The problem of women's equality in modern society. The role of women in modern society. Problems of women in modern society

Since ancient times, women have been assigned a secondary role, which consists of serving men. She was supposed to be a cook, a servant, a creature without her own opinion or ambitions, an ordinary slave. Until today, some men believe that it is the performance of housework that becomes a serious problem on the path to self-realization and personal growth of the fair sex.

The fight against gender inequality began back in the last century. Women's power began to be involved in production only in war time, this was due to the shortage of male labor in the labor market. But after the end of the war, everything returned to its place, the women again found themselves at the stove.

What is ? It has become commonplace for any modern woman to build a career and reach heights. As for the male half, not everyone likes this, which gives rise to many different opinions on this matter.

But no matter how hard a woman tries, her main purpose is motherhood and maintaining a home. A woman can try herself in any field of activity. Walking the difficult path to achieving success, overcoming various obstacles, a woman can achieve heights in any field, destroying the established stereotype of the “cook”. But is this her true calling?

Women are divided into two types. The first type includes women who are trying to fit the image successful woman. Image is important to her. She looks great, fresh, fit, sweet, smiling and flirty.

The second type includes career women. They care little about external beauty. For them, work comes first; as for the personal sphere, there is practically not enough time for it. She can be a colleague, an employee, a businessman, a competitor, but not a woman. Often, such ladies are rude, unemotional, even embittered. At work you can hear a lot of unflattering reviews about them.

The desire for self-realization is not considered careerism; most often it refers to a woman’s fanaticism. However, there are times when a woman is simply forced to work hard, for example, a single mother.

The role of a woman in modern society is not only to fulfill her direct duties at work, but also realizing oneself as a good mother, an exemplary wife and housewife.

The main principle for any woman should be the ability to observe the rule of the golden mean.

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The problem that is discussed in my work is devoted to the devaluation of the importance of motherhood, and as a result of women’s health, family, birth and raising children.

Since ancient times, a woman has occupied a subordinate position, like a slave, performing only her household and maternal duties. Neither the woman herself nor her work were valued. Everything was taken for granted. Long centuries of humiliation by men towards women forced the women of modern society to fight, become stronger, smarter and more courageous. The genetically inherent fear of coercion and oppression is associated with men and family life. Having lost the precious desire to give birth and love, a woman renounces her genetic program, her essence, that is, a woman ceases to be a woman.

The purpose of my essay is to consider the influence of the modern world on the mental and physical state of the expectant mother.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

· study the importance of women in society;

· identify the reasons for women’s reluctance to give birth to children;

· consider the impact of the mother’s bad habits on the child;

· explore the meaning of health for women.

Two research methods were used: observation and comparison.

Object of study: maternal and child health.

Subject of research: the problem of the significance of motherhood.

The first part of the essay examines the origins of the problem of attitudes towards motherhood, the health of mother and child, and explores the causes of stress and reluctance to have children.

The second part of my work examines the relationship between maternal and child health.

The conclusions are based on theoretical data from 1996 to 2012, including literature and Internet resources.

The role of women in modern society

A woman in a man's world

The main value of a man is power. Power, career, social success are very often perceived as undoubted proof of masculinity. Power gives the right to command, that is, the right to set direction. They live this way by nature and have created a masculine world. Whoever has the power is right. Whoever has power has strength, means, opportunities. What should women do in a man's world? The female psyche is woven from love: a woman is born to love, care, look after, communicate with people, create an environment of warmth and happiness around herself - in a word, for family life. But many women reject their femininity in order to survive in a man's world. Young girls' main goals in life are to make a career, to be independent and strong; for them, starting a family and having a child are perceived as a burden. Have women always strived for such gender equality?

Since ancient times, a woman has occupied a subordinate position, like a slave, performing only her household and maternal duties. Neither the woman herself nor her work were valued. Everything was taken for granted.

Although historians and archaeologists testify to a time when women played a leading role in public life. It was the era of matriarchy. We learn about this period from legends and myths that have survived and survived to this day. In different historical eras There were also various myths about women. During the medieval Inquisition, the myth of the female witch was widespread, and many women became victims of it. At the end of the 19th century, the myth of the femme fatale, a ruthless seductress, was reflected in the works of a number of major writers. In the Land of the Soviets, the myth of the superwoman dominated: a woman-mother, a worker and a public figure at the same time.

One paradox should be mentioned: the more a woman was deified and worshiped at some point in history, the more humiliating and subordinate position she occupied in reality. American researcher B. Friedan explained this paradox this way: “The fewer real functions that a woman’s role is endowed with, the more she is decorated with meaningless details to fill the void.”

The ancient Greeks deified female beauty in sculptures, decorating temples with them, but in real life“extra” daughters were thrown in or sacrificed, girls were sold, and women were looked upon only as silent housewives. In most states Ancient Greece women were tied to the home and were not supposed to interfere in public affairs. They could not take part in the government of the city, inherit or own property, or defend themselves in court. Women were not even allowed to buy things that cost more than a certain amount.

Long centuries of humiliation by men towards women have forced women of modern society to fight, become stronger, smarter and more courageous. The genetically inherent fear of coercion and oppression is associated with men and family life. Women are increasingly striving to conquer male professions with enormous emotional and physical activity. As a result, a woman's psyche becomes dry and tense, and her hormonal functions are upset due to the fact that she simply makes the wrong effort in life. For the same reason, her ability to experience happiness is reduced, because a woman’s happiness is mainly in the sphere of family life. Not feeling satisfied with life in general, women often suffer from chronic depression, depend on bad habits, and develop terrible diseases.

The role of women in family and society


Snezhana Ivanova

The role of a woman is necessarily manifested through a reverent attitude towards dear and close people.

It is very difficult to imagine a family without a woman. She does a lot for everyone: she raises children, helps her husband in his affairs, participates in family events, prepares food. Without the fair half of humanity, it would be impossible to build a family as a unit of society in principle. Although such situations do occur, they are still rather the exception to the rule. In modern society, you can find various cases that show how important the roles of a loving wife and mother are. People sometimes simply don’t think about how much responsibility lies on fragile women’s shoulders. The role of a woman in the family is incredibly significant. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The role of a woman in a modern family

Hearth Keeper

A woman actually occupies an integral position in the home. She is the keeper of the hearth. What does it mean? This means that the behavior of the spouse and mother in general determines psychological climate in family. When things don’t go well, it is the woman who serves as that support and support in the emotional sense that everyone so needs. In difficult moments, the mother consoles the child, speaks kind words to him, and tries in every possible way to encourage him. She does the same thing if the need arises to support her beloved husband. She always has the right words for every loved one who needs support and approval. The role of a woman as the keeper of the hearth is of great importance. Without it, short-term adversity would seem like an eternal test from which there is no way out.

Source of inspiration

Many people would argue with this statement, thinking that female nature can only inspire people of art. Yes, creative people are simply more aware of this influence, but it is definitely present. Otherwise, any achievements requiring numerous efforts would become impossible. The question of self-realization of strong people largely depends on the degree of support that only a woman can give. The beautiful half of humanity has always inspired men to new deeds and achievements. Its role here cannot be diminished. This happens completely unconsciously, as natural programs turn on in the head. Most people simply do not think about why they act this way and not otherwise when in specific situations. A source of inspiration can work, for example, in the case that a simple man can believe in himself and realize his abilities and talents in practice.

Unconditional love

The affection of a mother is fundamentally different from the care of a father. The mother behaves completely differently. In a family, everything is arranged harmoniously because its different members perform different functions. Unconditional love, which only a woman can exude, protects those who are close to her, whom she truly loves. The father's love still needs to be earned, to prove one's right to it. A mother’s love is valuable because it is not conditioned by anything. The achievements of her own child are not at all important to her, because this will not prevent her from loving him with all her soul. One of the main roles of a woman is her gentle nature. Without such care and understanding, most people would simply grow up unhappy, incapable of creating truly warm and harmonious relationships. The idea that a mother is a support and protection for her children is deeply rooted in society.

Only by becoming a mother does a woman have the opportunity to fully reveal the great potential inherent in her by nature. In constant care for loved ones, she blossoms herself - becomes incredibly attractive and self-sufficient. Spouse, friend, mother - these are not all her incarnations. Modern society does not limit the fair sex to have other ways of expressing her essence. And yet, family values ​​come first for most.

Softness and compliance

The role of a woman is not limited to caring for loved ones. Its role in everyday affairs is much more extensive than one might imagine. In modern society, unfortunately, the priority of the family is currently somewhat reduced. Not everyone strives to have children and husbands. However, every person needs attention and participation. Gentleness and compliance are the main components of female nature. With the help of these character traits of the spouse, the mother expresses her true affection. If a woman was like a man in everything, then they would not be able to complement each other. Thanks to their differences, they can achieve harmony alone with each other. And this is truly a wonderful feature. For the same reason, in single-parent families, true idyll and contentment with existing relationships cannot exist. There will always be real or hidden conflict between generations.

Tenderness and care

The role of a woman is necessarily manifested through a reverent attitude towards dear and close people. Tenderness and care are the main components of a harmonious and happy life within a couple. IN family relationships It is impossible to live comfortably without trust, without feeling needed and needed by each other. In a modern family, everyone needs support and approval from others. If a person did not have such a reliable rear and pier, he would not be able to fully develop spiritually, feel happy and self-sufficient. Shows of care on the part of the fair half of humanity help to overcome any adversity. This is why the presence of a mother and wife is so important for the formation of an adequate sense of self. Good self-esteem also depends on how the closest people treated a person, how much they allowed him to be and remain himself. Society will never be able to offend and morally trample someone who has the care and support of loved ones behind him. The tenderness of a mother can generally work wonders. She protects her child no matter how old he is or how close their relationship really is.

Desire to give

The inner nature of a woman is such that she has a need to give love, to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved ones and dear people. Her role in this world is filled with true love and gratitude. The desire to give care and warmth are not stereotypes imposed on her by society, but represent a deep-seated need of the individual. The more a loving spouse reveals herself in interaction with her household, the more she realizes her inner nature. Without this it is impossible to imagine happiness. The fair sex finds great pleasure in caring for others, rather than worrying only about her own material or other well-being. For her, first of all, what is important is how happy her children and husband feel. Only in this case does she begin to experience colossal inner satisfaction. Only then can we talk about a truly self-sufficient person.

The role of a faithful wife

A normal family in the public understanding cannot exist without the presence of a woman. Her role as mother and wife is of decisive importance. The more the spouse looks after the house and takes specific actions for the benefit of her narrow circle of people, the more she experiences inner satisfaction. This truth has long been known to initiates possessing unsurpassed spiritual wisdom. A faithful spouse is the hypostasis that allows a lady to remain satisfied with her relationship with herself. When she does not have the opportunity to show her love, to give warmth and care to someone, such a girl begins to become a burden to herself. She is running out of internal strength, she does not want to create, to strive for something greater and brighter than she currently has. It is extremely important for every representative of the fair sex to feel their own relevance in caring for others. She strives to give in order to feel important.

Thus, the need of a mother and wife is to really be able to feel the internal climate within her family. Next to such a person, everyone around will be happy.

A woman is the keeper of the hearth and home comfort. The role of a woman in the family is very important, because many men are not able to take care of themselves.

A well-kept house, clean dishes, a delicious dinner and beautiful curtains that match the room - these are all the merits of a woman. If there is no woman's hand in the house, then the entire environment is devoid of comfort. Children also cannot be born without a woman.

Growing up without a mother, a child does not receive all the knowledge and skills; his psychology is very different from the psychology of other children.

Woman in ancient times

Was this the role of a woman in the family, as it is described in the story about the cat who walked by herself? In ancient times, a woman did not deal with the extraction of food; her duty was to wait for her husband in a cave, fry a mammoth caught by a man, equip a family nest, and raise children. At that time, people lived in groups; a woman could not choose a man for herself. The man was the initiator of creating a family and chose a healthy female. Later, women began to participate in the hunt; their task was to drive the animal into a trap with stones, and then the men would knock it down.

In Antiquity, when the minds of people became more developed, women in many countries were worshiped, protected and listened to, completely trusted with power. In Ancient Greece, the role of women in the family and society was a purely state function. Her task was to tell her husband what and how to do correctly, to guide him.

At that time there were no love marriages; all relationships and families were built on political interests. Having children was also a task set by the state. If a woman could not have children, then the man had every right to bring another into the house. He, of course, did not marry her, his wife remained the same, but the relationship was in front of everyone, and this was considered the norm.

If such a common-law wife gave birth to children, then they became full heirs.

Women in the history of government

Women have always been distinguished by their flexible mind and cunning. Many rulers achieved the throne thanks to these qualities. Some knew how to twist their husbands so much that history was built according to their scenario.

The role of women in the royal family was not the last, no matter how many may think. One has only to remember the beautiful Ukrainian girl Roksolana, who, due to her intelligence and beauty, became the beloved wife of the eastern ruler, relegating the previous one to the background.

She became not only a wife, but also a friend, which rarely happens in Eastern families. She was his closest advisor, and her husband did everything that Roksolana, a former Tatar captive and concubine, advised him to do.

In the history of Russia there were strong and powerful female rulers: Elizabeth, Catherine. And the wives of the Russian tsars had no less power than the ruler himself.

Women of the East

The role of a woman in an Eastern family is the last. In such families she has no right to vote or choice. In many Eastern countries, a woman is not even considered a human being; she lives separately from her husband, doing absolutely all the housework, no matter how hard it may be.

A woman has no right to sit at the same table with men or enter a mosque when there are men there. Her role is to give birth to sons.

The birth of daughters often causes anger; daughters become slaves like their mother, they begin to work in the fields and around the house from early childhood, and take care of their brothers and father. Girls are married off early so as not to waste extra food on them.

If no one takes a girl as a wife, she becomes a disgrace to the family, has no right to have any relationships with men, only takes care of her sisters’ children and helps her brothers’ wives.

During Soviet times, it was the woman who was responsible for the safety of the family, raising children and their future lives. No matter what happens in the family: the husband got drunk and was fired from work, the son brought a bad mark in his diary, the woman is to blame.

At that time, a woman did not wash her dirty laundry in public, she hid all problems from her friends and relatives, because the psychology of Soviet citizens was structured in such a way that a woman was responsible for all men’s mistakes. It was considered a shame that a woman could not cope with the household and please her husband. Divorce in Soviet time or having a child out of wedlock was a disgrace for her.

Everything that the husband and child achieved was considered the merit of the woman; then she was considered an exemplary citizen, a good housewife. The children did not dare disobey their mother, and they could get punishment from their father for this. The woman took care of family life, did accounting, and went to work, just like a man. At that time, there were different roles in the family for men and women.

Social science of Soviet times indicates that a man worked for the good of the Motherland, and a woman worked for the good of the family. A man’s achievements directly depended on what a woman achieved in family life. There is harmony and prosperity in the family - the man is calm and works well.

The role of feminists in the situation of women

The role of women in modern world the way it is now is the merit of feminists. Not so long ago, in the twentieth century, a woman did not have the right to take part in elections and elections. If men were allowed everything, then women were only allowed to allow men everything.

They could not wear open clothes and trousers; the length of the skirt had to be such that it covered the knees. Over time, this inequality in society caused discontent and anger among women. They began organizing parades and rallies to achieve equality. Not immediately, but it was achieved.

The first achievement of feminists was that a woman could vote, choose and hold public office on an equal basis with men.

A man in a woman's life

And yet a woman is a woman. It is important for her to be loved by a man so that he takes care of her. No matter what job or position a woman has, no matter how much time she devotes to it, she will always find time for a relationship. A woman cannot exist without a man, just as a man cannot exist without a woman. It's always easier and more comfortable together.

Woman and her family

The role of family in a woman's life is important. Nature inherent in this gender is the desire to take care of someone, to have a family and children. Many girls rush to get married at an early age in order to create their own home. They need family like they need air.

If men can lead a bachelor lifestyle for a long time, then women do not need this freedom; they need stable and strong relationships, giving birth and raising children.

Without a family, a representative of the fair half of humanity does not feel complete; she needs to build her own nest, wait for her husband from work and her children from school.

The role of a woman in a modern family

In modern society there are no differences based on gender. Men and women are equal both at work and at home. A lady has the right to absolutely everything (within the limits of the law), she decides who to marry, how many children to have, which president to marry.

The role of a woman in the family depends only on her. She can completely manage everything herself, run the household and track the budget, or she can share these chores with her husband. But creating comfort still depends only on her.

Nature does not instruct a man to maintain order and strive to create a warm environment; this is a purely female prerogative. Ladies work equally with men, earning money to live, keeping the house in order, preparing dinners, taking care of their husbands and children.

In the modern world, women participate more in the life and well-being of the family than men, sparing no effort and time. But it’s simpler and easier for her - everything in the family is the way she wants it, this is her next trick.


What is the role of a modern woman in society

Hello dear readers.

Today I have a burning topic - the modern woman. I often ask myself what it should be like. I really want to give myself an answer to the question: am I one or not?

Answer this question in in writing I was prompted by a competition that Nadezhda Orekhova is holding on her blog. I just want to put everything on the shelves for myself, so I decided to participate in the discussion of this issue.

Stylish hairstyle, professional makeup, business suit, constant lack of time, always ringing phone - these are a few signs from the portrait of a modern woman. Of course, this is not an axiom.

Portrait of a modern woman

A modern woman may not be in business or professional demand. After all, even a simple housewife now looks modern and “advanced”.

Any self-respecting non-working woman today is looking for ways to achieve independence - financial and personal. This is an activity in network business or freelancing, charity or creativity. These ways of earning money and development sometimes make our gray mouse women more successful and independent than working in an office for an “uncle.”

The role of women in society

The role of a woman in society is like the life of a chameleon in nature. At night she is a beloved wife, during the day at work she is a responsible employee, at home she is a loving and caring mother.

Remember the movie "White Sun of the Desert"? In Abdullah's harem, each of the wives fulfilled their duties. For us, these responsibilities are embodied in one person. So a woman has a huge variety of roles and masks.

I am a Woman, and that means I am an Actress,

I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles.

I am a Woman, and that means I am a Queen,

beloved of all earthly kings.

I will try to sort out these small roles, remember them all, so that while reading, you can determine your purpose.

Woman - daughter

It is with the word “daughter” that the life journey of any woman begins. Any of us was a daughter, the second question is how was your childhood? A modern woman - a daughter - holds tightly in her hands the hearts of her parents and grandparents. And especially loving fathers.

It seems no one will argue. Having just been born, she forces all her relatives to acquire pink baby vests (the modern little lady does not recognize diapers), expensive strollers and baptismal gold crosses.

Barbie, interactive educational toys in the form of crying children, children's pink phones and computers are not the entire list of the little princess's values. For these little hands and clear eyes we want to give all the best, all that we didn’t have.

Parents, unlike previous post-Soviet generations, try to devote more time to their little ones, working with them women's affairs(embroidery, dancing, knitting, reading). I am happy for such future mothers - they will know how to love children and how to be a good mother. They will remember a good example!

Woman - beloved girl

16 years have passed. The baby turned into beautiful swan, an elegant girl who now holds in her hands another loving heart - the heart of a young man. After all, it is he who can wait for the late princess, tenderly listen to her chirp, fulfill any whim.

The beloved girl turns into a muse, inspiring deeds and discoveries. After all, it is for the sake of a woman that many great achievements have been made in the world, although quite a few stupid things have also happened.

Take Elena the Beautiful as an example, even though she is not our contemporary. One can envy her as a woman, because it was her, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, whose abduction served as the reason for the Trojan War.

In my opinion, the beloved woman of today is no different from the beloved who lived thousands of years ago.

Woman - wife

When a woman gets married, she becomes like a multifunctional device. How many responsibilities fall on fragile female shoulders. At the beginning of a relationship, the young man only sees beautiful girl, but when living together begins, in addition to beauty, the need for a good housewife and a caring mother immediately appears.

After all, it’s no secret that many marriages fall apart due to the spouse’s reluctance to learn to be a good housewife. Sometimes a modern woman believes that this is not necessary for her. But, believe me, a cozy home, a delicious dinner, an affectionate wife will forever bewitch the man you love. I deliberately do not discuss the role and responsibilities of a man here.

I'm not saying that a woman - a wife - should only sit at home and perform household duties. Modern families distribute very well homework. They learned to be mobile and collected, and learned to replace women's hands with a variety of electrical appliances.

For me, my sister’s family became such an example of a married couple. For me, Sasha is an example of a good modern wife.

Woman - mother

The modern mother of the 21st century has become more responsible, more well-read, and educated. I look at young modern mothers and simply envy them.

I envy how prepared they are for the arrival of a baby in the family, their ability to learn many of the nuances of raising and caring for a baby from the Internet, and the ability to communicate on the computer with other mothers.

Advice from doctors - pediatricians, teachers, experienced mothers - everything the World Wide Web doesn’t give us.

We raised and cared for our children on the advice of our grandmothers and mothers. Their life experiences became ours. Now, looking back, I see many gaps that I made in communication and education with my children. Now they definitely wouldn't exist.

And another enviable plus for a modern mother is modern means of caring for her baby. They have simply become a magic wand for new mothers (I mean diapers). We didn't know such luxury.

Woman - leader

Previously, there was almost no public female role of a woman - a leader. Well, maybe remember matriarchy or the Amazons.

In the modern world, women who lead teams can often be found. And to be surprised, no one is surprised at this phenomenon anymore. The owner of a store or salon, the head of an enterprise or department, a politician in high positions - I think that I have not discovered anything new.

Business lady, business woman - this is their name in the modern world. The attributes of their frantic rhythm are a car, an expensive multifunctional telephone, a notebook, bitchiness (the majority) in communication, a nanny for a beloved child, a housewife for a cozy family nest...

Brrrrr... I definitely don’t fit into this role... Although I am a leader by nature, I definitely wouldn’t agree to a leadership position. This is too responsible and takes up a lot of personal space, which I value very much.

Woman is a lover

A portrait of a modern woman without this role will be incomplete, since this role has become very popular. I look around and am simply amazed at how many such masks there are now. And it was among young people that it became prestigious to have a rich “daddy.”

This phenomenon existed even before modern times, but the label of “mistress” was always unpopular, to say the least. On my life's journey I have encountered different subtypes of such masks: mistress for prestige and for “fat”, a mistress for love and a mistress for stupidity.

Such situations always end in disastrous results for everything love triangle. But every woman has her own choice life path and this one also has the right to life, and only because it already exists.

Whenever a conversation comes up on this topic, I always remember an anecdote about a mistress:

Mistresses are a type of woman who is superior to wives in almost all components. True, they are not cheap, but they require almost no Maintenance, can be easily replaced with newer models, and do not require a permanent parking space.

Single woman

I don’t want to write much about this mask, because I definitely belong to this category of modern woman. Loneliness is now firmly established in the lives of many women. Either they have become too smart, or men are getting smaller. Here I simply invite you to watch a video that I dedicate to everyone who bears the label “single woman.”

Woman - grandmother

Each of us is always looking for something wonderful and surprising in our daily routine. After all, we live in an ultra-modern technogenic society, but we still hope that a magical adventure awaits us at the next turn of fate. Perhaps some of you will say that fairy tales are impossible.

But you ask a woman who has become a grandmother whether a fairy tale is possible... The answer here will be unequivocal. Well, isn’t it a miracle to see your continuation and the continuation of your children in your grandchildren? This is the greatest, most noble of women's roles. It seems to me that a woman - a grandmother - is the final role of a modern woman in society.

The modern grandmother woman has become very young and stylish. Sometimes you can make a mistake when determining whether it is a mother or a grandmother walking in the park with a baby.

With children, and especially with teenagers, modern grandmothers are more friends than relatives. To me, the modern super grandmother reminds me of an understanding, all-knowing and at the same time strict Mary Poppins. Moments of such happiness are worth living for. I think you will agree with me.

Well, that’s all the little portraits that I wanted to paint for you in a modern woman. This is my opinion about what a modern woman should be and what she is . You can agree or argue with me on this topic. I will be glad to hear your opinions, because this is exactly what this post was intended for.

I also want to express my deep gratitude to the organizers of the competition “Modern Woman: What is She Like?” for pushing me to write this post. I think that many competitors and just readers will think about this question.

Welcome to the competition and have a great time!


The role of a woman in life: in the family, in society, in relationships

We live in amazing, unique times. Today, for the first time in the history of mankind, a woman feels free. She can manage her own life - choose a role to her liking.

She has the right to say “no” to any man, she can study for any specialty, she can travel alone anywhere, she can go into politics or business.

But since any freedom presupposes at least a basic understanding of what to do with it, the woman was faced with a very important issue: what is my role in this life? In choosing my destiny, am I making a mistake? What is the real role of a woman in the family, at work, in society, in relationships?

● What has been the role of women throughout human history? How does the role of a modern woman differ from her predecessor, the woman of 100 years ago and earlier?● How can a woman choose the right role in the modern world? How not to make a mistake when choosing your own special path to happiness?● What role does a woman play in the family? What is the role of a woman in relationships and sex?

● What is the social role of women in life and at work?

The gender question, gender politics, gender equality... Let's let a woman fulfill her role in life, make her choice... These slogans are heard from the lips of many people, and are already perceived as completely ordinary. In most cases, no one even thinks of infringing on a woman’s rights, no one downplays her role in the life of society.

Just imagine that today someone could prohibit a woman from running in elections just because... she is a woman, and this is exactly what happened, and quite recently. History also remembers a time when a woman could not watch shows, participate in entertainment, or simply have an opinion when choosing a husband, and therefore a sexual partner, for the rest of her life.

Yes, it was so, but today are different times.

The role of women in society: modernity and history

We have reached a new level of relations, and a woman from a downtrodden, powerless woman who has neither the right to vote nor the right to desire, has turned into an equal member of society, standing on the same level as a man. It makes no sense to list everything that a woman has the right to today.

Suffice it to say that the moral, mental, legal gap between today’s simplest girl from the province and the high-society lady who lived 200 years ago is as huge as the distance from the Earth to the Moon! The roles of these two women in the life of the family, society, and relationships are incomparable in size and quality, there is such a gap between them.

Some researchers argue that the main change has occurred in the quality of a man's attitude towards a woman, in greater respect for her rights and freedoms. But this is only part of the truth, or rather the consequences.

In fact, first of all, there was an impressive change in the desires of the woman herself, her inner self. It increased and became so large that the woman received the right not to be “measured” in relation to a man, but to be an independent self. Self-sufficient and realized.

The woman took on a new role in life because she wanted it. And the man just had to change his attitude.

But what do we see today? Only a small fraction of women use their desires, and even then - often in very limited versions. The rest are still out of touch with the rights and freedoms that have been granted to them for many years.

The behavior of modern women can be compared with the behavior of a teenager who has just emerged from parental oppression, got rid of teenage acne and received separate housing and his own income.

His first actions are not very correct: he rushes from side to side, tries to make the most of his situation, or, on the contrary, behaves like an overly obedient child, completely depriving himself of all the delights of adult life. So it is with a modern woman: having received her special role in life, she simply does not know what to do with it.

What is the role of a woman in the family?- she wonders and often takes on the role of housewife exclusively, because it is traditional, but in fact it is too little for her - she is suffocating in the apartment, she needs more. And some women today, in the 21st century, are able to endure beatings and humiliation, just for the sake of children and preserving the family.

What is the role of women in society?- she asks herself a question and prefers a career, remaining lonely and unhappy on the personal front, only because she assumes her main role is as a breadwinner and leader.

What is a woman's role in sex?- she asks herself when she does not receive any pleasure from sexual relations and chooses the role of an “insensitive log”, which must be exclusively to please the man.

What is the role of a woman in a relationship?- she reflects after another stupid quarrel with her loved one, guessing that somewhere she is doing something wrong, but is unable to understand either him or herself.

These are just examples of thousands of stereotypes in which a modern woman lives. In a word, on the one hand, she received great desires and, as a result, enormous opportunities.

But behind her, like a ghost, stands the thousand-year past with its traditions, public opinion, and, like a bone in her throat, her own complexes, fears and stupid guidelines.

And this is precisely what prevents her, in the end, from figuring out: what is my, female, role in this life? But without knowing the answer to this question, she looks like a monkey with a grenade - there is no benefit (protection) from weapons, and she will destroy herself at any moment, perhaps without even realizing it.

What is the role of a woman in life - systemic clues and discoveries

Many things remain a mystery to people today. And in order to understand them, you need to have a tool with which you can understand them.

And when it comes to the reasons for a person’s actions, deeds, problems, the latest science, system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, becomes such a tool.

You can look at any psychological problem through it and find answers to all your questions.

Today a woman wants everything, but for some reason it doesn’t work out. Developing a career, the family collapses. Giving all of yourself to your family, you feel like you are in captivity. Something is wrong here.

And the answer is simple: when you receive new desires and freedom, you will be able to use them only when you understand your real role, when you can only use all the advantages of your position for good.

And yet, behind every desire lies a huge responsibility.

It is through system-vector thinking that today we have a unique opportunity not only to understand the role of a modern woman in society, in the family, in relationships, but also to understand what needs to be done to achieve happiness.

The first role of a woman in life is family

In essence, the role of a woman in all past centuries boiled down to one thing: she was limited to the family. At the same time, in the very the best option the woman was a helper for her husband; at worst, she was exploited worse than a slave.

And it has always been a way of procreation for a man, because it was by men that the race was counted.

Although, of course, the woman herself did not see any problems in her situation: she chose the color of the dress, the lullaby and the ingredients for the soup - this was enough for her.

A modern woman wants more than soup and a lullaby; she wants to study and work. However, it is very stupid to deny that even today most women cannot be completely happy outside of monogamous, paired relationships, without children and a strong family. Read about exceptions here.

Of course, in our time, everyone who is not too lazy is imposing on a woman the idea that she does not want to get married, does not want children. It is men who instill in girls the idea of ​​open relationships, and in some cases they even resort to vile blackmail: “Oh, you decided to tie me up - find another fool, I love freedom.” And now the woman is already ashamed of her desires, she herself is the first to speak about the uselessness of marriage.

But this is not so! On the contrary, she needs a family and needs a man behind whom she would be like behind a stone wall. And if earlier she was a powerless assistant, today she becomes a comrade-in-arms, a co-worker, and an associate of her husband. Support not only in cooking and washing, she becomes the person you can rely on in other, very important matters.

And the man, in return, is obliged to give her his protection - that is, marriage.

Today, a woman has the right to both marriage and divorce. This is her full role in the family. She doesn’t need to be ashamed that she wants to get married, wants a serious relationship - this is a normal, correct desire.

She should also not be embarrassed if she breaks off her marriage, in which there is not even a shadow of love and respect. If her husband is a sadist and raises his hand against her, she has every right to resign. And no one can even entertain the thought of condemning it.

Read more about domestic violence in the article “If your husband hits you. Violence against women in the family”

The second role of a woman in life is relationships and sex

Did you know that “marital debt” is her debt to him, and not vice versa? Yes, yes, for many years, the wife had to “give” to her husband upon demand, that’s why she was a wife. In this case, we were talking only about intercourse, and never about her orgasm, which a few centuries ago was considered a mental disorder, subject to compulsory treatment. And there was never any talk about any kind of relationship.

Today, times have changed, and it is the woman who sets the tone in a relationship. Or rather, she can already do this, but sometimes she just doesn’t use her right and desires. A modern woman can and should give and receive in relationships not just intercourse, and not just paired relationships, but love, sensuality, passion.

But in real life, very often there is a bias either in one direction (when she demands everything in the world from her partner simply because she is his “second” half), or in the other direction (when she seems to give all of herself to her partner, quietly expecting miracles from him , which of course never happens).

And because of this, any, even the most passionate, relationship very quickly develops into scandals, which are not far from hatred, hostility and broken trough.

As for intimacy, many women do not have a developed understanding of their role in this matter. Expecting initiative from a man, embarrassed by their desires, thousands of women experience problems achieving orgasm. They are deprived of pleasure, which is no longer just available, but also important for feeling happy and joyful.

The third role of a woman in society is work and career

For a long time, the woman sat at home and dealt exclusively with family affairs. For this she was provided with food, and if she was lucky, then with prosperity.

And today, some people have the idea that this kind of existence is the traditional role of a woman, and she supposedly shouldn’t even think about work, especially if she has young children.

But this is a blatant injustice, because a modern woman needs more, and realizing herself exclusively as a wife and mother, she most often feels like a recluse.

Of course, there are those who really like the role of a housewife - and this is wonderful, then you should do what you want. But if not, today you cannot refuse to fulfill your needs at work in favor of your family and children.

Modern pedagogy makes it possible to educate children from the age of 2-3 in kindergartens, which, by the way, is the best fit for a child if it is a normal kindergarten; in addition, you can hire a good nanny-governess.

Work is something a modern woman can and should enjoy. Read more about all this in the article “Russian woman – Russian pride. Why are we so special?”

The main role in the life of the world is the role of women

The role of women in the modern world is difficult to overestimate; it is enormous.

But on the other hand, it is the woman who bears the great burden of responsibility both for herself and for the man, so her every step must be wise, balanced and harmonious.

The future of the whole world directly depends on a woman, on her desires and on their correct direction. The sooner a woman understands this, the sooner people will be able to acquire the characteristics of a person, not an animal.

The article was written based on materials from system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

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Love and sexChildren and parentsSocietyWomen

Human society cannot develop harmoniously if the role of women is diminished in it, because the position of a woman, like a litmus test, reveals the true degree of civilization of a particular social community, and also unmistakably reflects the degree of commitment of its members to the principles of humanism and mercy.

The question arises: what are the limits of gender equality, can such equality be complete?

There is such a concept : social discrimination against women . It means restriction or even deprivation of rights based on gender in all spheres of society: labor, socio-economic, political, spiritual, family and everyday life. Such discrimination leads to a decrease in a woman’s social status and is a form of violence against her personality and, therefore, a threat to her safety.

The essence of the idea equality of men and women is that in terms of her intellectual and physical potential, a woman is in no way inferior to a man. For women there are no fundamentally closed, inaccessible areas of mental and physical labor. No law should prohibit a woman from engaging in this or that business or mastering this or that profession. Her sacred right is complete freedom to choose the types and forms of activity for self-realization. But such a formulation of the question, of course, does not mean that the physiological characteristics of women cannot limit their professional responsibilities. Hence the conclusion follows that gender equality, while not absolute, can be quite complete and comprehensive.

In Russia after 1917, the main vector of movement towards gender equality passed through the economic liberation of women. Women were given wide access to education. The state has recognized its responsibility to care for motherhood and childhood. It is significant that already in December 1917 a special department for the protection of motherhood and infancy was created. At the end of 1917 and beginning of 1918, decrees appeared aimed at protecting the labor of women. It was prohibited to use female labor in underground and some other heavy work, on night shifts, and overtime. By decree of the National Central Executive Committee of December 22, 1917, a cash benefit for childbirth was introduced in the amount of full earnings for eight weeks before childbirth and eight weeks after childbirth. Additional benefits were provided to the employee during the period of feeding the child.

In subsequent years, a significant number of regulations were adopted on benefits provided to women during maternity.

In accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code Russian Federation, working women, upon their application and on the basis of sick leave, receive maternity leave of 70 calendar days before birth and 70 calendar days after birth. If the pregnancy is multiple, prenatal leave is increased by 14 days. Complicated childbirth adds 16 days to postpartum leave, and the birth of two or more children allows you to be on maternity leave for 10 calendar days. During this period, women are paid state social insurance benefits in the amount established by federal laws. If desired, a woman can take parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. On January 1, 2007, Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On additional measures of state support for families with children” came into force. This is true

called the Law on maternity capital in the amount of 250 thousand rubles for every second child and subsequent children born after January 1, 2007. This amount is subject to indexation (in particular, in 2009 it amounted to 299,731 rubles 25 kopecks) (Fig. 3).

It should be especially noted that our country currently has sanitary rules and regulations that define mandatory hygienic requirements for production processes, equipment, main workplaces and sanitary facilities for working women in order to protect their health. These regulatory documents apply to enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership. The purpose of these documents is to: prevent the negative consequences of the use of women's labor in production conditions; creation of hygienically safe working conditions, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body; maintaining the health of working women based on a comprehensive hygienic assessment of factors in the working environment and the labor process.

Rice. 3. Presentation of a certificate of maternity capital

For example, the presence in the workplace of chemicals of hazard classes I and II, pathogenic microorganisms, as well as substances with allergenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic effects, is a contraindication for the work of women of childbearing age.

With the increasing involvement of women in social production, some negative trends have emerged that have not yet been overcome. Already in the 1960s. Experts drew attention to the excessive workload of women in the national economy and in everyday life and, as a consequence of this, to the deterioration in the health of working women and new generations. The birth rate in the country gradually began to decline. An increase in child neglect can also be attributed to a specific women's problem. Unfortunately, this problem remains acute to this day. Women have supplanted men, they increasingly occupy senior positions in business, play a prominent role in politics, even women ministers have appeared (although in fairness it should be recalled that there were women ministers in Soviet times), but many of them do not fulfill her main purpose is to be a real mother. Over a million street children by the beginning of the 21st century. - this is a shame for Russia, and if appropriate measures are not taken to strengthen the family, the shocking figure will increase even more.

Women-mothers should be surrounded with special honor in the country, so the state needs to once and for all solve the problem of comprehensive and effective support for this particular category of women. We can only hope that over time our country will become for the whole world an example of a humane and caring attitude towards issues of motherhood and childhood, an example of reasonable equality of men and women in all spheres of society without exception.

Questions for self-control

    How has the social role of women changed in different historical eras?

    What does the concept of “social discrimination against women” include?

    How was the problem of women's equality solved in our country?

    Is the production activity of women subject to difficult and hazardous working conditions regulated?

    What, in your opinion, are the ways to solve the problem of gender equality in our country?