The company's total income is a line item on the balance sheet. Total income of the company line in the balance sheet Profit before tax formula for calculation on the balance sheet

In accordance with clause 79 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting, this line reflects information about profit (loss) before tax (accounting profit (loss) of the organization).

The value of this line is determined by adding the indicators of lines 2200 "Profit (loss) from sales", 2310 "Income from participation in other organizations", 2320 "Interest receivable" and 2340 "Other income" and subtracting the indicators of lines 2330 "Interest" from the resulting amount payable" and 2350 "Other expenses". If as a result the organization receives a negative value (loss), then it is shown in the Profit and Loss Statement in parentheses.

The value of line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax” should be equal to the difference in the total debit and credit turnover in account 99 “Profit and loss” in correspondence with accounts 90 “Sales”, subaccount 90-9 “Profit/loss from sales”, and 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”. The credit balance of account 99, the analytical account of accounting profit (loss), means that the organization has made a profit, and the debit balance indicates a loss. This balance consists of profits and losses from ordinary activities and other income and expenses (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts). The debit balance (loss received) is shown in the Profit and Loss Statement in parentheses.

The indicator in line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period of the previous year. When preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator in line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax” for the same reporting period in 2010 is transferred from column 3 “For the reporting period” of line 140 “Profit (loss) before tax” of the Income Statement and losses for the corresponding reporting period of 2010.

Line 2410 "Current income tax"

In accordance with clause 24 of PBU 18/02, this line reflects information about the current income tax, i.e. on the amount of income tax accrued for payment to the budget, reflected in the Tax Return for corporate income tax.

Line 2421 "including permanent tax liabilities (assets)"

In accordance with clause 24 of PBU 18/02, this line provides information on the balance of permanent tax liabilities (assets).

As a permanent tax liability, the amount of tax that leads to an increase in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period is taken into account, and under a permanent tax asset - the amount of tax that leads to a decrease in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period. The reason for the occurrence of permanent tax liabilities (assets) is the discrepancy between the amounts of certain types of income or expenses recognized in accounting and for profit tax purposes (clauses 4, 7 of PBU 18/02).

The amounts of permanent tax liabilities (assets) are accounted for in the debit (credit) of account 99 “Profits and losses” separately (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts).

When filling out line 2421 “including permanent tax liabilities (assets)”, the value of the indicator of this line (for the reporting period) is determined as the difference between credit and debit turnover for the reporting period in account 99 (analytical account (sub-account) for accounting for permanent tax liabilities (assets)) and represents the balance of permanent tax assets and permanent tax liabilities accumulated during the reporting period.

A negative difference means that permanent tax liabilities are greater than permanent tax assets. And since permanent tax liabilities reduce net income, the difference is shown in parentheses on the Income Statement as a negative amount.

A positive difference means that permanent tax assets are greater than permanent tax liabilities. And since permanent tax assets increase net income, such a difference is shown in line 2421 without parentheses as a positive value.

Constant tax liabilities (assets) are included in the indicator of line 2410 “Current income tax”; when calculating net profit on the Profit and Loss Statement, the indicator of line 2421 “including permanent tax liabilities (assets)” is not taken into account.

The indicator for line 2421 “including permanent tax liabilities (assets)” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period of the previous year.

When preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator for line 2421 “including permanent tax liabilities (assets)” for the same reporting period in 2010 is transferred from column 3 “For the reporting period” of line 200 “Fixed tax liabilities (assets) )" Profit and Loss Statement for the corresponding reporting period of 2010.

Line 2430 "Change in deferred tax liabilities"

In accordance with clause 24 of PBU 18/02, this line reflects information on changes in the amount of deferred tax liabilities recognized in accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02.

When filling out line 2430 "Change in deferred tax liabilities of Form No. 2 of the Profit and Loss Statement", the value of this line indicator (for the reporting period) is determined as the difference between credit and debit turnover in account 77 "Deferred tax liabilities" for the reporting period (excluding debit turnover on account 77 in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”).

If the difference turns out to be negative, this means that more deferred tax liabilities for the reporting period were written off than accrued.

In accordance with paragraph. 3 clause 18 of PBU 18/02, the deferred tax liability upon disposal of the asset or liability for which it was accrued is written off to account 99 in the amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the taxable profit of both current and subsequent ones will not be increased reporting periods.

To exclude the impact of changes in deferred tax liabilities on the net profit (loss) indicator when calculating this indicator on the “Profit and Loss Statement”, the positive difference between credit and debit turnover on account 77 (increase in deferred tax liabilities) must be subtracted from the accounting profit indicator ( line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax”), and the negative difference (reduction of deferred tax liabilities) is added to the accounting profit indicator.

Accordingly, the resulting positive difference should be indicated in line 2430 “Change in deferred tax liabilities” in parentheses, and the negative difference - without them.

The indicator in line 2430 “Change in deferred tax liabilities” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period of the previous year. When preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator in column 3 “For the reporting period” of line 142 “Deferred tax liabilities” of the Profit and Loss Statement for the corresponding reporting period of 2010 is used.

Line 2450 "Change in deferred tax assets"

In accordance with clause 24 of PBU 18/02, this line reflects information on changes in the amount of deferred tax assets recognized in accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02.

When filling out line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets” of the Profit and Loss Statement, the value of this line indicator (for the reporting period) is determined as the difference between debit and credit turnover on account 09 “Deferred tax assets” for the reporting period (Without taking into account credit turnover on the account 09 in correspondence with account 99 "Profits and losses").

If the difference turns out to be negative, this means that more deferred tax assets were written off for the reporting period than accrued.

In accordance with paragraph. 4 clause 17 PBU 18/02, upon disposal of the asset for which it was accrued, is written off to account 99 in the amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the taxable profit of both the reporting period and subsequent reporting periods will not be reduced periods.

To exclude the impact of changes in deferred tax assets on the net profit indicator, when calculating this indicator on the Profit and Loss Statement, it is necessary to add the positive difference between debit and credit turnover in account 09 (increase in deferred tax assets) to the accounting profit indicator (line 2300 "Profit ( loss) before tax"), and subtract the negative difference (reduction in deferred tax assets) from the accounting profit. Accordingly, the resulting negative difference should be indicated in line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets” in parentheses, and a positive difference - without them.

The indicator in line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period of the previous year. In particular, when preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator in column 3 “For the reporting period” of line 141 “Deferred tax assets” of the Profit and Loss Statement for the corresponding reporting period of 2010 is used.

Line 2460 "Other"

In accordance with clause 23 of PBU 4/99, this line reflects information about other indicators not mentioned above that affect the amount of the organization’s net profit. If necessary, the organization can enter several additional lines into the Profit and Loss Statement, naming and coding them independently.

Line 2460 “Other” of the Profit and Loss Statement may reflect:

Taxes paid by organizations applying special tax regimes (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/18/2004 N 07-05-14/215, dated 06/25/2008 N 07-05-09/3);

Penalties and penalties paid by organizations for violations of tax and other legislation (clause 83 of the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting, Instructions for the Application of the Chart of Accounts);

The amount of additional payment (overpayment) of income tax due to the detection of errors (distortions) in previous reporting (tax) periods, which does not affect the current income tax of the reporting period (clause 22 of PBU 18/02);

Other similar mandatory payments;

The amount of deferred tax assets written off to the debit of account 99 “Profits and losses” (clause 17 of PBU 18/02);

The amount of deferred tax liabilities written off on credit account 99 (clause 18 of PBU 18/02);

Differences arising as a result of recalculation of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities in connection with a change in the tax rate for corporate income tax (paragraph 4, paragraph 14, paragraph 3, paragraph 15 of PBU 18/02).

When filling out line 2460 “Other” of the Profit and Loss Statement, the value of the indicator on line 2460 “Other” (for the reporting period) is determined on the basis of analytical accounting data for account 99 in terms of the above payments, overpayment of income tax and written-off deferred tax assets and obligations. In this case, payments made from accounting profits are shown in the Profit and Loss Statement in parentheses.

The indicator for line 2460 “Other” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period. When preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator of the free line of the Profit and Loss Statement for the corresponding reporting period of 2010 is used. Let us recall that this line could be named depending on what payments formed its indicator.

Line 2400 "Net profit (loss)"

In accordance with clause 23 of PBU 4/99, this line reflects information about the net profit (loss) of the organization, i.e. about retained earnings (uncovered loss).

When preparing financial statements, the amount of net (undistributed) profit (net (uncovered) loss) of the reporting period is determined on the basis of analytical accounting data for account 99 “Profits and losses” (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts). In fact, this is the account balance of 99 at the end of the reporting period. Net profit is reflected in the credit of account 99, and net loss - in the debit of account 99 (clauses 79, 83 of the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting, Instructions for the Application of the Chart of Accounts).

When determining the amount of net profit (loss) in accounting, in the general case, indicators of conditional income tax expense (income) and permanent tax liabilities (assets) are used.

At the end of the reporting year, when preparing annual financial statements, account 99 is closed. In this case, by the final entry of December, the amount of net profit (loss) of the reporting year is written off from account 99 to the credit (debit) of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts).

The resulting loss is shown in the Profit and Loss Statement in parentheses.

When preparing annual reports:

The amount of net profit according to accounting data must coincide with the amount of net profit determined by calculation based on the indicators of the Profit and Loss Statement;

In the Profit and Loss Statement, instead of the conditional income tax expense (income), indicators of the current income tax, the amount of changes in deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities appear.

An increase (decrease) in deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities forms the value of the current income tax.

For the purpose of determining the amount of net profit (loss) according to the Profit and Loss Statement, the impact of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities must be eliminated. Because current income taxes are deducted from accounting profits, increases in deferred tax assets and decreases in deferred tax liabilities must be added to the Earnings (Loss) Before Tax line item, and decreases in deferred tax assets and increases in deferred tax liabilities must be subtracted from it. If the result is a negative value (net loss), then it is shown on line 2400 “Net profit (loss)” in parentheses.

The indicator in line 2400 “Net profit (loss)” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Profit and Loss Statement for this reporting period of the previous year. When preparing financial statements for the reporting periods of 2011, the indicator in column 3 “For the reporting period” of line 190 “Net profit (loss) of the reporting period” of the Profit and Loss Statement for the corresponding reporting period of 2010 is used.

Line 2510 "Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period"

This line of the reference section of the Profit and Loss Statement reflects the results of the revaluation of the organization's non-current assets carried out in the reporting period.

In accordance with paragraph. 5, 6, paragraph 15 of PBU 6/01 and paragraph 21 of PBU 14/2007, as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets, the organization’s equity capital changes. Moreover, depending on the result of previous revaluations of a specific non-current asset:

The organization recognizes other income (other expenses) in the amount of the revaluation (depreciation), which ultimately leads to an increase (decrease) in retained earnings/uncovered loss, or

The additional capital of the organization increases (decreases).

This line only indicates what ultimately leads to an increase (decrease) in retained earnings/uncovered losses resulting from the revaluation of non-current assets carried out in the reporting period.

In accordance with clause 15 of PBU 6/01, clause 17 of PBU 14/2007, revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out at the end of the reporting year, line 2510 of the Profit and Loss Statement is filled out only when preparing annual financial statements.

In accordance with the amendments made to clause 49 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, clauses 43 - 47 of the Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets, clause 17 of PBU 14/2007, from January 1, 2011 . revaluation of fixed assets and intangible assets should be carried out no more than once a year at the end of the reporting year.

In accordance with clause 15 of PBU 6/01, clause 18 of PBU 14/2007, if an organization has decided to revaluate fixed assets or intangible assets included in a homogeneous group, then in the future these objects must be revalued regularly.

For example:

The residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets of the organization as of December 31, 2010 amounted to RUB 20,000,000, respectively. and 1,000,000 rub.

At the beginning of 2011, the organization carried out another revaluation of these objects. The residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets after revaluation amounted to RUB 22,000,000, respectively. and 1,100,000 rub.

At the same time, the following entries were made in the accounting records between December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2011:

Debit 01 Credit 83

RUB 2,500,000 - the additional valuation of the initial cost of fixed assets is reflected;

Debit 83 Credit 02

500,000 rub. - an additional assessment of the amount of accrued depreciation on fixed assets is reflected;

Debit 04 Credit 83

RUB 1,350,000 - additional assessment of the initial cost of intangible assets is reflected;

Debit 83 Credit 05

250,000 rub. - an additional assessment of the amount of accrued depreciation on intangible assets is reflected.

The results of the revaluation carried out as of January 1, 2011 must be reflected on December 31, 2010, i.e. when preparing financial statements for the first quarter of 2011, the residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets as of December 31, 2010 should be changed.

In this case, it is necessary to adjust the balance sheet indicators as of December 31, 2009, taking into account the revaluation that was carried out during the inter-reporting period from December 31, 2009 to January 1, 2010,

If previously the result of revaluation during the inter-reporting period was added to January 1, now it should be added to December 31.

Paying taxes is mandatory for any business. Balance sheet profit becomes the basis for the correct payment of taxes. Incorrect calculation will lead to losses and a decrease in the company's net profit. In other words, an incorrect amount of balance sheet profit will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the organization.

Balance sheet profit - what is it?

This indicator is also called profit before tax. Balance sheet profit is important for an enterprise because... it is on it that the entire set of taxes is charged (with the exception of insurance premiums). If this type of profit is incorrectly calculated, the organization may incur losses in the form of penalties or deferred tax assets.

Balance sheet profit characterizes the company's income after deducting all organizational costs and before paying the tax burden. Profit before tax is a basic indicator that reflects the financial results of both core and other activities.

Formula for calculating balance sheet profit

Balance sheet profit is calculated based on data from the income statement. The calculation requires the values ​​of revenue, total cost, other income and expense.

General calculation formula

BP = TR – TC – OE + OR, Where

TR (total revenue) – revenue, rub.;

TC (total cost) – total cost, rub.;

Also, book profit can be found using the formula for the difference between gross profit and other expenses with the addition of other income.

BP = GP – CE – ME – OE + OR, Where

BP (balance profit) – balance sheet profit, rub.;

GP (gross profit) – gross profit, rub.;

CE (commercial expenses) – commercial expenses, rub.;

ME (management expenses) – management expenses, rub.;

OE (other expenses) – other expenses, rub.;

OR (other revenue) – other income, rub.

Balance calculation formula

For calculation purposes, data from the financial performance statement is taken. The formula for finding balance sheet profit is as follows:

Page 2300 = page 2110 – (page 2120 + page 2210 + page 2220) + page 2340 – page 2350, Where

line 2110 – revenue, rub.;

(line 2120 + line 2210 + line 2220) – total cost, rub.

Based on the gross profit, the calculation according to the financial statements will be as follows:

Page 2300 = page 2100 – page 2210 – page 2220 + page 2340 – page 2350, Where

line 2300 – balance sheet profit, rub.;

line 2100 – gross profit, rub.;

line 2210 and line 2220 – commercial and administrative costs, rub.;

line 2340 – other income, rub.;

line 2350 – other expenses, rub.

Calculation example

The company Ekran LLC is engaged in the production of drills for milling machines. Financial statements for the last 2 years contain the following data:

In this case, the calculation of balance sheet profit can be presented as:

BP 2013 = TR – TC – OE + OR = 120,000 – (40,000 + 10,000 + 20,000) – 3,000 + 2,000 = 49,000 rubles

BP 2014 = TR – TC – OE + OR = 180,000 – (60,000 + 12,000 + 30,000) – 3,000 + 1500 = 76,500 rubles

BP 2013 = GP – CE – ME – OE + OR = 80,000 – 10,000 – 20,000 – 3,000 + 2,000 = 49,000 rubles

BP 2014 = GP – CE – ME – OE + OR = 120,000 – 12,000 – 30,000 – 3,000 + 1,500 = 76,500 rubles

Tax burden calculation

Profit before taxes takes into account all costs incurred by the company in the current period. It also shows other income minus other expenses. Next, the tax burden is applied to the balance sheet profit. It is worth remembering that insurance premiums are included in the cost price as part of wages and are deducted from the balance sheet profit.

Pre-tax profits are subject to income tax of 20% and other federal and territorial taxes and duties. In some cases, an enterprise takes into account losses from previous periods within the balance sheet profit.

Profit before tax shows the financial performance of a company. The indicator takes into account all income and expenses for core and additional activities. The importance of this type of profit is that it carries a tax burden.

This line reflects information about profit (loss) before tax (accounting profit (loss) of the organization) (clause 79 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting).

The value of this line is determined by adding the indicators of lines 2200 “Profit (loss) from sales”, 2310 “Income from participation in other organizations”, 2320 “Interest receivable” and 2340 “Other income” and subtracting the indicators of lines 2330 “Interest” from the resulting amount payable" and 2350 "Other expenses". If as a result the organization received a negative value (loss), then it is shown in the Statement of Financial Results in parentheses.

The value of line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax” should be equal to the difference in the total debit and credit turnover in account 99 “Profit and loss” in correspondence with accounts 90 “Sales”, subaccount 90-9 “Profit/loss from sales”, and 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”. The credit balance of account 99, the analytical account of accounting profit (loss), means that the organization has made a profit, and the debit balance indicates a loss. This balance consists of profits and losses from ordinary activities and other income and expenses (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts). The debit balance (received loss) is shown in the Statement of Financial Results in parentheses.

In this case, equality must be observed:

Line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax = Account balance 99 for the analytical account of accounting profit (loss)

The indicator in line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax” (for the same reporting period of the previous year) is transferred from the Statement of Financial Results for this reporting period of the previous year.

Example of filling line 2300“Profit (loss) before tax”

Indicator for account 99, analytical account for accounting profit (loss): rub.

Indicators by lines of the Statement of Financial Results for 2014: thousand rubles.

Fragment of the Financial Results Report for 2013


Accounting profit for the reporting period is:

1) determined on the basis of data in the Statement of Financial Results - 11,415 thousand rubles. (8121 thousand rubles + 5460 thousand rubles + 281 thousand rubles - 607 thousand rubles + 1131 thousand rubles - 2971 thousand rubles);

2) determined on the basis of accounting data - 11,415 thousand rubles.

A fragment of the Income Statement will look like this.

Profit is one of the main indicators of the efficiency of an enterprise, which has a direct impact on the formation of the budget. The company makes a profit by performing various activities. Balance sheet profit shows the final result of the company's financial activities.

Balance sheet form

The balance sheet form shows the value of the company's assets and liabilities for the period of interest. The balance sheet also contains information regarding the profitability of the organization.

The balance sheet contains a list of what the owner of the enterprise has

  • Material values;
  • Inventory amounts;
  • Investments;
  • Financial capital.

The balance sheet is important for both managers and analytics department employees. Thanks to him, an action plan is drawn up for a short or long period of time.

Balance sections:

  1. Reporting on the financial activities of an enterprise consisting of several parts:
  • Assets not involved in turnover;
  • Assets in circulation.
  1. A liability that indicates the sources of profit of the enterprise:
  • Financial resources and reserves;
  • Commitments for long and short periods of time.

The amount of liabilities and assets in the balance sheet must match.

Filling out the balance sheet

  1. When preparing accounting form No. 1, you must fill out all lines, which can legally be changed by the enterprise.
  2. Having filled in all the rows in the asset table with data on the organization’s budget state, it is necessary to find the amounts of the first and second sections of the balance sheet, which were obtained as a result of the ordered addition of the remaining lines. As a result, the final value will be obtained.
  3. The liability table is filled out in a similar way.

The value of the first section of the table “Capital and Investments” is found by adding the rows of its subgroup (from 311 to 319).

It is important that when compiling a balance sheet, the value of each line exactly corresponds to its indicator, and there are financial credits in all specified lines

If the sum of the indicator turns out to be zero, you must write an explanation. Often all data is indicated in numbers and exceeds thousands of rubles.

If the company has funds amounting to millions, it is permissible not to indicate the last six digits, but simply indicate the numerical unit million rubles in the column title.

The concept of an enterprise's balance sheet profit

Balance sheet profit represents the total amount of profit (loss) of the enterprise from the sale of goods and income (loss) not related to the primary activity, earned in a certain period of time and indicated in external financial statements.

Calculation of an enterprise's balance sheet profit

The enterprise is carried out by substituting the numerical values ​​of indicators into the formula.

Formula for calculating balance sheet profit:


BP – balance sheet profit (loss);

PRP – profit received from the sale of goods;

PPR – profit from other sales;

PVO – profit from non-operating operations.

It is customary to indicate a loss with a “-” sign. Profit received from sales is the difference between income (payment of taxes is not taken into account) and the cost of activities aimed at manufacturing products.

Specifying a cost greater than the amount of revenue can have negative consequences and lead to losses. Income is calculated by adding up the funds received in cash to the cash desk or to the company’s bank account.

The costs of producing goods (materials, raw materials, workers' salaries, etc.) are also calculated.

Indicators for calculating the balance sheet profit of an enterprise

Income growth opens up many new opportunities for the company and increases the level of activity in working with partners. The wages of the owner of the enterprise and its managers, as well as the profitability of various funds, advanced capital and shares, depend on profits.

In order to be able to control the receipt of profit, you need to understand how it is formed, and identify what affects its growth or decline.

Profit from product sales

By means the difference between the income received from the sale of a product (not taking into account taxes) and the expenses spent on the production and sale of this product itself.

The company receives most of its income by selling its products. Thus, the more products you can sell, the greater your profit will be.

Factors influencing changes in the amount of profit:

  • Change in the quantity of products produced. If the volume of production decreases, the company's income also decreases. Conversely, the larger the production volume, the higher the profit.
  • Volume of goods sold.
  • Changes in product costs. The low cost of goods entails a high level of sales, and accordingly the company's profit increases.

Profit from the sale of fixed assets

Profit from the sale of fixed assets - this is the difference between the original and sale price of funds and property increased by inflation.

The depreciation of the property is determined by the residual value:

  • Intangible assets;
  • fixed assets;
  • Property that has no particular value.

The initial cost is calculated based on the remaining property; it also includes the costs of production, delivery, sales, and so on.

During operation, fixed assets tend to wear out.

Groups of fixed assets:

  • Funds involved in the production process;
  • Funds that do not participate in the production process but already ensure the operation of the enterprise.

Fixed assets are:

  • Active - having a direct impact on the subject of work.
  • Passive – providing conditions for stable operation of the enterprise.