Construction site layout. Vertical layout of the site during the construction of a private house. Removal of rain and melt water from the site

The target audience: specialists: foreman of construction and installation works, foreman of a construction site, foreman of a specialized site, work manager (foreman) with secondary vocational education, work experience of at least one year in the profile of professional activity in the field of construction and installation work; secondary vocational education (non-core) and additional vocational education and professional retraining in the field of professional activity.

The advanced training program was developed in accordance with professional standard No. 244 “Construction Production Organizer”, level 5.

Training program:

Module 1. Regulatory and legal framework for construction

Module 2. Responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the site foreman

Module 3. Organization and preparation of a site for similar construction work
Coordination of volumes of production tasks for the production of similar construction works. Coordination of production schedules
similar construction works. Preparation of the site for the production of similar construction works and workplaces in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection
environment. Equipment for the site where similar construction works are carried out.

Module 4. Planning and organization of logistics for construction production
Determining the need for material and technical resources for the production of the same type of construction work. Control of the quality and volume (quantity) of material and technical resources for the production of similar construction works. Application, acceptance, distribution, accounting and storage of material and technical resources for the production of the same type of construction work.

Module 5. Management of production of similar construction works
Operational planning and control of the execution of similar construction works. Distribution of production tasks between teams, units and individual workers. Monitoring compliance with the technology of production of the same type of construction work. Development, planning and control of the implementation of operational measures aimed at correcting defects in the results of similar construction works. Maintaining current and as-built documentation for the types of similar construction work performed.

Module 6. Quality control when performing similar construction work
Operational control of individual construction processes and (or) production operations during the production of the same type of construction work. Current quality control of results
production of the same type of construction work. Identifying reasons for deviations in results
construction work from the requirements of regulatory, technological and design documentation. Development, planning and monitoring of the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the causes of deviations in the results of completed similar construction work from the requirements of regulatory technical, technological and design documentation.

Module 7. Production and economic activities of the production site
Assessment of the efficiency of production and economic activities of the site. Optimization of the use of material and technical resources in the production of similar construction works. Increasing the level of mechanization and automation of similar construction works. Rationalization of labor methods and techniques in the production of similar construction works.

Module 8. Production site personnel management
Determining the need for labor resources for the production of the same type of construction work. Arrangement of workers at the site of production of the same type of construction work at work stations, formation of teams and units. Distribution and control of employees’ performance of production tasks and individual works. Monitoring compliance by site workers
internal labor regulations. Professional development
site workers. Preparation of proposals for incentive and penalty measures.

Your dream has come true, and you have become the owner of a plot of land on which you are going to build yourself a house. In your hands you already have signed title documents, a site plan, with designated boundaries. Now you can start building. But before starting construction work, it is necessary to prepare the site for it. But what does preparing a site for construction include? In fact, the list of work that needs to be done before construction begins is not so small, and it depends not so much on the wishes of the owner, but rather is dictated by necessity. This includes work on preparing the soil, drawing up a building plan, laying out communications necessary for construction, and constructing utility rooms, which are indispensable at the construction stage. But let's take a closer look at the main points of this list.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

The list of works to prepare the site for construction can be divided into two groups -

  • for work inside the site;
  • external preparatory work.

It is very important to carry out both preparatory work.

Work inside the site consists of:

  • determining the location of communications;
  • removal of trees and stumps;
  • leveling the territory;
  • replanting the necessary plants;
  • cleaning and removal of waste from the site;
  • work with communications;
  • erection of a fence;
  • construction of utility premises needed at the moment, and other things.

If there are destroyed premises with a basement or cellar on the territory, then they must be demolished.

Preparatory work inside the site

Clearing a site is not a quick task. First of all, you need to clear the ground of grass, bushes and trees, while also removing the roots. Tree removal on a private property is permitted without permission. If you already have a plan for the future site, then at this stage you can plant coniferous and fruit trees if they do not interfere with further construction work.

Geodetic works. Before construction begins, it is necessary to carry out geodetic work to determine the groundwater level and soil type. Analyzing this data with special instruments will allow you to correctly determine the required type of foundation and the required depth. Such data will also be useful when planning the drainage systems of the site, and this will ensure the reliability of the future home.

The study of soil is done to determine its deep and surface properties. The analysis is carried out on 20 parameters, including acidity and soil strength, and at the end of the procedure, experts will provide you with recommendations on how to improve the condition of the soil, and what type of foundation is needed for construction on this site.

Leveling the surface of the area. If the preparatory work is carried out correctly, it is also necessary to level the surface of the site. For such purposes, it is better to hire special equipment. Bulldozers will quickly cut down hills and level out ravines in the area. Such preparation is necessary for the proper functioning of the future drainage system, and, as a result, for the durability of the foundation.

Preservation of fertile soil layer. When preparing for construction, it is very important to preserve a fertile layer of soil for the future garden, vegetable garden and lawn. It is usually not possible to protect the fertile layer 100% from building materials and debris. Therefore, you need to remove the top layer of soil with a bulldozer and pour it on the far side of the site, where it will not interfere with construction.

Removal of the top fertile layer should be done in good weather, without precipitation.

After construction is completed, the removed layer can be distributed on the site for planting.

Marking into zones. Before starting construction work, it is necessary to divide the site into zones. You need to decide where on the site you can store building materials, and where you can temporarily store garbage. It is necessary to designate a place for construction and other equipment and build a room for builders. The movement of equipment to all construction sites must be free.

Well or well. Another important point is a well or borehole on the site. Water for construction work is a necessary thing, and you will need a lot of it. For such purposes, a well is a fairly convenient source of water. It needs to be dug at an equal distance from the future home and outbuildings.

If you choose a well as an alternative to a well, then entrust this matter to specialists. This will help avoid troubles in the form of rapid silting of the well.

All of the above measures to prepare the site must be carried out.

External preparatory work

External preparatory work can be very different. Everything will depend on the locality in which your house is located. But I would like to draw attention to such an important factor as access roads to the construction site.

If you are building in a holiday village, then installing an access road will not take you a lot of time. In most cases, roads already exist. But, if the construction is in an undeveloped area, it will be necessary to solve the problem of delivery of materials and passage of equipment. A timely solution to this issue will make both construction and subsequent life in the house easier for you.

To prepare for the construction of a country house, in addition to the wishes of the owner of the site, it is necessary to take into account natural factors. Features of laying the foundation will be determined by the nature of the terrain, the depth of groundwater and the composition of the soil.

Types of preparatory work on the site

Conventionally, preparatory work on the site for construction work is divided into two groups. Preparatory work plays an important role in the improvement of the site. The design of the urban landscape is always associated with the problems of high-quality regional planning and landscaping, which are actually a plan for the improvement of the urban area. To avoid chaos after construction, the planning and development of low-rise and high-rise housing construction areas should take into account the improvement of the area immediately after the construction is completed, so that residents can immediately feel that they are entering a residential area and not the constant chaos of construction. Therefore, laying asphalt and landscaping is a necessary element of arrangement of any adjacent territory to a residential building, which includes vertical planning of the territory, landscaping, creation of places for aeration and insolation. At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the improvement of the territory of kindergartens and schools, as well as industrial facilities.

On-site events

  1. Identification of existing communications at the site,
  2. Excavation work on the site: uprooting stumps, removing unnecessary trees, leveling the site,
  3. Replanting plants in accordance with the project,
  4. Clearing the area of ​​debris
  5. Removing the layer of soil that ensures its fertility for the purpose of its further use in designated areas,
  6. Relocation of existing utilities or their disconnection,
  7. Construction of a fence to enclose the site.

Off-site events

  1. Laying electrical networks,
  2. Telephonization,
  3. Creation of a drain,
  4. Laying sewer networks and connecting to drainage drains.

Demolition of old buildings

If on the site where construction is proposed there are old semi-basements in an almost completely destroyed state, then they must be carefully examined to avoid special equipment falling through when entering the construction site. All unnecessary buildings should be demolished. Existing communications should be treated very carefully so as not to cause damage. To demolish capital buildings erected in the last 20 years of the 20th century, as a rule, the use of a hydraulic hammer is required. Its use contributes to a significant increase in the cost of preparing a land plot for construction.

Preparing the soil at the construction site

The soil on the site, as a rule, is prepared over a fairly long period of time. When preparing a site for construction, it is imperative to clear it of grass, bushes and trees. To thoroughly clean an area of ​​plants and trees, you need to remove both their above-ground part and the root part. Trees on your own property can be cut down without obtaining special permission or approvals. However, it should be clarified whether there are environmental restrictions in relation to a particular site. Planning of site areas must be carried out before construction begins. In parallel with clearing the site, it is recommended to plant coniferous and fruit trees.

Geodetic work on the site

Carrying out geodetic work involves determining the level at which groundwater lies. In addition, they allow you to determine the type of soil. It is possible that a rock outcrop will be discovered at some depth below the surface of the site. Analysis of all the data obtained by surveyors using special instruments allows you to make the correct choice of the type of foundation and its depth. Taking into account all this data is necessary when designing drainage and drainage systems. Carrying out such measures is necessary to ensure the durability and reliability of the house.

Soil research allows you to study the properties characteristic of soil on the surface and at depth. The analysis is carried out according to 20 characteristics, including indicators of acidity, plasticity, and strength. The soil conditions report provides recommendations on the best type of foundation for the conditions of a particular site. The rocky type of soil allows the construction of any type of objects. A conglomerate, including fragments of rocky soil, is suitable for the construction of structures without strengthening the soil. The construction of a foundation on non-rocky, non-cohesive soil is considered unacceptable without the creation of shock-absorbing cushions.

Leveling the area

In order for the preparation of the site for construction to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to level the soil. For this purpose, special equipment is used. Leveling bulldozers allow you to relatively quickly cut off hills on a site and level out depressions. Site planning using this technique can be carried out both in areas with relatively flat terrain and in difficult areas where there are ravines, dry stream beds, etc. When building a garage, greenhouse and other buildings, leveling the area is also necessary.

Landscape preparation of the site makes it possible to further create conditions for the natural removal of precipitation from the foundation. If you ignore the need for such preparation of the site for building a house and place the house in a relatively low place, then in the future you will have to deal with problems with its flooding in the spring and autumn. The foundation should not be in conditions of high humidity, which causes great harm to it and leads to rapid wear.

Preservation of fertile soil layer

Those areas of the site where it is planned to place a garden and vegetable beds must be treated very carefully. As a rule, it is not possible to completely preserve the fertile layer from cement, brick debris and soil from the pit. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the soil layer using a bulldozer and put it in a dump at the edge of the site (the height of the dump is 1.5 m). This work should be done in dry weather.

You can preserve the fertility of the land in such a dump if you sow it with vetch, lupine or fodder peas. As the plants grow, they should be mowed without removing the mown. After the construction work is completed, the removed layer should be distributed throughout the site in such a way that the best conditions for development are created for plants in the garden and vegetable garden.

Video - Building a house: plot and project

Planning a construction site

The simplest planning of a site involves conditionally dividing it into zones. Before carrying out construction work, it is necessary to determine in what place building materials should be stored, and where construction waste will be temporarily stored. A special place should be reserved for special equipment. It is very important to equip a change house for construction workers to live in. Equipment access to all these sectors must be unhindered. Preparing the site on paper (recommended scale is 1:100) allows you to plan the site and subsequently adhere to this plan. The distance from the house to the border of the plot should be more than 3 m, from the road to the house - more than 4.5 m, from the house to outbuildings - more than 7 m.

Clearing the site, carrying out geodetic work, leveling the territory, as well as building temporary roads for special equipment if necessary, determining the entrance and access to the site, laying the necessary temporary communications and drilling a water well - all these activities must be carried out when preparing the site for the construction of a house .

The vertical layout of the construction site is part of the preparatory period in construction. Vertical planning is an artificial change in the terrain according to design data.

The resulting site with design marks can already be used for further work. Before the start of all construction processes, it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out work and only then begin to develop the territory.

The construction site is laid out by cutting off the soil and adding it in the required volumes and places. It is a mandatory component before the construction of the facility begins.

The building area is leveled, slight slopes are arranged to remove rain and melted precipitation from the construction site.

If necessary, additional earthworks are arranged - drainage or drainage ditches, embankments, etc. They prevent the flow and accumulation of atmospheric water onto the construction site from neighboring areas.

Main stages of vertical planning

Vertical planning must be done with maximum preservation of the natural terrain. When calculating based on the smallest volumes of earthworks.

At the same time, it would be correct to preserve the fertile layer of soil where possible. If this cannot be done, then the humus layer of soil is removed and moved outside the construction site. Subsequently, the cut layer will be used for landscaping.

Performed to prepare the site for construction. It is the initial part of the construction plan.

The implementation of vertical planning can be divided into several stages:

  1. Removing and moving the plant layer of soil;
  2. Development of earth masses by cutting embankments and moving them into existing excavations;
  3. Backfilling of the design embankment with leveling and compaction of the soil;
  4. Final planning of areas and slopes in embankments and excavations.

Depending on the ground conditions (high groundwater level, weak soils, etc.), planning also achieves the solution of other problems.

For example, by constructing an embankment (soil cushion) for a future structure, you can ensure that the foundations are located above the groundwater level. This makes it possible to carry out construction where it was not possible before.

Vertical layout drawings are included in the section of the master plan working drawings set, which includes:

  • Summary of working drawings;
  • Plan for planting structures on the ground;
  • Plan of the designed relief (slopes, horizontal lines, zero marks of structures, etc.);
  • Plan of transported soil masses (excavations, embankments);
  • General plan of engineering communications;
  • Plan of the landscaped area (roads, sidewalks, small architectural forms).

As part of the development of the territory, vertical planning solves certain problems:

Organizes drainage from the building area - storm, rain, melt water;

Solves the problem of planting buildings, structures, laying underground communications with the least amount of excavation work;

Provides acceptable slopes of streets, driveways, platforms, sidewalks for safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians;

Organizes the designed relief;

It is not superfluous to note that in the production of work (POS, PPR) there are requirements for the layout of the construction site.

Correctly executed vertical layout of the construction site is necessary for the accurate installation of jib and tower cranes. As well as scaffolding and scaffolding on building facades, proper storage of building materials and structures.

Geodetic work on vertical planning

A vertical layout geodesy project is developed by specialists from a design firm. There are two main types of vertical planning project development.

  • Design of a horizontal territory while maintaining the balance of earth masses.
  • Design of inclined platforms.

Earth mass balance is a condition under which the difference between the volumes of cutting and adding soil should be as close to zero as possible.

If the volume of soil extracted during the development of excavations can be placed without any residue in an embankment erected at a construction site, then the balance is called zero.

This option can be called optimal, since it will not require additional costs for soil development, loading and transportation.

When designing, the existing topographic surface of the construction site is taken as a basis. In general, the simplest and most common method is the following.

A geodetic survey (leveling) of the construction site is carried out using a grid of squares. The length of the side of the square is taken from 10 to 100 meters.

The tops of the squares are marked on the ground with pegs. Based on a topographic survey of the elevations of the tops of the squares, the design elevation of the planned (horizontal) construction site is calculated.

Then the working marks of the intersections of the squares are calculated (plus - add, minus - cut), as well as the position of the places and lines of zero work. After this, the volumes and cartogram of the earth masses are calculated.

A similar technique is used when designing inclined platforms. The vertical layout of the construction site is carried out taking into account the slope specified by the project.

Performing vertical planning

Preparatory activities include clearing the construction area of ​​trees, bushes, stumps, boulders and other things.

In addition, drainage of surface water, drainage of the territory, breakdown of the construction area for planning activities, cutting off the plant layer of soil.
Main works:

  • Development of soil in places where it needs to be cut and moved to places where it needs to be added;
  • Leveling and compacting it in embankments;
  • Removal or delivery of earth masses to the construction site if necessary;
  • The final step is the site layout.

Vertical leveling is carried out using earthmoving machines. For small volumes of work, bulldozers of low and medium power are used.

When moving soil over a distance of 80-100 meters, use high-power bulldozers or small scrapers with a bucket capacity of up to 3 m3.

When moving earth masses over a distance of more than 120 meters, it is most advisable to use scrapers with a bucket capacity of 10 m3 or more.

In some cases, instead of scrapers, it may be more expedient to use excavators paired with transport units.

When calculating the volume of developed soil, you should know that developed (loose) soil increases in volume. The difference fluctuates within 30% compared to the volume in a dense state.

Acceptance of completed earthworks is carried out by the geodetic service of the general contractor from the contractor. If necessary (specified by the project), the contractor presents the results of soil compaction analyzes. The vertical layout of a construction site is an important preparatory stage for the construction of a facility.