Ko lan island in thailand. Koh Lan Island is the best beach holiday in Pattaya! Excursion from Pattaya to Koh Lan, photos and my reviews

Which is located just 8 km from the popular resort. You can get here by ferry. The trip will take from half an hour to an hour, depending on the point of the final pier - Na Ban pier or Tawaen pier. Here you will find scenic views and beautiful white beaches, which are so lacking in Pattaya. And what beaches are there on the island of Ko Lan, I will tell you in this article.

The most popular and longest beach in Ko Lana is Tawaen. It stretches for almost 700 m and is located next to the pier of the same name. There are several smaller beaches nearby.

It can take 2-5 thousand people per day. Tourists, as a rule, come in the morning and by the evening the coast becomes empty. Most of them are Chinese.

Noisy as an anthill, Tavaen has a well-developed infrastructure. There are more than 25 various restaurants and cafes on the coast that offer food for every taste. Seafood is delivered from boats by local fishermen.

If you don't want to take ferry trips to the beach every day, you can stay at one of 6 hotels in Tawaen: Baan Sai Thong, Sukkee Beach Resort, Koh Larn White House, Lomtalay Tawaen Beach, Baan Ta Long Beach, Tawaen Beach Resort. The farthest from the sea is the Baan Ta Long Beach hotel. It is better to book rooms in advance. As a rule, they are filled to capacity during the season.

On the Tavaen beach, tourists have the opportunity to:

  • rent a bike;
  • ride a jet ski, speed boat, banana boat or water ski;
  • take a kayak trip along the coast;
  • choose souvenirs or make other purchases.

The beach has showers, toilets, it is possible to rent a sun lounger with an umbrella. The descent into the sea is smooth, perfect for children. The coast is covered with soft white sand, and the water is clear.

Tonglang beach

Thonglang Beach is literally a short walk from Tawaen Beach. A steep narrow path along the coast leads to it, from which an excellent view of the sea opens.

Tonglang is only 215 meters long. There are fewer tourists and there are two hotels Lom Talay Resort and Barberry Beach Resort. Although the choice of restaurants is decent. Most establishments offer Thai or European cuisine on the menu. From entertainment, shopping and water sports are available for vacationers. There are not many offers, but they are.

The descent into the water is gentle, and the sand is soft and clean. Although in some places there may be stones. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for swimming closer to Tavaenu. The majority of tourists are Chinese.

Sangwan Beach

Sangwan is located not far from the Tawaen ferry pier, just on the opposite side of the beach of the same name. A small and very compact beach, it has higher prices and fewer people.

Sangwan Beach can be reached on foot from the pier. A picturesque path leads to it, from which a beautiful view of a small cove and the sea opens. At times it is windy here, waves appear.

This beach will appeal to lovers of a calm and quiet holiday. There are few shops and cafes. For entertainment you need to go to the neighboring beaches. There are no hotels. Most often, Europeans are found here.

Clean and transparent water, white sand and light breezes create excellent conditions for sunbathing. This picture is darkened only by the presence of stones and protruding rocks. Therefore, you need to swim with caution.

Tien Beach

Tien is one of the most beautiful beaches of Ko Lana, about 400 m long. The coast, located in the bay, is covered with white sand with protruding rocks and stones. Trees often grow near water. The entrance to the sea is almost vertical in places. The water is clear, azure color.

Thien attracts many holidaymakers, despite the distance from the ferry piers. You can get here by tuk-tuk, then, leaving the parking behind, you need to walk along a narrow path with railings located on the rocks along the sea. Vacationers are mostly Europeans.

During the season, there are at least 10 restaurants and cafes, there is an opportunity to rent a bungalow and go shopping. In general, the entertainment is the same as on other beaches.

Samae Beach

Each beach in Ko Lana has its own characteristics. Not far from Samae Beach is wind power plant... Rotating windmills and a bizarre stingray-like building framed by rocky headlands add color to the already picturesque coastline.

Samae is the second largest beach in Ko Lana. Its length is about 530 m. During the season, a real tourist paradise unfolds here.

10-20 restaurants, countless shops and shops offer their services. Samae beach accepts up to 3000 people per day, so the infrastructure works like a clock. Vacationers are very different. Europeans and Asians are roughly equal.

Note! On all beaches of Ko Lan, sun loungers and umbrellas become unavailable once a week. As a rule, Wednesday is declared a sanitary day. The schedule needs to be clarified.

You can stop directly on Samae Beach, where the large Xanadu Beach Resort is located, from the observation deck of which you can see Pattaya. There is parking, a pier for speed boats and jet skis.

Nual Beach (Monkey Beach)

The most distant from the ferry piers is Nual or Monkey Beach, so named because of its location near the mountain where the monkeys live. Curious tailed beasts can be fed, they willingly communicate with tourists, but teasing is risky - animals immediately use their teeth.

Nual Beach is a secluded place famous for its beautiful coastline, lack of wind and rare waves. Its length is 350 m.

The combination of white sand, protruding rocks and boulders makes it a little difficult to descend into the sea. The situation is aggravated by the diverse marine fauna within walking distance from the coast, especially sea ​​urchins... Although for diving, Nual is just paradise.

The tourist infrastructure on the beach has not been developed. The authorities decided to preserve the natural habitat of monkeys on the island of Ko Lan. Therefore, there are only a few cafes, grocery and general stores on Nual Beach. All of them are temporary and look like picturesque huts.

On Nual Beach, sun loungers are available for rent, there is a toilet and a shower. In addition, there are rental points for inventory and equipment for water sports.

Europeans prefer to rest on Monkey Beach, although you can often meet our compatriots.

Ta Yai Beach

Small, only 150 m, Ta Yai Beach is located near the Na Ban ferry pier.

Easier to get there by tuk-tuk, because the road goes uphill. The coast is covered with soft sand, the descent into the water is gentle. There are often waves on the beach, so swimming here is not always comfortable.

There is a restaurant on the beach that serves good food. Thai or European cuisine is available to choose from.

The set of activities on Ta Yai Beach is standard:

  1. Water sports, including snorkeling - there is something to see in the coastal waters.
  2. Shopping.
  3. Sightseeing excursions on the boat.

Among the advantages is the ability to settle in a bungalow just on the banks of Koh Lana. If desired, local fishermen can take it out on a fishing trip, although you can catch a couple of exotic fish from the rocks.

Map with beaches

On this map you can see the location of each beach on Koh Lan Island.

Small in size, Ko Lan can be walked around. However, in a tropical climate, it is better to rent a bike or use a tuk-tuk to get around. The beaches of Koh Lana are magnificent, in the interior of the island there is a mountain with an observation deck and a statue of Buddha. A trip to the island will be a real adventure, just don't forget to bring your camera.

Koh Lan Island travelers attracted by vibrant nightlife and exoticism resort town Pattaya is usually chosen for a beach holiday. In Pattaya itself, the sea is very dirty, and everywhere, right up to Bang Saray itself, a place near the city. That is, some tourists, of course, swim, but this pleasure is dubious, and nearby there is such an almost heavenly place - Ko Lan. Ko Lan (ko means island in Thai) is quite large, its area is larger than that of the popular Samet, where you can also get from Pattaya. But Ko Lan is closer, more accessible, and yet the road to it takes considerable time, if you choose a budget option... I liked Samet more due to the fact that there are fewer tourists.

How to get there

First you need to get to Pattiya, it's not difficult, planes fly to Uttapao airport in the city itself, or you can fly to Bangkok, and from there take a bus to the center nightlife Thailand. You can fly to Bagkok from many cities in Russia, it makes no sense to list, this is almost the whole country, but rarely fly to Uttapao, and only planes from Moscow. You can look at convenient flight options in the Trevelask section.

Next, we are looking for the Hai pier, from which ferries start to Koh Lan, it is located at the very end of Walking Street. And Walking Street is located at the end of Beach Road, that is, if you walk along the embankment in the direction of the Pattaya letters, which are simply impossible not to notice, then you will definitely hit the beginning of Walking Street. It is easy to determine that you are in the right place, there are always a lot of tourists here. But in the morning and in the afternoon, of course, it is calmer. The whole promenade is very long, so it's better to get to Walking Street, it costs only 30 cents, 10 baht. Getting to the embankment itself is also not a problem, a blue tuk (an open bus, a trip on which will cost the same 30 cents, 10 baht), goes to the embankment, you can brake it anywhere on the street, but decide which side of the sea you can, by asking passers-by, compatriots will surely be among them, or you can just take a closer look, a good view opens up from many places in the city.

To find Hai, you still need to go all of Walking Street, leaving the Mixx disco behind. The pier building itself is large, now there are always a lot of Chinese here, but it's easy to figure it out, the ticket office is easy to find, as well as the pier.

There are two ways to get there:

  • cheap, here we only use public transport and ferry;
  • fast, is simply to rent a speedboat, boat. So you can rush about in 20 minutes, but the cost increases significantly.

I will consider the first option in more detail in the corresponding paragraph, but what is important to know if you choose the second method.

Speedboat and its advantages and disadvantages

A speedbot is a speedboat.

You can rent:

  • place;
  • vehicle entirely.

To rent a place, you also need to come to Hai, boats leave every hour from 9-30 to 13-30. The boat sails back from Koh Lana at 15-00, as well as at 17-00 and 19-00. The fare is 150 baht in both directions.

The speedboat moors directly to Samae Beach.

To rent a boat as a whole, no matter for a day or for another time during the day, you will have to pay 2500-3000 baht (the baht / dollar rate before the ruble fell was approximately identical to the rate of our currency, that is, 35-36 baht is given for the dollar). Whether it is expensive or cheap, taking into account the associated costs and the number of tourists, it is up to the participants of the trip to decide directly. But this way you can visit not only Ko Lan, and, although this is the most popular island, there are many of them near Pattaya, small, with beautiful bays and the cleanest sea.

Convenience and speed, these are the main advantages of a speedboat, high cost, that is what most often stops tourists.

It is also necessary to take into account that the boats are small, they often get seasick. I got seasick twice, and it will take at least half an hour to get to Ko Lan. The boat is moving really fast, so it gets a little exciting, and there are some exciting sensations, like driving fast in a car. But I liked the ferry better. Yes, there are many fellow travelers, but it is so interesting to watch them, and the low speed will allow you to enjoy beautiful views.

There is, in fact, another way - to take an excursion to Koh Lan. So you will be taken to the pier or boat by minibus, lunch is included in the price. But this is really for lazy and incurious tourists, I think.

By plane

There is no airport on the island.

By ferry

You need to know that there are several beaches on the island, as it was said, Ko Lan is large enough, there are two ferry flights and they go to different berths. The ferry schedule to Koh Lan is available on the network, the first ferry leaves early in the morning, at 7-00 and 8-00, then they leave periodically with a difference of 40-5 minutes. The schedule back from Koh Lana berths also provides for the frequency of departure of ferries, the latter start at 17-00 and 18-00. Get ready to spend about an hour on the way.

Please note that if you go to Na Ban Pier, you need to take into account that you will not get to the beach right away, you still need to get to it. But if you go to Ta Waen Pier, then you arrive immediately at the beach of the same name, but it is considered the most unattractive and dirty on the island.

All municipal vehicles start from the pier, you can rent private vehicles on the beach or on the pier, there are a lot of them, there is no need to memorize specific names of companies, it is not difficult to identify them.

What to do if you missed the ferry

There are inexpensive hotels and guesthouses on the island, although relatively inexpensive. Housing less than 1000 baht is still difficult to find and of questionable quality. You can see what hotels are on the island. On the islands, this is almost always the case, the limited area and the small number of proposals raise prices to a level slightly above average compared to Pattaya. But, they say, the views of this city from here are gorgeous, Pattaya appears in all its beauty, luring with the lights of cafes and discos.

Pier one in Pattaya, as indicated and described in detail its location, on Kol Lana two, also indicated where. The contact details of transport companies are hardly available, but organizing a trip is not a problem at all, at the pier you can rent a vehicle - a boat (speedboat) or take a ferry.

On a boat, you can moor anywhere on the island, you do not need a bay for this, you just need to choose a place without stones.


Koh Lan - the time is now

Difference in hours:

Moscow - 4

Kazan - 4

Samara - 3

Yekaterinburg - 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

When is the season. When is the best time to go

It is believed that the holiday season in Thailand lasts from November to March. This period was marked by favorable weather, comfortable for Europeans. During the season, you can find the remnants of the harvest of the famous durian fruit, which is considered both a concentration of a maximum of useful substances and a carrier of an unpleasant and extremely specific odor.

From March to May, there is a hot and dry period; not every inexperienced tourist can withstand the temperature of 50 degrees in the drying hell. But from May to October it is the rainy season. You should not take a tropical downpour as just rain, it can last for six hours and so floods the streets that it is difficult not only to pass, but also to drive. Our compatriots are known for the fact that in order to save money, they travel all year round. As for Pattaya and the surrounding area, the weather is more welcoming here than in other regions of the country. Both the dry season and the rainy season are not so severe here.

Koh Lan in summer

In Thailand, there is eternal summer, for this, among other things, he is appreciated.

Koh Lan - monthly weather


Koh Lan - monthly weather

What are the prices for rest

Prices on the island are slightly higher than in Pattaya, this is logical. Prices for accommodation are indicated, for entertainment as well, you can have lunch and dinner for 100-150 baht. You can save money by buying water and drinks in supermarkets, however, they are located only in the village. In extreme cases, in supermarkets, you can buy a small lunch for $ 1, 35 baht and ask to warm it up in the microwave. Nobody canceled the makashnitsa either.

Major attractions. What to see

People go to Koh Lan from Pattaya to swim in clean water, although the island is large, there are almost no attractions here, so excursions are not organized.

Not far from the Tawaen beach there is an observation deck, here you can take stunning photos, the views are simply dizzying. The islands in Tae are mountainous, so there is a hill on Ko Lana, at its highest point there is a temple of Buddha with a huge statue of this deity.

The main attractions here are natural: coral reefs. Of course, it is better to look for them away from popular beaches, in coastal areas, you should not expect such an abundance of fish and corals like Egypt, but you can appreciate the beauty of the sea. Fishermen can do what they love - they organize fishing on large boats in the ocean (you need to negotiate separately with the locals) and fishing from the pier. You need to search like this: approach the fishermen or local residents, find out if they speak English, ask if it is possible to go fishing, discuss the time and price, date and time. It will cost from $ 20, 700 baht for renting a boat for half a day.

Beaches. Which is better

There are three most popular, but in general, there are as many as five of them.

How to find the right beach on Koh Lana

Tukas go to the beaches from the berths, but the routes on them are not marked, of course. It is better to stock up on a map of the island in order to reliably determine where you are and where you will go. You can take a map from outlets in the city, however, you will have to look, especially a lot of them in the Jomtien area. You can ask drivers or tourists where the coveted beach is.

It is easy to walk to the tuk parking lot, following the crowd of more experienced colleagues, tourists.

You can rent a bike for $ 7, 200 baht with a full tank. 200 is the price per day, but you also need to make a deposit of $ 35, 1000 baht. It is not necessary to present or even have rights, but you need to wear a helmet for your own safety and for the absence of complaints from the police.

So, in fact, the beaches (there are no lifeguards on any, it is not accepted in Tae):

Ta waen beach

As we remember, one of the ferries arrives here, therefore, it is not surprising that it is the most popular and demanded, as well as the dirtiest. There are many Chinese here. But there is also an excellent infrastructure, many cafes (from $ 3, 100 baht), water activities for every taste are available. Sun beds, almost like everywhere else, can be rented for $ 3, 100 baht, but you can bargain, since the supply significantly exceeds the demand.

The beach is remarkable for its fine and white sand, but the water is not particularly clean, but not the same as in Pattaya, this is a fact. Although the presence of household garbage near the coast is certainly very embarrassing.

Samae beach

Speedboats come here, so the beach is definitely popular but not as popular as the one described above. There are not many tourists here, the water is very clean and transparent. The sand just does not differ in particular whiteness, which is often complained about, but it seems to me that this is already nit-picking.

A banana and a scooter were seen from water activities; rent costs from $ 30, 500 baht. Sun loungers are very cheap here, they will cost only 20-40 baht, depending on how close the water's edge is from them (and you cannot move the sun loungers). There is also a good cafe here, the beach is large and clean.

Nual Beach (Monkey Beach)

It is also a large and, most importantly, wide beach. Here I would note the following advantages: the purest water, but there are many stones on the shore and in the sea. But there are few tourists, you will have to pay for renting a place on the beach in any case, 3 dollars, 100 baht, even if you are not going to use the sun lounger. There is one cafe, expensive.

Tien beach

This beach can only be reached on foot, walk for about 15 minutes, on the way you will have to overcome a flimsy bridge. The beach itself is ordinary, nothing particularly impressive, but not repulsive either. But you can eat inexpensively and tasty, this is a big plus, for $ 2, 50 baht.

Ta-Yai Beach

And this beach was chosen by the Thais, but since the locals do not like to swim, for the most part, there are usually very few people here.

The beach boasts beautiful views, clean, transparent water and a beautiful coastline. There are gazebos, but in terms of area it is quite small. If you get to the very end, you will have a good opportunity to climb the stones, looking in and trying to guess what is there, behind this big concrete stone, there are many of them, but I wonder what is behind each.

Food. What to try

Briefly, when describing the beaches, food outlets were also mentioned. It should be noted that there is only one village on the island, there are no large establishments here, because tourists rarely stay on the island for a long time. On the beaches there are eateries designed to satisfy the hunger of vacationers without any frills. There are also a couple of restaurants on the busiest beaches, but hardly anyone remembers their names, it is not difficult to find food outlets, and you should not clog your memory.

But in absolutely any place, except for makashnits, mobile benches - where food is prepared on the spot in 5 minutes on a small brazier - you can order Tom Yam. This is a signature Thai dish, which is a sour soup. Cooked in chicken broth with numerous local spices, coconut milk and tomatoes. There are all the ingredients that will be served on a plate, you don't need them, they are in the soup, but you don't need to eat them. Herb and ginger are added for flavor. Locals eat only liquid, shrimps (fish or chicken, with which you order), tomatoes and mushrooms. However, the herb does not have a repulsive taste, like ginger, which is simply difficult to chew. Pepper is also put for pungency, it is better to say "naoi spicy", then the dish will not be as scalding hot as the Thais use it.

Pad thai is also delicious. Basically, these are noodles with chicken or shrimp and nuts, lime. In simple places, under the guise of pad thawing, I serve chicken with rice, which, by the way, is also delicious. Sometimes an egg is driven into a dish and a cup of broth is brought to it.


The main festivities take place in Pattaya; on Ko Lana, everything looks more modest. The festivities take place on Beach Road, Walking Street and generally all over the city. Prices do not change.

Two of the most amazing holidays in Tae are the local New Year and Loi Krathong. The New Year is called Songkran and is celebrated on April 13-15. Locals and foreigners stock up on water cannons and douse each other, it is believed that this is how they wash away all the sins that have accumulated over the year. They can also anoint the forehead and hands with talcum powder, for what purpose it is not entirely clear, this is something ritual. In Pattaya, the holiday is celebrated very widely. You can't walk along Beach Road in the evening, firefighters come and pour water from special hoses ... In the evening, dancing is arranged on the roofs of the same cars, and no one can get away dry. It should be noted that Thais, as indeed all Asians, do not really like alcohol. But in Pattaya, this rule does not apply.

Loi Krathong, celebrated on November 14th, is a quieter but more beautiful holiday. Local residents and foreigners who have joined them are launching Chinese lanterns into the sky, and special designs of flowers are lowered into the water: wreaths, small boats. All this is accompanied by songs, gatherings in a cafe.

The birthdays of the king and queen, religious dates are also celebrated, but these events are already of the same type. A concert is taking place in the city center, then there are just festivities, and on the sides of Beach Road there are temporary cafes with numerous dishes. Prices remain the same as before.

Safety. What to watch out for

Thailand is a place of residence of very friendly people. But this is the bulk of Thais, there are some who are not so hospitable. It is believed that if you make a Thai angry, then you can regret that in front of you is not a passionate Argentinean or a Spaniard. The angry Thai man is harsh and categorical. Without laughter, you can't lose your vigilance anywhere, especially in Pattaya. There are cases when thefts were committed by cute-looking lady fights (guys disguised as girls). You should not joke with religious customs and shrines, insult the king (Thais consider this type of offense to be extremely dangerous and punish severely). Photos with half-naked Buddha statues are already perceived as an insult to the chusvtv of believers, by the way.

Things to do

Most tourists on Koh Lana just swim and relax in the "vegetable" style. But also amateurs active rest will find an opportunity to realize their desires. You can ride a banana, ride a scooter. Prices are slightly higher than in Pattaya, so a banana ride will cost $ 4, 300 baht. Reefs can be seen in real life when renting a boat with a transparent bottom, you can rent bunks and masks and swim around the island. The mask can be purchased for $ 2, 60 baht.

The best option, according to many tourists, is to rent a bike. So you can visit all the beaches, and most interesting places, village, observation deck, temple. It is economical and quick way, tuk on Koh Lana is not cheap and sometimes you have to wait for a long time.

The famous Thai massage and temporary tattoos are done on the beaches. In the first, the Thais are masters, in the second they are not. Thai massage differs in that it does not involve rubbing movements, only the effect on biologically hotspots, passive stretching. The masseur generally does not touch the belly.

There are also diving points, equipment and transport will be provided.

For shopping and shopping, it is better to go to Pattaya and Bangkok. It can be difficult to find a supermarket here.

Nightlife is practically absent on Ko Lan, in the usual sense of the word it is not here. That is, having traveled around the entire island, it is possible and real to find some small bar with a table for billiards, that's all, people don't come here for discos.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Fruits are brought from Thailand, we consider them exotic. True, you cannot take out durian, but you can - mangosteen, pineapple - they are sweet here, like candy - mango. Fruit is inexpensive, starting at 40 baht.

Various figurines and souvenirs are presented in large numbers, these are Buddha statues and a variety of cat statues. It's worth the haggle!

In Tae, cheap clothes, however, Thais often prefer synthetics, but cotton T-shirts with national and religious symbols for a reasonable price - baht 300 - can be found.

A popular gift is coke oil, its properties are varied and can be used in massage and skin and hair care. Beware of counterfeits! Oil costs from 5 to 15 dollars, 100-400 baht, depending on the place of purchase (market or a reputable pharmacy, where they brought it after the tour).

How to get around the city

Koh Lan - holidays with children

They usually prefer to ride without children. The flight takes a long time, and there is little entertainment for kids here, not like in Egypt. There is a water park in Pattaya. But there is no children's entertainment on Ko Lan.

In Thailand, the Pattaya resort is not the cleanest sea and beaches, so many tourists in search of the best and purest sand and water go to the nearby islands. One of these paradises is the island of Ko Lan.

Koh Lan Island is one of the largest island formations located near the resort. Its name literally translates as "coral island". The length from north to south is about 4.5 kilometers, while from west to east it is about 2.5 kilometers. These figures are very approximate, as the island has a rather winding coastline, which makes it somewhat difficult to count. If you decide to go around it all along the main roads, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to cover twice the distance on foot, since the roads are located in the central part, and not along the coast.

How to get to the island?

Koh Lan does not have its own airport. The nearest, accepting a limited number of flights, is located 40 kilometers from the Pattaya resort (U-Topao).

If you immediately go to rest on Koh Lan during your stay in Thailand, then the best option will fly to Bangkok, and then get to Koh Lan by ferry. Travel time is about 1.5 hours.

For those who are vacationing in Pattaya, there are no problems with how to get to Koh Lan, because the island is located about 8 kilometers from the southern coast of Pattaya resort. You can get here in several ways:

- go to the island with an excursion;

- go by public transport;

- private speedboat taxi.

If you have chosen an excursion tour, then you should not worry about how to get to the island, since you just need to come to the indicated place at the indicated time, and then you will be taken and brought back.

If you decide to get to Koh Lan by public transport, then you should take the ferry that departs from the central one. Departure time is hourly from 06.00 am to 18.00 pm. The cost of the trip is 30 baht. Travel time is about 45 minutes.

On the island of Koh Larn by ferry you will arrive at one of two beaches (depending on which ferry ticket you purchased) - Ban Pia or Tavean Beach. Further, if you need to get to another beach, then small taxis and tuk-tuk ride around the island, which for the same 30 baht will take you to the agreed place.

Attention! If you have chosen public transport as a means of transport to get to the island, then do not buy a ticket at the box office, but immediately go to the ferry, as often at the box office they say that there are no tickets for the next flights, and they immediately offer private taxi, the cost of which starts from 200 baht.

Speedboats will take you to your destination in just 15-20 minutes, but it will cost 150 - 300 baht one way.

How to entertain yourself on Koh Lan?

Koh Lan Island offers tourists all the same entertainment as other resorts in Thailand: massage rooms, beauty salons, diving, snorkeling, kayaking, parachuting, water activities on aquabikes and bananas. In addition, right on the beaches you can get a temporary tattoo, braid, buy souvenirs and gifts, or get a caricature as a keepsake.

Of course, Ko Lan does not have those attractions for which some travelers seek to visit Thailand, since this island is intended for a purely beach holiday, but still here you can entertain yourself by visiting a local temple (it is the only one on Ko Lan) or go to survey the surroundings to the observation deck, and there are platforms from which you can see the Pattaya resort, and there are those from which wonderful views of others Beautiful places in Thailand, including on Koh Lan itself.

If you are not a fan of walking, but you want to see everything on the island of Ko Lan, then you can rent a bicycle, bike or jet ski, but be extremely careful, as in Thailand there are frequent cases of fraud with rental transport: when you rent a transport means you can be claimed for breakages and scratches that were even before you. Carefully inspect the transport, point out the flaws, and only then agree to the payment!

Accommodation on the island

Koh Lan Island is not the most popular resort in Thailand, so there are not so many hotels here. Most of them are concentrated on the east coast, where there are no good and equipped beach areas, but there are still several such hotels that are located on the beaches: “Sukkee Beach Resort"On Tavean," Xanadu Beach Resort "on Samai, etc.

If you decide to stay for a few days on the island, then choose small private hotels where you can rent a room with a stunning view from the window for an amount of 500 baht per day.


You can eat here in any cafe near one of the 6 developed and equipped beaches for relaxation. Of the minuses, one can note very high prices (compared to the Pattaya resort, they are 2 or even 3 times higher here), but this is typical for all island resorts in Thailand, as well as completely unfriendly staff who tries to deceive you.

If you have food with you, and you want some sweets, then drinks and ice cream can be bought right on the beaches from the merchants scurrying around here.

Important tourist information

If you decide to visit the island of Ko Lan or even stay to rest on this island formation in Thailand, then you should find out as much as possible about the features of this resort:

  1. Prices on the island in restaurants, bars, cafes and shops are slightly higher than for similar products in the Pattaya resort or on other beaches in Thailand.
  2. At Na Ban pier there is a small shop 7-11, where the prices of goods are the same as in Pattaya.
  3. When renting a vehicle, take photos of scratches and damage, and point out deficiencies to the lessors.
  4. If you go to the island for one day, then the best solution will - take food with you.
  5. The prices for sun loungers are higher here than in the Pattaya resort - about 100 baht for lying down and 50 baht for seating. If you don't want to pay, please bring a special rug or towel.
  6. Arriving on the island for just one day, do not sit on Koh Lan until the last ferry, as there are always a lot of people on it: 40 minutes of crush is very difficult, especially if you have elderly people or children with you. Such a trip can ruin the whole experience of a day on the island.
  7. It is better to go to Monkey Beach before noon if you want to see monkeys, since from about 11.00 o'clock there is a terrible heat on the island and macaques go to sleep in the shade.

The beaches in Pattaya resort, to put it mildly, for an amateur, tourists, of course, swim, sunbathe and enjoy it. But after a trip to the island closest to Pattaya, they dramatically change their attitude towards Pattaya beaches. Why is this happening, read in this post.

The same thing happened with me, I lived in the Jomtien area, where the beach is more or less clean and something made me want to go to Koh Lan. It would seem that the distance from the island to the mainland is not great, everything should be very similar, but this is not so.

What I saw on Ko Lana: white beaches, transparent turquoise water of the Gulf of Thailand, free roads (well, almost free), all of this is in abundance on Ko Lan. To say that I was surprised is to say nothing.

In this post I will tell you about why tourists in droves travel from Pattaya to Koh Lan, how to get to the island, ferry schedules, what transport on the island to choose, what beaches there are, etc.

Who and why goes to Koh Lan, the main advantages of the island

The island has several clear advantages that put Ko Lan in the same line with such tourist islands as Phi Phi Don and Samet. But unlike them, Ko Lan has additional bonuses and charms, we'll talk about them in this part of the post.

Ko Lan is closer and cheaper

From Bangkok to the island can be reached in 3 hours, and this is with a lunch break in Pattaya.

  • from Bangkok to Pattaya by bus - no more than two hours;
  • from Pattaya to the island by ferry - no more than 50 minutes.

The island has a more even climate

When the islands in the Andaman Sea (Phuket, Lanta, Phi Phi, Krabi) are flooded with rains, cyclones rage there, etc., you can swim in Ko Lana. The islands near Pattaya are located in the Gulf of Thailand and the climate is more pleasant. About the weather and seasons of Thailand, read the link.

Of course there is precipitation (several times a week), but the rainy season is not so pronounced, unlike the western islands and mainland Thailand. From late November to late March, Koh Lan has clear skies and a very active sun, while in the summer months the sun is hazy and not so hot outside.

Such climatic conditions are loved by winterers, there are a lot of them on the island. For vacationers who are vacationing on the island during the low tourist season, this weather is a gift.

Transport infrastructure and the possibility of renting a moped

The level of quality of roads on the island is striking, as if you are far from civilization, but there are roads between the main beaches.

Another plus that Ko Lan has is the usual tuk-tuk. For a penny fee (from 30 baht), you can get to any beach, while in Phuket, for a trip between neighboring beaches, they charge from 300 baht.

If you are bored with tuk-tuk, then you can rent a bike on the island, the price depends on the model and duration of the lease. I have not seen any police raids on motorcycle tourists, which are frequent in Phuket, on Ko Lana. The only thing to consider is the danger of the roads, sometimes they are so steep that you have to be especially careful. The same applies to tuk-tuk passengers.

Koh Lan is a year-round resort

The main infrastructure of the island is concentrated near the Na Ban beach, there is everything a tourist needs, including a 7/11 chain store, restaurants and bars (without service for men). In principle, the island has everything you need both for a long stay (living here is boring for a long time), and for spending a weekend outside the noisy Pattaya. If you need to buy something that is not on the island, then ferries to the mainland run regularly and are cheap.

Clean sea and large selection of beaches

The water on the beaches has a pleasant turquoise color and excellent transparency; such water will please not only ordinary beach tourists, but also those who like snorkeling. The only gripe is relative poverty. underwater world, but in neighboring Pattaya and this is not.

There are beaches on the island for every taste and budget, there are free and overcrowded ones, there are deserted and shareware (you have to pay for a sun lounger, you are not allowed to lie on the sand for free). Whichever beach you choose, you are guaranteed the purest water and delicate sand.

How to get to Koh Lan from Pattaya

Since Koh Lan is essentially a fascinating addition to the bustling Pattaya, transport connection very well developed between these resorts. All seagoing ships and speed boats (speed boats) depart from the central pier, it is located at the very end of the famous Walking Street. In this part of the post, I will tell you about all kinds of ways to visit a tropical island.

With a group excursion

The easiest way to organize a trip to Koh Lan is to buy a group tour (see the link for the exact prices). As a rule, the excursion includes a transfer from the hotel to the pier (and back), a boat trip to the island, a visit to one of the beaches of the island and lunch.

The excursion is inexpensive, as it is quite popular. Although for me this is very strange, because it is very easy and interesting to organize such an excursion yourself.


Speed ​​boats, they are also speed boats (Speed ​​boats) run between the Bali Hai pier and the island. You can also use this service on the beaches, but you will definitely leave the pier, there are many speed boats.

You should come to the pier and pay 500 baht per person round trip right on the spot. As the boat is filled with passengers (capacity, about 15 people), and departs, there is no timetable.

If you are in a hurry or want to ride in splendid isolation, then for about 2,500 baht you can negotiate with the captain and he will take you to any beach on the island.

Speedboats are cool, fast and expensive, but if you feel sick, I recommend using the regular ferry.

On a tourist boat

The Thais understood the importance of this route and immediately offered a more comfortable option for delivering tourists from the mainland to the island. In fact, you are taken to the island, on the same slow-speed floating craft as a regular ferry, but with a certain service and twice as expensive.

Small scheduled cruise ships depart from Bali Hai Pier and arrive at Samae Beach. The price of such a cruise is 150 baht in both directions. Travel time is slightly shorter than ferry time, but not significantly. As a rule, the boat takes 40 minutes one way.

Approximate timetable for cruise ships (see the actual timetable on the pier):

  • from Pattaya: 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30;
  • from Koh Lan Island: 15:00, 16:00, 17:00.

By ferry from Bali Hai pier

Ferry is the most profitable and interesting option of the above, but very slow. From the pier in Pattaya (from the Bali Hai pier) there are ferries to several piers of Koh Lan Island. The most popular among tourists is Ta Waen pier, there are several beaches nearby. The pier is practically adjacent to Ta Waen Beach and San Van Beach, so you can not go anywhere on the island, but rest directly on them.

Approximate schedule of ferries (see the current schedule on the pier):

  • from Pattaya to Ta Waen pier (near the beach): 8:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00;
  • to Pattaya from Ta Waen Pier: 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00.
  • from Pattaya to Na Ban pier (there is no beach here): 7:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:30, 17:00, 18:30;
  • to Pattaya from Na Ban pier: 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 12:00, 14:00, 17:00, 18:00.

Travel time is no more than an hour, tickets can be bought at the box office or directly on board. When departing from the island, tickets are sold on board only.

The schedule is approximate, so come early. If you are late for the last flight, then you should not worry too much, you can get to the mainland by speedboat or spend the night right on the island, read about this below.

Hotels and guesthouses in Koh Lana

It is worth saying that the island of Ko Lan is inhabited and people live on it all year round. For this reason, the island has a village for the locals and several special areas that are exclusively for tourists. Typically, tourist spots are located in close proximity to the beaches.

In fact, it is better to live either near the village because of the rich infrastructure, or near the Ta Waen pier. Both places have all the necessary infrastructure.

The best hotels and guesthouses on the island according to tourists' reviews:

  1. Ta Vaen Beach;
  2. Ton Lan Beach;
  3. San Van Beach;
  4. Tien Beach;
  5. Samae Beach;
  6. Beach Tam;
  7. Nual Beach;
  8. Tai Yai Beach.

The beaches of Koh Lan

Tourists arrive on the island at 2 piers, one is located in the local village (Na Ban pier), the second is located on the opposite side of the island (the distance between them is about a kilometer), next to the beach (Ta Waen pier). On the island, a tourist can choose one of seven beaches and spend all his free time there, or ride from beach to beach, stopping at various interesting places along the way (this is my option).

Ta Waen Beach

Ta Vaen Beach is the largest on the island, its length is about 700 meters. The place is very crowded, many tourists do not want to travel around the island, but rest on the beaches that can be reached from the pier.

The abundance of Asian tourists (mainly Chinese) on this beach is off scale, consider this fact when choosing a place to stay. Ta Waen Beach is located on left hand as viewed from the pier. The shore and the bottom are sandy, the water is clear.

Due to the proximity of the pier and the crowds, the atmosphere on Ta Vaen is a bit like Pattaya. The beach has all the infrastructure necessary for a tourist (there is even a police station), there are a lot of sun loungers, stalls in bulk, they sell anything, there are showers, toilets. In terms of catering, everything is also excellent, there are many cafes, restaurants with Thai and European cuisine on the beach.

There is a lot of entertainment on Ta Vaen: jet skis, bananas, diving, etc. All the movement is on this beach, it is impossible to retire on the Ta Vaen beach.

Near Ta Vaen Beach, you can rent a bike, tuk-tuk for private trips, or use a public shuttle bus to different beaches of the island (this is also a tuk-tuk).

Thong Lang Beach

Neighbor of Ta Vaen beach (located a little to the north, just behind Ta Vaen), the beach, like Ta Vaen, is quite large and densely populated, all other characteristics are similar. There are many vacationers, you can walk to the beach.

Sang Wan Beach

This is another beach next to Ta Vaen Pier, located along right hand(if you look at the island from the pier). The people are a little smaller, everything else is the same as in the first two. Of the minuses - the rocky bottom and the proximity of the pier and boat parking (they park almost on the beach).

Probably due to the proximity of the pier and the rockiness of the bottom, but this beach is slightly less crowded when compared to Ta Vaen, and the beach itself is much smaller.

Tien beach

A cozy and small beach, several bungalows, sun loungers, a cafe, a shower are built right on the shore. The water is clear, quiet and calm, you can snorkel. It is better to get to Tien by boat, since the road is located a little to the side (you will have to walk a little along the coast).

Samae Beach

There are a lot of people, the beach is the second most popular after Ta Vaen, but there is enough space for everyone. There is parking, shops, cafes, etc. You can rent a bungalow, it's beautiful, but crowded. Prices in local cafes are standard for the island, a simple lunch will cost from 200 baht per person. The beach infrastructure is well developed, the prices for sun loungers are from 50 baht, the price depends on the proximity to the water.

Samae Beach is the most recognizable beach on tourist photos, on one side there are windmills, on the other side you can see some strange structure in the form of a butterfly with solar panels on the roof.

Nual Beach

This beach has an alternative name Monkey beach. The beach is small and very cozy. There are few sun beds and tourists, the water is clear. For snorkeling, the place is super, move closer to the rock, there you can see corals, a lot of fish (mostly trifles).

There is an abandoned house next to the rock, a family of wild monkeys regularly comes (or they live here), and I fed them my entire daily supply of food, brought from the mainland. :)

Here's another feature of the Monkey Beach - there is a very photogenic beach line, beautiful coconut trees grow on the beach, bizarre rocks stick out from the sea and sea ​​water just fantastic color.

Ta-Yai Beach

Tai Yai Beach is the quietest beach on Ko Lan Island and is located in the north. There is a minimum of tourists and noise, you can get there by moped or rented tuk-tuk. When traveling on your own, a shooting gallery can serve as a guide (when searching for a road), where you can stop for half an hour, and then, of course, to the beach.

Snorkeling is normal (there is a small coral reef), there is a small cafe, there is practically no entertainment, but this is a very small heel of sand that not everyone knows about. The beach is private, so renting a sun lounger is compulsory, you are not allowed to lie on your own mat or on the sand. Be careful when entering the water, the bottom is rocky, in the rocks and there may be sea urchins nearby.

How to get around the island

The main transport on the island is motor vehicles, which are either rented or used as a motorcycle taxi. There are route tuk-tuk (this is one of the most economical way) and private boats (this is the most expensive way). The island is small, so there is simply no need for another form of transport.

If you arrive by ferry to Ta Vaen pier, then there will be no transport problems. If the ferry arrives in the area of ​​the village (Ta Ban), then the choice of transport is also available, here you can rent a bike (the number of offers is limited), use the services of a motorcycle taxi, or go by tuk-tuk.

Near the tuk-tuk parking lot, there is an information board indicating the route and the fare. The minimum price of the trip is 30 baht.

Rent a bike (moped)

Renting a moped is the coolest attraction on the island, you can drive with the breeze anywhere and in any way, in a few hours you can go around all the beaches and visit all the observation platforms.

Renting a bike on the island of Ko Lan is not expensive. The views from the observation decks are great, etc. In short, I recommend this type of transport. But I have a few warnings for you.

It is advisable to have a motorcycle helmet. The roads on the island are normal but very steep. If you go to the very top of the island (to a Buddhist temple), then keep in mind that there is a very steep slope of the road.

Be careful on the road. There is left-hand traffic on the island and there are many drunk vacationers who also drive mopeds and do it very recklessly.

Take a picture of the moped before paying. Be sure to take a photo of the vehicle before renting it, it may have scratches, scuffs and other damage.

Rent a comfortable moped. Two types of mopeds are offered for rent, with an automatic transmission and ordinary ones. If you do not have experience in riding a motorcycle and you do not know how to change gears on it, then it is better to overpay a little and rent a bike with an automatic transmission.

What entertainment is there on the island

The main entertainment on the island is the beach and the sea, but there are other options, they are more interesting and not very expensive.

Snorkeling. Not to say that there are very interesting snorkeling spots around the island, but if you compare with Pattaya, you can find several beaches with an abundance of underwater life. If you compare with the Similan Islands, then there is no snorkeling on Koh Lana.

Rent a jet ski. This is quite costly, but very exciting activity. The island is small, so it can be very well surveyed from the water.

Water attractions. The beaches have a full range of all kinds of water activities for children and adults, bananas, cheesecakes, parasailing, etc.

Where to dine on Koh Lan

There is no ban on the transport of food and drinks to the island, so if you want to save money, then bring food, drinks and alcohol from the mainland. On the ferry, I saw that most tourists carry whole bags of food with them. But this is already an overkill, since there are shops, cafes, restaurants and other eateries on Ko Lan.

There are restaurants and cafes on every beach, and you can also dine in the island village. Food prices are slightly more expensive than in Pattaya, but within the bounds of decency, I'm sure such a price will not ruin you much. The only thing that seemed quite expensive to me was beer, which costs about 100 baht on the island, so you should bring it with you.

Excursion from Pattaya to Koh Lan, photos and my reviews

Sooner or later, everyone who is vacationing in Pattaya is simply obliged to devote one of their vacation days to visiting the Thai islands. It was the same with me. The closest to Pattaya is the Koh Lan island, that's where we'll go.

You should force yourself to wake up early and arrive at the Bali Hai pier, from which budget ferries depart to Ko Lan. I live in the Jomtien area, from which you can take any tuk-tuk for 10 baht to get to the famous Walking Street. Bali Hai pier is located at the very end of this street, the landmark can be the hill with the huge letters Pattaya city.

There are still options to take a shortcut, but it's more convenient for me to walk along the morning Walking Street and buy something for breakfast. I buy a bottle of water and a bunch of bananas.

The street rests on the Bali Hai pier, here you should buy a ticket, but you can pay directly on board. The ticket is bought, I am walking along the endless pier and looking for the right ship. There are no difficulties with this, it is enough to walk along with the crowd and look at the signs (now the route is even written in Russian), which are on the boats.

Ferries to Koh Lan Island look very dumb and even intimidating. Usually these are wooden vessels with a large capacity and painted in bright colors, you can see how they look in the photo.

They say that there were times when the ferries sank, but let's not talk about sad things. In all other respects, ferries are quite suitable for travel and travel costs a penny.

There was no need to wait long, the boat set sail and puffed towards Ko Lan. There is no entertainment on board, you can stare at the sea, you can sunbathe, you can take a nap, etc.

About an hour later, our boat approached some island, in all likelihood this is Ko Lan, but so far there is no certainty. The first beaches appeared on the shore, some of them look deserted and uninhabited, but this should not be so. So it is, at first I saw the tiny island of Ko Sak, and immediately behind it is the island of Ko Lan.

The beaches of Koh Lan are crowded with tourist boats, making it clear that the island is already packed with tourists.

The Tai Yai beach appeared, this is how one of the most uncrowded beaches of Koh Lan looks like from the water.

The ferry goes around the cape and by the abundance of water traffic we can say that the pier is somewhere nearby. Indeed, Ta Waen Pier was right around the bend.

We moor and want to dive into the sea right from the pier. Pay attention to the color and transparency of the water, but this is not the cleanest beach on the island. If you don't want to go somewhere, you can sunbathe and swim right at the Ta Waen pier. Accordingly, on the right hand (if you stand with your back to the sea) there will be San Van beach (in the photo it is), and on the left - Ta Waen beach.

You don't need to go far to rent a moped, find a motorcycle taxi or use a shared tuk-tuk, all this wealth is located 50 meters from the pier.

Several Thais immediately respond to my desire to rent a moped. I'm launching a tender and a bid to lower the price. As a result, there remains one person who fulfilled all the requirements of my tender, namely: no more than 200 baht per day of rent with a full tank of gasoline.

Then I understand that where there should be a catch and he was. It turns out on the island there are bikes with an automatic transmission (anyone can ride it) and with a conventional gearbox (here you should have a minimum skill). The moped I got had a regular gearbox and big wheels, but for me it's even better. A full tank of gas and moped keys in exchange for 200 baht. No bail, driver's license checks and other bureaucracy.

OK. There is a bike, a full tank of gasoline, now to the beach! The first beach where the road signs took me turned out to be Samai Beach. The beach seemed to me even more crowded than Ta Vaen, but it was all the same and I climb into the water.

The infrastructure of Samai beach is convenient, there is also parking for a bike and cafes with restaurants. For longer stays, there are hotels, the Xanadu Beach Resort is right on the beach.

Samai is easy to remember for the whole field of tiny wind turbines on the south side of the beach, which probably help the island to be non-volatile.

On the server side, on the beach, there is a huge building of incredible shape, resembling a butterfly or a huge paper airplane. It is believed to be a solar generator, but I was not inside.

At the very southern end of the beach there is a path made in the form of a wooden platform. The path leads to a small beach with a short name Tam beach.

To the south of the crowded Ta Vaen Beach is Tien Beach. There is only one road leading to Tien Beach, which greatly spoils the overall impression of the beach. It's all about garbage and other household devices that welcome tourists.

Initially, I thought that I had arrived "at the wrong time" and they simply did not have time to remove the garbage, but many bloggers write about the same problem. So if you are not confused by the heaps of garbage on the way to the beach, then the beach is quite suitable for relaxation.

After the beaches, it's time to ride around the island and see what else is interesting. You still have to ride a bike, because nice beaches scattered in opposite parts of the island, and the usual ones can be reached on foot.

There are several equipped viewing platforms on Koh Lana, you should take into account the weather conditions and understand that you will hardly be able to see special beauties from them. In my case, it was so. There was a haze in the sky and the visibility was no more than a kilometer, everything further "in milk". Friends said that in good weather from the island you can see the skyscrapers in Pattaya, but this is clearly not this time.

I did not find any special natural beauties on the island, the vegetation is scarce, in most places there is nothing special. The difference in elevation is no more than 150 meters, you can see it in this photo, it was taken from the highest point of the island.

On one of the hills of the island there is Buddhist temple with a black buddha. The temple looks very unpretentious, there is no one to the people, there are no tourists or local population... If you go further along this road, then there will be another statue of the golden Buddha. But to the golden buddha you have to walk on foot, there is a small staircase and a great view of the entire island. See the exact location on the google map.

This is what the Na Ban island village and the ferry pier from the top of the island look like. You can visit the village for lunch or for groceries, there is a cafe and a familiar 7/11 store.

Going down the hills and heading towards the monkey beach (Nual beach). I liked this beach the most, but many tourists do not like it because of the entrance to the sea. Indeed, when entering the water, you should be careful, there may be stones, corals and sea urchins.

Nual Beach is located at the southern tip of Koh Lan Island. On the sides, a small bay is protected from the sea by rocks, the total length of the beach is not more than 300 meters, there are not very many people, there is enough free space. The main contingent of tourists is our compatriots and a few Chinese. Unlike Ta Vaen Beach, where the Chinese walk in organized groups of 20 people, on Nual Beach, the Chinese are more Europeanized and large groups are not seen.

The cost of renting a sun lounger on Nual Beach is 100 baht per day, but you can sunbathe on your own towel. Paid toilet - 20 baht, shower - 30 baht. There are problems with changing cabins - they are not on the beach.

For water lovers there is a limited selection, mainly jet skis and kayaks.

Monkeys do live on Monkey Beach, but there is no guarantee that they will be there during your visit. Look for animals in the very left corner of the beach (if you face the sea). They usually live next to a rock in an abandoned building or hang in clusters on trees.

It is believed that these are crab-eating macaques, which have not been catching any crabs for a long time, but prefer to begging. Animals are omnivorous, I had bananas and chips with me, they ate it all perfectly.

That's what really upset me on this beach - horse prices in beach cafes. Almost everything that is sold in a cafe is 50% more expensive than in the same village by the pier. I recommend buying food in the island village and having lunch there. Probably for this reason, there are not many people in the beach cafes.

I spent the rest of the time on this beach. Time flew by instantly, and I had every chance of being late for the last ferry to Pattaya. When I arrived at the pier, I realized that I did not know how to return the rented moped. It sounds idiotic, but the guy who issued the vehicle was not there. In my case, there were no collaterals, so I just left the bike with the keys in the ignition in the same place where I took it.

The way back to the shores of Pattaya seemed to be faster, probably this is how fatigue acts. The route is ordinary and if you do not go into the particular ferries as such, which are considered quite dangerous (there were cases when they sank), then everything is fine.

The decrepit ship approached the shores of Pattaya (before the line of sight of the port). At that moment, the ferry slowed down and an empty boat moored to it, which came from the port. The ferry crew asks some of the passengers to go to the arriving ferry. As far as I understand, the ferry was overloaded all this time. My recommendation to you is to study the places where the life jackets are stored on the ship.

The ferry enters the Pattaya port, which means that the day trip to Koh Lan is over.

Enjoy your tan and clear water.

Where the tourist infrastructure is well developed. It stretches for 4.5 km in length and 2-2.5 km in width. It is difficult to calculate the exact dimensions, since its coast is not a straight line, but a winding line. It should also be borne in mind that these are the actual dimensions, but if you decide to walk along the highway, the path will double, since the roads do not pass along the coast, but mainly through the center of the island.

Despite its modest size, it is visited annually by millions of tourists tired of the noise, nightlife and questionable Pattaya sea. Usually they come here in the morning and return to the mainland in the evening. Some stay for several days, since there are no problems with housing.

Sometimes they say "the island of Ko Lan", which, in principle, is incorrect, since "Ko" is translated from Thai as "island", which means the phrase "island of Lan island" sounds ridiculous. But since this phrase ("Koh Lan Island") is well established, we will also use it sometimes. By the way, the second word "Lan" means "coral". As a result, we get Ko Lan or "Coral Island".

Koh Lan island on the map of Thailand

Who should go to Koh Lan

Koh Larn is traditionally seen as an addition to Pattaya, where people go for a day to swim in the crystal clear sea. And very rarely it is seen as an independent resort where you can spend your entire vacation.

The reasons for this are unclear, because it has almost the same size, beaches and infrastructure as popular and. Moreover, in many respects, it surpasses the two above-named islands, for example, in terms of the quality of roads, ease of accessibility and climate. We are not even afraid to say that Ko Lan is the best island in Thailand from June to October!

The virtues of the island

1. Climate.

The climate is one big plus. When on the Andaman coast (,) it rains almost daily (June-November) and waves rage in the sea, it is still relatively dry and calm here. There are precipitations, but not more often 1-2 times a week. In fact, like Pattaya, the island does not have as much rainy season as the rest of Thailand. In summer and autumn, Koh Lana is even better than the high season from December to March, as the sun is often hidden behind clouds and there is no sweltering heat.

2. Easy and cheap to get to.

Ko Lan is the closest tourist island from (most international flights arrive here). Just 1.5 hours from to Pattaya (ticket costs 124 baht) and 45 minutes by ferry from the mainland (30 baht) - and you are already there. For comparison, from Suvarnabhumi to a total of about 3.5 hours (3 hours - to Ban Pe pier on the mainland and half an hour by ferry to the island). Well, and you will only get to the evening (the bus runs for 5 hours).

3. Convenience of moving around the island.

Cheap flights to Bangkok

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible with the help of special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

Ferries and boats from Pattaya to Koh Lan

The main thing for which tourists go to Koh Lan. On the island, unlike Pattaya, where the water is rather dirty, very clean sea, which can be seen 10-20 meters deep. You can go snorkelling.

The most popular swimming spots are concentrated on the opposite side of Koh Lana from Pattaya - Tawaen and Samae beaches. Here you can rent an inflatable ring for swimming (100 baht), "banana" and a jet ski (30 minutes - 1000 baht).

Sun loungers and parasols are paid everywhere and cost from 50 to 100 baht. From the unpleasant moments: on the beaches, a shower with fresh water - 40 baht, and a toilet - 10 baht.

Please note, on Wednesdays cleaning day, sun loungers are not provided.

What to do and what to visit