Ophiuchus meaning. Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac, a characteristic of a person. He also has negative traits

Is there a 13th Zodiac sign? If so, why are horoscopes compiled for only 12 signs? And how to calculate the representatives of this little-known Zodiac constellation?

For many millennia, astrologers have identified 12 signs of the Zodiac, the names of which come from the corresponding constellations that fill the star chart. The ancient Sumerians began dividing the sky into 12 parts. Thus, in accordance with a long-standing tradition, each sign received (and still receives) exactly 30 degrees, which, you see, is convenient. Although in astrology, not everyday, but esoteric, the 13th sign of the Zodiac really took place. Thus, the ancient Mayans compiled horoscopes, focusing specifically on 13 sectors.

Why, if there is a 13th sign of the Zodiac, do astrologers continue to compile horoscopes for the known 12?

The answer is quite trivial. The fact is that there is no consensus among fellow “stargazers” on this matter. Some talk about the legitimacy of the 13th sign of the Zodiac, about its true existence and specific influence. Others bang their heads against the wall, shouting that all this is complete nonsense, that the number of zodiac signs was and remains equal to 12. And that’s it. Still others, they generally proclaim astrology as a pseudoscience, believing that “stars” are not able to have any influence on people.

Twelve constellations make up the zodiac belt. They are located on the ecliptic by month of the year, starting with the April constellation Aries. Between Sagittarius and Scorpio, in the area adjacent to the ecliptic line, which marks the annual path of the sun on the celestial sphere and along which all the zodiac constellations are located, Ophiuchus invades its southernmost part.

The Sun, before appearing in the constellation Sagittarius, passes through the constellation Ophiuchus for several days from November 26 to December 16, but since there should be twelve zodiac constellations, according to the number of months in the year, it is not included in the Zodiac. Astrologers give it special meaning, believing that a person born in it has infernal qualities of character. This constellation covers a vast region of the equatorial sky and has been well studied. The zodiac belt, due to its astrological purpose, consists of constellations that have remained unchanged for more than 3000 years.

But for a long time, magicians and astrologers did not tell people about the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, when the forces of Good and Evil enter into an irreconcilable struggle for power over the souls of people.

The knowledge of Ophiuchus was inherited by the Aryans, the predecessors of the modern European peoples, from a certain vanished civilization. It was preserved to the greatest extent among Hindu and Zoroastrian priests, as well as in secret Slavic “circles” - closed communities that preserve the customs of the ancestral home of humanity. Ophiuchus rules for two weeks. The first of them falls at the end of the Scorpio period, the second - at the ascent of Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus was known to astronomers and astrologers of antiquity along with Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Orion, Lyra and other 48 ancient constellations. And real professional astrologers always take into account the influence of Ophiuchus on a person’s life.

Be that as it may, but Ophiuchus – the supposed 13th sign of the Zodiac- has already forced me to talk about myself. And the constellation Ophiuchus itself, no matter how you look at it, cannot be erased from the sky with an eraser. Astrologers who advocate for the new sign claim that people born between November 16 and November 29 fall under its influence. Traditionally, Ophiuchus captures the last 7 degrees of Scorpio and the first 7 degrees of Sagittarius. At the same time, some “stargazers” talk about the shift of all other representatives of the Zodiac circle forward by a certain number of weeks. Thus, today the following picture emerges:

This shift is also due to the fact that March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, which previously fell on the initial Aries, is slowly but surely “sliding” towards Pisces, due to the sluggish movement of the earth’s axis.

If you were born between November 28 and December 17, you are neither Scorpio nor Sagittarius, but an Ophiuchus with Scorpio traits, and the usual descriptions of Scorpio and Sagittarius only partially match you. You retain the basic qualities of these signs, but you are a person with an incredible destiny. You can disappear forever, without saying goodbye, without leaving traces behind, you have the ability to be completely reborn, to become a different person. You bring incredible joy and happiness to some people, grief and devastation to others. A series of strange and inexplicable events follows behind you, like a trail, which sometimes you yourself are unable to explain.

Ophiuchus usually move a lot, are always on the road, meet a lot of people on their way different people, and for each of them they know how to find their own key and form a special relationship with it. They may have several families in different cities, even several lives or layers of life, different social circles. This is, in fact, a real Chameleon who changes color, coloring, behavior, who at any moment is ready to change his life and turn the past into ashes in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Ophiuchus can be very dangerous. If you harm Ophiuchus, he may in return bring you great trouble, destruction, even death. And not because Ophiuchus - evil people and they do it on purpose. The nature of this sign is a “burnt bridge” effect. When he leaves his place of residence, he burns all bridges behind him. This person knows how to start from scratch at any stage of life, and he will still be able to build everything anew.

Ophiuchus can “erase” his past and start living from scratch, as if nothing had happened before. He is not afraid of dangerous situations, risks, he has no sense of fear, he loves adventures and adventures. In any dangerous situations, he usually survives, he is unusually tenacious. If there is a plane crash, everyone dies, but Ophiuchus survives. The ancient Roman astrologer Manilius writes that for people born at the time of the rising of Ophiuchus, snakes are completely harmless. Such people “will wear snakes in their bosoms and on flowing clothes, kiss them without suffering from poison.” In Latin, this constellation is called serpentarius, in translation it really means Ophiuchus - “the one who carries snakes.”

There is always a contrast in the life of Ophiuchus - either a complete fall or a magnificent rise. There is no third. He takes pleasure in destroying what he created before in order to create something new. Seeks new adventures, strives for challenges. On the other hand, he, like no one else, knows how to have fun and enjoy life. He is literally able to plunge into the world of pleasures and wild joy, risk and adventure.

The main difference between Ophiuchus and other signs is that life does not give him the opportunity to stop. If any other person can have a stop, block, conservatism, turn back, then Ophiuchus does not, only forward. This is the only sign of the Zodiac for which stopping, inaction, and conservatism are absolutely contraindicated. If he stops, collapse and disintegration immediately occurs, and he is forced to move on. The nature of Ophiuchus is such that he can only live in such difficult, essentially inhuman conditions. But for him these are the only acceptable human conditions.

For Ophiuchus, his whole life is a series of battles. Some kind of situation constantly arises in his life in which no one helps him and everything depends only on himself. This was the case with Paganini, who even played on one string.

Ophiuchus- this is the one who defeated karma. First you need to find out your karma, it is connected with your family, tree, and is the law of cause and effect. Only after understanding and knowing this is it possible to break the rings of this connection, or karma. Ophiuchus are those who have two planets in their horoscope on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

This is a sign of spiritual insight, a sign that connects us with the Cosmos; at this time “non-random events happen” in the life of any person. Follow yourself and you will discover a lot of interesting things.

> Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: woman

To be born under Ophiuchus is already a guarantee of a non-standard fate and interesting life. But being a woman and being part of it at the same time zodiac horoscope- even more rare. Since the sign carries a symbol of struggle over oneself and changes, the influence of the zodiac is very significant. Such a woman walks along an individual path created to serve all humanity. Her habits are to put other people's needs above her own. It is important that the more complex the situation, the harder the zodiac tries.

Her fate cannot be predicted, as she changes it several times. These are mysterious representatives who can give you happiness or sorrow, be always there or disappear without saying goodbye.

Ophiuchus: characteristic behavior

Basically this is good man with innate talents and skills. But the only problem is that Ophiuchus can at one moment transform into a completely alien personality. Such women are characterized by rudeness, stubbornness, cynicism and cruelty. True, this does not mean that these qualities are visible 24 hours a day.

The zodiac lives with two halves, which reflect the good and evil principles. This is why behavior is so difficult to predict. Unpredictability is her credo. Only the stars will help you understand which side will prevail. Get ready for drastic and unexpected transformations. Here you are having a nice conversation, she laughs and enjoys life. A few minutes pass, and you see a cold and reasonable young lady, strictly assessing your presence. But her mood also depends on the partner with whom she spends time. For example, permanent Sagittarius always inspires calm and warmth.

There is a strangeness in communicating with them. Usually simple and positive in conversation, they hide a pitch-black abyss in the soul. Therefore, it is difficult for men to penetrate their hearts. They prefer solitude rather than noisy company, easily part with familiar things, and do not have any special affection for animals.

Career and compatibility with other signs

Since it covers the periods of Sagittarius and Scorpio, it is endowed with the qualities of both in its work. But there is another way. The fact is that the zodiac has psychic and healing abilities and can build his career in this field. Most often, they even have the gift of telepathy.

Ophiuchus is recognized by her appearance, since she is most similar to Sagittarius. Her athletic physique will round out with age. Zodiac in love– this is naked passion. In search of pleasure, he can change partners, achieving complete harmony. She is devoted and ready to give all of herself for her soulmate, but only while she is head over heels in love. Over time, this feeling fades away, and the woman tries to find it again. No tricks can stop the sign if it decides to leave.

Regarding compatibility, Ophiuchus is attracted to its sign. She will understand that they have a lot in common and that they can build a strong family on this. Happiness will come with Virgo (a good and faithful companion), Capricorn (caring and hardworking) and Aries (fun and carefree).

Marriage and stone by sign

Despite compatibility of signs, It is difficult for Ophiuchus to create a family nest. Even if everything goes well, some event will happen that destroys the relationship. And then the sign rebuilds everything from scratch again. Sometimes Ophiuchus realizes that his family stands in the way of his desired job or realization. They don't care about the feelings of their loved ones, so they will leave. To avoid this outcome, you need to diversify your time together. Going to parties, hobbies and meeting friends will help.

Description of the sign impossible without a talisman. The agate stone relieves her of fears, nightmares and unnecessary anxiety. Thanks to zircon, Ophiuchus gains mental and physical strength. Beryl is a powerful protector, and turquoise helps in achieving goals.

Despite the variability of nature, she becomes an excellent mother. She is ready to sit next to the child for hours and give him all her attention. Her wisdom is aimed at unlocking their potential and talents. Thanks to such care, they realize themselves in adulthood. The only thing that the baby may not like is her demanding nature. But the results of such upbringing pay for themselves.

Astrologers increasingly began to mention the thirteenth Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus. In this regard, many people want to find out if they are representatives of a new constellation.

The Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac can be considered “theirs” by people born from November 29 to December 17, who previously believed that they were born under the constellation Sagittarius. Ophiuchus actually displaced this constellation, slightly moving the other Signs. You can understand whether you are a true Ophiuchus if you pay attention to the characteristics of your behavior and character. Experts from the site compared the opinions of astrologers to make it easier for you to understand the new mysterious zodiac constellation.

The character and behavioral characteristics of Ophiuchus

Not all astrologers are in a hurry to agree that the constellation Ophiuchus is a completely fiery Sign. Some of them believe that representatives of this constellation have also absorbed the water element, which also affects their character and behavioral characteristics.

Ophiuchus differs from Sagittarius in having stronger energy. Astrologers believe that the constellation gives the ability for subtle calculations, logical thinking and ambitious actions. In addition, the new Zodiac Sign is considered more jealous and unrestrained when it comes to his personal space. The thirteenth constellation has natural magnetism and the ability to manipulate people. This state of affairs aggravates the negative character traits of Ophiuchus.

IN personal life representatives of this Sign are more often presented as tyrants, in contrast to the democratic Sagittarius. Jealousy and unbreakable confidence in their own rightness prevent representatives of the new constellation from creating strong families, as well as maintaining relationships with loved ones.

Ophiuchus people are credited with power and pride, which they use to achieve goals in a business environment. Representatives of this Sign are able to go over their heads, regardless of the opinions of those around them. Their distinctive feature Astrologers call it difficult to build friendships and relationships.

To believe or not in the existence of 13 Zodiac Signs

Astropsychologists believe that the hype around the Sign of Ophiuchus is more like the desire of astrologers to stand out among the crowd and be the first to present shocking news. The attempt to “make money” on gullible people living in the stars has largely justified itself: many new schools, educational programs and trainings have been opened.

The thing is that constellations and Zodiac Signs are completely different things, and if we take into account all the constellations, there will be much more than twelve and even twenty of them. All this is known to astrologers and astronomers who understand the difference between constellations and Zodiac Signs. In their opinion, there are no special differences between the usual Sagittarius and the newly-minted Ophiuchus, who are so popular in this period of time.

Astrologers recommend not to lose your head and not try to attribute new character traits to yourself if you are lucky enough to be born between November 29 and December 17. You can find out using more accessible and accurate methods. For example, make a numerological calculation or create your own natal chart, where you will definitely see all your character pros and cons.

Most astrologers, when drawing up horoscopes, adhere to the previous system of Zodiac Signs, so you should not attach great importance to Ophiuchus. You should only pay attention to what vices are inherent in you in order to get rid of them and develop positive traits. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

20.07.2018 07:24

More recently, astronomers from NASA again recalled the 13th Sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus. AND...

From November 27 to December 17, the Sun is in the constellation Ophiuchus. Although Ophiuchus is not officially included in the zodiac constellations, many astrology experts recognize the special mystical significance of this constellation. They note that those born under the 13th zodiac sign often become people of exceptional destiny. Among them there are many bright personalities - military leaders, scientists, spiritual teachers, healers.

According to the Greek mythological tradition, the constellation Ophiuchus depicts Asclepius, the god of healing, in the sky. Although Asclepius's father was the god Apollo, Asclepius himself was a mortal by birth. He became such a skilled healer that he could bring the dead back to life. However, the resurrection of the dead violated the order of things established by the gods in the universe, so Zeus killed Asclepius by striking him with lightning. But then, both at the request of Apollo and paying tribute to the genius of Asclepius, Zeus granted immortality to the famous healer. The staff entwined with snakes is the most famous attribute of Asclepius.

We can say that Asclepius, the greatest of healers, is the patron saint of those born under the sign of Ophiuchus. It is not surprising that many of them have special gifts, and not only scientific or psychic ones. They may be distinguished by outstanding military, political and entrepreneurial talents.

The constellation Ophiuchus seems to be wedged between the zodiac constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius. This is reflected in the personality of those born under this sign. Duality can be called a fundamental character trait. These are extraordinary and contradictory personalities.

Ophiuchus are very perceptive, and it is difficult to deceive them. At the same time, they themselves are capable of very skillful pretense. A representative of this sign can, as they say, see right through people. However, they themselves are impenetrable. Even the people closest to them cannot say that they know them well.

Ophiuchus cannot be manipulated. Any attempts to subjugate them will be immediately stopped by them - up to a complete severance of relations. A representative of the 13th sign - neither a child nor an adult - cannot be put under pressure. Ophiuchus is characterized by an exclusively independent mindset, and they can only be accepted as they are: no one can re-educate them anyway. This is not a consequence of the fact that they are stubborn: no, they can be convinced, but only using rational and calm arguments. If Ophiuchus does not succumb to harsh pressure, this is also because he himself is a clearly dominant personality.

He always strives for perfection and demands a lot from himself and from others. Not all of his friends and relatives are able to withstand the rhythm of life and the demands that Ophiuchus, willingly or unwillingly, prescribes to those around him.

If he becomes someone's enemy, then this is always a very dangerous enemy. He goes to the end in everything, and he is capable of causing great trouble.

It also happens that Ophiuchus, unwittingly, brings misfortune and suffering even to those to whom he is attached. His attachment can become fatal!

A measured life weighs heavily on representatives of the 13th zodiac sign. They love adventure and risk. Without the slightest fear, Ophiuchus can get involved in an adventure, and often his adventures do not have dangerous consequences for him: he has the gift of easily getting out of trouble.

Easily and without any regret, Ophiuchus can at any moment break with the past, with family, with a seemingly established life. Like a Phoenix, or rather a snake, shedding its old skin, it is reborn and rebuilds its life.

Often among Ophiuchus there are people who have two or even three families at the same time. Ophiuchus can live several lives at once.

Those born under the sign of Ophiuchus find without the slightest difficulty mutual language with people, have acquaintances in a variety of areas. Ophiuchus easily adapts to the mood of those around him, but it is not easy for them to understand him due to his secrecy. They say about many Ophiuchus: “He is on his own.”

Ophiuchus people always rely only on themselves and do not need anyone. These are self-sufficient individuals, they do not depend on the opinions of others and go towards their intended goal in spite of everything. Struggle, battle, tireless striving forward - this is the natural environment for Ophiuchus. And the more obstacles, the more energetically Ophiuchus acts.

Ophiuchus people love to travel. He is always on the move and on the move - both literally and metaphorically.

Among those born under the 13th zodiac sign there are many people involved in social and political activity. At the same time, they are not attracted by fame and money: they sincerely strive to devote themselves to serving people. But it just so happens that almost everything that Ophiuchus does has a downside. So it is here: devoting themselves entirely to caring for the welfare of strangers, they often forget about their loved ones.

Both women and Ophiuchus men have great charm. It is impossible to resist her/him - this is about Ophiuchus! However, love victories for Ophiuchus are not an end in themselves; rather, they are attracted by the enjoyment of life itself in all its manifestations.

Ophiuchus in love will move mountains for the object of his love. If he loves you, you are absolutely happy! However, as soon as he notices the slightest cooling on your part, his feelings will begin to change. And if he suspects deception on your part, it is unlikely that he will be able to forgive it. Tears, tantrums and other means of emotional blackmail will only make him feel contempt. You can keep this zodiac sign only by regaining its trust. It must be remembered that those born from November 27 to December 17 are not among the people who can remain faithful and constancy no matter what.

A new zodiac sign called Ophiuchus. On what dates are Ophiuchus born, what is their character and what will 2020 be like for people of this sign of the zodiac system?

If you want to find out details about the new sign in the zodiac system, which is called Ophiuchus, then you have come to the right place. In our article we will talk about it. We will talk about what character traits Ophiuchus has, on what dates people of this sign are born, and also about what the 2020 Year of the Rat will bring to Ophiuchus. We'll also tell you Interesting Facts about the history of the emergence of this zodiac sign.

Ophiuchus 13th zodiac sign dates

Ophiuchus is a fairly new sign in the zodiac system and not everyone knows about it yet, and many esotericists have not yet fully accepted it. Know that Ophiuchus can be considered those who were born white between November 29 and December 17. Due to the introduction of a new sign into the Zodiac called Ophiuchus, the other signs have also become a little confused.

From now on, the zodiac circle looks like this:

Aquarius is a person who was born between February 16 and March 11;

The history of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus

This sign turned out to be the only one of all that is based on a real person. Ophiuchus is associated with the name of the great Greek God-healer, whose name was Asclepius. This God in ancient times was engaged in the resurrection of the dead and the healing of seriously ill people. Nowadays, it is not without reason that in medicine you can find a bowl with a snake, this is where this sign came from, namely from Ophiuchus.

The question of the 13th sign of the Zodiac in 2016 became especially acute. All the astrologers started talking about him and suggested that Ophiuchus should still be considered a full-fledged sign of the zodiac circle. They argued that over many millennia the star system had been studied much more deeply and from now on the zodiac circle looks different.

Previously, there were not sufficiently accurate and reliable methods for studying stars and planets. Over time, science improved its research methods, and much more became known about the stars, and that’s how a new sign was discovered, which is called Ophiuchus. The position of the Earth’s axis in relation to the stars has also changed over many thousands of years; this also influenced the emergence of such a sign as Ophiuchus in the zodiac circle.

Characteristics of the Ophiuchus sign

The sign of Ophiuchus is depicted in the form of a strong man, on whom a rather large snake is stretched out. The element of this sign is water. The stone that suits Ophiuchus is apatite. The most successful color for a person of this sign is purple. The most lucky number for Ophiuchus - 12.

This sign is characterized by such traits as perseverance and perseverance. He always achieves his goals, no matter what the cost. Many Ophiuchus display distinctive talents in construction and architecture. For this sign, family is important, and Ophiuchus simply cannot imagine himself without children and a significant other.

A person born under the sign of Ophiuchus is in himself peace-loving and calm, but as soon as his pride is hurt, he turns almost into a beast. This sign conceals an unbridled desire to discover something new and study the outside world. He is interested in absolutely everything that surrounds him.

Ophiuchus has also been noted to have such a character trait as daydreaming. He loves to immerse himself in his dreams and at these moments he feels like a truly happy person. He especially likes to dream with his soulmate, and then together strive to make these dreams come true as soon as possible.

The luck of a person born under the sign of Ophiuchus can only be envied. Success accompanies him in all his endeavors and things go like clockwork for Ophiuchus. This sign has countless talents. He shows his creative skills in many areas, but Ophiuchus is especially picky in music and everything connected with it.

Ophiuchus loves the best and strives to be on top in everything. He prefers bright colors in clothes and unusual style. This sign loves to stand out from the crowd and simply loves when many admiring eyes are focused on him. The wisdom of Ophiuchus can be envied. You can always turn to him for advice, and he will actually turn out to be very useful.

Ophiuchus also has negative traits. For example, in love relationships he can be very jealous and simply cannot control his emotions. He also sometimes feels the desire to put everything off until later. As a result, a lot of things accumulate and for this reason Ophiuchus becomes very restless. This sign is unlikely to be able to love one person all his life; he often changes partners. In some situations, Ophiuchus shows irresponsibility.

Ophiuchus woman, character

A woman who happened to be born in the sign of Ophiuchus is distinguished by her ability to work, which is simply off the charts. Of the young ladies of this sign, many are workers in professions related to construction. Because of her work, this madam can completely forget about her loved ones. This can often cause scandals in the family.

Women of this water element sign have quite large families. In this matter, Ophiuchus is a responsible sign, which cannot be said about other areas of life. A woman of this sign has many children, in whom she sees a continuation of her “I” and simply dotes on her offspring. A woman of the Ophiuchus sign can change her husband more than once throughout her life, but she categorically cannot give a damn about her children, for which she is valued and respected by those around her.

A woman of this sign can often notice interested glances towards strangers. She really loves male company and attention, what can I do? The lady of the Ophiuchus sign has many talents. She may turn out to be an excellent cook, a goddess of music, a miracle photographer, or someone else very gifted.

This woman can be dangerous because she has in her character such traits as rancor and vindictiveness. If you offend her, she will remember it for a long time and will definitely figure out how to take revenge on you so that it will be three times more than her. At the same time, if you listen to her in everything and do not contradict her, then you can get a reliable friend in Ophiuchus, who will stand up for you under any circumstances and will not let anyone offend.

In many situations, a woman of this sign can be harsh and hot-tempered, but quickly moves away and again pleases those around her with her radiant smile. It always seems to her that her loved one is indifferent and unfaithful; Ophiuchus is no stranger to suspicion. The husband of the Ophiuchus lady must remember that she should speak words of love more often and remind her that loyalty to her is sacred.

Man sign Ophiuchus, character

In the character of a man of the Ophiuchus sign, one can notice such a trait as selfishness and exalting oneself to the pedestal of honor. This man considers himself special and loves himself very much, therefore he demands the same from those around him, and especially from his woman. Building a relationship with such a proud man can be quite difficult.

A man of the Ophiuchus sign is a fairly strong and courageous person. He sets tasks and goals for himself and moves towards them, no matter what. For this man, the path to his dream is not as important as the dream itself. In pursuit of his happiness, he can do a lot of stupid things that will negatively affect those around him, but this does not bother or upset Ophiuchus at all. Even the people closest to him can become secondary when moving towards his goal; Ophiuchus will not regret them either.

In a relationship with the woman he loves, a man of the Ophiuchus sign can be very jealous and impulsive. In his malicious claims, Ophiuchus can “pour” so much negativity and dirt onto his other half that she may even decide to break up, but leaving Ophiuchus is not so easy. He can pursue his ex-lover for years and will not allow her to build a new relationship. Here you need to wait for time for Ophiuchus to switch to another woman and completely lag behind the previous passion, then life will be easier for everyone.

Ophiuchus cannot always be frank with his loved ones. He often hides his true feelings and emotions behind the mask of a cold-blooded and, in some cases, humorous person. Ophiuchus can joke and smile, but at the same time many different experiences and emotions will rage in his soul. He knows how to carefully hide them, and you won’t even guess what’s on this man’s mind.

The Ophiuchus male is often gifted in many areas of life. He makes things that people with higher education they cannot collect. He's just a man of all trades. If you choose a man of this sign as your husband, then everything in your house will be redone and there will not even be a question of any broken sockets. Ophiuchus can be well versed in both, for example, music and agriculture, electricity, mathematics and computer science and many other areas of life.

Ophiuchus horoscope for 2020

January. This month of 2020, Ophiuchus faces serious losses. They can be both material and spiritual in nature. You should not expect this sign to quickly recover after such difficult changes in life. Losses will have a very negative effect on him and will force him to fall into a prolonged depression. It is in this winter month that Ophiuchus will really need the support of relatives and closest friends.

February. 2020 promises serious disagreements with superiors this February for Ophiuchus. He should hold back his desperate horses raging inside and hide his pride until better times. Due to the fact that Ophiuchus places himself too highly, this month may happen serious problems at work, right up to dismissal. If Ophiuchus values ​​his job and doesn’t want to lose it, then he should forget about his pride and still try to improve relations with his superiors.

March. Loss of trust on the part of a loved one awaits Ophiuchus this spring month. You shouldn’t elevate yourself so much and think that everyone around you owes you. The stars advise people of the Ophiuchus sign to pay more attention to their family and loved one this month, forgetting about their own pride and vanity. This will be a rather difficult period in the life of Ophiuchus, but after this he will grow spiritually and become much stronger in this sense.

April. Long trips may happen for Ophiuchus in April 2020. They will not necessarily be associated with work issues. Ophiuchus can go on a journey with his faithful comrades or with a loved one. In any case, the trip will bring him a lot of positive emotions and will have a beneficial effect on his life. nervous system. By this month, Ophiuchus will have become significantly looser and weaker.

May. A person of the Ophiuchus sign will have a significant profit in the budget these May days. All this will happen because luck in May 2020 will be completely on the side of Ophiuchus and success will be guaranteed to him in a variety of areas of life, and especially in the financial sphere. This month, you will finally be able to acquire what Ophiuchus has been dreaming of for a long time. He will even be able to help his relatives or friends financially if necessary.

June. This summer month, Ophiuchus will face difficult life choices. He will need to make a decision either in his personal life or in his career. You will receive a tempting offer that will be very difficult to refuse. Your closest relatives can provide support in this difficult choice. This month Ophiuchus’s nerves will be strained to the limit, and even breakdowns that will overtake the immediate environment of a person of this sign cannot be ruled out. Ophiuchus's relatives should approach this problem with understanding and not be offended by their hot-tempered relative.

July. Relatives of the younger generation will depend on Ophiuchus this summer month. They will have to help financially. Ophiuchus will now have both the opportunity and the desire for this, so the younger generation will remain completely satisfied and satisfied. Gratitude for good deeds and deeds will not take long to arrive, and Ophiuchus will be very happy about this. He loves honor and praise, and if he supports his younger relatives this summer month, he will certainly receive many kind words addressed to him. So it’s worth trying and still helping the younger generation in need.

August. The stars advise Ophiuchus to be on guard, because someone will try to deceive him. You should not trust unfamiliar personalities and believe everything that others say. This month, it is better for a person of this sign to close himself off from everyone and leave the house as little as possible. You should especially beware of noisy parties with alcoholic drinks. Under the influence of alcohol, Ophiuchus can do a lot of stupid things, which he will later regret.

September. The stars do not advise Ophiuchus to poke his nose into other people's affairs in this autumn month of 2020. This can bring a lot of problems to a person of this sign. If Ophiuchus does not want to ruin relationships with others, then these September days you should not give advice and try to teach life to your friends and relatives. Ophiuchus himself really doesn’t like being taught, so you shouldn’t give your advice to others this month.

October. This month Ophiuchus will not be given rest past life. He will constantly catch himself thinking that love for his former soulmate still lives in his heart. You should not entertain yourself with vain hopes and think that the past can be returned. If you tirelessly look back, you may not notice your happiness and never build a happy future. A person of the Ophiuchus sign should remember this. The stars recommend that he pay attention to those people who are nearby. Among them there are people of the opposite sex who are truly not indifferent to Ophiuchus and dream of building a future with him.

November. The stars advise Ophiuchus not to rely on anyone but himself this month. At the most crucial moment, close and dear people can let you down. It’s better not to make any guesses and not to count on other people’s help. Ophiuchus should be more confident in his own abilities in this autumn month of the Year of the Rat. It will be especially difficult in financial terms, but borrowing money is strongly discouraged for Ophiuchus now, because it will be very difficult to get out of debt later.

December. The stars recommend that Ophiuchus in this last month of 2020 not to fibble, but to work properly, then an excellent result will not take long to arrive. Ophiuchus will be pleasantly surprised by the reward received for his labors and efforts. If this continues, then Ophiuchus need not worry about the material side of his life, because the budget will increase significantly and there will be enough money for everything.

It turns out that there is another sign in our zodiac system. Now you know everything about Ophiuchus and even know what 2020 will bring for him, which will be ruled by the Rat.