Famous universities around the world. What is the best university in the world? The most famous universities in Russia

Evgeny Marushevsky

freelancer, constantly traveling around the world

Harvard, Oxford, Yale... all these names are constantly on our lips, it is difficult to find a person who does not know about such universities. We decided to highlight the most famous universities in the world from different countries and make your own top 10 most prestigious educational institutions.

Leading countries

In each developed country There are several best universities, but not all of them are on the list of world leaders in terms of quality of education, prestige, scientific achievements and other important indicators.

Most of the top educational institutions are located in the USA. There is a decent establishment in every state, some of them are neighbors. UK universities are second in the world in terms of quality of education. It is also worth noting the presence of prestigious universities in Germany and France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, China and Japan, Canada and Australia.

Top 10 popular universities in the world

Of all the names, it is worth noting ten that are known to almost every person. We constantly hear about them in the news and films, and see them in magazines and on the Internet.


Harvard University is located in Massachusetts, namely in Cambridge. This is one of the most famous universities. It is one of the top three educational institutions not only in the United States, but also in the world. The university was formed in the 19th century on the basis of a college and was named after the missionary John Harvard, who was considered its main sponsor.

This is one of the oldest universities in America. Over the years, it has produced dozens of Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners, as well as 8 US presidents.

The property of Harvard University includes not only schools of various fields and campuses for students, but also libraries, museums, a botanical garden and even a forest.


The difference between Princeton University is the combination of highly specialized sciences, art and general knowledge. Each student is required to master a program that goes beyond the scope of his specialty, which allows him to expand his knowledge and gives him the opportunity to work in the future not only in the direction chosen in advance.

At Princeton University, Albert Einstein taught in room 302 at the Frist Center.

Here the priority is the development of one’s own abilities and knowledge, scientific research, and conscientiousness. Upon admission, students undertake to comply with the “Code of Honor”, ​​which they subsequently confirm when writing each test paper, signing a kind of oath. Only worthy people are able to go all the way from admission to receiving a diploma, since there are high demands on knowledge and compliance with the rules.


Yale University closes the top three universities in the United States, along with Harvard and Princeton. It is located in New Haven, Connecticut. It was named in honor of Eli Yale, a merchant who sponsored the school, from which the university was later formed.

Yale has students from more than one hundred countries. The university owns the third largest library. When compared with other university book depositories, it ranks second in the world. Since the university emerged during the era of British colonization of America, it houses the largest collection of British art outside Great Britain.


Stanford University was founded by government officials in the state of California and the Stanford couple. The educational institution is located in Silicon Valley and is named after their deceased son. The university includes graduate School business and research center.

Stanford University graduates are the founders of such corporations as:

  • Hewlett-Packard;
  • Nike;
  • Yahoo!;
  • Google.

In order for students to master knowledge as much as possible, various research and scientific programs are used in the work, and there are only 6 students for each teacher.


Oxford University is considered one of the oldest in the UK. The training system allows us to produce truly specialists in our field. Each student receives a mentor who guides him throughout the entire period of study.

Particular attention is paid here not only to the educational process, but also to leisure time. In addition to libraries and museums, the university has hundreds of interest groups.

To study at Oxford University, you must ideally speak English.


The second oldest university in Britain is Cambridge University. Approximately a third of students are foreigners, although it is not so easy to enter here. In some cases, expensive tuition is compensated by issuing scholarships and grants to especially talented applicants. In total, the university offers 28 areas of study.

Together with Oxford, it is the university most popular among the elite, including members of the royal family. Also a graduate of the University of Cambridge is Stephen Hawking.

University of Bristol

The University of Bristol is one of the largest in England. Not far from Bristol is Stonehenge.

Winston Churchill was Chancellor of the University of Bristol. The quality of teaching at this university is worthy of the highest ratings.

Bristol graduates are included in the list of Nobel laureates, members of the Royal Scientific Society and the British Academy of Sciences.


Sorbonne University is the oldest university in France and one of the architectural landmarks of Paris. Here you can get higher education free of charge.

The teachers of the University of Paris were:

  • the Curies;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • Antoine Lavoisier.

Today, the Sorbonne University of Paris is divided into 4 parts, closely interacting with each other and united by social institutions. Each individual university adheres to a basic specialization.

University of Bonn

The most famous university in Germany can easily be called the University of Bonn. He is associated with many famous personalities. Emperors Frederick III and Wilhelm II are alumni of the University of Bonn. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche also studied here. Among the teaching staff, it is worth highlighting the Fields Medal winner Otto Wallach and Pope Benedict XVI.

The university teaches humanities and economics, exact sciences, agronomy, theology, medicine, etc.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The university was founded in 1755. The decree on its opening was signed by Elizabeth I, and therefore it was originally called the Imperial Moscow University. The proposal to open it was made by academicians Shuvalov and Lomonosov, in honor of the latter the university was renamed in 1940.

MSU owns more than 600 buildings, including museums, libraries and archives. Training is provided at 41 faculties. In terms of popularity and quality of education, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov takes first place in Russia.

Each of the ten universities presented is known to most people due to the high quality of education, famous graduates and teachers. In addition, the architecture of the buildings deserves special attention.

The British magazine Times Higher Education published the TOP 100 higher education institutions based on an assessment of their reputation

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Harvard University The oldest university in the United States, founded on September 8, 1636 as a college. Since 1639 it has been named after J. Harvard, who bequeathed capital to the college. Transformed into a university in the first quarter of the 19th century. It is a member of the association of private elite American universities - the Ivy League. The university's affiliates are the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology and the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Located in Cambridge (a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, the city is named after the University of Cambridge in the UK). Among the university's graduates are 69 Nobel Prize laureates

Princeton University A private university located in Princeton, New Jersey (USA). Founded in 1746 as the College of New Jersey. In 1896 it received university status. In 1902, Woodrow Wilson (US President 1913-1921) became its rector. It is a member of the association of private elite American universities - the Ivy League. Consists of Princeton College, graduate schools, and research centers. The university includes the premier regional McCarter Theater, an art museum, and a natural history museum. Among the university's graduates are 15 Nobel Prize laureates

Yale University One of the most famous private universities in the USA, the third oldest among American universities. Founded in 1701 under the name Collegiate School, in 1718 it was renamed Yale College in honor of Elihu Yale, who donated a large sum of money to the school. In 1887 it was transformed into a university. The university consists of 12 schools and is managed by the Yale Corporation. Five US presidents graduated from the university - William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, George W. Bush. Located in New Haven, Connecticut. Member of the Ivy League. Among the university's graduates are 20 Nobel Prize laureates

California Institute of Technology (often shortened to Caltech, "Caltech" or "Caltech"). Private university. Founded in 1891 by businessman and politician Amos Throop under the name Throop University. Renamed several times. It received its current name in 1920. It is located in Pasadena (California). One of the leading universities in the United States and, along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the most important educational institutions specializing in the exact sciences. The institute is home to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which launches most of NASA's unmanned spacecraft. Among the university's graduates are 19 Nobel Prize laureates

Columbia University Formed on the basis of King's College (Royal College), founded in 1754 in New York. Since 1758 he began to appropriate academic degrees. In 1784 it was incorporated into the State University of New York and renamed Columbia College, and since 1787 it has been a private university. In 1912, the college was given university status. Governed by a board of trustees. The university has over 30 libraries, including the main one - South Hall, technical, legal, medical, etc., as well as the Bakhmetyevsky Archive, one of the largest repositories of materials of Russian emigration. Located in New York, Manhattan. Member of the elite Ivy League. A famous graduate of the university is US President Barack Obama. Among the university's graduates are 39 Nobel Prize laureates

/TASS/. Of the hundred most prestigious universities in the Times Higher Education magazine ranking, based on a survey of 10.5 thousand professors from 142 countries, 43 operate in the United States. Two Russian universities were included in the ranking - Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU).

Ranking editor Phil Batey said that this ranking is subjective, unlike the “Best Universities in the World” ranking, which THE traditionally publishes in October. This is explained by the fact that it is based only on academic opinion, and not on objective indicators of the university’s performance. At the same time, Batey emphasized that reputation is extremely important for universities, since, according to a study conducted by the magazine, this is the main factor for professors when they decide to look for another university to teach.

TOP 100 most prestigious universities

1. Harvard University, USA

2. University of Cambridge, UK

3. University of Oxford, UK

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

5. Stanford University, USA

6. University of California, Berkeley, USA

7. Princeton University (USA)

8. Yale University, USA

9. California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA

10. Columbia University, USA

11. University of Chicago, USA

12. The University of Tokyo, Japan

13. University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, USA

14. Imperial College London, UK

15. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich), Switzerland

16. University of Toronto, Canada

17. University College London (UCL), UK

18. Johns Hopkins University, USA

19. University of Michigan, USA

20. Cornell University, USA

21. New York University (NYU), USA

22. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

23. University of Pennsylvania, USA

24. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

25. Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

26. Tsinghua University, China

27. Kyoto University, Japan

28. Carnegie Mellon University, USA

29. University of Edinburgh, UK

30. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

31. King's College London, UK

32. Peking University, China

33. University of Washington, USA

34. Duke University, USA

35-36. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

McGill University, Canada

37. University of British Columbia, Canada

38-40. Heidelberg University, Germany

University of California, San Francisco, USA

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

41-43. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

University of California, San Diego, USA

University of Melbourne, Australia

44. University of California, Davis, USA

45. Karolinska Institute, Sweden

46. ​​University of Texas at Austin, USA

47. Northwestern University, USA

48. Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland

49. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, USA

50. University of Manchester, UK

51-60. Australian National University(Australian National University), Australia

Delftsky Technical University(Delft University of Technology), Netherlands

Free University of Berlin, Germany

Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Panthéon-Sorbonne University – Paris 1), France

University Paris 4 Sorbonne (Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris 4), France

Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

University of São Paulo, Brazil

University of Sydney, Australia

61-70. Higher normal school (École Normale Supérieure), France

Leiden University, Netherlands

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Pennsylvania State University, USA

Technical University of Munich, Germany

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

University of North Carolina, USA

University of Southern California, USA

Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands

71-80. Boston University, USA

Brown University, USA

Michigan State University, USA

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Purdue University, USA

Rutgers University (The State University of New Jersey), USA

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

University of Minnesota, USA

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Utrecht University, Netherlands

81-90. Durham University, UK

Ohio State University, USA

Texas A&M University, USA

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Helsinki, Finland\

University of Queensland, Australia

University of Warwick, UK

Uppsala University, Sweden

Washington University in St. Louis, USA

91-100. Polytechnical School (École Polytechnique), France

London Business School, UK

Mayo Medical School, USA

Monash University Australia

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Pasteur Institute, France

Rhine-Westphalian Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany

University of Bristol, UK

University of Maryland, College Park, USA

University of Massachusetts, USA

Every person who wants to succeed in life strives to receive a quality education. However, universities in our country, unfortunately, do not provide certificates at a level that allows you to quickly get one of the leading positions in profitable companies. Despite this, more and more of our compatriots are receiving education in, but some are trying their hand abroad. Of course, many cannot afford to pay for education, but many grants come to the rescue; if you win, you can study abroad for free. We have collected for you best options higher educational institutions in the ranking the best universities in the world 2016 year, so that you can choose exactly what you like.

10. University of Chicago (USA)

This educational institution has rich history: It was here that they managed to obtain the first nuclear reaction, prove that oncology can be caused by genetic inheritance, and confirm the benefits of reading for brain development. The university has more than 120 different research centers, whose services are used by large companies, so the prospect of staying to work here is very attractive, because you can repeat the feat of one of the 89 graduates who became Nobel Prize laureates. It was here that the modern foreign policy doctrine of the United States of America was developed.


The main marketing trump card possessed by the university, which ranks ninth in the ranking of the best universities in the world in 2016, is the presence in the list of graduates of Albert Einstein, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921. Among the features are also unique developments, including the Large Hadron Collider, the activities of which are supervised by STI. This indicates the extremely high qualifications of specialists, thanks to which they have the opportunity to participate in advanced research of our time.


This university gave the world many revolutionaries in science, because it was its graduates who distinguished beneficial features vitamin C. One of the outstanding students of the college was Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin, which allowed humanity to effectively fight infectious diseases. The clip also contains 15 Nobel laureates, including the man who gave the world the hologram. If you have a predisposition to study technical or natural sciences, then Imperial College will be the best option.


You'll be amazed at the number of activities Princeton University has, which ranks seventh in the top ten universities in the world for 2016. Regardless of the chosen industry, he has something to be proud of. It was here that the speed of light was exceeded, game theory was developed, which is the basis of a separate discipline within the framework of economic science, and advanced developments were made in the field of energy saving, allowing humanity to avoid raw materials and energy crises in the future. The most famous graduate is John Nash, the first person who was able to recognize the presence of schizophrenia and successfully cope with it. This inspired American directors to create a biographical film about the outstanding mathematician.


There are probably no people in the civilized world who have not heard at least once in their lives about Harvard, which gave the world 8 US presidents, including John Kennedy and Barack Obama, many cinema stars, the founder of the era personal computers Bill Gates, who is also the creator of the world's first social network(Facebook), which has about two billion users today. Among the former USSR natives there are also several prominent figures who graduated from Harvard: Yuri Shevchuk, Orest Subtelny, Grigory Grabovich. Anyone who wants a bright future for their child strives to provide him with an education at this university.


The second most important technical university of our time is among the top five best institutions in the world in 2016. It is here that ideas that are constantly being introduced into everyday life, such as cybernetics and artificial intelligence, were born and continue to develop. There are a lot of laboratories at MIT, including one that develops the latest military equipment for the United States Army. The total teaching staff numbers about one and a half thousand professors, and of the eleven thousand students, 15% are foreign citizens.

4. University of Cambridge (UK)

The ranking, which includes the best universities in the world 2016, cannot do without Cambridge. This educational institution is the world leader among graduates with the Nobel Prize, there are 92 of them, most of who made revolutionary discoveries in the field of exact sciences and natural history. Thanks to its long history, Cambridge can also boast outstanding physicists - Newton and Bacon. It is worth noting that leading experts in the field of nuclear physics work here; among the professors were also Ernest Rutherford, who proved the existence of a nucleus in an atom with a positive charge and electrons around it with a negative charge, and the creator of the world’s first atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.


The university that opens the top three is the cradle of the modern computer industry, because on its basis a lot of brands were born, which are now one of the largest companies in the world. It was here that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, studied, and it was solely thanks to the ability of teachers to adequately respond to the innovative developments of their own students that he was able to achieve such success. Stanford cordially provided scientific laboratories for MasterCard, Facebook, Xerox, which allowed the giants of the IT industry to revolutionize Everyday life, greatly simplifying it.


Despite its small size compared to other contenders, it had a decisive influence on the United States space program, making the launch of the Hubble telescope and the Apollo lunar program possible. Every tenth graduate is awarded a medal for innovation from the government; the majority secure a place in the Federal Academy of Sciences by the age of thirty. 17 students were awarded the Nobel Prize, all in physics or mathematics. No other educational institution can boast of such an influence on human space exploration as KTI.

1. Oxford University (UK)

Oxford is the gold medalist of the Top 10 rating and this most best university world 2016 of the year. This university serves as an example of a classical university, where humanitarian, technological and medical disciplines are equally developed. It was here that the first theories about the origin of the Universe appeared, the trajectories of galaxies were calculated and research expeditions to Mars were coordinated. Interesting fact is also the presence of its own observatory, whose employees predicted the collision Milky Way and Andromeda, and also discovered a planet that consists entirely of glass.

Those who love the academic lifestyle certainly have one thing in common: they would all love the opportunity to study at one of the famous universities. However, only the elite have access to them, for whom renowned publications constantly rank educational institutions to identify the best of the best. You may also be interested in our list of the 10 most prestigious universities in the world.

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Columbia University

The famous Columbia University, which is located in New York, is one of eight American universities that are members of the Ivy League. This is a very old and prestigious educational institution, founded in 1754 by the English King George II with the name King's College. The university is one of 14 founding members of the Association of American Universities and is the first university in the United States to offer an MD degree. Columbia University's students have included 20 modern billionaires, 29 foreign heads of state, and 100 Nobel Prize winners.

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The California Institute of Technology is a private educational institution located in Pasadena, California, USA. With great emphasis on scientific activity, the university attracts famous scientists to teach, such as George Ellery Hale, Arthur Amos Noyes and Robert Andrews Millikan. Caltech University, one of the few in the United States, primarily focuses on teaching engineering and science. Although this is a small educational institution, its 33 graduates and teachers have deservedly received 34 Nobel Prizes, 5 Fields Awards and 6 Turing Awards.

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Yale University is a member of the American Ivy League. Located in Connecticut, USA. The famous Yale was founded in 1701, it is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Its original purpose was to teach theology and ancient languages, but from 1777 the school began to include the humanities and natural sciences in the curriculum. Five US Presidents and other famous politicians such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. studied at Yale University. 52 of its graduates are Nobel laureates.

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Princeton University

Princeton University is also part of the Ivy League. Located in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Princeton was founded in 1746, moved to Newark in 1747, and then moved to its current location in 1896, where it took on its modern name, Princeton University. It is the alma mater of two US presidents, as well as numerous billionaires and foreign heads of state. Princeton is rightly considered one of the best universities in the world.

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University of California at Berkeley

It is one of the few public educational institutions in the United States with such a prestigious reputation. It was named one of the top six college brands for 2015. The World Academic Ranking of World Universities places the University of California at Berkeley 4th in the world among all universities and first among public universities. Berkeley faculty, alumni, and researchers have received 72 Nobel Prizes, 13 Fields Medals, 22 Turing Awards, 45 MacArthur Fellowships, 20 Oscars, 14 Pulitzer Prizes, and 105 Olympic gold medals.

Education has always been the most important issue for all those parents who understood that the future of children is almost 90% dependent on education. In fact, choosing a profession is the foundation in a person’s life. Therefore, understanding the seriousness of the issue, we will take a short excursion to get acquainted with the institutions of Moscow.

A few words before the important one

They were and still are today. However, often, when choosing a particular educational institution, many make one serious mistake: they rely entirely on rumors. It’s no secret that today you can find reviews about everything, but this does not mean that they are 100% true. So, before you start looking for the best reviews, you need to do your utmost research. Better yet, find a list whose reliability will not be in doubt.

And another important point. You should always remember that the rating is also very changeable. who occupy first places in the TOP today may give up their place tomorrow. So you don’t need to rely entirely on the rating.

What can you rely on when choosing good Moscow institutions from thousands of options? Based on your own mind, experience and, of course, the desire of the child. After all, first of all, he should feel comfortable in this establishment.

The best universities in the capital

To make it easier to choose, the top most popular universities today will be presented here. And short description to each of them.

Moscow State University (MSU)

This is the oldest university in the country, founded in 1755. The famous Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov did a lot for the work of this educational institution.

For more than two centuries, this organization of highly qualified specialists has existed, whose contribution is irreplaceable in society. There are 15 institutes operating on the basis of the university, where training is conducted in completely different training profiles, ranging from geodesy to journalism.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

He is a unique authoritative scientific and training center. He began his activities more than half a century ago. Today, the university has two dozen educational programs; the most interesting thing is that in addition to a huge number of faculties, 50 world languages ​​are taught here.

Higher School of Economics (State Higher School of Economics)

Compared to previous ones, this institute is young, operating since 1992. The emphasis is on the most popular areas of economic and social sciences. And despite the fact that the school is young, it was still the first to switch to the Bologna system - “4+2”: that is, 4 years of bachelor’s degree, two years of master’s degree. The university operates according to a modular scheme, which allows students to correctly distribute the workload and force them to make efforts. It is worth saying that not only future economists graduate from here, but also specialists in media structures, advertising, PR, journalists and many others.

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (FA)

One of the oldest institutes in Moscow, which trains specialists in finance and economics. More than 11,000 students are trained here every year. And this speaks volumes about the quality of education. The Academy closely cooperates with foreign universities, so students often participate in exchange programs and undergo internships abroad. About 20 directions are represented.

Russian Economic Academy named after. G. V. Plekhanova (REA)

The history of the institute begins in 1907. More than 150 professors, doctors and candidates of science, and more than 500 associate professors work here. There are more than thirty specialties to choose from. Throughout its history, the university has paid great attention to its own publishing house. And today it is published not only educational literature, but also scientific works, reports, monographs, theses.

them. N. E. Bauman (MSTU)

Opened back in the Soviet era, this institute has managed to stand the test of time and gain a foothold among the best universities in Moscow. Training is provided in 30 areas of technical specialties (optical engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear energy, metrology and standardization, etc.).

State University of Management (SUM)

It is a leading management university with the status legal entity. This is the largest economic institute in the capital, which provides training in 22 areas. By the way, here, if desired, managers from various industries can improve their qualifications.

Moscow Aviation Institute (State MAI)

The institute is the leading one in the country; it trains specialists for all branches of aviation and rocket and space science. The educational institution has ten faculties and two universities. It is famous for its qualified personnel and long-standing traditions, which is the key to a good future and excellent education in this field.

Of course, the good things don't end there. The list is far from complete. Above is the TOP of Moscow universities (the best universities presented in the list), famous not only in the capital, but also in the regions.