Take care of the water, warmth and light. GCD for energy saving “Save heat and light. Don’t pour warm water - install the meter quickly

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Donetsk secondary school I - III steps No. 112

Extracurricular activity

"Save and take care"

Primary school teacher

Dyachenko T.V.

Target: To form in students the concepts of “water”, “electricity”, “heat”.

Familiarize yourself with ways to economically use water, heat, and electricity. Develop observation skills and the ability to compare. To foster a sense of pride in the riches of the native land, a desire to use water, heat and electricity economically.

Progress of the lesson

SLIDE 1, 2

1 study

Take care of your planet

There is one planet - a garden of lilies of the valley in green grass,

In this cold space. And dragonflies are only here

Only here the forests are noisy, They look into the river in surprise.

Calling migratory birds, Take care of your planet,

Only on her will you see one, because there is no other in the world.

Y. Akim

Today we will get acquainted with the concepts of “water”, “heat” and “electricity”. How to use and care for them.

Without what can there be life on Earth? Solve the puzzle.


2 lessons

Water is life

Water is a beautiful creation, like a deified desert.

Our environment, And like an altar without a deity.

Source of strength, inspiration, Save nature, man,

Life-giving shrine... The peace of ponds, the flow of rivers,

After all, without her the earth is empty, A sip of water in your glass!

SLIDE 4, 5
-Who on Earth needs water? For what?
- What kind of water do you think living organisms need?


3 studies - There is little fresh water on Earth. For 100 liters of water there are 2 liters of fresh water. But every day there is less and less clean water on Earth. Water used in large quantities by humans requires very careful handling. This means that water must be conserved.


How should we save water?

1) Wash faster, one bath requires 100-150 liters of water! Using a shower, water flow is 8-10 liters per minute.

2) Use water limiters in taps, water breakers on the shower handle. They quickly shut off the water supply, for example, while soaping, and also regulate the water temperature.

3) Do not wash under running water, use a sink, basin, bowl to hold water while washing.

4) Water the area sparingly.

5) Wash cars not with a hose, but with a bucket and brush (watering).

6) Make sure that the taps do not leak and the water in the toilets does not run all the time.

SLIDE 8, 9

4 lessons - In 1 minute of a loosely turned tap, 100 drops of water pour out. It turns out that 600 g of water flows out in 1 hour. Per day - 14.5 liters. What if the school has 20 taps? In just one day, 290 liters will pour out!

So why do people need water?


Why is there less and less pure water left in nature on Earth?


How do you understand the expression: “Turn the faucet tighter so that the ocean doesn’t leak out”? How can we save water?

Evaluate people's actions.

A) The driver stopped the car near the river to wash it.

B) Mom asked Dima to turn off the tap. The boy replied:

Only a drop flows from it.

B) The girl came to her grandmother, who lived on the river bank. Having swept the yard, Olya poured the garbage into the river.

Now guess who else came to us?

I don't need kerosene, if you connect

I get a car from the station with two threads on the switch,

It sends current through the wire - my light turns on.

I'm not an ordinary bubble. Do you understand or not?

(Electric lamp)


Electric current runs through the wires day and night. It is needed at the factory and on the livestock farm, on the train, at the telephone exchange and at home, in our apartments. To obtain electric current, people have learned to use water, steam, gas, fuel and even atoms. Power plants are built on rivers to generate electricity. There are nuclear power plants. The demand for electricity is increasing. Therefore, energy saving measures have been launched throughout the country.


5 lessons – It takes 25 kilowatt-hours to produce one bicycle.

6 lessons – One car – 1500 kilowatt-hours.

7 lessons – One tractor – over 5000 kilowatt-hours.

8 lessons – One ton of sugar – 200 kilowatt-hours.

9 lessons – Thousands of pairs of shoes – 750 kilowatt-hours.

In each apartment we have many electrical appliances that we use almost every day. Solve the riddles and recognize these electrical appliances.


Both in winter and in summer She hangs from the ceiling,

There is cold and ice in it. Her glass pendants

Fish, soup, cutlets We’ll turn it on in the evening,

He will save us. And the room will become bright.

(Refrigerator) (Chandelier)

He sucks both dust and rubbish, I will collect shirts, T-shirts,

Cleans chairs and carpet. And I’ll tell her: “Wash it!”

It will collect garbage in the house, spin it in the drum,

And he never sneezes. Return the linen clean!”

(Vacuum cleaner) (Washing machine)

Wet hair after washing. For making cream

I can dry it quickly. He beats the eggs into foam.

(Hair dryer) (Mixer)

Guess the riddles and you will find out what else people use to generate electricity.

SLIDE 15, 16

Golden Apple When he rests,

It rolls across the sky, Everything calms down for a while.

Smiles in the morning. And the leaves don't sway

And the smile is rays and no rustling is heard.

Very hot. (Wind)



The sun is a huge hot ball. The rays of the Sun bring light and warmth to the earth. Sunlight is light energy and solar heat is thermal energy.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of solar and wind energy. These types of energy are environmentally friendly, safe and inexhaustible.

You and I must protect and save energy.

If in one classroom only one 100-watt light bulb is lit for 10 hours during the day, then we will consume 1 kW/hour of electricity.

What if there are 4 of them?

What if the school has 20 classrooms?

What if classes are held in two shifts?

This amount of electricity would be enough to bake thousands of kilograms of bread.

For 1.5 thousand cakes.

To produce 1600 notebooks.

Three cars.

The heat in our homes comes from electricity, as well as coal, oil, and gas. Coal, oil, gas are non-renewable energy sources. At current consumption rates, known oil and gas reserves will be exhausted within the next 50 years. Coal reserves will last for 250 years.

How should these minerals be treated? (spend economically, look for new sources of energy).

What are these sources?

Contest “Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster” (horizontal)


    What do people make from wood? (paper)

    What do people build on rivers to have light? (power station)

    What comes out of the kettle during boiling? (steam)

    A huge hot ball that gives us light and warmth? (Sun)

    What service is called by calling 104? (gas)

    Name one of the states in which water exists? (liquid)

What is the name of this crossword? (Take care)

What needs to be protected? (water, electricity, heat)

Quiz - research

    Determine the number of sunny days in a month.

    In hot weather, you need to keep the water cold. How will you do this? (thermos, put it in the river water)

    It's very cold in the gym, find the reasons. What ways will help preserve heat in the hall? (cover the windows, close the doors).

    Do windows let in heat? How to determine? (put your hand to the gap)

    In a one-story house (private sector) it is very cold in winter; an electric heater is constantly running, which is expensive. What do you think the energy specialists advised? (wall insulation)

    Used water causes groundwater pollution. As a result, they often cannot be used as drinking water. In the future, it will be even more difficult to find sources of clean, unpolluted water, so all earthlings should save water today. How? (Make sure that taps and plumbing fixtures are in good condition. Avoid water leaks.)

    How to use solar thermal energy in a private house or country house? (Heat water in the shower tank for washing clothes)

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

Who today at nine years old Who knows how to

Who taped up three windows And who doesn’t care,

To keep warm? Why is the light on all the time?

Which one of you is such a hero, Who is at the same time for the winter

Does he like to splash with water? Forgot to insulate the window?

Group work
(project protection)

1 group. Rules for using water.

2nd group. Rules for using electrical appliances.

3rd group. Measures to save heat in the house

(The groups completed the tasks at home on large sheets of paper, then hung them on the stand)


10 lessons

What to do, where to find

A way for order

So that we could save

Land for generations?

Our children know

The law of thrift -

It's time to help the elders

To live happily.

11 school

Don't waste water

Know how to treasure it!

12 lessons

Electricity is a people's good,

Wasting is not a noble thing.

Class hour in elementary school. Abstract

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description of material: The material will be of interest to primary school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The class hour is held on the eve of the parent meeting “Thrifty Masters of the Earth!” and serves as the main material for further work with parents (creation of a joint project)
Target: formation of sustainable motivation for an energy-saving lifestyle.
Tasks:- develop the ability to communicate competently with energy resources;
- consolidate knowledge about electrical appliances;
- expand the active dictionary,
- develop monologue speech;
- cultivate pride in the benefits brought;
- develop elements of cooperation and co-creation in a team.
Equipment: pictures depicting electrical appliances, “energy saving cards”, sheets of paper with labyrinths printed on them, envelopes with tasks, story pictures, presentation. Drawings of an energy saving competition.

Class hour “Thrifty owners of the Earth!”

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we will talk about energy saving.
- What is energy saving? (children's answers)
Energy saving is not only about saving money in the family budget, but also about caring for those who will live after us on planet Earth. To do this, we have to learn how to use natural resources efficiently and safely in relation to the environment in our today’s game “Thrifty Masters of the Earth!”
- How to become a master? (children's answers)
Children are divided into teams.
Leading:- Meet our guest – gnome Economy!
Dwarf:-Did you recognize me? (Children's answers.) I'm not just a gnome. I am Gnome Economy.
I have water and gas
They just don't flow like that.
Light, heat, water and gas
They are expensive.
So that everyone becomes richer,
We need to study
Showing patience,
Energy saving.
- I have come up with many interesting, difficult and educational tasks for you. And the one who is the most thrifty, thrifty and caring can win. First, let's do a general warm-up. Listen carefully to the riddles:
1. Warm-up:- Transparent, like glass,
You can't put it in the window. (Water)
- I spent the sun
Through your window,
I hung it from the ceiling,
The house became cheerful. (Light bulb)
- I carry some water in me
Everyone will need some water.
You can wash without hassle
If there is... (water pipes).
- I'm running along the path,
I can’t live without a path,
Where am I, guys?
The lights in the house won't come on. (Electricity)
- I’ll save you from work,
I won't leave a speck of dust behind. (Vacuum cleaner)
- To distant villages, cities
Who's walking the wire?
Light Majesty -
This... (electricity).
The warm-up is summarized. For each correct answer the team receives a point.
Dwarf:- Now pay attention - let's check your homework. Who will tell the poems
or proverbs about how to save heat, water, electricity?
2. Homework.Children recite poems learned in advance:
Turn on the light when it's dark.
With the sunshine, open the window curtains.
Take care of heat and water,
And the house will be cozy.
Save light, save gas -
And life will become happier for us.
We love water, water, water,
Let's turn the tap and we'll lose it in liters.
Know, saving water, sister,
You will give your descendants the opportunity to get drunk.
People always need gas
Our food is cooked on gas.
But if you don't want to blow up your house,
Watch him strictly both night and day!
Children, wash yourself in the shower more often -
The whole planet will be better!
There is no need to wash in the bathroom,
There is a lot of water consumption there.
The lamp will burn for a day -
He'll burn a hundred kilos of coal!
If she shines in vain,
Where are the savings in raw materials?
Didn't sneak into your houses
You insulate the windows -
And live in warmth!
I'll tell you one secret -
I'll give you an economical recipe:
Turn on the oven. It will boil -
Turn it off a little
Wait a minute...
Slowly the food boils
Electricity is stored.
The thermos will not surprise us
That he keeps some water for us.
Hot, cold,
Suitable for everything.
And the irons said:
- “We are not hostesses’ enemies!”
As you iron your jacket,
Turn off your iron
And the remaining warmth
We will iron all the silks.
The refrigerator got angry
He took it and passed out himself.
“It’s hard to work,” he says, “
If thick ice hangs.”
With best regards
We are committed to energy saving!
1. Thrift is more valuable than wealth.
2. If you don’t save someone else’s, you won’t see your own.
3. Stock does not spoil a person.
4. Don’t pour too much, have mercy!
5. Thrift - the same money.
6. If you save someone else’s property, you will be the owner yourself.
7. What you save today will be useful tomorrow.
8. Thrift is better than profit.
9. He who saves money lives needlessly.
10. Money is not wealth, but frugality and reason.
Dwarf: - Tasks of the 3rd round “Our cozy home” are in these envelopes.
(Children use a top to choose an envelope for themselves. Animals are drawn in one envelope,
in the other there are people.)

1 task. Talk about how animals prepare for winter.
Task 2. Talk about how people prepare for winter.
3 task. What rules must be followed to preserve heat in the house? Summarizing.
Dwarf:- Tasks 4 rounds “Our good helpers”.
(On the gaming table, the gnome Economy lays out envelopes containing pictures of electrical appliances: a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, an iron, an electric lamp, etc.
Children come up with a pantomime-riddle about the device they got for the opposing team, which must guess what the guys are depicting and talk about how to handle it in order to use less energy.)

Gnome: - Tasks of the 5th round “Energy saving cards”
The task is to explain what is encrypted on them.
The results of the competition are summed up.
Dwarf:- I announce Round 6 “Help the electric current run into the house.”
(Children receive sheets with labyrinths, where they try to quickly and correctly find the path of electricity from the power plant to the house)
Gnome: - Round 7 “Without water, we are in neither direction nor here” will help identify the winners.
(On the game table there are pictures depicting scenes: brushing teeth, washing clothes, washing dishes, wiping dust. The guys choose pictures and explain how these jobs can be done with the least loss of water) After the end of the last round, the results of the entire game are summed up.
Dwarf:- Well done boys! You turned out to be thrifty and thrifty real owners! (Gives them souvenirs.) I hope that you will remember to apply the rules of frugality in your everyday life.
Conclusion (children read):
1. Take care of the light, people!
We have no life without light.
If there were no light,
If we lived, I don’t know how.
A person wouldn't have
No benefits for life.
It is unknown how in the cave age
Did a person live without light?
2. Electricity is a useful thing!
Even if we don’t wear it and eat it,
At least not to hear her, not to recognize her,
Even if you don’t see it, you don’t understand it.
Everyone should save!
Everyone must understand
That your attitude
It needs to be changed urgently!
3. Everyone always needs water!
We know all this, friends.
Well, what is its price?
Who remembers sometimes?!
4. We waste electricity, water and gas.
Everything is fine with us now.
And if you spend it crazy -
Everyone will have to pay in full.
And if you save all your wealth,
Consider that you are not living in vain.
5. A drop fell. So few!
This doesn't seem to be a problem.
They leave with just a drop
Our money is forever.
6. And behind the adults in the kitchen,
You just need an eye and an eye.
So that you don't waste it in vain
Expensive natural gas.
7. We insulate the windows in the house
We are trying, as always.
And therefore not scary
Any cold weather suits us.
8. The light is on both day and night
Where you need it and where you don’t.
To adults, you, baby, remind:
“When leaving, turn off the lights!”
9. To become in this world
Tomorrow is better than yesterday -
Keep it in your apartment
Water, gas, heat always.
Thanks everyone for your work!

Educational event

Topic: “Keep warm”

Form of conduct: Conversation.


To consolidate children’s ideas about saving, talk about the possibilities of saving: heat, consumer goods, explain the ways of obtaining, preserving and transporting water, heat, clarify children’s ideas about these processes, examine drawings and consolidate knowledge in didactic and outdoor games, cultivate a caring attitude towards water resources, respect for the results of people’s work, thanks to which all children feel warm and comfortable not only in the group, but also at home.


Visual material: Book illustrations, children's drawings.


I.Organizational part - 1-2 minutes.

II.Target message - 1 min.

III.Introductory conversation – 5 min.

IV.Main part - 20 min.

V.Final part – 2-3 minutes.

Total (30 min.)

Progress of the lesson:

I.Organizing time.

Greetings. Psychological mood.

II.Message to the target.

Possibility of saving: heat, consumer goods, explain ways of obtaining, preserving and transporting water, heat, clarify children’s ideas about these processes, examine drawings and consolidate knowledge in didactic and outdoor games, cultivate respect for water resources, respect for the results of people’s labor , thanks to which all children feel warm and comfortable not only in the group, but also at home.

III.Introductory conversation.

Educator: Children, at school we are surrounded by many things, we are so used to them that we hardly notice them. If you look carefully at things, you can tell why a person needs them and what they are made of. But is it possible to know everything about everything? Probably not. But it’s impossible to live without knowing the word “economics.” What is economics? (Children's answers.) Economics is a person's reasonable use of necessary goods, the desire to arrange his life more comfortably and beautifully.

IV.Main part.

Look at yourself carefully and tell me how many things you are wearing? Let's imagine that you can only wear two things, is it possible to live like that? (Children's answers.) Once upon a time in Greece there lived a philosopher whose name was Socrates. He was not poor, but was very wise and economical, which is why there are still legends about him.

He did not attach much importance to his clothes and walked barefoot in an old raincoat. He had a lot of students whom he taught economics. One day Socrates went to the market and exclaimed: “There are so many things that I don’t need!” However, today there are people who want to buy everything and spend a lot. But the thrifty Socrates was not the only such person. Another Greek philosopher Diogenes lived in a barrel, considering such a dwelling quite comfortable, he cared about preserving the environment, thought about having more clean air so that people could live longer.

And primitive man had no home, no TV, no computer, and from the cold he hid in a cave. And only later did man learn to make fire, with the help of which he warmed his home. The simplest dwellings were built from animal skins. And some people still live in such houses.

For example, some Kazakhs live in yurts, while northerners live in tents. (The teacher shows pictures depicting this housing.) Such a house is heated with the help of fires. In the huts, which are built from logs, a Russian stove is installed for heating. Can anyone tell me about a wooden house, how and who heats it? (Children's stories.) How does heat get into a multi-story building, where there are no stoves?

The sun is shining in summer

And it's warm all around,

To a man in summer

The house is good.

But frost will come,

Blizzards, cold

And without the warm sun

How should we live then?

What did people come up with to keep big houses, schools, hospitals, and kindergartens warm? (Children's answers.)

Showing and viewing illustrations about the sequence of heat entering houses. The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: “People have built huge boiler houses in which they heat water using fuel oil and run it through pipes and radiators so that apartments, kindergartens and hospitals are warm. Heat must be protected, since obtaining it consumes expensive fuel and releases harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Do people always conserve heat and close windows and doors? Have you noticed in life around you when people did not take care of heat? Do you always close doors behind you? Unfortunately, there are children and adults who do not close the doors when entering the entrance, and also do not seal the windows for the winter. People say about such people: an uneconomical, undisciplined, unthrifty person. But if people open windows and doors, then warm water will not save them from the cold.

You need to glue the frames

Close the doors

So that winter would be white

We can't freeze.

Look carefully at how cold the house is, and in it lives a family in which a strange beast has appeared.

Showing illustrations, reading I. Tokmakova’s poem “Strange Beast”.

Educator : What kind of animal do you think this is? Of course, guys, it's a draft. When the doors are open, it always appears and begins to expel warm air from the apartments.

Looking at illustrations. See where the draft can get to? (Through an open window, through a balcony, a door in the entrance, broken glass.) How can you save a house from a draft? (Close the doors to the entrance, seal the frames on the windows, close the vents.)

V. Final part.

This is probably where we can sum it up.Heat must be protected, since obtaining it consumes expensive fuel and releases harmful substances into the atmosphere. All people conserve warmth.

Olga Dyatchina
GCD for energy saving “Save heat and light”



Middle group.

Target:continue to introduce children to the world around them and electrical appliances; develop imagination, activate thinking; encourage children to make simple conclusions; teach careful use of energy resources (heat, electricity) Continue to familiarize children with the safety rules for handling electrical appliances.

Equipment: posters, a container with warm and cold water, an electrical appliance - a hairdryer.

Preliminary work: Didactic games, conversations, asking riddles, reading a work, looking at illustrations, posters.

Progress of the lesson.


What time of year is it outside? (winter)

What is special about this time of year? (Cold)

It's cold outside, but in our kindergarten? (warm)

Why is it warm in the garden? (heating on)

/ went to the radiators, touched them, made sure that the heat was coming in /

Why are batteries hot? (they have hot water, it gives heat to the radiators, and the radiators transfer heat to the room)

Research activities

Dip your finger first into cold water and then into warm water, and conclude that warm water emits heat.

Where are the batteries placed? (under the window)

/went to the window and touched the glass/

Is the window warm or cold? (cold)

Why is the window cold? (the glass is thin and there are small gaps through which cold air penetrates)

Do you know that heat escapes from our group through small cracks?

What needs to be done to prevent heat from escaping from us? (insulate the window, seal the cracks in the frames)

Therefore, our assistant teacher sealed all the cracks in the frames, except for the windows, which we periodically have to open to ventilate the room and saturate the group with fresh air, but we cannot leave the window open for a long time, it will become cold in the group, and we can freeze and get sick, because through the warmth goes away from her.

Through what other holes can heat escape from us? (through the open door)

What should we do to prevent heat from escaping through the door? (close tightly).

To keep the heat from leaving us, what should we do? (take care of him)

/examination of posters on heat conservation/

How did warm water end up in the radiators? (it is heated in boiler rooms with large electrical appliances)

What is electricity? (current that lives in the wires and flows through them to our homes)

What does electricity give us besides heated warm water? (light when we turn on the chandelier, lamps)

What else runs on electricity in our home? (iron, refrigerator, TV, washing machine, microwave oven, computer, vacuum cleaner, etc.)

All this equipment is called electrical appliances because they work from electricity, which is supplied to them through a wire inserted into an outlet.

/demonstration of turning on a chandelier, hair dryer/

You know a lot of electrical appliances. But you should not turn them on yourself - this is dangerous, because electric current can kill a person; you need skills and experience in using these devices.

I suggest you play

game “Say the Word”

. I tell you a sentence, and you end it with the name of an electrical appliance.

Dad rolls the meat through... (meat grinder)

Mom irons clothes... (with an iron)

Brother took sausage out of... (refrigerator)

Sister dries her hair….(with a hairdryer)

Grandfather is drilling the wall... (drill)

Laundry is washed in .... (washing machine)

The family sat down to watch….(TV)

How good it is when there is light, and how bad it is when there is none. After all, without electricity, nothing will work, it’s bad to sit in the dark, it’s boring without a TV, food will spoil in the refrigerator, etc.

So that there is always light in our homes, what should we do for this? (Save, protect)

What does it mean to protect and save light? (don’t turn on the lights when it’s light, don’t forget to turn them off when you leave or don’t use them)

viewing posters on energy saving

That's right, we must save heat and electricity, then there will be enough for everyone and our homes will be cozy and warm.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of rational use of energy, heat, and water resources in the world and in everyday life. - learn to form your own.

Photo report of the holiday: “Mom is a dear word, in that word there is warmth and light” in the older mixed-age group. We are at the holiday now, congratulations.

Notes on GCD in the senior group, development of speech “Take care of nature” Organization of continuous educational activities for children in the senior group “Take care of nature.” Author of the abstract: Elena Sergeevna Sheikina.

Summary of a lesson on energy saving in the preparatory group GOAL: -to introduce children to saving energy; - to form children's attention to the problems of using electricity; -fix.

Consultation for parents “Taking care of health from childhood, or 10 commandments of health” 10 commandments of a healthy life: 1. Keep your daily routine! It is very important to teach a child to wake up and fall asleep, eat, play, walk, and work.

Cartoon on energy saving: “Sparkle and her friends” Video Here! Finally! It happened! With joint efforts, efforts, and great desire, we created our own cartoon! I already had the pleasure.

Educational project with children “We take care of health” Relevance “Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life and worldview depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.

→ Winners of the competition “Let’s say NO to unnecessary spending - let’s save heat and light!”

Winners of the competition “Let’s say NO to unnecessary spending - let’s save heat and light!”

Prize places 4-7 years

1 place

Energy is hidden in everything, and we live only with it in the world!

2nd place

Don’t pour warm water - install the meter as soon as possible!!!

3rd place

Take care of warmth and light

Prize places 8-12 years

1 place

I forgot that I needed to turn off the light!

2nd place

When I go for a walk with my bulldog, I don’t forget to turn off the light

3rd place

Your money was crying

Prize places 13-18 years old

1 place

Use your head - save energy!

2nd place

Close the window - keep warm in winter!

3rd place

The Mole and the Mouse (thrifty and uneconomical)

People's Choice Award

Save water

Take care of light and water, they are given to us by nature

So that we can live comfortably for many, many, many years, take care, save and appreciate the light, people!

Special nomination of OJSC "TGC-1"

Your wallet, Petrovich

Save water, electricity and gas, be economical.

Let's save heat in the house

Let's save the light!

Dear friend, each pan has its own circle

The use of table lamps saves energy and helps create comfort and organize the workplace

Another way to produce electricity

If you don't save heat and light, what will you eat for lunch?

Seryozha - football player

From sunset to dawn, lanterns shine on us at night, the rays of the sun come out - turn off the light immediately

Special nomination of JSC Heating Network of St. Petersburg

Turn off the water and lights - you will live without troubles!

Our house

Light is your money

Children's creativity LIGHT and WARM

Take care of the warmth

Take care of the heat

Warm house

Warmth is life!

Take care of the warmth

Warmth and light

City residents are cool about the problem of saving heat

Special category of the publishing house "Polyandriya"

You don't have countless riches - save!

Special nomination of Vladimir Lavlentsev, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg

Everything is great in our house. We warm the hut in a very unusual way. To keep the heat in longer, we will cover the windows with thicker skins.

Special nomination by Svetlana Agapitova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in St. Petersburg