A flower with hard, dark green leaves. Catalog of indoor plants. Brunnera macrophylla, variegated varieties

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower from a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of lavish blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you should keep in mind, the different care requirements at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Abutilon may not be one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are beginning to notice the beauty of this small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. Its decorative appearance is due to large, bright flowers, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert areas of North America. Species belonging to this type have different sizes, leaves, and flowering periods. Agaves are grown mainly for their decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agave blooms after a very long time (tens of years). The worst thing is that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema occurs naturally in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


Loves partial shade and warmth; the temperature should not fall below 18°C; at lower temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high air humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like...

Aglaonema variable, or variable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the Araceae family. Of the 50 species, several species are most often grown at home. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonemas are popular in home cultivation due to their attractive decorative...

The correct name for Adenium grown at home is Adenium obesum, or Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) - an unusually interesting plant, impressive in the structure and color of its flowers and original form, characteristic of bonsai. It is grown as a houseplant; in summer it can decorate a terrace or garden. Find out more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called “Venus hair” - adiantum. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care, the adiantum will have an unattractive appearance. Adiantum varieties are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

A species grown at home - Aichryson x domesticum, called the “tree of love” and “flower of love”, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrubby succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum, distinguished by ellipsoid-shaped leaves; in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon homeis easy to confuse with another...

Alocasia is native to the Malay Archipelago and its leaves grow from a rhizome. A beautiful variety is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg in weight and are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw, poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although the most famous species of the genus are still Aloe vera and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). More species and varieties are appearing that you should pay attention to; species are characterized by high decorative qualities. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties, in this article, first of all...

medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe Barbados. An easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since ancient times; mentions of the plant were contained on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 3,000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers to help the soldiers' wounds heal faster. The plant is probably...

In this article, we will introduce you to the varieties of indoor plants with variegated leaves, such as Fittonia, Heptapleurum, Hypestes, Arrowroot, Peperomia, Plectranthus, Polyscias, Scindapsus and others.

You can also see photos of flowers with variegated leaves and learn about the features of caring for home flowers with multi-colored leaves.

Fittonia flower with variegated leaves

There is a dwarf variety of Fittonia with small leaves that is quite easy to grow in the living room. It will grow well in dry air if you occasionally spray it with water.

The variegated flower Fittonia has leaves with a network of veins. These veins are their distinctive feature - F. verschaffeltii has pink veins, and F. argyroneura has silver-white veins. F.s. Nana (F. a. nana) is an easy-to-grow dwarf form.


Light: Partially shaded location without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to late fall and sparingly in winter. Use lukewarm water.

Air humidity:


Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation. Planting rooted shoots.

Flower with colorful leaves heptapleurum

HEPTAPLEURUM is a fast growing tree plant. Pay attention to the photo of this plant with variegated leaves - it is similar to Schefflera, it is quite easy to grow if there is warmth in winter, good light and humid air.

The multi-colored heptapleurum flower will grow successfully as a bush if the growing point of the main stem is removed. Leaves may fall if conditions suddenly change.

To get an unbranched tree 2 m high, tie Heptapleurum arboricola to a stake. There are varieties - Hayata (with grayish leaves), Geisha Girl (with rounded leaf tips) and Variegata (with yellow-variegated leaves).

Heptapleurum, like most indoor flowers with variegated leaves, prefers moderate temperatures. In winter, the air temperature should be at least 16°C.



Air humidity: Spray the foliage frequently and wash the leaves from time to time.


Reproduction: By stem cuttings in spring or sowing seeds in spring.

Hypestes flower with multi-colored leaves and its photo

HYPOESTES is grown for its spotted leaves. In good light, their color will be bright - in a shady place the foliage will become completely green. This flower with colorful leaves forms small bushes that are regularly trimmed to maintain a height of 30-60 cm. After flowering, the plant sometimes goes dormant; in this case, reduce watering until new shoots begin to grow.

As you can see in the photo, the flower with multi-colored leaves of Hypoestes sanguinolenta has a blood-red hue, its foliage is covered with pale pink spots, especially expressive in the Splash variety. To maintain bushiness, pinch the tips of the shoots.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter.

Light: A brightly lit place - some direct sunlight enhances the color.

Watering: Keep the substrate evenly moist. Water deeply from spring to autumn - more sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant annually in the spring.

Reproduction: Sowing seeds in spring or

Indoor flower with multi-colored arrowroot leaves

The distinctive feature of arrowroot is its impressive foliage with colored veins or spots on a background that can range in color from almost white to almost black. This indoor flower with colorful leaves rarely exceeds 20 cm in height and tends to fold and raise its leaves at night. Arrowroot is not particularly difficult to grow, but still this plant is not for beginner gardeners.

Varieties white veined arrowroot(Maranta leuconeura)- massangeana with white veins. The red-veined variety (erythrophylla) is also sold under the name M. tricolor.


Light: Partially shaded location away from direct sunlight. Move to a brightly lit area in winter.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times using soft, lukewarm water. In winter, reduce watering.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage regularly.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Dividing plants during transplantation.


Peperomia grow slowly and are suitable for places where space is limited. The inflorescence is a thin vertical spike covered with tiny greenish flowers. There are several hanging species, but bush ones with different leaf shapes and colors are more popular. Growing peperomia is not difficult.

U Peperomia corrugata(Peperomia caperata) corrugated leaves 2.5 cm wide; P. hederaefolia has wavy leaves 5 cm wide; P. magnoliaefolia Variegata has variegated waxy leaves measuring 5 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.


Watering: Allow the soil to dry out to some extent between waterings - water very sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage occasionally in summer and never in winter.

Transfer: Replant in spring only if necessary.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring.

Indoor flowers with colorful leaves of plectranthus

Plectranthus looks more like a small, simple coleus with drooping stems. These indoor flowers with colorful leaves are not very popular, although they have many good qualities. Plectranthus can grow in dry air, it can withstand temporary dry soil, grows quickly, and will even bloom occasionally. From time to time, pinch the tips of the shoots to keep the plants bushy.

Plectranthus Ertendahl(Plectranthus oertendahlii) has colored leaves 2.5 cm wide and pink-purple flowers 2.5 cm long. The largest leaves are on the white-edged coleus plectranthus (P. coleoides marginatus).

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light or partial shade without direct sunlight.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times. In winter, reduce watering.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

A plant with colorful leaves polyscias and its photo

The twisted stems and attractive foliage of polyscias give the plants an oriental appearance. However, they are not popular because they are expensive and easily shed their leaves if their needs are not fully met. Balfour's polyscias is the most common.

Pay attention to the photo of this plant with multi-colored leaves - Balfour's polyscias (Polyscias balfouriana) has gray-spotted leaves 8 cm wide; the leaves of its variety Pennockii have yellow veins. Leaves of P. fruticosa are 20 cm long.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 16°C in winter.

Light: Bright light without direct sunlight.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall—water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. Stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting and heating the substrate.

Scindapsus flower with variegated leaves

SCINDAPSUS is an easy plant to grow with leaves spotted with yellow or white. It may be called Scindapsus aureus and Golden Pothos in garden centers, but among botanists it is commonly called Epipremnum aureus.

Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus(Scindapsus, or Epipremnum aureus), - liana or hanging plant; The moss stick is the ideal support. Stems can reach 2 m or more.


Light: A well-lit place without direct sunlight. Variegation disappears in poor lighting.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter. Humidity: Spray foliage frequently.


Reproduction: Stem cuttings in the spring - use hormones for rooting. Keep in the dark until it takes root.

Houseplant with variegated leaves, ragwort

Ragwort is a complex genus that includes flowering species, succulent species, and false ivies, like vines. Like true ivies, their lobed leaves and stems droop or form on a support, but their lobes are more pointed and fleshy. They grow better in dry air than true ivies.

U common ragwort(Senecio marcroglossus variegatus) leaves with yellow edges on stems up to 3 m long. K. shiny, or mikanioides (S. mikanioides) can also reach a length of 3 m.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright Light – In winter, some direct sunlight is beneficial.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times—reduce watering in winter.

Air humidity: Spray the foliage from time to time.

Transfer: Replant in late spring every two years.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Homemade flower with colorful Sansevieria leaves

Sansevieria three-stripe is the most popular type of houseplant with colorful leaves. This is a very stable (unpretentious) plant - vertical succulent leaves can withstand drafts, dry air, bright sun, dense shade and direct sunlight. In good conditions it bears inflorescences with fragrant small white flowers.

Sansevieria three-striped(Sansevieria trifasciata)- a species with completely green leaves 30 cm -1 m high; its variety laurentii is variegated, Golden hahnii is dwarf with a height of 15 cm.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Bright light with some sun, but can grow in shade.

Watering: Water sparingly from spring to fall; once every 1-2 months in winter.

Air humidity:

Transfer: Rarely needed - replant if pot is damaged.

Reproduction: Separate the suckers at the base by cutting them off and allow them to dry before planting in compost.

Schefflera flower with variegated leaves

Unfortunately, Schefflera does not bloom under room conditions. It has finger-shaped glossy leaves arranged in rays, like the spokes of an umbrella. Schefflera is not difficult to grow.

Young Schefflera radiata(Schefflera actinophylla) is an attractive bush, and in maturity a tree 1.8-2.5 m high. S. digitata is smaller in size. S. octophyllum has leaves with clearly defined veins.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 13°C in winter. Avoid temperatures above 21°C if possible.

Light: A brightly lit place away from direct sunlight.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spray foliage frequently.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Difficult. Stem cuttings in summer. Use rooting hormones and heating the substrate.

Houseplant with colorful nolina leaves

Nolina is grown as a tall, solitary plant that does not require much attention. The swollen bulb-like base accumulates water, so temporary drying out of the soil will not harm it. It has a lush “tail” of long, strap-like leaves. Nolina is sometimes sold under the name Beaucarnea recurvata.

There is one species on sale - Nolina tuberculata. It grows slowly, but over time the trunk will reach a height of 2 m or more, and the base of the trunk will be swollen, like a huge onion.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas - some amount of sunlight is beneficial.

Watering: Water thoroughly, then allow the soil to dry out moderately. Avoid overwatering.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant the suckers at the time of transplanting. It’s not easy - it’s better to buy new plants.

Yucca plant

A mature yucca makes an excellent false palm for a hallway or great room. She will need a deep, well-drained container that can be moved outdoors in the summer and to an unheated, well-lit area in the winter. White bell-shaped flowers may take a few years to appear.

A tree trunk 1-1.5 m high bears a rosette of long leathery leaves. Yucca elephantipes is safer than Yucca aloifolia with sharp sword-shaped leaves.

Temperature: Moderate - keep in a cool place in winter (minimum 7°C).

Light: Choose the brightest place you can find.

Watering: Water deeply from spring to fall. Water sparingly in winter.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant every two years in the spring.

Reproduction: Separate and plant suckers or root cuttings from trunk sections.

Radermacher flower with variegated leaves

Radermachera is grown as a single tree indoors. It has large compound leaves that bear shiny, deeply veined leaflets with long tapering tips. Central heating is not a problem when growing it because it tolerates dry air well.

Radermachera grown as a houseplant may be listed on labels as Radermachera sinica, R. Danielle or Stereospermum suaveolens. There is a variegated form.

Temperature: Moderate - minimum 10-13°C in winter.

Light: Brightly lit areas, but protect from midday summer sun.

Watering: Keep the soil moist at all times - avoid overwatering.

Air humidity: Spraying is not necessary.

Transfer: Replant if necessary in spring.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in summer.

Lianas and hanging vines occupy a special place in the range of indoor flowers, being an indispensable material for decorating interiors. Any plant has its own, characteristic only for it: the structure, color of the flower, the shape and structure of the leaves inherent in this plant. Indoor plants have been used as an interior element since ancient times. Climbing plants can be pulled up along a cord, wire, bamboo stick, or slate.

Climbing and hanging plants are an ideal option for the interior

Lianas are divided into climbing, climbing and climbing. Climbing vines require a support around which they wrap. Climbing vines can climb with the help of tendrils, bristles, thorns, etc. However, in practice, plants with long shoots that need support are called curly, and plants with hanging shoots are called ampelous. In this article we will talk about plants that can be used for landscaping in offices, institutions, schools and kindergartens.

Among the vines there are beautifully flowering ones, these include clerodendrum, or volcameria, from the verbena family. The most popular is the beautiful climbing plant Clerodendrum fragrant. His homeland is Japan. Clerodendrum has red-purple double flowers collected in clusters. The plant prefers a sunny location and fresh air. In the summer, it needs abundant watering, otherwise the plant's leaves begin to fall off.

Clerodendrum propagates by cuttings in spring.

Plants grown from cuttings bloom until autumn. They must be replanted annually in a turf-peat mixture mixed with sand. In the summer, clerodendrum needs to be sprayed and fed. Clerodendrum can be given a beautiful shape by straightening its stems on trellises.

Such a type of vine as the golden scindapsus has received well-deserved success. Scindapsus is from the araceae family. Its homeland is tropical Asia. Scindapsus is extremely unpretentious, grows well not only in illuminated places, and tolerates temperature changes (but not lower than 15).

The leathery leaves of scindapsus are heart-shaped; the plant likes to be sprayed with a spray bottle, especially in the summer. Scindapsus needs feeding in spring and summer; when replanting, add a mixture (leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts). The plant propagates by stem cuttings, both apical and others, throughout the year. To make the plant more decorative, several cuttings should be planted in one pot.


The ornamental plant Monstera belongs to the aroid family. It has a round, highly climbing trunk, reaching 5-6 m with aerial roots that descend down and even take root in the ground, as well as with roots that are attached to a wall or other support. The cut-lobed leaves of Monstera have the property of “predicting the weather.” In the summer, before the onset of rainy, cloudy days or in the winter when there is a thaw, droplets of water form on the tips of the monstera leaves. For this property, the monstera is called a “crybaby”.

Monstera is an unpretentious plant, perfectly content with diffused light. However, in the summer, the monster needs to be abundantly watered, sprayed and fed. In winter, watering should be very moderate. Young plants must be replanted annually in an earthen mixture consisting of a mixture of turf, leaf and humus soil with the obligatory addition of sand. For older specimens, at least the top layer must be renewed annually. Monstera can be propagated by cuttings, suckers, and rarely by seeds. As it stretches upward, the monstera loses its lower leaves and becomes not very decorative.

To give the plant an attractive appearance, the upper aerial roots are tightly wrapped in damp moss and attached to the trunk.

After a little time, the tops with one or two leaves are cut off and placed in a pot with the old plant so that the roots and the cut are in the ground (rejuvenation of old plants is obtained).

Common ivy is from the Araliaceae family. Ivy is native to Southern Europe and North Africa. Evergreen ivy can grow to a height of up to 30 m. So, one plant can wrap around the walls of a room. Its shoots touch the support with adventitious roots. The shiny dark green, sometimes variegated leaves, having an angular-lobed, rhombic shape, are very original.

The plant loves a nutritious mixture of turf soil and humus with the addition of river sand. In summer, it is recommended to water ivy abundantly with frequent spraying. In winter, water moderately and wash off dust from leaves with warm water. Common plush is propagated by cuttings, which are planted several in one pot to produce more decorative plants. During strong growth, it is necessary to feed the plant with organic or mineral fertilizers.


Cissus, which belongs to the grape family, is no less decorative. Its homeland is Java and Madagascar. The cissus is attached to the support with antennae. The plant must be watered abundantly, regularly sprayed and fed. There is almost no rest period for cissus; in a warm and bright room, plant growth continues in winter, but watering at this time should be reduced.

Young cissus trees must be replanted annually.

Old specimens can be replanted less frequently, but with the obligatory annual renewal of the top layer of soil. Propagation of cissus is carried out by cuttings, which can be planted even in winter, several of them in one pot.

Wax ivy is from the family Pinspiaceae. His homeland is India. The plant has leathery shiny leaves and climbing stems - white flowers with a single center, as if waxy and very fragrant. Drooping flowers have the shape of stars, collected in umbrellas.

Wax ivy grows well and can beautifully decorate a wall or trellis, but it needs to be tied up, straightening the branches. Wax ivy grows well in summer in a room with humid air and high temperature. In summer, it must be watered and sprayed abundantly. In winter, the conditions for keeping wax ivy are completely opposite - it needs dry, clean air, low temperatures, and infrequent watering. It can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and leaves. During the growth period, the plant needs feeding. It is advisable to replant young specimens annually, and older ones less often.


Nephrolepis belongs to the fern family. The plant has unusually decorative, drooping light green, feathery leaves called fronds. Nephrolepis is the most unpretentious and hardy of all other types of ferns. Its amazingly beautiful leaves can reach up to a meter in length.

Nephrolepis needs moist air. On warm, clear days, spraying can be done several times.

The soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Nephrolepis requires moderate watering, more in summer than in winter. Nephrolepis can be propagated by the root shoots it produces. The shoots are easily separated and planted in small pots. New plants can be grown from spores that mature on the underside of the fronds.

The plant needs to be fed regularly. Nephrolepis transplantation should be carried out in the spring, having prepared an earthen mixture in advance (leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts), and put a thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. Nephrolepis is well placed in hanging vases, on brackets. In addition, nephrolepis also provides excellent cutting material. Its leaves retain their freshness for a long time and serve as an excellent material to complement any bouquet.


Adiantum belongs to the fern family. His homeland is Brazil. The adiantum bush is very effective in decorating a room. Its twice and thrice dissected pinnate leaves on black thread-like elastic petioles are unusually decorative. This plant also has another name - dry stem. This graceful plant loves light and does not like too dry air. Because of this, when it is especially hot, frequent spraying and fresh, clean air are required.

Adiantum needs to be watered abundantly. The slightest drying out of the soil leads to wilting of the leaves.

Excessive dampness, especially in winter, is also detrimental to the plant. Adiantum is transplanted in spring, into a pre-prepared nutrient mixture(leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts). Transplanted plants require abundant watering and protection from direct exposure to the sun. It is good to place pots of maidenhair in large flowerpots filled with damp moss. Adiantum leaves are very impressive in bouquets.

Pellea rotundifolia from the fern family is no less popular. This is a wonderful hanging plant. Pellea rotundifolia has small round leaves, densely strung on thin petioles. Its maintenance conditions are the same as for other plants of the fern family.


Asparagus, or asparagus, from the lily family, is a spectacular ornamental plant with thin hanging stems. Falling shoots reach 150-180 cm. Its homeland is South Africa.

This amazing plant has no leaves.

There are needle-shaped formations that are unusually diverse, for which the plant is often called a herringbone. The plant looks very impressive during the fruiting period, when among the lower greenery its fruits turn red and the flowers are inconspicuous.

The plant is tender and even capricious. It can't stand the sun. Requires nutritious and dry soil. Asparagus feels good on the wall opposite the window. In the summer, the plant must be watered abundantly and be sure to spray, otherwise its “needles” begin to dry out and crumble. Asparagus responds well to feeding; in winter it needs to be watered moderately. The plant propagates by dividing the bush during transplantation; it is also possible to grow from seeds, but this requires a lot of work and patience. The most common types of asparagus are pinnate and sprenger.

An unpretentious hanging plant, chlorophytum, is also from the lily family. Its homeland is South Africa. This is an ornamental foliage plant with beautiful drooping shoots; rosettes of leaves form in place of faded white flowers.

Chlorophytum is extremely undemanding to living conditions. Tolerates cool rooms and increased temperatures well. Chlorophytum with white stripes along the leaves prefers sunlit places. In summer, the plant must be watered abundantly. The plant reproduces by layering, leaf rosettes, which form aerial roots; plant it in an earthen mixture consisting of leafy, humus greenery and sand.

Begonia convolvulus is native to Brazil. A plant with light and dark green leaves and white flowers.

Climbing begonia - from Jamaica; This plant has glossy green leaves, white flowers and long stems. This decorative hanging plant is suitable for decorating walls and trellises. Begonias are unpretentious, but development occurs better in a room where there is more humidity. They propagate by stem cuttings. The plant looks more decorative when many cuttings are planted in a pot.


Campanula, or brittle bellflower, belongs to the campanula family. The homeland of Campanula is Southern Italy. This is a delicately hanging plant with white and blue flowers, called “bride and groom”. The color covers all the plants so thickly that the small, heart-shaped, delicate leaves are almost invisible. In winter, Campanula loves a bright and cool place with extremely moderate watering.

Last year's shoots are pruned, and in the spring new shoots begin to develop at the campanula, producing abundant flowers.

It is quite rare to find such a plant as Hypocyrta of the Chesneriaceae family. The homeland of hypocyrta is Brazil. This ampelous plant has densely planted, ovoid, small, dense and shiny leaves. The orange-colored flowers of hypocyrta are original, somewhat similar to snapdragon flowers.

Hypocyrta deserves special attention because it blooms in the coldest time. Hypocyrta propagates by cuttings, which can be cut and planted regardless of the time of year; it is better, of course, in the spring; several cuttings fit into a pot and the plant gets a more decorative appearance. Hypocyrta requires a soil mixture (leaf soil, humus, peat and coarse sand in equal parts), with the addition of charcoal. During flowering, hypocyrta needs to be washed frequently with water.


Achimenes is no less interesting. Achimenes is also a member of the Chesneriaceae family. A profusely blooming, unpretentious ampel plant has flowers of different colors, purple, red, blue and even white. The plant is light-loving and is not afraid of direct sunlight. In summer it is necessary to water abundantly, then watering decreases and stops completely in winter. The stems of Achimenes die off, after which the pots are put in a cool place and the plant is watered once a month. In the spring they are transplanted into new soil, and the plant blooms.


Stephanotis - a profusely flowering plant belongs to the palmetto family. His homeland is the island of Madagascar. This is a beautiful climbing plant with not very large, dense, glossy leaves. Stephanotis flowers are tubular, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, the flowers have a pleasant smell, which intensifies in the evening.

Long shoots of stephanotis spread well along the trellis. Stephanotis requires semi-shaded places. The plant needs moderate and regular watering to prevent the soil from drying out. In spring and summer, stephanotis needs weekly feeding. With regular fertilization, stephanotis flowers become larger and last longer. Stephanotis propagates by cuttings, which are first placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant needs an earth mixture (leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts), with the obligatory addition of charcoal. To give stephanotis a more impressive appearance, several plants are planted in one pot.

Indoor jasmine is from the olive family. Its homeland is tropical Asia. This is an evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers, which, when blooming, fill the room with a wonderful delicate aroma. Jasmine blooms for up to eight months of the year. Jasmine also has one more property: it secretes phytoncides that kill pathogenic microbes.

Jasmine is a heat-loving plant, so it feels better at temperatures of 20-22. This light-loving plant requires careful care and needs frequent spraying and regular watering. From the end of winter until the beginning of next winter, jasmine needs to be fed. Abundant watering and frequent fertilization have a good effect on growth, but delay flowering. In spring, long jasmine branches need to be shortened, giving it the desired beautiful shape. Jasmine is propagated by cuttings and layering. Young plants must be replanted annually.

Large home flowers look great in any interior. They are mainly used as free-standing compositions. The advantage of ornamental plants with large flowers and leaves is that they are ideal for rooms where there is not enough sunlight. In addition, they grow well away from windows. The main thing is to arrange plants taking into account their characteristics. Properly placed home flowers will make the interior original and special.

Flowers with large leaves

Basically, all the flowers are domestic with large leaves, photos of some of them are in the article, they are unpretentious, grow quickly and fit perfectly into any room:

  • Aspidistra is a fairly persistent plant. Easily tolerates temperature changes and infrequent watering. Helps purify the air from harmful substances. Due to its high chlorophyll content, it grows well in dark rooms. The leaves are in the form of a long ellipse and are located on the petioles. There is practically no stem. It blooms very rarely.
  • Maranta. The peculiarity of this plant is its striped, variegated leaves with a smooth edge, which fold at night. It blooms quite rarely.
  • Anthurium. Another name for a house flower with large leaves is the flamingo flower, very beautiful, but poisonous. In appearance, it is glossy and similar to artificial, has a white or red color.
  • Schefflera has an unusual shape. Emerging from one center, the oval leaves of the oval plant are arranged in the form of an open umbrella. They can be plain or with specks or stripes of a light shade. Easy to care for. Prefers bright, diffused light, regular spraying and watering. Doesn't like drafts. It should be remembered that the plant is toxic to pets.
  • Calathea has beautiful large leaves that reach gigantic sizes. Combines many types.
  • Abutilone has the form of a small tree or shrub. It reaches a height of two meters. Orange, white, pink or yellow flowers are shaped like a bell. It is easy to care for and grows quickly.
  • Alocasia is a house flower with large leaves, for which it is also called “elephant’s ear.” The plant looks great in large rooms. It reaches a height of one and a half meters and rarely blooms.
  • Avocado. At home, it is given the shape of a bush and grows up to a meter. The dark green leaves are narrow, elliptical in shape and approximately 25 cm long.
  • Ficus is a plant with large leaves that is easy to care for. It requires moderate regular watering and spraying. Large leaves are wiped with a damp cloth. It is necessary to protect from drafts. There is a legend that it brings happiness and prosperity to the house. Different types of this plant fit well into the interior. And the ficus Benjamin's trunks are twisted into a spiral in an original way.
  • Dieffenbachia. It has large, spotted, colorful leaves. Prefers humidity and warmth. The flowers are inconspicuous, white-green. It grows up to a meter in height. Poisonous. The lower leaves die off with age and the trunk becomes bare, so it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant.

When choosing a home flower with large green leaves, you should take into account that some flowering species have poisonous flowers or fruits, and also have a strong aroma.

Palm trees

These are hardy plants with beautiful leaves. They feel good in partial shade. They prefer high humidity; lack of moisture has a negative effect on the plant. The most common indoor palm trees are:

  • Decorative species: Robelena - has a dense, beautiful crown. Grows up to one and a half meters in height; palmate date - grows quickly, the lower leaves gradually fall off and the palm trunk becomes bare.
  • Date Canary - has hard, feathery leaves. The trunks are thin. Grows quickly.

Howea Forstera is famous for its green long leaves curved in an arc. It grows slowly and tolerates dry air well.

  • Chomedorea gracefula blooms quite beautifully and has a pleasant aroma. The yellowish flowers are spherical and small. The leaves of the plant should be protected from direct sunlight.
  • Areca reaches a height of three meters. It has beautiful feathery leaves. Unpretentious in care.

Lianas - large home flowers

The names of the flowers that are presented below are climbing, unpretentious plants with a flexible stem and large fleshy leaves:

Large home flowers: photos and names

Below are the most beautiful plants grown at home and their brief characteristics:

  • Cypress, it is called an analogue of domestic spruce. It has an unobtrusive pine aroma that can lift your spirits.
  • Olive Tree. It is necessary to constantly trim, forming the crown as desired. Weak branches are removed. For good growth, a certain temperature and humidity are required; it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.
  • Lemon - has a citrus aroma and yellow fruits, grows up to a meter. The leaves remain green all year round. The plant must be watered twice a day. In addition, the plant should be exposed to direct sunlight for at least two hours every day. In spring, the tree is fed and pruned.
  • Prickly pear is a large cactus. It blooms very beautifully.
  • or it is also called indoor spruce. It has upward-curved awl-shaped needles, the length of which is about 2 cm. The branches are arranged in horizontal tiers. After forty years, scale-like leaves appear. The appearance changes and it is impossible to recognize the original plant. The change of outfit explains its name - variegated. At home, the height does not exceed two meters.
  • Fatsia. If it is provided with such conditions as moderate watering, coolness and good lighting, then it will thank you with huge, wide, beautiful leaves. The shoots grow up to one and a half meters high. The flowers are beige in color with a pleasant scent.
  • Croton. The leaves of this flower have a wide palette of shades: green, yellow, red, orange. Colors become more saturated in bright sunlight. However, it should be remembered that the plant does not like dry air, heat and direct sunlight.
  • Euphorbia is a succulent. It grows very slowly. Looks great in any interior.
  • Boxwood is a shade-loving evergreen plant. The leaves are shiny, round and dark green. orange and very fragrant. Requires abundant infrequent watering.
  • Laurel. A fairly unpretentious plant, it is not afraid of frost.
  • Euonymus has dark green jagged or spotted leaves. Tolerates drought well. It grows quickly, so frequent pruning is necessary. The flowers do not have a particularly pleasant aroma.

Large home flowers (the names and photos of some of them are given above) fit harmoniously into any interior and are pleasing to the eye.

Giant flowers

You can turn the interior of your apartment into a greenhouse with the help of giant plants. Large plants in pots are great for this:

If home flowers are in large pots, then you can play with scale. They are best placed symmetrically, for example, on both sides of a sofa or chair. Or create a unique composition using pots of different shapes and sizes. Thanks to the built-in wheels in large pots, there will be no problems with their movement.

Large flowering plants

The most popular plants are:

  • Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a house flower with large red flowers shaped like a bell. The vigorously flowering plant produces many shoots that need to be pruned periodically. The tree-like trunk has large, bright green leaves. The main care is feeding, frequent and abundant watering, spraying and pruning.
  • Indoor hippeastrum fascinates with its beauty during flowering. However, it blooms once a year and delights those around with huge flowers in the form of stars, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. The inflorescence is an umbrella. The color range of funnel-shaped flowers is varied and includes the following shades: white, red, purple, pink, yellow. There is practically no smell, which allows them to be bred by individuals susceptible to allergic reactions.
  • Gardenia jasmine is a house flower with large white flowers and a delicate aroma. There are other colors, but mostly the flowers are snow-white, up to 10 cm in diameter.

  • Hymenocallis - the flowers of this plant are shaped like a lily or daffodil. The flowers are mostly snow-white, fragrant with large, spider-like pale yellow petals and trembling stamens. In one inflorescence there are up to eight white flowers, about 20 cm in diameter.

Advantages and disadvantages of large indoor plants

In order to decide on the choice of large house flowers, we will consider their pros and cons. The latter include the following:

  • Flowers may be toxic.
  • Some flowers have a strong, specific aroma and require a well-ventilated area.
  • They take up a lot of space.
  • The stem and trunk of some plants contain poisonous milky sap.

Pros of large indoor plants:

  • Hide flaws. With the help of a spreading plant, they mask elements that spoil the appearance of the room, for example, wall defects.
  • Hydration. The indoor microclimate is improved by evaporating moisture from a home flower with large leaves.
  • Decorative. Large trees and vines will decorate any interior.
  • Originality. Many plants have an unusual appearance; in addition, you can shape the crown yourself, giving it bizarre shapes.
  • Accommodation. They look great both in groups and individually. The main thing is to take into account the compatibility of plants.

Some features when choosing large plants

To place large home flowers (photo below) in the form of a tree or shrub, you need free space where the flower will feel comfortable. Proper care is required for growth and flowering:

  • lighting;
  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • feeding;
  • protection from pests.

Before choosing a large flower, you need to make sure that there will be no difficulties with its placement and that there will be enough space in the room. The best place is a corner of the room, which protects the plant from damage, drafts and is illuminated by daylight. A flower near a sofa or bed also looks beautiful. If the room has large ceilings, then indoor flowers that are not afraid of pruning and grow up to two meters or more are ideal. In addition, you should decide in advance on the type of plant:

  • tree;
  • evergreen shrub;
  • flower with large leaves;
  • flowering or fruiting.

Large house flowers can be easy to care for or capricious, growing quickly or very slowly. In addition, some species are beautiful or capable of causing allergic reactions by emitting a strong aroma.

Features of caring for large indoor plants

Large house flowers require appropriate containers. For example, for palm trees it should be slightly smaller than is necessary for such a large flower, since the small volume of the pot helps stimulate the growth of new shoots. Climbing plants also require small containers. The main thing is that there are roots in the ground. If there are hanging roots far from the root system, they are placed in earthen bags.

Fill the pot with light, well-permeable soil. In flower shops you can purchase a ready-made mixture depending on the type of flower or prepare it yourself. To do this you need to take in equal parts:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • and leaf soil.

Drainage is placed in the container using pebbles, bricks, crushed stone, expanded clay, and foam. Next, pour soil.

Large flowers at home do not require frequent watering. At the same time, you should not overdry them. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced. For plants that go into hibernation, it is recommended to reduce the air temperature in the room where they are located. From time to time, plants require irrigation from a spray bottle.

In the spring, fertilizing is carried out; during this period, plants require nitrogen, as the vegetative system grows. Fertilizers containing large amounts of potassium and phosphorus are necessary for the formation of ovaries, as well as flowering.

Diseases mainly strike in case of improper care. To combat dropsy, rust, spider mites, rot, powdery mildew, the diseased flower is isolated and treated using ready-made products or a solution prepared independently from laundry soap.

Homemade plant food

For this you will need:

  • yeast;
  • fruit zest;
  • egg shells;
  • onion peel;
  • sugar;
  • meat slops;
  • and etc.

Used black tea leaves and coffee, added to the container with the plant, will provide looseness to the soil. To replenish the plant with vitamins, peels from apples, bananas and oranges are suitable. They are pre-crushed, infused in water and then watered. Egg shells perfectly saturate the soil with calcium and provide good drainage. You can disinfect the soil and feed the plant with phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron and magnesium by dissolving one spoon of ash in a liter of water. A freshly prepared mixture of yeast, onions and vegetables enhances plant growth.

In general, growing many large indoor flowers does not take much time and can be done even by beginners. However, there are also very capricious plants, caring for which will require certain knowledge and time.

An evergreen plant in the form of a small shrub with ovate dark green leaves with serrate edges. The plant is popular in indoor culture due to its beautiful spike-shaped inflorescences of bright red color.


Alamanda is a climbing evergreen plant with leathery, ovate-lanceolate, opposite leaves and large yellow flowers collected in racemes. The leaves reach 15 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

Aloe vera is a plant that does not have a stem. The leaves are fleshy, feathery leaves that grow in a rosette form from the root collar of the plant. The leaves are fleshy, elongated and pointed at the end.

It differs from other types of mint in appearance. Pale yellow or white stripes on the leaves and a pleasant aroma place pineapple mint in the category of ornamental plants that can decorate the interior or become a decorative addition to compositions of fresh flowers.

Vigorous evergreen vine with 3 to 5 lobed or heart-shaped, elongated leaves. The leaves are hard, glossy, dark green, and depending on the variety, can be variegated.

Anectochilus versicolor is an evergreen plant. It is grown as an indoor plant because of its dark green leaves. The beautiful, velvety leaves are lined with red, making them very attractive even when not in bloom.

Aplenium nesting leaves are collected in a rosette and resemble a bird's nest. It has large, broad, spear-shaped, light green, shiny leaves. With good care, its leaves reach 60-100 cm.

The indoor aphelandra flower is known for its large leaves and beautiful lush flowers in the fall, when most other plants have finished blooming. Aphelandra flowers - large, spike-shaped inflorescences, yellow or golden, with bright red bracts, last for almost two months.

Begonia everflowering is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of 21 to 35 cm. There are dwarf varieties of ever-flowering begonia with a height of 8 - 20 cm. Begonia blooms with bright white, pink or carmine red flowers.

This is an evergreen, strongly branched shrub 0.5 - 1.5 m high. The leaves of the beloperone drip are simple, ovate, 3 to 8 cm long. The flowers of the plant are small white, surrounded by large spectacular bracts, collected in a herringbone pattern, pink or dark purple.

Brunfelsia latifolia rarely reaches 1 meter in height. A shrub with highly branched branches that grow from the base. Young shoots are light brown in color, the distance between internodes is 1 cm.

It is a thorny climbing evergreen shrub that can grow from 1 m to 5 m in natural conditions. Bougainvillea glabra is a beautiful plant that is grown for the colorful bracts that adorn the plant. Bougainvillea uses a support, but it can grow as a small tree.

It has decorative glossy, dense leaves of a dark green color when young, which lighten in the sun. Young shoots and leaves are dark brown in color; as they grow, they lighten and become green. Old shoots gradually become rusty, and the leaves become dull.

In floriculture, there is a technique in which a plant is forced to grow and bloom at unusual times.

Gardenia indoors comes from the madder family. Its homeland is South Africa, China and India. Gardenia grows as evergreen shrubs or small trees. About 250 species of gardenia are found in nature. As a houseplant, the most common is the jasmine gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides).

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. Homeland of Southeast Asia. Types of Chinese hibiscus, often called Chinese rose (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis), are common in culture. Sometimes in the literature, this variety is called Chinese rose.

Ginura is known for its purple stems and velvety leaves. This is an evergreen herbaceous plant. Ginura has oval leaves with large teeth along the edges. The leaves are 5 – 7 cm long. The leaves and stems are covered with short, bright purple hairs, which become more vibrant if the plant is grown in full sun.

Gloxinia Gloxinia

These modern hybrids have brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers and very beautiful, large, flat, velvety dark green leaves. Flowers vary in color. Bell-shaped flowers 6 cm or more long.

An epiphytic herbaceous plant with large linear leaves that can reach a length of 60 cm. It has a characteristic rosette of leaves that form a central vase for water. A tall peduncle grows from the middle of the leaves, on which a white inflorescence appears in a bright red perianth.

Duranta belongs to the Verbenov family. Its homeland is the tropical forests of South America, India and Mexico. This is a shrub with elongated leaves and flowers of various colors - purple, blue, pink, white. In nature, there are about 36 species of duranta shrubs or small trees.

Herbaceous perennial plant with purple, gray-green, crimson leaves. The leaves are triangular, tripartite, medium in size. At night or in gloomy weather, the leaves curl up. Regnell's oxalis begins to bloom in the spring and continues to bloom throughout the summer.

Codiaeum variegata is an evergreen shrub that grows as a houseplant up to 1.8 m tall, has large thick, leathery shiny leaves located alternately on the branch. The leaves are 5 - 7 cm in length, in natural conditions they reach 30 cm.

Pavlovsky lemon is a variety of indoor lemons, bred by breeders for indoor growing. Lemon belongs to the rue family. Pavlovsky lemon is an evergreen compact tree. It blooms 2 times during the year.

Flycatcher is a plant that feeds on insects. Flycatcher, a plant that is a twisted tube growing directly from the root, at the end of which a yellow pitcher-shaped leaf opens. The height of the plant reaches more than 1 m, although more often it is a plant 50 cm high.

Indoor narcissus is a bulbous herbaceous plant. During the growth period, long leaves appear in the form of ribbons from the bulb. The flowers are solitary or collected in loose inflorescences located at the top of the stem. The perianth is white or yellow and consists of 6 petals.

Nidularium comes from the bromeliad family. His homeland is

tropical forests of Brazil. There are about 25 species in nature. In culture there are 2 types: Nidularium Innocentii and Nidularium bilbergiiformes.

Common oleander is a beautiful ornamental shrub. Description of common oleander

This is a plant with evergreen leaves, reminiscent of willow in shape. Oleander's attractive, fragrant flowers are similar to wild English roses. They can be simple and terry.

Lady's slipper orchid is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. Plant height is up to 50 cm. The leaves are large, oval, with up to 5 pieces on the stem. This unusual plant has flowers measuring more than 5 cm in the shape of an elegant shoe with long pointed bracts in yellow, red or burgundy.

The Dendrobium Nobile orchid has strong pseudobulb stems that grow to a height of 60–90 cm. Strap-shaped, long leaves on the pseudobulb remain for 2 years and dry out when flower buds appear. Flowers appear in spring or winter.

Miltonia orchid belongs to the genus of orchids. Such orchids grow in Ecuador, western Colombia, and Central America in the highlands. Miltonia is an epiphytic plant that lives in tropical forests with a humid climate. An oblong leaf up to 30 cm long grows from a pseudobulb.

The Kariota palm comes from the Arecaceae family, which is native to the tropics of Asia, Australia and Oceania.

The Caryota palm, or fishtail palm, is characterized by its leaf structure - with ragged edges and drooping fishtail leaves, giving it the appearance of a fish with a tail. At home, this tree usually does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Pandanus or Pandanus comes from the genus Pandanaceae. Pandanus requires a lot of space and looks impressive in a spacious room as a single plant. For those who like easy-to-maintain and fast-growing plants, pandanus is best.

This spectacular plant grows like a shrub, forming, almost without a petiole, a rosette of thick, ovoid, large leaves, for which it received its name translated from Greek. This slow-growing plant received its second name, moonstone, due to its leaves.

ROYAL PELARGONIA (Pelargonium x domesticum)

(Pelargonium x domesticum) translated means domestic pelargoniums or pelargoniums for growing at home, on the windowsill. Royal pelargonium differs from other related pelargoniums in its large flowers, collected in inflorescences, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter.

Pilea cadierei is a fast-growing perennial plant. It is often grown as a ground cover plant. Pilea Cadieu is valued for its decorative, showy leaves.

Miniature rose - a compact bush 25 - 40 cm high with reddish shoots and leaves when young and dark green adult leaves. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter are single, double or simple, varying in color from white to light red.

Chamomile Indoor

This is a very fragrant plant with oblong leaves with a triple pinnate dissection. The flowers are white with yellow centers and bloom in July and August. The stems are erect, the height of the bush reaches 30 cm. Chamomile can be grown indoors all year round.

This is a herbaceous hanging plant with bright green large leaves up to 7–10 cm in length and light silver veins. There are hybrid plants with variegated leaves. The plant can reach sizes up to 3 – 4 m. In mid-spring the plant blooms.

It is a delicate species of creeping evergreen grass with succulent, bright green or yellow leaves and many tiny white flowers. Various varieties of soleirolia have golden, yellow, white and dark green leaves. The leaves are small circles with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

Streptocarpus flower (Streptocarpus x hibridus) is a perennial plant. Large dark green leaves with veins form a basal rosette. The leaves are oblong, 15 - 20 cm long, covered with hairs.