Potato crafts.

Sockets and switches

Hello again. Do you know, dear readers, what interesting, and most importantly not quite ordinary, potato crafts you can make with your own hands if you have a certain amount of imagination and a desire to create? Have you ever tried to do something like this yourself? I suggest you read my short review of potato crafts and it may very well be that you or your children will like something or some interesting ideas will come to your bright minds.

DIY edible potato crafts We all know what delicious dishes

can be made from potatoes. Take, for example, potatoes that are fried on skewers. And if you approach the process creatively and make potato heads like these.

Nothing to say, a truly original potato craft. But let me tell you, friends, this is just the beginning. You can make baked or fried potatoes, in the form of leaves or other shapes. Such crafts are made as follows: pre-peeled potatoes are cut into round pieces of the required thickness, and then using molds to make homemade cookies

(forms made of tin are suitable) the required shape is squeezed out. All you have to do is prepare all this and the original potato yummy is ready!

Another option is edible potato hedgehog. The craft is simple, but at the same time original and tasty.

Let's now move on to the question of how to make children's crafts from potatoes with your own hands. Believe me, this is simply a limitless field for imagination!

Potato crafts for children

Of course, the very first thing that comes to mind is to make some funny little people or animals out of potatoes. For example, this Mr. Potato fan.

For the craft we will need clean potato tubers, sticks, sewing pins with round heads and various lids or yogurt jars for making hats. It is more difficult to collect all the components of this potato craft than to assemble the craft itself.

Another fun potato figurine made using sticks (or matches), buttons and pieces of paper or ribbons of fabric.

This also includes such funny works that depict various animals.

You can make a funny hedgehog from a potato tuber and matches or toothpicks.

How do you like this octopus?

I also found this cool homemade hippo on the internet.

You can describe all kinds of potato crafts ad infinitum. These include snowmen, bear cubs, mice, fish, etc. Sometimes you don’t need to do anything special, because the potato tuber already has outlines similar to some object or animal.
When starting any work, remember that the more developed your imagination, the more original ideas you can generate for your crafts!

The next idea for children's potato crafts is homemade stamp seals. They are made as follows: cut the potatoes in half, then either cut out the stamp using a sharp kitchen knife, or use the same tin stencils for cookies to significantly simplify the process. After making such a stamp, all that remains is to apply paint to it and you can use it!

Variants of seals and the impressions obtained with their help are shown in the photographs.

Educational institutions sometimes require their students to create unusual accessories, decorations, and interior objects. Do-it-yourself potato crafts for school are very interesting, because they are easy to make, but can be presented in a very unusual way. Let's look at step-by-step master classes on how to make interesting animals, birds, living creatures based on such a vegetable and what additional materials will be needed.

What kind of craft can be made from potatoes for schoolchildren?

  • Animals: bears, hares, giraffes, pigs.
  • Insects: spiders, caterpillars, centipedes.
  • Vegetables: carrots, onions, beets, cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes.
  • Pets: cats, chickens, dogs, mice, parrots, horses, lambs, cows.
  • Sea life: golden fish, jellyfish, shells, turtles.
  • Compositions different types animals in nature: sheep in the pasture, horses on a walk, turtles in the lake, hippopotamus in the swamp, snakes on a branch.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

DIY potato crafts for school should bring joy to the child who makes it. This activity will be interesting, so parents must choose very impressive materials: unusual potatoes, vegetables, glue, various sticks, plasticine, etc. If the child makes only one animal, then you should try to design it so that all teachers and friends like it. Let's look at step-by-step instructions for some easy DIY potato crafts for school.

Master class on making smeshariki from potatoes and plasticine

  1. Take 4 medium-sized potatoes, wash them thoroughly, wipe them with dry cloths and put them in a warm place so that the vegetable dries completely.
  2. In the meantime, we prepare the plasticine by placing the material on a radiator, in a microwave, or in the sun so that it becomes pliable for modeling.
  3. The “body” of each smesharik will be a potato; it must be wrapped in a thin layer of pastel-colored plasticine (peach, lemon, beige, pink).
  4. We make the white eyes of each character using nail polish or concealer, which is often used by schoolchildren.
  5. We add glasses, pupils, eyelashes and eyebrows to each Smesharik with a black or brown pencil.
  6. The nose, arms and legs should be made using multi-colored plasticine in bright shades. To do this, you need to warm up a small piece of material in your hands, form a triangle or strip and press it tightly to the finished body.
  7. One of the main decorations of Smeshariki is their upper part, which should be sculpted from plasticine in the shape of a horn, a hat, needles, a crown with a bow.
  8. When all the smeshariki are ready, all that remains is to complement the craft with a beautiful landscape using leaves, pine twigs, cones, and small pieces of wood in the form of stumps.

Adorable couple of bear cubs

  1. Prepare the potatoes: select 6-7 small raw potatoes, about 3-4 cm in diameter. It is desirable that the shape of the vegetable be oblong. It is better to take a neutral brown or greenish color for potatoes.
  2. We wash the vegetables using a brush to clean all the pieces of soil.
  3. Choose 2 small balls for the head. It is better to place an oblong potato across so that this part of the body is wide, not narrow.
  4. For the body, take a slightly larger potato and place it vertically.
  5. Cut 4 quarters from the potatoes, which will serve as legs.
  6. Cut 4 strips from the potatoes to serve as hands.
  7. Small pieces of vegetable with skin semicircular shape the bears will have ears.
  8. When all the parts are ready, we connect them with ordinary toothpicks, piercing one and the second part, which need to be put together.
  9. You can decorate crafts with plasticine flowers, berries or vegetables.
  10. The eyes, nose and mouth of each bear must be cut out of colored paper or cardboard. They can be easily glued with glue or attached to a small piece of plasticine.

Original hedgehog with toothpick spines

  1. We wash one medium-sized potato (if you want a bigger hedgehog, then you should take a large vegetable).
  2. We prepare about 30-50 toothpicks, the more, the more impressive the hedgehog.
  3. We cut each toothpick in half and stick it into the potato so that there is empty space in front for the face.
  4. You can make hedgehog eyes using raisins, dried rowan or other berries. It is better to pin such elements on toothpicks as well.
  5. The nose and legs of the hedgehog should be made like carrots; it is advisable to wash the vegetable and cut it into pieces.
  6. In order for the potato hedgehog to look very impressive, it needs to be decorated with leaves, fruits and berries (as if they were attached to needles themselves). To do this, you are allowed to take apples, mini-zucchini, cucumbers, seeds or other natural gifts. You need to arrange them as your imagination dictates.
  7. A craft with a hedgehog will look even more beautiful if the animal is placed on bright yellow and red leaves that lie at your feet.

Making Cheburashka with your own hands

  1. Choose one large white potato. We wash it under running water with a brush to remove all dirt.
  2. Dry the vegetable with dry cloths.
  3. Cut the potatoes into strips 1-2 cm wide. You should get 6-7 circles from one vegetable, but it’s better if they are oval.
  4. Using toothpicks, pin the middle circle (this is the head) to the largest piece (which will become the body).
  5. Next, use toothpicks to attach the ears, which you need to choose the same large size.
  6. The outermost parts of the potatoes will make excellent legs.
  7. Handles need to be cut from the remaining piece of potato; they will be small in size.
  8. The eyes, nose and mouth of the Cheburashka must be made with spices, carrots, beets or cabbage.
  9. To prevent the cut potatoes from turning black, you need to grease them with a small amount of oil or acidified water.
  10. You can decorate a Cheburashka made from potatoes with a hat, a flower, or a leaf of an autumn tree.
  11. A craft with several Cheburashkas: mom, dad and child will be very original.

  1. For such a simple craft, select 5-6 potatoes, two of which are large (these will be mom and dad), and the rest are medium-sized (about 5 cm in diameter). The shape of vegetables can be either round or oblong, it doesn’t really matter. It is better to choose varieties of pink, purple, beige colour with smooth skin.
  2. Rinse all potatoes under water and dry with dry paper towels.
  3. Prepare plasticine in black or dark brown, pink and burgundy. Warm it up in the microwave or on a radiator.
  4. With skillful children's hands and with the help of adults, mold triangular-shaped ears for all the piglets. Attach them to each potato. Keep in mind that mom and dad's ears should be slightly larger than children's ears.
  5. Twist a ball of plasticine and press it onto the table to form a circle. Take a small nail with a smooth head and place 2 dots on the plasticine area that will look like a pig’s nostrils.
  6. Carry out similar actions with other balls of plasticine, which will be used as the nose of each pig.
  7. Attach plasticine circles with holes to the potatoes, place similar eyes, but with a very small diameter.
  8. It is definitely important to roll up a small plasticine sausage and screw it. We attach such a tail to each potato. It is better if these parts are different for each piglet.
  9. It is possible to decorate the composition of potato pigs with vegetables, grass or leaves. The main thing is that such an addition looks organic. Successful work!

How to make a potato man

  1. In order to make a potato man, you need: 1-2 medium potatoes, 5 toothpicks or thin wooden skewers, 1 small tomato and 1 large one.
  2. Rinse all vegetables and dry them with napkins.
  3. From the first potato, cut 1 cm from one edge and 1 cm from the opposite. This will be the torso of the future little man.
  4. From the second potato we cut a small ring, 0.5-1 cm wide, which will serve as the base for the hat. We attach this part to the base, the process of describing it in paragraph 3.
  5. From part of the second potato we cut out a heart and attach it to the bottom of the structure that already exists. These will be the man's legs.
  6. We cut out the arms from the remains of the vegetable and attach them to the body using toothpicks.
  7. Cut off the edge of a large tomato and attach it to the base of the hat. This red cap will look very good on potatoes.
  8. Cut a small tomato in half. We attach one part of it to the head to form a nose. We will use the second one as a basket that a person holds in his hand.
  9. We make the eyes of the man using raisins, small berries or plastic balls.
  10. We cut out the mouth with a knife in the “head” of the potato.
  11. We decorate the composition with small vegetables, berries and fruits.

How to make a snowman

  1. To make a DIY potato craft for school in the form of a snowman turn out beautiful, you need to select 3 of these vegetables of different sizes (large, medium and small).
  2. For work, we also prepare carrots, toothpicks and wooden skewers, paper, felt-tip pens, thick threads and any cap that looks like a bucket (possibly from old toys).
  3. We wash the vegetables for the craft and dry them with a towel.
  4. We prick the potatoes onto a large wooden skewer (allow two for strength) as they shrink. The bottom vegetable should be placed so that it is as stable as possible (this is the easiest way).
  5. We pass a toothpick through the central potato and stick carrot circles on it. These will be the snowman's hands.
  6. We attach the cap to the head using glue.
  7. We make the snowman’s eyes paper, and draw dark pupils in the center.
  8. It is also better to complete the mouth with a red pen or pencil.
  9. The snowman's nose will be small; it needs to be made from the sharp part of a wooden skewer.
  10. We put the craft buttons with a dark felt-tip pen.
  11. We cut off several thick threads and glue them to the cut skewer. This will be a broom that we attach to the snowman’s hand. The work is ready!


So that every parent can help their child do unusual craft from potatoes with your own hands for school, it is better to first consider some free video tutorials or recommendations for creating these accessories. Caring mothers and fathers understand that the more interesting the idea, the easier it is to involve the child in the work. It is easy to make not only animals, but also plants from potatoes. And if you combine all this into a single composition, you get a gorgeous craft.


Potato crafts are an interesting way to turn an ordinary vegetable into fancy characters from fairy tales, cartoons and make children’s fantasies come true. Such crafts are especially relevant before Potato Day and are most often made for kindergarten. And today’s selection of ideas is dedicated to such crafts.

Materials you will need for crafts:

  • Potatoes of different sizes and shapes
  • Toothpicks
  • Plasticine
  • Rowan berries
  • Satin ribbon, threads, braid and other elements for decoration.
  • Colored paper

Craft “Cat” from potatoes

The simplest craft, to make which you need to connect 3 potatoes with toothpicks. Ears, eyes and mustaches are cut out of colored paper, and there is a bow on the neck.

Craft “Men” from potatoes

There are many options for making little men, but here is the simplest one. We take large potatoes for the body, make the legs from smaller potatoes cut in half. The parts are connected with toothpicks. The hands are sticks, and the hair, eyes, mouth and nose are made of plasticine.

And if you want something more original, then here is a good example of a potato man. Pompoms are made from threads and used for arms and legs.

Craft “Bears” made from potatoes

It’s very easy to make an adorable pair of bear cubs. And the process of cutting parts and assembling is described in great detail in this diagram:

And here is the result:

Another option is Mishka - a fashionista. All the details are made of potatoes, the muzzle is made of plasticine, and the beads are made of rowan.

Craft “Horse” from potatoes

For the craft, 7 small potatoes were used, the connection was made with toothpicks. The tail and mane are made of woolen threads.

In fact, there are still quite a few interesting options, the list of which can be endless. And as you can see, the manufacturing process is not much different. The main thing is to come up with an interesting image and you can safely implement your ideas. And if you don’t have any, then I offer you a list interesting ideas, who else can be done.

Looking at potato crafts made by children’s hands, you are often surprised by the imagination of the children and their parents. After all, this vegetable is unremarkable in itself, but the products made from it are beautiful, bright and very funny.

Potato - best material for children's crafts

Making crafts with your own hands

Cheburashka from potatoes


How to make a hedgehog from potatoes

The “Hedgehog” craft from potatoes is very easy to make. You need to choose a vegetable of a suitable shape, mark on its surface the places where improvised needles will be stuck, and prepare the material for making the animal’s face.

Hedgehog with toothpick needles

Instead of needles, you can use toothpicks, pine needles, and plastic skewers. Pieces of plasticine, black peppercorns, and a nose - the cap of an acorn - will do an excellent job as eyes. You can decorate a forest dweller with flowers, rowan berries, and dried mushrooms.

Family potato urchins

Potato men

Easy potato crafts are little people. Sometimes you don’t even need to use additional details - the shape of the vegetable already resembles some fairy tale hero or a funny face, you just need to decorate it.

funny potato

Potatoes that practically do not need to be changed

If you can’t find such a unique potato, you can take a regular oval one. It will be the torso. Using a toothpick, attach the head (a small round potato), make legs and arms from toothpicks.

It’s great if the face of an unusual person has a mustache, eyebrows, and eyes. Hair and a hat wouldn't hurt either.

Funny potato family

Potato men

Beautiful girl

Children will love crafts made from potatoes in the form of Smeshariki - popular cartoon characters. To complete them you will need:

  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine;
  • felt;
  • thick threads.

You can ask your child to make hats, scarves, and boots for Smeshariki.


DIY cartoon characters

If the kids like the cartoon about the brownie Kuzya, potatoes will allow them to make that too. Legs, arms and head can be cut from the vegetable and then attached to the body. Hair looks good if it is made of thick threads. Kids can draw eyes, nose and mouth or mold them from plasticine. You can hang rowan beads on Kuza’s neck.

Potato brownie

Potato birds

Potatoes are optimal for making children's crafts in the shape of a bird. So, from one tuber you can make a body, from the second - a head. Cut legs and beak from carrots. The wings of a homemade bird can be made from feathers or pieces of pepper or plasticine collected in the park.

Potato duck

This is the advantage of children's autumn crafts- in them all the details can be replaced with whatever is at hand, and the result will not lose at all.

Another popular option is tuber cockerel. The connection of the body with the head is carried out here in the usual way - with the help of a wooden toothpick. In this case, it is important to leave part of the stick visible - it will be instead of a neck. If you cut off the sides of a potato, you get some kind of paws. You can cut notches on them and then connect them to the body. The tail, beak and comb should be prepared from thin carrot slices.

Using potatoes, it is easy to make a bird's nest in which a small chick sits. You need to cut the vegetable in half using a jagged motion to create halves that resemble a broken egg. Then scrape out the inner pulp from them and place the chick in the vacant space.

The bird can also be made from potatoes. It is not forbidden to use ready-made chicks - they are often sold in handicraft stores.

Various potato animals

As practice shows, most of all children like to make domestic and wild animals out of potatoes. Kids make beautiful bears, giraffes, horses, dogs, pigs, and frogs.

A hippopotamus is made quite quickly. You need to find two elongated tubers. The first will be used instead of the body, the second will turn into a huge open mouth of the beast. The teeth will be replaced by pieces of toothpicks or sharpened matches.

The eyes and nose can be made from pieces of plasticine, the tail from twisted knitting threads.

DIY rooster

If you have an idea to prepare a potato camel for an exhibition, you need to take time to find a tuber that will be shaped like the head of the animal. It needs to be fixed on a large round body, and then four legs made from small oblong potatoes must be added. If desired, the legs can be cut out with a knife. It is best to use cut potatoes as humps. Carnation eyes or peppercorns look good on a camel's face. The mouth should be drawn with a black marker.

Since potatoes are mostly round in shape, they are often used to make bears. Everything is simple here. You need to select an oblong body, attach a small rounded head and small paws to it. All elements are cut from potatoes.


To make a honey lover look funny, you can give him a cardboard hat or a small bright scarf. If a child agrees to make a cardboard or plasticine pot of honey, that will be great. You can put it near the bear or give it to its paws.

Potato crafts kindergarten and children can make school all year round, because this vegetable stores well and is cheap at any time of the year. Therefore, if you did not have time to prepare leaves, acorns or chestnuts, do not worry - potatoes will always help you out.

Potatoes are a very popular material for making children's crafts. However, there are a number of restrictions for making figures from raw potatoes. This is due to the fact that the tubers immediately darken when cut. Therefore, only whole potatoes are used in this craft.

The beauty of this autumn tuberous vegetable is that without any modifications, some specimens are already ready-made figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters. In collaboration with nature, you can easily show the world an invaluable example of design art. What you need: care, a couple of suitable details, such as a hat, etc., and a large degree of luck.

If you decide to make crafts from potatoes, don’t be afraid to supplement them with other vegetables. Such bold combinations can result in a gentle sheep or a wayward giraffe.

Crafts from raw potatoes


Involved in the production of sheep: cauliflower- it produces a white curly coat, a potato - it serves as a muzzle, and a couple of small white onions or radishes in the form of trusting eyes.


To create a giraffe you will need carrots. The orange queen of vegetables is perfect for the neck. Potatoes are used to make the head and body of a guest from Africa. It is convenient to make the legs and horns of the craft from twigs.

You can make a giraffe without using a carrot; it will be replaced by an even long branch.

The following crafts use only potatoes with small additions of thread and branches.


It’s easy to make this simple craft from three oblong potatoes. This craft is quite suitable for creativity lessons in kindergartens. From sticks - legs. From potatoes - head, neck and torso. The mane and tail are made of threads. From acorn caps - hooves.


Here's another kid's potato craft. To make it we will need two tubers, one of which is twice the size of the other. We make a head from a small potato: we mark the eyes with cloves (this seasoning is sold in any grocery store), we form horns from spreading branches. We make the hind legs from single branches growing at an angle. The front legs are just two straight branches. We strengthen all four legs in a larger potato. A small branch will be the tail. Both parts of the body are connected with a toothpick.


You can make a bird using the same principle. Body and head made of potatoes. We make the beak of the craft from two seeds. The paws, like those of a deer, are made of twigs. The tail is colored feathers. You can also make a perky crest on your head.


Perhaps the potato hedgehog is the most favorite children's craft of all time. It can be made from potatoes or apples. The manufacturing technology is the same: several dozen toothpicks are attached to a potato or apple body; these are hedgehog needles. The eyes and nose can be made from black peppercorns (it is sold in the same department as cloves).

Crafts from boiled potatoes

Much more possibilities for modeling from potatoes open up if you boil them. In crafts, it then becomes possible to use not only whole tubers, but also segments.


For this potato craft, you will need half a tuber, which will be the body. From a smaller half of a potato we make a head. White slices will be a face and a belly. For the ears you will need another potato. Cut it in half and cut off the convex part from each half. The stems are also two halves of one tuber, placed cut side down. Handles can be made from halves of two small potatoes. All parts of the craft are connected with toothpicks. We make a face out of cloves.


Potatoes can become a material for making such a welcoming bear. If instead of a barrel of honey you put a tray of fruit in his paws, this potato craft could well be included in the “Gifts of Autumn” exhibition. The whole figure is made according to the Cheburashka principle. To make hands, mentally divide half a potato into four parts and cut out one of the parts. It is important to find the right potato for the face.

If corn is the queen of fields, then potatoes are the king of crafts for designers from 3 to 12 years old. And their parents.