How to register real estate in the cadastral register. Stages and list of necessary documents for cadastral registration of land plots Documents for the Civil Code have been prepared

In order to freely dispose of real estate, owners of apartments, private houses, land plots and other real estate items, you must register your property with specialized government agencies.

Timely registration with the state cadastral register is necessary to ensure that problems do not subsequently arise when carrying out various real estate transactions (renting, selling, donating, exchanging, inheriting, etc.).

Who can initiate cadastral registration

In addition to the owners of any structure, this procedure can be carried out by various interested parties. Such entities include:

  • heirs;
  • tenants who have rented premises for longer than five years;
  • tenants for unlimited use;
  • a third party by power of attorney certified by a notary.

When is cadastral registration of real estate carried out?

Registration of a house, apartment and other real estate is registration and entry into a unified database of information about architectural features and technical characteristics:

  1. Location of borders.
  2. Total area.
  3. Number of floors of the building.
  4. Special purpose.
  5. Operational changes.
  6. Encumbrances.

If a property is going to be reorganized, restored or liquidated, its preliminary cadastral registration is also necessary.

What objects are subject to mandatory cadastral registration?

During state registration, detailed descriptions of objects are entered into a single document. This includes the coordinates of the location (address), cadastral value, on the basis of which the amount of state taxes is calculated.

Not all owners know how to register their property with the cadastral register. The following objects are subject to registration:

  • land plot;
  • building, structure, house, cottage;
  • any auxiliary building;
  • Construction in progress;
  • multi-apartment residential building;
  • parking space (parking area);
  • linear objects.

Linear objects include communication lines, electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas, heating lines, highways, railways etc.

What is the purpose of registering real estate for cadastral registration?

To implement this event, a certain procedure has been developed, deadlines have been established, and documentation forms have been introduced. To submit an application, there are special forms that are issued to citizens in accordance with the purpose of their application.

Goals of cadastral registration:

  1. Initial registration.
  2. Making changes to existing information about the property.
  3. Cadastral registration of a part of a real estate property.
  4. Deregistration of a house, apartment, land plot, etc.

The corresponding forms for filling out have special sections for entering information from the attached documents for a specific property. Corrections and inaccuracies in them are not allowed, otherwise the owner will be denied registration.

What is needed for cadastral registration

Depending on the type of real estate, as well as its intended purpose, a list of documents for registration is compiled. The general procedure requires providing the following necessary documents for registration:

  • ID card (passport) of the owner of the property or his lawyer (authorized representative);
  • a completed application form;
  • title papers;
  • technical or boundary plan.

The representative of the owner of real estate, in addition to his personal passport and its copy, must provide a notarized power of attorney with a specified validity period and a list of powers.

The documents required to confirm ownership are the following:

  • about inheritance;
  • will;
  • purchase and sale;
  • rent;
  • donation;
  • exchange;
  • equity participation;
  • privatization, etc.

If it is necessary to make changes to existing information, a certificate of completed state registration is attached to the package of documents. To remove a registered immovable property, you need to attach an act drawn up during its inspection.

Land survey or technical plans, survey reports, and examinations are drawn up by professional specialists with the appropriate licenses and authorities.

The procedure for registering a property for cadastral registration

After submitting an application for registration, a mandatory period for setting up the object is established, which does not exceed 14 working days. This time cannot be changed even if it is necessary to deliver missing documents from other sources. It is recommended to prepare everything necessary papers in advance, because it is unknown how long it may take to obtain the necessary certificates.

In accordance with the established procedure for processing documents, for any transactions it is necessary to make all changes in the central cadastral database. For example, if the owner of a property has changed, you must obtain a new cadastral passport.

When redeveloping premises, dividing or merging land plots and other territories, all information is recorded and entered into the database of the state cadastral chamber.

The procedure for cadastral registration. Regardless of the reason for contacting the cadastral registration authorities, when registering an object, all activities are carried out in accordance with the established algorithm:

  1. Preparation of the required documentation.
  2. Visiting the local state registry office where the real estate is located.
  3. Enter accurate information in the fields of the application form.
  4. Submit the application and package of collected documents to the employees of this institution.
  5. Save the received receipt.
  6. Appear on the appointed day to receive a ready positive result or other answer.

Time restrictions when processing documents

The deadlines for registering real estate in the cadastral register are established in strict accordance with the requirements of current legislation. It often happens that during the processing of an application, a shortage of some important papers is discovered, or they are incorrectly formatted, contain inaccuracies and errors, do not contain information about current changes, etc.

In this case, the citizen must eliminate the identified shortcomings within the established time frame. Because registration of a property with the state cadastral register must be carried out within 30 working days.

Employees of the cadastral chamber are obliged to provide the citizen with the finished result within the established time frame. This time is always observed, no matter what decision is made.

If the owner indicated in the application that he wishes to receive ready-made documents through the post office, then the cadastral service employees send a response by mail. In this case, the dispatch period is extended by one working day.

In this case, the possible delay in receiving documents depends on the time spent on postal shipments.

Reasons for refusal of registration

Sometimes situations arise in which registering an object for cadastral registration is impossible, and the citizen receives a negative result. Cadastral registration of a premises or territory is not carried out under the following circumstances:

  • if, according to the law, this object is not a residential premises, real estate (hotel rooms, apartments);
  • errors were made in the submitted documents;
  • expiration of the deadlines allotted for correcting defects;
  • the survey was carried out contrary to the requirements of the current legislation;
  • there is no access to the declared object;
  • the boundaries of the site are located on municipal territory;
  • When the territory was divided, the purpose of individual parts of the site changed.

If cadastral registration of buildings, apartments, land plots, etc. is impossible, the owners are issued written document in the prescribed form. In this case, signatures of responsible persons and seals of the cadastral institution are required.

Determination of the cadastral value of real estate

The cadastral price of an object is the main indicator for calculating state taxes. It is established when real estate is registered. The assessment is made taking into account various factors:

  1. Date of putting the house, apartment, etc. into operation.
  2. Dimensions of the site, area of ​​the object.
  3. Location.
  4. Special purpose.

The cadastral value is not a constant value. It changes depending on market indicators. When making transactions, it is recommended to check the current cadastre value. A corresponding request is submitted to the cadastral service, indicating the individual number received during the registration process of the object.

The applicant does not agree with the refusal to register land ownership

The applicant does not agree with the refusal to register the right (share in the right) of ownership of real estate (except land)

1. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building, structure, or unfinished construction project, if the applicant’s right to the land plot on which such a building, structure, or unfinished construction project is located is not registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, are carried out simultaneously with state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of the applicant’s right to such land plot, except for the case provided for in part 10 of this article.

2. State registration of rights to the created building, structure is also carried out if at the time of state registration of rights to the created building, structure, the lease agreement or gratuitous use of the land plot provided for the purpose of construction of the specified real estate objects has expired, and at the time of commissioning for the operation of the specified real estate objects, the validity period of the relevant agreement has not expired.

3. With the simultaneous implementation of state cadastral registration and state registration of ownership of the created building, structure, state cadastral registration of all premises in such a building, structure, including those related to property, can be carried out common use, in the event that the applicant submits a technical plan of a building or structure containing information necessary for the state cadastral registration of the specified premises. State cadastral registration of all premises in a building, structure, including those related to public property, is also carried out upon submission of an application by the owner of the building or structure, the ownership of which is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and the technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for state cadastral registration of these premises.

3.1. With the simultaneous implementation of state cadastral registration and state registration of ownership of the created building, structure, state cadastral registration of all parking spaces in such a building, structure can be carried out if the applicant submits a technical plan of the building, structure containing information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these vehicles -place State cadastral registration of all parking spaces in a building or structure is also carried out upon submission of an application by the owner of the building or structure, the ownership of which is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, and a technical plan of the building, structure containing the information necessary for the state cadastral registration of these vehicles. places

4. When carrying out state cadastral registration apartment building At the same time, state cadastral registration of all residential and non-residential premises located in it is carried out, including those constituting the common property in such an apartment building, as well as parking spaces located in such an apartment building.

5. When state registration of ownership of an apartment or non-residential premises in an apartment building is carried out, state registration of the share in the right of common ownership of the premises and land plot constituting the common property therein is simultaneously carried out. State registration of ownership rights to apartment house is not implemented.

6. State cadastral registration of premises, parking spaces in connection with changes in their characteristics or newly created or formed premises, parking spaces located in a building, structure, as a result of reconstruction of which the parameters of the building, structure have been changed (number of floors, area, height, superstructure, reconstruction, expansion was carried out), is carried out simultaneously with the state cadastral registration of changes in the characteristics of such reconstructed buildings, structures in the event that in relation to the specified premises, parking spaces, state cadastral registration was previously carried out.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. When removing from the state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of termination of rights to a building, structure in connection with the termination of their existence, removal from the state cadastral registration and state registration of termination of rights to all premises and parking spaces in such a building, structure are simultaneously carried out . Removal from the state cadastral register of an unfinished construction object due to the termination of its existence is carried out simultaneously with the state registration of termination of rights to it.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. Removal from the state cadastral registration of an unfinished construction object and state registration of termination of rights to this object, if the state cadastral registration and state registration of rights in respect of it were carried out earlier, are carried out simultaneously with the state cadastral registration of buildings and structures created as a result of the completion of construction of this object or all premises or parking spaces in them and state registration of rights to them.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. For state registration of the transfer of the right to residential premises, the technical and economic indicators and parameters of which comply with the conditions for classifying this residential premises as standard housing, established by the federal body executive power who carry out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning (hereinafter referred to as standard housing), on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement for such residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the purchase and sale agreement of standard housing), an extract from the list is also required citizens who have the right to purchase standard housing built on land plots of a unified development institute in the housing sector or on land plots for which state ownership is not delimited and which the unified development institute in the housing sector disposes of on behalf of the federal executive body exercising management functions federal property transferred for free use or lease for the construction of standard housing, including for their comprehensive development for the purpose of constructing such housing, or lease for the construction of standard housing in the minimum required volume, including for their comprehensive development for the purpose of construction in the minimum the required volume of standard housing and other housing construction, in the manner and under the conditions provided for by Federal Law of July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ “On promoting the development of housing construction”. This extract must contain information about the citizen who is a party to the purchase and sale agreement for standard housing.

(see text in the previous edition)

10. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building or structure are carried out on the basis of a permit to put the corresponding property into operation and a title document for the land plot on which such a property is located. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to an unfinished construction project are carried out on the basis of a permit for the construction of such an object and a title document for the land plot on which such a property is located. State cadastral registration and state registration of rights to a created building or structure, for the construction of which, in accordance with federal laws, a construction permit is not required, as well as to the corresponding object of unfinished construction, are carried out on the basis of the technical plan of such real estate objects and the title document for the land plot, on in which such real estate is located, or a document confirming it in accordance with the Land Code Russian Federation the possibility of placing such created structures, as well as corresponding objects of unfinished construction, without the provision of a land plot or the establishment of an easement.

11. For state registration of the ownership rights of the unified development institute in the housing sector for residential and (or) non-residential premises in a real estate facility created in accordance with the lease agreement for land plots of the unified development institute in the housing sector for housing construction, for the integrated development of the territory, within which includes housing construction, and (or) for other development of the territory, in accordance with the distribution of the area of ​​​​the corresponding property between the parties to such an agreement, concluded in the manner and on the terms provided for in Article 16.6-3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2008 N 161-FZ "On promoting the development of housing construction", along with other documents provided for by this Federal Law, a document signed by the parties is presented confirming the fulfillment of their obligations under such an agreement, taking into account the agreement provided for in paragraph 5 of part 4 of Article 16.6-3 of the Federal Law of July 24 2008 N 161-FZ “On promoting the development of housing construction” and containing a description of specific residential and (or) non-residential premises in the specified property.

12. For state registration of the lessor's ownership of residential and (or) non-residential premises in a real estate facility created in accordance with a land lease agreement concluded in accordance with Article 10.1 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ "On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments", along with other documents provided for by this Federal Law, a document signed by the parties is presented confirming the fulfillment of their obligations under such an agreement, taking into account the agreement provided for in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 10.1 of the Federal Law of February 25, 1999 N 39-FZ "On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments" and containing a description of specific residential and (or) non-residential premises in the specified property.

Reading time: 9 min

On this moment You can obtain a cadastral passport, but then a mark will be placed on the document, and in the future problems may arise with carrying out legal transactions with the land.

So, in this case you will need:

  • application for obtaining a cadastral passport;
  • application for registration of the plot of land for cadastral registration;
  • passport of the owner of the site;
  • documents that confirm ownership of land;
  • a document that confirms or denies the presence of established;
  • a document confirming that the plot belongs to a specific one;
  • document that establishes ;
  • documents confirming the share (if the plot is registered as common shared ownership);
  • with the owners of neighboring plots.

What is an application for a cadastral passport and how is it completed?

An application for a cadastral passport of a land plot looks like a request. There is a special form approved by current legislation - a person who wishes to receive a cadastral passport only needs to correctly fill out the appropriate fields.

The application has the following structure:

  • Details of the land plot - its cadastral number, address where it is located.
  • An option for providing data from the State Property Committee is a cadastral passport.
  • Data submission form - paper or electronic format.
  • The method of obtaining the document is in person at the cadastral office, by registered mail to the residential address, or by e-mail.
  • Applicant's data - last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the site or his legal representative (in this case, the power of attorney data is indicated).
  • At the end of the document, the applicant must confirm that he gives his permission to process personal data.

The application must be carefully checked before submitting to the cadastral authority.

If errors are made in the completed document, the provision of a cadastral passport will be refused, and the applicant will have to fill out the request again.

How to prepare a document correctly?

The more carefully the documents are prepared, the greater the chances that you will not be denied a cadastral passport for the land. As we wrote above, you must fill out the application very carefully.

If you do not know the cadastral number of your plot or it has not yet been assigned (if the plot is not registered), then you must indicate the exact address where the land is located.

Please note that copies of documents must be notarized (if documents are sent via mail or through a trusted person). The power of attorney, if the cadastral passport is issued through a legal representative, must also have the signature of a notary and be valid at the time of filing the application.

As an identification document, you can provide both a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign passport.

As for documents that confirm ownership of land, such documents can be the following:

  • certificate of inheritance;
  • exchange agreement;
  • (for example, if the owner plans to buy the leased land from the state).

If the site is not included in the state register, then the boundary plan is not a mandatory document for obtaining a cadastral passport.

However, it is worth considering that before March 2018 it is necessary to complete the land surveying procedure and obtain a cadastral passport, otherwise legal transactions with land it will be impossible.

In addition, even now, when selling a plot of land, buyers are very reluctant to consider land that has not been surveyed - they will either not pay attention to it or will offer it at a reduced price. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out this work now in order to be calm in the future and not fall into the land surveying “boom” of late 2017-early 2018, when plot owners will rush to invite specialists to carry out cadastral work. It is expected that in this case the prices for professional services will increase.

The receipt for payment of the state duty is also a very important document. You can pay it either in cash at the cash desk of any bank or through a terminal, or by bank transfer using bank card or electronic wallets.

Reading time: 7 min

This is understood as a set of procedures for setting up and changing information about real estate objects, which are displayed in a single information database (the so-called state real estate cadastre).

Without registering a land plot with the cadastral register, owners today cannot fully manage their real estate, namely, rent it out, sell it, inherit it or give it as a gift.

Landowners have had this obligation to legitimize plots of land since 2008, when legislation on cadastral registration was adopted.

The legislation contains a list of grounds for which land plots are subject to cadastral registration. These are, for example, the boundaries of a site formed for the first time, which were not previously taken into account; artificially created. A site can be artificially created provided that it is separated from the boundaries of another, when divided into two or more (each new one must be registered); when converting a piece of land.

You can register a plot of land that is owned, leased or perpetual use/inherited for life.

The ban on registering a plot of land applies to lands withdrawn from circulation (for example, for the needs of the Ministry of Defense, from the Water Fund).


The procedure for registering a land plot with cadastral registration involves collecting necessary documents owner and submitting them to the Rosreestr branch. This is a very important stage in the procedure for legitimizing rights to a piece of land.

If the set of information provided is incomplete, registration of the land for cadastral registration may be refused.

The list of requested documentation largely depends on the specifics of a particular situation.

Title of the documentWhat is it for?How and where can I get itCost and processing time
Passport for individuals

Title documents (lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, certificate of ownership/extract from the Unified State Register, certificate of inheritance)

To confirm ownership of a land plot.Must be in the hands of the copyright holder; if there are several owners - presented by each-
Land survey planTo determine the location and exact boundaries of the siteIn a specialized company that has a license for this type of work, from a cadastral engineer5-30 thousand rubles
5-10 working days
Geodetic planNecessary for boundary workIn a specialized company with a license for geodetic surveying5-25 thousand rubles
5-10 working days
Constituent documents for legal entitiesRequired for copyright holders - legal entities. To confirm ownership of a land plotThe applicant must have an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities andFor free
Up to 5 working days
Notarised power of attorneyRequired when transferring documents through a representative. To confirm the grounds for acting on behalf of the copyright holderAt the notary's officeFrom 200 rub.
On the day of treatment
Consent of the guardianship authorities to the transactionNecessary when the land is owned by a minor. To confirm that the transaction does not violate the rights of the minor ownerAt the local department of guardianship and trusteeship authoritiesFor free
On the day of treatment
Written consent of the administration of the Moscow Region/committee on land and property issuesRequired when the land is in municipal ownership. To confirm the fact that the operation does not violate the interests of the owner of the site - the municipalityIn the municipal administrationFor free
On the day of treatment
Written consent of the owner of the land plotRequired if documents are transferred by the land tenant. To confirm the fact that the operation does not violate the interests of the owner of the site.From the owner of the land plotFor free
On the day of treatment

All documents are provided in originals; in this case, notarization is not required. The authenticity of the data is confirmed by Rosreestr specialists.

Registration of a plot of land for cadastral registration is carried out on the basis of an application from the landowner or land user.

The application for the Civil Code has a strictly established form, approved in the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of October 2016. A single application is submitted to Rosreestr regarding cadastral registration and registration of property rights.

It must contain the following information:

  • name of the territorial body of Rosreestr;
  • desired action: registration/registration of rights/at the same time.

Type of property:

  • land plot;
  • characteristics of the land plot: purpose, address;
  • what actions need to be taken regarding cadastral registration: register the plot, deregister it, make changes;
  • information about the individual or legal entity-right holder (full name, passport data, SNILS, date and place of birth, details, etc.);
  • method of submitting an application: personally or by his representative (in the latter case, information about the applicant is filled out);
  • if necessary, the owner declares his desire to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which confirms the registration of the site with cadastral registration;
  • method of obtaining documents;
  • the documents attached to the application are listed;
  • method of obtaining a receipt;
  • consent of the copyright holder to the processing of personal data.

Documents can be submitted to Rosreestr directly at the registration center, through the MFC, sent by Russian Post, electronically, or transferred during an on-site visit by a Rosreestr specialist.

The procedure for registering a land plot with Rosreestr is free. But if it is necessary to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, the owner will need to pay the state fee for this document and attach the receipt to the rest of the information.

List of documents for cadastral registration of structures ( linear objects real estate)

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the following cadastral procedures are provided for linear real estate:

1) registration of linear real estate objects with the state cadastral register;

accounting for changes in linear real estate (including accounting for changes or deregistration of part of the property, accounting for the address of the copyright holder, accounting in connection with the correction of a cadastral error);

2) entering cadastral information into the state real estate cadastre in accordance with documents received through information interaction (regulated by Article 15 of the Law);

3) removal of linear real estate from cadastral registration;

4) entering information about previously recorded linear real estate objects.

Documents required for state cadastral registration of linear real estate:

1) application for state cadastral registration of an object of registration, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 30, 2011 No. 529 “On approval of application forms for state cadastral registration of real estate”;

2) dated November 23, 2011 No. 693 “On approval of the form of the technical plan of the structure and requirements for its preparation”or a copy of the permission to put the property into operation;

3) a document confirming the relevant powers of the applicant’s representative (if the application is submitted by the applicant’s representative).

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 20 of the Law, the owners of such real estate or any other persons have the right to apply for registration of real estate objects.

Documents required for recording changes in linear real estate objects:

1) application for state cadastral registration of changes to a real estate property, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 30, 2011 No. 529 “On approval of application forms for state cadastral registration of real estate”;

2) technical plan of the structure, the form of which is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federationdated November 23, 2011 No. 693 “On approval of the form of a technical plan for a structure and requirements for its preparation”;

3) a document confirming the relevant powers of the applicant’s representative (if the application is submitted by the applicant’s representative);

4) a copy of the document establishing or certifying the applicant’s right to the relevant property (in the absence of information about the registered right of this applicant to such property in the state real estate cadastre).

Technical plan and documents on the basis of which the technical plan is prepared.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 41 of the Law, a technical plan is a document that reproduces certain information entered into the state real estate cadastre (hereinafter referred to as the State Real Estate Cadastre), and indicates information about the structure necessary for registering such a property, or information about part or parts of such a property, or new information necessary for entering into the State Property Committee about such a property to which a cadastral number has been assigned, in the case of cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submitting an application to the cadastral registration authority to account for changes in such a property ( Part 2 of Article 41 of the Law).

The technical plan consists of graphic and text parts (Part 3 of Article 41 of the Law).

The graphic part of the technical plan of the structure reproduces information cadastral plan relevant territory or cadastral extract about the relevant land plot, and also indicates the location of such a structure on the land plot (Part 4 of Article 41 of the Law).

The location of the structure on the land plot is established by determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of the contour of such a structure on the land plot (Part 6 of Article 41 of the Law).

The text part of the technical plan indicates the information necessary for entering into the State Property Committee in the amount established by the regulatory body in the field of cadastral relations, as well as information about the geodetic basis of the cadastre used in preparing the technical plan for the construction (Part 7 of Article 41 of the Law).

Information about the construction, with the exception of information about the location of such a property on a land plot, the building area, the area of ​​such a property, is indicated in the technical plan on the basis of cadastral works submitted by the customer project documentation such a property, issued before July 13, 2015, a permit to put such real estate into operation or a technical passport of such a property produced before January 1, 2013. If at the time of carrying out cadastral work there is no possibility of visual inspection (observation) of the underground structural elements of the structure to carry out the measurements necessary to determine the location of the corresponding real estate object on the land plot, along with the design documentation, it is allowed to use the as-built documentation, the maintenance of which is providedpart 6 of article 52 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. If in cases provided for by law in the field of urban planning activities, there is no need to prepare project documentation or make a decision on putting the construction project into operation; the relevant information is indicated in the technical plan on the basis of a declaration drawn up and certified by the copyright holder of the property.

If a structure, the construction of which was carried out before the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the permitting and (or) design documentation for which is irretrievably lost; the technical plan of such a structure can also be drawn upbased on the declaration of the property, subject to justification preparation of a technical plan based on the declaration in the section “Conclusion of a cadastral engineer”, as well as confirmation of the fact of loss (regardless of the reasons, for example, details of the responses of organizations authorized to store permits, government bodies, local governments authorized to issue construction permits and/or input into operation of the facility that the provisions provided for in Part 8 of Article 41 There are no legal documents at their disposal). Copies of these documents are included in the technical plan appendix

The declaration form for a real estate property and the requirements for its preparation are approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 13, 2010 No. 628 “On approval of the declaration form for a real estate property and the requirements for its preparation.”

In relation to the created property, the declaration is drawn up and certified by the owner of the land plot on which such a property is located, or by the state authority authorized to provide land plots, or by a local government body; in relation to an ownerless property - by the local government body on whose territory such an object is located real estate. The said declaration is attached to the technical plan and is an integral part of it.

If the construction or reconstruction of a structure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation does not require the issuance of a permit for its construction, reconstruction and in accordance with the Land Code code of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to place such a structure on lands that are in state or municipal ownership, without providing a land plot or establishing an easement, information about the structure, if such a structure is a real estate property, with the exception of information about its location on a land plot or lands located in the state or municipal property, are indicated in the technical plan on the basis of the design documentation of such a structure submitted by the customer for cadastral work and a document confirming the technical acceptance of the facility for operation, if the development of design documentation and such acceptance are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. When reflecting in the technical plan information about the location of a structure on a land plot or lands that are in state or municipal ownership, the boundaries of the territory are additionally reflected if the structure is located on lands that are in state or municipal ownership, in accordance with the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries of such a territory, specified in the act of the local government body or state authority authorizing the placement of this structure, a copy of which is included in the annex to the technical plan (Part 8 of Article 41 of the Law).

In accordance with Part 9 of Article 41 of the Lawthe technical plan is prepared in the form electronic document and is certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the cadastral engineer who prepared such a plan.

Information to be entered into the State Property Committee in relation to a property in the order of information interaction, as well as the documents necessary for such entry, are regulated by Article 15 of the Law.

Documents required for deregistration of linear real estate:

1) application for removal from the state cadastral registration of a real estate property, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 30, 2011 No. 529 “On approval of application forms for state cadastral registration of real estate”;

2) act of inspection of a structure, the form of which is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federationdated December 13, 2010 No. 627 “On approval of the form of the survey report and the requirements for its preparation”.

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 20 of the Law, the owners of such real estate, as well as the owners of land plots on which such real estate was located, have the right to apply for deregistration of buildings, structures, premises, and unfinished construction projects.

The survey report and documents on the basis of which the survey report is prepared.

The survey report is a document in which the cadastral engineer, as a result of inspecting the location of the structure, taking into account the available cadastral information about such a property, confirms the termination of the existence of the structure due to the death or destruction of such a property (Part 1 of Article 42 of the Law).

The survey report is prepared in the form of an electronic document and certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the cadastral engineer who prepared such a report. The survey report, if provided for in the contract, is also prepared in the form of a paper document certified by the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer who prepared such a report (Part 2 of Article 42 of the Law).

Documents required for entering information about previously recorded linear real estate objects:

1) an application for entering information about a previously registered property, drawn up in accordance with the form presented in the letter of Rosnedvizhimost dated March 25, 2008 No. VK/1376;

2) a document confirming the previously carried out state registration of a previously registered real estate object or state registration of ownership of it and submitted by the relevant government bodies, including the body carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, local government bodies or bodies and organizations for state technical accounting and (or) technical inventory to the cadastral registration authority.

Also, information about a previously registered property can be entered as part of a request for information on the property of interest, drawn up in accordance with the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated February 27, 2010 No. 75 “On establishing the procedure for providing information included in the state real estate cadastre” on the basis of the information available to the cadastral registration authority contained in the registration and technical documentation on objects of state technical registration and technical inventory.