A brief overview of religions from ancient to world. Main types of religions. World religions What religion does submission belong to?

Those who lived thousands of years ago had their own beliefs, deities and religion. With the development of human civilization, religion also developed, new beliefs and movements appeared, and it is impossible to unambiguously conclude whether religion depended on the level of development of civilization or, on the contrary, it was people’s beliefs that were one of the keys to progress. IN modern world There are thousands of beliefs and religions, some of which have millions of adherents, while others have only a few thousand or even hundreds of believers.

Religion is one of the forms of awareness of the world, which is based on faith in a higher power. As a rule, each religion includes a number of moral and ethical norms and rules of conduct, religious rituals and ceremonies, and also unites a group of believers into an organization. All religions rely on human belief in supernatural forces, as well as on the relationship of believers with their deity(s). Despite the apparent difference between religions, many postulates and dogmas of various beliefs are very similar, and this is especially noticeable in the comparison of the world's main religions.

Major world religions

Modern researchers of religions identify three main religions of the world, the adherents of which are the vast majority of all believers on the planet. These religions are Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, as well as numerous movements, branches and based on these beliefs. Each of the world's religions has more than a thousand years of history, sacred scripture and a number of cults and traditions that believers should observe. As for the geography of the spread of these beliefs, if less than 100 years ago it was possible to draw more or less clear boundaries and recognize Europe, America, South Africa and Australia as “Christian” parts of the world, North Africa and the Middle East as Muslim, and states located in the southeastern part of Eurasia - Buddhist, now every year this division becomes more and more arbitrary, since on the streets of European cities you can increasingly meet Buddhists and Muslims, and in the secular states of Central Asia there can be a Christian temple and mosque.

The founders of world religions are known to every person: the founder of Christianity is considered to be Jesus Christ, Islam - the prophet Magomed, Buddhism - Siddhartha Gautama, who later received the name Buddha (enlightened). However, it should be noted that Christianity and Islam have common roots in Judaism, since Islam also has the prophet Isa ibn Mariyam (Jesus) and other apostles and prophets whose teachings are recorded in the Bible, but Islamists believe that the fundamental teachings are still the teachings of the prophet Magomed, who was sent to earth after Jesus.


Buddhism is the oldest of the world's major religions, its history goes back more than two and a half thousand years. This religion originated in the southeast of India, its founder is considered to be Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who through contemplation and meditation achieved enlightenment and began to share the truth revealed to him with other people. Based on the teachings of the Buddha, his followers wrote the Pali Canon (Tripitaka), which is considered a sacred book by followers of most movements of Buddhism. The main currents of Buddhism today are Hinayama (Theravada Buddhism - "Narrow Path to Liberation"), Mahayana ("Broad Path to Liberation") and Vajrayana ("Diamond Path").

Despite some differences between the orthodox and new movements of Buddhism, the basis of this religion is the belief in reincarnation, karma and the search for the path of enlightenment, through which one can be freed from the endless chain of rebirths and achieve enlightenment (nirvana). The difference between Buddhism and other major religions of the world is the Buddhist belief that a person’s karma depends on his actions, and everyone goes through their own path of enlightenment and is responsible for their own salvation, and the gods, whose existence Buddhism recognizes, do not play a key role in the fate of a person, since they are also subject to the laws of karma.


The birth of Christianity is considered to be the first century AD; The first Christians appeared in Palestine. However, taking into account the fact that the Old Testament of the Bible, the holy book of Christians, was written much earlier than the birth of Jesus Christ, it is safe to say that the roots of this religion are in Judaism, which arose almost a millennium before Christianity. Today there are three main directions of Christianity - Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy, branches of these directions, as well as those who also consider themselves Christians.

The basis of Christian beliefs is belief in the Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, in angels and demons and in the afterlife. The difference between the three main directions of Christianity is that Orthodox Christians, unlike Catholics and Protestants, do not believe in the existence of purgatory, and Protestants consider inner faith to be the key to the salvation of the soul, and not the observance of many sacraments and rituals, therefore churches of Protestant Christians are more are more modest than the churches of Catholics and Orthodox Christians, and the number of church sacraments among Protestants is less than among Christians who adhere to other movements of this religion.


Islam is the youngest of the world's major religions, originating in the 7th century in Arabia. The holy book of Muslims is the Koran, which records the teachings and instructions of the prophet Muhammad. On this moment There are three main sects of Islam - Sunnis, Shiites and Kharijites. The main difference between the first and other branches of Islam is that the Sunnis consider the first four caliphs to be the legal successors of Magomed, and also, in addition to the Koran, recognize the Sunnas telling about the Prophet Magomed as sacred books, and the Shiites believe that only his direct blood relatives can be the successors of the Prophet descendants. The Kharijites are the most radical branch of Islam; the beliefs of the supporters of this movement are similar to the beliefs of the Sunnis, however, the Kharijites recognize only the first two caliphs as the successors of the Prophet.

Muslims believe in one God, Allah and his prophet Magomed, in the existence of the soul and in the afterlife. In Islam, great attention is paid to the observance of traditions and religious rituals - every Muslim must perform salat (daily five times prayer), fast in Ramadan and make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his life.

What is common in the three major world religions

Despite the differences in rituals, beliefs and certain dogmas of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, all these beliefs have some common features, and the similarities between Islam and Christianity are especially noticeable. Belief in one God, in the existence of the soul, in the afterlife, in fate and in the possibility of help from higher powers - these are the dogmas that are inherent in both Islam and Christianity. The beliefs of Buddhists differ significantly from the religions of Christians and Muslims, but the similarities between all world religions are clearly visible in the moral and behavioral norms that believers must observe.

The 10 biblical Commandments that Christians are required to observe, the laws prescribed in the Koran, and the Noble Eightfold Path contain moral standards and rules of conduct prescribed for believers. And these rules are the same everywhere - all the major religions of the world prohibit believers from committing atrocities, harming other living beings, lying, behaving loosely, rudely or disrespectfully towards other people and encourage them to treat other people with respect, care and development in character positive traits.

Islam: Submission to God

Thus it turned out that Islam had several practical advantages over its rival religions, however incomplete it may be in its teachings. Thanks to some lucky “instinct,” he knew from the very beginning what would “work” from a psychological point of view.

And also what “works” from a spiritual point of view. After all, Islam, despite its very unpromising beginnings, soon turned into one of the great world religions, with its own unique genius. What was his special gift? What did Islam have to offer—not just as a path to remembering God, but as a path to full God-realization—that other great religions did not have, or at least neglected?

The very word “Islam”, which means “obedience”, contains the answer to this question. To many non-Muslims, such as the Protestant Christian who is relatively on friendly terms with God, such absolute submission may seem exaggerated, too self-deprecating and obsequious, and not at all necessary for spiritual life. This is a serious mistake. All religions at their highest level insist on the kind of submission that Islam insists on everyone levels.

For example, we have already seen how the liberation of a follower of Hinduism is the complete submission of his small or false self to his true self, God in the person of his guru. Again, the Zen monk's satori is his final defeat and self-forgetfulness, the end of all his resistance. The salvation of a Christian comes when he exhausts all his strength and unconditionally surrenders to Christ. All spiritual religions insist that the moment you surrender, finally let go, completely obey, is the moment of liberation and enlightenment. But in Islam, submission is a central theme. This is the main thing in Islam, just as the main thing in Christianity is love, and in Buddhism - wisdom. Islam is the whole duty of man, says its prophet, and this applies not only to the spiritually gifted.

Of course, the type and degree of submission depend on the spiritual state of the person. Simple obedience to God is a passive state: when a person has no will of his own, and he readily resigns himself to his fate. Complete Obedience to God goes much further. It means actively willing everything that happens to us - the "bad" as well as the "good" - because it is God's will, and man's own will is now so in tune with His will that there is no difference between them.

It is as difficult as it is rare. But those who have tried it say it has completely transformed their lives. They say that our troubles are not in our circumstances, but in how we treat them; and if we can stop fighting them and move on and let's accept them, they will immediately change for the better. If we go even further and let's welcome them, they will change even more. And if we can want them, they will become perfect - just like our happiness. “May the will of Allah be done” - this constantly repeated phrase by Muslims can, over time, lead to the highest mystical experience. This is a real path that can easily be added to the three Hindu ones: the Path of Activity, or selfless service, the Path of Devotion to some incarnation of God, and the Path of Knowledge, or self-inquiry, and now the Path of Islam, or complete submission to God. In any case, this fourth path is contained in the others, and without it none of them can take us very far.

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Chapter 2: Submission At this point you may have come to the conclusion that we should throw away all the tricks of spiritual materialism; in other words, you need to give up trying to improve and protect yourself. Perhaps, having momentarily grasped the fact that our struggle is futile, we

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Chapter 1062: Allah Almighty said: “Truly, Ibrahim was an example, showed submission to Allah...” 1343 (3349). It is narrated from the words of Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, that (once) the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, you will

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III. The earthly path of a Christian to God is the struggle with the flesh, repentance, the fulfillment of Christian virtues: love for God and neighbor, patience and forgiveness of offenses, humility, mercy and so on. Wealth at a Glance From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven is taken by force, and

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7. Perfection as Perfect Submission “It may take some time to completely submit to the will of God, but if we do not, we will be unfit for eternity. True religion always leads a person to perfection" (Testimonies of the Evil Church, vol.

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c) The Incredible Submission of Christ Nothing stands out more clearly here than the voluntary surrender of Jesus. He Who can call upon His aid twelve legions of angels, Whose royal majesty caused the enemy1 to fall to the earth, voluntarily accepts His arrest, judgment and death. His

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2. Embodiment of a new way of life: submission in social roles

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1) Submission in the Condition of Citizens of Earthly Kingdoms (2:13,14) Peter may seem to write the entire text that follows under the heading Be Submissive... This section of the letter develops the main idea of ​​submission in relation to our roles in life: citizens should

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2) Submission in the position of servants of earthly masters (2:18-20) Servants, obey your masters with all fear, not only the good and gentle, but also the harsh. 19 For it pleases (God) if anyone, thinking about God, endures tribulations, suffering unjustly. 20 For what is the praise if you endure when

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4. More about embodying a new way of life: Submission in the name of God in social roles

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1) Submission of wives to their husbands (3:1-6) Likewise, you wives, be submissive to your husbands, so that those of them who do not obey the word will be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, 2 When they see your pure, God-fearing conduct. Let not the external braiding of your hair be your adornment,

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Submission to the Most High 1 Where does the hostility and strife among you come from? Is it not from your passions that are fighting within yourself? 2 You want something, but don’t have it, and that’s why you kill. You are jealous of something, but you cannot achieve it, and therefore you enter into struggle and enmity. But you are not

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77. Temptations from domestic troubles. Submission to parents as preparation for monastic obedience. The grace of God be with you! Here and more! The enemy wanted to make you an infidel, and now he is making you a rebel, and against whom? Against parents. My God, what

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3. Resistance and submission. a) On the way to the Mount of Olives. Prediction of Peter's denial. 14.26-31 - “And having sung, they went to the Mount of Olives. And Jesus said to them: You will all be offended because of Me this night; for it is written: I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. After My resurrection, I anticipate

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Submission to the Divine will is more important than all good deeds. Even idolaters had an understanding of everything stated above. Christians either don’t know, or even if they know something, they don’t do it. It’s a pity, it’s a pity that we neglect what lies in all our hope, all

From the author's book

Submission to fate Sufi Muhammad ibn Ismail, later known as Khair, once left his hometown and went to Mecca to worship the holy places. His road lay through Kufa, and there, at the city gates, some artisan weaver grabbed him with the words: “You

From the author's book

Submission and Politics In the “Christian” world (and not only in the “Christian” world), the Ten Commandments of Moses went far beyond the religious world, and Moses is considered one of the teachers of mankind. Among the 10 commandments (“Decalogue” of Moses) the following are accepted:

What do we know about the religion of Islam? A lot and nothing at all? What should a Muslim do in a given situation? By studying your religion, you find answers to many questions. But religious knowledge is so vast, like an endless sea, that the more you plunge into it, the further and further the shore moves away. It is impossible to swim across the sea of ​​knowledge, but it is also impossible to drown in it, because this knowledge is divine, it teaches a person the elementary basics of life, teaches correct behavior in the family, society, in relationships with parents, children, teachers and students, leaders and subordinates. Islam has everything, because Islam is a way of life. Our every breath and exhalation is imbued with religion, divine plan. Anyone who catches this will be happy, for humble and submissive behavior and following all the commandments of Islam is salvation both in this life and in the next.

Islam is the religion of all the prophets. The religion of Allah began to spread in the Arabian Peninsula in the early seventh century AD. The main history of Islam is connected with two cities - Mecca and Medina (then Yathrib).

At that time, different tribes lived on the Arabian Peninsula and led a nomadic lifestyle. And only a few of them settled around reservoirs and oases. Those tribes that were located there gradually formed certain settlements. The indigenous Arabian tribes played very important role in unity, in decision making.

In Mecca and the adjacent territory, the tribe of Quraysh dominated, which was destined, by the will of Allah Almighty, to give the world a great man who played a huge role in the spread of the religion of the Creator - Islam. His name was Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He was born in Mecca, and at the age of forty, revelations began to be sent down to him, which formed the religious basis of Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had a hard time in spreading Islam, he encountered many obstacles on his way, he had to endure many trials, one of which was saying goodbye to the city of his childhood, the city in which he was born - Mecca. He had to leave it and move to Yathrib, now Medina, where he was expected and where he was accepted.

Medina became his last refuge, here today is the ziyarat of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), where millions of Muslims flock, especially during the pilgrimage season - Hajj, when it is almost impossible to get close to the ziyarat itself, when it is also almost impossible to perform the two-rakaat Sunnat prayer. the heads of other pilgrims. All this suggests that Islam is spreading, every year its ranks are replenished with new Muslims who want to visit the places where the favorite of Allah lived, where he began to spread, to visit the places where the most important and great person in the history of mankind.

Islam is spreading, and it will be so until the Day of Judgment, for Allah Almighty Himself speaks about this. If you look closely at the world map, you can see how the world is gradually turning into the green tones of Monotheism and submission to the Almighty. Islam walks across the planet with confident steps and is not afraid of any obstacles.

Islam is a religion of submission

The word “Islam” translated from Arabic means “submission”, “obedience to the laws of Allah Almighty”. In Sharia terminology, Islam is complete, absolute monotheism, submission to the Creator in everything.

We are taught humility from childhood, when children obey their parents, do not ask them unnecessary questions, but simply rely on their wisdom, experience, and their mature view. Being submissive does not mean violating will or speech. Of course, children have every right to express their opinions on certain issues and offer their own methods for solving certain problems. Children should grow up with their own minds, and not borrow someone else’s, but be that as it may, the parent’s word and opinion are authoritative. When there is no parental consent on something, we can confidently say that there will be no mercy in it. It’s probably not for nothing that there is such a thing as “parental blessing.” Without it, nowhere, since ancient times, a traveler setting out on a journey went to his parents in order to receive that same parental blessing.

When choosing a life partner, they also listened to the opinions of adults and tried to gain their approval and satisfaction.

Schools and madrassas also teach obedience, when the student is required to exhibit exemplary behavior, obedience to his teacher, and unquestioning fulfillment of his tasks and instructions.

Submission is also required from the spouse, for her obedience leads to satisfaction with her spouse, and therefore with Allah Almighty.

Submission is learned from childhood, in adolescence, in mature age. You can learn it until the end of your days, and since we are all slaves of our Creator, the same obedience is required of us without any questions asked. The Creator will “give” us a diploma of how submissive we were on the Day of Judgment, and it is better if this “diploma” is red.

Submission is the main distinguishing quality of a Muslim. Akin to or synonymous with this quality are also the following: trust, humility, obedience. A Muslim relies in everything only on the will of Allah, therefore the words “inshaAllah” - “may the will of the Creator be done” - are often used in any language that a Muslim speaks.

From here strong, healthy shoots of our faith in the Oneness of God begin to grow. True is the faith that is brought up in humility and obedience, trust and submission. It is impossible to reach any heights without being obedient. A disobedient worker will never become a boss, and an athlete will never become an Olympic champion. Also, a disobedient and disobedient slave will never be able to achieve the satisfaction of His Master, who for us is Allah Almighty.

Goethe wrote about Islam:

“How stupid it is to chant this way and that
Your opinions about this and that!
After all, if Islam means submission to God,
We all live and we all die in Islam."

Islam is submission to God, acceptance of everything that He has sent down to us through His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Muhammad himself (peace and blessings be upon him) is the clearest example of humility and trust in Allah. We couldn’t even imagine how much he had to endure while spreading the religion of the Almighty. Today it is easy to be submissive; all conditions have been created for fulfilling all the commands of Allah. There are no insurmountable obstacles to the observance of religion. We ourselves should simply learn to listen to the decisions of the Sharia, learn to live in accordance with them, then we will become more humble, and we will increasingly seek Allah Almighty to please us. Our submission is His satisfaction, this is the happy and only true path, the path of happiness and salvation. Submission is the key to heaven, inshaAllah.

Islam is a religion of peace

Another meaning of the word Islam is peace. This peace begins with the words “Assalamu Alaikum”, when one Muslim wishes peace to his brother or sister in faith.

The word "salaam" - "peace" - is the basis of many Islamic concepts. Even Allah Almighty has a name “As-Salam”. One of the names of paradise is Dar As-Salam. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ You will not enter heaven until you believe, and you will not believe until you love each other! Should I tell you about an action that will make you fall in love with each other? Spread salam "(greeting each other)!" (Imam Muslim).

Islam does not teach cruelty or violence; on the contrary, it welcomes only such qualities as kindness, mercy, and compassion. Islam spreads goodness, teaches kindness towards all the creations of the creator, starting with an ordinary leaf on a tree.

Remember how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) spread religion? Only goodness, peace. He did not show any violence, only personal example and behavior were decisive factors in spreading the word of Allah. Islam is also spreading today - only through peace, kind attitude towards other people, respect for other opinions and in no case by any imposition, because there is no coercion in religion.

Islam is a religion of equality

For Allah Almighty we are all slaves, we are all equal to Him. He makes no difference between us either by skin color or social status, nor by language, nation, gender, age. The difference between us is only in one quality - fear of God. The Creator draws attention to this, how much each of us fears Him, trusts in His mercy and hopes for His forgiveness.

Allah has assigned the same responsibilities to each of us - prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj. There are certain concessions, and this is the mercy of the Almighty. Otherwise, each of us is obliged to strive to earn the mercy and pleasure of Allah. I repeat, it makes no difference whether we are men or women, whether we are rich or poor, we are all slaves of One Creator - Allah Almighty, we are all obliged to fulfill His commands and strive for His favorable attitude towards us.

Islam is a religion of justice, a religion of wisdom, a religion of knowledge... Islam has absorbed all the best. It is not through our merits that we are given the honor of being his supporter and bearing the name of a Muslim. This is mercy for us, and we must justify it with our actions, thoughts, and intentions. Being a Muslim is an honorable title, and being a follower of Islam is honorable, but you just need to justify this amanat.

We are glad that we can worship our Creator and say every day: “I testify that there is no one and nothing worthy of worship than Allah Almighty, and I also testify that Muhammad is His Prophet and Messenger.”

And may Allah Almighty grant us the opportunity to see Him in the next life not according to our merits, but only by His mercy! Amen.

Muslimat Radzhabova

The Birth of Religions
The process of sociogenesis, which lasted 1.5 million years during the “Stone Age” (Paleolithic), ended approximately 35-40 thousand years ago. By this point, the ancestors - Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons - already knew how to make fire, had a tribal system, language, rituals, and painting. The presence of tribal relations meant that food and sexual instincts were brought under the control of society. An idea of ​​what is permitted and prohibited arises, totems appear - initially these are “sacred” symbols of animals. Magic rituals appear - symbolic actions aimed at a specific result.
In the 9th-7th millennium BC the so-called neolithic revolution- invention of agriculture. The Neolithic period lasts until the appearance of the first cities in the 4th millennium BC, when the history of civilization is considered to have begun.
At this time, private property and, as a consequence, inequality arise. The processes of disunity that have arisen in society must be countered by a system of values ​​and standards of behavior recognized by all. The totem changes and becomes a symbol of a supreme being who has unlimited power over a person. Thus, religion acquires a global character, finally becoming a socially integrating force.

Ancient Egypt
Originated on the banks of the Nile in the 4th millennium BC Egyptian civilization one of the most ancient. The influence of totemism is still very strong in it and all the original Egyptian gods are beast-like. In religion, belief in reward after death appears, and existence after death is no different from earthly existence. Here, for example, are the words of the formula for the self-justification of the deceased before Osiris: “...I did no harm... I did not steal... I did not envy... I did not measure my face... I did not lie... I did not talk idle talk... I did not commit adultery... I was not deaf to right speech... I did not insult another... I did not raise my hand to the weak... I was not the cause of tears... I did not kill... I did not. cursed..."
It is believed that Osiris dies every day and is resurrected as the Sun, in which his wife Isis helps him. The idea of ​​resurrection will then be repeated in all religions of atonement, and the cult of Isis will exist during Christianity, becoming the prototype of the cult of the Virgin Mary.
Egyptian temples are not only places of worship - they are also workshops, schools, libraries, and a gathering place not only for priests, but also for scientists of that time. Religion and science, like other social institutions, at that time did not yet have a clear differentiation.

Ancient Mesopotamia
In the 4th millennium BC, in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the state of the Sumerians and Akkadians developed - Ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerians invented writing and began to build cities. They passed on to their historical successors - the Babylonians and Assyrians, and through them - to the Greeks and Jews their technical achievements, legal and moral norms. Sumerian legends about the global flood, the creation of men from clay, and women from the rib of a man, became part of the Old Testament legends. In the religious ideas of the Sumerians, man is a lower being, his destiny is enmity and illness, and after death - existence in the gloomy underworld.
All Sumerians belonged to their temple as a community. The temple took care of orphans, widows, and beggars, performed administrative functions, and resolved conflicts between citizens and the state.
The religion of the Sumerians was associated with the observation of planets and the interpretation of cosmic order - astrology, of which they became the founders. Religion in Mesopotamia did not have the character of strict dogmas, which was reflected in the free-thinking of the ancient Greeks, who adopted a lot from the Sumerians.

Ancient Rome
The main religion of Rome was the cult of the polis gods - Jupiter (the main god), Hope, Peace, Valor, Justice. The mythology of the Romans is little developed, the gods are presented as abstract principles. At the forefront of the Roman church is expediency, assistance in specific earthly affairs with the help of magical rituals.

Judaism - begins to take shape in its current form in the 13th century BC. e., when the Israelite tribes came to Palestine. The main god was Yahweh (Jehovah), whom the Jews considered their own god of their people, but did not exclude their gods from other peoples. In 587 BC. e. Jerusalem was captured by the troops of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. When Babylon fell 50 years later, it begins new era Judaism: the myth of the prophet Moses arises, Yahweh is recognized as the only god of all things, and the people of Israel are the only chosen people of God, provided that they honor Yahweh and recognize his monotheism.
Religiosity in Judaism comes down to purely external worship, strict observance of all prescribed rituals, as fulfillment of the terms of the “agreement” with Yahweh, in anticipation of “fair” retribution from him.
Kaballa. In the 12th century, a new movement emerged in Judaism - Kaballah. The essence of which is the esoteric study of the Torah and other Jewish religious artifacts as sources of mystical knowledge.

World religions

Buddhism arose in India in the 6th - 5th centuries BC. e. as opposed to caste-based Hinduism, where only the highest castes of Brahmins can achieve enlightenment. At that time, in India, as in China and Greece, there were processes of philosophical rethinking of existing norms, which led to the creation of a religion independent of caste, although the concept of karma (reincarnation) was not denied. The founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni - Buddha - was the son of a prince from the Shakya tribe, who did not belong to the Brahman caste. For these reasons, Buddhism did not become widespread in India.
In the ideas of Buddhism, the world strives for peace, the absolute dissolution of everything in nirvana. Therefore, the only true aspiration of a person is nirvana, tranquility and merging with eternity. In Buddhism, no importance was attached to any social community and religious dogmas, and the main commandment was absolute mercy, non-resistance to any evil. A person could only rely on himself; no one would save or deliver him from the suffering of samsara except a righteous lifestyle. Therefore, in fact, Buddhism can be called a teaching, an “atheistic” religion.
In China, where Buddhism was very widespread, although not as widespread as Confucianism, Zen Buddhism arose in the 7th century, absorbing the rationalism inherent in the Chinese nation. It is not necessary to achieve nirvana, you just need to try to see the Truth around you - in nature, work, art and live in harmony with yourself.
Zen Buddhism also had a huge influence on the cultures of Japan and some other Eastern countries.

One of the fundamental differences between Christianity and other world religions is the integrity of the historical description of the world, which exists once and is directed by God from creation to destruction - the coming of the Messiah and the Last Judgment. At the center of Christianity is the image of Jesus Christ, who is both god and man at the same time, whose teachings must be followed. The holy book of Christians is the Bible, in which the Old Testament (the holy book of the followers of Judaism) is added New Testament, telling about the life and teachings of Christ. The New Testament includes four Gospels (from Greek - gospel).
The Christian religion promised its followers the establishment of peace and justice on earth, as well as salvation from the Last Judgment, which, as the first Christians believed, was soon to take place.
In the 4th century, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. In 395, the Roman Empire split into western and eastern parts, which led to the separation of the Western Church, led by the Pope, and the Eastern Churches, led by the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria. Formally, this gap ended in 1054.
Christianity was brought to Russia from Byzantium high level culture, philosophical and theological thought, contributed to the spread of literacy and the softening of morals. Orthodox Church in Russia it was actually part of the state apparatus, always following the commandment “all power comes from God.” For example, leaving Orthodoxy until 1905 was considered a criminal offense.
In Western Europe dominated roman catholic church(Catholic - universal, ecumenical). The Catholic Church is characterized by claims to supreme power both in politics and in secular life - theocratism. Related to this is the intolerance of the Catholic Church towards other faiths and worldviews. After Second Vatican Council(1962 - 1965) the Vatican's positions were significantly adjusted in accordance with the realities of modern society.
The anti-feudal movement that began in the 16th century was also directed against Catholicism, as the ideological support of the feudal system. The leaders of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland - Martin Luther, John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli - accused the Catholic Church of distorting true Christianity, calling for a return to the faith of the early Christians, eliminating intermediaries between man and God. The result of the Reformation was the creation new variety Christianity - Protestantism.
Protestants put forward the idea universal priesthood, abandoned indulgences, pilgrimages, church clergy, veneration of relics, etc. It is believed that Calvin’s teachings and Protestant ideas in general contributed to the emergence of the “spirit of captalism” and became the moral basis of new social relations.

Islam can be called a religion of humility and complete submission to the Almighty will. In VII Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad on the foundation of Arab tribal religions. He proclaimed the monotheism of Allah (al or el - the common Semitic root of the word "god") and submission to his will (Islam, Muslims - from the word "submission").
Muslims explain numerous coincidences between the Bible and the Koran by the fact that Allah had previously conveyed his commandments to the prophets - Moses and Jesus, but they were distorted by them.
In Islam, the will of God is incomprehensible, irrational, therefore, a person should not try to understand it, but should only blindly follow it. The Islamic Church is essentially the state itself, a theocracy. The laws of Islamic Sharia are the laws of Islamic law that regulate all aspects of life. Islam is a powerful motivating and unifying religious doctrine, which has allowed short time to create a highly developed civilization from a few Semitic tribes, which for some time became the head of world civilization in the Middle Ages.
After the death of Muhammad, a conflict arose between his relatives, accompanied by the murder of Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abu Talib and his sons, who wished to continue the teachings of the prophet. Which led to the split of Muslims into Shiites (minority) - who recognize the right to lead the Muslim community only to the descendants of Muhammad - imams, and Sunnis (majority) - in whose opinion, power should belong to caliphs elected by the entire community.

"submissive" religion

Alternative descriptions

Most of the world is faithful to this religion

Otherwise, Islam, Mohammedanism, is one of the three world religions, founded in the 7th century. n. e. Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed) Based on belief in one God - Allah

What religion do Libyans practice?

Muslim religion

Religion of the Submissive

Religion to which these terms refer: sunset, saun, sunnah

Religion founded in the 7th century

Name of the President of Uzbekistan

Religion that condemns the depiction of flesh

Religion of those attending madrassas

Name of the President of Uzbekistan Karimov

Religion green

To accept this religion, you must say in the presence of a Muslim, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”

The main principles of this religion are set out in the Koran

The crescent moon is the emblem of which religion?

Religion requiring women to wear hijab

Faith in the mosque

What religion did boxer Mike Tyson follow?

Religion uniting Shiites with Sunnis

Religion that prohibits drinking in exchange for polygamy

What religion does the mullah serve?

A world religion whose name is translated from Arabic as “obedience”

Religion founded by Muhammad

Muslim religion

Faith of Allah

Which religion prohibits eating pork?

In what religion can you not even drink vodka?

Sunni religion

Arab religion

President Karimov

Serving Allah

Religion without vodka

Religion of Muhammad

Religion in a burqa

Religion without pork

Religion with the cult of Allah

Religion where you can't even drink

One of the world religions

Religion of Sunnis and Shiites


Which religion prohibits pork?

Religion of Imams

. “there is no god but Allah” (religion)

What religion is against pork?

Worship to Allah

Tatar religion

Religion of the Taliban and Mujahideen

Christianity, Buddhism and...

Faith of Mullah and Imam

. "true" religion

Religion from Mohammed

Religion of Magomed

Muslim faith

Religion with crescent moon

World religion


Religion leading to Mecca

Religion with five pillars

Religion of Allah

Religion with Koran

Religion with a Crescent Moon

Translate submission into Arabic

Religion with prayer

One of the religions

Mass religion

What religion wears hijab?

One of the three world religions

Religion based on the cult of Allah, Islam

Religion founded in the 7th century

Religion, one of the world religions (founder - Muhammad)

In what religion can you not even drink vodka?

. "True" religion

. "There is no god but Allah" (religion)

. "Submissive" religion

In what religion can you not even drink vodka?

What religion wears hijab?

Islamism m. Mohamedanism, Islam, faith of Mohamed; translated: path to salvation

Which religion prohibits pork?

What religion is against pork

A world religion whose name translates from Arabic as “obedience”

Religion "with a crescent"