, the standard set of sieves additionally includes the following sieves: a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm and a mesh of 1.25; 0.63 and 0.315. Partial residues on sieves are calculated as a percentage of the initial mass of the sifted sample, including the amount of material that passed through a sieve with holes measuring 0.14 mm.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

3.4. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1).


4.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) is obliged to accompany each batch of the supplied mixture with a document of the established form, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) and its address;

date of preparation of the document and its number;

name and address of the consumer;

batch number and quantity of sand and gravel mixture;

wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice numbers;

type of sand and gravel mixture (natural or enriched);

largest gravel size;

grain composition of gravel;

gravel grade by strength;

frost resistance of gravel;

sand fineness module, residue on sieve No. 063 and passage through sieve No. 014;

designation of this standard;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

4.2. The manufacturer (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the following characteristics of gravel: a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and surface condition of the grains included in the mixture, as determined during geological exploration.

4.3. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the characteristics of the sand included in the mixture, established during geological exploration, including a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and nature of the surface of the grains, its density, voids, specific surface area, index potential reactivity (if there are reactive minerals in the sand).

4.4. Sand and gravel mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from clogging and contamination.


5.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must guarantee compliance of the sand and gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard.

GOST 23735-79

Group Zh17



Sandy-gravel mixtures for construction work.

OKP 57 1130 Date of introduction 1980-07-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated June 22, 1979 N 92


This standard applies to natural and enriched sand and gravel mixtures used:

natural - for the construction of road surfaces, the top layer of bases for coatings, for drainage layers and for other purposes in road construction in accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulations for the construction of highways;

enriched (obtained from natural sand and gravel mixtures by enrichment) - in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations for the relevant types of construction work.

The standard does not apply to natural sand and gravel mixtures used as a semi-finished product for subsequent processing by consumers.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Sand-gravel mixtures are characterized by:

the largest grain size of gravel;

indicators adopted for evaluating gravel according to GOST 8268-82 (grain composition, strength, grain content of weak rocks, frost resistance, content of dust, clay and silt particles, clay in lumps and mineralogical and petrographic composition);

indicators adopted for assessing sand according to GOST 8736-93* (grain composition and fineness modulus, content of dust, clay and silty particles, including clay in lumps, content of organic impurities and mineralogical and petrographic composition).

1.2. In a natural sand-gravel mixture, the content of gravel grains larger than 5 mm should be no less than 10% and no more than 95% by weight.

1.3. The enriched sand-gravel mixture, depending on the content of gravel grains, is divided into five groups:

from 15 to 25%

Supply of enriched sand-gravel-crushed stone mixture is allowed. In this case, crushed stone is included in the gravel component of the sand-gravel mixture.

1.4. The largest grain size of gravel (D(max)) in a natural sand-gravel mixture should be no less than 10 mm and no more than 70 mm.

1.5. The enriched sand-gravel mixture must have the largest gravel grain size (D(largest)) of one of the following values: 10; 20; 40 or 70 mm.

1.6. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to supply a sand and gravel mixture with gravel grains with a particle size of over 70 mm, but not more than 150 mm.

1.7. The grain composition of gravel included in the natural sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. 1.

Table 1

1.8. The grain composition of gravel included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. 2.

table 2

1.9. The strength of gravel included in the natural and enriched sand-gravel mixture, the content of weak rock grains in it and frost resistance must meet the requirements of GOST 8268-82.

1.10. The sands included in the natural sand-gravel mixture in terms of grain composition must meet the requirements of GOST 8736-85 for coarse, medium, fine and very fine sands.

The sands included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the grain composition requirements of GOST 8736-85 for coarse, medium and fine sands. The content of particles passing through a sieve with mesh N 014 in sands that are part of a natural sand-gravel mixture should not exceed 20%, and enriched 10% by weight.

1.12. Sand and gravel mixtures should not contain clogging inclusions.

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. The sand-gravel mixture produced by the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of sand and gravel mixture is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of sand and gravel mixture simultaneously shipped to one consumer in one train or one barge.

When shipping by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of mixture shipped to one consumer within one day.

2.3. The quantity of the supplied mixture is determined by volume or mass. The mixture is measured in wagons, ships, and cars.

2.4. Weighing the mixture shipped in wagons or automobiles is carried out on railway or automobile scales. The mass of the mixture shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.5. Conversion of the quantity of the mixture from units of mass to units of volume or vice versa is carried out according to the values ​​of the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture in a state of natural humidity. The moisture content of the supplied mixture is established by agreement of the parties, taking into account the conditions of its extraction, experience in operating the quarry, geological exploration data and the time of year.

2.6. Determination of the grain composition of the mixture, the content of dust, clay and silt particles, including clay in lumps, is carried out daily.

2.7. Determination of the strength of gravel and the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture is carried out once a quarter, frost resistance of gravel - once a year.

2.8. Sampling of the mixture for testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 8269-76. The sample size is the same as for unfractionated gravel.

2.9. When checking the compliance of the sand-gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard, the consumer must use the sampling procedure given below.

2.10. To control the quality of the mixture in a batch shipped by rail, samples are taken for a batch size of up to 3 wagons - from each wagon, for a larger batch size - from 3 wagons as directed by the consumer. Each sample is taken during loading or unloading of the mixture from at least five places in the car on different depths. Samples taken from different cars are not mixed and tested separately. If the test results of one sample are positive, the remaining samples are not tested.

If the test results of one sample are unsatisfactory, a second sample is tested. If the test results of the second sample are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance. If the test results of the second sample are satisfactory, a third sample is tested, the test results of which are final.

Note. It is allowed to carry out a quality control check of the mixture per carload.

2.11. To control the quality of the mixture in a batch shipped by water transport, one sample is taken from each part of the batch with a volume of no more than 500 tons (350 cubic meters). Sampling is carried out when unloading and loading the vessel from conveyor belts or other types of loading and unloading equipment.

The quality of the mixture is determined by the arithmetic average of the test results of all samples.

2.12. To control the quality of the mixture shipped by road, one sample is taken from each part of the batch weighing no more than 500 tons (350 cubic meters). Each sample is taken from at least 5 cars.

2.13. The mass of samples taken for control testing of a batch of railway cars, ships or cars in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.10-2.12, must be at least 5 times the total mass of samples for testing in accordance with GOST 8269-76. Samples are reduced to the required size using the quartering method or using grooved dividers.

3. Test methods

3.1. Testing of gravel and sand included in the sand-gravel mixture for all indicators, except grain composition, is carried out separately according to GOST 8269-76 and GOST 8735-75.

To prepare the mixture for testing, it is divided into gravel and sand, while ensuring the maximum content of gravel in sand and sand in gravel, established respectively by GOST 8736-85 and GOST 8268-82.

3.2. Determination of the grain composition of the mixture is carried out in the same manner as the determination according to GOST 8269-76 of the grain composition of unfractionated gravel, by sifting on sieves after preliminary drying of the entire sample to constant weight. In this case, the standard set of sieves additionally includes the following sieves: a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm and a mesh of 1.25; 0.63 and 0.315. Partial residues on sieves are calculated as a percentage of the initial mass of the sifted sample, including the amount of material that passed through a sieve with holes measuring 0.14 mm.

4. Labeling, transportation and storage

4.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) is obliged to accompany each batch of the supplied mixture with a document of the established form, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) and its address;

date of preparation of the document and its number;

name and address of the consumer;

batch number and quantity of sand and gravel mixture;

wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice numbers;

type of sand and gravel mixture (natural or enriched);

largest gravel size;

grain composition of gravel;

gravel grade by strength;

frost resistance of gravel;

sand fineness module, residue on sieve No. 063 and passage through sieve No. 0.14;

designation of this standard.

4.2. The manufacturer (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the following characteristics of gravel: a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and surface condition of the grains included in the mixture, as determined during geological exploration.

4.3. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the characteristics of the sand included in the mixture, established during geological exploration, including a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and nature of the surface of the grains, its density, voids, specific surface area, index potential reactivity (if there are reactive minerals in the sand).

4.4. Sand and gravel mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from clogging and contamination.

5. Supplier guarantees

5.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must guarantee compliance of the sand and gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard.

GOST 23735-79






Date of introduction 01.07.80

This standard applies to natural and enriched sand and gravel mixtures used:

Natural - for the construction of road surfaces, the top layer of bases for coatings, for drainage layers and for other purposes in road construction in accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulations for the construction of highways;

Enriched (obtained from natural sand and gravel mixtures by enrichment) - in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations for the relevant types of construction work.

The standard does not apply to natural sand and gravel mixtures used as a semi-finished product for subsequent processing by consumers.


1.1. Sand-gravel mixtures are characterized by:

The largest grain size of gravel;

Indicators adopted for evaluating gravel according to GOST 8267 (grain composition, strength, grain content of weak rocks, frost resistance, content of dust, clay and silt particles, clay in lumps and mineralogical and petrographic composition);

Indicators adopted for assessing sand according to GOST 8736 (grain composition and fineness modulus, content of dust, clay and silt particles, including clay in lumps, content of organic impurities and mineralogical and petrographic composition).

1.2. In a natural sand-gravel mixture, the content of gravel grains larger than 5 mm should be no less than 10% and no more than 95% by weight.

1.3. The enriched sand-gravel mixture, depending on the content of gravel grains, is divided into five groups:

From 15 to 25%

St. 25 » 35%

» 35 » 50%

» 50 » 65%

» 65 » 75%

Supply of enriched sand-gravel-crushed stone mixture is allowed. In this case, crushed stone is included in the gravel component of the sand-gravel mixture.

1.4. The largest grain size of gravel (D naib ) in a natural sand and gravel mixture should be at least 10 mm and no more than 70 mm.

1.5. The enriched sand-gravel mixture should have gravel grains of the largest coarseness (D naib ) one of the following values: 10; 20; 40 or 70 mm.

1.6. By agreement of the parties, it is possible to supply a sand and gravel mixture with gravel grains with a particle size of over 70 mm, but not more than 150 mm.

1.7. The grain composition of gravel included in the natural sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. .

Table 1

1.8. The grain composition of gravel included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the requirements specified in table. .

table 2

1.9. The strength of gravel included in the natural and enriched sand-gravel mixture, the content of weak rock grains in it and frost resistance must meet the requirements of GOST 8267.

1.10. The sands included in the natural sand-gravel mixture in terms of grain composition must meet the requirements of GOST 8736 for coarse, medium, fine and very fine sands.

The sands included in the enriched sand-gravel mixture must meet the grain composition requirements of GOST 8736 for coarse, medium and fine sands. The content of particles passing through a sieve with mesh No. 014 in sands that are part of a natural sand-gravel mixture should not exceed 20%, and enriched - 10% by weight.

1.11. The content of dust and clay particles in a natural sand-gravel mixture should not exceed 5%, including 1% clay in lumps, and 3% and 0.5% by weight, respectively, in an enriched mixture.

1.12. Sand and gravel mixtures should not contain clogging inclusions.

1.13. Natural and enriched sand-gravel mixtures depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff is used:

for the production of materials, products and structures used for the construction and reconstruction of residential and public buildings in A eff up to 370 Bq/kg;

for the production of materials, products and structures used for the construction of industrial buildings and structures, as well as the construction of roads within the territories of settlements and areas of prospective development with A eff above 370 Bq/kg to 740 Bq/kg;

for the production of building materials for the construction of roads and airfields outside populated areas with A eff above 740 Bq/kg to 1500 Bq/kg.

If necessary, in national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.


2.1. The sand-gravel mixture produced by the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise.

2.2. Acceptance and delivery of sand and gravel mixture is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be the amount of sand and gravel mixture simultaneously shipped to one consumer in one train or one barge.

When shipping by road, a batch is considered to be the amount of mixture shipped to one consumer within one day.

2.3. The quantity of the supplied mixture is determined by volume or mass. The mixture is measured in wagons, ships, and cars.

2.4. Weighing the mixture shipped in wagons or automobiles is carried out on railway or automobile scales. The mass of the mixture shipped in ships is determined by the vessel's draft.

2.5. Conversion of the quantity of the mixture from units of mass to units of volume or vice versa is carried out according to the values ​​of the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture in a state of natural humidity. The moisture content of the supplied mixture is established by agreement of the parties, taking into account the conditions of its extraction, experience in operating the quarry, geological exploration data and the time of year.

2.6. Determination of the grain composition of the mixture, the content of dust, clay and silt particles, including clay in lumps, is carried out daily.

2.7. Determination of the strength of gravel and the volumetric bulk mass of the mixture is carried out once a quarter, frost resistance, the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of gravel - once a year.

2.8. Sampling of the mixture for testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 8269.0. The sample size is the same as for unfractionated gravel.

2.7, 2.8 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.9. When checking the compliance of the sand-gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard, the consumer must use the sampling procedure given below.

If the test results of one sample are unsatisfactory, a second sample is tested. If the test results of the second sample are unsatisfactory, the batch is not subject to acceptance. If the test results of the second sample are satisfactory, a third sample is tested, the test results of which are final.

Note. It is allowed to carry out a quality control check of the mixture per carload.

2.11. To control the quality of the mixture in a batch shipped by water transport, one sample is taken from each part of the batch with a volume of no more than 500 tons (350 m3). Sampling is carried out when unloading and loading the vessel from conveyor belts or other types of loading and unloading equipment.

The quality of the mixture is determined by the arithmetic average of the test results of all samples.

2.13. The mass of samples taken for control testing of a batch of railway cars, ships or cars in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. - must be at least 5 times the total mass of samples for testing according to GOST 8269.0. Samples are reduced to the required size using the quartering method or using grooved dividers.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. Testing of gravel and sand included in the sand-gravel mixture for all indicators, except grain composition, is carried out separately according to GOST 8269.0 and GOST 8735.

To prepare the mixture for testing, it is divided into gravel and sand, while ensuring the maximum content of gravel in sand and sand in gravel, established respectively by GOST 8736 and GOST 8267.

3.2. The determination of the grain composition of the mixture is carried out in the same manner as the determination according to GOST 8269.0 of the grain composition of unfractionated gravel, by sifting on sieves after preliminary drying of the entire sample to a constant weight. In this case, the standard set of sieves additionally includes the following sieves: a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm and a mesh of 1.25; 0.63 and 0.315. Partial residues on sieves are calculated as a percentage of the initial mass of the sifted sample, including the amount of material that passed through a sieve with holes measuring 0.14 mm.

3.3. The content of dust and clay particles in the mixture, including clay in lumps and the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, is determined as a weighted average of the results of determining their content in gravel and sand.

3.1 – 3.3 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma spectrometric method according to GOST 30108.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) is obliged to accompany each batch of the supplied mixture with a document of the established form, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturing enterprise (quarry) and its address;

date of preparation of the document and its number;

name and address of the consumer;

batch number and quantity of sand and gravel mixture;

wagon numbers or vessel number and invoice numbers;

type of sand and gravel mixture (natural or enriched);

largest gravel size;

grain composition of gravel;

gravel grade by strength;

frost resistance of gravel;

sand fineness module, residue on sieve No. 063 and passage through sieve No. 014;

designation of this standard;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. The manufacturer (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the following characteristics of gravel: a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and surface condition of the grains included in the mixture, as determined during geological exploration.

4.3. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must inform the consumer, upon request, of the characteristics of the sand included in the mixture, established during geological exploration, including a description of the mineralogical and petrographic composition, a description of the shape and nature of the surface of the grains, its density, voids, specific surface area, index potential reactivity (if there are reactive minerals in the sand).

4.4. Sand and gravel mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from clogging and contamination.


5.1. The manufacturing enterprise (quarry) must guarantee compliance of the sand and gravel mixture with the requirements of this standard.


1. DEVELOPED by the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Transport Construction

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated June 22, 1979 No. 92


Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on May 17, 2000

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee for Construction Affairs of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Committee under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for Architecture and Construction

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry environment and improvement of territories of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan


5. EDITION (May 2003) with Amendment No. 1, adopted in December 2000 (IUS 5-2001)