Numerological health diagnostics. Numerological health diagnostics Explanation from syn


(floating stars)

From time immemorial, the basis of the worldview of the inhabitants of eastern countries has been the dualistic cosmogonic concept of the existence of two opposing forces - YIN and YANG, which arose from the originally single energy QI.

As a result of the “condensation” of Qi, a division arose into light and light YANG QI, which rose up and formed the Sky, and cloudy, heavy YIN QI, which fell down and formed the Earth. The alternation of Yin (passive force) and Yang (active force) sets the cyclical nature of all processes in nature: day and night, morning and evening, winter and summer, cold and warmth, wakefulness and sleep, inhalation and exhalation, etc.

The interaction of Yin and Yang gives birth to five primary elements (primary elements), which are the basis of all things and states of nature: WATER, FIRE, WOOD, EARTH, METAL.

Once one thing (the first principle) is abolished, life becomes impossible.

This idea formed the concept of “U-SIN”, according to which all phenomena in the Universe are in constant motion: the earth is the soil for plants; water is food for plants and animals; fire is warmth for all living things; tree food for animals, etc.

Why do we use U-SIN?

In order to determine for yourself (without the help of doctors) which organs and systems in your body are more prone to diseases, in order to create recovery programs with the help of Tienschi dietary supplements and in order to always achieve results.

What will we see when we draw the U-SIN model?

We will see the adaptive capabilities of a biological system during its interaction with the external environment (Qi), taking into account the energy intensity of organ systems located according to the principle of the relationship of the 5 primary elements in the Wu-SIN system.

  1. We add the digits of the date of birth - up to the number. (If the date of birth starts with zero, for example: 10/01/1956 - then we do not write zero) That is, we add: 1+1+0+1+9+5+6 = 23;
  2. 2+3 = 5
  3. Multiply the first digit of the date of birth by 2; 1* 2 = 2
  4. Subtract from the first sum (23) multiplied by 2 (2) i.e. 23-2 = 21 And bring it to one number 2+1 =3
  5. The highlighted numbers will be included in the working row: 1.10.1956.

Basic program for this calculation:

  1. Children's calcium + calcium "Tienshi"
  2. Chitosan
  3. Cordyceps
  4. Zinc capsules
  5. Tea "Tienshi"

After the above calculations, the next stage is to write down the obtained numbers of the working row according to the U-SIN scheme. (see figure 1 at the bottom of the page) In accordance with the numbers of the hemisphere, we enter the numbers from the working row in the form of a “+” sign, and if a certain number is not in the working row, then in that hemisphere we put a “-” sign. For example: considering the above series, the “Tree” system looks like this:

We will look at the "Circles" systems:

Now we can determine in what mode the organs operate.

For example, if on the diagram from the “Yin” (left) side there is “-”, then the mode is closer to the minimum.

There are four modes in total:




First of all, you need to pay attention to those systems that operate in the minimum mode and the "Dan" mode. These systems are most in need of prevention, that is, these are the foci from which chronic diseases develop. Therefore, when accepting Tiens products, it is necessary to take these systems into account.

“Den” is when there is the same amount of “+” on the Yin side and on the Yang side.

For example:

Dan means the system rotates around its axis. Does not give or receive energy. no relationship. Why is she dangerous? Doesn't give help and doesn't take. Dan is a system without development. In stressful situations, it is unknown how the organs may react; in other words, these are the most vulnerable organs.

  • Minimum mode - in the "Yin" and "Yang" configurations there are minus signs"The system in this mode does not give out, but only receives energy. The relationship is one-way.
  • If there is a minus sign on the left (Yin),and on the right is “+” or several “+”, this means that the system operates in the minimum mode, with a predominance of the Yang configuration.

We have reviewed the main modes that you should pay most attention to when receiving products. Now let's look at these modes in interrelation.

Let's combine them together (systems):

We evaluate in 2 stages:

  1. stage: the influence of Qi energy goes through “Fire”, and is distributed in a circle, always clockwise (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). Generation, oppression.
  2. stage: we look inside the couple’s system (sharp minuses, sharp pros). Earth-Tree; Water-Fire; Metal-Fire.

Pairs are chains of correspondence. What do they give? - the possibility of deep, complete prevention. And if there is a disease, then for this couple it will also be a treatment.

In U-SIN it is immediately clear that the body is a system.

When you write down all the numbers and determine in what mode the organs work, do not draw conclusions whether this is good or bad. Such a system is simply individual for each person. Let’s say that if the liver works in a minimum mode, then it needs to be maintained in this mode all its life. This is individual health! Under no circumstances should you stress her!
All organs are divided into Yin and Yang. Yin - dense. Structural, deep. (Feminine) . Yang is that which comes from Yin or influences Yin (masculine principle).

The birth of five primary elements, arranged according to the U-SIN scheme.

Figure 1. U-SIN. Interaction of organ systems. Assessment of biosystem adaptation to environmental influences.

to be continued....

The doctrine of primary elements (principals, elements) is common to all ancient cultures. For example, according to Aristotle, the Cosmos is composed of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether; Chinese classical philosophy considers Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal (it should be noted that the Earth here is not a cosmic body and not the opposite of Heaven, but soil, soil). Similar teachings existed in India, Egypt, and, apparently, in all cultures at some stage of development.

The Chinese teaching of Wu Xing, which developed simultaneously with the school of YIN and YANG, differs from similar teachings of other cultures not so much in the elements themselves as in the meaning of their combination: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are not primary particles (“atoms”), they are not they are also elements, that is, the active forces of nature that give rise to all things. The hieroglyph (SIN), meaning “movement”, also has a completely different reading - “KHAN”, translated as “row”, “line” or “line of hieroglyphs”. Apparently, “WU XING” / “WU HAN” should be translated both as “five elements” or “five elements”, and as “five classes”, “five tendencies”, which, by the way, is fully consistent with the synthetic tradition of Chinese classical philosophy. Sometimes the term "Wu XU" is also used, which means "five rotations". The doctrine of Wu Xing is one of the cornerstones of Chinese national culture, and the term “Wu Xing” itself denotes not so much a set of five elements as the idea of ​​a fundamental fivefold rhythm.

Considering all the possible meanings of the hieroglyph (SIN / HAN), it becomes clear that, by correlating an object with the five elements of U SIN, we judge not about the components of this object, but about its properties, direction and phase of development. In this case, Wood signifies birth (the desire for activity), Fire - blossoming (maximum activity), Earth - maturity (balance), Metal - extinction (the desire for passivity) and Water - death (maximum passivity).

If we take into account that activity is a property of YANG, and passivity is a property of YIN, then it turns out that Wood symbolizes the transition from YIN to YANG, Metal - from YANG to YIN; Fire corresponds to the maximum of YANG, Water - to the maximum of YIN; The earth is the balance between them.

As in the case of YIN-YANG, the elements of WU XING are complementary and mutually conditioning; developing from birth to death, each of the elements sequentially resides in five states corresponding to all five elements (including itself). For example, when Wood is in a state of maturity (Earth), Fire is born (Wood), and Water is extinguished (Metal). Thus, WU XING is another (along with YIN-YANG) version of the ancient Chinese dialectic: its elements are in constant motion, interaction and mutual transformation, none of them can exist in a pure form, and any phenomena and material objects always contain contains all five elements (see model).

In total, there are up to 120 variants of interactions between the elements of U SIN, but within the framework of this book, two of them are of greatest interest: the mutual generation of SEN and the mutual suppression of CE (see diagram), the joint action of which ensures dynamic balance: for example, Fire is generated from Wood , but is simultaneously suppressed by Water, while the generation corresponds to the beginning of YANG, and the suppression corresponds to YIN. In generation, the element being generated (the “son”) grows, and the element that generates it (the “mother”) is depleted; When suppressed, the suppressed element is depleted, and the suppressing element grows. Thus, generation and suppression have direct and reverse components.

Since all the elements are connected to each other, the U SIN system of any individual object is in balance, but under the influence of external factors, the balance may be disturbed and then one of the elements may grow excessively or become depleted; in this case, the harmony of generation and suppression is disrupted: for example, excessively expanded Fire suppresses Metal too much and is not easily suppressed by Water - Metal is depleted under the influence of suppression, Water grows from excessive suppression of Fire; At the same time, the Tree is also depleted, wasting its potential on the already useless generation of Fire. If the effect of the factor that disrupted the harmony ceases, then the Wu XIN system can again come to equilibrium: the depleted Wood will no longer generate Fire and suppress the Earth, the latter will generate a new Metal, and this, in turn, will generate Water, etc.

If, as a result of excessive depletion, one or more elements disappear, then such an imbalance is irreversible, and the object ceases to be itself - it acquires a new quality, its W XIN system comes into balance, but at a different qualitative level, the elements acquire different meanings. For example, if as a result of an irreversible violation of internal balance a person dies, then his body turns into a corpse, a qualitatively new object, the development of which occurs in a different direction and is subject to different laws.

Many publications also discuss feedback: counter-generation and counter-suppression, which arise when the balance of elements is disturbed; Moreover, different authors hold different, sometimes directly opposite, opinions regarding the direction and nature of these connections. At the same time, the reverse component of the generation SHEN ("the son grows, the mother is exhausted") has a fairly clear meaningful interpretation and is sometimes called "devouring": The tree devours (drinks with its roots) Water, Fire devours (burns) Tree, Earth devours (drowns) Fire, Metal devours (looses and depletes) the Earth, Water devours (corrodes) Metal.

If some object, which has its own system of U SIN, is exposed from the outside to an influence that carries one of the elements, then this external element, firstly, accumulates in the object’s element of the same name (increasing its potential), and secondly, directly stimulates and suppresses two corresponding element. For example, if an external Fire acts on an object, then it accumulates in the Fire of the object, stimulates the Earth of the object and suppresses its Metal; at the same time, the object’s own Fire also stimulates the Earth and depresses Metal, but the strengthening of these connections, due to the accumulation of external Fire in the internal one, lags in time from its direct action.

Similar to the YIN-YANG classifier, the WU XING classifier applies to any phenomena, for example:

Wood (elastic, bendable, but straightened) - east, morning, spring, wind, green (blue, turquoise) color, YU note (si), sour taste, anger, planet Jupiter, liver, gall bladder, tendons, nails, eyes, numbers 3 and 8; patients of this type are thin, tall and athletic, diligent and lacking initiative;

Fire (hot, bright, rising up) - south, day, summer, heat, red color, note ZHEN (la), bitter taste, joy, planet Mars, heart, small intestine, blood vessels, tongue, numbers 2 and 7; patients of this type have a thick build, pink skin, are quick-tempered, ambitious and suspicious;

Earth (receives sowing and gives harvest) - southwest and center, end of day, end of summer, dampness, yellow color, JJUE note (F sharp), sweet taste, meditation, planet Saturn, stomach, spleen, pancreas, muscles , connective tissue, oral cavity, numbers 5 and 10; patients of this type have a dense build, a rounded face and a prominent belly, are calm and thoughtful;

Metal (solid, deformable) - west, evening, autumn, dryness, white color, note SHAN (mi), pungent taste, melancholy, planet Venus, lungs, large intestine, skin, hair, nose, numbers 4 and 9; patients of this type have an asthenic build, thin limbs and pale skin, are petty and prone to melancholy;

Water (cold, flowing down) - north, night, winter, cold, black color, VCO note (d-sharp), salty taste, fear, planet Mercury, kidneys, bladder, bones, ears, numbers 1 and 6; Patients of this type are thin, have an elongated body and short limbs, dark skin, are secretive and suspicious.

The materials are published with the permission of the authors of the electronic publication "Acupuncture - Theory and Methods".


"Five elements" ("five elements", more correctly - "five actions", "five phases" or "five rows"). One of the fundamental categories of Chinese philosophy, denoting a universal classification scheme, according to which all the main parameters of the universe - spatio-temporal and motor-evolutionary - have a five-member structure. The etymological meaning of the hieroglyph "sin3" - "crossroads of roads" - determines its semantics - "row", "line", "movement", "walking". “Wu Xing” in the so-called cosmogonic order are “water”, “fire”, “metal”, “wood”, “soil”. These are not the primary substances of the cosmos, but symbols, or the first and main members, of the five series-classes into which all objects and phenomena of the world, both material and immaterial, are divided. Each of these series gives a characteristic of a certain state in a processual connection with other series-states that are associated with “fire”, “water”, etc. not substantially, like the “primary elements” of ancient Greek philosophy, but functionally. In the genetic sense, “wu xing” are also not primary, since their appearance is preceded by at least two stages - the primordial “Chaos” (hun dun) or the “Great Limit” (tai chi) and the dualization of the cosmos by the forces of yin yang. Heading an extensive set of all kinds of five-membered sets, such as: “five cardinal directions”, “five seasons”, “five numbers”, “five graces”, “five pneumas”, “five colors”, “five tastes”, etc. etc., “wu xing” form a complex world-descriptive system. It includes a significant number of different “wu xing” orders, interconnected by clear structural relationships and mutual transitions. The most important among these orders are "mutual generation" ("wood" - "fire" - "soil" - "metal" - "water" - "wood" ...) and "mutual transcendence" ("soil" - "wood" - "metal" " - "fire" - "water" - "soil"...) are transformed into each other by reading the opposite sequence of elements through one, which in geometric terms acts as the ratio of a regular pentagon and a pentagram inscribed in it (see Fig. 1) . The origins of the doctrine of "wu xing" go back to the most ancient (end of the 2nd millennium BC) ideas about the fivefold structure of the earth's surface (wu fan - "five cardinal directions", wu feng - "five wind directions") or later ( 1st half of the 1st millennium BC) classifications of the results of human economic and labor activity (liu fu - “six warehouses”, wu tsai - “five materials”). Guanzi (3rd century BC) says that "wu xing" were created by the mythical emperor Huang Di, along with the pentatonic scale and the five ranks of officials. The oldest text outlining systematic ideas about “wu xing” is Ch. Hong Fan from Shu Jing. The doctrine of “wu xing” acquired its developed form in the 4th-2nd centuries. BC, which was greatly facilitated by Zou Yan and Dong Zhongshu. Subsequently, it was combined with the doctrine of yin yang (see Fig. 2) and formed the theoretical foundation of the general methodological “teaching of symbols and numbers” (xiang shu zhi xue), becoming an integral part of almost all philosophical and scientific constructions, and currently continues play a leading role in the theory of Chinese medicine.

Rice. 1. MODERN RECONSTRUCTION of the pentagram-circular arrangement of five elements in two main orders: “mutual generation” (continuous arrow) and “mutual transcendence” (broken arrow).

Rice. 2. MEDIEVAL SCHEME OF GENERATION by the Great Limit (tai chi) of two patterns (sun - moon, yin - yang) and five elements.


This happened at a time when Emperor Fu Xi ruled the country. One peasant constantly had a headache. One day, while cultivating a field, he accidentally hit himself on the leg with a hoe. The headache is gone. Since then, the residents of this village began to deliberately hit themselves in the leg with a stone when they had a headache. To their delight, the headache always subsided. Having learned about this, Emperor Fu Xi thought of replacing the rough stone with a fine stone needle, and the results became even better. Subsequently, other effective points on the human body were found. So says the legend.
Bone and stone needles found during archaeological excavations indicate that acupuncture was known and widely used 5 thousand years ago. By the 3rd century BC. e. refers to the book "Huang Di Nei Jing", which summarizes the experience of acupuncture and contains prescription advice. In the decree of Emperor Huang Di, the following instructions are given to doctors: “I regret that my people, burdened with the burden of illness, do not pay the taxes and quitrents that they owe me. My will is not to prescribe them any more drugs that only poison them, and not to use more ancient stone points... I want only mysterious metal needles to be used that channel energy***.
What kind of energy was the Chinese emperor talking about in his decree?
Internal energy, according to ancient canons, is formed from the interaction of two types of energy - cosmic and terrestrial. The cosmic one is perceived directly, and the earthly one is formed due to the processing of food by the body. At the same time, ancient doctors believed that energy circulates along certain paths - meridians. In the process of circulation, on the one hand, it interacts with the organs controlled by a given meridian, on the other, through biologically active points (BAP) located on the meridian, with the external environment. Consistently passing through 12 main meridians, energy, like a tidal wave of the ocean, has its maximum and minimum, respectively. The maximum occurs at the moment of passage of energy - high tide, and the minimum - at the moment of passage of energy along the diametrically opposite meridian - low tide (see figure).

Starting from meridian I - lungs (maximum 3-5 hours), energy is transferred to meridian II - large intestine (maximum 5-7 hours), then to III - stomach (7-9 hours), IV - spleen-pancreas (9 -11 o'clock), V - heart (11-13 o'clock), VI - small intestine (13-15 o'clock), VII - bladder (15-17 o'clock), VIII - kidneys (17-19 o'clock), IX - pericardium (19-21 o'clock), X - three parts of the body (21-23 o'clock), XI - gall bladder (23-1 o'clock), XII - liver (1-3 o'clock). Having completed the circuit in 24 hours, the tidal wave of energy is again transmitted to the I meridian - lungs.

This cycle of energy constitutes a large circle of circulation.
Eastern medicine divides the meridians into two polar groups, YANG and YIN. Each group includes 6 paired meridians; and all relationships between organs, all regulation of opposing processes in the body, i.e. processes of assimilation and dissimilation, excitation and inhibition, etc., are controlled by the corresponding meridians. In his work “Electro-puncture reflexology” V. G. Portnoy writes: “Modern physiology has demonstrated an amazing correspondence of biorhythms and circadian rhythms to the ideas of traditional oriental medicine, which is of particular interest to clinicians. Spontaneous glycemia, appearing at the end of the morning, corresponds to the hour "increased activity of the spleen-pancreas. Hepatic colic most often occurs around one in the morning, which corresponds to the hour of increased activity of the gallbladder. From practice it is known that asthmatic attacks quite often occur between 3 am and 5 am."
The disease can be expressed by either an excess or lack of energy in one or more organs. If an organ experiences an excess of energy, then it is in the YANG state; if it feels a deficiency, then it is in the YIN state. But more on this in other sections. In the meantime, we must clearly understand that there is a large circle of energy circulation, in which the meridians, following each other in a certain order, form a closed cyclic system, which, by alternately stimulating each organ, ensures an even distribution of energy throughout the body.
The ancient Chinese expressed the relationship and interpenetration of YIN and YANG this way: day gives birth to evening, evening gives birth to night, night gives birth to morning, morning gives birth to day. In the depths of each state, an opposite and a logical continuation arises. Along with concepts related to YIN - night, winter, north, inner; and day, summer, south, outside - related to YANG, there are also transitional concepts: morning, spring, east - transitional YANG; evening, autumn, west - transitional YIN. Graphically, this relationship between YIN and YANG is depicted by a monad (Taijitu 太極圖), where YANG 陽 is a light field and YIN 陰 is a dark field.

The polar moments of YIN and YANG of the vital force CHI 氣 act simultaneously in the body, and only their balance is a sign of excellent health.
So, 12 meridians, united into a single system, are divided into two groups of 6 meridians, the YAN group and the YIN group. The Yang system includes meridians located on the front surface of the torso and limbs, and the Yin system - on the back. In each group of meridians there is one that reflects the functional state of the entire group of meridians, this is the meridian of the three heaters, or three parts of the body in the YANG group, and the pericardial meridian in the YIN group.
Thus, in the body, two groups of meridians function in close connection and interaction, being in mutually stimulating and mutually suppressive dependence on each other.
The meridians of the Yang group include: X - the meridian of the three parts of the body, the functional meridian of the Yang group, II - the colon meridian, III - the stomach meridian, VI - the small intestine meridian, VII - the bladder meridian and XI - the gallbladder meridian.
The meridians of the YIN group include: IX - pericardial meridian, functional meridian of the YIN group, I - lung meridian, IV - pancreas spleen meridian, V - heart meridian, VIII - kidney meridian, XII - liver meridian.
From the above, the most important conclusion follows: in addition to one dependence, which comes from each meridian belonging to a large circle of energy circulation, there is another dependence of each meridian, which comes from belonging to the YANG or YIN group. The ancient Chinese, in their characteristic manner, described this dependence in the system of five elements Wu - XING 五行 (wǔ xíng).
Nature knows five elements that give birth to ten things: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金 and water 水. The relationship between these five elements is as follows: wood gives birth to fire, fire warms the earth, earth gives birth to metal, metal gives birth to water, water nourishes wood. There is also an inverse relationship: wood depletes the earth, earth absorbs water, water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood. Based on the YIN-YANG theory, these connections are also in a mutually stimulating and mutually suppressive relationship.
Based on the diagram (see figure), the stimulating connection, being external, is carried out in a circle of cyclicity, and the suppressive connection, being internal, is carried out inside the circle according to the cycle of the star.

Any predominance, be it a stimulating or suppressive connection, leads to an imbalance: if water excessively stimulates the tree, then it begins to dominate, due to the increase in the suppressive connection between the tree and the earth, the latter weakens, it does not stimulate the metal enough, which in turn weakens the suppressive connection between him and the tree.
Each meridian of the YIN and YANG group is located under one of the symbols of these five elements:
Tree XI - gallbladder meridian XII - liver meridian
Fire VI - small intestine meridian V - heart meridian
Earth III - stomach meridian IV - spleen-pancreas meridian
Metal II - colon meridian I - lung meridian
Water VII - bladder meridian VIII - kidney meridian
Functional meridian X - meridian of the III parts of the body IX - meridian of the pericardium

TreeXI - gallbladder meridian XII - liver meridian
FireVI - meridian of the small intestine V - heart meridian
EarthIII - stomach meridian IV - spleen-pancreas meridian
MetalII - colon meridian I - lung meridian
WaterVII - bladder meridian VIII - kidney meridian
Functional meridian X - meridian III parts of the body IX - pericardial meridian

Now if you place the meridians in places corresponding to the symbolism, then their interdependent connections will look as shown in the following diagrams:

As can be seen from the diagrams, all stimulating and suppressive connections pass along functional meridians (along the circle of cyclicity or the cycle of the star).
Before moving on to the topography of the meridians, it is necessary to say a few words about the BAPs that are located on them. Along the course of each meridian there are from 9 to 68 points, which are divided into main and special.
The main points include:
1. Tonic (stimulating) point. It is always located on its meridian and stimulates the work of the organ associated with the meridian. Impact on a given point using the method of excitation (this will be discussed in the appropriate place) increases the flow of energy in the meridian.
2. Sedative (calming) point. It is also located on its meridian and suppresses the excited activity of the organ associated with the meridian. Serves to remove energy from the meridian in case of its excess.
Special points include:

3. Alarm point, or herald. It is located, as a rule, outside its meridian. There are meridians with several alarm points. Pain or increased sensitivity that occurs at this point indicates a dysfunction of the meridian or the organ associated with it.
4. Stabilizing (gateway) point. It is always located on its meridian in its terminal part. Its action extends to the conjugate meridian. Through the gateway points of the associated
meridians there is an internal exchange of energy. By irritating this point, one can achieve a transfer from the meridian experiencing its excess to the conjugate meridian, which is in deficiency. The following meridians are connected through gateway points:

I and II
III and IV
V and VI
IX and X
XI and XII

5. Helper point. Serves to maintain one of the main points - tonic or sedative. It can enhance their effect both when toning the meridian and when calming it.
6. Sympathetic point (point of agreement). Regardless of belonging to one or another meridian, it is always located on meridian VII - the bladder. Impact on sympathetic points enhances the result of irritation of the sedative calming point.
7 - 8 Points of inflow and outflow of energy. The points from which the external passages of the meridians begin and end, i.e. those points from which energy is transferred from meridian to meridian.
A careful study of the topography of the meridians shows that the beginning or end of each meridian is located near the surface of the palms or soles of the feet. Thus, during an indicative reaction to an incoming stimulus, the body alerts the energy system, precisely the system that was discovered and described with brilliant precision by ancient Eastern physicians several thousand years ago. It is known that sweat, consisting of 98% water and 2% dense residue, when released, brings urea, uric acid, ammonia and other substances to the surface of the skin and, evaporating, increases the salt content on the surface moistened by it. When reacting to an irritant, the sweat glands, secreting their secretion and moisturizing the salt-coated skin, create a thin layer of electrolyte on it, i.e., an ideal environment, given the poor conductivity of the skin, for the passage of electric current. The most convincing argument for this, based on biological considerations, is that the sweat glands act like a series of resistors connected in parallel. Since the conductivity of a group of parallel-connected conductors is equal to the sum of their conductivities, the increase in conductivity is directly proportional to the number of sweat glands involved in the work.
As is known, all modern devices for detecting BAP are based on the principle of detecting skin areas with reduced resistance. From this point of view, this fact seems to confirm the presence of a certain circuit of reduced resistance for the passage of electric current. If this is so, then the meridian in each of its sections must obey the laws of the electrical circuit. That is, it must have some kind of linear resistance and, when closed between the polar electrodes, it should give a short circuit effect. Such experiments were carried out. An electrode with a minus sign was connected to point 2 of the XII liver meridian. The second electrode - the positive one - was connected to point 7 of the same meridian. Along the entire line limited by these points, a warming effect was obtained, and, despite the short duration of exposure and a small current (2 mA), an anesthesia effect was noted. By placing the minus electrode on the 4th point of the II meridian - the colon, and the plus electrode on the II point, an analgesic effect was also obtained on the area of ​​​​the skin limited by these points. Based on numerous studies by both Soviet and foreign experimenters, the following conclusion can be drawn:
A meridian is a series of cells connected to each other, energetically being a chain with reduced resistance to the passage of electric current and expressing the transmembrane potential of the organ with which it is connected.
BAPs, located on the meridians and characterized by a ring magnetic field, on the one hand, support the field state of the entire meridian, and on the other, are traps of negatively charged ions, which, being captured from the environment, are used by the body for energy regulation processes.
Thus, the meridian, having a field common to all BAPs, and functionally connected with the organ under its control, is the system that, reacting to the field state of the environment, makes appropriate adjustments to its work.
According to the famous Soviet scientist V.N. Pushkin, “using some provisions of the biological field theory, one can imagine the mechanism of action of acupuncture.” Just as the field of an individual cell goes beyond its boundaries, we can talk about structural or, in the terminology of A. G. Gurvich, actual fields of organs and systems. These fields go beyond the body. Moreover, each of them can interact, and this leads to the fact that a kind of field projection of the internal structure of the body is abandoned on the skin. It is the components of such a skin structure that can be considered special lines (meridians), along which, as ancient acupuncture theorists believed, the energy coming from space moves, ensuring life."

*Here the theory of the vital force of CHI is presented based on the books of V. G. Vogralik and D. M. Tabeeva, where it is presented most accurately and completely.

The basis of Chinese metaphysics is the concept of the existence of two opposing forces - Yin and Yang, which arose from the originally unified energy Qi. This happened under the influence of the primordial matter “Tai Tzu” (literal meaning - “Great Limit”).
As a result of the “condensation” of Qi, a division arose into light and light Yang Qi, which rose up and formed the Sky, and cloudy and heavy Yin Qi, which fell down and formed the Earth.
The alternation of Yin (passive force) and Yang (active force) sets the cyclical nature of all processes in nature: night and day; morning and evening; winter and summer; cold and warmth; wakefulness and sleep; inhalation and exhalation, etc.
The interaction of Yin and Yang gives birth to five primary elements, which are the basis of all things and states of nature: Water, Wood, Fire, Soil, Metal.
Once one element is abolished, life becomes impossible.
This idea formed the concept of “U-sin”, according to which all phenomena in the Universe are in constant motion.

The idea of ​​Wu Xing is widely used in Chinese medicine, astrology and Feng Shui. This term was translated from Chinese as “five elements” (a more correct translation is “Five Movements or Five Steps”). In fact, "Wu Xing" is short for "Wu Zhong Liu Xing Zhi Qi" or "five types of Qi dominant at different times":

  • water dominates in winter,
  • tree- in the spring,
  • fire- in summer,
  • metal- in the fall,
  • dominates during transition periods between two seasons the soil .

The names “water”, “wood”, “fire”, “metal” and “soil” are only substances that, in their characteristics, are as similar as possible to the corresponding types of Qi. They help us understand the properties of the five types of Qi, but they can also lead us astray if we take them literally.
The “Five Elements” of the Universe are not something static, established once and for all. They constantly enter into various interactions with each other, and all movements and changes in the Universe, ultimately manifested in people, objects and events, are believed to result from the interaction of these fundamental forces and are influenced by them. On the other hand, the Universe is not chaos, and the “elements” interact with each other in accordance with certain laws. These laws are called the Cycles of Generation and Control (xiang sheng 相生 and xiang ke 相克).

Cycle of Generation (black arrows on the diagram) shows that each “element” generates (supports) another “element”, resulting in a closed chain. This is a harmonious relationship, similar to the relationship between a mother and child.

Control Cycle (red arrows in the diagram), on the contrary, defines conflictual relationships in which each “element” controls and suppresses some other.
The concept of “U-sin” is applicable to the analysis of not only the phenomena of the surrounding world, but also the physiology of the human body. In the surrounding world (macrocosm), man is a world in miniature (microcosm), a reflection of the Universe and consists of the same five primary elements.

Based on analogies between all phenomena and the five primary elements, the Wu Xing theory created a coherent picture of the relationship between man and nature.
All natural phenomena also find their correspondence to the five elements.

Table “Qualities of the Five Elements”






The soil



Tall columns


constant, square










any metal


Rancid, musty

Scorched, burnt

Fragrant, sweet

Crying (Sighs)

Energy of nature



Time of the year

Rain season

Side of the world

Mythical animals

Black Turtle

Azure Dragon

Red Phoenix

Yellow Unicorn

White Tiger


Goat, sheep

Bull, cow

Rooster, chicken

Times of Day

Life cycle




Facial features

Ears, forehead,




cheekbones, moles

Body types

Large bones
wide hips




Little bones
thin skin

Five entrails



Small intestine







Spectrum of emotions










Number according to Hong Fan

Number according to Yue Ling



Heavenly Trunks

. 癸

. 乙

. 丁

. 己

庚 . 辛

Earthly Branches

. 子

. 卯

. 午

辰 . 未 . 戌 . 丑

申 . 酉

A very simple to perform, but surprisingly effective complex for harmonizing the internal energies of the five elements of our body USIN. It can be performed every day in the morning for prevention, during the day for balancing. It is mainly aimed at working with the tendons of the hands. Removes blocks in social contacts. During and after the exercise, the areas on the inside of your forearms may itch. This is a good indicator. This speaks of an energetic “detoxification” of your contacts with this world. I draw your attention to the position of the legs. Legs are like soft springs. This gives the development of supports and, on a psychological level, confidence and stability.
Have fun.

Wu-shin system

U SIN. “Five elements” (“five elements”, more correctly - “five actions”, “five phases” or “five rows”). One of the fundamental categories of Chinese philosophy, denoting a universal classification scheme, according to which all the main parameters of the universe - spatio-temporal and motor-evolutionary - have a five-member structure.

The etymological meaning of the hieroglyph “sin3” - “crossroads of roads” - determines its semantics - “row”, “line”, “movement”, “walking”. “Wu Xing” in the so-called cosmogonic order are “water”, “fire”, “metal”, “wood”, “soil”. These are not the primary substances of the cosmos, but symbols, or the first and main members, of the five series-classes into which all objects and phenomena of the world, both material and immaterial, are divided.

Each of these series characterizes a certain state in a processual connection with other series-states that are associated with “fire”, “water”, etc. not substantially, like the “primary elements” of ancient Greek philosophy, but functionally. In the genetic sense, “wu xing” are also not primary, since their appearance is preceded by at least two stages - the primordial “Chaos” (hun dun) or the “Great Limit” (tai chi) and the dualization of the cosmos by the forces of yin yang.

Heading an extensive set of all kinds of five-member sets, such as: “five cardinal directions”, “five seasons”, “five numbers”, “five graces”, “five pneumas”, “five colors”, “five tastes”, etc. etc., “wu xing” form a complex world-descriptive system. It includes a significant number of different orders of “wu xing”, interconnected by clear structural relationships and mutual transitions. The most important among these orders are “mutual generation” (“wood” - “fire” - “soil” - “metal” - “water” - “wood”...) and “mutual transcendence” (“soil” - “wood” - “metal” " - "fire" - "water" - "soil"...) are transformed into each other by reading the opposite sequence of elements through one, which in geometric terms acts as the ratio of a regular pentagon and a pentagram inscribed in it (see Fig. 1) .

The origins of the doctrine of “wu xing” go back to the most ancient (end of the 2nd millennium BC) ideas about the fivefold structure of the earth’s surface (wu fan - “five cardinal directions”, wu feng - “five wind directions”) or later ( 1st half of the 1st millennium BC) classifications of the results of human economic and labor activity (liu fu - “six warehouses”, wu tsai - “five materials”). Guanzi (3rd century BC) says that “wu xing” was created by the mythical Emperor Huang Di, along with the pentatonic scale and the five ranks of officials. The oldest text setting out systematic ideas about “wu xing” is Ch. Hong Fan from Shu Jing.

The doctrine of “wu xing” acquired its developed form in the 4th-2nd centuries. BC, which was greatly facilitated by Zou Yan and Dong Zhongshu. Subsequently, it was combined with the doctrine of yin yang (see Fig. 2) and formed the theoretical foundation of the general methodological “teaching of symbols and numbers” (xiang shu zhi xue), becoming an integral part of almost all philosophical and scientific constructions, and currently continues play a leading role in the theory of Chinese medicine.


We are smoothly flowing into summer. Spring is over. Sap flow began in the body. Not toxic elements, but useful ones. Because we have replenished all the depots. By the way, according to Eastern medicine, the head is made up of two bladders: the gall bladder and the urinary bladder. Therefore, the expression “Urine hit the head” has a certain meaning. People suffering from liver diseases usually have a problem with headaches. People suffering from kidney and bladder problems tend to have migraines.

And we come to summer. Summer means fast growth. Summer is about activation. When everything happens unusually quickly and brightly. The heart is a pump that pushes blood and moves it through the great vessels. But besides this, this heart meridian is responsible for the endocrine system. For our thyroid gland, for the adrenal glands along with the kidneys. When you look at the pentagram, everything about yourself becomes clear to you. Who is connected to whom, who depends on whom, and what to give to whom so that he lags behind. Now, if we give everything, then we will not have problems in cardiology. The heart, like the liver, is considered a hot organ. Because it constantly drives the hottest biological fluid through itself, blood. The parallel organ of the heart is the small intestine. The heart is the basis of life.

Primary element - Fire
Transformation - Rapid growth. Activation. Beauty, strength, power.
Hole - Tongue (face)
Structure - Vessels
Emotion - Joy
Dense/hollow - Heart/small intestine
System - Endocrine
Add. function - Mental management
Heart functions- Controls blood and blood vessels, sweating, consciousness, thinking. Regulates the vital forces of qi. Responsible for the endocrine system.

Functions of the small intestine- Intake of digested food, absorption of nutrients and fluids. Separation of fluids into “clean” - into the spleen and “cloudy” - into the colon, transfer of waste to the colon, removal of unnecessary substances from the heart.

What is the help?

1) Mineralization
2) Strengthening the heart and blood vessels

dietary supplements- Whole Calcium, Biozinc, Spirulina, Blood and Iron, Holican, Weikan, Garlic Oil, Chitosan, San Gao

There is no heart - the body will not work, it will not live. To avoid this, you need to systematically take care of your body.
Not when we have “Guard”, but when we still have the opportunity to restore everything. The heart is responsible not only for the blood supply and great vessels. The window of the heart is the tongue. The state of all cardiology can be determined by the language, which is what oriental doctors have always done. Good blood circulation is a guarantee of normal mental activity. The heart is responsible for taste sensations. And the heart is responsible for speech.

How can we help the heart? Oddly enough, the heart is the most important organ after the small intestine. Because the intake of all substances, nutritious, beneficial or not, occurs through the small intestine. Absorption of the bulk of minerals, useful and non-useful substances occurs through the small intestine. And it is in the summer that we should load the small intestine as much as possible. 85% of all minerals are absorbed through the small intestine. And it is in the summer that complete mineralization occurs.

How does this happen? We have wonderful products that are not available in any company or on any store in the world. The Tiens Corporation has amazing Biocalcium, which in our body is converted into an ionic form without any costs and is absorbed by our body by 90%. Why mineralization in summer? The kidneys, which are responsible for the skeletal system, are in great need of calcium.

But we do mineralization in the summer, not in the winter. Not at the critical time of the year, when there is “Guard”, when there is osteoporosis, when your legs hurt. And in the summer, so that this does not happen. This is especially important for children who grow extremely quickly. In order for them to have a full-fledged endocrine system, so that they do not have problems with sexual development, it is for this purpose that complete mineralization must be carried out in the summer. This is all our calcium - from the first to the last. Women and children start with children's, everyone else starts with general. One calcium after another, half a packet from 17 to 19 hours, so that the calcium goes to the depot

What you put in in the summer, you take out in the fall. Everything starts in the summer. Children's teeth mineralization - in summer. This is especially important for hyperactive children.
For children who grow in leaps and bounds and then get sick, developing Schlatter syndrome, when the legs hurt very much, the child has difficulty walking, and the knees hurt. Biozinc - morning intake, 4-6 capsules at a time. And Spirulina. You start with 3 tablets, then 4, then 5. In the morning, with breakfast. Those who weigh over 70 kg - six tablets. And it lasts until lunch. Among other things, Spirulina also performs a wonderful function. The fiber in Spirulina is of a different kind. It activates the exchange. And you are getting slimmer before your eyes.

What is the beauty of the weight control program using Tiens supplements. Even if you start to lose weight rapidly, not a single skin will hang anywhere. It is very sad to see women who, at the cost of incredible efforts with the help of some diet, have lost weight, but have lost their blooming appearance and youth. As Faina Ranevskaya said, changing clothes in the dressing room and standing without clothes in response to the apology of a person who looked at the door: “What are you, my dear, if you don’t feel sick, come in.”
If a plump woman has lost weight in an unnatural way, then she presents a sad picture. We must do everything systematically, beautifully, slowly. So that the body tightens, so that it is tight. And this is all only with gradual normalization of weight, which occurs only with normalization of metabolism.

A wonderful product has appeared on which we must complete mineralization. "Blood and Iron" You and I will need this most unique product to support the spleen, which really needs light and complete iron. Unfortunately, our body does not have a mechanism for removing excess iron. And an excess can only be chemical, inorganic iron. And this iron forms a layer of rust on our main vessels. And this leads to terrible results. And the older a person is, the more dangerous it is for him to take all kinds of Fermuleks, etc.

And with our product you can comfortably and wonderfully solve problems with red blood. This is due to the elasticity of blood vessels, chronic fatigue syndrome, and replenishment of the blood depot. 2-3 capsules per day. This is a prophylactic dose. When there is anemia, you can increase to 6-8 capsules. But only when there is a diagnosis of anemia!
But our heart requires not only mineralization, but with it we also strengthened the blood vessels. Holican will also help us for our hearts. And it’s good to do a combination of Holican with either Weikan or Garlic Oil. Those. with any of the products containing EFAs. Then we are replenished with that link that we did not have before.

What else is summer typical for us? In summer, the pericardium, the cardiac sac, is active. Or as it is also called the heart shield. And it really needs calcium, mineralization. It cannot be cured by any anti-inflammatory drugs if we do not have mineralization. The heart shield needs minerals.
Besides this, there is another organ that is active in the summer. These are Three Heaters. This is an organ in which energy components are involved. All energy meridians are united into one organ. And from 21 to 23 o'clock they provide access to all the main organs. These streets are open. And it is in the summer that this organ is most active. Previously, it was customary to go on vacation, relax, and do a lot of self-care in the summer.


Competent, consistent use of health products according to the system will cleanse it of harmful substances (toxins) and harmful energy, replenish the cells of our body with the necessary nutrition and help the body restore the normal functioning of its organs and systems.

Autumn is a time of change. And whoever is ready for change is ready for anything, the Chinese say. If any of you have already understood the simple truth that except ourselves, no one will restore our health, and if you have decided to do this, then I suggest starting your recovery according to the “U-Xing” system, the system of five elements.
What does this mean? First you need to understand that Man, like other animal beings, obeys the natural laws of the life process such as birth, growth, maturity, aging and death. But with the help of his efforts, he can improve his health, slow down the aging of the body, and thereby avoid death at an early age.

For a Chinese doctor there is no such thing as a sick stomach or sick kidneys; he sees the whole body at once in the interaction of its parts. In its approaches, Eastern medicine takes into account the integrity and interconnection of all internal organs, without separating man from nature. Then accept the Eastern philosophy of health and “step into the circle” of the “U-Xing” system.

Believe me, until that time, while I knew nothing about Tibetan medicine, which is already more than 5000 years old, I always felt discomfort, at any time of the year. In the spring I was always freezing, in the summer I could not stand the heat, in the winter I was cold, and in the fall I was dreary and sad. I'm not even talking about the diseases that accompanied me one after another for as long as I can remember, starting from childhood.

Having gone through the path of recovery using the U-Xing system, I understood what it means to feel healthy, to enjoy every day I live, to be in a good mood, regardless of the seasons, in any weather.
And so, what should you do in the fall, with the help of which dietary supplements should you begin to work on healing and restoring the entire body. What do doctors advise?


"A long journey begins with the first step."
Chinese proverb

Elena Borisovna Astapenok - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director of the Riga Oncology Medical Center “Vademecum”, which translated from Latin means “Walk with me”. Laureate of the State Prizes of the LSSR and the USSR for inventions in the field of clinical and experimental oncology.

Today I will tell you about why and how we are changing. What and how happens in our body?
In nature, everything changes - there is a change in the seasons of the year, active and passive states on the Sun and on the Moon, there are ebbs and flows, there are changes in moods for you and me. And all this is connected into a single system, which once upon a time was developed for you and me by Chinese, Tibetan scientists and doctors. By the way, Doctor, translated, means Teacher. Hippocrates once said: “Your task is to teach, and to treat only when the patient agrees that you will treat him! And when the patient does not agree that you will treat him, you must continue to teach him!” This is what we are doing today.

Since ancient times, Chinese doctors have observed the movement of the planets, the well-being of this or that person, they watched how we change in different seasons and tied our well-being to different seasons, to different events. And they brought it together into the “U-SIN” system - the system of five primary elements. Fundamental to this system is the interaction of Yin and Yang.

Now we will go through a very quick circle and give a brief description of emotions.
Why do we feel sad in the fall, have you ever wondered? Why is there sadness, slight sadness? Even those who really love autumn. Tell me, who is sad in the fall? Raise your hands - almost everyone. Because the main emotion of the organ is the lungs, and it is the leading organ in the fall, it is sadness, sadness. Here is sadness, sadness, when it is normal, it is not burdensome, it is even very pleasant.

Each organ corresponds to a specific emotion. The arrow that runs from organ to organ is Qi energy. She is everywhere, she is in this room. And this is the Qi energy that is in each organ for a maximum of 2 hours, whether we want it or not, and this organ is then maximally ready to be affected.
Both positive and negative. Of course, it is better to act positively, but negativity at this time, directed at a given organ, can be destructive for it.

So, each organ is responsible for certain emotions and for certain systems in our body. And so when people at a certain age say: “I’m no longer flexible, I can’t do certain things,” we say: “That’s age!” Not true! It's the liver! Because it is the liver that is responsible for the health of the ligaments, for their elasticity, for our flexibility. Exactly the liver!
Therefore, now, analyzing organ by organ, emotion by emotion, we will approach the problem of each of you together. It’s not I who will come, but you.

Because this system is absolutely universal for everyone. Because it is a reflection of nature. And no matter what we come up with in our lives, no matter what pills we take, no matter how much we want to quickly, in five minutes, get ourselves back on our feet - no pill will put us in order if we have been for 30 or 40 or 50 years they did with their body whatever God put on their soul!

So, let's start in order.

We begin our circle today in the fall. You all know that the autumn season is characterized by a departure from the rapidly flowing season, from the yang state, from the state of impulses, speed, heat. It goes into late summer. Late summer is characterized by collection, accumulation and the beginning of saving. We are coming into autumn.
What is characteristic of autumn? Physiologically, in terms of your life? It is characteristic in that it must summarize everything that we have done and perform some redistribution. And it’s not for nothing that the lungs are responsible for this time of year. It is the leading organ of this time of year. Why lungs? Because the lungs are the umbrella of the body. They seem to protect the entire body from possible infections and from the occurrence of various pathologies. They keep as much balance as possible.

Primary element Metal
Transformation Accumulation. A state of inner fullness that results from peace and confidence
Hole Nose
Structure (mirror) Skin and hair (skin)
Emotion Sadness
Dense/hollow Lungs/large intestine
Respiratory system
Add. Energy exchange function

Lung functions
They control the circulation of vital forces and fluids in the body, control breathing, and are responsible for thermoregulation.
Responsible for the condition of the voice and throat
Functions of the large intestine
Absorption of water, formation and movement of feces

What's the help?
1) Ensure cleanliness
2) Oxygen and bronchial capillaries
3) Anti-inflammatory
dietary supplements
Biocalcium, Ikan, Garlic Oil, Propolis, Double Cellulose, Digest, Tea

Concept "U-SIN" WINTER

Many foods contain a lot of sugar, fat, protein, hormones and other substances, so you need to be rational when choosing foods. And after a balanced diet, additionally take health-improving products.
We replenished and moisturized the body in the fall, that is, we corrected the Yin element in the body and moisturized the lungs by using Tianshi products:biocalcium, Ikan, Garlic oil, Propolis, Double cellulose, Digest, Tea

We have taken care of two leading bodies. The distribution of moisture, oxygen, and nutrients went its own way. Everything is going well for us. And we understand that since we helped these two organs, there will be no destruction of the liver. Our liver will work correctly, distributing everything it needs.


Now we are moving to a very important time for the body. We are moving into winter, for which the kidneys are responsible. The kidneys are an amazing organ. Although they are paired, their importance for humans cannot be overestimated. Everything is interconnected in the body. All. Not a single mole, not a single wart, not a single pimple, not a single crack just happens. Everything is interconnected.

And we move on to the organ that is responsible for this relationship, which is responsible for why you and I live at all. An organ that is related to nothing more than genetics. Which is connected with what we are, what we pass on to our children.

We must always remember that if we are offered amputation of a kidney, suppose, God forbid, this happens, or in the course of life due to some traumatic event this happens, then the right kidney is the male kidney, the kidney that carries everything related to transmission of genetic information through sperm. Everything related to the activity of sexual functions, everything related to the male type, when a man is a man who is responsible for his actions. Which has not only Yan qualities - quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly. But, who is able to bear responsibility.

Primary element- Water
Transformation- Storage. Use everything that has been accumulated in previous seasons carefully and carefully in order to leave everything you need for spring.
Hole- Ears
Structure(mirror) - Bones (hair)
Emotion- Fear
Dense/hollow- Kidneys/bladder
System- Blood
Add. function- Heredity management
Kidney functions- Hereditary, genetics. Ensuring fertility, managing the circulation of fluids, blood formation, bone marrow development, managing the condition of bones and hair, controlling hearing. The right kidney is sexual energy, a source of vitality, masculinity. Left - hereditary energy, gynecological diseases, femininity. Responsible for general thermoregulation (in hot, cold).
Bladder functions- Fluid accumulation, removal of waste and urine

What is the help?

1) Moisture
2) Remove inflammation
3) Nutrients
4) Antioxidants
5) Kidney mucosa
6) Hormonal disorders
7) Peripheral circulation

Dietary supplements: Water regime, Cordyceps, Biocalcium (Gai bao), Antilipid tea, Kanli, Biozinc, Evening primrose oil, Ginkgo leaves, Changbai ant extract

When the right kidney is removed, or when there is disease in the right kidney, then feminine qualities begin to predominate more and more - pettiness, grumpiness, pickiness. And more and more masculine qualities are disappearing. It's the same with women. The left half of our body is Yin (female), the right half is Yang (male). Always remember this.

So the kidneys are responsible for the energy ratio, for genetics, for the absorption of energy. The kidneys maintain an absolutely amazing balance of vital functions. They are responsible for bones, for everything related to the skeletal apparatus. They are responsible for teeth and hair. The entrance gate of the kidneys is hearing. If hearing loss occurs, or some kind of injury occurs, if discharge begins to come from the ears, the kidneys are to blame. Before going to the ENT specialist, take care of your kidneys. Hearing loss is always directly related to kidney function.

Kidneys are the source of energy in our body. People with diseased kidneys are those who have no strength, they have constant lower back pain, their legs hurt. And the kidneys are responsible for thermoregulation. It’s not whether your hands or feet are warm or cold; the intestines are responsible for that; when you cleanse your intestines, your feet will become warm. But for general thermoregulation - whether we are more or less cold, whether we are shivering, whether we do not tolerate the heat well, the kidneys are responsible for this. For general thermoregulation - how we adapt to changes in a particular temperature.

The fact is that that bundle of energy - Zen energy, which is given to us by our parents at the time of conception, and which we pass on to our children, this energy is located in the kidneys. Therefore, infections are undesirable for the kidneys, and promiscuous, chaotic sex life is undesirable, which inevitably leads to depletion of Zen energy. The kidneys are responsible for the activity and intensity of bone marrow production, which in turn promotes blood formation. Malignant diseases of the circulatory system are directly related to what happens in the kidneys.
The kidneys remove waste and urine. And if they do not work well, then waste and urine remain in our body. If we have a toxic process, we poison, first of all, the kidneys. We poison our genetics, our appearance, our bones, we poison our thermoregulatory function, we poison our bone marrow - we provoke the occurrence of serious diseases.

What do we do? We have transmitted good, healthy, full-fledged energy here and we know what the kidneys require: firstly, moisture; secondly - nutrients.
How can we help the kidneys? The Chinese consider the kidney and kidney-jan, these are the adrenal glands, as well as the urogenital system (i.e. gynecology, urology). Together with the kidneys, this is a single complex that is extremely important in the life of every person. So, in order for all this to circulate normally, we must do the following. In the body of an adult, stagnation occurs, one way or another." The kidneys are programmed for a biological life of 200 to 800 years.

We deal with the kidneys so “wonderfully” that by about the age of thirty it is very difficult to find a person with a completely healthy urogenital system. Almost impossible. This is precisely why taking Cordyceps is necessary in winter. For prevention. Even if there are no problems, you need to take a Cordyceps cycle in winter. Be sure to drink calcium in winter. Keep calcium background. Especially people who have kidney problems.

People who have hearing loss need a constant calcium supplement. What is calcium background? This is when you consume almost any calcium every day for 2.5 months. If it's in powder - half a packet, but
In fact, now every woman suffers from mastopathy. Mastopathy of varying severity. These mastopathy are fraught with the fact that, unfortunately, in recent years they are increasingly turning into cancer. Unfortunately, more and more women realize it very late, when it is already difficult to do anything. And I will never believe if they tell me that the woman knew nothing.

We know, but we drive the thought away from ourselves, because even doctors, when they develop cancer, begin to look for all sorts of excuses, some secondary signs that strengthen them in the consciousness that they do not have cancer. “I can’t have cancer!” And the other side of this coin is that there are carcinophobes. People who constantly run to doctors and look for cancer. Both part of the patients are dangerous. The first is complete carelessness regarding your body. The second is not to shout loudly while it’s quiet.

So, prevention and treatment of mastopathy and everything related to the health of the female genital area. You should start doing this not when you were told at an appointment with a gynecologist that you have problems with the mammary gland. And not when you feel a heaviness in your chest, a heaviness in the lower floor. It's too late - we need to do it earlier. When you have moved into winter, please - along with Cordyceps, Tea and Biocalcium - take Kanli capsules.

Kanli is an amazing prevention of the urogenital system. And plus to this, Kanli retains calcium in the body and does not allow it to leave so quickly and so quickly. Kanli removes the toxic effect, Kanli improves microcirculation. Kanli works as an antioxidant - it protects us from the harmful effects of our own toxins. But it makes no sense to take Kanli for a week, a month, two or three. Kanli is a six-month drug, at least. Two capsules in the morning.

Of course, during the work of the kidney meridian, it is necessary to take Biozinc. Because Zinc is a condition of the mucous membrane that lines our kidneys, all the epithelial cells that go in our ureter, and the glands that both men and women have. They all need Zinc. Zinc is also a drug for more than one week, the course is two to three months. There's no point in drinking for a week, it doesn't do anything - it's all games. You cannot become healthy for seven days. You have to do this 365 days a year. If you decide to take care of yourself. Well, if not, then there’s no need. By the way, if men have malignant prostate pathology, Kanli works amazingly.

We have an amazing product, it is included in the international classifier - this is Evening Primrose Oil, also known as Evening Primrose. What does this product provide? It has the ideal ratio of Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. Therefore, it is ideal to take Evening Primrose Oil in winter. And this is also a drug for more than one week. Painful menstruation, severe menopause, dry skin, fatigue, slow metabolism - you need Evening Primrose.

Whether we like it or not, after 35 years certain changes occur in our body, both male and female. We need to intensify exchange. It includes a whole range of things. And physical activity, and a more intense lifestyle and dietary supplements that need to be given to the body to speed up metabolism. This is the component that is included in Evening Primrose Oil and is designed for this.

For painful menstruation, for chest pain, for some problems, during menopause. In the acute period, 2 capsules 2 times a day - drink for one week, and then one capsule 2-3 times a day. One of the capsules is required from 17 to 19 hours, during kidney function. Very well normalizes all problems associated with hormonal disorders.
Not only a woman who is in a state of menopause is exposed to hormonal disorders, but also a woman who does not live a full sexual life and who does not enjoy sexual intimacy, and that woman whose sexual partner treats her as an object to satisfy his desires. After all, we have a neuroendocrine center in our brain.

Neurological conditions directly correlate with the endocrine state, the hormonal state. Joy, respect, a warm word will make the vixen an angel. And if you live in a state of “fighting”, then this will definitely lead to hormonal disorders, these are necessarily problems associated with mastopathy, this is an insult that necessarily brings with it all sorts of changes in the hormonal sphere.

This is the harsh psychosomatics that leads to rupture and the occurrence of cancer. The fact is that we are all different - men and women. And in each of us there lives a man and a woman. This needs to be understood and acknowledged.

And you and I must learn to respect our partner. It's never too late. It doesn’t matter if you just got married or are 30 or 40 years old. It's never too late to understand that we are Individuals, regardless of gender. And when this happens, life becomes very interesting and delicious for you.

And the regulation of the hormonal sphere will never happen, everything will never be in order if the psychosomatic moment is not adjusted. Medicine had not thought about this before. Our medicine is allopathic, pharmacological. She is very young, she is very young. And compared to oriental medicine, she knows and knows very little. And psychoanalysis is a very young science. Although, as it turned out, it existed in ancient times. And in ancient times they taught love and respect for each other.

But no one taught us this. For one simple reason. We, all of us sitting in this room, are a product of the system that has been implanted in a particular part of the world for a long time.

And it was not without reason that the founder of psychoanalysis said that in order to raise a Lady, you need to start with your grandmother. Thus, respect for a partner, a Woman, a Mother, a Man, a Husband is laid down in childhood. And when a girl does not see respect from her father, and when a girl does not see that dad is caring for her mother, but says to her: “Well, where is the soup? And in general, it’s been so long and you’re not at home,” then the girl will never be able to to become happy, it will be very difficult for her, she will have to overcome crazy obstacles. There are girls who will, and there are girls who will break.

It’s the same when a girl knows that a man does two things: drinks or walks. That's what her mother told her. Her husband will either drink or go out in marriage. Because there is no third option for her. Think when you talk to your children.

Never be afraid to tell the truth to your partners. Never. Because what is left unsaid erects a terrible wall between you, which you cannot cross later. And habit replaces everything else. There is nothing but habit.
And then old age comes. And it turns out that there is a creature sitting next to you who has nothing to say. They talk through the box. Or through the dog or through the children who sometimes come. And they see with horror that the children have the same thing. Don't be afraid to tell your partner not only what he should do, but what you want. Speak. There are no barriers that a person has, except one - himself.

If you want to see your children happy, if you don’t want your children to repeat your family script, then probably you are the people who will begin to turn off this script and change it. Relationships can be different. But they must be honest. And the rules of the game must be agreed upon on the shore. It is very difficult to negotiate when you are swimming - you can choke.

So, in order for our hormonal system to work fully, we must help it both mentally and replenish those depots that our genetic system, our kidneys, our urogenital system really need.

Let's summarize. We live in winter on the backdrop of tea, we really need liquid, preferably it is Anti-lipid tea. At the same time, we need Cordyceps prophylactically, we need a background of Calcium and Zinc. At the same time, we need Kanli.

And we need Evening Primrose Oil. This is the optimum that we get with you. At this time, the body must save everything. To save everything that we carefully put into it at this time. We'll see how diligently we put it in. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Because the basis of blood circulation is the capillary heart, this is the work of our capillaries. So a brilliant drug will help us with this - Ginkgo Biloba. There is no other plant in the world that improves microcirculation as much as Ginkgo Biloba does.

"U-SIN" concept. SPRING

So, we are moving from winter to spring. We have already understood that in addition to the moral, physical constitution of a person, external, there is also an energy constitution. There are energy channels through which energy is constantly transmitted, and organs constantly communicate with each other.

And even if some organs are operated on, the energy channel is still preserved. And it is imperative to influence it. Still, pay very close attention to your biological clock, especially when it comes to pathology.

Primary Element - Tree

Transformation - Birth. The energy of spring is aimed at physical and spiritual birth, replacing the old with the new, and cleansing. She is characterized by moderation and gentleness

Hole - Eyes

Structure (mirror)- Ligamentous system (nails)

Emotion - Anger

Dense/hollow - Liver/gallbladder

System - Immune

Add. function - Regulation of metabolism

Liver functions - Distributes Qi energy to each organ in order, filters and transports, removes various substances. Storage and distribution of blood, influence on digestion (regulates the secretion of bile). Responsible for the condition of connective tissue, immune system, eyes.

Functions of the gallbladder
- Accumulation of bile and mental control

How to help:

1) Purification - sorbents
2) Protection

dietary supplements

VPR, Ikan, Tristop, Slimming tea, Liang Yan, Cordyceps, Garlic oil, Eel oil, Evening primrose oil, Weikan, Chitosan

Because the basis of blood circulation is the capillary heart, this is the work of our capillaries. So this brilliant drug will help us with this - Gingo Bilobo. There is no other plant in the world that improves microcirculation as much as Gingo Bilobo does.

In case of consequences of a stroke, in case of severe atherosclerosis, its use is recommended. In addition to what we said, there is calcium for brain activity and tea. And definitely Gingo Bilobo. Absolutely wonderful action. The peripherals work great.

What we are talking about today is a system of prevention and healing that is many thousands of years old, and which you are becoming familiar with today. This system allows anyone who wants to take care of themselves to do so. Everyone, regardless of gender and age. There is a special apparatus for thinking. It's called the head. Use your head. Think. This circle here speaks for itself. See that everything is interconnected, both positive and destructive.

Once again about the kidneys. During the Water element, we must pay special attention to the peripheral circulatory system. Because the large main vessels are located where our Fire is, where the heart is. But small capillary vessels are the responsibility of the kidneys. For their filling, for the way they transmit blood, how the blood flows.

So, we are approaching an organ that is so important for all of us - the liver. The liver is associated with the primary element Wood. Symbolizes Spring - the process of opening, the process of development, flowering, renewal. Because without the liver, no renewal, no metabolism is possible.

The liver is considered a hot organ. A very large amount of hot liquid is pumped through it all the time. The hot liquid that comes from the liver gradually cools. And in the kidneys it is cold. The liver is a hot organ, all processes in it occur very quickly. And the parallel organ is the gallbladder. An extremely important organ in our body.

The liver does such things - it alternately produces, i.e. it is a blood-producing organ, collects blood, removes blood. She constantly performs all these functions. When a person moves, when we move, blood enters the body. Why is movement life? That is why. Because when we move, blood enters the body. The liver takes blood and pumps it through itself. And during rest, blood returns to the liver. When we sleep, the liver works intensively.

The maximum time of liver activity is at night, as is the gallbladder. When you and I lie and rest, the liver works. Because the blood has returned to the liver, and it is obliged to do with it what it is for in our body. The liver is like a blood storage facility. In general, all the internal organs located in a small circle are guardians, our treasury, everything that nature has so generously endowed us with is stored here. And what we deal with so “wonderfully” in our lives. The liver regulates the force, magnitude and direction of every movement and every process. The liver cleanses the blood - this is its function.

Removes fats as long as it can. And it regulates immunity, protects our inner world, our immune system from harmful pathogenic influences.

Naturally, she does this for the time being. The liver is responsible for the elasticity of tendons, for the so-called stretch marks, for the quality of our ligaments, for joints and for connective tissue as such. The liver is under an incredible load of physical activity. The condition of the connective tissue, the condition of the immune system is our liver. Liver diseases, when they occur, contribute to joint diseases, ligamentous diseases, muscle cramps, and numbness of the limbs. The liver is responsible for the eyes. The entrance gate of the liver is the eyes.

When your eyes water, when your sclera is red, when your eyes get tired, don’t blame the computer. This is your liver. She demands, screams that she needs support and rest. Decreased visual activity, fatigue, worsening twilight vision - all this is due to the fact that we have problems with the liver. Nothing else. The liver is responsible for the condition of the eyebrows and the color of the iris. The fact is that eye diseases caused by swelling, redness, the so-called everted eyelids, when we constantly scratch our eyes - they are caused by excess liver energy. The so-called liver heat.

In Chinese medicine there is no such thing as inflammation. In Chinese medicine there is heat and cold. It's completely cold - that's all. It couldn't be worse. The liver is directly connected to the gastric juice. The way the liver works, how its excretory functions work, is directly related to gastric juice. Because, through a destructive connection, the liver goes to the spleen and pancreas. Excess liver immediately affects the activity of the spleen, which is also where the pancreas and stomach are located. Instantly, the quality of gastric juice and enzymatic activity begin to suffer when you have liver problems.

Everything is interconnected. Everything is transmitted along the energy streets of our body from organ to organ. What if the gallbladder is removed? We go into operations so thoughtlessly. You have pebbles - you need to remove the bubble. Yes, please delete. And we are glad that now we can eat lard again. That everything is fine. That nothing else will hurt in the right hypochondrium. Will. Necessarily will. It will be even worse.

And it will hurt not only in the right, but also in the left hypochondrium. And as a result, a situation will arise when a block appears here (horizontal of the liver). When the pathology in the liver is so great that it seems to block the human body in half.

And a very serious thing is happening. There is, as it were, an accumulation of energy at the top. She is here, but she seems to be following an anomalous path. And below we have an emptiness of energy. Kidney problems arise, problems arise with the musculoskeletal system, things like edema, severe bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy occur. And the problem is here - nowhere else. And as soon as you eliminate the problem in the liver, the halving of a person takes place.

This is how our body works, and Chinese medicine explains it perfectly: it’s worth helping one of our organs clearly, and even more so if we begin to prevent and help all organs, then everything else will be rebuilt. This system is universal. For the sick and for the healthy. Healthy people are prevented. Patients are treated and put themselves in order.

Under no circumstances should you cancel the medications you are taking - allopathic, pharmaceutical medications - until you have received clear results. And after that, please reduce the dose. Slowly. Let your doctor know if he is open to dialogue. If you are not ready, the responsibility for your life lies with only one person - you. Of course, it is very simple and good to delegate responsibility to the doctor. It's great. And then say - he is this and that. Why did you go? For what? For what?

We live in an age of very fast gratification. Previously, it was necessary to look after, have dinner, walk, do something, speak words. Now everything is very simple. There is no need to court, dine, or get married. Everything is extremely simple. Previously, in order to go abroad, you had to save money for God knows how long. And, in general, lift some weights, work in order to go. We were preparing for the events. It took us a long time to achieve our goal. We carried her.

You can't carry a baby in one day. And we are so accustomed to getting pleasure quickly that we are waiting for a miracle seller who will come up, hit you with a stick, give you a pill and everything will be wonderful. Will not be. Until you plow everything yourself, like a miner, until you take care of yourself, nothing will happen. There will be illnesses, old age, loose skin. It will be disgusting to look in the mirror in the morning. Fine?

So, the liver. The liver, since it is constantly working and carries a crazy load of producing so many enzymes for our body, must receive constant adequate nutrition.

When you put something in your mouth, remember that the liver digests heterogenes, that is, what for us are poisons. Mammalian meat, cervelatik, caviar, a glass of beer - the liver breaks down it in two days. I'm not talking about lard. That is, the liver works all the time. And when you load it, think about what all this could ultimately lead to.

How can we help? The fact is that no one stops eating overnight. By the way, who stopped drinking coffee? Bravo. Nobody died? You saved calcium. You have normalized the internal pH of your body, the concentration of hydrogen ions. And you have given a very big gift to your liver, which finds it very difficult to produce normal cholesterol in an acidic environment. Which makes it very difficult to produce a number of enzymes that will help the pancreas and spleen work.

How can you and I help the liver? You and I cannot live in some ideal world, eat an ideal product, or feed on the Holy Spirit. We eat, drink, chat. We sometimes go to eat some nasty stuff in fast food places. We do it. We are all living people, and we step on one place and then we don’t know how to get off it, because we are standing on it. So, make your choice: give up poisons and help your internal organs. Help!

How can we help the liver? Don't forget you've cleaned yourself! If it suddenly happens that you are just starting to get acquainted with our product, with our system in the spring, then the first half of your time should be spent on cleaning. The first half of these 2.5 months. Cleaning is a must. If you have already done all this, if you have cleansed just recently, then remember that the liver is an organ that constantly requires regeneration, for which it is very important that there are no fat cells. We need as many sorbents as possible.

The liver is very fond of Ikan, Tristop diet pills and Weight Loss Tea. Not because everyone needs to lose weight quickly, everyone decides for themselves. But because these are brilliant products that open the ducts - the hepatic duct, the splenic duct, the pancreatic duct. The point is not that we will lose weight, but the point is that we will fine-tune our metabolism step by step. And only then will we say: “Hurray, here it is health! Hello!”

Many people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and many people suffering from severe chronic diseases are having a hard time welcoming spring. They don't have the strength for spring. They seem to be happy, but they don’t have the strength, they just don’t. Why? Because there are problems in the large intestine, problems with toxins, etc. Therefore, the liver needs sorbents, i.e. something that will absorb it all and remove it from the body. And the liver really needs products that will help it normalize cholesterol levels, i.e. reduce low-density cholesterol and normalize high-density cholesterol.

The liver should work like a clock. For it to work like a clock, it needs: firstly, sorbents, secondly, products that protect and restore hepatocytes - liver cells. What is the problem with a diseased liver? The normal connective tissue of the liver is replaced by fatty tissue and then the liver stops working. Fatty liver disease is a problem for cancer patients, a problem for patients with serious illnesses.

The whole misfortune of people who use antibiotics - a lot and for a long time, and people who are forced to undergo chemotherapy and gamma therapy, comes down to the fact that the liver, the main detoxifier of our body, fails. She is no longer able to cope with the toxic reaction. And then everything happens very sadly.

Therefore, tea for weight loss - all season long. The simplest thing is 3 bags per two liters. In especially severe cases, when there is a narrowing of the bile ducts, dyskinesia of the bile ducts, when there is cholelithiasis - 1 packet per glass, always before meals, not after meals. In the east they say: “Water before meals is gold, during meals it is silver, after meals it is metal.”

Our task is to support the liver. In addition to starting to clean it, we must support it. We will support her with Icahn, cleanse with Tea, Pills and Powder for weight loss. It's great to lose weight in the spring. Because in the spring, even in older people and very sick people, metabolic processes are activated.

This is biology! Everything becomes active in the spring. The degree of activation is individual for everyone, it depends on the lifestyle and on the internal depots of each individual organism. Ikan remarkably restores hepatocytes.

If we have liver pathology, we definitely need Cordyceps. Reception at night - the later the better, at 12 am, at 1 am. Because when you lie down and the liver collects and filters blood through itself, you will help it. You will help hepatocytes because you will restore the immune complex.

By the way, if we talk about immune complexes, garlic oil helps remarkably with systemic diseases - scleroderma, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus. And since the liver is responsible for connective tissue, don’t forget about Garlic Oil.

We have this truly amazing product, eel oil. In general, this is a product for autumn and spring use. October has arrived. And October, November, December, January, February, March should always supply essential fatty acids. Or it goes with Eel Oil, women can vary it with Evening Primrose Oil, and everyone can vary it with Garlic Oil, which also contains EFAs - essential fatty acids. Weikan - closer to spring, when blossoming begins. Weikan also at night - let the liver eat. Because Weikan restores lipotocytes very well. It is advisable to take eel oil with food (2-3 times a day, 2 capsules, the last dose is best at night). Because he can do what we can't.

We cannot synthesize NLCs - we do not have them. We must get them from the outside, from food. We won’t talk about food, since everyone understands perfectly well that everything is sad with food. It would be good to get EFAs from good fatty fish, but you need to eat quite a lot of it. It is desirable that it does not contain hormones, heavy metal salts, etc. Therefore, supplements, EFAs, fiber are not a commercial gimmick, they are a necessity of life.

Not survival! Because There are two roots in this word - “you”, as if “to go out”, and the second one is “to live”. Who wants to quit life? Need to live! So, for a full life we ​​need a complete balance of our nutrition, we need EFAs. Irreplaceable. We don't have them in our bodies. Just like we don't have the amino acid taurine, which is necessary for membrane synthesis. It is in Garlic oil.

By the way, Garlic oil contains about a hundred sulfur compounds. And sulfur is an excellent anti-allergenic agent, perfectly restores hypatocytes, and has a brilliant effect on connective tissue.

With normally developed connective tissue, cancer cannot develop. If you want to sit in any position and without cramps, if you want your leg to not go numb, support your ligamentous apparatus, and that means your liver. A person establishes his youth himself, taking care of his own body.

If you don’t water, fertilize, bring in seeds, plant, or weed anything in your own favorite garden, you’ll soon have just weeds growing there. The same will happen with the body. And many already have it. Dry skin, bags containing money under the eyes. These are all calling cards of an age that came too early. A person should leave with youth in his heart. He should live deliciously, enjoying the process.

We are putting our liver in order. We understand that we need fluid, that we need fat tissue replacement, we need to remove sugar. Excess sugar is a friend of oncology, a great friend, it goes side by side with the oncological process. Calcium deficiency is a friend of oncology; it goes side by side with the oncological process. Hormone deficiency is a friend of oncology; it goes side by side with the oncological process. The lack of antioxidants in the body is a friend of oncological processes.

Everything that I have listed can be changed by anyone. To do this, you need to eat the right foods, enriched with additives. Biologically active additives. Biological, because they are made from biological raw materials, i.e. it is either animal or plant raw material. Additives - because they are food additives. All supplements must be antioxidants and antidotes. Those. they are supposed to protect us from the toxic effects of free radicals.

And all supplements should equalize the homeostasis of our body, its internal environment. So that it is the body that heals us. Not additives. It's a delusion. Namely, the body, by rebuilding one primary element after another, brought us into order. Trust your body, it is wiser than you and me.

When will we get our liver in order by taking care of it? People suffering from chronic liver diseases, you will not cope with your liver in a season. Your job is for a year or two. It takes the liver a couple of years to fully regenerate. Dear alcoholics and members of their families, who are very often the reason that there is an alcoholic in the house. There is a way out.

But only with mutual consent. A person must come to an agreement with his body and the situation himself. No one will do this for him. If a person wants to stop drinking, he can do it completely calmly and easily. Not a single mother, not a single wife, not a single mother-in-law or mother-in-law, or mistress will ever beat anyone to the spine so that he stops drinking. Everything will be the other way around. They will drink more and more.

But if there is such a situation, then it is impossible for people who have stopped drinking, who are coded, who are at one or another stage of treatment, to do without the help of dietary supplements. Because the degree of toxic effects of alcohol on the liver is extremely high. There are 2 enzymes that break down alcohol. If they were not there, then 5 grams of alcohol would lead us to death. Everyone has their own amount of these enzymes - one can drink a tank, another from a glass falls under the table.

People who suffer from addiction need a lot of supplements. This is their only salvation. Because the body, which worked in a certain mode, needs to be rebuilt. And it is impossible to rebuild without supplements. This is tea, this is fiber, as much as possible. Chitosan works very well for fatty liver degeneration. Diet pills also break down fat.

This also includes a combination of Icahn and Sleeping. Ikan why, it’s clear. Sleeping to relieve anxiety. Vascular anxiety. Two tablets at night, one during the day. And, of course, Calcium for brain activity. Ginko-Bilobo gives good results in people suffering from substance abuse. It specifically affects some enzymes that are responsible for addiction and addiction. Smokers need three times more dietary supplements than non-smokers - such is the intoxication from smoking.

So, we have put the liver in order. Thus, we put the ligamentous apparatus in order. Cartilage tissue is the most difficult to restore. But it is recovering.

Wise people say that movement and proper nutrition can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace them. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to your body and “feed” it with useful substances and elements. You can, of course, just eat right and exercise regularly, but it is better to carry out procedures for comprehensive health improvement and maintaining the functioning of internal organs in accordance with your internal biorhythms and the time of year. In this article, we will introduce you to the basics of the ancient Chinese theory of Wu-Xing (6th-3rd centuries BC). This is not just a set of rules for healing, it is an entire system according to which a person, depending on the season, must take appropriate measures to improve the functioning of certain organs and systems of the body. You are not required to follow any diet; all you need is to eat this or that food at your “own” time. Scientists have been accumulating knowledge for centuries about how foods act on the human body, and have found out that in order for the body to work without “failures,” it is necessary, depending on the time of year, to eat food with a certain taste and nutritional properties.

The doctors of ancient China viewed humans as part of nature. They argued that we are in close interaction with it, and the changes that occur in nature also occur in the human body. Ancient doctors explained all diseases and changes in mood from the perspective of the five elements, which are the material basis of the world. The term "U-XING" itself is often translated as "five elements." However, it is more correct to translate this term as “five movements.” Indeed, in China, from time immemorial, attention has been paid to the cyclical nature of natural phenomena (night and day, morning and evening, winter and summer, cold and warm) and the cyclical nature of human functions (wakefulness and sleep, inhalation and exhalation).

Each of these cycles consists of alternating Yin (feminine energy, passive forces) and Yang (male energy, active forces):
birth or growth (spring, morning, sunrise, east);
maximum activity (summer, midday, south);
decline or oppression (autumn, evening, sunset, west);
minimal activity (winter, night, north).

Generalizing as much as possible and abstracting from specific phenomena, ancient Eastern scientists divided the world into five large categories. Each of the four successive states of nature was given a symbol: Wood, Fire, Metal, Water. Then, a fifth symbol was added - Earth, since all cyclical changes occur on the earth.

Tree – symbol of birth, growth (transition from passive Yin force to active Yang)

Fire – symbol of maximum vital activity (maximum expression of active Yang force)

Metal – a symbol of beginning decline (from Yang to Yin)

Water – symbol of minimal activity (passive Yin force)

Earth – the center and axis of cyclical changes in the entire universe

Each element corresponds to a specific season of the year. Unlike the traditional division into four seasons, in ancient China there was also a fifth season - this is the off-season (end of summer), the task of which is to prepare everything around us for the coming changes.

Ancient Eastern doctors applied the concept of U-SIN to the analysis of the vital functions of the human body and to streamline the diverse relationships between man and nature. The similarities between these relationships and the five primary elements were established solely on the basis of analogies. The number of such analogies can be limitless. The table shows the most used of them.

Five Elements Five types of taste Five colors Five Dimensions Five energies Five cardinal directions Five seasons

The U-SIN concept demonstrates the continuous connection of all five primary elements. Moreover, each of the primary elements is connected with others through creative and suppressive (destructive) processes. The meaning of creative processes is as follows: Water promotes the growth of Wood, Wood can produce Fire, Fire creates Earth (ash), Earth produces Metal, Metal turns into Water (liquid). Destructiveness is manifested in the fact that Water can extinguish Fire, Fire can soften Metal, and Metal can cut Wood, Wood subjugates Earth, and Earth absorbs Water. Each of the five primary elements is connected with the other four primary elements through creative and suppressive influences.

The idea of ​​the human body is also derived from the idea of ​​the five cosmic primary elements, and since the cosmic primary elements are interconnected, then all parts of the body are interconnected, the organism is a single whole. Ancient Eastern doctors discovered a holistic approach to understanding the essence of human nature and its diseases. They argued that man is an integral part of the surrounding nature and is in constant and close relationship with it.

Five Elements Five Yin Organs Five Yang Organs Five openings (windows) Five body tissues Five emotions
Tree Liver Gallbladder Eyes Muscles, joints Anger
Fire Heart Small intestine Language Vessels Joy
Earth Spleen Stomach Mouth Lymph Anxiety
Metal Lungs Colon Nose Leather Sadness
Water Kidneys Bladder Ears Bones Fear

Despite the seemingly absurd set of phenomena of different quality, the U-SIN system exhibits a certain meaning and order, and its practical significance has been confirmed not even by centuries, but by millennia.

So, each season corresponds to two organs (one Yin, the other Yang). This means that in each season the corresponding two organs most of all need proper nutrition for regeneration (restoring their functions). For example, in the spring it is the liver and gall bladder, and in the winter the kidneys and bladder. On the other hand, if we have chronic diseases, then it is in the season corresponding to the diseased organ that an exacerbation is most likely. This does not mean that you should take care of your liver only in the spring; on the contrary, you should always take care of it, but in the spring it should be given increased attention.

As we can see from the U-SIN system, our organs are paired. It follows from this that if our kidneys suffer, this can negatively affect the bladder. Therefore, knowing the weak points in your body, you can take precautions in advance with the prevention of paired organs.

Also, do not forget about creative and suppressive connections in the U-SIN circle. For example, a diseased stomach and spleen will negatively affect the lungs and large intestine, as well as the kidneys and bladder.

Thus, you can develop seasonal diets for yourself that will spare diseased organs as much as possible and most effectively nourish others. However, the conclusions from the U-SIN concept may apply not only to nutrition. The beauty of this approach is that it can be combined with any aspect of human activity. Here are a few different examples:
It is well known that being angry is very harmful to your health, but it is much more destructive for yourself to do it in the spring.
As we age, we often lose our flexibility; to restore it, you should not only choose the right exercises, but also take care of your liver, which is responsible for our muscles and joints.
When doing recreational gymnastics (yoga) or meditation aimed at your health, the U-SIN circle can be used to create a correct and effective training program for the year.

There are an infinite number of examples, since the U-SIN concept is not just a selection of rules, but represents a complex dynamic model of the relationship between the human body and the environment.

We recommend:
Proper nutrition in winter according to the U-SIN system
Proper nutrition in spring according to the U-SIN system