List of modal verbs in English. Modal form of an English verb Modal verbs and their

Modal verbs show the speaker's attitude to the action expressed by the infinitive. For example, compare:

You can speak English. You can (know how to) speak English.

You must speak English. You must speak English. You may speak English. You can speak English. (You will be understood.)

As we see, in the same sentence, changing the modal verb changes the meaning of the entire sentence, i.e. the attitude towards the action expressed by the infinitive changes.

Modal verbs do not have forms in all tenses, for this purpose their equivalents (substitutes) are used.

Interrogative and negative sentences with modal verbs are constructed without auxiliary verbs: Can you help me? -Yes, I can.- No, I can" t. You can help me? - Yes. -No.

The main modal verbs include:

Modal verb san

san- be able to, be able to

could- past tense

presupposes the presence of physical, mental and other capabilities to do something:

I can swim. - I can (I know how) to swim.

I could translate this text. - (I could, was able to) translate this text.

A polite request can begin with a modal verb could:

Could you help me, please! -Could you help me, please!

In the future tense of the verb can there is a substitute - design tobeableto(to be able to do something): IshallbeabletohelpyouwhenIamfree. - I can help you when I'm free.

Modal verbmay

may- to be able to obtain permission (to do something).

May I help you?- Can I help you? - Yes, you may.- Yes, you can.

Past tense form might used to express an assumption:

Hemight know about it. - He probably knew about it.

In the future tense of a modal verb may there is a substitute - design tobeallowedto(get permission to do something).

Notwill be allowed to take the book. He will be allowed to take the book.

Modal verbmust

must- must, obliged.

You must write it down now. - You should write it now.

Verb substitutes must are verbs tohaveto And tobeto, which have some additional shades of meaning. Verb haveto means an obligation caused by circumstances, a forced necessity, while the verb tobeto- an obligation associated with a schedule, plan or pre-made agreement.

She had to stay at home. - She was forced (she had to) stay at home.

The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening. - The train was supposed to arrive at 8 pm. (Scheduled).

After modal verbs and some of their equivalents, the infinitive is used without a particle to.

Modal verb substitutes must are also modal verbs oughtto,should(in the sense of advice, recommendation, reproach).

Children ought to obey their parents.- Children should listen to their parents.

You should enter the Institute. You should go to college (recommendation, advice).

Combined with a perfect infinitive verb should expresses regret about an unfulfilled action and is translated “should have.”

You should have helped them. You should help them. (But you didn't).

Modal verbshould

Modal verb should combined with the perfect infinitive shouldhovedone expresses actions that should have happened in the past, but for some reason did not happen, translated into Russian as “should”, “it was necessary”.

You should have helped them.

You should have helped them.

You should have done this.

You should have done this (reproach)

This work should have been done yesterday.

This work should have been done yesterday.

Modal verbwould

Modal verb would may have the following meanings:

1) Polite request. Would you help me? Will you help me?

2) Repeatability of actions in the past. Notwould often help me. He used to often help me.

3) Persistent reluctance to take any action. Notwouldn't listen to me. He didn't want to listen to me.

Modal verbneed

Modal verb need- “need, must” is used mainly in negative sentences. Youneedn" tdoitnow. You don't need to do this now.

Modal verbshall

Modal verb shall used in cases where permission to perform an action is sought, and is sometimes a substitute for a modal verb must.Shall I help you? Can I help you? Shall we translate the text? Should we translate the text?

Modal verbs and their equivalents - Modal verbs in English language and their equivalents

Abstract to the material: Unfortunately, the topic of modal verbs and their equivalents in English is often poorly covered, especially in school textbooks. The maximum that an interested reader can find in them is only “superficial” information, which in a real language situation with a native English speaker can only aggravate the situation. As a result, one’s own experience, often negative, becomes the teacher and the actual means of revealing this topic. The purpose of this material is to correct the current situation.

The first and most important concept in given to the topic- this is the concept of modality in linguistics: modality- expression of the speaker’s attitude to the content of his utterance.
Modal verbs express an attitude towards an action (its necessity, probability, possibility of its completion, etc.).

Features of modal verbs in English

1. They do not change by person, do not have the ending -s/-es in the third person, singular (except for the equivalents of modal verbs: to have (to), to be (to), to be obliged (to)).
She can swim; he must be tired; it might rain later.
She has to wake up early; we are to read "War and Peace"; I am obliged to you for your recent help.
2. Auxiliary verbs are not added to them when constructing interrogative and negative sentences. In such sentences, the modal verb itself plays the role of an auxiliary verb: in questions it takes place before the subject, and in negations the particle not is added to it (exceptions: to have (to) is used in questions and negations with an auxiliary verb; in to be (to) and to be obliged (to) be in questions is used before the subject in the appropriate person and number (am/are/is) and adds the particle not in questions).
Shall do we go for a walk? Can I help you? What should I do?
He can"t dance; you mustn"t steal; you shouldn't lie.
Does he have to know I"ve never been kissed? Are we to meet inside? Is he obliged to attend the audition?
She doesn't have to drink coffee; I am not to work today; I am not obliged to pay for this.
3. Not all modal verbs have forms of future and past tenses, and when they are expressed, they are replaced by equivalents. It is more correct to consider aspectual forms of modal verbs as separate modal verbs, and not as forms of one due to their significant difference in use; in some cases this also applies to negative forms. All explanations and examples for this paragraph are further in the material.
4. They do not have an infinitive form of the verb (infinitive) or -ing forms. In such cases, the equivalents are used:
I"d love to be able to ski; I hate having to get up on cold mornings.
5. After them, the particle to of the semantic verb is not used (except for equivalents). The exception is the modal verb ought to.
You must go; I"ll help you; you have to visit him; you ought to see a doctor.
6. Can be used with a perfect infinitive to describe actions that happened in the past:
You should have told me that you can"t swim: you might have drowned!
7. Each modal verb has at least two meanings:
A. Expresses probability or possibility
b. Expresses an opinion, judgment, attitude.

Modal verbs can be divided into two categories:

1. Directly modal verbs and their equivalents. These are verbs that are only modal, as well as their equivalents, which are used in tenses in which the modal verbs themselves are not used.
2. Multifunctional verbs that perform the function of modals. This category includes verbs that can perform various functions, including the function of modal verbs.

Table of modal verbs in English

Modal verb and its equivalent Meaning Present Past Future
Direct modal verbs and their equivalents
to be able (to)
am/are/is able (to)
was/were able (to)
will be able (to)
to be allowed (to)
am/are/is allowed (to)
was/were allowed (to)
will be allowed (to)
must must --- ---
ought (to) ought (to) --- ---
Equivalents of verbs of obligation (must, ought, shall, should)
to have (to)
to have got (to)
(British colloquial)
have/has (got) (to) had (got) (to) will have (got) (to)
to be (to) am/are/is (to) was/were (to) ---
to be obliged (to) am/are/is obliged (to) was/were obliged (to) will be obliged (to)
Multifunctional verbs that perform the function of modals
shall --- --- shall
should should --- ---
will --- --- will
would --- would ---
need need --- ---
dare dare dared ---

Abbreviations: can not = can"t = cannot, could not= couldn"t, may not = mayn"t, might not = mightn"t, must not = mustn"t, shall not = shan"t, should not = shouldn't "t, will = "ll, will not = won"t, would = "d, would not = wouldn"t, need not = needn"t, dare not = daren"t ().

Expression of obligation

The modal verb must, the equivalents to have (to), to be obliged (to), to be (to), as well as the multifunctional verb will express the strong form of obligation.

Must is personal a verb of obligation and expresses personal desire or even demand of the speaker. This modal verb must be used very carefully:
You must come up to the reception in order to join a library. You must go to the reception desk to sign up for the library (meaning I want, require, actually order you to go to the reception desk, not just say it). The reaction of people who hear such “advice” will be quite obvious.
But we can say:
I must get my hair cut. I have to cut my hair (I want it so bad).
In addition, must is used in official and written speech, often in impersonal sentences:
Books must be returned on or before the due date. Books must be returned no later than the specified deadline (library rule).

To have (to) expresses an obligation based on any rules or laws, on the authority of another person or on circumstances.
I can't play tennis tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist. I won't be able to play tennis tomorrow. I need to go to the dentist (I have an appointment).
Children have to go to school until they are sixteen. Children under sixteen years of age must go to school (law).
Mum says you have to tidy your room before you go out. Mom says you should clean your room before you leave. This sentence reflects the mother’s order and not the speaker’s order; On behalf of the mother, this requirement looks like this:
You must tidy your room before you go out. You must clean your room before leaving (I want it so much, I order you to do it).
Mum says you must tidy your room before you go out. In fact, this sentence means: "Mom says that I (speaking) I demand that you clean your room before you leave." Must is a personal modal verb; when someone's personal speech is conveyed in an indirect form, it is replaced by to have (to)/to have got (to).
A few examples to compare must and to have (to)/to have got (to) :
I must stop smoking. I have to quit smoking (I want to).
I "ve got to stop smoking. I must quit smoking (doctor's orders).
Questions with must are possible, but very rare. To have (to) is used much more often:
Must you buy these shabby jeans? Do you really need to buy these distressed jeans? (Is this what you want?)
Do you have to wear a tie at work? Should you wear a tie to work? (Do you have such a rule?)

The negative forms must not and do not have (to) are significantly different. Mustn't used to express prohibitions; don't have (to) denotes the absence of an obligation (any action can be performed if you want, but this is not obligatory).
You must not leave bicycles in front of the portal. It is prohibited to leave bicycles in front of the main entrance.
Passengers must not speak to the driver! Passengers are prohibited from talking to the driver!
You mustn't steal other people's things. It's wrong! You can't steal other people's things! It's illegal!
Some people iron their socks, but you don"t have to. I think it"s a waste of time. Some people iron their socks, but you don't have to. I think it's a waste of time.
When you go into a shop, you don't have to buy something. You can just look. When you come to a store, you don't have to buy something. You can just look.

To be obliged (to) is also the equivalent of the modal verb must, but is used much less frequently than to have (to). The difference is that to be obliged (to) is a little more formal and expresses an obligation related to social, legal and moral aspects:
"The Constitution does not oblige government to avoid any public acknowledgment of religion's role in society," Anthony Kennedy said in his opinion.
I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality. I thank you for your hospitality.

Equivalent to be (to) expresses an obligation due to some agreement, in accordance with a plan or schedule.
The train is to arrive. Why is it still at the station? The train must depart (according to the schedule). Why is he still at the station?

Should And ought (to) express weak obligation or advice. Both modal verbs express what the speaker thinks is true.
You"re always asking me for money. I think you should spend less. You constantly ask me for money. I think you should spend less.
You ought to be more careful with your money. You need to be more careful with your money.
You shouldn't sit so close to the TV! It's bad for your eyes. You shouldn't sit so close to the TV! It's harmful to the eyes.
There is practically no difference in the use of should and ought (to), but sometimes the latter expresses a moral duty:
You ought to visit your grandmother. You should visit your grandmother.
or regret:
You ought to help me! You must help me! (But you don't help.)

Multifunctional verb will as a modal verb in the 2nd and 3rd person singular. and many more numbers express an order, obligation or recommendation. The use of this verb is often resorted to in military institutions and schools.
You will do as you"ve been told.
The crew will come forward at midnight! The crew must depart at midnight!

Expression of permission, permission

Can, could, may, might, to be allowed (to) are used to express permission and permission.

Can used to ask and state permission, while can"t to deny this permission.
- Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question?
- Yes, of course you can. Of course you can.
I"m sorry, you can"t come in here. Unfortunately, you can't come here.

Modal verb could used as a more polite form.
Could you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor?

Modal verb of permission may more formal and used much less frequently than can:
May I come in, sir? May I come in, sir?
Can and could (but not may) are used to talk about what is usually allowed.
Can you park in this street in Sundays? Is it possible to park on this street on Sundays?

Equivalent to be allowed (to) replaces may in the past and future tenses, is used as an infinitive and participle and has no significant difference in meaning with the modal verb may.
You"ll be allowed to go out. You will be allowed/allowed to go out.

Past form may - might used in the meaning of permission/permission is used only in the subordinate part of a sentence (mainly in indirect speech), when the verb of the main part is in the past tense, in other cases the equivalent to be allowed (to) is used.
Austin said you might take his diary. Austin said you could take his diary.
I was allowed to take the diary. I was allowed to take the diary.

Expression of ability, possibility

The ability or possibility of performing any action is expressed using the modal verb can, its equivalent to be able (to) and the expression managed (to).

To be able (to) means the same as can, but can is used much more often. To be able (to) more formal.
Can you come to a meeting next week? Can you come to the meeting next week?
Please inform us if you are able to attend a meeting next week. Please let us know if you are able to attend next week's meeting.
To be able to have temporary ones? e forms that the modal verb can does not have:
I"d love to be able to fly. I would really like to be able to fly.
I like being able to jollify if I want. I find it nice to be able to have fun whenever I want.
I"ve never been able to cook. I never knew how to cook.
She"ll be able to see you tomorrow. She will be able to meet you tomorrow.

To express ability/possibility in general, a modal verb is used in the past tense could.
I could swim when I was four. I knew how to swim when I was four years old.
And to express a one-time action in a certain situation in the past, it is used to be able (to) or expression managed (to).
The woman was drowing, but a lifeguard managed to swim to her and pull her out of the water. That woman was drowning, but a rescuer was able to swim to her and pull her out of the water.
The prisoners were able to escape by bribing the guards. The prisoners were able to escape by bribing the guards.
The exception to this rule are verbs of feeling and perception. The modal verb could is used with such verbs.
When we came into the building, I could smell something burning. When we entered the building I smelled something burning.
We could remember where I lost my passport. I was able to remember where I lost my passport.

Couldn't used to express the inability/impossibility of performing an action in the past.
My mother couldn't swim until she was 47. My mother couldn't swim until she was 47.
I couldn't find my wallet anywhere. I couldn't find my wallet anywhere.

Note: Can and can't can be used to express a future action if the speaker decides at the moment of conversation (that is, he knows for sure) that he can or cannot perform it.
I can see you tomorrow morning for half an hour. I can meet you tomorrow morning for half an hour.
One day we will be able to live without wars. Someday we will be able to live without warriors.

Shall I/we... ? used as a request for advice, as a proposal or an invitation (in Russian it is often translated as an affirmative rather than an interrogative sentence).
Shall I carry your bag? Let me carry your bag.
What shall I do? What should I do? (Advise me.)
Shall we dance? Let's Dance.
Shall we go to the seaside or the mountains? Shall we go to the coast or to the mountains? (Advised.)

Expression of confidence, probability

In addition to ought, permission and ability, modal verbs can express degrees of certainty and probability. The following modal verbs are arranged in order of "fading" degree of probability that they express: must, will (would) could, may, might, can't. For greater clarity, the above modal verbs can be assigned an approximate percentage of probability:

Must And can"t are used to express a logical conclusion: must - logically possible and can"t - logically impossible. Both verbs by no means mean one hundred percent certainty of the possibility or impossibility of an action due to the lack of certain facts, but express a very high degree of it.
Martin must have some problems - he is kind of sullen. Martin must have problems: he's kind of gloomy.
There's the doorbell. It must be Rodger. He always comes home at this time. Someone rings the doorbell. It must be Roger. He always comes home at this time.
Suzie can't have a ten-year-old daughter! She's only twenty-five herself! Susie can't have a ten year old daughter! She herself is only twenty-five!
You can't be serious. I know you are joking. You're not serious. I know you're joking.

Could, may And might usually emphasized in speech.
Dave and Lucy aren't at home. They could be in the theatre, I suppose. Dave and Lucy are not at home. I think they can be in the theater (≈80% certainty; Dave and Lucy often go to the theater).
We may go to Greece for our holidays. We haven't decided yet. Perhaps we will spend a vacation in Greece. We haven't decided yet (≈50% certainty).
She may be at home. She may be at home (≈50% certainty).
Ann might be there too. Perhaps Anne is there too (≈20%; low confidence)
According to the radio, it may rain today (≈50%). It might even snow (≈20%). According to the radio it may rain today. Or maybe even snow.

The continuous infinitive is used after the modal verb of probability to express possible activities occurring at the moment.
His light"s on. He must be working late. The light is on. It must be working.
It"s only 8:10. They can"t be having a break yet. It's only ten minutes past eight. They can't have a break.

Design modal verb + perfect infinitive expresses the degree of probability in the past:
They could have moved house. They could have moved.
Robert must have gone out. Robert must have left (he is not at home now).
She passed me in the street without speaking: she can"t have seen me. He passed me without even saying hello: I think she didn’t see me.
I rang Helen but she didn’t reply, so I suppose she may have been in the bath. I called Helen, but she didn’t answer, I think she was in the bathroom.

As already mentioned at the beginning of this material, each modal verb can express probability and judgment. The listed must, could, may, might, can't more than express everything possible ways indications of probability and are suitable for almost all life situations. But despite this, probability can also be expressed by: should, ought (to), will, would and need. Cases of their use in this meaning are quite rare, but they still exist.

Should And ought (to) express an assumption based on facts.
They should all be of equal speed. They probably all have the same speed.
It ought not to be very hard to get the village. It probably won't be very difficult to get to this village.

Will And would express an assumption based on the subjective opinion of the speaker.
We heard the phone call. "That would be Charles", I said, knowing I was right. We heard the phone ringing. “It’s probably Charles,” I replied, knowing that I was right.
That will be the postman, I expect. It's probably the postman.

Need used in negative sentences to mean an assumption about the optionality of an action.
It doesn't take you very long. It is unlikely that this will take you much time.

Expression of desire, intention, determination

Desires and intentions are expressed by multifunctional verbs will And would, used with 1st person singular. and many more number in a construction with an imperfect infinitive. Usually shall is used with the first person, and the use of will gives a connotation of determination and desire. In such cases, the modal verb will is not shortened to “ll and is stressed in the sentence; in Russian it is either not translated at all or translated as “want”, “certainly”, etc.
I will do it whether you like it or not. I'll do it anyway, whether you like it or not.
I will answer you as soon as I can. I will certainly answer you as soon as I can.
I will let you know! I'll definitely let you know!
I would tell you, I swear! I would have told you, I swear!
In addition, would is used quite often in constructions:
would rather be preferable
would better
would sooner sooner
I"d rather go for a walk. Perhaps I'll go for a walk.
I"d better pay more at once instead of paying every week. I'd rather pay more immediately than pay every week.
She"d sooner break up with me then apologize to me. She would rather break up with me than ask for forgiveness.

Will and would in negative form used with animate nouns to express refusal and reluctance, and with inanimate nouns they indicate non-functioning, resistance or opposition:
I won't come back here again. I will never come back here again.
She won't go to the cafe. She doesn't want to go to the cafe.
Would in the meaning of negation can be used both for the present and for the past tense:
I wouldn't lend him even a pence.
I invited Eric several times, but he wouldn't come.
The window won't open. The window won't open.
The car wouldn't start. The car won't start.
The pen won't write. The pen doesn't write.
Will and would in questions express polite requests, suggestions and invitations. Would is a less formal and more polite verb and is more often associated with a conversational style.
Will you have some more juice? Would you like some more juice?
Will you give him this package? Would you give him this parcel?/Give him this parcel, please.
Will you wait a few? Wait a little, please./Will you wait a little?
More polite would:
Would you show me that vest? Please show me that vest over there.
Would you help me? Could you help me?
In addition, would often occurs in colloquial speech in such stable expressions How:
Would you mind... Be kind.../Be kind.../Do you mind...
Would you like... Would you like.../Would you like...
Would you be so kind as to...Would you be so kind.../Be kind...
Would you mind clothing the door? Do you mind closing the door?/Please close the door.
Would you like to take a walk? Do you want to take a walk?/Don't you want to take a walk?
Would you be so kind as to remove your finger from the pie? Please take your finger away from the pie.

Modal verb need expresses necessity and is used only in questions and negations.
You needn't lie to me. You don't need to lie to me.
In speech, need is mainly used not as a modal, but as a regular (semantic) verb and, accordingly, is used with auxiliary verbs, the particle to and takes endings that depend on time.
You don't need to lie to me. You don't need to lie to me.

A similar situation is observed in the case of the verb dare, which has translations: “to dare”, “to dare”, “to dare”, “to dare”, etc. Dare can also be used as a semantic and as a modal verb, but in fact it is used mainly as a modal (as opposed to need). Dare as a modal verb is used only in interrogative and negative sentences.
Dare you use my own knowledge against me? You dare to use my knowledge against me?
I dare to ask you a private question. I dare to ask you a personal question.

Related materials:

In English, there are special verbs that are necessary to express ability, opportunity, obligation, permission. They are not subject to the rules for forming forms of ordinary verbs. Modal verbs in English occupy a separate level of grammar; their meanings must be remembered so as not to get into an awkward situation. Let's look at the basic modal verbs, the rules for their use, and their meanings.

What is a modal verb?

A modal verb is a verb that does not express an action, but indicates possibility, necessity and other meanings. It is not used independently, but only in combination with a semantic verb expressed by an infinitive. Modal ones include might, must, can, could, ought, should and others. Only some of them have a past tense form, for example, can - could, while others use the perfect infinitive to express the completeness of the action:

He must have done it. - He must have already done it.

Among the formal distinctive features are the following:

  • Lack of ending - s in the 3rd person present tense. She can swim. - She can swim. He might be there. - He should be there.
  • Lack of infinitive, gerund, and past participle.
  • Lack of an auxiliary verb in interrogative sentences. The modal verb comes first in general questions and after the question word in special ones. Can you help me? - Can you help me? May I come in? - Can I come in? How can I help you? - How can I help?
  • Formation of a negative form using the particle not without adding an auxiliary verb. We don't need to do that. - We don't need to do this.
  • Many English modal verbs have equivalents. For example, to have (must), to be (must), to be able to (can, could), to be allowed (might, may).
  • Most modal verbs are followed by a semantic verb expressed by an infinitive without the particle to, however, there are exceptions. For example, You ought to be more careful. - You should be more careful. This fact ought not to be mentioned so often. - This should not have been mentioned so often.

Modal verbs in English: rules of use

Let's look at the main modal verbs in English according to their meanings. Moreover, each modal verb can have more than one meaning:

Probability Expression

Verbs are used to express possibility or probability can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would. The speaker uses must, should if he is completely confident in his words.

He hasn`t had a lunch. He must be hungry. - he didn't have lunch. He must be hungry.

It`s very dark outside. It must be dangerous to home on foot. - It's very dark outside. Walking home is dangerous.

Ask Peter. He shouldn't know. - Ask Peter. He should know.

The speaker uses could, may, might to express the possibility of something in the future.

We might come late. - We might be late.

He may travel by plane. - Perhaps he will fly on an airplane.

Unless we hurry up, we could be late. - We might be late if we don't hurry up.

To express actions possible in the present or near past, the perfect infinitive is used.

It`s practically 3 o`clock now. She could have arrived now. - It's almost three o'clock. She could have already arrived.

He might have come hours ago. - She could have arrived several hours ago.

The English modal verbs could, can in the negative form with the particle not are used to express the impossibility of something in the past or present tense.

It was a joke. She couldn`t be serious. - It was a joke. She couldn't speak seriously.

It can`t be true.- This cannot be true.

Expression of physical ability and ability to perform an action

To express a person's abilities and physical skills, the modal verb can is used. It has two tense forms: can to express a person’s abilities in the present and could - in the past. In other tense forms, the verb can be equivalent to to be able (to).

We can`t translate the text.- We cannot translate the text.

He couldn`t see me, I was too far. - He couldn't see me, I was too far away.

We'll be able to see each other very often. - We can see each other more often.

He has been able to help me. - He managed to help me.

Expressing permission to perform an action

The speaker uses the modal verb can to ask permission to do something. Past tense form could will mean the same thing, but will make the phrase more polite and formal.

Can I ask a question? - Can I ask a question?

Could I ask a question? - Let me ask a question.

The verb may has a modal meaning: to allow something to be done and can be used instead of can.

May I visit a doctor? - Can I visit the doctor?

Expression of obligation

To express obligation, the modal verbs must, have to, need to are usually used, the negative form of which is intended to express the absence of the need to do something. Most should verbs are in the present tense. Had to also has a past tense form.

I must pick up my daughter from the kindergarten. - I have to pick up my child from kindergarten.

When I was ill I had to take the pills two times a day. - When I was sick, I had to take pills 2 times a day.

To give advice to someone, we can also use the corresponding modal verbs should or ought to.

You should stop smoking. - You have to quit smoking.

You ought to cut down the amount of meat you eat. - You should reduce the amount of meat you eat.

The modal verb ought to together with the perfect infinitive will help you criticize someone's behavior.

He should have made more effort on winning the medal. - He had to attach more effort and try to win a medal.

Table of modal verbs

For convenience and clarity, examples of modal verbs along with their meanings can be placed in a table.

necessity of action

You must understand it. You must understand this.

You mustn`t turn right. Right turns are prohibited.

You should lose some weight. You should lose weight.

You should`t drink coffee before going to bed. You shouldn't drink coffee before bed.

shouldn`t + perfect infinitive

criticize someone's style of behavior

You should`t have given your telephone number to a stranger. You shouldn't have given your phone number to a stranger.

You ought to go to the dentist. You should visit a dentist.

the need to perform an action

We need to talk to each other. We need to talk to each other.

ask permission;

talk about skills and abilities.

Can I take these documents? Can I take these documents?

I could swim when I was 6. When I was 6 years old, I could swim.

Sentences with modal verbs are very common in English. It is important to learn to understand their meaning in each specific case.

If you're learning English from scratch, be prepared to learn a radically different system of verbs. The English tense system and reading rules are very different from Russian. Quite often, beginners in learning, when faced with the first difficulties, give up. Nevertheless, the rules of English grammar are quite easy to understand.

Modal verbs

A modal verb is a special unit in the English language that is subject to a separate rule. There are several types of verbs in English: regular, irregular, modal. The list of irregular verbs is separate; you need to know it by heart. Correct and Irregular Verbs differ from each other in the way they form the past tense. Regular verbs form past tense forms by adding irregular verbs change their form completely. In addition, verbs are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones have a lexical function and denote a specific action. Such verbs are translated into Russian. Auxiliary verbs exist only in pairs with main verbs and have a grammatical function. These verbs have no translation into Russian. Modal verbs in English have an additional function in relation to main verbs, which equates them in function to auxiliary verbs. They denote the relationship of the subject to the main action: obligation, need or ability to do something. That is, I must know or know how to swim, I can tell you, and so on.

Modal verbs: rules and examples

For comfortable language proficiency, you need to know the following list of modals must, may, need, ought to, should, have to, to be able to, manage to. As for the rules for using modal verbs, the basic principles are:

1) we do not add endings to modal verbs (with the exception of the modal verb manage to);

2) we do not put the particle to after modal verbs (except need, have to, ought to)

3) the main verb after the modal is placed in the infinitive form (initial form)

For example:

I need to go, it's late. I have to go, it's late.

You have to do this task till tomorrow evening. You must complete this task by tomorrow evening.

You ought to find another way. You should find another way out.

Students must follow university rules. Students must follow university rules.

My mother is very clever, she can speak five languages. My mother is very smart, she speaks five languages.

Modal verbs are similar in their meaning, but there are still some differences. Let's take a closer look.

Modal verb can/could

This modal verb is translated as “I can, I am able”; it can mean a skill or ability to do something. Can- present tense form, could- past tense form. If you use modal verbs according to the rule in the future tense, use the form of the modal verb to be able to - will be able to. For example:

I can swim very well, because I had very good teacher. I can swim very well because I had a good teacher.

I could see much better several years ago. A few years ago I saw much better.

We will be able to help you, explain the situation. We can help you, explain the situation.

According to the rules, the negative form of modal verbs is formed by adding not - can not, the abbreviated form can"t. For example:

I can't find my book in this mess. I can't find my book in this mess.

Could not, shortened form of couldn't. For example:

Students and pupils could be ready for this competition. Pupils and students could not prepare for this competition.

To formulate an interrogative sentence with a modal verb can/could you need to use reverse word order in the sentence, that is, put the modal verb first, not the subject. For example:

Can Mike take your shirt, his is dirty? Can Mike take your shirt, his is dirty?

IN interrogative form verb could has a polite connotation, you can use it to ask permission. For example:

Could you borrow me some salt? Can you lend me some salt?

Modal verbs to be able to/manage to

Another modal verb with the meaning “to be able to” to be able to. But if could has more general boundaries, then be able to is used in particular, specific situations. For example:

The fire spread very quickly, but everyone was able to escape. The fire spread very quickly, but everyone was able to escape.

We didn't know where is my cat, but finally we managed to find him. We didn't know where my cat was, but we were eventually able to find him.

Past form of the verb to be able to - was/were able to. Past form of the verb manage to - managed to.

To create an interrogative sentence, you need to put an auxiliary or modal verb first. For example:

Was she able to get out of the room without your help? Was she able to get out of the room without your help?

Who manage to beat the best player? Who can beat the best player?

To form a negative sentence, use the particle not or auxiliary. For example:

I didn't manage to do this work without instructions. I couldn't do this job without instructions.

Modal verb must

The modal verb must expresses an extreme obligation. If you are learning English from scratch, you should know that you need to be careful with this verb, since it has a commanding meaning. When you want to give a recommendation rather than a command, you should choose a different verb. For example:

Pupils of our school must follow the Regulation. Students of our school must follow the Charter.

The modal verb must in the negative form means “is not obliged.” Formed by adding a negative particle not for example:

Your family must not move in another town if they don"t want to. Your family doesn't have to move to another city if they don't want to.

To form interrogative sentences, put must first place in the sentence.

Must the animals be kept in the cages? Should animals be kept in cages?

In addition, the verb must has another meaning. We say must be in the sense of “must be, probably.” For example:

You must be very hungry because you have missed the dinner. You must be very hungry because you missed lunch.

It must be very noisy to live in the center of such a big city. It must be very noisy living in the center of such a big city.

Modal verb may/might

May and might, like all modal verbs, according to the rule, complement the main verb. The translation of this verb is “maybe, it’s possible.” May is the present tense form, might is the past tense form. For example:

I may be one of the best students in this college. I can be the best student in college.

Where is my bag? It might be in your room. Where is my bag? She could be in your room.

He might be having lunch. He might have had lunch.

It is very strange explanation, but may be true. This is a very strange explanation, but it may be true.

To make a negative sentence, use the negative particle not - may not, might not.

It may not be truth! It can not be true!

An interrogative sentence is formed according to the general rule: put the modal verb in first place. For example:

May I open the windows, is it very hot? Can I open the window, it's very hot in here?

Modal to

It means "have to, should, must." It has three forms in present, past and future tense: have/has to, had to, will have to. For example:

You will have to stay in this flat till next summer. You will have to stay in this apartment until next summer.

She has to cook the dinner immediately. She urgently needs to prepare dinner.

We have to go away, there is no place for us anymore. We must leave, we don't belong here anymore.

My friends had to finish the work, but they failed. My friends had to do the work. but they couldn't.

To form a negative sentence with a modal verb have to need to add an auxiliary verb do/does/did and the negative particle not. For example:

You don't have to watch the film until the end. You don't have to watch the movie to the end.

These people didn't have to fix your car free. These people were not obligated to fix your car for free.

Mary doesn't have to buy all the food for you. Marie doesn't have to buy food for you.

To write an interrogative sentence with modal verbs according to the rule, have to you need to add an auxiliary verb do, does or did first place in the sentence. This is called reverse word order in a sentence. If necessary, add a question word before the auxiliary verb. For example:

Do you have to stay at work till the evening? Do you have to stay at work until the evening?

How long did you have to wait for her? How long did you have to wait for her?

Modal verb ought to

This modal verb is similar in meaning to the previous one and is synonymous. Modal verb ought to means "should, should". For example:

Girls ought to be more careful in the dark time. Girls should be careful in the dark.

In a negative sentence we add the negative particle not to the verb. For example:

They ought not to miss all the lessons. They shouldn't have missed all their classes.

To construct an interrogative sentence, place the modal verb ought at the beginning of the sentence. For example:

Ought I to follow his instructions? Should I follow his instructions?

Or with a question word:

When I wanted to come to you? When should I come to you?

Modal verb should

This modal verb also has the meaning of must, translated as “should, should”, has a softer and more polite meaning than must. Modal verb should is a past tense verb. For example:

I should stay with him when he is ill. I have to stay with him while he's sick.

You should be more carefully with your health. You should take more care of your health.

It rains every day, you should have an umbrella. It rains every day, you should carry an umbrella with you.

The negative form of the verb is formed using the negative particle not - should not, the shortened form - shouldn't. For example:

You shouldn't spend so much time with this men. You shouldn't spend so much time with this man.

The low shouldn't allow bad people to do what they want. The law should not allow scoundrels to do what they want.

Interrogative sentences with the modal verb should are formed by rearranging the members of the sentence. The modal verb comes first. For example:

Should I close the door? Should I close the door?

Should these young people behave not so noisy? Should these young people be less loud?

Possible options with a question word:

Who should take care about your dog when you are on holydays? Who should take care of your dog while you're on vacation?

W here should I put these boxes? Where should I put these boxes?

Modal verb need

This verb is one of the most frequently used in English speech. translated as "need". We use it in various situations. For example:

I need to see my doctor as soon as possible. I need to see my doctor as soon as possible.

Kate needs your help, call her just now! Kate needs your help, call her now!

The negative form of this verb can be formed in two ways. By adding a negative particle not to the modal verb - need not, in the abbreviated form needn"t, or, by adding an auxiliary verb do/does/did and negative particle not - don"t need, doesn"t need, didn"t need. The meaning of the negative form is "no need", that is, there is no need, but if you want, you can do it. For example:

You needn't read all these books, choose one. You don't need to read all these books, choose one.

I don't need to listen to you anymore, I can make a decision myself. I don't need to listen to you anymore, I can make my own decision.

Use the same principle to form an interrogative sentence: put the auxiliary verb first do/does/did. For example:

Do you need to have some time to prepare? Do you need time to prepare?

Does my sister need to draw pictures? Does my sister need to draw pictures?

The category of modality is an important link in the language system. Without it, speech would be devoid of many shades, sometimes of decisive importance. So, for example, English modal verbs and their equivalents in relation to the main action make it possible to express:

  • possibilities;
  • advice, assumptions;
  • prohibitions;
  • requests and permissions;
  • necessity.

Agree, there is a difference between the expressions “ I'm writing a letter" And " I was forced to write a letter" The fundamental meaning of the phrase is the same - a person writes a letter, but the modal transmission of circumstances reveals the essence of the action in a completely different light. Today we will study representatives of the class of modal verbs, and also select synonyms for them.

To simplify the perception of information, we will distribute all modal verbs and their substitutes into significant categories.


The main exponent of physical, mental and other abilities to perform actions is the verb can, which is translated into Russian to mean “I can, I can.”

  • We can speak Spanishwell– We speak Spanish well.
  • It does not change either in numbers or in persons. In addition, can independently creates questions and denials.
  • Can she write verses? – Can she write poetry?
  • Mychildren can 't read yet– My children don’t know how to read yet.

In the past tense, the form could is also the same for everyone. Sometimes it is replaced with a similar meaning managed ( managed). But for the formation of the future they use to be able to ( be able to).

  • NextyearI will be able to speak Polishfluently– Next year I will be able to speak Polish fluently.

Formal opportunities, requests and permissions

Formal possibilities, that is, possibilities associated with external circumstances, are expressed by may and its past form might. It is translated as “to be able”, but in a more abstract meaning, close to its synonym to be allowed to ( be allowed). That is, an action can be performed because circumstances, desires or opportunities have developed this way.

  • We may play footballonFriday– We can play football on Friday.

You can often see may used in interrogative form as a request.

  • Mom, may Jack visit us? – Mom, can Jack come visit us?

Accordingly, sentences with negations will express refusal.

  • You may not use mycomputer– You cannot use my computer.

By the way, the English are increasingly using can in the request-prohibition function. But can and may are not capable of creating the context of the future, so in such situations the already mentioned tobeallowedto.

  • Our company will be allowed to start the building of cottages –Ourcompanieswill allowbeginconstructionthesecottages.

The largest group, the meanings of which are reflected by many modal verbs and their equivalents. Moreover, each representative has a special semantic nuance.