Is it possible for an ordinary person to use runes? Interview with the Rune Master

Anton Valerievich Platov (also known as Iggvolod) graduated from Moscow State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Writer, figure of the pagan Renaissance. Author of a number of books and many publications on the sacred tradition and traditional culture of Europe.
Interview with A. Platov

How did the friendship between you and the runes begin?
Any archaic system of sacred knowledge necessarily has its own magic, a certain aura of power of its own. We almost always feel it, even when accidentally coming into contact with one or another system of this type. But for some, the feeling of the magic of the system turns out to be alien, while for others, on the contrary, it captivates and makes them feel: this is mine.
When I began to comprehend the runic tradition a quarter of a century ago, books on runes in Russia were tight, and I had to “dig” everything myself.
What did you manage to dig up?
There are two types of sources.
First- these are written monuments: preserved sacred texts, descriptions of magical practices in sagas, runic poems, “magic” books of the late Middle Ages.
Second– artifacts of runic art: sacred objects with spells, altar stones, amulets and much more. Working with these sources is more difficult, because the ancient masters did not set themselves the task of making their creations understandable to us. There is also actual practice magical work. When we talk about runes, we come into contact with the “baggage of power” accumulated by dozens of generations of magicians who worked in this system before us. Taking runes seriously, we draw knowledge from this baggage. By the way, speaking about written sources, we must remember: a significant part of them did not escape distortions associated with the loss of sacred knowledge and caused by Christianity.
What do runes mean to you?
First of all, this is a magical sign system. It can describe the universe in which we exist and interact with it, change it, but the runes themselves remain just symbols. Take, for example, the Isa rune - the rune of ice. It represents a vertical line. Does this mean that anyone who draws a vertical line on the fence will cause frost? Of course not. Runes remain just icons if the person drawing them has no real "contact" with what lies behind them.
What is behind them?
In general, these can be called vectors of power - each of the runes symbolizes some aspect of the forces of the world. We can also talk about the deities behind the runes - a significant part of them is tradition and connects them directly with one or another god or goddess.
Runic magic is a change with the help of the runes of this world and, above all, yourself
What can runic magic do?
In the Northern European sacred tradition, the use of runes does not have any special boundaries - everything is determined by the qualities of the person who works with them.

Therefore, a more correct term is runic art - it is much broader. We highlight two main areas of practical work: understanding and changing the world around us and, most importantly, ourselves.

Do you use what is called runic gymnastics?
The very idea that runes are in some way connected with various manifestations of the life of the human body - posture, movement, voice sounding at a certain height - is not without common sense. Another thing is that the ancient sources that we can trust did not preserve for us anything at all related to this issue. Everything that is being done today in this direction is a pure remake. In a situation where we have practically nothing to compare the personal achievements of this or that author or practitioner with, such new systems can easily turn out - in the safest case - meaningless and non-functional.
In my opinion, if we are talking about the use of body-oriented practices in runic art, then we should dig much deeper. So at school "NordHeim" We successfully use a technique we call runic constellations - an extension of Hellinger's idea that the human body is capable of perceiving and displaying certain information.
How dangerous can working with runes be?
Most dangerous situations occur among two categories of people.

First- these are neophytes who have just reached the big water, but still don’t know anything and simply don’t understand where exactly trouble might await them.

Second– those who have just passed a certain milestone in their improvement and suddenly feel permissiveness.
Maximum danger– from objective harm to oneself or one’s neighbor to loss of contact with reality – accompanies working with runes precisely at those stages when a person has just crossed a certain line in mastering the art.
Usually first dangerous situation comes immediately after getting acquainted with runes: I read a brochure on runic magic, felt like a magician and... Serious card players know: beginners are lucky. Only in this case, such luck often backfires - strength allows a beginner to do something the meaning of which he himself does not understand.
Second dangerous situation– transition to the state of an experienced user, when a person actually acquires certain knowledge and capabilities, but does not yet understand that rights inevitably entail responsibilities and opportunities require certain self-restraint.

Runes are real ancient discovery, which came to us from antiquity. In fact, the runes are still known today. Ancient people used these magical attributes to achieve happiness.

To date, the influence of runes on a person’s fate has not been thoroughly deciphered. And it’s worth saying that not everyone knows the intricacies of working with runes. To make working with runes more effective, you need to know several important points.

The appearance of the runes is as follows - these are simple amulets made of wood. But in fact, they carry a deep sacred meaning. When working with runes, it is important to direct your own willpower in the right direction.

Runes are animated. This is when they have already absorbed the energy of a particular person. If you wear runes, for example, on your neck, then it will be easier for you to “contact” them and they will be personally tuned to your personality.

If you just purchased runes in a store, then they are not alive. It is strictly forbidden to transfer them to another person in order to avoid an exchange of energies.

How to use runes without harming yourself?

In fact, runes are faithful helpers in telling you the right decision, ways out of a specific situation. They can even give you answers regarding the future. It is worth noting that under no circumstances should you ask the runes what will happen to you in a year. Unfortunately, runes are not able to cover such a huge period.

If you need reliable information, then you need to ask the runes correctly. Before starting fortune telling, clearly concentrate on the question posed, direct all your feelings and emotions directly to the process itself.

Runes can carry both beneficial and negative energy. Runes with positive energy can quite realistically give vigor and vitality.

How to master the rune technique?

Some people want to learn the basics of working with runes. To do this, it is important not to forget several important nuances:

  • Remember your own responsibility. It is worth saying that all negative energy directed at you returns double. Don't let your emotions get the better of you;
  • Educate yourself on the topic of runes by reading specialized literature;
  • Excessive passion for fortune telling entails bad consequences. Keep your magic in moderation.

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Runes and fortune telling with them go back to the distant past - it was practiced by all Scandinavian, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon peoples. Is it possible to tell fortunes using runes, is it dangerous, and how does runic fortune telling differ from the rest? The mythology and traditions of the inhabitants of the north can tell about this.

In the article:

History of Runes

The most ancient runic alphabets date back to the first millennium BC. However, historians and archaeologists note that runes have not been used for writing for a long time. They were sacred symbols with deep magical meaning and were used exclusively for magical purposes. Fortune telling with runes was one of the ways to use this most powerful magical tool.

World Tree Yggdrasil and the runes that God Odin saw

According to Scandinavian tradition, the main purpose of these signs was not fortune telling, but practical magic. It included putting symbols on objects, creating amulets and using them to achieve goals. According to legends, runes were part of the universe and an axiom, just like the laws of physics. Elder Edda reports that the god Odin was the first to recognize these sacred signs, seeing them in the interweaving of nine branches World Tree Yggdrasil. For this knowledge and universal wisdom, the supreme god of the Vikings sacrificed himself, nailing himself to Yggdrasil with a spear and hanging upside down for nine days and nights.

Since then, the aces, and after them other creatures, including gnomes and people, have learned the runes. Knowledge of runes was initially considered a purely male matter and only priests and erili could master it - this is how the Scandinavians called experts in mystical symbols and magic. But subsequently women began to use runes for fortune telling, which was taught to them by the goddess Freya. Then Odin himself learned the ability to tell fortunes from her.

Is it possible to tell fortunes using runes and why is it dangerous?

Some modern neo-pagans and followers of Scandinavian traditions believe that fortune telling with runes is impossible. They connect this with the originally existing tradition, according to which runes were used only for practical magic. Thus, they cross out a whole layer of the Scandinavian tradition and lose their attention to the strongest instrument. At the same time, this opinion is erroneous, because the supreme god of the Scandinavians, Odin himself, subsequently began to tell fortunes on runes.

Supporters of this opinion believe that the result of fortune telling is an accident. But tiles with symbols that fall out in a random order change the universe so that the “predicted” events actually happen. Of course, it is impossible to prove or disprove this point of view, therefore it has little practical significance and everyone should decide for themselves whether it is possible to tell fortunes using runes.

A characteristic feature of fortune telling with runes is indeed the high veracity and accuracy of the results. However, even ancient myths warn that using runes thoughtlessly, for fun, or simply not knowing the meaning of these sacred symbols is really dangerous. In this sense, fortune telling is a much safer option, because a mistake with it can simply lead to a misinterpretation. While an incorrectly created amulet can cause serious problems in life and various troubles.

How to tell fortunes using runes

First of all, rune fortune telling will require you to have a ready-made set of runes. Depending on which futhark (rune alphabet) you choose, the number of these dies may vary. However, the most ancient, well-studied and widespread this moment is the Elder Futhark. This is the most popular and famous runic alphabet, covering all aspects of life as fully as possible and having thousands of years of tradition behind it. Most of the other futharks are in some way “remakes” that appeared in the period from the 13th century to the present day.

Julia Wang also uses runes

If you want the dies to tell you the truth, the best option will make runes yourself - there is a separate article on how to do this on our website. Such instruments will be in close connection with you, and if you understand their meaning and know how to interpret them, then you can easily predict the future and find accurate and effective answers to all your questions.

In a general sense, fortune telling looks like asking a question, choosing a suitable layout and taking out the appropriate number of runes one at a time. At the same time, there are two radically different methods of fortune telling. One of them includes inverted positions of some runes, while the other, more conservative, ignores them. Also, optionally, in fortune telling on the Elder Futhark, not 24, but 25 runes can be used. The last, twenty-fifth rune is depicted as an empty die without a symbol, which denotes uncertainty. However, well-known scholars of the runic tradition, such as Edred Thorsson, consider the “empty” die to be a modern unnecessary invention.

Runic layouts and fortune telling

The answer to the question of how to tell fortunes using runes can be easily found by deeply understanding and realizing the meaning of each of these Old Norse symbols. The simplest and in an accessible way is fortune telling on one rune. For it you need to prepare a bag, focus on the question that interests you and take one die out of the bag. This will be your answer. Questions should be asked clear and simple, and only once at a time - repeated “guessing” is not encouraged in any fortune-telling tradition, and runes are no exception.

It is also very popular. There are so many options for this fortune telling that there is a separate article on our website dedicated specifically to it. With the help of several runes, you can always find out more accurate and specific answers to your questions, as well as find a possible way out of any current situation.

From the point of view of the technique of runic fortune-telling, you should start it exclusively in a stable mood. So nothing can affect either you and your feelings with the runes, or the correctness of the interpretation. Some fortune tellers prefer to toss the pulled out die or simply throw it away. When fortune telling with several runes, the latter can also be taken out of a bag or box and randomly thrown at any flat surface- in some types of such rune fortune-telling, the position of each of the runes in relation to the others matters.

In general, fortune telling with the help of runes is accessible and in a simple way learn more about current life, past and future. However, you should carefully study the interpretation of each of these Old Norse symbols, and also understand the principles of each chosen layout. Then you can not only prepare in advance for important events in your life, but also to surprise everyone you know with your insight and intelligence. Also remember that runes are suitable not only for fortune telling - they can also be used as excellent amulets for all occasions.

Not everyone who encounters runic magic thinks about the consequences of using this ancient writing. How safe is it for a person to do this? Are runes dangerous?

What to consider when using runes

Before you begin to work with this magical tool, regardless of what type of application you choose, fortune telling or drawing symbols, you must respect the runes and first study them.

It is imperative that you follow these recommendations, as otherwise you will face inevitable retribution. Harmless, at first glance, letters contain very strong ancient magic, which, if treated with disrespect, will repay it a hundredfold.

What is dangerous about runes is that each symbol carries an energy message and certain information, therefore, when using them, be clearly aware of your motives. If you want not only to get the desired result, but also not to cause energetic harm to yourself, then remember the basic rules of working with them.

  1. Remember that runes always work. There is a possibility that they will not do it the way you would like, so before using, be sure to take this fact into account and choose the correct symbol so that the discrepancy does not disappoint you. If the selected letters do not work, then they simply did not coincide with your intentions.
  2. The validity period of the runes is unlimited. As long as the symbols are placed somewhere, they work. Therefore, be careful if you decide to get a tattoo of ancient writing. Circumstances in your life may change, and then a harmless inscription will cause great harm. In this case, it is better to apply runes to those objects that, after working out, can be destroyed.
  3. When working with runes, you should not turn to the northern gods for help. They may consider that your request is trivial and then, instead of the desired benefits, you will face retribution for disturbing higher powers in vain.
  4. If you are just starting to study runes, then do not use runescripts that are too long. You risk misinterpreting them, and unaccounted aspects can lead to disastrous consequences.
  5. You must be completely healthy and calm when working with runes. Otherwise, the energy field will be disrupted and any interaction will harm you personally. Therefore, it is dangerous to tell fortunes using runes, even if you feel slightly unwell.

When studying the world of magical tools, you can think for a long time about whether runes are dangerous or whether they are absolutely harmless from an energetic point of view. In this case, we can unequivocally answer that with reasonable use you can achieve your goals and not harm yourself, but only if you follow safety rules.

As a person who works with Runes, I am periodically asked the question of whether it is possible to make runic tattoos. I finally decided to write an article on this topic, and the last straw that prompted me to poke these “multi-books”, lazy me, was a question from a friend: “here my friend got a tattoo with Runes, and now he’s asking what it means.”

For those who are just thinking about or planning to do something like this, I strongly advise you to abandon such an idea. Especially if you just decided that it’s beautiful and fashionable, but about the Runes themselves you only have an idea that these are some kind of icons that “will look great with this picture (or without it).”

However, for those who know the meanings of the Runes, the advice will remain the same - under no circumstances.

The consequences of such an act are impossible to predict. Any Rune can have a negative impact, since everyone’s relationship with the energy of Runes is very individual, and it is simply impossible to predict how the energy of individual Runes or their combination will affect your energy, and what impact this will have on you and your life .

So, after all, why shouldn’t you get a tattoo with Runes, and how can a runic tattoo be dangerous?

Almost every Rune carries two opposite meanings - upright and inverted. And if a person puts such a sign, say, on his hand, then the rune will constantly change its even the most good meaning. Yes, in the practice of using Runes there is an option for use - application to the body. Often - on the same hand. But! The Runes are applied for a short period of time with an easily washed off agent; when applying the Runes, a specific task is set and discussed, after which the Runes are erased from the body. And who knows how the Runes will distort your energy and destiny in the long term? For example, what if Inguz, whom men love to wear, decides to end something in your life that you didn’t plan to end at all?

Runes perform specific tasks well and for a specific period of time. But a person changes over time. His life tasks, spiritual, social, personal level change. And what previously protected and supported may subsequently begin to limit and restrain, hinder and destroy.

Any Runes or runic formulas trigger some kind of process. For example, you want to achieve something, and you choose a runic formula to achieve your goals. Thus, you launch a process of accomplishment that will help you take some actions to achieve what you want. So, when this desired goal is achieved, the runic formula must be deactivated. Because if you don’t do this, you will be rolled back to the beginning, as the formula will continue its work in the process of achievement. And you find yourself in the role of a “squirrel in a wheel”, because the process of achievement and possession are completely different things. But the possession and preservation of what has been achieved is not included in your formula.

And this is just one small example from the endless space of options.

I repeat once again - each Rune has a certain period of time and a specific aspect of action. And is used in specific cases for specific tasks. To make it clearer to you, it’s like medicine. Or an injection. For treatment of a disease - it will help. But what are the consequences of continuing to take the medicine after recovery, when the body no longer needs it and has completed its task? To poisoning, or even death...

Often a tattoo with runes represents some kind of protective formula. Or a protective symbol. Why is this use of Runes in tattoos dangerous?

First, I’ll explain how any protective artifacts (amulets, amulets, etc.) work. And they work on the principle of a filter. In other words, collecting all the negativity directed at the bearer of the artifact. And the shelf life (action, work) of such artifacts can be quite short - the stronger the intensity negative impact, the less time the protective artifact lasts. Each of them has its own specific amount of charge, invested by the Master during manufacture, and when this volume is exhausted, the artifact is sent for scrap. Very often - on their own, that is, breaking down or simply getting lost. By the way, in my practice, the minimum lifespan of a protective amulet made for a client was 20 minutes. Yes, this happens too. Now let's get back to the protective formula tattoo.

What do you think will happen to the bearer of such a formula? Whatever! From a local disease of the area or limb on which the Runes are applied to the complete destruction and self-destruction of the wearer.

Another case from practice. I had the opportunity to communicate with a person who had a tattoo with a protective runic formula on her legs. She complained that very severe problems began, pain, swelling, swelling. I asked what to do in such a situation.

And the only way out is to remove the tattoo. Because even if you “fill in” the runescript with another design, the original tattoo will still remain, and then the energy matrix of the runescript will do its job. And if it is not yet possible to remove the drawing, then you need to deactivate it - by applying the Isa Rune, at least with a marker, over the tattoo. And update it constantly until you have the opportunity to remove the tattoo.

And if you really want to have Runes on you, it’s better