The problem of Morality and the global crisis of society (2 photos). The crisis of spiritual values ​​as a global problem of our time

I can sharply and confidently declare that today our country is on the verge of moral collapse, which, for me personally, is greater in its damage than a nuclear war. War is not forever, it is just the political state of the country. This is the time when we can gather all our strength together to overcome the enemy's power. During this period, we are united as never before. And after every war there is always peace. Perhaps you will say that war is terrible, and that there is nothing worse in the world than this. No, believe me, there is! This is moral ruin - the rotting of a person’s soul, the depravity of his thoughts and actions, immoral behavior towards everything around him, selfishness towards loved ones. That's what's really scary!
I want to return with you to the years of the Second World War, when our country was the most united, highly moral and spiritual, thanks to which we won this war, defeating Nazi Germany. Hitler was told that he would never defeat a country with such high morality. And looking at today’s generation, we can confidently say that we have not completely won this battle.
After the end of the Second World War, in 1945, the United States of America became our main invisible enemy, which continues to this day. Director of the CIA, ideologist of the Cold War, one of the organizers of intelligence activities against the USSR and other socialist countries - Allen Dulles developed a plan for the American post-war doctrine against the USSR:
“The war will end, everything will be settled and settled. And we will throw everything we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people! The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.
Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final and irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. For example, we will gradually erase its social essence from art and literature; let's wean artists and writers - we'll discourage them from depicting and studying the processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all sorts of IMORALITY. We will create chaos and confusion in government.
We will quietly, but actively and constantly contribute to the tyranny of officials, the prosperity of bribe-takers and unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - above all, enmity and hatred of the Russian people - we will cleverly and imperceptibly cultivate all this, all this will blossom in full bloom color. And only a few, very few, will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughing stock, find a way to slander them and declare them the scum of society. We will tear out spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of folk morality.
We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, and we will always place the main emphasis on YOUTH - we will begin to corrupt, corrupt and corrupt them. We will make cynics, vulgarities and cosmopolitans out of her.
This is how we will do it!”
A. Dulles.
Modern Russian society is experiencing a moral and spiritual crisis, the consequence of which is that the set of value systems inherent in consciousness (and primarily in children’s and youth consciousness) is largely destructive and destructive from the point of view of the development of the individual, family and state. Ideas about higher values ​​and ideals have disappeared in society. It became an arena of unbridled selfishness and moral chaos. The spiritual and moral crisis aggravates crisis phenomena in politics, economics, social sphere, and interethnic relations. All this does not allow people to clearly distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, truth, dignity, honor, conscience; distorts and replaces traditional ideas about man and the meaning of life. In this regard, in modern culture the traditional understanding of “morality” as good behavior, agreement with the absolute laws of truth, dignity, duty, honor, and conscience of a person is changing.

The whole essence of human actions lies in his thoughts and words. Today our youth do not think about what is said out loud. Their words can sometimes be compared to dirt. They are full of negativity, obscene language, and their thoughts contain intertwining debauchery and selfishness. Nowadays it has become fashionable to lead an immoral lifestyle, but this fashionable trend has created too much propaganda and has drawn millions of people along with it, which is not for the benefit of society and the younger generation. We each need to learn to watch our words, thoughts and actions. After all, our life is the fruit of thoughts that we sowed and nurtured. And if you want to reap the best harvest, you must sow the best thoughts. Just as a plum cannot grow from an apple seed, wealth cannot grow from poor thoughts.
Also a big problem in society is discussing and judging a person. Actually, this is what my poem “Yes, I am neither an author nor a poet!” is dedicated to. We are ready to condemn a person without knowing the whole essence of his thoughts. We are ready to insult him, not knowing how much it can hurt him, what consequences and psychological trauma your insult can lead to. The course of such actions can drive a person into resentment, hysteria, depression, loneliness, and worst of all, suicide. Every year more than 4,000,000 people commit suicide around the world. 19,000,000 people make unsuccessful suicide attempts every year. Russia ranks first in the number of suicides among children and adolescents. The cause of suicide is mainly a misunderstanding of children by parents, conflicts with classmates, but the biggest reason, in my opinion, is loneliness and misunderstanding by others.
Have you ever wondered what loneliness is? And how does it affect a person? Loneliness is not only about losing loved ones and relatives, sometimes a complete stranger can become your family. Loneliness is what drives a person into deep depression caused by a lack of spiritual communication. Today, those who are mostly alone are those who are trying to change at least something in their current life, first of all starting with themselves and their inner world, understanding the immorality of the behavior of most people. Lonely is the one who cannot adapt to the influence of the pack, which considers him strange because he always sits alone on a bench, does not go to clubs, does not hang out with friends all day long. Have you ever wondered why he is like this? Perhaps this is our fault? Perhaps his soul cannot stand our vile actions and offensive foul language? Perhaps it’s not he who is the “eccentric”, but us?! Our judgments show what kind of person you are, and not the person you judge, because you don’t know the story of his life, you don’t know his essence. All context is lost, it is just a momentary flash, and your interpretation will be your interpretation. This will tell you more about you. Understanding all this, judgment would disappear. And then there would be fewer lonely people. If every person, before saying anything or committing a vile act, would put himself in the place of this poor man, then, perhaps, there would be fewer such insignificant actions that we commit in our lives. And then a person would find peace in his soul. After all, if you do not find peace in yourself, then it is pointless to look for it elsewhere.
Also, envy is inherent in man, which is not good for him now. There are two types of envy: 1) If I want to learn good things from my neighbor - good envy; and 2) If I want to ruin everything for him - bad envy. We need to learn to cross out the second envy and leave only the first. And then there will be less lies, betrayal and foul language in the world. Then the percentage of loneliness in the country will decrease. After all, the worst thing about loneliness is not its very presence, but the fact that you gradually get used to it, you begin to like it, and you no longer let anyone into your soul. Therefore, we need to have respect for each other. There is only one sure way to hear many kind words - to say them yourself.
But there are also people who succumbed to the negative influence of the pack. After all, when they think badly of you, you involuntarily begin to behave immorally, adapting to the opinion, thereby breaking your life position and the entire essence of your spiritual organization. And just like that, thread by thread, drop by drop, we are destroying all the humanity and spirituality of our country.
I’m scared even for a minute to imagine what our children will be like. After all, the soul of a child is a blank sheet of paper, which, unfortunately, can absorb the entire negative picture of today, which the ideology imposed on us by the Americans paints on us in all its gray colors. We urgently need to change! To develop, both mentally and spiritually, so that the future generation will be at least a little wiser and nobler than the current one. If everyone today started with themselves, at least changed a little for the better, then Russia would be able to slowly, over time, overcome the American destroyer of morality. We need to fix it immediately! To set a good example for our children. After all, example is not the best way of education, but the ONLY way!
I'm really concerned about today's child-rearing system. In my opinion, the child should be given more time by the parent for spiritual education. There is no need to accustom your child to the computer ahead of time, and especially to the Internet, which imposes on us tendencies of violence, debauchery and all other immorality, which gradually causes the child to become addicted to such pictures, which seriously and detrimentally affects his unstable psyche. What destroys him as a reasonable person.
The number of dysfunctional families and children abandoned by their parents is very large. A child growing up in a dysfunctional family is often exposed to violence and rude behavior from his parents. This negatively affects their nervous system, which makes them aggressive towards others. Such children most often grow up to be, to put it in common parlance, “REDBLOCK”. We need to encourage people to help such children. Now there are many social assistance centers where you can come as a volunteer and work with such children. Help them do their homework, talk to them, teach them something, give them at least a small piece of affection, love and care, which they so lack. We also have such a cent in Yugorsk: the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children “Trust”. A child raised in an orphanage lags behind in his development by several years, because... they receive little attention, are little handled, and are rarely picked up. They do not receive maternal love and affection and do not feel fully protected. This is where Russia’s moral backwardness comes from mentally. And what is it all about? From a person’s irresponsibility, from his soullessness and insufficient spiritual education. Such children do not need to be insulted, offended and disliked, they need to be loved, given your warmth and taken care of. This is what I dedicated my poems “Let's love them!” and “How sorry I am for these children!”
Today there are many children with various types of congenital diseases, including genetic ones, most of them are disabled. And we shouldn't laugh and point fingers at them! We must pay attention to them, communicate with them, so that they do not feel like they are somehow different from everyone else. These are special children. They are no worse than a healthy, full-fledged child; their internal qualities are much better and higher than ours. These children are very affectionate, they understand everything, many of them are excellent students. I myself had the opportunity to communicate with such children. Yes, of course, many will feel uneasy because they are not used to such communication. But personally, it gives me enormous pleasure. These are wonderful children! And there is no need to be afraid of them! They also need to be loved, you need to believe in them! And in Yugorsk there is a center where such children study, this is the “Nadezhda” center, where they are actually given hope. I also have a poem on this topic, which is dedicated to children with Down Syndrome.
All my poems express some of the problems of today. This is my worldview. Yes, perhaps someone will disagree with him. But this is something that really moves me with great force. But I understand perfectly well that the world cannot be changed, no matter how much I want it. Therefore, I put all my anxious experiences, my entire worldview on paper, which will endure everything and understand everything, will understand you more than your best friend or girlfriend than any other person.

And in Merik, a series is very popular (new crafts are expected in October) called Walking Dead, that is, zombies. The problem is philosophical and moral - at the lowest level, in the smallest italics - WHY people (Americans) suddenly became zombies (some kind of virus from someone) and HOW IT IS POSSIBLE to destroy people and even - moreover - their compatriots. They are simply destroyed in the struggle for existence and even the UNINFECTED are destroyed, again, in the struggle for existence. In this, as in a mirror, is the spiritual and moral crisis of “society.”
Don Borzini

Thank you, Don. In fact, the idea of ​​​​shooting everyone in an infected area is present in a lot of similar literature. Somewhere it sticks out to the fore, somewhere it is commonplace, as a matter of course (simply cleaning the territory from infection).
The struggle for existence is, at the very least, a natural motive, given by nature. But, as you yourself might guess, most wars and, accordingly, murders are committed “out of necessity”: for economic, political, religious reasons, sometimes out of curiosity (to kill and see how it happens).
And there is also a class motive, the most disgusting of all. One part of society considers itself an intellectual and monetary elite (the golden billion) and tries to cleanse the earth of unwanted and unworthy cattle and slaves, much like the Kiev nobility cleanses out the Donbass, it cannot stand the smell of peasants (Mikhail Evgrafovich involuntarily quoted).
They consider this not a spiritual crisis, but a spiritual revival, they say, the more intellectuals per capita, the more beautiful the society, and this is just intellectual fascism. By the way, no better than any other fascism.

Review of “The Face of the Elite” (Anatoly Shinkin)
Hello, Anatoly!
You're heating up well, such anger
It’s boiling, but where should I direct it?
We raise the second generation after
the collapse of a great country, but nothing changes...
What is the difference between the Tambov group and the Kokhov group?
only by name: elite-bureaucratic (second)...)))
How have you been since you entered orbit?
I shake your hand firmly, Yuri.

Hello, Yuri. There are no changes here: more and more work for less and less money.
The guys from Putin's yard won't get drunk. To be more precise, the saying: “Appetite comes with eating” fits them perfectly; the desire to grab and eat grows exponentially.
To the question, why do your minions have exorbitant salaries? The handsome man answered clearly, as written:
-- Their incomes are compared with the salaries of the world's leading, talented top managers.
Yura, I fell out of my chair. To become a friend of the president and get control of all the gas, the entire railway, the entire economy of a large country, and so on, you do not need managerial talents. They live in Russia, but they certainly look up to the whole world. Could they make a career there? Or would you hop around the islands in your underpants until the local police catch you?
Let’s compare the salaries of top, excuse the expression, “managers” with the salaries of our workers.
I just read in the Yandex news that Nabiulina is the best head of the Central Bank in the world, and before her Kudrin was the best finance minister)))), our president, you probably already guessed... is also the best in the world.
And what are we missing?)))

The officials did not come from Mars - these are our neighbors, friends, relatives. Capitalism, whoever grabbed it by the throat first, ate it and survived at the expense of their neighbor. They now have a favorite saying: “I’m not like that, life is like that”))
The path of an entrepreneur in Russia is not strewn with roses. This is an endless struggle with tough legislation crammed with corruption traps; with officials; services that care about the welfare of consumers; fellow competitors; swindlers who thrive in this area, etc., etc., which is endless))
By definition, an entrepreneur cannot remain friendly and humane.

The scene of action is the environment created by people, and the environment, aggressive, angry, suspicious, creates the corresponding people.
You meet decent people. Many, when starting their careers, worked “for free”, in the hope of future dividends - cynicism and greed come with experience.
The higher the salary, the higher the self-esteem, and then the dock.
Even the average official quickly reaches the threshold beyond which non-jurisdiction and permissiveness begin))

In Gogol's "Portrait" officials ordered to draw their loved ones leaning on a tome with the inscription "Always stood for the truth"))))
The current ones, having wiped themselves off from multi-colored caviar, practice on Internet forums. They defend the ideas of justice and moral values.
turn into animals (try touching a servant of the people - they will gnaw them to death); and become slaves to money and power - completely unfree people - live with money and power, and if they step away from the helm, they sit down like a madam from the defense service.
I would call this punishment a gentle landing")))))))

Retzka as a keepsake Interesting question

What about the legality of the annexation of Crimea to Russia?
I also have a bad attitude towards the Ukrainian authorities. But at least
she does not send weapons and her soldiers to the neighboring country...
Alexander Rubakha

Alexander, I won’t break spears, all the arguments of the parties have been expressed and, as usual, not heard. Everyone remained unconvinced.
My position: I always play and support my team, and I don’t score goals into my own goal. Legality-illegality, objectivity-subjectivity - everything is gone.
We are adults and we know for sure that the rules and laws are not respected by the warring parties.
I am always for our people, and we will figure out whether we are right or wrong when we win, and we will win - don’t even doubt it

Retzka as a keepsake Glove compartment
Anatoly Shinkin
Putin is a forward who scores goals. While the team is carelessly rushing around the field, constantly and deliberately or accidentally directing the ball towards its goal, Putin intercepts, breaks through and screws another “can” to the opponents.
In recent history, we have already seen two paths of development for Russia: Yeltsin's - liberal, democratic, yielding, under the dictation of advisers from Europe and America. We reached the handle, ate grass, died like flies. Freedom was complete, but few people enjoyed it.
Now Putin’s lack of freedom, with tightening the screws, gagging, sanctions and so on.
Firstly, and for many the main thing, they are full; the only food missing is Norwegian salmon and foie gras.
Not by bread alone. Everyone talks and writes whatever, wherever, without caring about the consequences. He travels abroad freely, now the Foreigners are thinking about how to protect themselves from the Russians.
Prices are rising, that's why they are prices. Only Stalin reduced it - people from that era, pronouncing this name, still look around cautiously.

No, if we compare the regimes of Putin and Stalin, then honor and praise to Putin. But we are not talking about tightening the screws. The modern regime has neither a spanner nor a competent mechanic. That's the trouble, the mess is no longer manageable

Anatoly Shinkin
I agree, Emelyan. A light glove compartment adds creativity, positivity and constructiveness, but in Putin’s team the glove compartment has already outgrown the average one and is increasingly dominant, hiding behind words about unity around the leader and patriotism. Putin has already said it. that if he starts picking up one of his own, he automatically turns into a stranger, with all that it entails.
I want to believe that this is not just a phrase

Retzka as a souvenir Got it

One can dream that a fate of retribution will overtake some deputies, but ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the deputies will continue to blame the people with what remains of well-digested foie gras and Norwegian salmon.
There is a war in Ukraine - prices are rising. We don’t have a war, but the prices are going through the roof: gas, water, gasoline - they can’t get enough. The work of deputies and the government is visible, or rather, clearly expressed.
Our Duma and our Government are a greedy throat and a huge ass that never tires of shitting on us

Retzka as a souvenir Man to man...

People learn and get used to enjoying conflict. Increasingly, trivial misunderstandings turn into fights to the point of tearing out hair and attempts to gnaw at the throat of a neighbor.
Russia has a traditionally caste society. Wealth inequality has exacerbated the problem. People are fighting for a place on a higher rung of the social ladder.
The easiest way to feel important is to put your neighbor down.
The two-meter-tall security guard figured that the old lady wouldn’t give change, and instantly “followed the instructions.”
Having felt the weakness, we immediately designate an array on which we can spit from top to bottom and nothing will happen for it. The wider the array, the greater the significance, the more human we are.
And somehow I immediately wanted to change from people... to someone more humane... a yard cat or a flop-eared puppy.

Nature,... mother

Try on the "Laws of Nature"
and I want to howl like a wolf

A precaution laid down by nature: what is given must be returned with rent, in order to have a reserve of good and good in case of the unexpected.
Those who give more than they receive in return build up inconsistency in themselves, which will gradually result in resentment, and then into neuroses.

The law of the jungle is the law of nature: following the laws of survival, honed over centuries of struggle for a place in the sun.
Those who tried to be kind were quickly eaten... and are being eaten
The laws of morality and morality contradict the laws of nature, just as the commandment “If you hit the left cheek, turn the right one” contradicts common sense.

In a fight, we always try to give more than we ourselves received - altruists

Several theses about the revolution
Anatoly Shinkin-2
In response to the girl's maximalism

The Kibalchishi leave, the sparks go out
from Danko's trampled heart...
The bad guys rule the roost...

Revolutionary opinion
I haven’t considered revolutions a good thing for a long time. The people receive only ruin and blood from them, the gains go to the “main revolutionaries”, who - as a rule, without exceptions - are worse and nastier than the overthrown conservatives.
The only positive aspect of the revolutionary situation is anarchy, the opportunity to throw out anger, clinging your teeth to the enemy’s throat, to get drunk, to become intoxicated with the opportunity to take revenge, to have a blast in a revolutionary frenzy.
My conscience will not allow me to live after such a separation. The hero will die after drinking himself to death, and the revolutionary fruits will be eaten by the next scoundrels.

Victory of the revolution
The winners took the places next to God and began to eat those remaining below.
Having barely noticed a glimmer of victory, they abandon the enemy and grab the throats of their friends, trying to take and secure their place in the sun.
God forbid there is a civil war and God forbid you become a winner in it.

Death as a reason

Bad guys are not born, they are cared for
grown on imported money,
like on elite manure

Putin has his own game, and the Former Governor
played a role in someone else's

My mind is no longer the same, but these years are already. And the older I get, the less I sympathize with the revolutionaries - these, these, and also the most advanced and noble ones.
I sincerely wish that they would all be “lowered” in time. So that people can finally breathe freely, work for themselves and live peacefully in work and peace.
Here we had one killed for days... . The opposition joyfully rushed into courage, into protest, and into the offensive. It feels like they killed him to create an excuse.
It was all very quickly organized. As if the plan was being carried out point by point: the Aurora shot, the capture of bridges, the telegraph, the telephone..., the storming of the Winter Palace...
The sad humor of revolutionary cynicism.

Vicious revolutionary circle

Danton executed the previous ones, and the next ones had his head cut off.
Natural process of turnover and renewal
revolutionaries in society

Walk towards prosperity like Ilyich
bequeathed: "In my own way")

Now there is only evolution, albeit unfriendly
and too slow, but so that everyone is alive

Many revolutionaries feel like pioneers, open their shirts and rush to the barricades, not suspecting that the mechanism of rebellion has long been studied and calculated; and the guiding hand has already calculated how many kilograms of “meat” to put under each of the corners of the new government.
Revolutions occur according to one algorithm: good guys overthrow, take the place of bad guys and become no better themselves. Revolutions relieve social tension, but do not heal human nature.
We put forward, and then we begin to understand that it is possible to push back the one who has been put forward only in a revolutionary way. He will hold on to his place, even if he has shit himself to his very ears.
The people, who have splashed out their merciless rage, are at first content with a meaningless victory, but then become disillusioned and begin to train new “good guys” within themselves.

Man to man

Bourgeois bourgeois strife. For some, “rednecks” don’t give a damn what they eat and what they don’t. Others lazily, from time to time, despise. Still others actively hate. The proletarians have approximately the same gradation: the first don’t care, the second look down on the bourgeoisie, according to the will of the proletarian poet, but the third are ready to kill.
When the mood of the third takes over the crowd, the Russians will once again attack each other, brother against brother, father against son, not so much from a thirst for justice, but rather from a burning desire to quench their rage.

New people

The nouveau riche (from the word "thief") are multiplying exponentially.
The authorities managed to convince the people that money and success obtained by any means are good and moral, and certainly not punishable.
That’s why our high-ranking thieves have a long bench of spare ones, always ready to lend their shoulders and pockets for theft to new heights.
Fortunately, no revolutions are expected in the near future: there are many times more people who want to defend, pushing and squabbling, in line at the feeding trough than those who are burning with the desire to die or sit down for an idea.

Opinions of parliamentarians

The death of disabled person Vitaly Sedukhinsky, who died in Barnaul as a result of frostbite, stirred up the public. On December 9, 2012, a disabled person was left at the bus terminus in the village of Novosilikatny. Due to the fact that the young man could not speak due to his health, he spent a long time in 40-degree frost and received frostbite on his hands. The victim was taken to the Altai Regional Center for Thermal Injuries, where his fingers were amputated. On January 8, 2013, the disabled person died.

The criminal case was combined into one proceeding with a previously initiated criminal case under Part 2 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence) and transferred for investigation to the Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the region.

The head of the Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Legoyda, blamed society for his death.

“The accident that occurred is the result of indifference, and even contempt and hatred, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon in our society,” quotes him as saying, citing Interfax.

Legoyda noted that indifference spreads imperceptibly, “almost like radiation - without color, taste or smell.”

“Vitaly Sedukhinsky became a victim of a public spiritual disease, the symptoms of which constantly appear: be it videos of the beating of minors regularly posted on social networks, discarded human embryos in the Sverdlovsk region, or the terrible death of a young man whom teenagers burned alive on the Eternal Flame in the town of Kolchugino in 2008,” noted the head of the synodal department.

“But if we want changes, we want to be surrounded by caring people who are ready to help in unforeseen circumstances from which no one is immune, then we need systemic spiritual and moral education at all levels, from family, kindergarten and school to the media “, a personal example of a virtuous life for each of us is necessary,” Legoyda concluded.

Do you agree with Legoyda’s opinion that to combat indifference, systemic spiritual and moral education is necessary at all levels? How to implement this? addressed these questions to representatives of the upper and lower houses of parliament.

Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy (Kursk region), deputy of the State Duma of the 3rd, 4th and 5th convocations, member of United Russia:

An absolutely win-win point of view has been expressed. We can talk about the topic of spiritual and moral education for years, centuries. But there is a specific person who died. Yes, of course, to some extent, the people passing by are to blame: they didn’t pay attention, they didn’t show proper compassion. However, in my opinion, first of all we need to talk about the responsibility of the frozen person’s loved ones, his family. They didn’t follow, they didn’t look.

You can’t blame the whole society. The feeling of complicity and condolences in people has not been completely lost. People are all different: some will never pass by, they will rush to the rescue even at the risk of their own health. Others, yes, are indifferent, living according to the principle “someone else will do it for me.” However, first of all, a regime of complicity and instant help should be cultivated within each family. Then it will be easier to overcome the cult of violence, glamor, and the “every man for himself” attitude, widely propagated today in the media.

For my part, I also advocate collective education, for a return to joint forms of participation - all this raises the bar for the citizenship of society. But attacking the entire society, accusing it of indifference and contempt is wrong.

Ekaterina Lakhova, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations. "ER" faction:

I completely agree with the opinion of Vladimir Legoyda, especially in the part that spiritual and moral education should begin in kindergarten. Unfortunately, in recent years, much that should be associated with the development of moral foundations in a person has been missed in our system of school and university education. As paradoxical as it may sound, it is necessary to raise the cultural and moral level of teachers themselves. And sometimes you walk past some school or institute, and you see that teachers smoke almost in the company of their students.

Today, society pays a lot of attention to a healthy lifestyle. However, at the same time, they often forget about spiritual health. Meanwhile, moral and spiritual principles should be the driving forces in all spheres of life - in politics, economics, education, culture, etc. All sensible people understand this well. But for some reason we are not yet able to change for the better the situation on our television, where there is still too much violence, cruelty and cynicism. In my opinion, it’s high time for TV workers to stop referring to the notorious ratings and assuring that supposedly only “chernukha,” vulgarity and other negativity can attract a modern audience. Look how high the rating was for the wonderful project “The Voice”, how many enthusiastic reviews it collected from viewers of various categories. The only thing was that it was a shame that almost all the songs were performed there in English, while the domestic pop repertoire is no less, if not more rich and varied than the Western one.

Yaroslav Nilov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations, Deputy Head of the LDPR faction:

Naturally, I agree with Legoyda’s opinion here. And I am sure that the same opinion is shared not only by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, but also by all other religious denominations, by all people who worry about the future of their country, about the spiritual state of their society.

Look at how people with disabilities are treated abroad and how they are treated here – it’s heaven and earth. I can’t even imagine how it was possible to commit such a low and inhumane act, throwing an absolutely helpless, sick person out into the cold. But last spring, the Duma ratified the international convention on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities!

The case of Vitaly Sedukhinsky demonstrates not only the cruelty and indifference that has afflicted our society, but also the absence in it of the very spiritual bonds that Putin spoke about. Unfortunately, this became possible during the development of Russia in the 90s, when, along with the theft of state property by the oligarchs, the spiritual and moral values ​​of the people began to be destroyed.

The LDPR has long been talking about what should be the basis of the moral and cultural recovery and revival of Russian society. Declarations about proper upbringing alone are not enough here. It is necessary to raise the level and authority of the family institution, to finally restore order on our television channels, which often morally corrupt our youth with propaganda of permissiveness and accessibility. At the same time, it is necessary to develop civil society institutions and improve the quality and standard of living of people. We have repeatedly introduced bills aimed at combating alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction, and proposed banning advertising of abortions. Unfortunately, the faction of the technical majority in the Duma works in such a way that all our initiatives, like the proposals of other opposition factions, are ignored and not considered for years.

Alexey Alexandrov, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and Judicial Issues, Development of Civil Society (Kaluga Region). ER member:

I definitely agree. But having visited many countries, I can say with confidence that, in principle, our people are highly moral and not deceitful. The kindest people are ours, the Russians, brought up on good Russian fairy tales.

But, of course, we need to analyze the state of educational work at the state level. Moreover, first of all, it is necessary to educate not children, but adults - those who themselves should be educators: kindergarten workers, school teachers, university professors.

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Science has been quite actively “at war” with various universities. Maybe this is good, and probably necessary, but the ministry should pay its main attention to the ideology of kindness, compassion, empathy, educating not only students, schoolchildren, but also their mentors and leaders, instilling in them truly liberal values, and not pseudo - and not false-liberal.

Valery Zubov, Member of the State Duma Committee on Transport. Faction "SR":

The answer here may be simple: lead by example. Who does Vladimir Legoida represent when he calls society for spiritual and moral cleansing? It is the church that has always, in all civilizations, been the source of the morality that cements relationships between people. Love your neighbor as yourself - isn’t this one of the main commandments of the Russian Orthodox Church? So, let the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church first demonstrate an example of indifference, philanthropy, true mercy, etc., and I am sure many will follow them.

But today, church hierarchs, as a rule, do not provide society with examples worthy of imitation. Try to communicate with one of the clergy a little higher than the district level - in most cases you will have to deal with arrogance and contempt for ordinary people, with intolerance for other people's opinions.

The priest’s speech in connection with the tragic story in Barnaul is exactly the case when I want to advise a person to start with himself. In general, I am sure that any calls for moral education will be useless until conscience begins to stir in each of us, until people themselves begin to work on themselves, their moral character, thoughts and actions. And, of course, every episode similar to the case of the Barnaul disabled person should be widely discussed in society so that it at least understands the reasons that lead to such tragedies.

Oleg Kulikov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. Faction "Communist Party of the Russian Federation":

Unfortunately, in the conditions of wild bandit capitalism in which our society finds itself today, such cases will occur constantly. This is inevitable if the ideas of individualism are constantly being hammered into the public consciousness, the idea that in modern life everyone is for himself, that there is no place in it for human sympathy and mutual assistance.

To speak in this situation about some kind of spiritual and moral education is, in my opinion, falsehood and pharisaism. How can one talk about such upbringing or spiritual bonds in a society with enormous social inequality and social injustice? What common spiritual bonds can there be between, say, the oligarchs and the beggars, the humiliated and the insulted?

Without changing the socio-economic situation in the country, without returning the principles of social justice to our lives, we will never overcome the deep moral crisis in which we find ourselves today. The state has long withdrawn from caring for its citizens, does not help the disabled, and does not develop healthcare. All attention is aimed at ensuring the interests of 5% of people belonging to the so-called. "elite". In this situation, it is impossible to talk about any prospects for humanization and moral improvement of society.

Gadzhimet Safaraliev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Affairs. "ER" faction:

I completely agree that without comprehensive spiritual and moral education, which would begin even before school, it will not be easy for our society to cope with his illness. And it suffers very seriously - first of all, really, from indifference, callousness, inattention to other people's troubles and problems. People often become rude, aggressive, and carry negative energy, which is especially common in big cities.

I think that one of the leading roles in the education and spiritual and moral development of society should remain with representatives of the main religious faiths. After all, almost any religious teaching carries within itself the ideas of goodness, compassion and mercy. Therefore, representatives of our faiths need to focus no longer on issues close to politics and economics, but on promoting universal human values. Our media should also actively engage in this, which today does not particularly contribute to the education of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and mutual respect, or to the development of interethnic peace and friendship between peoples.

Having pushed spiritual and moral values ​​into the background, we have already essentially received a generation whose only meaning in life is the worship of the “golden calf,” purely material values, and dubious examples of Western culture. We must not allow the next generation to grow up in an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and a complete absence of any moral ideals.

Sergey Lisovsky, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agricultural and Food Policy and Fisheries Complex (Kurgan Region). ER member:

We must start with the revival of the old Soviet education system, the return of uniform textbooks, including history and literature, and the abandonment of the Unified State Exam.

During the years of the USSR there were wonderful textbooks that had been tested over the years. My father and I studied mathematics using a very good textbook edited by Perelman. My son, unfortunately, is now engaged in some nonsense. But school textbooks, moral education, spiritual bonds are all connected: if there is no one element, there will be no single chain. I am sure that the return of the Soviet school education system will become the basis for the spiritual and moral revival of society.

Valery Sudarenkov, Member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy (Kaluga Region):

In general, Legoyda did not say anything new. The main question is, who will be these educators, on the basis of what values ​​and models should they be educated?

I am convinced that since such egregious cases occur periodically, the educators themselves need education, that is, all of us, our entire society, where there is an acute shortage of education.

Forms of education of this kind are known in principle. The basis is, of course, religious teaching. It may not sound so modern, but that’s exactly what it is. Another thing is that in the matter of instilling spiritual and moral values ​​through religion there should be no imposition. The process should go gradually, by itself. But secular educational institutions - kindergartens, schools, universities - should not lag behind in this matter. Secular and religious institutions must join forces to revive our society.

Aslambek Aslakhanov, Former senator. President of the "Association of Law Enforcement Agencies and Special Services of the Russian Federation" A.A. Aslakhanov. ER member:

I completely agree with him. The citizens of Russia for the most part have always been kind, moral people. Look at the outback. There and now everyone greets each other and takes off their hats. But the destructive power of television, which promotes early sexual activity and civil marriages, reaches there too.

In this situation, I am surprised by the inertia of confessions. In my opinion, they are not active enough in this matter. It seems to me that they should have united long ago and launched a massive offensive against soul-destroying television. Their silence is their serious mistake.

I am convinced that such a tragic incident is not the only one. It used to be that they rushed to everyone who fell on the street to find out what happened, tried to help with something, and called an ambulance. Today they will take a quick look and move on.

I believe that in addition to Legoyda’s proposal, at the state level it is necessary to engage in the education of tolerance, the revival of the traditions and customs of all peoples inhabiting Russia, through some kind of joint events, concerts, and television programs.

I would like to inform you that a congress of the Association of Law Enforcement and Special Services Workers is scheduled for January 25, where we will definitely raise the issue of spiritual and moral education of society.

Abstract: The article examines the problem of spiritual and moral development of modern society. Key words: Spiritual and moral values, morality, spirituality

Today our society is experiencing not only a socio-economic, but also a spiritual crisis. The reason for such a crisis is the suspension of spiritual development, the loss of spiritual values ​​that form the basis of human existence. The era of consumerism, temptations, and many conveniences does not make people more moral; on the contrary, it often destroys moral guidelines, creating an internal emptiness despite external well-being. Modern youth experience alienation from their own inner world and spiritual needs, a devaluation of ideals and norms of behavior.

A spiritual crisis has a negative impact on all spheres of society without exception - culture, politics, education, social relations, etc. That is why the problem of the spirituality of man and society as a whole comes to the fore in the humanities. They began to talk about the problem of spirituality two thousand years ago, when Heraclitus, Democritus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle noted that humanity, accumulating more and more knowledge, began to lose understanding of their values.

In psychology, the problem of spirituality was studied by such scientists as V. Gordon, G. Allport, Z. Freud, A. Maslow, S. Rubinstein, E. Fromm. If we analyze the latest research and developments that examine the origins and ways to solve this problem, we should note the work of the famous Russian psychologist V.I. Slobodchikov, who very carefully analyzes the reasons for the decline of morality in the modern world. The main idea of ​​modern scientific research in this area is that domestic traditions should become the basis for the renewal of society.

The problem of spirituality and morality of modern society is heard in forms of various ranks and is defined in speeches and reports of scientists, public figures, and employees of the Ministry of Education as a problem of national importance. The fact that the theme of spirituality is intensively exploited suggests that it is truly in demand by the times. But at the same time, even a cursory analysis of literary sources, not to mention the media and the actions of politicians, allows us to note that something is wrong with the understanding of morality and spirituality. The more talk about spirituality, the less manifestations of it we see. This happens because the main part of this general problem remains unresolved - the creation of a conceptual approach to the spiritual awakening of the people.

Among all the researchers of the reasons for the decline of spirituality, in my opinion, they were most accurately formulated by the outstanding German-American psychologist and thinker of the 20th century. Erich Fromm: “The capitalist economy, based on the freedom of the market and privatization, commercializes the entire society, all its structures, including man, subordinating them to the cult of money. Everything becomes a commodity, an object of purchase and sale, including professions, occupations, statuses. The consequence of this is the self-alienation of a person, the loss of his humanistic essence.

Man turns into a tool serving the economic machine, which cares about efficiency and success, and not about happiness and the development of the soul.”

Signs of a decrease in the level of consciousness in the form of increased cruelty, indifference, consumerism can occur unnoticed, society may “not notice” them and even elevates it to the rank of normal everyday life. The destruction of moral sense (conscience) leads to a decrease in abilities, undermines and destroys moral memory as the foundation of the intellect.”

If you look at our modern times, comparing it with the life that people led in earlier times, one cannot help but be struck by how far from the norm life has become now. The concepts of authority, decency and politeness, behavior in society and in private life - everything has changed dramatically. Carnal needs, often in a perverted form, turn into the leading motive of behavior.

A similar situation is now observed throughout the world. Reliable information is increasingly becoming inaccessible to the oriented person. And the education system does not teach how to obtain information in conditions of resistance to receiving it. From all that has been said, we can conclude that it is necessary to immediately take steps to save society and the world, which is rapidly moving towards its end. In order to stop the destructive processes, it is necessary to return the Christian understanding of the world. Return it to where it was originally - to educational institutions, to science. Pedagogy must become Christian, and the content of education and upbringing must become the eternal values ​​of Christianity. K. D. Ushinsky speaks clearly and definitely: “For us, non-Christian pedagogy is an unthinkable thing, an enterprise without motivation behind and without results ahead. What kind of person should be fully expressed in divine teaching and upbringing remains only to lay down the eternal truths of Christianity. Christianity serves as the source of all light and all truth and indicates the highest goal of all education. This is an unquenchable light, going forever, like a pillar of fire in the desert - ahead of man and nations.”

The lack of faith in God - as the Source of absolute Good, in His commandments - as the only basis of morality and “the actually human in man” has led to the fact that our consciousness, especially among young people, has turned out to be practically defenseless against postmodernist ideologists, against the danger of mass corruption and depravity , pornography, drug addiction. Only knowledge of Christian laws can direct the upbringing and education of the younger generation in the right direction. One cannot but agree with the statement of one of the greatest Russian thinkers, I.A. Ilyin, who wrote: “Education without upbringing is a false and dangerous matter. It most often creates people who are half-educated, self-important and arrogant, vain debaters, assertive and shameless careerists; it arms anti-spiritual forces; it unleashes and encourages the “wolf” in man.”

This position is rooted in domestic university education, Russian pedagogy. Outstanding Russian teacher of the 19th century. N. I. Ilminsky said: “Not everyone can be an artist, a scientist, even a craftsman, and not everyone should be; but a good person, i.e. Moral, honest, kind and religious, everyone can be and everyone must be. Good morality is the basis on which every specialty, scientific, craft and the like, receives special strength and value. Let a good person be formed first, and then on this basis there will be a good specialist.”

In our society, we are now searching for ways to create a system of spiritual and moral education of student youth based on the values ​​of Orthodox culture. Precisely systems, not individual attempts.

Vocational training should become only a part of the education system, the core of which should be spiritual and moral education. And for this, the content, methods and technologies of spiritual and moral education at the university must be radically changed. It should be based on Christian national values ​​and ideals and aimed at helping young people in their moral, civic and professional development. Our education should not be an imitation of foreign models, and therefore helpless, but should be national, imbued with the ideal of the people's soul.


1. Ushinsky K. D. Selected pedagogical works / comp. N. A. Sundukov. - M.: Education, 1968. - 557 p.

2. Fromm E. Psychoanalysis and religion // Twilight of the Gods. - M., 1990. - pp. 149-221.

3. Slobodchikov V.I. Speech at the conference: “Seventh Intercession Readings”, Spiritual and moral formation and development of man // MA “Pokrov”, 2006

4. Slobodchikov V.I. Psychological problems of the formation of the inner world of man. M., 2005.

5. N. I. Ilminsky and his main pedagogical views // Smolensk Diocesan Gazette. - 1897. - No. 2. 6. Ilyin I. A. The path of spiritual renewal. M., 1998.

Modern society is in a global crisis. Every day there are media reports about political confrontation and military conflicts, terrorist attacks and environmental and man-made disasters, the bankruptcy of not only individual companies, but also entire countries. And it seems that there is no end to this. What's the matter? What is at the root of this global crisis? The answer to these questions should be sought neither in economics nor in politics. The roots of the crisis are much deeper - in the sphere of spiritual and moral life of society and each individual.

In what case does it become possible for a person to dump waste containing toxic substances into water bodies; produce products with harmful ingredients and counterfeit medicines that cannot help a person in a difficult situation; bomb civilian targets, knowing that there are civilians and children there? There is only one answer - in the case of a low level of morality. This is precisely the main reason for the global crisis, which has affected almost all countries of the world and all aspects of society.

The ideology of a consumer society, when the main value is money and power, leads to the replacement of universal human values ​​that were professed in different eras, among different peoples, with false values, to the distortion of basic basic concepts. In a society dominated by the ideology of consumption, exorbitant desires, lying primarily in the sphere of material goods, and the thirst for pleasure are inflated. Profit becomes the main priority of people, and elementary concepts are interpreted with the opposite meaning. As a result, modern society is not so much evolving (in certain areas) as degrading as a whole.

Famous historians, political scientists and political figures V.E. Bagdasaryan and S.S. Sulakshin in his monograph examines the value factors that strengthen the Russian state, and also identifies factors that have a destructive impact on it, the so-called anti-values, which are focused not on the strengthening and life of any state, but, on the contrary, on its weakening and even death.

The conclusion that the authors came to is disappointing: “...Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. is in a state of not just a crisis, but a civilizational catastrophe. The erosion of the country's values ​​is one of its factors. Many of them have reached historic lows. The way out, accordingly, is seen in the development of the country’s vital potentials, which... correspond to the highest values ​​of the state.”

And not only scientists and politicians understand this. More and more ordinary people, citizens of Russia and other countries, understand the importance of raising the level of morality in society, considering this process as an effective mechanism for the evolutionary development of society. There is a tendency to increasingly involve Russians and citizens of other countries in actions aimed at reviving morality in the world and overcoming the magic of anti-values. One such example is the activities of the International Public Organization “FOR MORALITY!”, which includes participants from 50 countries. Participants of the Movement “FOR MORALITY!” They didn’t just start with themselves and strive to lead a moral lifestyle, they meet with people, talk about moral problems in society, and also try to involve the leadership of their countries in solving this problem. In particular, the participants of the Movement developed a program document “The Doctrine of High Morality” (hereinafter referred to as the Doctrine), which represents a look at the causes of the current state of society, defines the main value guidelines, defines basic concepts, and suggests ways out of the ideological crisis. The doctrine contains the concept of the ideology of a highly moral society, which can serve as the basis for the formation of public policy, improvement of the legal framework, as well as for the development of targeted programs in the field of improving morality.

The existing deformations in the spiritual and moral sphere are clearly manifested when comparing the understanding of basic basic concepts such as God, man, the physical world, society, freedom, power and others presented in the Doctrine. Their consideration will help, in our opinion, to see a way out of the current crisis situation.

The concept of "God". In a consumer society, this concept ceases to be perceived as a source of absolute values ​​that determine a person’s entire life. Instead, fetishism is implanted - religious worship of material values, and the cult of money dominates. The psychology of “fast food” also manifests itself in matters of faith. Often the worship of God is formal, associated only with the observance of rituals.
Objectively, God is the Supreme Law that governs the Universe. Everything is subject to this Law. Following it allows the individual to develop spiritually and morally.

The question of the existence of God is gradually moving from the area of ​​religious and philosophical reasoning to the area of ​​scientific research. Thus, in the world there are a large number of fundamental physical constants (gravity, electromagnetic force, nuclear interaction, the ratio of the Earth’s radius to the distance to the Sun, and others). Results of research by mathematicians, the Problem of Morality and the global crisis of the society of physicists and astrophysicists from around the world - I.L. Rosenthal, V.A. Nikitin, S. Weinberg, R. Breuer, F. Dyson, D. Polkinghorne, D. Barrow, F. Tripler, D. Jean and others - indicate that the slightest change in any of them would lead to the destruction of the Universe. Scientific research in this area allowed scientists to conclude that there is a Supermind that controls the Universe.

The greatest physicist of the 20th century, Arthur Compton, Nobel Prize laureate, says: “Faith begins with the knowledge that the Supreme Mind created the Universe and man. It is not difficult for me to believe this, because the fact of the existence of a plan and, therefore, Reason is irrefutable. The order in the Universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and most sublime statement: “In the beginning is God.”

Similar statements were made at different times by: Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Charles Darwin, C. Flammarion, N.I. Pirogov, Jules S. Duchesne, F. Crick, A.D. Sakharov, P.P. Garyaev and many other scientists of the world.
The concept of “Physical world”. In modern society, there is an idea that there is only a physical world that can be seen, touched, studied, broken down into its component parts, therefore all activity is limited to this world.
However, scientists have proven that the physical world is only the “tip of the iceberg.” Nobel Prize winner, Italian physicist C. Rubbia, claims that visible matter makes up only one billionth of the entire Universe. The Universe is much wider, and scientists provide evidence of new levels of life in it. Discovery by Russian scientist S.V. Zenin of the information-phase state of matter, the development by the English physicist D. Bohm of the theory of the holographic nature of the Universe, the discoveries of Russian scientists G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov in the field of the theory of physical vacuum and torsion fields indicate multi-level nature and the existence of intelligent control of the Universe.
The concept of "Man". In a consumer society, a person is seen as part of the material world. It has a “beginning” (birth) and an “end” (death) - just like any object or process in the physical world has its origin and destruction. And since, according to the majority, a person lives once, then one must live his only life enjoying all its benefits. It is impossible to become perfect in one life, so there is no point in striving for high morality, which involves internal restrictions and self-discipline.

However, if we take into account that the Universe is a complex multi-level system of existence of different planes of existence, therefore, such a complex living organism as a person is also multidimensional. Computer GDV-graphy technologies developed by K.G. Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect, clearly show the presence of an energy component in a person - a biofield, which reflects his thoughts and feelings.
The Problem of Morality and the Global Crisis of Society

In addition to the mortal part, man also has an immortal part, which evolves over many incarnations. Over the course of many of his lives, a person accumulates experience, develops his best qualities, and, according to a cause-and-effect relationship, reaps the consequences of his actions committed not only in one life, but in all previous existences. If a person knew that he lives more than once, he would think deeply before committing an immoral act. He would understand that if he offended and humiliated, deceived and killed someone in a previous incarnation, then in the subsequent rebirth he himself would be offended and humiliated, deceived and killed.

The scientific approach to the study of reincarnation, which has been developing since 1960, and the organization in 1980 of the International Association for the Study of “Past” Lives, which includes scientists from Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Russia and other countries, have made it possible to document thousands of cases of memories of past lives. For example, the American doctor, Professor I. Stevenson, spent 40 years studying 3,000 cases of children’s memories of past lives.

Teaching in kindergartens and schools only two Laws of the Universe: about the cause-and-effect relationship and about the rebirth of the immortal part of man - in one or two generations would radically change society and direct it along the moral path.

Having examined the first three concepts in detail, we will briefly consider the rest.
“Society” - in a consumer society, inequality is assumed to be racial, property, religious and others. In a highly moral society, humanity is a brotherhood of peoples.
“Freedom” - in a consumer society is manifested in non-compliance with the Supreme Law. Permissiveness, abuse to satisfy desires and obtain pleasure. In a highly moral society, freedom is the conscious need to follow the Supreme Law that exists in the Universe. Unlimited freedom to act within the framework of this Law.

“Power” - in a consumer society, power is aimed at keeping the masses in obedience, follows the political situation, gives rise to corruption and the struggle for power. Positions are bought. In a highly moral society, power is an honorable duty. The best representatives of society occupy leadership positions in accordance with their moral qualities.
“Finance” - in a consumer society, acts as a means of management, manipulation, control, enslavement. In a highly moral society, finance is a temporary phenomenon at a certain stage of social development (as an equivalent of exchange, a means of accounting and distribution).

“Labor” – in a consumer society is a way to earn money. In a highly moral society, work is the highest joy, a way of creative self-realization of a person.
“Wars” - in a consumer society, are a means of struggle for power, control, wealth and natural resources. In a highly moral society there is a world without wars. Implementation of the principle of non-violence in international, social and interpersonal relations.
“Medicine, healthcare” - in a consumer society, treatment and medicines are used as a means of profit. There is no interest in the person being healthy. In a moral society, their goal is the health of every person. The basis of health is harmony with Nature.

“Education” is in a consumer society a means of reproducing the labor force and instilling in citizens the qualities necessary for the state. In a moral society, every person should receive the most comprehensive education as a means of revealing the inner potential of the individual.

“The media” – in a consumer society, this is a source of manipulation of mass consciousness. They fulfill the social order of those in power. They contribute to the stupidity of the population. In a moral society, they contribute to broadening the horizons of every member of society. Expand and deepen knowledge.

“Art” – in a consumer society is considered as a commercial product of mass consumption. Reflects the immorality of society. In a highly moral society, it provides examples of high morality and morality, elevates the consciousness of people.

“Science” – in a consumer society, serves the interests of financial elites. Scientific discoveries are used for profit and for military purposes. In a moral society, science studies the laws of the universe and helps humanity follow them. All scientific achievements and developments are aimed at improving human life.

“Family” - in a consumer society, there is a degeneration of the family: same-sex marriages, single-parent families, sexual perversions. In a moral society, the family is the pillar of society and the state.
“Free time” – in a consumer society, it is used for pleasure and entertainment. In a moral society it is used for education and self-improvement.
The authors of the Doctrine of High Morality believe that the revival of morality should become a national program, a national ideology, promoted at all levels, in all possible ways. Only in this case is it possible to overcome the global moral crisis of modern society.

States built on moral principles have always had social, economic and political advantages, which led them to prosperity and increased well-being. Therefore, the only way out of any crisis is to improve the morality of the people. When a person becomes more and more moral, he himself automatically begins to abandon what is immoral.

Now modern media adapt to the lowest desires of people, promoting low examples: rudeness, smoking, violence, sexual abuse and perversion, and others. The problem of Morality and the global crisis of society However, the state found the strength at the highest level to launch a campaign against smoking and alcoholism of the population. The next step should be the penetration on television screens, on the radio, on the pages of publications of higher, more moral, beautiful examples of art and culture, which should gradually displace (not by banning) vulgarity, rudeness and violence from the consciousness of the people, and therefore from all areas of state life. It is necessary to instill in the consciousness of the people the understanding of God as the Supreme Moral Law that exists in the Universe. It is necessary at the state level to promote moral concepts such as honor, sincerity, kindness, modesty, benevolence and others. Russia must become a stronghold of morality in the world!