Dollar tree has black spots on the trunk. Zamioculcas - protection against diseases and pests. Caring for Zamioculcas at home

home flower by the name "Zamiakulkas" - a native of Africa. It appeared in our country recently; it is sold in flower shops. The plant is very decorative. On its stems up to 90-110 centimeters long, thick, dark green, shiny, feathery powerful leaves are located transversely, slightly convex at the base. At proper care behind the plant, Zamioculcas rarely gets sick, it is a very powerful plant and it has good immunity.

It independently fights not only viral or microbial diseases, but also defeats pests.

Zamioculcas - leaves turn yellow

Flower owners often anxiously exchange among themselves that the leaves of the Zamioculcas flower are turning yellow and dark spots appear on the stems. However, this is a normal physiological process when some of the leaves of the zamioculcas plant turn yellow and dry out.

Over time, the stems become a little bare in the lower part and dark spots appear on them. But the plant remains decorative, continues to grow, it forms new shoots and new leaves, in such cases there is no reason to worry. It is recommended to remove the leaves when they are completely dry.

Zamioculcas - Diseases

However, if the leaves of a zamioculcas flower turn yellow en masse and, drying out, fall off, and new shoots do not appear at all and even die, this indicates unfavorable conditions for the flower, and possibly its disease. It is advisable to weigh what unfavorable moments our beautiful flower- Zamioculcas.

Diseases of this plant occur due to errors in care. There may be two opposite options here. Or the plant happened to end up with an owner who forgets to water his plants, and the flower was not watered for a very long time, and all its leaves and stems died, as happens during drought in its historical homeland.

The root of the flower is a large, strong tuber that stores a lot of water for survival in the desert. If the root remains elastic, then it is worth treating it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, drying it and replanting it in new soil. Perhaps zamioculcas will produce new shoots if you start moderate watering.

The second option - when the leaves of the zamioculcas plant turn yellow, is noted when the earthen clod is over-moistened, especially at low ambient temperatures in the room. Rotting of the plant roots occurs. In this case, to save the flower, you need to remove it from the pot, cut off everything rotten with a knife, and treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Dry the remaining healthy roots and then replant them in new soil and water them very carefully in the future.

Zamioculcas disease. Plant pests

Sometimes such a strong plant as zamioculcas is affected by pests. The diseases are varied, pest damage can only be attributed conditionally, but great damage is caused to the plant: scale insects, aphids and spider mite, Pests are usually introduced unnoticed with contaminated soil, often during plant replanting.

Insect eggs can survive in the ground for a long time. And then, in a warm room, they begin to multiply quickly, when there are still few insects, they may not be noticed. To prevent the disease, owners usually begin to take a closer look at the flower when they notice that the leaves of Zamioculcas are turning yellow and, to their horror, they visually detect a lot of different insects on the leaves, stems and in the pot on the surface of the soil.

To prevent such a disaster, the literature recommends treating the soil at elevated temperatures before transplanting a flower: pouring boiling water over it or frying it in the oven. This treatment, of course, also kills all the beneficial bacteria living in the soil. When the plant takes root after transplantation, it can be watered several times with modern “EM” preparations to normalize the soil microflora.

Zamioculcas disease. Spider mite

The spider mite is easy to spot - it is a very small, bright red spider that weaves its thin, white web from the underside of the leaf.

Zamioculcas disease. Shchitovka

The scale insect is a type of aphid; the adult pest has a body covered with a shield, hence the name of the insect. Scale insects on a plant may not be immediately noticeable, but its rapid reproduction makes it noticeable by dark spots on the underside of the leaf. Adult pests remain motionless under their shields, and the voracious larvae of scale insects, in the form of small white worms, spread throughout the plant.

Zamioculcas disease. Aphid

The familiar aphid deposits look like small living grains on the leaves; the color of insect conglomerates can be different: white, gray, green, black. The common properties of all pests are their rapid reproduction and residence on the underside of the leaf. Pests feed on the sap of the plant, which leads to the leaves of zamioculcas turning yellow, drying out and the plant losing its decorative effect.

Pest Control

Particular attention should be paid to the bottom of the leaf, removing pests with a sponge or other swab. Currently, there are means that can defeat zamiakulkas diseases and its pests, which are more modern and safer for the apartment and its inhabitants. For example, a concentrate of the biological product “EM-5”, which is an effective means for combating harmful insects.

To treat the plant, you need to prepare a solution at a dilution of 1:100 (1 ml of the drug per 100.0 water) and spray the plant 1-2 times a week. Which will lead to a significant reduction in pests and their complete disappearance.

In summer, zamioculcas disease can be treated on the balcony with open windows; the flower can be treated with insecticides from a spray bottle. Leave this to act for a day, and then wash the plant well. Treatment of the plant can be repeated a few days later. It is worth fighting for the beauty of the flower (zamiakulkas). Diseases - no!

The purpose of a flower is to be beautiful and decorate life.

Having excellent immunity, Zamioculcas practically does not get sick, provided that it is properly cared for. Diseases and pests affect Zamioculcas very rarely. He is able to single-handedly fight diseases caused by various viruses and microbes, as well as some insects.

All diseases to which Zamioculcas is susceptible arise as a result of improper care of the plant.

The most common mistakes are the lack of sufficient moisture or the presence of excessive moisture.

Zamioculcas diseases and pests watering

The most common causes of damage.

Insufficient watering

The first option can be observed among owners whose excessive busyness or forgetfulness prevents them from watering the plant in the required amount and with the required frequency. In this case, the leaves and stem die; this condition is typical for Zamioculcas during a period of drought.

Excess moisture

In the second option, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, and sometimes black dots appear on them and on the stems. This means that excess moisture has led to root rot. This is especially pronounced when the temperature drops. environment. The roots cannot withstand excess moisture and rotting begins. But he can be saved. The place in which the zamioculcas grew is now unsuitable for its future life, so it must be taken out of the pot, all rotten parts removed with a knife, followed by further treatment with a manganese solution. All undamaged parts must be dried well and planted in a new substrate. It is recommended to make auxiliary holes in the pot, namely at the bottom, to drain excess moisture.

Even with a strong immune system, the plant can be affected by pests.

Zamioculcas diseases and pests - scale damage

Spider mite infestation

The small spider mite, despite its small size, is immediately noticeable on the plant. Its bright red color is hard to miss. The white web of this spider covers the leaves on the underside with thin threads. To destroy the pest, zamioculcas must be washed or sprayed with tobacco infusion or plain soapy water. If you have ready-made insecticides, you can treat them with them, or use ground sulfur to carry out pollination. But it must be borne in mind that such processing is prohibited in residential premises.

The popularity of Zamioculcas among gardeners is explained by the comparative unpretentiousness of the plant. At the same time, the flower has a presentable appearance, therefore it fits perfectly into the interior of an apartment, house, and looks organically in the office. Zamioculcas perfectly tolerates dry air, abundance sunlight or its deficiency and does not need regular watering. But despite these positive traits plants, there are situations when a flower needs human participation. Therefore, it is worth learning about zamioculcas diseases and their treatment (photos and necessary information can be found in this article).

Yellow leaves

This problem is the most common in Zamioculcas. But the yellowness of the leaves does not always indicate the development of the disease. In some cases, this is a sign of natural renewal of the plant. At the same time they only turn yellow lower leaves and small branches, but in return the flower produces new strong shoots. Therefore, such a factor should not cause any concern for the gardener.

And in the case of abundant and sudden yellowing of the leaves, you should react immediately, as this indicates a lack of nutrition in the upper part of the plant. This occurs as a result of damage to the root system, so it cannot cope with its function.

When the disease often develops due to improper care or inappropriate conditions of detention:

  • excessive watering;
  • cold content;
  • drafts;
  • lack of moisture;
  • unsuitable soil composition;
  • the pot is not selected correctly;
  • long absence of transplantation.

Often, excessive yellowing of leaves is provoked by a zamioculcas disease such as root rot. In this case, the plant can only be saved by initial stage development of a negative process. To do this, you should initially water the zamioculcas with the preparation "Maxim" or "Previkur" according to the instructions, and subsequently transplant the flower into a new substrate. To do this, it is better to use soil for cacti and succulents purchased at a specialty store. If this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself at home.

The optimal composition of soil for zamioculcas will consist of the following elements:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

When transplanting, it is necessary to carry out actions in the following sequence:

  1. Clear root system from rotten shoots.
  2. Treat the pot with boiling water and remove as much soil as possible from the roots.
  3. Next, lay a thick layer of drainage 3 cm thick.
  4. Sprinkle it with fresh soil.
  5. Place the zamioculcas bush in the center of the pot, without deepening the root collar.
  6. Fill the resulting voids with fresh soil.
  7. Water the plant a little, but not in the middle of the bush, but along the edge of the pot.
  8. Place Zamioculcas in a slightly dark place for adaptation.

All these actions are not able to bring a positive result in case of advanced zamioculcas disease, as this threatens with irreversible consequences.

Rotting of the stem

In this case, the cause of the problem is improper care. Zamioculcas disease begins as a result of constant waterlogging of the soil, which causes rot of the root collar and tubers.

To save the plant, you need to remove it from the pot. Carefully inspect the tubers for rot and use a knife to remove damaged areas to healthy tissue. After this, sprinkle the sections with “Fundazol” or “Oxychom”.

Subsequently, transplant the plant into a new pot and completely replace the substrate. If the damaged tuber cannot be saved, it should be removed and the upper part used for propagation.

Rotting of the stem is one of the common diseases of zamioculcas, so watering is recommended taking into account the needs of the flower, that is, in the warm period of the year once every 7-10 days, and in the cold - once every 2 weeks, but subject to complete drying of the soil.

Lack of full growth

This problem is in most cases caused by improper replanting of the plant into a new pot. Slow growth or its complete absence is associated with excessive deepening of the root collar of the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the flower from the soil and plant it again, but the point of growth of the shoots should be located at soil level.

Another reason may be a lack of microelements or lack of timely transplantation into a larger container, which does not allow the plant to fully develop. The situation in the first case can be corrected by using fertilizers for succulents, and in the second - by planting zamioculcas in a new pot, which will be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one.

Dark spots on the stem or leaves

This sign in some cases should be a reason to begin treatment measures, and sometimes it should not cause alarm. Therefore, it is necessary to understand when it is necessary to take urgent measures.

Dark spots on the stem in the absence of putrefactive signs and pests are not considered a sign of zamioculcas disease, since this is a characteristic feature of the plant. In the future, the spots can develop into encircling stripes and increase in size. In this case, the gardener has no reason to worry.

Dark spots due to zamioculcas disease may also appear on the leaves, which indicates non-compliance with the rules of plant maintenance. That is, the temperature in the room is below the required 18 degrees. In addition, the reason for this may be the presence of drafts and high humidity in the room. The situation can be corrected by adjusting the conditions of detention and treating the plant with the drug "Skor" or "Fitosporin".


Sometimes such a zamioculcas disease (in the photo above you can see how it manifests itself) can be caused by a lack of iron in the plant. This leads to disruption of chlorophyll production and minimizes the process of photosynthesis. In this case, the leaf plates initially become a little lighter, and subsequently become completely discolored. A characteristic difference is the green veins on the light background of the leaves.

The disease develops on young shoots at the beginning of the growing season. Initially, this is expressed in small stripes and strokes, which subsequently grow and merge into a single whole.

You can get rid of chlorosis using iron chelate by watering the plant at the root with a working solution at the rate of 5 g of product per 5 liters of water. Treatment should be carried out every 10 days until the plant is completely restored.

Fomoz, or dry rot

This zamioculcas disease develops as a result of lack of moisture in the absence of timely watering. It appears as round brown-gray spots. Another reason for infection is close proximity to a diseased plant.

First of all, negative signs appear on old shoots. Subsequently, in the absence of any measures and treatment, zamioculcas disease spreads to the tubers. This leads to the fact that the plant begins to dry out from the inside and may die.

To combat phomosis, it is recommended to use a working solution of the drug “Maxim” or “Previkur”, which will help stop tissue necrosis. Subsequently, it is necessary to transplant the flower into new soil and remove the affected tubers.

Diseases caused by pests

Often, the dejected state of a flower can be provoked negative impact insects This occurs as a result of a decrease in the plant's immunity. Therefore, damage to zamioculcas by pests and diseases are two interrelated factors. The reason for this is inappropriate living conditions or proximity to a diseased flower.

Against this background, many pests feed on the cell sap of zamioculcas, which significantly weakens its vitality. In addition, as a result of their vital activity, a characteristic sticky coating appears, which provokes the development of sooty fungus in the form of a black dense layer on the leaves. That in itself fungal disease is not capable of causing serious damage to the plant, but it interferes with full breathing and isolates the leaves from sunlight, which negatively affects the growth and development of the bush.

Therefore, it is important to wash the foliage and shoots of zamioculcas with a solution of laundry soap at the first signs of its spread. And subsequently, the plant should be treated with special preparations against pests, selecting them in accordance with the type of harmful insect.

Spider mite

Find this pest on a plant at initial stage infection is very difficult due to its tiny size. But, despite this, it can cause serious harm to zamioculcas and, if left untreated, can cause the death of the plant.

Characteristic signs of spider mites:

  • small yellow dots along the edge of the leaf blade;
  • dejected appearance of the plant;
  • slow growth;
  • small cobwebs on the leaves.

Spider mites prefer to reproduce in dry air and elevated temperatures, so it is recommended as a preventive measure to give the plant a shower during a particularly hot period of the year. But in case of heavy accumulation, treatment should be carried out with “Aktellik” or “Fitoverm”, evenly spraying the shoots and leaves. After 7 days, the procedure should be repeated.


The insect first appears on the shoots of zamioculcas, and then, as it reproduces, it moves to the leaves. Scale appears as small brown spots that can be easily removed with a fingernail. The insect feeds directly on zamioculcas juice, which significantly reduces its immunity.

The greatest danger is represented by females who have neither arms nor legs, but have well-developed oral cavity. Young scale insects with a soft shield are still able to move, but when it hardens they become immobile. The scale insect is attached to the back side of the leaf blade, but over time, negative changes can be seen from above, which is expressed in yellow spots. In the absence of adequate control measures, the damaged leaf turns yellow completely and falls off. In addition, as a result of the vital activity of the scale insect, sticky drops appear on the shoots, which provokes the development of fungal diseases.

If the plant is not treated, then over time the growth stops completely, the branches become bare, the decorative effect is lost, the plant gradually weakens and as a result dies.

To combat the pest, it is necessary to water the plant with a working solution of the drug "Aktara", preparing it at the rate of 1.4 g of product per 6 liters of water. Any type of spraying of shoots will be useless in destroying the pest, since the shield completely protects the insect. 10 days after the first treatment, watering with the insecticide should be repeated.

You can recognize the pest by the characteristic white fluffy lumps under which it hides. The insect feeds on cell sap and thereby negatively affects the general condition of the plant.

More often mealybug localized in hard-to-reach places at the base of leaves. To destroy the pest, it is necessary to spray with Actellik 2-3 times at intervals of 1 week until complete disappearance characteristic features. Additionally, use a napkin soaked in the solution to wipe the areas where insects are concentrated.

and fools

These two types of insects breed in soil from high humidity. Fungus gnats are small midges that fly over the pot. But it is not the adults who pose the danger, but their larvae in the form of small worms that feed on the young roots of the plant. To combat fungus gnats, it is recommended to use Dichlorvos or Reid aerosol, and you will also need to water with Aktara (1.4 g per 6 l). In addition, you should replant the plant and completely change the soil.

Podurs are also small jumping insects, which indicate the constant overflow of Zamioculcas. Getting rid of the pest is not difficult, just give the soil in the pot a chance to dry thoroughly.

Zamioculcas diseases and their treatment (photos of the manifestations of symptoms of plant diseases are presented in the article) again prove that the flower, despite its comparative unpretentiousness, needs to follow the basic rules of care. Therefore, in order to grow a beautiful and healthy plant, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive maintenance and respond in time to any negative changes in appearance.

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, the latter still attack it, but not often. Such rare attacks can be explained by the fact that the plant itself is poisonous and the fact that its leaves have a rather dense leathery structure that is not so easy to break through.

Try to inspect your pets more often so that you are always fully prepared and immediately begin the fight for the flower. Indeed, if the disease is advanced or colonies of pests have settled, the zamioculcas plant can be lost forever.

From my experience, I will say that all diseases that affect zamioculcas are caused by waterlogging of the soil or low temperature! Such a plant is akin to a cactus, and while other flowers prefer constant watering, Zamioculcas prefers dry soil rather than wet soil.

Yellowing leaves and dark spots on zamioculcas stems

This is a plant with good immunity and with proper care, zamioculcas rarely gets sick, its leaves may partially turn yellow and dry out, and if you pay attention to this in time, then I think there will be no problems.

Large black spots on the leaves of Zamioculcas signal a low temperature, because the plant itself came to us from the hot climate of East Africa.

Small black dots on the stem and leaves indicate waterlogging of the soil, as well as the tips of the leaves beginning to turn yellow.

Yellowing leaves with dark spots may indicate a symptom of root rot.

Yellow dry spots on the leaves are a consequence of burns from direct sunlight.

The decorative value of the entire zamioculcas is reduced if for some reason the leaves turn yellow and dry out.

If the old leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow, while there is new growth, then the normal process of foliage renewal is underway. The old ones gradually dry out, and new ones grow to replace them. In this case, it is undesirable to cut the leaf, since it continues to supply nutrients until it completely dries out.

Yellowness gradually covers the entire leaf blade, starting from the edge. In the lower part of the petiole, at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground level, it forms a neat stump. Only after this can the completely dried leaf be removed.

The indoor flower is already growing slowly, and if the zamioculcas turns yellow and begins to shed its leaves, then be sure to pay attention to this - check its tubers. Shriveled tubers are a common sign of stagnant water in the soil of the pot. Therefore, be sure to transplant the flower into dry soil, using drainage.

If the tuber looks healthy and has not lost its elasticity, treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, plant it in fresh soil and begin to water it moderately. The plant, which has considerable vitality and endurance, will soon produce young shoots.

Stem rot - the stem rots, spreading to the roots and tubers. The cause is usually excessive watering at low temperatures, or planting in too heavy soil.

Remove rotten parts from the tubers by sprinkling the cut areas with crushed coal and drying. To prevent rot, treat the leaves and tubers with a fungicide (foundazole...). If the process has gone too far, healthy parts of the leaves are used for propagation.

It is best to make several holes at the bottom of the pot for zamioculcas so that the water drains through the drainage into the pan when watering. And in general, it is best to water a houseplant from a tray. It will stretch out the roots itself and absorb as much moisture as it needs.

It would be a mistake to plant it in hydrogel or soil mixed with foam balls and sawdust.

An unusual remedy for any pests...

But zamioculcas pests are not so easy to see - they are so small that you can only see them close up and with daylight. These are mainly spider mites, aphids and scale insects.

For example, I was a little annoyed that small cobwebs were constantly forming on my zamioculcas. I chalked it up to a private house, but a friend who came to visit explained that Zamioculcas is affected by spider mites, which are unlikely to be seen. Should be rinsed home plant soapy water, then sprinkle with a weak tobacco solution. If this does not help, then use insecticides.

But on the advice of my old and wise mother, I simply bought a cockroach pencil from the store. Believe it or not, it alone destroys any pests, no matter what flower they breed on! And no multiple actions are needed - only accuracy when working with such poison.

To disinfect your indoor plants you will need:

The plants themselves;

Pencil against cockroaches (gel is also possible);

Warm water;


Gloves optional.

Wear gloves if you decide to use them and open the packaging of the cockroach pencil. On a clean sheet, slightly bent in the middle, chop the pencil with a knife, trying to do this as finely as possible.

For several flowers, 1/4 of such a crushed pencil is enough for a 0.5 liter bottle. If there are a lot of pests, then chop up the whole half. This will not make the plants any worse, but the pests will die once and for all. Fold the sheet in half and pour the pencil crumbs into a bottle of warm water.

We twist the spray bottle, shake the bottle a little and spray the entire plant, getting a little onto the soil. You can rinse only after you are firmly convinced that the pests have died. If not, spray again.

So rest assured that not a single pest will remain alive, and the zamioculcas plant will once again become chic and beautiful!

The trunk of the zamioculcas became soft and wrinkled. Read in today's article, why does the Zamioculcas trunk wrinkle, the leaves fade, and spots appear? We'll tell you what to do to restore zamioculcas.

Why does the Zamioculcas trunk shrink?

Shriveled stem, leaves zamioculcas do not appear spontaneously - plant degradation is preceded by other visible symptoms, for example, falling leaves, yellowing, and wilting of the plant. We've looked at it, let's find the reasons why the Zamioculcas trunk has wrinkled.

What flower growers say:

  • The trunk of the zamioculcas shriveled if it was too dry.
  • Wrinkled leaves and trunk, softened shoots - flooded, roots rotted.
  • The leaves wrinkled - there was little light.

Violations in the mode and volume of irrigation remain reason #1 , why does Zamioculcas have a problem with leaves. In this case, the plant can be either yellow or wrinkled - depending on whether it has been dried out or waterlogged. In order not to wait for the leaves to fall, you need to restore moisture.

How to save Zamioculcas?

  • Flooded Zamioculcasdry. Stop watering until the earthen ball is completely dry. Start adding water little by little, taking your time to moisten or increase the moisture concentration. Monitor the condition of zamioculcas.
  • Dried zamioculcasgradually moisturize. Wrinkled from lack of moisture, if there really is any, the leaves of Zamioculcas will return to normal as soon as water arrives. It is important not to flood the tuber with root shoots at once. In addition, be sure to use settled, warm water; Do not direct the stream of water at the root collar.

What you need to trim the roots: pruning shears, powdered charcoal, or “Fundazol”, as well as fresh soil soaked with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Adjust the lighting - bring Zamioculcas back to life

Lack of sunlight has a bad effect on zamioculcas - the leaves wrinkle due to short, poor lighting. Direct rays are also not the best helpers in caring for zamioculcas.

How to highlight Zamioculcas correctly:

  • Increase lighting if it was shaded.
  • Do not place in direct light.
  • Heat is not lighting.
  • Place it on the southeast, southwest window.

Where does Zamioculcas usually stand? In the corner on the floor, near the sofa or bedside table. The place was chosen for the grower, but not Zamioculcas. In such a place, the plant gets sick, catches a cold, and suffers from lack of light. It is correct to place Zamioculcas at home on a stand or high bedside table, close to the window, or in a well-lit area.

Every time before changing the procedural mode take a close look at the plant: what is missing, what it looks like, what is better to add to the soil or, conversely, what to exclude from the maintenance schedule. The plant is alive, does not rely on calendar moisture or fertilizing, and its development vector changes depending on the microclimate and season. . Listen to your zamioculcas and he will tell you why did the trunk wrinkle , and with the help of our recommendations you can quickly match the problem with the solution.

↓ Write in the comments why the trunk of your zamioculcas is wrinkled? What helped the plant?

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