25 frames mr freeman. Secrets of Mr Freeman cartoon for sheep. Hidden meaning of mr freeman cartoons

Mr. Freeman(lit. Mr. Free Man) is a mysterious online character who releases videos with extremely good animation and voice acting and ambiguous content. Troll, liar and virgin. Not to be confused with Gordon Freeman. Each of the hamster episodes that come out generates an amazing seething of shit in this blogosphere of yours. The videos themselves have already become a tool for fighting non-cattle with cattle (they are ineffective directly for this purpose, but they increase the CSF of non-cattle, and therefore they are perfect for the real purpose of such a fight) and just trolling. Rollers, in form being a canonical example of postmodernism, in fact, claim to be a prophetic revelation. Such a conflict of form and content in itself breaks the mold for the public with a certain amount of knowledge.

Essence™ and SPGS

The theme in each video is different, but the general message is aimed at ensuring that office plankton stop jerking off the Internet, their own MPH, consume and begin to realize themselves and do something useful. Freeman's character has an unthinkable CSF and a very mentoring position, because hamsters, if they are not properly yelled at, will not budge on their own. It is curious that the second video is completely devoted to the topic of jerking off, blaming the cattle for the desire for the fastest and cheapest pleasure.

The quality of the videos is two heads superior to both the creations of amateur animators and "professional" viral crafts. Knowledgeable people argue that behind the animation and voice acting of this quality should be a team of at least five well-paid people. Which, of course, only adds to the intrigue. However, the semantic load of the videos is not to everyone's liking. So, in the first video, Freeman talks about himself, not burdened by stereotypes and a free thinker, and about us - cattle, bogged down in consumerism. The main idea of ​​the second is “Everyone jerks off!”, and all the information about jerking off is taken from an article in pediviki and old Freud. In the third video, the author, again, with anguish tells about the cattle, guided by the motives "Eat, shit, laugh!" (Although he himself became an everyday laugher for the cattle). The fourth video suggests putting up a "monument to an unknown prostitute." In the fifth video, MrFreeMen is already putting pressure on those who continue to "Eat, shit, laugh!" As a result, the work of MrFreeMan affects the minds of viewers to the fullest, making them feel enlightened, seeing the path, "more equal than others" and generally directed against the system.

In each video slip not quite obvious signs. The video series contains references to the matrix and Fight Club. Also, according to target audience viewers, there are moments in the video that last less than a third of a second, which only they themselves can see. In one of the videos there is a link to the world fucked up. Freeman's intonations at times resemble Joker's. The list of Easter eggs discovered is impressive, and makes it quite clear that Freeman is a fat-and-thin troll who managed to provoke the worst bouts of CPGS in the target audience.

At the end of each video, Freeman does a manicure with a nail file, and with his eyes closed.

The first series appeared exactly 3 years and 3 months before BP in 2012.
For those who do not understand, we explain Easter eggs:

Part 0. Appearance

Throwing rainbows is nothing new
The only cartoon where Freeman is five-fingered. In the future, he will already have 4 fingers on his hand
0:21 "I subjugated everything to myself" - similar to the opposition of Seneca's phrase "To subdue oneself is the greatest power."
"My world..." - Freeman stands on the surface of a small planet, with a watering can in his hands, next to a rose. A reference to Exupery's The Little Prince.
12/21/12 on the cardiogram seems to be hinting at the Big Fuck. the date of the climax, the end of the game. Freeman's parents are not stupid enough to believe in fairy tales about Nibiru and the planned Big Fucks. But to tie jokes to your insidious plans for the sake of a date that is on everyone's lips is a sweet thing. In fact, this is just a mockery of the viewer. If we trace the thread of the monologue, it turns out that if we believe that he is real, but we are not, and we can’t prove it to him in any way, then “this is what happens” (Freeman throws up his hands towards the date 12/21/12)

It may also be a reference to the Gospel of Matthew "And Jesus entered into the temple of God and drove out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves" Mt.21:12-13
Freeman in the phrase "JUST DO IT" (pend. Ras. Just do it) rearranges the letters, the result is "DUST JOIT" or "DUST THE SYSTEM". And the fact that Freeman blows away this inscription like dust and leaves no room for other interpretations at all.
At 2:52 (that is, at the very end), the phrase “This is not even a game at all” is heard, which may hint at ARG

Part 64

On the board was seen "ecce homo", that is, "this is a man." This was said by Pilate, showing the enraged Jews Jesus in the scarlet robe. There is also the work "Ecce Homo" by Friedrich Nietzsche. Freeman's messages intersect with what the German philosopher writes about.
When pushing the cake into the oven, Freeman shows the time on the clock - 38:29. The number of months and days from the day the first part appeared on the network to the worldwide fucking culmination (or final) of the project, which Freeman has repeatedly hinted at. As options:
38:29. The Quran sent down to you, O Muhammad, is a Noble and Blessed Scripture, containing many useful things for those who have sound mind and insight to delve into the study of its verses and meditate on them.
"38:29 And the brass that was offered was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels;"
“38:29 But he returned his hand; and behold, his brother went out. And she said: how did you break your barrier? And his name was called: Peres.
GENESIS Chapter 38 verses 2 to 9:

2. And Judah saw there the daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shua; and took her and went in to her.
3. She conceived and gave birth to a son; and he called his name: Ir.
4. And she conceived again, and gave birth to a son, and called his name: Onan.
5. And she gave birth to a son and called his name: Shela. Judah was in Cheziv when she gave birth to him.
6. And Judah took a wife to Er, his firstborn; her name is Tamar.
7. Ir, the firstborn of Judah, was objectionable in the eyes of the Lord, and the Lord killed him.
8. And Judas said to Onan: Go in to your brother's wife, marry her like a brother-in-law, and raise seed for your brother.
9. Onan knew that the seed would not be for him, and therefore, when he went in to his brother's wife, he poured it out on the ground so as not to give seed to his brother.
Freeman is fishing for a yellow submarine, a nod to Kursk, which sank at the start of Putin's presidency. Before that, he is just talking about the president. But it is more likely that this is a copy of a flying yellow submarine - a symbol of the Euroset, the "catching" of which our presidents were concerned not so long ago. Also a hint of Yellow Submarine
When there is a stylization of an old movie, the inscription “don’t OBEY” slips, that is, “do not obey.” Link to the movie "They Live". There is also something flashing in the cut that is a reference to Tyler's occupation when he was a projectionist. Also at the end of the stylization, one can see a triangle turned upside down, crossed out by a horizontal line, which in turn denotes the alchemical sign EARTH.

Part 63. You are too blonde!

The very name of the video is a reference to the movie BK. Ricky says a similar phrase to the rookie. Also, the entire video Freeman hints "You are nothing", trying to extinguish your interest in yourself.
In the third video, a white rabbit with three tails and his red and blue eyes is a reference to the film trilogy The Matrix. Sending the viewer into the rabbit's ass, Freeman kakbe offers to find out for himself how deep the rabbit "hole" is. By the way, this beast migrated to The Matrix from Alice in Wonderland. Also there are seven folds on the rabbit's ass - listen to the hidden phrase "there are seven keys" at the end of part 5. The leaf burns with a blue flame, which hints at the choice of the pill by the viewer. Also a reference to a famous saying.
On the sign, when Freeman is standing in the rain, it says something CCC/XXX/II. Maybe it's 332 in Roman numerals, but on this moment there is no normal interpretation.
Also, when Freeman stands in the rain, at the moment of a lightning strike, the eyes and smile of Totoro himself, a kind troll, one of the central characters of the notorious anime “My Neighbor Totoro”, appear. By the way, the music plays from the same anime.
At 0:16 the second piece of the puzzle.
At 0:20, Freeman, with Eton College in the background, looks at a clock showing 2:15 pm. Perhaps a reference to the gospel of John, chapter 14, verses 1 to 5. The meaning is quite consistent.
At 0:24, Freeman says the phrase "this is my territory" from Timothy Leary's book.
On the gravestone under the photo of copulating zombies "Gaudeamus igitur" - "Let's have fun", that is, a call to waste life, because it is short, which is a reference to the notorious student anthem.
At 1.24, Freeman is depicting this smiley :D and lying around in the literal sense of the patstal.
At 1:34, a piece of the puzzle reappears - the same one, an inverted triangle is depicted, crossed out by a horizontal line.
At ~1:52, when Freeman acts as Little Red Riding Hood in a clearing and says "People, hey!", a strange inscription is visible on his body for one frame. Polyglot-kun suggests that it is a race. Skt. "Tathata". This term is used to refer to the true and unconditioned nature of all things. In light of this fact, Freeman's next phrase, "Look at yourself," is symbolic. Or perhaps it depicts the tantric syllable "Hun", which briefly voices the indivisibility of theory and practice.
At ~1:45, a worm formed from the marching copies of Freeman devours the mirrored words "Show Must Go On" from the Queen song of the same name. This song also accompanies the climax of the musical film Moulin Rouge.
2:00 is a reference to a still from the movie Forrest Gump.
2:08-2:11 Lyrical digression in the form of an educational film on the mechanism of the gag reflex.
2:27 First appearance in a series of commercials of a large copy of Freeman, referring to Orwell's big brother.
2:39 Anonymous (that is, the offended spectator) throws 7 daggers at Freeman and does not hit. The mysterious “7:0” sounds, hinting at the score in some game (like football, chtoli, well, defeat in short) and then Freeman acts as a coach: “You need to be more mobile, my dears!”
At ~2:42, Freeman copies Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Here, the sharp-sighted Anonymous saw the symbols of the Hebrew alphabet
ר - Resh or ך - Kaph, also כ, but not the same case.
ו - Vav
ת - Tav
Which definitely gives us תוך - essence or תור - tail (turn)
Also, רוח - Wind (air), which can already be associated with the previous symbol of "Earth".
Also, Gematria can hint at the number of the beast. Tav(400)+Resh(200)+Samekh(60)+Vav(6) = 666. Only Samekh(60) falls out of this row.

תור - turtledove. In the book "Tales and Parables of Leonardo da Vinci" there is a story "Fidelity" about two doves.

It is worth noting that, in general, the series is imbued with the conflict between Freeman and the viewer and their mutual resentment, in fact, this is a response to a flurry of not the most flattering comments to the first series. As impartial as Freeman would have been, Anonymous managed to offend even him.

Part 3

This is the only series at the moment that does not use gray, but white.
0:02 on the monitor screen, the names of prostitutes, numbers and signs flash:
If we discard three zeros, the numbers occur later. For example, 13 and 17 are multipliers of the rabbit hole entrance coordinates.
Throwing a sack off the pier into the water, Freeman is holding the book "Malleus Maleficarum" (the famous "Hammer of the Witches", however), a useful medieval manual for inquisitors.
0:15 licentia stvpri which is literally from Latin “permission of stupidity” (non-literally - “the right to seduce”); such a license deprived a Roman woman of many rights, but gave the right to prostitution
25th frame appears at 00:50
At 00:54, the hundred dollar bill reads "The UNITED STATES OF MIND".
Numbers 41001466611381 on a hundred dollar bill - Yandex. mr-freeman's wallet.
Matryoshka at 1:25. Prostitutes were divided into two categories - "street girls" and "public girls" who lived in brothels. The so-called “matryoshkas” (visitors from the villages) went to the “street” or, on the contrary, “sluts”, beaten by life, often already sick, “plowed” their own in brothels.
At 2:08, the inscription on the bottle is “MV-CMLXV”, that is, 1005-965, these are the years of the reign of King David, BC. e., if you count "-" for a minus, you get "40", that is, vodka. And before that, a clear indication of the fairy tale about Cinderella is a pumpkin, rats and a glass slipper.
The moment Freeman pulls out his chainsaw, any gamer who has played Vice City will recognize the familiar sounds.
The inscription "Don't panic" at 2:30 from the cover of the guide to the Galaxy from the famous work of D. Adams

Part 4. “Be fruitful, Cows. Life is Short" or "Meat Eaters"

The title of the video is taken from the book One Hundred Years of Solitude. Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
At 00:10, the little Freeman is devoured by the big one, at the same time the voice of the subject changes (compared to the old voice, the sad one is a little more than completely not so adequately pushing the “message”). All subsequent parts will be fully voiced in a new voice.
0:12 the silhouette of the opening curtain in the first frames looks like a mushroom of a nuclear explosion.
The 25th frame appears twice in the Meat Eaters video - at 00:21 and 02:20.
At 00:31 a bag of hungry rats is compared to voting in an election.
0:38: cannibal rats to their own appearance alludes to the main cartoon character of the film industry of the Freedom Reservation.
At 00:42, the inscription on the throne is "60:10". Anonymous suggested that this points to lines from the Bible, since it is the references to this book that are recorded in this way. And strangely, there is only one line in the Bible with such numbers. Old Testament > Isaiah > 60:10 - “Then the sons of foreigners will build your walls, and their kings will serve you; for in my anger I struck you, but in my favor I will be merciful to you.”
Freeman's website address is written at 1:06.
At 1:07, the car says "VII, 2". New Testament, Second Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul, Chapter VII, 2: “Contain us. We did not offend anyone, did not harm anyone, did not look for self-interest from anyone.
1:20 Allusion to the Aztec culture, in which cannibalism was common
1:24 Ouroboros
At 1:26 the symbol on the door is Solomon's star. According to one version, it is believed that the eight-pointed star (octagram), intertwined like a pentagram, was the sign of Solomon ("Solomon's seal"). Although medieval mystics called Solomon's seal a five-pointed star intertwined like a pentagram. This sign was widely used in magic, alchemy, Kabbalah and other mystical teachings.
1:30 Freeman flaunts a pacifist instead of eye brains, alluding to the blindness of those Anonymous who prefer to solve any problems peacefully. This idea is repeatedly developed in the video, starting with the idea that those species that have to devour each other adapt best to changes, and ending with the fact that herbivores in the new world order will be eaten first. Don't be a sheep!
1:38 Freeman's fingers form a mysterious symbol
1:50-1:53: The pyramid with the all-seeing eye above it is a Freemason/Illuminati symbol known from the back of the US $1 bill.
2:15-2:20: show farms for raising livestock, the theme from the Matrix plays in the background, when Neo wakes up among the capsules.
2:35: Freeman walks beside a lion and a bear. The second is the symbol United Russia».
2:45: 2x faster, you can hear MF saying “Have you ever wondered who is already starting to feed us? *pause*” sounds like a phone vibrating.
2:53: Freeman suggests thinking about those who already grow food for themselves and appear before us in the form of a device of a well-known apple company
2:55 to 3:11: “Look! Cultivation of stem cells - one (shows one finger), the use of serum from aborted material in medicine - two (shows two fingers), popular films about the living dead feeding on each other - three (three Freeman's heads point to three Japanese monkeys: “I don’t see evil, I don’t hear evil, I don’t speak evil, thereby I fence myself off from evil”), laws on euthanasia - four (Japanese character “4”, K. O. recalls that it is also consonant with the word “death”), shawarma or shaurma from don't understand what on every corner - five (Roman V, turning into WC, before the appearance of V, Freeman appears in the mask of Hannibal Lecter). Do you know exactly what's in it?"
At 3:14, the address of Freeman's website is written again.
3:15-3:19: the melody from "Guest from the Future" and exactly in the same arrangement that was used in the banned "Year of Youth" video.

Part 5. New Year?

Freeman stands against the background of the Spasskaya Tower and the Christmas tree, and not against the background of the Vodovzvodnaya and the river, which, as it were, hints at whom he is mowing.
Fast-changing symbols flicker twice in the background, distracting the viewer’s attention, which Freeman later ironically says: “Where are you looking all the time?”, As if hinting at the constant senseless search for the semantic load of everyone who analyzes his videos.
In the words “Where are you looking all the time? Ah, the message… the message” appears another 25th frame, which is another part of this puzzle. A similar sign appears towards the end of the video.
From 0:20 a fragment of the symphonic poem by Richard Strauss - "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" plays. The same fragment that is repeatedly heard in the movie "Space Odyssey 2001".
From 1:25 an excerpt from "The Seasons" by A. Vivaldi plays. More specifically, winter. Part 1. Allegro non molto. December"
Throughout the video, body parts of snowflakes fall in the form of Freeman heads, which, as it were, symbolizes Freeman's hint further down the video about the oppression of his personality.
In the video, in the background, the "message" flashes twice, which includes a bunch of various images from the Mayan calendar to cuneiform tablets. In details.
From 1:45 to 1:56 - if you turn up the volume or listen to a specially processed fragment, you can hear: "There are seven keys ... The solution | will be soon." Also, after the word FURTHER, the echo says “quieter” ... Stop yelling?

Part 6

0:10 "Happy Machine" may be a reference to the cartoon of the same name, by the way, the word "Machine" was intentionally misspelled.
At 0:23 XII, the major arcanum from the Hanged Man Tarot deck, a reference to part 0: "To reach the heights of philosophy, a person must turn his whole way of life and abandon the rules of gold in favor of the golden rule."
At 0:31-35 Reference to the movie "Scarface" (chainsaw torture scene), as well as GTA: Vice City (bathroom spattered with blood)
At 0:35-37 R(record) is a reference to 1:17-1:25 of part 5. Which, as it were, hints at what has already been passed. It can also be read as a mirrored "I".
At 0:47 there is a hint of " little prince” and at the same time a reference to 0:36 of part 0.
From 0:50 to 0:52 Freeman depicts the Statue of Liberty.
At 1:42, Freeman launches a spermatozoon - a sign of the conception of a new life by him.
At 1:47 Ernesto Che Guevara
At 1:54, a frame flashes on which depicts an Egyptian symbol: the cartouche of Sheshenq I. What is it like here?
At 2:06, a frame showing Freeman in a fetal position. It may also be a reference to the last frame of A Space Odyssey 2001.
At 2:13, speaking of self-importance, Freeman portrays one character of C. Castaneda. On the other hand, one cannot help but recall the Smoking Caterpillar from Lewis Carroll's Alice - the “character”, like her, sits on a healthy mushroom (the leg is bitten on both sides). Legion remembers Alice's dialogue about importance with the bird, and her standing in indecision with two pieces of mushroom in her hands.
2:13-17 reference to "Pipe of Peace" (Henry Longfellow, "Song of Hiawatha")
At 2:15, an allusion to Alice L. Carroll.
At 2:22, the blackboard reads "Ego RULZ!"
2:27 - speeding up the sound by 2 times, you can hear how at the moment when MF says "Everywhere, wherever possible, you need to write I with a capital letter ..." a sound similar to a phone vibrating alert.
At 1:12 and at 2:09 there is another piece of the puzzle.
Also at the beginning and end is a hint of Orwell. Namely, his novel "1984". "..." The "criminal" was destroyed only after he sincerely agreed with the postulates of the ideology ... "(c) Wikipedia
One more note. There is a shot of Freeman pointing at a board that says Attention! Message (2:25), after which he gives the installation advises to write I with a capital letter. Some take it literally, but Anonymous believes that this is one of the keys (perhaps even the details of the login or password, which are discussed below)

Part 58. What happened to your dream?

Part 57. What is your knowledge?


In all series, except for the 0th, you can see the 25th frame. The appearance of the frame is sometimes accompanied by the sound "BEEP". At first, Anonymous did not know the true meaning of the frames, until one day he connected them together.

Freeman in one of the interviews, when asked when he would finish with his cartoons, answered "I will not finish until the big picture is visible." Perhaps it has a connection.
The strange numbering of performances is most likely tied to hidden frames. In part0, there are none at all (“0” in the name of the kagbe hints at this), and the word “part” in translation just means “part”. Performances will continue until the picture is complete (most likely it should be folded into an 8x8 grid, 64 parts in total). Then the keys will be needed, parts of which will be scattered throughout all the performances. The numbering comes from two sides - ascending about politics and brainwashing (the parts containing the picture of the central circle) and descending about the consumerism and idiocy of the main part of the population (the parts containing the picture of the corner circles).
0 - Appearance
1 - 64 - Masturbation
2 - 63 - You are too blond!
3 - 62 - Selling expensive
4 - 61 - Meat Eaters
5 - 60 - New Year?
6 - 59 - I - with a capital letter
7 - 58 - What happened to your dream?
8 - 57 - What is your knowledge?
In interpreting the overall picture, individuals suffering from SPHS fell into two camps. Anonymous with SPGS in a mild form see it as a metaphor for a TV tuning table or a reference to a Bosch painting. Anonymous with chronic SPGS believe that everything is much, much simpler. The first row of the mosaic resembles an amulet in structure. There is an assumption that the boundary circles are two of the five elements: fire, water, earth, air, ether. In the left small circle, symbols of the earth are visible - triangles turned down with a line in the middle (but if you arrange the parts on the mosaic in the order numbered by the author, then these will already be symbols of air), in the right small circle - a simple triangle turned down - a symbol of water (respectively, fire) . In the center of the circles themselves, there is most likely some kind of stylization of Chinese characters denoting the same elements. Thus, there may be three more new circles. However, it can be a four-element system: water, fire, earth, air. A little more than accurate, in the end it will be an alchemical circle that starts certain processes.

It was calculated that the size of the puzzle piece is 650 x 650 at the original video resolution of 1280 x 720. As a result, the full size of the puzzle is 5200 x 5200. In the pictures on the right, this value has been reduced by 4 times to get to the cozy one.

Also, Vadim Demchog himself in his book "Self-liberating game" probably reveals the secret of the mosaic in the chapter "Reality Theater Stage":
"It is known that the center of gravity of an object is an infinitesimal point, but, based on it, the whole object is in balance. "This is not an intellectual concept and not a physical location that could be determined by some kind of magical marking. It is dynamic, vibrating, living center of balance and stability". Carl Jung used the word "mandala" (magic circle) to indicate what he meant, in the center of which a certain great person, Master, or Deity. The reality of all culture, "... all art, religion, science and technology, everything that has ever been done, said and thought, came from this creative center" It is also known that "... the immune system organism is rooted precisely in this mysterious country ... like all archetypal images and aspirations "

Author's footnote:
Following Plato, who, as is known, already considered the circle as a symbol of the psyche, in our time, the circle or sphere, as a symbol of the Self, was identified by Dr. C.G. Jung and Dr. M.-L. von Franz. So, it is traditionally believed that the circle expresses the integrity of the psyche in all its manifestations, including the relationship between man and all of nature. Wherever the symbol of the circle appears: in the primitive cult of the sun or modern religion, in myths or dreams, in the mandalas drawn by Tibetan monks, in the urban plans of cities (which have a “mundus” - center), or spherical constructions of ancient astronomers, - it always points to the single most essential aspect of life, its absolute completeness. In this regard, it is interesting to note, for example, that the Naskapi Indian hunter drew his "Great Man" not in the form of a human being, but in the form of a mandala (magical drawing). The famous circle of the Zen master Sangai also symbolizes the unity, roundness, perfection, or illumination of a person. Abstract mandalas were also characteristic of European Christianity. This is confirmed by the windows of the cathedrals, personifying the human Self, transferred to the cosmic plane. (The cosmic mandala, in the form of a radiant white rose, appeared in a vision of Dante). Thus, any sacred or secular building, city, project scheme, having a mandala in plan, is a projection of the archetypal subconscious on the outside world. (Collection of articles "Man and his symbols" M. Publishing house "Silver threads". 2002)"

On the Internet

Kep and Anonymus joined forces and here is their conclusion:
1. Producer (and author of the character?) - Pavel Muntyan
2. Text (?) and voice acting - Vadim Demchog
If there is any doubt that someone else is voicing in the last parts, in part6 at the beginning, carefully listen to the voice - you can’t confuse Vadim’s manner of speaking with anyone, I think his fans will agree - Demchog and Demchog in processing. Although he himself denies it
Denies, but then stupidly fired :)
I think that from a cultural and social point of view, this phenomenon is more than interesting and important. Undeniable, and very high quality trickster. And tricksters, as we know, do not arise on their own, but only at turning points in history, shaking the stagnant environment for the perception of serious changes. In form, this hero is close to everyone and is as simple as possible - period, period, comma .. In terms of ideology and energy, he very talentedly and powerfully shifts the assemblage point. The undisputed leader, on the external level, perceived so far as a cheap media virus. But the one who can read between the lines and scan the meanings from the pauses will catch the vibration of the imminent worldview changes. It is also important that this character appeared on the Internet! - and the Internet is the very crack through which the global shift of cultural layers will begin in the real world. Based on these shifts, a new architecture of the world will emerge. Yes, that's how serious it is.
3. Move in these your internets - Artemy Lebedev
ARG for non-cattle (not to be confused with non-cattle), who know a lot about good cinema, literature, history, etc. That is, for the same as the creators of this creation consider themselves to be.
Also, do not forget about the "economic aspect" - if the team members did not want PR, they would cover their tracks much better, and therefore profit as one of the goals is present.
Cattle are eliminated by pointing him to his place - thus the seething of shit among the vast masses of cattle is tied up, because of which it loses the ability to see the obvious completely.
Nebydlo is eliminated by sending it along the wrong path, excitation of SPGS in it. That is, the non-crazed, who has seen the obvious, considers it as “the true state of things in the world and the meaning of life”, spends all his free time searching for this very “deep meaning”, finds it (each his own) and with a sense of fulfilled dignity falls into depression. The remaining 100,500 units that guessed the message are bloated from the CSF and have already prepared to breed fluorodros. True, Part 58 is supposed to stop them ...
The word "messadzh" was eagerly picked up by non-cattle, whole groups appeared to search for it, where each non-cattle seeks to show off their knowledge of the essence of everything and everyone. Of course, after over 9000 views of speeches and terabytes of written / read texts on the topic “no spoon” in search of this very “message”, it is unlikely that it will come to terms with the fact that the author meant nothing more than an invitation to the game.
What we currently have:
Not much, the game is just getting started. The culmination is planned for 12/21/12 (the countdown of 38:29 just leads us to this date ... maybe). So the most curious got three years (although Freeman's site is reserved for only a year. See Whois) waiting. There are no keys as such yet (only parts of them), as well as the lock itself, which obviously consists of these very “25 frames” and is probably nothing more than a puzzle.

In all series, except for the 0th, you can see the 25th frame. The appearance of the frame is sometimes accompanied by the sound "BEEP". At first, Anonymous did not know the true meaning of the frames, until one day he connected them together: in chronological order and by number.
Freeman in one of the interviews, when asked when he would finish with his cartoons, answered "I will not finish until the big picture is visible." Perhaps it has a connection.

Oil painting, folded by episode numbering
The strange numbering of performances is tied to hidden frames. In part0, there are none at all (“0” in the name of the kagbe hints at this), and the word “part” in translation just means “part”. Performances will continue until the picture is complete (most likely it should be folded into an 8x8 grid, 64 parts in total). Then the keys will be needed, parts of which will be scattered throughout all the performances. The numbering comes from two sides - ascending about politics and brainwashing (the parts containing the picture of the central circle) and descending about the consumerism and idiocy of the main part of the population (the parts containing the picture of the corner circles).

Part 0. Are you sure who you are and that you exist?(appearance)

part 64. Anywhere and anytime...(Masturbation)

part 63. You are too blonde!

Part_3. Selling expensive

Part_4. Be fruitful, cows. Life Is Short(meat eaters)

Part_5. New Year?

Part_6. The pronoun I is capitalized!

Part 58. What happened to your dream?

Part 57. What is your knowledge?

Performance at the IQ Ball. Full version 57th series(Mr. Freeman for IQ Ball 2010.avi)

Part 49. The road arises under the steps of the walking(Deep dive. So let's get started...)

Presentation at the Transpersonal Congress. Who is a person and why did he come into this world?(unofficial series)

part 24. What is your god?

Part 32. Once in a thousand years

Part 40. Hello social schizophrenia!

Part 48. I?

Part 9 And what?

MF15-001. What is the most important currency?

MF15-823. And who are you really?

MF15-821. Who among you has never taken someone else's?

MF15-809. Do you notice changes?

MF15-811. Do you believe me?

MF15-797. Awareness of one's slavery is the first step to freedom!

Part 1 Open letter to the President

Part 2 Are you a player?

Let's set up a new order
The first row of the mosaic resembles an amulet in structure. What can not be disassembled on the main circle, however, there is an assumption that the boundary circles are two of the five elements: fire, water, earth, air, ether. In the left small circle, symbols of the earth are visible - triangles turned down with a line in the middle (but if you arrange the parts on the mosaic in the order numbered by the author, then these will already be symbols of air), in the right small circle - a simple triangle turned down - a symbol of water (respectively, fire) . In the center of the circles themselves, there is most likely some kind of stylization of Chinese characters denoting the same elements. Thus, there may be three more new circles. However, it can be a four-element system: water, fire, earth, air. In addition, individuals suffering from SPHD noticed the similarity of the overall picture with the TV tuning table and the Bosch picture.
It was calculated that the size of the puzzle piece is 650 x 650 at the original video resolution of 1280 x 720. As a result, the full size of the puzzle is 5200 x 5200. In the pictures on the right, this value has been reduced by 4 times in order to get cozy.

Dear visitors of this page!

You are about 100 people a week :)

Here: http://lurkmore.to/Mr._freeman , like everything that they could have guessed, come again.

ZY: I don’t look for comments on this article :)

I'm already talking about mr_free_man who makes excellent cartoons, by the way, another, already the fourth cartoon, by this author has recently been released.
Today, I want to talk about storyline this animation, but about the riddles and 25th frames that abound in these animated works.
All of the following are the silly guesses of my paranoid, inflamed brain.
Lots of clues with pictures!

Mr. Freeman Part 0 (1:04)

The cardiogram is distorted, and we enter the numbers 21 12 17, and it seems to me that this is a reference to the Gospel of Matthew:

12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and drove out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables
money changers and benches selling pigeons,
13 And he said to them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.
14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.
15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonders that He had done, and the children crying out in the temple, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! - resented
16 And they said to him, Do you hear what they say? Jesus says to them: yes! Haven't you ever read: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have ordained praise?
17 And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.

Mr. Freeman, part 0 (2:31-2:32)

The hero rearranges the letters, and instead of "JUST DO IT" we get "DUST JO IT" or "DUST JOLT". I'm not good at English, but DUST is definitely dust, and if the word JOLT was meant, then it has many meanings, from the nouns "collision" and "hit", to the verbs "shake" and "toss", and even slang Americanism "inject heroin".

Mr. Freeman Part 64 (0:08)

On the board is written: ECCE HOMO - "behold the man", according to the gospel. from John (XIX, 5) Pilate said these words to the people, pointing to Christ in thorns. crown and scarlet.

Mr. Freeman Part 64 (1:23)

The clock has a strange time of 38:29, this is more difficult, it can be like the 29th verse of the 38th sura from the Koran:
"38:29. The Qur'an sent down to you, O Muhammad, is a Noble and Blessed Scripture, containing many useful things for those who have sound mind and insight to delve into the study of its verses and meditate on them."
So two different verses from the "Old Testament"
"38:29 And the brass that was offered was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels;"
"38:29 But he drew back his hand; and, behold, his brother went out. And she said, How did you break your barrier? And his name was called Peres."
Personally, I'm leaning towards the first option.

Mr. Freeman Part 64 (2:08)

The title page of a treatise on masturbation, there may be a lot of "information", but I have not yet analyzed it. Looking ahead, I’ll say that in the last episode, we, out of nowhere, are shown another one.
Mr. Freeman Part 3 (0:29)

Also not yet disassembled by me.

Mr. Freeman Part 64 (2:59)

In the 25th frame, we are shown a male sexual dick, and why is there a dick to guess, he is a dick.

Mr. Freeman Part 64 (3:01)

I show us a piece of unknown garbage, and if we jump ahead again,
Mr. Freeman Part 63 (1:34)

we are shown the second piece of unknown garbage, which, with the first piece, is very much going to.

What is this sign? Earth?

Mr. Freeman Part 63 (0:18)

On the plate on the left are Roman numerals 300 30 2 or if together 332, on the right is the mug of a catobus from Miyazaki. In short, it's not clear.

Mr. Freeman part 63 (0:20)

The only cartoon photo. What is the building that the character is looking at the clock tower? On the clock 14:15. Does it mean anything? Unclear.

Mr. Freeman Part 63 (1:09)

The inscription on the stone Gaudeamus igitur - So, let's have fun.

Mr. Freeman, part 63 (1:42-1:46)

The snake eats, the mirrored phrase SHOW MUST GO ON

Mr. Freeman Part 63 (1:53)

For a fraction of a second, an image appears on the character (I enlarged it from the side). What is this? Mantra? God's name?
Could it be mirrored?

Mr. Freeman Part 3 (0:14)

The monument says LICENTIA STUPRI - the right to seduce.

Mr. Freeman Part 3 (2:47)

The Roman numerals on the bottle are MV-CMLXV, i.e. 1005-965, these are the years of the reign of King David, BC of course.

The chronology of the parts of the cartoon is also strange:
part 0
part 64

Cartoon mr Feeman is mired in monotony and slides into a boring soap opera of a mentally unstable know-it-all character. Boredom is due to numerous repetitions, clichés, contradictions, and also the most important thing - reproaches against all people in the absence of information about overcoming problems, veiled only by the words "be a person", "become free". That's the whole philosophy. Those who do not understand are stupid. Whoever understood that others did not understand anything, you can reproach them and fight. The main thing Freeman otmazatsya this hidden and important meaning.

Miss Mr Freeman

The hysterical arrogant character, independently imprisoned in his own created cage, dies before our eyes, even despite his cult status. The author of Mr. Freeman, being the same slave and gear as all those whom he allegedly teaches, could hardly have achieved a greater effect with such an approach. Wow vector passed, nothing new and interesting except repetitions, all this creates only a disastrous effect, although a lot of effort is spent on creating cartoons and no less than before. Mr Freeman won't last 64 episodes. You can already bury. It has already bored and annoyed many people, I judge this by the numerous enthusiastic comments at first and negative bored ones later (in different blogs and from the same people). My personal opinion and feeling is the same.

mr freeman secrets

Mr. Freeman embeds hidden footage, a hidden message in his cartoons. In the last episode there was an incomprehensible prayer speech, which is easy enough to understand by scrolling audio track reversed:

Scrolled and okay, nothing new, nothing interesting. only the very fact of such secrets and their supposedly hidden meaning are interesting.

Hidden meaning of mr freeman cartoons

There is no meaning in such things, except that people themselves come up with the existence of this meaning. For the author, this is a common technique, essentially pampering, but bringing an incredible response, causing enormous interest among the public. But the pictures remain just pictures with the usual hint stamps. Numbers and signs remain just numbers and signs. An image of the Mayan calendar in the 25th frame or flashed numbers referring to the necessary chapters and verses in the Bible for the crazy and seeing in this alone great meaning. It is not difficult to create such connections with the Bible or even the collected works of V.I. Lenin.

There is no point except what people themselves fantasize. This author's move is effective, but it's just sheep marketing.