diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth: cosmetological properties and applications Garden diatomite - properties and applications

Every year we re-read a lot of literature, both Russian and foreign, to find new interesting ideas for the garden, new plants, technologies and fertilizers. That's how we stumbled upon "diatomaceous earth." To be honest, having read the list of its applications and properties, we were simply shocked. From the desire to use it for the garden, we eventually came to the desire to eat it and have already begun to do so. But first things first.

Maybe you have already heard about it.

In the literature, diatomaceous earth is also found under a large number of other names. Perhaps you also know her, only under the name: diatomaceous earth or tripoli or celite. It is also called diatomaceous earth or mountain flour. Often in the literature, instead of "diatomaceous earth" simply "diatomite" is used.

What it is.

Diatomaceous earth is a rock mostly composed of fossilized plankton. For sale, it is ground almost into powder. Particles of diatomaceous earth are very hard, contain up to 90% silicon, as well as many other minerals (about 20) in their composition.

It is very important to note that diatomaceous earth is edible and non-edible. The former can be used in food, the latter - only in the garden for pest control (industrial diatomite, among other things, is also quite toxic).

No wonder one of the names of diatomaceous earth is celite. This substance can indeed be called healing. It has many useful properties (of course, we will list them below), but almost all of them are due to 2 main factors:

  1. Mineral composition of mountain flour.

For the health of bones, teeth, nails and hair, silicon is no less important than calcium. That's just calcium is found everywhere in our food products and supplements. And silicon is lacking for many.

  1. its ionic charge.

That is why diatomaceous earth is eaten for:

  • improve digestion
  • body detoxification
  • constipation
  • for acne, acne
  • to improve the condition of hair, nails, teeth
  • joint strengthening
  • reduce dizziness, tinnitus and insomnia
  • to lower cholesterol
  • lowering blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease
  • arthritis treatment
  • for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract diseases.

consumption norms.

Usually in our notes regarding the medicinal benefits of herbs, substrates, etc. we recommend choosing the dosage and discussing the use in each individual case with your doctor. However, diatomaceous earth is not yet so common in our country. It is very easy to buy it online. But there is little information about the application.

Foreign colleagues recommend starting with 1 teaspoon per day, diluted with water. They warn that "earth" is earth and tastes far from candy. Therefore, in order to alleviate discomfort, you can mix it not with water, but, for example, with juice or add it to cocktails and smoothies. Carefully monitor the state of the body. Then, very smoothly bring the frequency of use up to 3 times a day, then increase the volume to a tablespoon 3 r / d.

There are no prohibitions for use during pregnancy and lactation. Only the individual characteristics of the body. Many, for example, at the beginning of the reception complain of headaches and too frequent stools. When such symptoms appear, experts advise reducing the dosage. It is also recommended to drink more water. It is necessary for the faster removal of diatomaceous earth with harmful substances attracted to it from the body.

Application of diatomaceous earth at home and in the garden.

Good diatomaceous earth is not only for health.

In the garden:

It is a natural and effective pest control agent:

- In dry form, ant paths and anthills, organized by pests on the site, are sprinkled on it.

- Solutions with diatomaceous earth are used to spray trees from pests.

At home:

Due to its properties, diatomaceous earth is used for cleaning and disinfection of various containers, including garbage containers that require especially careful processing, as well as dry closets.

Set in a small container in the refrigerator, mountain meal is great at absorbing bad odors (be sure to use food grade diatomaceous earth).

For animals:

Attention! For food purposes, use only the product with the appropriate markings on the packaging ("food" or "for food purposes"). Try to avoid contact with diatomaceous earth in the eyes and do not inhale it into the lungs (even food). This may adversely affect your health.

Diatomaceous earth is a type of sand that has unique properties. It has been mined for many decades and has many industrial applications. Recently introduced to the market as a dietary supplement, diatomaceous earth, as it is also called, or mountain meal, is claimed to have health benefits. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

What is diatomaceous earth?

It is natural sand extracted from the earth and is made up of algae known as diatoms that have been fossilized over millions of years.

There are two main types of diatomaceous earth: industrial, which is toxic to humans, and food grade.

This is what food grade diatomaceous earth looks like:

It consists mainly of silicon dioxide - this is a unique concentrated source of silicon, it is contained in diatomite from 80 to 90%.

Food grade and non-food grade

Silicon dioxide exists in two main forms - crystalline and amorphous (non-crystalline). Food and industrial diatomaceous earth differ in the concentration of crystals.

In food 0.5-2% crystalline silicon dioxide. It is used in agriculture and the food industry.

Non-food contains over 60% crystalline silica, it is toxic to mammals and has many industrial uses.

Diatomaceous earth as an insecticide

Food grade diatomaceous earth is often used as an insecticide - when it comes into contact with insects, it removes the waxy outer coating from the exoskeleton. Without this coating, the insect cannot retain water and dies of dehydration.

Diatomaceous earth - is it good for health?

Recently, diatomaceous earth has become a popular food additive. It is believed to have the following health benefits:

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract
Maintaining healthy digestion
Providing the body with microelements
Better Bone Health
Hair growth stimulation
Strengthen nails and skin health

However, most of these claims remain unverified scientifically.

Impact on bone health

Silicon is one of the many minerals found in the human body. Its exact role has not been fully established, but it is important for bone health as well as hair, nails, and skin.

Can eating mountain flour improve bone health? It must be understood that diatomaceous earth does not mix with water, and is unlikely to be absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is unlikely that diatomite can affect the bones.

Impact on toxins

One of the main influences attributed to diatomaceous earth is the ability to cleanse the digestive tract. This statement is based on the ability of diatomite to remove heavy metals from water, which is why it is used in industrial filters.

However, science has not proven that this mechanism is applicable to human digestion. More importantly, there is no evidence that the human body is filled with toxins that need to be eliminated. The human body is quite capable of handling this on its own.

Cholesterol Reduction

To date, only one small study has examined diatomaceous earth as a dietary supplement. 19 subjects who had high cholesterol levels consumed diatomaceous earth three times a day for 8 weeks. Compared to baseline, total cholesterol decreased by 13.2%. “Bad” cholesterol and triglycerides also decreased.

The findings are interesting but need further confirmation.

Diatomaceous earth safety

Food grade diatomaceous earth is safe to eat. It passes through the digestive system unchanged and does not enter the bloodstream. However, if inhaled, it will irritate the lungs, as if inhaling dust. But silicon dioxide can cause inflammation and scarring of the lungs (silicosis).

This condition is most common in miners and can be fatal.


Everyone wants to improve their health in one way or another. However, while certain supplements are definitely beneficial, there is no evidence that diatomaceous earth is one of them.

diatomaceous earth(another name is mountain flour) is a unique natural material, an organic pure product, consisting of fossilized shells of diatoms - the oldest algae living in the sea and being the main food for marine life. Due to its composition (80-90% silica, 4% alumina and 0-2% iron oxide), diatomite is extremely useful for humans.

What is its uniqueness?

1) High content of easily digestible amorphous silicon, which the:

  • helps to restore the balance between calcium and magnesium, imbalance is the cause of hormonal problems;
  • promotes better absorption of calcium;
  • plays an important role in the formation of collagen - a protein responsible for the development of the connective tissue of the body (bones, tendons, cartilage, etc.), it makes them strong and elastic.

The daily intake of silicon for a person is about 55 mg. Food grade diatomaceous earth easily provides this serving. Even if you consume more silicon than you need, all the excess will be excreted from the body naturally.

2) High absorbency and microscopic particle size (only 0.005 mm!) cleanse the body effectively. One serving of diatomaceous earth contains millions of negatively charged algae shells that attract positively charged bacteria, fungi, molds, protozoans, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides and drug residues, E-Cole bacteria and heavy metals, binding them in the shells' cylindrical structure and expelling them out body in a natural way. The fact of absorption of methyl-mercury + compounds and protein toxins produced as a result of poisoning of the digestive system has also been proven. Thus, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, particles of food diatomaceous earth gently cleanse the intestinal walls from uninvited guests. At the same time, all vital substances (vitamins, proteins, amino acids, etc.) remain intact. The intestines begin to work more efficiently, by stimulating blood flow to the digestive organs.

In the gastrointestinal tract, diatomite is not absorbed, does not enter the bloodstream, but passes in transit. Having fulfilled its function, on the 1st day it practically “leaves” the body (up to 96%). The rest of the amount is displayed for 2-3 days.

You will notice the effect of regular intake of food diatomaceous earth after a monthly course (perhaps even earlier)

  • Strong nails and hair (their loss is significantly reduced).
  • Firm, healthy and rejuvenated skin.
  • Increased immunity.
  • Healthy teeth and gums.
  • A well-functioning digestive system.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Weight loss.
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (artery walls are maintained in a flexible state).
  • Improving the condition of the joints, accelerating the healing of fractures and other injuries.
  • Relief of any allergic reactions.

Diatomite has a beneficial effect on absolutely all body systems, supporting systemic detoxification and cellular regeneration. An important property of diatomite is the ability of the mineral to equalize the bioelectric potential of the membrane of a living cell, which helps to optimize its functional activity, increase resistance to external factors, and restore its own drainage, transport, and lipid properties of cell membranes.

Diatomaceous earth can really enhance your natural beauty!

Among scientists, there is an opinion that Alzheimer's disease is associated with the accumulation of aluminum in the brain. An experiment was conducted - the target group was given to drink water with food-grade diatomaceous earth powder. As a result, aluminum was excreted in the urine, which led to a decrease in the concentration of aluminum in the liver, brain, kidneys, bones and spleen.

In 2000, NIIKiEL SB RAMS published research on the study of the properties of diatomite on the efficiency of removing radioactive cesium from the body. “The use of a sorbent based on a natural mineral during the first 7 days helps to extract toxic metabolites, radiotoxins from the blood and the pericellular space, thereby ensuring greater safety of organs and systems. Therefore, the use of a natural sorbent in acute intoxications of the body is justified and effective.

The dosage depends on individual needs. The first few days it is better to use 0.5 teaspoonful with plenty of water, gradually increasing the daily dose (up to 2 tablespoons). Be sure to monitor your body's reaction to this drug. If you experience flu-like symptoms, this may mean that the body is clearing too quickly and abruptly. In this case, a significant dose reduction is recommended, and after some time - its gradual increase.

The required portion of diatomite powder should be completely dissolved in water or other liquid, only after that the solution is ready for use.

It is noted that the morning intake of diatomaceous earth causes a decrease in appetite, which is useful for people struggling with excess weight. In addition, diatomite has a diuretic effect, which also contributes to the effective removal of toxins from the body.

Attention! During detox, fatigue, low concentration, headache, hormonal disorders, swelling, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, skin lesions, etc. can appear. These symptoms depend primarily on the degree of poisoning of the body.

Question from a customer: “As far as I understand, you can drink diatomaceous earth at any time of the day. But is it still more effective on an empty stomach?

Answered by Nadezhda Pavlova, I-ME Quality Department Specialist.

Like any sorbent, diatomite must be separated from food, taking vitamins and nutrients, otherwise there will be no benefit from them: particles of diatomite will absorb and remove some of the substances from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it either after about 3 hours after taking food or vitamins, or at night.

Diatomaceous earth: contraindications


  1. Drinking more liquid than usual is a necessary requirement that should not be underestimated or ignored.
  2. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe for ingestion, but if accidentally inhaled, it will irritate the lungs, similar to dust inhalation. In this case, silicon dioxide can cause inflammation and scarring of the lungs (silicosis). This condition is most common in miners and can be fatal. We are talking about inhaling a significant amount of powder. At low dosages, for example, when opening a jar or manipulating 1-2 tablespoons of powder, inhaling diatomite is harmless, the maximum that can be is discomfort in the nasal cavity.

Food diatomaceous earth is packaged only in high-quality packages with an easy-peel lid that reliably protects the product from moisture penetration.

The powder is processed at a temperature of 900 °C.

Best before date: unlimited under proper storage conditions. Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, in a closed package. Keep away from moisture.

More and more summer residents are trying to conduct organic farming on their plot - to grow organic products without the use of chemicals. One of the environmentally friendly top dressings, bestowed by nature itself, is garden diatomaceous earth. It is used to improve soil composition, preserve crops and control pests.

Garden diatomaceous earth - properties and uses

Many not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners hear about this fertilizer for the first time and ask themselves the question: “Diatomite - what is it, and what is its use in the garden?” Diatomaceous earth, diatomite, mountain flour, diatomaceous earth - all these are the names of a natural mountain mineral formed from fossilized shells of prehistoric diatomaceous algae:

  1. Silicon predominates in the composition of mountain flour - it is more than 90%. It also contains other useful substances - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and many others.
  2. Garden diatomaceous earth has high porosity and good adsorption. Its absorption capacity is much higher than that of the well-known activated carbon. Therefore, diatomaceous earth is used in the production of filters, cosmetics, and some even eat.
  3. For sale, this mineral is broken into flour, which has a gray or cream color.

Garden diatomaceous earth - properties

On the shelves of garden supermarkets and in online stores, the diatomite garden soil conditioner has become increasingly common. It is used on a variety of soils. Heavy clay and infertile soils after the introduction of diatomaceous earth will become more loose and breathable, in light soils mixed with mountain flour, water will linger longer. Such changes are explained by the very structure of diatomite: a light, almost weightless powder that retains a large amount of moisture and nutrients and gradually “shares” them with the root system of plants.

Soil improver diatomite is sold mainly in small packages of 1 kg. It is applied in spring or autumn, spraying 100-125 g per 1 sq. m. Then the soil is dug up to a depth of one bayonet of a shovel. In the soil, mountain flour acts as a baking powder - it increases air permeability and moisture capacity. Thanks to diatomaceous earth, you can keep the crop longer. Root crops are well cleaned and dried, put in wooden or plastic containers and sprinkled with diatomaceous earth. This method of storage will protect your vegetables from mold and mildew.

Rock flour is a wonderful non-chemical. It is part of the drug "Ecokiller" and destroys pests mechanically. The mechanism is simple - the sharp edges of the particles (which have different sizes and act on insects of different sizes) damage the chitinous cover of the pest and settle on it. Then the rock begins to absorb moisture from the insect, thereby drying and killing it.

Garden diatomaceous earth from ants is used in dry form. In calm weather, they sprinkle paths and anthills. For the complete destruction of the population, only 20-30 g per 1 sq.m. To control pests on trees, a solution with diatomaceous earth is prepared. Diatomaceous earth can also be used for preventive purposes.

Garden diatomite - what to replace?

The soil loosening properties of mountain flour are unique. At the moment, a person is not yet aware of its organically pure natural analogues. But in the fight against insects without chemistry, there are a number of successfully used substances:

  1. An ordinary soap solution will save you from sucking pests, such as ticks, cicadas.
  2. From snails and the drug diatomaceous earth will replace iron phosphate.
  3. Another natural insecticide is an extract from the tropical Neem tree. It is poisonous to almost all harmful insects and safe for beneficial ones. In addition, pests do not develop immunity to it, as is often the case with chemical insecticides.

Garden diatomite - benefits and harms

Diatomaceous earth or garden diatomaceous earth is an absolutely harmless fertilizer. Its particles adsorb water and nutrients, preventing them from escaping into the deep layers of the soil. As an insecticide, mountain flour is also harmless to humans and domestic animals, as it destroys pests mechanically. The main disadvantage of diatomaceous earth is that for it to work, the insect must come into contact with the drug in dry weather. After each rain, the treatment will have to be repeated.

No chemistry is able to improve the condition of the skin in the way that nature can do. Many believe that natural cosmetics are only masks made from cucumbers, strawberries, honey and other products that are stored in the refrigerator. But modern cosmetology has gone further. Diatomaceous earth - that's what you need to completely restore the skin. What is this component and how to use it? We'll figure out.

Component Description

Diatomaceous earth in science is called the complex word "kieselguhr". Translated from German, it means "mountain flour" or "diatomaceous earth". It is a kind of rock ore, which is composed of a sedimentary rock called diatomite. In turn, diatomite is the remains of diatoms, which are now not found in the underwater world. Their remains entrenched on mountain slopes and in caves that could previously be the bottom of the ocean. This natural component is a real rarity, and its quantity is strictly limited. By the way, diatoms contained cells with so-called shells, which contained a record amount of flint. It is this element that is the basis of diatomaceous earth, which is now mined and used in cosmetology.

Scope of application

This natural ingredient is found in toothpastes, insect repellants, gel polish finishes, and even insulating building materials. But most often diatomaceous earth is used in cosmetology. You will probably be surprised, but all alginate masks mainly consist of this mountain ore. Why are cosmetologists so fond of "former algae", and now rock, and why are all the women of the world literally hunting for products containing it?

Cosmetic effect

Diatomaceous earth is a universal component. It perfectly copes with such skin problems as acne, rosacea, enlarged pores, and also has a rejuvenating effect, remodels the oval of the face, smoothes mimic wrinkles. Diatomaceous earth is found in small amounts in almost all scrubs and facial cleansers. It exfoliates dead cells and makes the skin smooth and silky. But if you need an instant "WOW-effect", only a tool that contains more than 75% diatomaceous earth can help - this is an alginate mask. The application of such a mask is a very popular procedure in cosmetology, but not understood by all women. Let's break it all down.

The essence of the procedure for applying an alginate mask

So, such compositions include 75% diatomaceous earth - we mentioned this above, and the remaining 25% are salts of alginic acid. This mixture has the appearance of a white powder and is diluted in water. It should be applied to the skin with a brush or sponge, and after a few minutes it hardens. The mask exactly repeats all the contours and nuances of the face, and also forms a film over the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating. Thus, several actions take place simultaneously: the skin is treated, acids eliminate abscesses and abscesses, and the oval of the face is tightened, as it is compressed by a dense but elastic film. Also, after the procedure of applying an alginate mask, blood circulation and lymph flow improve, the skin becomes healthier, its color changes and a blush appears.

Indications for use

As it turns out, the cosmetic properties of diatomaceous earth are not limited to treating acne and fighting wrinkles. The range of application of this natural composition is much wider.

  • Problematic skin is the most common factor. Alginate masks remove harmful substances from the skin and even out its relief.
  • The appearance of wrinkles. Every woman's facial skin undergoes age-related changes at different times. The most important thing is to start fighting it in time with the help of natural ingredients, so that later you do not need to use injections.
  • Cellulite. Since diatomaceous ore perfectly “drives” the lymph through the body, it is able to cope with excess moisture and fat under the skin.
  • Body detoxification. This is no longer a cosmetic, but a medical procedure, but it is carried out using a diatom component, which perfectly removes all unnecessary from the body.


Since this substance is completely natural, there are at least contraindications to its use. The most important thing is not to use diatomaceous earth for oncological diseases. The second contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the alginate mask. The beautician must first conduct a test and identify how your body reacts to this composition. In most cases, no reactions occur.

The nuances of using diatomaceous earth are not as complicated as they seem. It is important to simply properly prepare the skin for applying such a mask, and the procedure will go well. The most important thing to remember is that the alginate composition is the finish of the treatment or facial cleansing procedure. Therefore, ultrasonic or mechanical cleaning of the pores is carried out beforehand, then the skin is treated with a means to narrow the pores, and after that a mask of diatoms is applied. Similarly, if you are doing a chemical peel, after the procedure you need to remove the acid composition, cleanse the skin and apply an alginate mask. It is important to remember that the powder mixture, which is most often diluted with water, dries quickly. So, while the mask is in the consistency of thick sour cream, spread it very quickly over the face and neck and leave it to dry completely. Subsequently, you will remove it as a cast of your face without the use of water or other cosmetics.

How to apply a mask correctly?

A few nuances

  • Alginate mask hardens on the face in about 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the mask in the direction from the bottom up. If the mask sticks to the skin, lightly moisturize it.
  • In order to achieve a good effect from the use of diatomaceous earth, it is necessary to complete a course, which consists of 6-15 procedures. You can apply the mask 1 to 4 times a week.
  • If wraps are made using diatomaceous ore, it is necessary to insulate - with cling film or foil, and then with a warm blanket. Also, do not forget, being wrapped, drink plenty of warm drink.
  • After removing the mask (or wrap), it is recommended to do a light massage using essential oils.

Procedures using diatomaceous earth can be carried out both in a beauty salon and at home, the main thing is to adhere to all established rules.